Merhant Ilp

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Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program

Individualized Learning Plan (ILP)

Revised 11.5.18
Directions: The ILP should be completed with Mentor input. Complete blue cells prior to classroom implementation. Complete orange cells after POP Cycle is completed. Cells will expand as
needed. When submitting completed ILP to instructor, please include copies/images of pre/post assessments/directions and the Pre/Post Assessment Data Table.
Section 1: New Teacher Information
New Teacher Email Subject Area Grade Level
Julian Merchant [email protected] English LA 11
Mentor Email School/District Date
Katie Gammelgard [email protected] CA Virtual Academies 10/6/23
Section 2: CSTP Areas of Inquiry
Directions: Identify 2-3 CSTP elements for ILP focus. Use most recent CSTP Assessment for Initial Rating. Identify both teacher and student rating for CSTP 1 and 2. See example.
CSTP Element Initial Rating Description Goal Rating Description
T - Guide students to think critically through use of questioning strategies, T - Facilitates systematic opportunities for students to apply critical thinking
Promoting critical thinking posing/solving problems, and reflection on issues in content. by designing structured inquires into complex problems.
T – Applying T – Innovating
1.5 through inquiry, problem S - Students respond to varied questions or tasks designed to promote S - Students pose and answer a wide-range of complex questions and
S – Exploring S - Innovating
solving, and reflection comprehension and critical thinking in single lessons or a sequence of problems, reflect, and communicate understandings based on in depth
lessons. analysis of content learning.
I always attempt to bring in real world applications
Connecting subject
of English skills, whether that is writing a resume or Facilitates systematic opportunities for students to
matter to
meaningful, real-life
S sending email. An area of interest would be having T apply critical thinking by designing structured
these assessments build upon each other to result inquires into complex problems.
in a multifaceted workforce project.
Use and adapt
resources, I am constantly using technology and new
technologies, and resources to make content more accessible to
standards aligned students. Students pose and answer a wide-range of complex
instructional I use a wide array of technology, including Kahoot, questions and problems, reflect, and communicate
materials, including
Edpuzzle, Ideaboardz, Padlet, and Quizziz to make
S understandings based on in depth analysis of content
adopted materials, learning engaging and lessons more relevant for learning.
to make subject students.
matter accessible to
all students
Section 3: Inquiry Focus and Planning (Attach Pre/Post Assessments and Data Collection Tools)
Directions: Your inquiry question should be concise and likely no more than 8-10 words. Your hypothesis should indicate what you expect students to be able to do after the lesson, and it should
be able to be evaluated based on your assessment plan. Note that Semester 3 requires an inquiry question that focuses on use of technology to support teaching and learning.
Inquiry Question Hypothesis Lesson Series Topic Assessments/Data Collection
How much student engagement can I I can engage a wide array of students Classkick slides, formative
obtain by offering opportunities through interactive and innovating The Great Gatsby, Chapters 1-8 assessments, and a summative
through Classkick? tactics via Classkick assessment (project)
Focus Students
Directions: Identify three focus students for your inquiry. Identify special characteristics of the students and include performance data. Explain why you have selected them for this inquiry focus.
Do not use actual names of students. (Note: At least one focus student should be an English learner and at least one must have an ILP/504 accommodation. The third is your choice, but please
identify someone that poses an instructional challenge.) Identify expected results for each focus student.
Focus Student 1: English Learner Focus Student 2: Student with ILP/504 Focus Student 3: Your Choice
Performance Classkick slides, formative Classkick, Gatsby formative
Classkick slides, Gatsby project
assessments assessments
I expect this student to learn vocab I expect this student to improve their I expect this student will improve
Expected Results
and improve on the vocab quizzes analysis of the text through classkick their writing on the Gatsby project
Inquiry Lesson Implementation Plan
Directions: that Semester 3 requires a lesson that focuses on use of technology to support teaching and learning.
Administer Pre-Assessment Deliver Lesson(s) Administer Post-Assessment Analyze Results Discuss Results with Mentor

Identify dates for activities.

11/29 12/4 12/5 12/6-7 12/6

Provide 1-2 sentence

summary of your lesson plan.
Classkick activity for each chapter of The Great Gatsby over the course of reading the text.

Summarize process for

Pre-assessment will include a chapter 1 reading analysis, and post-assessment will take place on 12/5 when
administering and analyzing
pre- and post-assessments. students take the 9.03 Chapters 4 & 5 quiz. Both will include some sort of literary analysis.

Individualized Learning Plan, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017 Page 1 of 4
Semester 3 Only: Identify the
specific technology tools,
applications, links, and/or Classkick, Padlet
devices to be incorporated
into the lesson.
Section 4: Inquiry Research and Exploration
Research/Professional Learning (Identify two articles that have informed inquiry focus. Provide title, URL or citation, and statement of what was learned.)

“Bringing Web Tools to Gatsby’s Party: A Digital Path into a Jazz

“Making Classic Literature Feel Relevant” by Madison Anders
Age Classic,” Lee Ann Spillane

Colleagues (Summarize how two colleagues have addressed this issue in their classroom. Identify grade level, subject, and summary of ideas.)

Katie Gammelgard, 11th, English (mentor) Julie Peterson, 11th, English

Special Emphasis: ISTE Standards (Semester 3 only)

Directions: Identify at least one ISTE-Educator and at least one ISTE- Student Standards that are the primary focus of your project. Explain how these standards will be incorporated.
Special Emphasis Focus How Special Emphasis will be Incorporated
1.3.c Curate Information
Special emphasis will be incorporated through classkick, padlet,
Students curate information from digital resources using a variety
and incorporating this software into the curriculum. Students will
of tools and methods to create collections of artifacts that
take part in interactive activities that challenge their analysis
demonstrate meaningful connections or conclusions.
Section 5: Results and Reflection
Directions: Record Pre- and post- assessment data into Pre/Post Assessment Data Table (see end of document). Include copies/images of pre/post assessments/directions and the Pre/Post
Assessment Data Table with submission.
Pre/Post Assessment Data Analysis Findings for Whole Class Pre/Post Assessment Data Analysis Findings for Three Focus Students
Students did slightly better on the pre-assessment (74%) than the
All three students did slightly better on the post-assessment.
post-assessment (70%).
Initial Evidence/Rational for Rating
CSTP Element Revised Rating Suggestions for Moving Forward
Rating (Summarize from POP Section 3)
Promoting critical
To move to INNOVATING level: Consider how to increase
thinking through Teacher asked questions of analysis and evaluation.
T – Applying T – Integrating complexity of task beyond a single lesson so that there are
1.5 inquiry, problem Students answered questions that included all levels of Bloom’s.
S – Exploring S - Integrating continuing opportunities for students to engage in inquiry in
solving, and Students created their own math problems.
complex problem. How could you extend lesson into PBL?
Set aside time during class to give
subject matter Teacher tapped into prior knowledge of students an opportunity to create
1.3 to meaningful, S T 1920s/Jazz Age to connect with the something that represents Jazz Age
real-life setting of the novel. America. Perhaps work on this with the
history department.
Creating a
environment Teacher provided ample opportunities Work on using Classkick feedback for all
with high
2.4 expectations S T for class participation - via Classkick, students, even students who are
and appropriate chat, mic, etc. excelling in class.
support for all

Special Emphasis ISTE-Educator and ISTE-Student Standards (Semester 3 only)

Results of Incorporation into Lesson Key Learnings and New Skills/Knowledge Developed by Teacher
Teacher used Classkick to provide students an opportunity to Learned how to set up Classkick effectively and provide active
participate in the activities presented on slides. engagement opportunities for all students.
Action Items
For curriculum design, lesson
planning, assessment I would like to work on incorporating different types of activities into my Classkicks.

Engagement is typically the element I struggle with, so I would like to constantly be searching and reflecting
For classroom practice
on new ways of engaging.
For teaching English learners, I will emphasize front-loading vocabulary activities, especially with more difficult texts.
Individualized Learning Plan, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017 Page 2 of 4
students with special needs,
and students with other
instructional challenges
For future professional Do research on professional development opportunities in the virtual teaching world, especially using AI in
development teaching.
Continue working with mentor in PLC and reflecting on teaching practice. I got a lot out of the weekly
For future inquiry/ILP
reflections and think it could help my teaching moving forward.
Brainstorm new activities I can implement into the Spring curriculum. Meet with my mentor to come up
For next POP cycle
with new ideas.
Semester 3 Only: Continue exploring Classkick and expanding my repertoire of activities used. Right now, I default to using it
For future use of technology with audiobooks and text analysis. There have to be many applications for this teaching tool.
Other Notes

Pre-/Post- Assessment Data Table follows this document.

Include copies/images of pre-/post- assessments/directions and the Pre/Post Assessment Data Table with submission.

Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program

Individualized Learning Plan (ILP)
Revised 5.1.17
Directions: Record student pre and post scores in this table. Do not use student’s actual names.
New Teacher Email Subject Area Grade Level
Julian Merchant [email protected] English 11
Pre-Assessment Data Range and Average Post-Assessment Data Range and Average

Great Gatsby quiz on Chapters 1 and 2 - 74% average Great Gatsby quiz on Chapters 4 and 5 - 70% average


Student Pre-Assessment Score Post-Assessment Score Comments
1. Focus Student: EL 19/24 (79%) 13/15 (87%) Student’s grade went up on the post-test
2. Focus Student: 504/IEP 21/24 (88%) 14/15 (93%) Grade went up on the post-test
Grade went up on the post-test and did better
3. Focus Student: Teacher Choice 21/24 (88%) 14/15 (93%)
than class average.

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Individualized Learning Plan, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017 Page 4 of 4

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