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ONEWAY Moisture Ash Lipid Protein BY Samples






Output Created 12-Apr-2015 20:29:55


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Missing Value Handling Definition of Missing User-defined missing values are treated
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Cases Used Statistics for each analysis are based on

cases with no missing data for any
variable in the analysis.

Syntax ONEWAY Moisture Ash Lipid Protein BY


Resources Processor Time 00:00:07.083

Elapsed Time 00:00:08.759



95% Confidence Interval for Mean

N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound Minimum Maximum
Moisture 1 3 6.7346 .07388 .04266 6.5510 6.9181 6.68 6.82

2 3 5.9339 .15019 .08671 5.5608 6.3070 5.84 6.11

3 3 7.0500 .06872 .03968 6.8793 7.2207 6.97 7.10

Total 9 6.5728 .50644 .16881 6.1835 6.9621 5.84 7.10

Ash 1 3 12.1896 .02629 .01518 12.1243 12.2549 12.16 12.21

2 3 41.0410 .04902 .02830 40.9192 41.1628 40.99 41.08

3 3 12.7471 .14691 .08482 12.3821 13.1120 12.59 12.88

Total 9 21.9925 14.28859 4.76286 11.0094 32.9757 12.16 41.08

Lipid 1 3 19.2424 2.46838 1.42512 13.1106 25.3741 16.87 21.80

2 3 11.7767 4.64758 2.68328 .2315 23.3220 8.76 17.13

3 3 15.8187 2.10591 1.21585 10.5874 21.0501 13.39 17.20

Total 9 15.6126 4.30189 1.43396 12.3059 18.9193 8.76 21.80

Protein 1 3 65.1123 .21191 .12235 64.5859 65.6387 64.88 65.30

2 3 65.9176 .69498 .40125 64.1911 67.6440 65.12 66.39

3 3 65.4515 .73500 .42435 63.6256 67.2773 64.64 66.08

Total 9 65.4938 .62421 .20807 65.0140 65.9736 64.64 66.39

Test of Homogeneity of Variances

Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

Moisture 2.762 2 6 .141

Ash 3.672 2 6 .091

Lipid 2.302 2 6 .181

Protein 2.504 2 6 .162


Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Moisture Between Groups 1.986 2 .993 91.011 .000

Within Groups .065 6 .011

Total 2.052 8

Ash Between Groups 1633.261 2 816.631 9.928E4 .000

Within Groups .049 6 .008

Total 1633.311 8

Lipid Between Groups 83.794 2 41.897 3.912 .082

Within Groups 64.255 6 10.709

Total 148.050 8

Protein Between Groups .981 2 .490 1.377 .322

Within Groups 2.136 6 .356

Total 3.117 8

Post Hoc Tests

Multiple Comparisons

(I) (J) 95% Confidence Interval

Sample Sample Mean Difference
Dependent Variable s s (I-J) Std. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound

Moisture Tukey HSD 1 2 .80069* .08529 .000 .5390 1.0624

3 -.31544* .08529 .024 -.5771 -.0537

2 1 -.80069* .08529 .000 -1.0624 -.5390

3 -1.11613* .08529 .000 -1.3778 -.8544

3 1 .31544* .08529 .024 .0537 .5771

2 1.11613* .08529 .000 .8544 1.3778

Ash Tukey HSD 1 2 -28.85142* .07405 .000 -29.0786 -28.6242

3 -.55749* .07405 .001 -.7847 -.3303

2 1 28.85142* .07405 .000 28.6242 29.0786

3 28.29392* .07405 .000 28.0667 28.5211

3 1 .55749* .07405 .001 .3303 .7847

2 -28.29392* .07405 .000 -28.5211 -28.0667

Lipid Tukey HSD 1 2 7.46562 2.67198 .070 -.7328 15.6640

3 3.42364 2.67198 .454 -4.7747 11.6220

2 1 -7.46562 2.67198 .070 -15.6640 .7328

3 -4.04198 2.67198 .350 -12.2404 4.1564

3 1 -3.42364 2.67198 .454 -11.6220 4.7747

2 4.04198 2.67198 .350 -4.1564 12.2404

Protein Tukey HSD 1 2 -.80530 .48720 .297 -2.3002 .6896

3 -.33921 .48720 .774 -1.8341 1.1556

2 1 .80530 .48720 .297 -.6896 2.3002

3 .46610 .48720 .628 -1.0288 1.9610

3 1 .33921 .48720 .774 -1.1556 1.8341

2 -.46610 .48720 .628 -1.9610 1.0288

*. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level.

Homogeneous Subsets


Subset for alpha = 0.05

s N 1 2 3

Tukey HSDa 2 3 5.9339

1 3 6.7346

3 3 7.0500

Sig. 1.000 1.000 1.000

Duncana 2 3 5.9339

1 3 6.7346

3 3 7.0500

Sig. 1.000 1.000 1.000

Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.

a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 3.000.


Subset for alpha = 0.05

s N 1 2 3

Tukey HSDa 1 3 12.1896

3 3 12.7471

2 3 41.0410

Sig. 1.000 1.000 1.000

Duncana 1 3 12.1896

3 3 12.7471

2 3 41.0410

Sig. 1.000 1.000 1.000

Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.

a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 3.000.


Subset for alpha = 0.05

s N 1 2

Tukey HSDa 2 3 11.7767

3 3 15.8187

1 3 19.2424

Sig. .070

Duncana 2 3 11.7767

3 3 15.8187 15.8187

1 3 19.2424

Sig. .181 .247

Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.

a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 3.000.


Subset for alpha

= 0.05
s N 1

Tukey HSDa 1 3 65.1123

3 3 65.4515

2 3 65.9176

Sig. .297

Duncana 1 3 65.1123

3 3 65.4515

2 3 65.9176

Sig. .161

Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are


a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 3.000.

Means Plots

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