ME Course Plan Oct 2023 Send Done

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Course Plan

Course Code & UBEA2053/ MPU33013/ MPU33143 Malaysian Economy

Course Title:
Year of Study Year 3 (DE) - Core
Year 2 (FE, EN, LS, MK, RM, TD) - Core /Elective
Year 1(CT, IA, CS, CN, JR) – Core
Credit Hour: 3
Lecturer/tutor: Lecturer: Dr Yiew Thian Hee ([email protected])
Prof Dr Wong Chin Yoong ([email protected])
Mr. Kuar Lok Sin ([email protected])
Tutors: Mr. Kuar Lok Sin ([email protected])
Prof Dr Eng Yoke Kee ([email protected])
Dr Teoh Sok Yee ([email protected])
Dr Foo Chuan Chew ([email protected])
Dr Vikniswari Vija Kumaran ([email protected])
Ms Tang Siu Eng ([email protected])
Mr Keh Chia Guan ([email protected])
Mr Lee Chin Yu ([email protected])
Dr Go You How ([email protected])
Year and Trimester: Oct 2023 trimester
Synopsis: This course provides an overview of the economic development in Malaysia,
with focus on post-independence economic development. This course includes
the critical evaluation of the policies such as NEP, heavy industrialization policy,
financial liberalization and privatization policy. Upon completion of this course,
students will be able to examine, write a report, present and evaluate the overall
performance of Malaysian economy.
Course Learning CLO 1 – Examine the economic development of Malaysia in relation to the
Outcomes (CLO): effectiveness of its economic policies.
CLO 2 – Write a report about initiatives of a selected economics sector or agency
towards sustainable development in Malaysia.
CLO 3 – Present findings of the written report on the performance of the
Malaysian economy.
CLO4 – Evaluate the Malaysian economy pertaining to economic planning and
performance of the financial and nonfinancial sectors.
References: Main References:
Poon W. C. (2015). Malaysian economy (3rd ed.). SJ Learning.
Lehar, H., Anas, Y., & Choo, T. H. (2014). Malaysian economy (1st ed.). Oxford
University Press.

Additional Reference(s):
Rasiah, R. (2011). Malaysian economy: Unfolding growth and social change.
Oxford University Press.
Hill, H., Tham, S. Y., & Ragayah, H. M. Z. (2012). Malaysia’s development
challenges: Graduating from the middle. Routledge.
Yussof, I. (2009). Malaysia's economy: Past, present & future. Malaysian
Strategic Research Centre.
Economic Planning Unit, Malaysia.

UBEA2053/ MPU33013/ MPU33143 Malaysian Economy Course Plan 1

Constructive Alignment Table
Assessment Methods & Mark Breakdown*

CLO Programme Domain & Delivery

Learning Taxonomy Methods Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Final
Outcomes examination
(PLO) 20% 30% 20% 30%
CLO1 5 A5 Lecture √
CLO2 6 P4 Lecture √
CLO3 7 P4 Lecture √
CLO4 1 C5 Lecture √

Assessment Methods:
Continuous Assessment 70%
Project 1 20%
Project 2 30%
Project 3 20%
Final Examination 30%

Continuous Assessment (70%)

All the 3 projects are structured to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically Goal 4
(Quality education).

Project 1 (20%)
Students need to form group to do the presentation together. Each group should have 3-5 members. All group
members are expected to participate in the research, development, and presentation.

Topic: Malaysia has the potential to become a developed countries in the future. Students need to discuss
economic development of Malaysia to achieve developed countries.

The analysis shall include the discussion on the policies used.

Based on the given topic, each group need to do an oral presentation in class. Each group need to submit the
PowerPoint file to the tutor via email. The files should be properly named: MsianEcon_Project1_Tutorial
group_Name of the group leader.doc. Example: MsianEcon_Project 1_T01_LimFeiFei.doc. The presentation
needs to be submitted on or before Week 4 Monday (20 November 2023, 5pm).

Marking scheme for oral presentation (for Project 1 and 3)

Content 100% *0.25 25
Clear explanation of the content
Sufficient coverage of materials
Logical flow to the material
Captivating Audience’s Attention 100% *0.25 25
Able to capture the audience’s attention
Interesting presentation
PowerPoint – 100% *0.25 25
slides are not too crowded
font size are not too small
image is visible and clear
Spoken English, Delivery and Presence 100% *0.25 25
UBEA2053/ MPU33013/ MPU33143 Malaysian Economy Course Plan 2
speaking too quickly or too slowly
making grammatical errors
pronounce wrongly
speak in full sentences and in a coherent fashion
Total mark 100

Project 2 (30%) and Project 3 (20%)

The assignment group follow the same group as Project 1. The due date of project 2 and 3 is Week 6 Monday
(4 December 2023, 5pm).

Topic: Analyzes the development, challenges and provide suggestions on the future development of services
sector in Malaysia. The analysis shall include at least an examples of local company.

Based on the given topic, each group will write a report (Project 2) and do an oral presentation (Project 3).
Each group need to submit the written report together with the PowerPoint file to the tutor via email.

The written report has to be submitted in accordance with the following requirements:
1. The file should be properly named: MsianEcon_Project2_Tutorial group_Name of the group leader.doc.
Example: MsianEcon_Project 2_T01_LimFeiFei.doc
2. The first page of your assignment – use the cover page as given in appendix
 Project 2, the full name and ID of the students, sort in apathetical order, and mark sheet.
3. Length of the report: 5-20 pages.
4. Font: Times New Roman, font size 11, line spacing: 1.5, full justification, indentation – Tab.
5. Every page must be numbered.
6. Must have proper citation and references using APA 7th.
7. A good assignment should have proper heading and sub-headings.
8. Send your PowerPoint and word files via email to your respective tutor. The title of your email should be
the same as the file name.

The written assignment will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

Organization 100% *0.1 10
Proper formatting, sections clearly labeled, well-organized, professional style
Content 100% *0.4 40
Most of the important aspects of analysis are covered in good detail
Quality of information 100% *0.4 40
Interesting, well researched, informative.
Supporting details specific to subject
Grammar, Usage, Mechanics, Spelling – 100% *0.05 5
Grammar, Usage, Mechanics, Spelling
References 100% *0.05 5
Multiple references, citations appropriately placed, formatted correctly.
Total mark 100
Final Examination (30%)
The final examination for this subject will be 2.5 hours. There will be 5 questions in which students are
required to answer any 4 questions.
Compulsory Passing Requirement
Students who are taking the MPU33143 Malaysian Economy has to comply with the compulsory passing
requirement under the Programme Standards of Business Studies (2021). The compulsory passing rate for
both continuous assessment and final examination is for BBA, BMK, BBF, BRK, BRM, BTD, BHM, BEN,
BLS, and BIN students only. Please be informed that starting from October 2022 trimester onwards, all
students need to score a minimum of 40% in both continuous assessment and final examination AND obtain
the overall marks of 50% and above to pass this course. The rule also implies that students will be graded as
“Fail” (F grade) if he or she scored 39% or below in both continuous assessment or final examination
regardless of the total score obtained for the course. Remarks: The requirement of compulsory passing rate for
both continuous assessment and final examination does NOT apply to ALL other programmes (not listed
UBEA2053/ MPU33013/ MPU33143 Malaysian Economy Course Plan 3
above) students. If courses with 100% continuous assessment, then 40% passing rate will only applicable to
the continuous assessment.

Attendance at all lectures and tutorials is compulsory. Students must meet a satisfactory percentage of 80%
for attendance. Students must give reasons for their absence by providing the supporting evidence(s) and
apply for leave from the respective Head of Department within 3 working days. Poor attendance without any
approved leave may prompt the faculty to take disciplinary action, which may include being barred from
sitting for the final examination.

Plagiarism is defined as the submission or presentation of work, in any form, which is not one's own, without
acknowledgement of the sources. If a student obtains information or ideas from an outside source, that source
must be acknowledged. Another rule to follow is that any direct quotation must be placed in quotation marks
and the source immediately cited.
Plagiarism is also defined as a copy of all or part of the work of another student(s) of a current or previous
batch of this University or another higher learning institution. The University's degree and other academic
awards are given in recognition of the candidate's personal achievement. Plagiarism is therefore considered as
an act of academic fraudulence and as an offence against University discipline.

Intellectual Property
Copyright must be seriously protected. The University takes a strong stand against any illegal photocopying
of textbooks and any other materials by students. Students are forewarned of the consequences and the
penalty that may be meted out if they are "caught in the act".

Mode of Referencing
Students are advised to incorporate proper academic modes of reference. The normally acceptable mode of
academic referencing is the American Psychological Association (APA) system; please refer to the attached
APA referencing system document for detailed usage.

Fieldwork Clause (where applicable)

Students are reminded of the importance to consider their personal safety when conducting research in the
field. You will be exposing yourself in new situations and meeting with people who are unknown to you. It is
important that you are aware of potential dangers and take the necessary safety steps. You have to be extra
careful and cautious if you are going to interview or conduct survey with small, unknown organizations or
individuals 'on site'.
You should ensure you have the full details (full name, job title, organization name, address and telephone
numbers) of anyone or organization you intend to conduct the field research. You should establish the
credibility of these respondents before your groups visit them. The field research should be made in groups
not alone. Leave word with your fellow classmates on your field visit (details of place, contact numbers,
person you are interviewing or conducting survey with, expected time of return, etc). The field work should
be at office hours.

UBEA2053/ MPU33013/ MPU33143 Malaysian Economy Course Plan 4

Part C: Lecture, Tutorial and Assessment Plan

Week Lecture Topic Tutorial References

1 1. A brief history of Malaysia economic development Tutorial 1 Rasiah (2011),
 Overview of economic development Poon (2015),
30/10  Growth and structural change EPU website
– 4/11
1 2. Economic planning of Malaysia Tutorial 2 & Poon (2015)
 British Colonization Policies (1800’s – 1957) Tutorial 3 Lehar, Anas &
30/10  The New Economic Policy (NEP), 1971-1990 Choo (2014),
– 4/11  National Development Policy (NDP), 1991-2000 Yussof (2009),
 National Vision Policy (NVP), 2001-2010 EPU website
 New Economic Model (NEM)
 Transformation National 2050 (TN50)
 Shared Prosperity Vision 2030 (SPV2030)

2 3. Agricultural sector of Malaysia Tutorial 4 Poon (2015),

5/11 –  The importance of agricultural sector Rasiah (2011),
11/11  Growth and structural changes Lehar, Anas &
 National agricultural policies Choo (2014)
 Issues, challenges and future prospects

3 4. Industrial sector of Malaysia Tutorial 5 & Poon (2015),

12/11  The importance of industrial sector Tutorial 6 Rasiah (2011),
–  Phases of industrial development Lehar, Anas &
18/11  Industrial master plans Choo (2014)
 Development of Small and Medium Industries Project 1
(SMEs) due date: 17/3
 Issues, challenges and future prospects

4 5. Services Industry of Malaysia Tutorial 7 & Poon (2015),

19/11  The development of financial sector Tutorial 8 Lehar, Anas &
–  The development of tourism industry Choo (2014)
25/11  The development of education and medical industry
 The development of telecommunication industry

5 6. Investment Policy and Globalization Tutorial 9 & Poon (2015),

26/11  Foreign Direct Investment (FDI): roles and Tutorial 10 Rasiah (2011),
– 2/12 importance Lehar, Anas &
 Direct Investment Abroad (DIA): pull and push Choo (2014),
factors EPU website
 Globalization: Impact and Strategies

6 7. Economics/Financial Crisis Tutorial 11 & Poon (2015).

3/12 –  Types of Financial Crisis Tutorial 12 Rasiah (2011)
9/12  Causes, Impact and Remedies Hill, Tham &
Project 2 & 3 Ragayah (2012)
due date: 21/4

UBEA2053/ MPU33013/ MPU33143 Malaysian Economy Course Plan 5

Week Lecture Topic Tutorial References
7 8. Other Policies and Issues Tutorial 13 & Poon (2015),
 Privatization Policy Tutorial 14 Rasiah (2011),
10/12  Knowledge-Based Economy (K-economy) Lehar, Anas &
–  Technology Policy Choo (2014),
17/12  Environmental Policy EPU website
 Human Resource Management Policy (Including the
Foreign Labour Policy)
Note: The information provided in this course plan is subject to change. Students will be notified in advance
of any changes.

UBEA2053/ MPU33013/ MPU33143 Malaysian Economy Course Plan 6

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