Book Review - Syeda Aqsa Zafar
Book Review - Syeda Aqsa Zafar
Book Review - Syeda Aqsa Zafar
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This book gives an in-depth account of critical pedagogy, including its goals,
methods, and guiding principles. It also provides a methodical approach for
implementing critical pedagogy in higher education. It explores the difficulties with
implementing critical pedagogy in higher education and responds to theoretical
arguments and critiques of the approach. The book offers real-world examples of
applying critical pedagogy in a variety of settings, including the curriculum,
evaluation, instruction, and educational procedures, intermediate spaces, and
institutional settings.
ISBN: 978-1-914171-09-3
The writers are specialists in Critical Pedagogy and have ties to the world of
education. They wrote this book with the intention of providing lecturers with current
information. They contend that because modern lecturers are not unprepared for the
classroom and do not value their work, they are lone individuals. They are not
receiving comments or support. This is significant because, as students, they feel cut
off from the enthusiasm that drew them to become teachers. The authors of this book
therefore aimed to teach the lowest denominator, simplify things for them, and teach
them the evaluation criteria. To improve the learning environment for both teachers
and students, critical pedagogy provides a means of reestablishing connections with
the material and the teaching process.
The author employs a formal writing style that is coherent and clear in its
arguments. There is a fluidity of knowledge and proper handling of technical terms.
The Table of Contents provides important tools to construct more engaging and anti-
oppressive learning environments, and it breaks down important concepts in a
dynamic and readable manner.
Examine the theoretical discussions and conflicts that arise from this kind of
work. Provide real-world examples of how to enable critical pedagogy in the
classroom, within the curriculum, through assessment, through learning and
teaching, and in the spaces between.
Describe the circumstances that must be met for critical pedagogy to thrive in
higher education.
The goal of the book is to encourage the reader to actively participate. As a result, we
draw attention to key points, practice-oriented questions, examples, and chapter
summaries. There are seven chapters in the book. The first chapter examines some of
the main ideas of critical pedagogy, including its tenets, objectives, methods, and
procedures for implementation. The potential for implementing critical pedagogy in
curriculum design is examined in Chapter 2. The application of critical pedagogy in
forthcoming assessments is covered in Chapter 3. The application of critical pedagogy
in teaching and learning is covered in Chapter 4. In Chapter 5, various university
initiatives and venues for critical pedagogy are examined and encouraged. In Chapter
6, the possibilities and requirements for becoming a critical educator in higher
education are examined. An institution can find a helpful set of criteria to support
critical pedagogy in this chapter. The last chapter provides a wrap-up. It makes the
case that critical pedagogy can be implemented in higher education, even at the
structural level, but we must be realistic about its limitations. It revisits the tenets,
objectives, and methods of critical pedagogy and considers the next course of action.
Critical Analysis
The book gives hope for truly rewarding experiences in higher education and
restores faith in oneself as a practitioner and student. The takeaway for readers is, "If
we don't try, we don't know." The book gives readers hope that educators can bring
about significant change and transformation in higher education, whether it is by
actively taking responsibility for academia's debt to the colonial world or by fostering
an inclusive environment for open discussion in everyday practice.
The writing in this book is coherent and clear. This book could be improved
by adding more case studies, useful advice, takeaways at the conclusion of each
chapter, and interactive elements to increase reader engagement.