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Rehab Plan

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Area Objective Activities Time Frame Expected Output

Physical To have Daily Hygiene House Parent 3 months Practices
Aspect appropriate self- Routines adequate self-
care habits and care habits and
hygienic BMI Monthly hygiene
practices monitoring Nurse practices
To obtain Productivity Manpower Before Had appropriate
productive skills programs / Development discharge and employable
according to his activities Officer skills to function
chosen field. available within capacity
Emotional To adjust with Admission Social Worker Upon Copes with
Aspect his current Conference admission sadness/
situation and to loneliness as he
function Case Monthly or does not let such
appropriately Conference as need emotion
arises interfere in daily
tasks and social
A month
Psychological Psychometrician after
Assessment admission

Small-talk House Parent
To be positive Counseling / Social Worker Regular or Optimistic
about his Small Talk as need despite difficult
situation, be Psychometrician arises situation which
able to express As enable him to
himself and Home life House Parent scheduled perform task or
perform tasks. activities roles.
To accept Counseling / Social Worker Monthly or Has decided to
himself and Processing as need let go of the
show remorse arises feeling as may
of his Clinical Psychometrician be evident in
wrongdoings to Counseling any or all of the
ease the following:
facilitation of Small Talk / House Parent forgiven others,
helping process. Group is ready to ask
Sessions forgiveness,
believes that
there are people
who will help
To alter his anti- Counseling / Social Worker Monthly or Because of
social behavior Processing as need feelings of guilt
and deviant Psychometrician arises for an offense
attitudes. Clinical committed, he
Counseling House Parent strives to
change negative
Small Talk / attitude that
Group cause damage to
Sessions others.
Social/ To exercise self- Small Talk / House Parent Monthly or Exercise self-
Behavioral awareness, Group and as need control in all
Aspect awareness to Life Skills arises cases evident in
others and self- Sessions the following:
control cautious in
giving comments
so that he may
not offend
others, avoid
involvement of
fights, avoids
stealing, avoid
display of
sexual behavior
To be able to Home life House Parent Monthly or Performs
participate in activities as need responsibilities
the center’s arises to the best of his
assigned tasks GAD activities ability even
and activities without
To be obtain Home life House Parent Monthly or Aware of
good self-image activities as need limitations but
arises still maintain
GAD activities healthy self-
confidence as he
participates in
activities, avoid
To be always Home life House Parent Monthly or Respect others
respectful to the activities as need at all times.
staff, visitors arises
and co- GAD activities
Group and
Life Skills
To practice him Home life House Parent Monthly or Decide for
to live activities as need himself but
independently arises refers to others
and GAD activities for assistance
productively. when
To live with Home life House Parent Monthly or Refrains from
equality with activities as need domineering or
others, arises manipulating
eliminate GAD activities others as he
superiority refrains from
complex and Group and imposing beliefs,
live with a Life Skills values or
peaceful life Sessions practices to
others and
Clinical refrains from
Counselling Psychometrician threatening
others to
achieve what he
Intellectual/ To be a Formal School Social Worker Enrolment Able to read,
Educational functional or Alternative In coordination schedule write and count
Aspect literate and be Learning with the School with
able to express System Teacher comprehension
his feelings appropriate to
House Parent age and
Spiritual To grow faith in Religious Pastor/Priest Weekly Recognizes that
Aspect God Program God care for him
and is ready to
Spiritual House Parent Every night provide needed
Devotion strength to cope
with crisis and
failures in life.
Legal To follow up the Follow up Social Worker August Court’s response
Aspect schedule of letter 2020 with scheduled
court hearings hearing.
After-Care Request for PCA Request Social Worker January Depending on
Parental 2021 the findings of
Capability Local Social the local social
Assessment Worker worker.

Six-months Transfer Local Social After Community

after care Summary Worker discharge continuum of the
service rehabilitation

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