Semester - VI

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Part I/ Sub. Subject

Subject Title
I/IILIV No Status ogwna
Core- 19 Literary Criticism 6 25 75 100 3
- Core -20 Canadian Literature 4 4 23 7 100 3

Core- 2I Australian Literature 25 75 100 3

4 Core-22 Fantasy Literature 4 25 7 100 3

Core-23 Global Literature

4 25 75 100 3
(Optional) Literature and Psychology

Core- 24 Project (lndividual) 7 25 100

Sub. Total 30 27

143 credits (excluding Part IV and Part V)

S- Strong, M - Medium, L - Low

Unit I: Classical Criticism

Aristotle :Poetics - Chapters 13,14,15
Longinus :On Sublimity- Some marks of true sublimity, Five sources of
Unit II: 16th to 18th century
Sir Philip Sydney :An Apoogy For Poetry
Samuel Johnson :Preface to Shakespeare
Unit II: Romanticism
Wordsworth :Preface to Lyrical Ballads
S.T.Coleridge :BiographiaLiteraria- Part II - Chapter 14
Unit IV: Victorian Period
Matthew Arnold :Culture and Anarchy - Sweetness and Light
Walter Pater : Preface- Studies in the History of Renaissance
Unit V: 20th Century
T.S.Eliot :Tradition and Individual Talent
C.G.Jung :On the Relation of Analytical Psychology to Poetry
Prescribed Texts:
Vincent B Leitch. The Norton Anthology of Theory & Criticism.
V.S.Seturaman& S.Ramasamy. The English Critical Tradition Vol. l and 2.
Ernst De Chickera DJ Enright.English Critical Texts, OUP.
M.A.R.Habib, Literary Criticism from Plato to the Present: An Introduction. Wiley Blackwell, 2011.
David Lodge and Nigel Wood. Modem Criticism and Theory: A Reader. Routledge, 2017.
Literary Criticism (From Plato to Lewis), by Dr.MerinSimiraj. IIT Madras - SWAYAM Course.
Introduction to Literary Theory by Prof. Sayan Chattopadhyay. IIT Kanpur- SWAYAM Course.
Literary Criticismby Dr.C.G.Shyamala, Mercy College, Palakad -SWAYAM course
Introduction to Theory of Literature- Open Yale Courses- https:/loyc.yale.edwenglish/engl-300
Megan Hall - Literary Criticism: A Brief Introduction.

Unit I: Poetry
Earle Birney :Bushed

Margaret Atwood : Habitation

Armand Garnet Ruffo :On the Day the World Begins Again
Michael Ondaatje :Speaking To You
Unit II: Prose
Stephen Leacock :The Conjurer's Revenge
:A Model Dialogue
Margaret Atwood :Napoleon's Two Biggest Mistakes
Unit III: Short Story
Alice Munro :The Love of aGood Woman

Giuseppe Tomasidi :The Siren

Rohinton Mistry :One Sunday

Unit IV: Drama
Tomson Highway :The Rez Sisters
Joan Macleod : Toronto Mississippi
Unit V: Fiction
Alice Munro :The Moons of Jupiter
Yann Martel :The Life of Pi

Prescribed Texts:
file:///C:/UsersHPDownloads The% 20Love% 20of% 20a%20Good%20Woman% 20 %20Stories
%20(% 2OPDFDrive% 20).pdf.
Alice Munro. The Moons of Jupiter. RHUK. 2004.
Yann Martel. Life of Pi. Mariner Books, 2003.

Unit I: Poetry
Judith Wright :The Moving Image
Oodgeroo Noonuccal :ASong of Hope
C.K. Stead :Pictures in a Gallery Undersea
Patricia Walsh :Ordinary Death
David Malouf :Wild Lemons

Les Murray :An Absolutely Ordinary Rainbow

Unit II: Prose
Sally Morgan :"What People are We?" from My Place
Kate Grenville :One Life: My Mother's Story (Chapter one)
Unit II: Short Story
Edward Dyson :A Golden Shanty
Tim Winton :Big World
Unit IV: Drama
Jack Davis :The Dreamers
Nick Enright : Daylight Saving
Unit V: Fiction
Patrick VWhite :Riders in the Chariots
Doris Pilkington :Follow the Rabbit-Proof Fence
Prescribed Texts:

Jack Davis. The Dreamers. Currency Press, 2014.
Nick Enright. Daylight Saving. Currency Press, 2015.
Patrick White. Riders in the Chariot. NYRB Classics, 2002.
Doris Pilkington. Follow the Ribbi Proof Fence. University of Queensland Press, 2002.
Unitl: Poetry
Lewis Carroll : Jabberwocky
Lord Alfred Tennyson : The Lady of Shalott

Walter de La Mare :The Listeners

Unit II: Short Story
Hans Christian Andersen : The Little Mermaid
Lord Dunsany :The Hoard of the Gibbelins
Anne McCaffrey :The Smallest Dragonboy
Unit III: Drama
J.K. RowlingJohn Tiffany :Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
and JackThorne

Unit IV: Fiction

J.R.R. Tolkien :The Hobbit
C.S. Lewis :The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and
the Wardrobe
Unit V: Fiction
Brandon Sanderson : Mistborm: The Final Empire (Book One)
Cassandra Clare :The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones (Book One)
Rick Riordan :Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning
Thief (Book One)
Prescribed Texts: ady-of-shalott-1832
http:/ merma.btml l.htm 97814767816179781476781 617 4.htm
J.K. Rowling, John Tiffany and Jack Thorne. Harry Potter and the Cursed Child: Parts I & II.
Little Brown, 20l6.
J.R.R. Tolkien. The Hobbit. Harpercollins. 2012.
C.S. Lewis. The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. UK Children,

Brandon Sanderson. Mistbom: The Final Empire. Tor Fantasy, 2007.

Cassandra Chre. City of Bones. Walker Books, 2007.
Rick Riordan. Percy Jackson and the Lighrning Thief. Penguin UK, 2013.

Unitl: Poetry
Pablo Neruda A Dog has Died
Seamus Heaney Digging


Wole Soyinka Telephone Conversation

Patrick White :The Widening Compass of Pain
George Seferis :Helen
Unit II: Prose
Octavio Paz : The Clerk's Vision
Winston ChurchilI Painting as a Pastime
Unit Ill: Short Story
Nadine Gordimer Once Upon a Time
Gabriel García Márqucz A Very Okd Man with Enormous Wings
Ronald Dahl Lamb to the Slaughter
Unit IV: Drama
Wole Soyinka A Dance of the Forests

Rabindranath Tagore Red Oleanders

Unit V: Fiction
Mark Twain The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Erica Ferencik :Girl in Ice
Prescribed Text:
hutps:// Wole-Sovinka
htps://www.poetryfoundation,.org/poems/S1361/helen-56d220b36c82 1990/paz/prose/
http:/ 2017OS/Once-Upon-a-Time.pdf

https:/ download/l1935642
Wole Soyinka. ADance in the Forest. Surjeet Publicat ions, 2018.
Rabindranath Tagore. Red Oleanders. Niyogi Books, 2012.
Mark Twain. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Fringerprint Publishing, 2015.
Erica Ferencik. Girl in lee. Scout Press, 2022.

Unitl: Poetry
Rudyard Kipling : If
Robert Browning Andrea Del Sarto


Maya Angelo :Phenomenal Woman

Jo Camacho The Owl and the Chimpanzee
Unit II: Novela
Henry James :The Turn of the Screw

Franz Kafka :The Metamorphosis

Unit III: Short Story

Anton Chekhov The Bet

Ward No 6
William Faulkner A Rose for Emily
Katherine Mansfield Psychology
Unit IV: Drama

William Shakespeare :Julius Caesar

Sharon Pollock :BloodRelations
Unit V: Fiction
Fyodor Dostoyevsky :Crime and Punishment
Paula Hawkins The Girl on the Train

Prescribed Texts:

https:/ omenal-woman,.org/ebooksJames Turn Serew.pdf metamorphosis.pdf Domain 399/The% 2OBet.pdf
htps://repositorio, handle/123456789/163604/A%20Rose% 20for%20Emily% 20.
%20William% 20Faulkner.pdfseque nce=1&isAllowed=y
http:/digital.library.upenn.cdw/'women/mansfieldbliss( 80 / 81
htp:/'dlibraryljulius.pdif Blood RelationsBlood Relations A Primer rev 4.pdf
Paula Hawkins. The Girl on the Train. Random House, 2016.

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