A Different Pond by Bao Phi
A Different Pond by Bao Phi
A Different Pond by Bao Phi
As we read A Different Pond by Bao Phi, I want you to look at why the author
wrote this book. Then, I want you to see what message or lesson the author is
trying to tell us.
I’m noticing some clues about the family on the first few pages. The
illustrations show the boy sleeping in the same bed as his mother. Then,
the author writes about “the bare bulb” burning in the kitchen. What do
pgs. 1-2 these things tell us about the family?
Possible answers: They don’t have a lot of money. They don’t have a lot
of space.
Let’s make a prediction. What do you think the minnows are for?
pg. 6
Possible answers: To use as bait when they go fishing, to keep as pets.
The boy feels calluses on his father’s hands. Why do you think the author
decided to add that detail into the story?
pg. 8
Possible answers: To show that he works hard, to show that he works
with his hands.
Why did the author choose A Different Pond for the title?
How did the illustrations help you understand or enjoy the story?
Main Idea
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A Different Pond by Bao Phi
Name: __________________
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Main Idea
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Making Connections
my connections
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Main Idea
Sometimes you
have to work hard
for what you want
and need in life, but
it’s still possible to
be happy.
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Grade student
work individually.
Grade student
work individually.
Grade student
work individually.