Assessing Emotional Intelligence and Academic Performance Among Male Field Hockey Varsity Student Athletes and Non-Athletes
Assessing Emotional Intelligence and Academic Performance Among Male Field Hockey Varsity Student Athletes and Non-Athletes
Assessing Emotional Intelligence and Academic Performance Among Male Field Hockey Varsity Student Athletes and Non-Athletes
O-ISSN:2709-6262 [371-381]
Assessing Emotional Intelligence and Academic Performance among
Male Field Hockey Varsity Student Athletes and Non-Athletes
Muhammad Farooq Shahan1 Dr. Asif Ali*2 Mohsin Rasool3
1. BS. Physical Education & Sports Sciences student at Government College University Lahore,
Punjab, Pakistan.
2. Associate Professor,(Corresponding Author) Department of Physical Education & Sports Sciences
Government College University Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
3. BS. Physical Education & Sports Sciences student at Government College University Lahore,
Punjab, Pakistan
*Corresponding Author [email protected]
The Objective of this study was to examine the association between field hockey sport
experience and emotional intelligence among men field hockey varsity student athletes and
impact of emotional intelligence on academic performance among field hockey varsity
athletes and non-athletes. 110 university students from Lahore (Pakistan), participated in
this cross-sectional study, all of them were men’s. The brief emotional intelligence scale and
academic performance scale and demographic questionnaires were used in order to gather
data. The study's findings showed a significant relationship between playing experience of
field hockey and emotional intelligence among men field hockey varsity student athletes,
and as well as a significant positive association between emotional intelligence and
academic performance among men field hockey varsity student athletes and non-athletes.
These results emphasize the importance of playing field hockey in fostering emotional
intelligence, which may help students in their academic success.
Field Hockey considered as a popular outdoor game in which two opposing teams
of 11 players each attempt to score goals by kicking a tiny, hard ball with sticks that are bent
at the striking end Sharma and Sharma (2022) and modifying the game's time phases from
2x35 minute halves to 4x15 minute quarters (Morencos et al., 2018). A high-intensity team
sport that require players to sprint, run, and change directions often (Ihsan et al., 2021).
Hockey has recently adopted new regulations, making it one of the fastest-paced team
sports. As a result, good anticipation, adaptation, and response depend on strong
perceptual-cognitive abilities (Morris-Binelli et al., 2020).
Academic performance has been defined as a term used to describe a student's level
of accomplishment in their academic endeavor’s, including coursework, tests, projects, and
Journal of Development and Social Sciences (JDSS) July- September, 2023 Volume 4, Issue 3
other academic activities (Cho & Bridgeman, 2012). Since many students struggle
academically owing to a lack of self-assurance, self-control, poor self-esteem, and excessive
anxiety, it is important to understand the importance of emotions in achieving success in a
variety of interpersonal and career-related field (Khatoon et al., 2020). EI is essential for
success in everyday life and the workplace, including in the classroom, it has gained a lot of
attention in academia. Recent research has demonstrated the importance of non-cognitive
factors like emotional intelligence in determining academic achievement (Shinwari et al.,
This study addresses the research gap on the association between EI and academic
performance in men field hockey varsity student athletes and non-athletes and also
addresses that there any relationship between field hockey sports experience and
emotional intelligence. Despite prior studies, there was still uncertainty regarding various
aspects of the relationship between sports experience and emotional intelligence (Castro-
Sánchez et al., 2018; Szabo & Urbán, 2014; Vaughan et al., 2019). While EI and academic
achievement have previously been the subject of research, there aren't many studies that
specifically address this category of men field hockey varsity student athletes and non-
athletes. This study attempts to fulfill research gap and advance our understanding in this
particular population. .
The Objective of this study was to examine that, is there any Association between
field hockey sports experience and emotional intelligence? And is there any Association
between emotional intelligence and academic performance?
This study hold significance for several reasons as it shows the relation between EI
and academic performance among male field hockey varsity student athletes and non-
athletes. It shows following insights, field hockey sports participation plays role in the
improvement of EI and hence effecting IQ. It shows whether the hard core training, extreme
pressure while playing, continuously control and manage emotions during match or
practices and maintenance of studies together effects the EI. This also show the significance
of field hockey sport activities in person’s development and progress, and it also helps in
understanding the role of non-cognitive factors in educational success of students from
different fields.
Literature Review
Prior research demonstrated that athletes have higher emotional intelligence than
non-athletes, particularly in areas of assertiveness, self-awareness, empathy, and emotion
regulation (Costarelli & Stamou, 2009; Szabo & Urbán, 2014). A study conducted by
(Rodriguez-Romo et al., 2021) found that the male athletes were more likely to display
higher EI if they trained harder and competed at a higher level.
Additionally it is stated that having a high EI might help team sport athletes to
efficiently regulate their emotions in stressful situations and conflict during competition,
while also boosting their self-confidence, attention, dedication, and empathy for others
(Tinkler et al., 2021). Previous studies on the relationship of EI and combat sports showed
Journal of Development and Social Sciences (JDSS) July- September, 2023 Volume 4, Issue 3
that combat sports helps to develop EI among combat sports player with respect to years of
experience (Fernández et al., 2020; Szabo & Urbán, 2014).
Students with greater EI show more positive attitudes, self-discipline, and better
time management when studying (Goh & Kim, 2021). The study's results showed a high
positive link between each of its emotional intelligence categories, which suggests that
student’s academic performance is positively impacted by emotional intelligence (Pandey
et al., 2019). Academic achievement was considerably boosted by analytical skills and
emotional intelligence in student’s athletes, indicating the necessity to develop these
abilities in addition to athletic training (Yazdanpour et al., 2019).
Study Design
There were 110 men students in the present research that range in age from 18 to
25. Data was collected from 17 departments at five major universities in Lahore using a
purposive sampling technique. Five university hockey teams, each with 11 players and five
substitutes, were chosen as the sample for the study. However, only data from 55 out of 80
players could be collected for various reasons (unavailable or not willing for giving their
data) and a control group of non-athletes from the same universities. The inclusion criteria
was that field hockey players who played at the Intervarsity level, National Level or
International Level was included and must a part of university team and enrollment in a
four-year BS program at the university was a requirement for all participants.
Following Instruments were used for purpose of data collection from five (5)
different universities of Lahore, which are even below:
Journal of Development and Social Sciences (JDSS) July- September, 2023 Volume 4, Issue 3
The (BEIS-10) that was used designed by Davies et al. (2010) to measure emotional
intelligence of men field hockey varsity student athletes and non-athletes. This scale (BEIS-
10) consist of Ten-Items. This scale (BEIS-10) has offered as valid and reliable to measure
emotional intelligence. The (BEIS-10) has 5 factors and have five rating categories, with 1
being "strongly disagree" and 5 being "strongly agree”. The individual's means score of
(BEIS-10) 5 factors were compared to identify the level of emotional intelligence among
sample population.
The Academic Performance Scale that was used developed by (Carson Birchmeier)
to measure the academic performance of men field hockey varsity student athletes and non-
athletes . This Scale (APS) consisted of 8 items. Five responses from strongly agree to
strongly disagree were presented against each question. The individual's global score or
score categories, which was calculated by adding together all of their responses to the scale.
Data Collection
Data Analysis
Simple linear and multiple linear regression analysis were applied for data analysis
and level of significance was determined using a P-value less than five and SPSS version 22
IBM Corp (2017) was used.
Table 1
Regression Coefficients of Field Hockey Sports Experience on Emotional Intelligence
factors of Men Field Hockey Varsity Student Athletes
Variable (EI B β SE R2 P
Appraisal of
own .019 .057 .046 .003 .681
Appraisal of
others .024 .054 .061 .003 .698
of own -.067 -.141 .064 .020 .306
Journal of Development and Social Sciences (JDSS) July- September, 2023 Volume 4, Issue 3
of others .047 .090 .072 .008 .511
Utilization of Sport
.15* .35 .055 .35 .010
Emotions Experience
Note EI; Emotional Intelligence *P <.05
The Study finding shows that field hockey sports experience and utilization of
emotion (EI Factor) were positively significant. Field hockey sports experience increase
person’s ability to utilize and control their emotions in many different types of situations.
The more field hockey sports experience men field hockey varsity student athletes have, the
more they effectively use and utilize their emotions. So playing field hockey team sports
develop your skills in how to handle and utilize your emotions. Field hockey sports
experience increases, it increase the Emotional Intelligence of men field hockey varsity
student athletes.
Journal of Development and Social Sciences (JDSS) July- September, 2023 Volume 4, Issue 3
Table 2
Regression Coefficients of Emotional Intelligence factors on Academic Performance
of Men Field Hockey Varsity Student Athletes
Variable B SE T P 95%CI
Appraisal of
Own .126 .087 1.444 .155 [-.049, .300]
Appraisal of
Others -.114 .070 -1.633 .109 [-.255, .026]
of Own .016 .063 .259 .797 [-.111, .144]
of Others .144 .059 2.434 .019 [.025, .262]
.145 .072 2.007 .050 [.000, .290]
of Emotions
Note. CI: Confidence Interval; EI: Emotional Intelligence
Table 3
Regression Coefficients of Emotional Intelligence factors on Academic Performance
of Non-Athletes
Variables B SE T P 95%CI
Appraisal of
Own .102 .054 1.873 .067 [-.007, .210]
Appraisal of
Others .001 .053 .026 .980 [-.106, .108]
of Own -.013 .053 -.247 .806 [-.121, .094]
of Others .135 .051 2.648 .011 [.033, .238]
.141 .055 2.585 .013 [.031, .251]
of Emotions
Note. CI: Confidence Interval; EI: Emotional Intelligence
The impact of EI factors on academic performance in non-Athletes (see table 3). The
R2 value of .282 revealed that the predicators explained 28% variance in the outcome
variable with F (5, 49) = 3.857, p = .005.The finding reveled that (EI Factor)appraisal of own
Journal of Development and Social Sciences (JDSS) July- September, 2023 Volume 4, Issue 3
emotions relationship with academic performance was non-significant (β=.235, p >.05), (EI
Factor)appraisal of others emotions relationship with academic performance is non-
significant (β = .003, p > .05), (EI Factor)regulation of own emotions relationship with
academic performance was non-significant (β = -.033, p > .05), (EI Factor)regulation of
others emotions has positive association with academic performance and their relationship
was significant (β =.322, p < .05), and (EI Factor)utilization of emotions has positive
association with academic performance and their relationship was significant (β =.327, p <
.05). The study finding shows that EI and academic performance has a positive association
and higher emotional intelligence associated with better Academic Performance in non-
The purpose of this study was to inspect any association between playing
experience of field hockey and emotional intelligence in men field hockey varsity student
athletes. Another aspect was to explore association between emotional intelligence and
academic performance. The findings showed that playing experience of field hockey led to
better emotional intelligence in men field hockey varsity student athletes and the
association of emotional intelligence and academic performance was observed to be
significantly positive.
On the basis of research findings it may be concluded that, emotions have an impact
on motivation, behavior, perception, cognition, personal feeling, and decision-making,
which may either improve or impair athletic performance Jekauc (2018). Hockey players
may be able to detect and control their own emotions and they have to act quickly based on
the offensive and defensive strategies of their opponents (Perlini & Halverson, 2006).
According to study, outstanding hockey players frequently exhibit psychological traits
including, self-confidence, effective anxiety management, good mental preparation,
attention skills, and goal planning (Kruger, 2010). Playing sports on daily basis might be
mechanism for the developing of EI (Campo et al., 2016).
The results acquired from this research related to the positive relationship
between EI and academic performance, were aligned with previous studies which exhibit
positive effect of EI on academic performance. As meta-analysis conducted by MacCann et
al. (2020) and Sánchez-Álvarez et al. (2020) showed that academic performance has a
positive relationship with emotional intelligence, however the degree of that association
varies between EI categories.. The study's results showed a high positive link between each
of its EI categories, which suggests that student’s academic performance is positively
impacted by emotional intelligence (Pandey et al., 2019). According to the study,
undergraduate’s student academic achievement and emotional intelligence are strongly
positively correlated (Suleman et al., 2019).
qualities like motivation and emotional self-regulation in university are linked to academic
achievement, meaning that students who have greater motivation and have better
emotional control tend to achieve higher academic goals (Pintrich & De Groot, 1990).
Implications of these findings may include that participating in field hockey not only
encourages physical health but also develops student’s emotional intelligence
automatically. Including field hockey sports in university is crucial because it develops well-
rounded individuals who flourish in both their academic and social lives, with EI serving as
a link between both domains. University students should be encouraged to take part in field
hockey, so their emotional intelligence should develop and have a good impact on their
academic performance.
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