This document contains an English practice test with sections on listening, vocabulary, grammar, and reading comprehension. It tests a student on their ability to understand conversations, complete sentences with missing words, choose the correct grammar options, and answer comprehension questions about short passages. The test covers common topics in English learning like crime, law, politics, and current events. It aims to evaluate different elements of the student's English proficiency through a variety of question types.
This document contains an English practice test with sections on listening, vocabulary, grammar, and reading comprehension. It tests a student on their ability to understand conversations, complete sentences with missing words, choose the correct grammar options, and answer comprehension questions about short passages. The test covers common topics in English learning like crime, law, politics, and current events. It aims to evaluate different elements of the student's English proficiency through a variety of question types.
This document contains an English practice test with sections on listening, vocabulary, grammar, and reading comprehension. It tests a student on their ability to understand conversations, complete sentences with missing words, choose the correct grammar options, and answer comprehension questions about short passages. The test covers common topics in English learning like crime, law, politics, and current events. It aims to evaluate different elements of the student's English proficiency through a variety of question types.
This document contains an English practice test with sections on listening, vocabulary, grammar, and reading comprehension. It tests a student on their ability to understand conversations, complete sentences with missing words, choose the correct grammar options, and answer comprehension questions about short passages. The test covers common topics in English learning like crime, law, politics, and current events. It aims to evaluate different elements of the student's English proficiency through a variety of question types.
3 Complete the text with the missing words. The first
LISTENING letters are given. 1 [Track 11] You are going to hear people talking in five different situations. For questions 1–5, listen I’ve been called for 0 jury service a couple of times before, and choose the correct answer A, B, or C. but when I was picked to sit on one at a recent trial I was extremely anxious. First to speak was the lawyer for the 1 The speaker is 1 p____________, who argued that the accused should be A warning listeners about mobile phone theft. punished for his actions. She was really good, and made B advising people on how to avoid being a victim of some very interesting points about the evidence. A police theft. 2 d____________ also spoke really well – he told us about C examining some facts and figures about mobile the accused’s past history, too. I thought there was no way phone thefts. he’d 3 g____________ a____________ with it. Then, on the 2 The man is second day, a key 4 w____________, who had seen A complaining about the police’s response to the everything that happened, came forward. In the end, the burglary. judge passed a 5 s____________ of ten years. B arguing about who is at fault for the break in. C wondering what items have been stolen. ___ / 5 3 The people are A working out how a crime was committed. GRAMMAR B deciding someone’s guilt or innocence. C examining evidence in order to charge a criminal. 4 Choose the correct options to complete the 4 The speaker is sentences. A quoting an expert’s opinions to prove a point. 0 He’s not looking at anyone in the eye. I think he can’t / B giving facts about the present government’s might be lying. performance. 1 I’m sorry, you can’t / couldn’t walk on the grass. C giving his own opinions about the state of the 2 They could / must feel exhausted after cycling up that country. hill! 5 The speaker is going to 3 The weather forecast may / must be right – it looks like A thank people for helping in the fight against crime. it’s going to be a beautiful day. B criticise police methods for solving crimes. 4 We’re not sure what’s wrong with the laptop. It could / C talk about ways in which the crime rate in the area must be broken. can be reduced. 5 Where’s Jill? She can’t / mustn’t be studying at this time ___ / 5 of day. ___ / 5 VOCABULARY 5 Complete the sentences with must, may/might, or 2 Complete the sentences with the correct words from can and the correct form of the verbs in brackets. the box. There are two extra words. 0 Jerry can’t have left (not / leave) the office yet because accused beat catch curfew chase remain fine his car’s still outside. verdict 1 I’m sure that they __________________ (not / expect) so many people to come today. 0 He’s been accused of a crime that he didn’t commit. 2 Oh dear, look at this glass. Someone 1 They aren’t going to go to jail, but they need to pay __________________ (break) the window. a large ____________. 3 I told her about the meeting yesterday, but she 2 He’s been given a ____________ and has to be at home __________________ (forget) about it. She’s so by 8 p.m. forgetful. 3 The ____________ of ‘not guilty’ was read out to the 4 I __________________ (hear) something about that – packed courtroom. I’m not sure though. 4 We helped to ____________ after the thief, but he 5 Her bike’s not here. She __________________ (go) escaped. home already. 5 He ____________ up someone after an argument and ___ / 5 was arrested. ___ / 5
USE OF ENGLISH B Rita Jenkins It’s all about making laws to support big business, isn’t it? 6 Choose the correct option A−D to complete the text. You read about that in the papers every day. Politicians I know it’s a bit controversial, but I think that the voting 0 ___ don’t do enough for normal people. I don’t think they serve should be reduced – when you’re 16 you should definitely us at all. If you’re young, and you have no money, politicians have a say in your future. Sadly, only a 1 ___of people seem don’t care about you. Especially young people from round to agree with me. But I reckon that we’ve all got a here. This is a poor area, with a high crime rate. There are responsibility to get involved in the whole electoral process. lots of break-ins, and the police can’t do much about it. If I’ve always been led to believe that elections make a government really cared, they could have helped country work. Politicians should look 2 ___ encouraging communities like ours a long time ago. We need more more people to vote. Our 3 ___ to vote is an important part police, better schools… But they just don’t understand us, or of society. We can’t have governments represent us, or don’t want to know. That’s why I don’t get involved in voting. change policies, if we don’t get involved in shaping politics. C Jordi Pieters I often wonder what 4 ___ have happened at the recent Among my friends there’s not a great deal of interest in referendum if more young people had voted. I’d like the politics. It might be that people feel that whatever happens Prime Minister to 5 ___ a statement about that in Parliament. they aren’t really listened to. The media paints a pretty negative picture of politicians, too. On the whole they are 0 A age B date C stage D year probably doing a good job, but public opinion is that you 1 A little B majority C most D minority can’t trust the people who run the country. I think one of the 2 A about B into C onto D through biggest issues must be how citizenship is taught. There are 3 A duty B law C need D right lots of educational opportunities. More could be done to 4 A can B must C might D will encourage students getting involved, voting for change, 5 A do B give C make D take making a difference, understanding electoral law. Another ___ / 5 issue is the way politicians behave. If they used more respectful language when they talked about each other, 7 Complete the sentences using the words in brackets people might give them more respect, too. in the correct form. Add any other necessary words. D Caitlin Jones 0 We can’t have solved (can / not / solve) the case Many people claim that teenagers are only interested in without the help of the public, so I want to thank social media and themselves, but I completely disagree with everyone who gave us information. that viewpoint. OK, there probably will be some young 1 The criminal _______________ (be / hold / custody) people who aren’t interested in politics, but on the whole I’d from the time the police arrested him until the trial argue that we’re more involved than a lot of other age yesterday. groups. It’s a big deal for us because it’s going to have an 2 Don’t worry about your phone. You immediate effect on our future. The general public might __________________ (may / leave) it at school. change their mind if we had more opportunity for discussion 3 Ten criminals _______________ (already / be / catch) or making our own decisions. Youth organizations could security cameras here since the beginning of the year. have more say in the way they are run. That might change 4 Shelley _______________ (must / write) the report by opinions. We ought to have an active youth parliament that now. The deadline is this afternoon. takes some responsibility for what happens to us. 5 The students in room 15 are really noisy. I guess they _______________ (could / play) a game to practise their Which person English. 1 describes how newspapers present politics? ___ ___ / 5 2 feels local issues aren’t addressed by politicians? ___ 3 thinks that politics is extremely important for young people? ___ READING 4 believes there should be changes in election laws? ___ 8 Read the texts below. For questions 1–5, choose from 5 thinks that schools could do more to interest people in texts A–D. You may choose texts more than once. politics? ___ ___ / 5 Have your say on politics A Solomon Mbeke For me, politics is very important. And voting is a huge part of that. It’s your opportunity to make constructive feedback, to tell the people in control what you think of the way they’ve been running the country. I’m totally in favour of lowering the voting age – some people might think that’s a ridiculous point of view, but I believe that we need to consider young people Without their involvement, we’re going to lose out on their ideas and energy. I’d like to make it legal for all over 16s to vote. Students today are the citizens of tomorrow. It would be stupid not to listen to their views seriously.
W przyszłym roku Twoja szkoła zamierza pomagać lokalnej
organizacji charytatywnej. Napisz list do społeczności szkolnej, w którym przedstawisz organizację i wyjaśnisz, dlaczego potrzebuje wsparcia, oraz zachęcisz uczniów do udziału w jej działaniach.
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