Veer Narmad South Gujarat University,
Minor Project Report On “GOBOOKNOW Application”
s a partial fulfillment For Degree of Bachelor of Computer pplication T.Y.B.C. (5
Year 2022-23
Submitted To:Narmada College Of Science & Commerce, Zadeshwar, Bharuch - 392001Guided By: Develop By:
Mr.Ramnik.L.Gilatar Richa.B.Patel
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InthisAndroidApp,Ihavetomadeiteasierthanevenyour journeyandsecureyourpreferseats.thisapptoalsoallowthemtoscheduletheirroute,checkseatavailability,andevenmakingdifferenttypesofpaymentsmodes.Thisandroidappallowtoclientfindallthekeyinformanceandmanagetheirbookingswithouttroublingyourstaff.usercanbookTicket Anytimeandanywearyouwishit.Ouruser-friendlyappofferssimilesbookingexperience&Incaseuserhavesomeprobleminthatticketcancellationoptionareavailableinthisapp&somerefundwillbesendtousersomebenefits:real-timeupdate,variteyofoptionsandeasytoaccessinformation.
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I present with immense pleasure the report on
This mini projectreport shall be incomplete if I do not convey our heartfelt gratitude to those people fromwhom I have got considerable support and encouragement during this project many peoplehave helped, provided direction, technical information and advice at all stages of my projectand it's my pleasure to say what of thanks to all of them . however, with the help of my project guide
Mr. Ramnik L.Gilatar
It seems much more interesting doing this projectreport than I expected.Additionally, I am thankful to all the staff of computer department, and my friends towhom I indebted or their constant help, encouragement and who normally support me andwithout whom this project could not been success.Also I am very much thankful for my college
Narmada College of Science &Commerce, Bharuch
which provides me a good study environment. Besides my friendsshowed their kindly help & support in my thesis, Because of them, living in Barouche andstudying
in T.Y.B.C.A (sem-5)
is a nice time.Thanking You.
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