Cse 28
Cse 28
Cse 28
Web Application
Abstract: Traveling via flights has become an integral part of today's lifestyle, as more and more people choose faster travel options.
Airfare prices increase or decrease every day here and there depending on various factors such as flight timings, destination, duration of
flights, various occasions such as holidays or holiday season. As a result, many people will save time and money by having a basic
understanding of flights before making travel arrangements. A predictive model will be created in the proposed system by application of
machine learning algorithms to collected historical data. This system will give people an idea of the trends the prices follow and also
provide the predicted value of the price they can check before booking flights to save money. This kind system or service can be provided
to customers through flight booking companies to help customer book tickets.
Keywords: Machine learning; Prediction model; Feature selection, Airfare price; Pricing Models; Random Forest
3. Proposed Work
The expected output values are y' and the actual output
values are y.
R2 (Coefficient of determination)
It will help you understand how well the independent Figure: Graphical Results for Random Forest
variable modified with a deviation in your model.
R2 = 1 −∑(ý-y̅ )2 / ∑(y-y̅ )2