HCM Data Loader
HCM Data Loader
HCM Data Loader
Cloud HCM
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM
HCM Data Loader
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Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM
HCM Data Loader
4 Data Preparation 47
Guidelines for Preparing the Source Data .............................................................................................................................. 47
General Data Considerations for HCM Data Loader ............................................................................................................ 48
How You Load Images, Attachments, and Large Strings ................................................................................................... 49
How You Supply Source Keys ................................................................................................................................................... 50
How You Update Source Keys ................................................................................................................................................... 51
How You Supply User Keys ........................................................................................................................................................ 52
Examples of Supplying Oracle Fusion Surrogate IDs ........................................................................................................... 53
Examples of Supplying Oracle Fusion GUIDs ........................................................................................................................ 53
How You Manage Reserved Characters .................................................................................................................................. 54
How You Load and Maintain Translated Objects .................................................................................................................. 55
How You Include Reference Values in Data Files .................................................................................................................. 57
Data Deletion Using HCM Data Loader .................................................................................................................................. 58
Uploading and Securing Files on the Web Center Content Server ................................................................................... 82
Import and Load Data ................................................................................................................................................................ 83
Example of using HCM Data Loader ....................................................................................................................................... 85
How You Review and Correct Errors ....................................................................................................................................... 88
Stop HCM Data Loader Processing .......................................................................................................................................... 91
Overview of Automating Data Loading ................................................................................................................................... 91
How to Review the Objects Processed in a Data Set ........................................................................................................... 93
Maintaining Oracle Search Indexes .......................................................................................................................................... 93
Manually Submitting the Bulk-Ingestion Process for Oracle Search Indexes ................................................................. 94
How to Enable Bulk Ingestion for Oracle Search Indexes ................................................................................................... 94
FAQs for Importing and Loading Data Using HCM Data Loader ...................................................................................... 95
FAQs for Bulk Ingestion for Oracle Search Indexes .............................................................................................................. 97
12 Importing and Loading Data Using HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader 145
Generate Spreadsheets ............................................................................................................................................................. 145
Import Data to a Spreadsheet ................................................................................................................................................. 145
Manage Spreadsheet Data Sets .............................................................................................................................................. 147
Upload Data Using HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader ........................................................................................................... 148
Roll back Data using HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader ........................................................................................................ 150
How to Set a Value to Null ....................................................................................................................................................... 150
Review Existing Data Sets ......................................................................................................................................................... 151
How You Delete Data Using HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader ........................................................................................... 152
FAQs for Importing and Loading Data Using HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader ............................................................. 152
17 Best Practices for HCM Data Loader and HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader 197
HCM Data Loader Best Practices ............................................................................................................................................ 197
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HCM Data Loader
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 1
HCM Data Loader Introduction to HCM Data Loader
This topic introduces the main features and advantages of HCM Data Loader.
Tip: You can access Oracle By Example tutorials for HCM Data Loader in the Oracle Learning Library. Search for HCM
Data Loader to find HCM Data Loader content.
Business-Object Support
You can load business objects for most Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management (HCM) products. These products
include Oracle Fusion Absence Management, Compensation, Global Human Resources, Global Payroll, Performance
Management, Profile Management, Talent Review and Succession Management, and Workforce Management. You can
also update business objects using HCM Data Loader, regardless of how they were created.
You can review the complete list of supported business objects using the View Business Objects task, available in the
Data Exchange work area.
Ease of Use
HCM Data Loader has a comprehensive user interface for loading data, monitoring progress, and reviewing any errors.
It provides real-time information for all stages of its processing. HCM Data Loader's user interface also includes detailed
information about the component hierarchies and attributes of supported business objects.
You can load data from either delimited data (.dat) files or spreadsheets. You can load most supported business objects
using either method. You can generate business-object templates to use as the basis of your own .dat files. For a
selected business-object component, the template includes every attribute, including those for configured flexfields.
When using spreadsheets, you define spreadsheet templates to suit business needs and generate spreadsheets from
those templates.
HCM Data Loader supports multithreaded processing, which enables you to upload complete data extracts without
severe performance impacts. References among objects that are processed on separate threads are managed
automatically. You can set HCM Data Loader configuration parameters to optimize processing for your environment.
You can also perform partial or incremental loads to update existing objects, thereby minimizing the related processing.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 1
HCM Data Loader Introduction to HCM Data Loader
As user keys and source keys are supported, knowledge of Oracle Fusion internal IDs isn't required.
Business-Object Features
HCM Data Loader supports most business-object features and requirements. For example, you can upload:
• Current and historical records for date-effective objects. You determine the amount of history to load.
• End-dated, terminated, or inactive records.
• Translated attributes in multiple languages. You specify the character set of the data file on the File Character
Set configuration parameter for HCM Data Loader.
• Descriptive flexfields and extensible flexfields.
• Hierarchical tree data, such as organization and department trees.
• Attachments and pictures.
• Data from multiple sources. You can include source-system references in uploaded data.
You can initiate HCM Data Loader using a web-service call, which enables you to automate data upload.
Related Topics
• Sources of Business-Object Information
For both full and coexistence implementations, you implement Oracle HCM Cloud by performing the tasks that appear
in your implementation project or for selected functional areas. This topic describes how HCM Data Loader supports
these implementation types.
Full Implementations
If you're performing a full implementation of Oracle HCM Cloud, then you can use HCM Data Loader to bulk-load any
existing HCM data at appropriate stages in the implementation. Typically, you load each type of data once only for this
type of implementation. Following successful upload, you manage your data in Oracle HCM Cloud.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 1
HCM Data Loader Introduction to HCM Data Loader
Coexistence Implementations
In a coexistence implementation, you use Oracle Fusion Talent Management or Oracle Fusion Compensation, but
maintain your existing HR applications. For this type of implementation, you:
• Move talent data permanently to Oracle HCM Cloud, which becomes the application of record for talent data.
• Upload other types of data, such as person records, periodically to Oracle HCM Cloud. The source system
remains the application of record for this data.
To implement an HCM coexistence scenario, for any source system, you can use HCM Data Loader for data upload.
Follow the general instructions provided for HCM Data Loader. Oracle doesn't supply tools to extract data from your
source systems. Work with your implementation partner or develop your own process for extracting the source data.
HCM Data Loader provides a Compensation Changes extract. You can extract assignment, bonus, and salary changes
for a specified compensation run if you're using Oracle Fusion Compensation in a coexistence scenario.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 1
HCM Data Loader Introduction to HCM Data Loader
Note: By loading your data with the elevated user, HCM Data Loader bypasses the data security policies
configured for the session user. However, you must supply data in the language configured for the
FUSION_APPS_HCM_ESS_LOADER_APPID user, usually it is the base language of your environment.
Tip: You can also correct load errors interactively on the HCM Data Loader interface and resubmit any corrected data
from there.
Related Topics
• How Data Is Uploaded Using HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader
Note: While assigning roles, avoid granting the Human Capital Management Integration Specialist for a user who
needs only HCM Data Loader functionality. This is a very potent role that exposes the user to many other features that
they may not need.
This topic explains how to give other roles access to these tasks. You must have the IT Security Manager job role or
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 1
HCM Data Loader Introduction to HCM Data Loader
To enable this access, edit your custom role to add the following duty role:
Name Code
You must also grant access to the Oracle WebCenter Content server folders that HDL uses for staging files to upload and
generating template and error files. Grant your custom role these role hierarchies:
In addition, if the Manage Data Exchange Work Area (HRC_MANAGE_DATA_EXCHANGE_PRIV) function security privilege isn't
already granted to the role, then you must grant it.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 1
HCM Data Loader Introduction to HCM Data Loader
In addition, if the Manage Data Exchange Work Area (HRC_MANAGE_DATA_EXCHANGE_PRIV) function security privilege isn't
already granted to the role, then you must grant it.
Note: This privilege also gives access to the Recent File Loads task. If you want to delete protected data sets before
they expire, or maintain schedules to regularly purge protected data sets, you also need the following Function
Security Privilege:
To enable access to this task, you edit the custom roles to add the following Function Security Privilege:
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 1
HCM Data Loader Introduction to HCM Data Loader
This topic explains the steps to provide access by roles or business objects. To provide access -
• By role: Select a single role and assign one or more business objects
• By business object: Select a single business object and assign one or more roles to it
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 1
HCM Data Loader Introduction to HCM Data Loader
• In the results section, select the created custom role. The Assigned Business Objects section title is
automatically updated to include the role name.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 1
HCM Data Loader Introduction to HCM Data Loader
• Click Assign dropdown for the selected custom role under Assigned Business Objects section. The following
role-business object mappings are displayed:
◦ Assign Individual Business Objects
◦ Assign All Business Objects in Product Area
◦ Assign All Unrestricted Business Objects
◦ Assign All Business Objects, Including Security-Related Objects
◦ Search and select the business objects in the Search and Select Business Objects dialog box.
◦ Click Add to add the selected business objects to the role. An entry appears in the Assigned Business
Objects section for each of the selected business object.
◦ Select the product area in the Select Product Area dialog box.
◦ Click Add. A single entry appears for the product area in the Assigned Business Objects section.
Note: This role will have access to load data for all the business objects within the product area. Use
the View Business Objects task to see which business objects are available in each product area.
◦ A warning message appears to indicate that users with this role can bulk-load data with any business
object that doesn't load security-related data.
◦ Click Add to close the warning and continue. A single entry appears for all unrestricted business objects
in the Assigned Business Objects section.
If you select Assign All Business Objects, Including Security-Related Objects then:
◦ A warning message appears to indicate that users with this role will be able to use the security-related
objects only if they have the Load HCM Security Data function security privilege
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 1
HCM Data Loader Introduction to HCM Data Loader
◦ Click Add to close the warning and continue. A single entry appears for all business objects for all product
areas in the Assigned Business Objects section.
Note: When the Restrict Access to Security Related Business Objects is set to Yes in the Configure
HCM Data Loader page, only users with the custom role with the Load HCM Security Data function
security privilege will be able to bulk load data using security related business objects.
• Click Save.
• On the HCM Data Loader Business Object Access page, select the By Business Object option in the page
• In the Business Objects section, enter the name of the business object in the Business Object query-by-
example field and press Enter.
• In the results section, select the business object. The Assigned Roles section title is automatically updated to
include the business object name.
• In the Assigned Roles section, click Add icon.
• In the Search and Select Roles dialog box, search and select one or more roles.
• Click Add. An entry appears in the Assigned Roles section for each of the selected roles.
• Click Save.
Related Topics
• How You Enable Access to HCM Data Loader
• HCM Data Loader Configuration Parameters
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 1
HCM Data Loader Introduction to HCM Data Loader
The parent record may either be in the same data file or exist already in Oracle HCM Cloud.
• Any objects referenced by the record that you're creating or updating.
Tip: Whenever possible, use source keys for both creating and updating business objects.
Key-Type Features
The following table summarizes the main features of the available key types. The Create and Update columns indicate
whether you can use the key type when creating and updating objects.
Note: You can use surrogate IDs when updating objects, but the IDs may not be readily available to Oracle HCM Cloud
users. Default source keys are generated only if you don't supply a source key when creating an object. You can't use
user keys alone when updating some objects because their values are subject to change.
Keys that aren't held on the object exist in the Integration Key Map table.
Foreign-Object References
Oracle Fusion GUIDs and surrogate IDs are generated only when the associated record is successfully created in Oracle
HCM Cloud. Source keys aren't recognized in Oracle HCM Cloud until the associated record exists in Oracle HCM Cloud.
Therefore, before you attempt to load data that references foreign objects, you must ensure that those foreign objects
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 1
HCM Data Loader Introduction to HCM Data Loader
exist in Oracle HCM Cloud. For a new implementation, you're recommended to load each business object separately
and ensure that it loads successfully before importing the next. If you supply all business objects in the same .zip file,
then HCM Data Loader loads them in order of dependency. In this case, a reference to a foreign object fails only if the
referenced object failed to load.
Related Topics
• Source Keys
• User Keys
• Oracle Fusion GUIDs and Surrogate IDs
Source Keys
A source key is the ID that identifies a business object in its source system. Source keys are supported only for
integration-enabled business objects. You can use source keys when creating or updating business objects.
You're recommended to use source keys for all implementations but particularly for ongoing integrations, where data is
maintained in the source system.
Source-Key Structure
A source key has the two components shown in this table.
Component Description
Source-system ID ID used in the source system. The ID must be unique for the business-object component and source-
system owner.
Having a source-system owner component to the key enables you to upload data from multiple source systems for the
same business objects. For example, you may have person data in both US and UK databases to combine in one Oracle
HCM Cloud system. The source-system ID doesn't have to be unique across both source systems. It must be unique only
for the business-object component and source-system owner.
If you don't have an obvious source-system ID for a record, then you can generate or derive one. For example, you could
derive a source-system ID for a person address by concatenating the person number with the address type.
Source keys aren't held against the created record. They exist in the Integration Key Map table.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 1
HCM Data Loader Introduction to HCM Data Loader
Related Topics
• Supported Key Types
• Oracle Fusion GUIDs and Surrogate IDs
• User Keys
User Keys
Most Oracle HCM Cloud business objects, regardless of whether they're enabled for integration, have one or more
attributes that make up a user key. The user key, which is also known as a natural key, is always visible on the user
For example:
You can also use user keys when updating logical objects. However, the value of a user key can change, and some user-
key attributes are translatable. For this reason, you can't update some business objects if you supply only user keys to
reference them. Therefore, whenever possible, you're recommended to use source keys when updating objects.
• You're referencing or maintaining an object that wasn't created with a source key.
• The source-key value is unknown.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 1
HCM Data Loader Introduction to HCM Data Loader
• Jobs are always part of a set. Therefore, job code alone doesn't uniquely identify a job. Instead, the set code
must be part of the user key for a job.
• Job grades apply to a specific job. Therefore, the user key for a job grade must include both the user key for
the grade and the user key for the parent job. Therefore, the user key for the job grade is made up of the grade
code, job code, and set code.
Related Topics
• Supported Key Types
• Oracle Fusion GUIDs and Surrogate IDs
• Source Keys
GUIDs are useful when you share changes with down-stream applications, such as third-party payroll providers. You
extract the changes for the third-party payroll and provide the GUID as the unique key to the worker. When reporting
any updates back to Oracle HCM Cloud, you can use GUIDs to identify the records to update.
Related Topics
• Supported Key Types
• Source Keys
• User Keys
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 1
HCM Data Loader Introduction to HCM Data Loader
Business-Object Structure
Each Oracle HCM Cloud business object is a hierarchy of business-object components. At the top of the hierarchy is
the parent component, and beneath it may be child and grandchild components. Each business-object component has
multiple attributes.
For example, the Rating Model business object includes Rating Model, Rating Level, and Rating Category components.
The Rating Model component is the parent of the other two components. Each component has attributes such as
RatingName, RatingModelCode, RatingLevelCode, and so on.
The most complex business object supported by HCM Data Loader is the Worker object, where five levels exist in
the object hierarchy. These range from the Worker component at the top to Assignment Work Measure, Assignment
Manager, Assignment Grade Steps, and Assignment Extra Information at the bottom. By contrast, the Person Type
object has only the Person Type component.
This table defines the terms used by HCM Data Loader to refer to business objects.
Term Meaning
Object or business object Refers to the complete object, which is the parent component and all child components. For example,
Grade and Worker are business objects.
Component or business-object Refers to components of a business object. For example, Person Name and Work Relationship are
component components of the Worker object.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 1
HCM Data Loader Introduction to HCM Data Loader
Term Meaning
Logical object Refers to a group of related components that form one occurrence of a business object. For example,
the grade IC1 is a logical object.
Integration-Enabled Objects
HCM Data Loader can load any integration-enabled business object. An integration-enabled business object supports
these four key types:
An integration-enabled object has an entry in the Integration Key Map table, where its GUIDs and source keys exist.
HCM Data Loader can also load a few objects, such as Department Tree, that aren't integration enabled. Typically, Oracle
HCM Cloud doesn't own such objects and although you can't identify the object by a source key nor GUID, you can often
reference foreign objects using integration keys, such as the parent and child departments while creating a department
Tip: You can review business-object details on the View Business Objects page. The Integration Keys Supported
field on the Component Details tab for a selected component indicates whether the component is integration enabled.
Related Topics
• Sources of Business-Object Information
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 2
HCM Data Loader Data File Instructions and Delivery
Your data file has the name of a business object that's specified by HCM Data Loader, such as Job.dat or Worker.dat. In
any .zip file, you supply data files only for the business objects that you're loading.
This figure shows an example .zip file structure. The .zip file contains no folders for data (.dat) files.
You define the name of the .zip file, which must be in alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z, and 0-9). The .zip file can be
encrypted as a whole, but HCM Data Loader doesn't support the encryption of individual data files.
You use these folders for files you want to load as attachments or into large objects. The file names of these
attachments or images must be in alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z, and 0-9). The data type of the attribute that's
used to load your attachment or large-object data determines which folder to use. For example, the File attribute in the
Document Record object is used for loading attachment files and has a data type of BLOB. Therefore, you place files to
be loaded as attachments to document records in the BlobFiles folder.
This figure shows a .zip file structure when attachments are included.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 2
HCM Data Loader Data File Instructions and Delivery
Data Files
Each HCM Data Loader data file is specific to a business object. You provide all components that you want to load for
a business-object hierarchy in the same data file. For example, you provide Job, Job Valid Grade, Job Evaluation, Job
Extra Information, and Job Legislative Extra Information components in Job.dat. This approach lets you to see all data
for a business object and supports the validation of parent references on all child components. It also simplifies the
construction of the .zip file, as separate directories aren't required and fewer data files have to be generated.
Tip: You can generate data-file templates for all supported objects on the View Business Objects page. Each template
defines the complete structure of the selected object.
Related Topics
• How You Load Images, Attachments, and Large Strings
• Generate and Use Template Files
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 2
HCM Data Loader Data File Instructions and Delivery
File Discriminators
METADATA, MERGE, and DELETE lines must include a file discriminator value, which identifies the business-object
component to which the instruction applies. For example, the available file discriminators for the Job business object
are shown in this table.
Job Job
The file discriminator appears immediately after the instruction in a file line. HCM Data Loader templates for a business
object include the file discriminator for each of the object's components. This example shows instructions, the file
discriminator, attribute names, and attribute values for the Job business object.
MERGE|Job|1950/01/01|4712/12/31|COMMON|CFO|Chief Financial Officer
MERGE|Job|1950/01/01|2013/01/01|COMMON|PM|Manager Projects
MERGE|Job|2013/01/02|4712/12/31|COMMON|PM|Manager Projects
MERGE|Job|1950/01/01|4712/12/31|COMMON|VP_OF_HR|VP Human Resources
MERGE|Job|1950/01/01|4712/12/31|COMMON|PROG_MGR|Program Manager
In this example:
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 2
HCM Data Loader Data File Instructions and Delivery
• Attribute values appear in MERGE lines after the Job discriminator and separated by the vertical bar character
Related Topics
• The METADATA Instruction
• The MERGE Instruction
• The DELETE Instruction
• The SET Instruction
Instruction Format
The METADATA line has this format:
For example:
These restrictions apply to the METADATA instruction:
• The METADATA line must appear before the MERGE or DELETE data line to which it relates.
• You can include multiple METADATA lines in a single data file. However, each line must be for a different
business-object component. For example, in a Job.dat file, you can include METADATA lines for the Job and Job
Valid Grade components. However, you can't include two Job METADATA lines.
Each METADATA line must:
• Include a valid discriminator for the object that's identified in the data file name. For example, in a Job.dat file,
the METADATA line must include one of these discriminators: Job, JobGrade, JobEvaluation, JobExtrainfo, and
• Be unique in the file. That is, you can't provide multiple METADATA lines for the same discriminator in a single
data file.
For example, having two METADATA lines for the JobGrade discriminator in the same data file is invalid.
• Include only valid attributes for the discriminator. Attribute names are case-sensitive, but they can appear in
any order.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 2
HCM Data Loader Data File Instructions and Delivery
• Include the attributes for at least one of the supported key types. For example, if you're using source keys to
identify a record uniquely, then you must include SourceSystemOwner and SourceSystemId attributes in the
HCM Data Loader business-object templates include METADATA lines with all available attributes for each component
of a business object.
Related Topics
• File Line Instructions and File Discriminators
You can supply either partial or complete objects using the MERGE instruction. The data supplied on the MERGE line is
merged into existing Oracle HCM Cloud data. The order in which you specify MERGE lines isn't necessarily the order in
which HCM Data Loader processes them.
Instruction Format
The MERGE line has this format:
For example:
MERGE|Job|SE|Software Engineer|Common|2015/01/01|4712/12/31
These restrictions apply to the MERGE line:
• You must not supply multiple MERGE lines for the same component in a single data file, unless the object is
date-effective. For example, you can't supply two MERGE lines, one to create a Person Ethnicity component and
one to update it, in the same data file. As the component isn't date-effective, these instructions would correct
the data rather than update it. In such cases, you can supply only current data. Alternatively, you can create the
record in one data file and update it in a different data file.
Note: HCM Data Loader doesn't process individual file lines, but groups related lines. This grouping works
for date-effective records because the file lines are processed in order of effective start date.
• You can include MERGE and DELETE instructions in the same file, but not for the same logical record. For
example, you can't load multiple date-effective records for the same component, such as a single Job, using a
mix of MERGE and DELETE instructions. However, you can provide both MERGE and DELETE instructions for
components of a single logical object. For example, you can provide:
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 2
HCM Data Loader Data File Instructions and Delivery
Each MERGE line must:
Related Topics
• File Line Instructions and File Discriminators
Instruction Format
The DELETE instruction has this format:
For example:
These restrictions apply to the DELETE instruction:
• You can delete a business object or a component of a business object. However, you can't delete individual
date-effective records.
• You can't provide MERGE and DELETE instructions for the same record in a single data file. The order in which
HCM Data Loader processes instructions is unpredictable.
• You can't recover deleted records. Therefore, try to correct data rather than delete and recreate it.
• Not all business-object components can be deleted. For information about deletion support, see the business-
object details available from the View Business Objects page in the Data Exchange work area.
Related Topics
• File Line Instructions and File Discriminators
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 2
HCM Data Loader Data File Instructions and Delivery
You can include any number of SET instructions in a .dat file, but they must appear before the first METADATA line. This
topic describes when to use the SET instruction.
This table lists the SET instructions and their default values.
Enabling events for your file may
increase the time it takes to load.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 2
HCM Data Loader Data File Instructions and Delivery
Extending the retention period of a data
set will lengthen the time it takes to
load, as after processing the staging
table data is moved from the primary to
the secondary staging tables.
Tip: The default values shown here are predefined for the enterprise. You can override these values for the enterprise
using the Configure HCM Data Loader task in the Setup and Maintenance work area.
To request automatic calculation of full-time equivalent (FTE) values for all worker assignments in a Worker.dat file,
include the SET CALCULATE_FTE instruction. For example:
To request automatic creation of a default working-hour pattern for all worker assignments in a Worker.dat file, include
To prevent Refresh Manager Hierarchy from running automatically, you can include this SET instruction in the
Worker.dat file:
To prevent Update Person Search Keywords from running automatically, you can include this SET instruction in the
Worker.dat file:
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 2
HCM Data Loader Data File Instructions and Delivery
By default, the FlattenPositionHierarchy process runs automatically after you load HCM position hierarchies. To
prevent FlattenPositionHierarchy from running automatically, include this SET instruction in the PositionHierarchy.dat
Tip: To prevent postload processes from running automatically, you can use the SET INVOKE_POST_PROCESS instruction
Audit of objects loaded using HCM Data Loader is enabled or disabled for the enterprise using the Enable Audit
Data configuration parameter. You can override the enterprise setting for individual .dat files by including this SET
instruction. For example, if audit is enabled for the enterprise, then you can disable it for an individual .dat file.
Use this instruction to change the default file delimiter, which is the vertical bar (|). For example, to change it to a
comma, include this instruction:
Use this instruction to change the default file escape character, which is the backslash (\). For example, to change it to
the equal sign (=), include this instruction:
By default, all data sets are automatically and permanently deleted after a maximum of 30 days since they were last
updated. If you are loading data which is to be validated, or may need to be rolled back, you can use this instruction to
extend the retention period of the data set.
Supply this instruction only in business object files that support validate or roll back. If you are supplying multiple
business object files that support validate or roll back, you need only supply this instruction once.
Note: The time it takes to complete the processing of your file will be longer, as after loading the valid data into the
application tables, the staging table data is moved from the primary to the secondary staging tables, so it doesn't
negatively impact the processing time of subsequent files.
Use this instruction to change the default file newline character, which is the character n. For example, to change it to
the string newline, include this instruction:
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 2
HCM Data Loader Data File Instructions and Delivery
By default, the FlattenPositionHierarchy process runs automatically after you load HCM position hierarchies.
To prevent such processes from running automatically, you can include this SET instruction in the relevant .dat file:
Use this instruction to purge the audit data for the objects in a .dat file. This feature is intended primarily to remove the
audit records for personally identifiable information in worker records.
You can't include both of the following instructions in a single .dat file:
If auditing of loaded objects is enabled for the enterprise, then you must disable it in any .dat file where you're purging
audit data. That is, you include the following instructions:
When you create business objects containing date-effective components, you include this instruction at the start of the
This instruction sets the date-effective maintenance mode to Replace. In this mode, which is the default mode, the
contents of the .dat file replace any existing data.
When you update business objects containing date-effective components, you include this instruction at the start of the
This instruction sets the date-effective maintenance mode to Retain. In this mode, any existing future-dated changes
are retained.
To enable the firing of atom feeds and events that are triggered by the changes supplied in a file, include the SET
Note: Events are only triggered if they are enabled in your environment. Enabling events for your file may increase
the time it takes to load.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 2
HCM Data Loader Data File Instructions and Delivery
Determines whether historical data is retained for changes to succession plans. To prevent the retention of history,
include the SET RETAIN_SUCCESSION_PLAN_HISTORY instruction in your SuccessionPlan.dat files. For example:
Related Topics
• File Line Instructions and File Discriminators
• How You Manage Reserved Characters
• Overview of Loading Date-Effective Objects
• Enable Audit for Oracle HCM Cloud Business Objects
• HCM Data Loader Configuration Parameters
• How You Review Automatically Submitted Post Processes
• A COMMENT line, which identifies the business object, its version, and the file-creation date.
• A METADATA line for each component of the business-object hierarchy that you can load for the business
object. The METADATA line includes every attribute of the component, including environment-specific
configured flexfield attributes.
You can generate template files and use them as the basis of your own data files. The topic describes how to generate
and use template files.
1. Open the Data Exchange work area and select View Business Objects.
By default, the View Business Objects page lists all business objects that HCM Data Loader supports. You can
sort the list by product area, business object, or load order, for example. You can also retrieve a specific object
by entering its name in the Business Object query-by-example field and pressing Enter.
2. If a template already exists for the object, then you can click the icon in the File column to download it.
The Last Refreshed column shows when the object definition was last updated and the template was last
generated. Alternatively, you can update the object definition before you download the template, as follows:
a. Select the object row in the business objects table.
b. Click Refresh Object.
c. In the Schedule Request dialog box, click Submit. Click OK to close the confirmation message.
When you click Submit, you start the process that updates the object definition and generates the latest
template file.
Tip: To monitor progress, click View Process Results to open the View Process Results page.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 2
HCM Data Loader Data File Instructions and Delivery
Check the value in the Last Refreshed column to confirm that the template has been updated.
4. Click the icon in the File column to download the template.
Tip: You can download the complete object definition for offline use. To download the object definition, click the icon
in the Overview column. The spreadsheet that you download is documentation for the object, not a template file.
1. Click the Refresh All Objects button on the View Business Objects page.
2. In the Schedule Request dialog box, you can either select a product area or leave Product Area set to All.
3. Click Submit.
4. When the generation process completes, you can download templates individually. Click the icon in the File
column for an object on the View Business Objects page. Alternatively, follow these steps to download a
single .zip file of the generated templates:
You can improve the speed and efficiency of the import and load processes by including only the attributes for which
you're supplying data. Remove METADATA lines and attribute names that you don't plan to use.
HCM Data Loader validates every attribute name on every METADATA line.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 2
HCM Data Loader Data File Instructions and Delivery
For example:
COMMENT Data for Business Object: Job Version: V2 Created on: 25-03-2017
You can include any number of COMMENT instructions and they can appear anywhere in the file. They have no effect
on processing.
How do I trigger ATOM feeds and events for the changes uploaded
by my file?
Atom feeds and events are triggered for changes supplied in the file by including the following SET instruction at the
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 2
HCM Data Loader Data File Instructions and Delivery
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 3
HCM Data Loader Preparing to Use HCM Data Loader
Business-Object Details
The View Business Objects table lists all business object available for bulk-loading. From here you can:
You're recommended to refresh all objects after an update. The refresh ensures that any changes from the update
appear on the View Business Objects page and in object templates. If no details exist for a selected object when you
view it, then you're prompted to refresh the object.
You can refresh business objects using the Refresh Object icon and the Refresh All Objects button. When you refresh an
• Attribute and flexfield information for the selected business objects is updated.
• Up-to-date templates of METADATA lines are generated for the selected business objects.
• The Overview spreadsheet can be downloaded for the selected business object.
a. Click the icon in the Overview column to download the complete definition of an object for offline use.
The default file name of the downloaded spreadsheet is GenericBusObjDetails.xlsx, but you can change
the name when you save the file.
Note: Whenever you open a downloaded spreadsheet, you're invited to sign in again. If you sign in, then the
spreadsheet is updated automatically with latest information as you select each tab. These updates overwrite
any changes that you may have made to the spreadsheet. If you prefer to keep your changes, then don't sign
When you click the name of a business object on the View Business Objects page, you access information about the
object. This information includes:
◦ Its parent component, file discriminator, .dat file, and translation object
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 3
HCM Data Loader Preparing to Use HCM Data Loader
• Flexfield attribute details for each of the configured and deployed flexfield segments. These include:
◦ The attribute name, flexfield segment label and description
◦ The data type, length, and required status
◦ The value set used to validate the flexfield segment
• Note:
◦ Two attributes are supplied for flexfield segments, which are validated by a value set. The
attribute that includes _Display in the name accepts the meaning, and the other attribute
accepts the ID.
◦ Some components restrict the flexfield contexts you can bulk-load using HCM Data Loader.
Hence, you may not see a flexfield context you created.
• On the View Business Objects page you will now see a red alert icon against object hierarchies that are being
withdrawn and a yellow warning icon against object hierarchies that include components that are being
withdrawn. You can also see icons against components in the business object hierarchy that are always or
conditionally required when creating new records.
If you can load flexfields for the component, then the Flexfield Attributes tab appears. For descriptive flexfields and
extensible flexfields, you can see the attributes for a selected flexfield and context. For extensible flexfields, category
also appears. When a flexfield context supports multirow entries, one or more flexfield attributes are identified as
user keys to reference a single record uniquely. These attributes are identified in the User Key column on the Flexfield
Attributes tab. This column doesn't appear if the flexfield doesn't support multirow entries.
You can refresh business objects using the Refresh Object icon and the Refresh All Objects button. When you refresh
an object:
• Attribute and flexfield information for the selected business objects is updated.
• Up-to-date templates of METADATA lines are generated for the selected business objects.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 3
HCM Data Loader Preparing to Use HCM Data Loader
Business Rules
Business rules for many objects are included in the Integrating with Oracle HCM Cloud guide. For objects that aren't
described in the Integrating with Oracle HCM Cloud guide, see HCM Data Loader: Business Object Documentation
(2020600.1) on My Oracle Support at https://support.oracle.com.
Example .dat files for many business objects are also available on Cloud Customer Connect. Select Navigator >
Others > Cloud Customer Connect. After signing in, select the HCM Cloud Integrations forum on the Human Capital
Management page.
Other documents on My Oracle Support provide information about business objects for specific localizations. Many are
linked from the document All White Papers for Oracle Fusion HCM (1504483.1). For example:
Related Topics
However, you can override these settings to suit the configuration of your environment and the amount of data being
loaded. Users can also override most enterprise settings for individual load processes.
In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use the following to review or override the predefined settings for the
• Functional Area: HCM Data Loader
• Task: Configure HCM Data Loader
On the Configure HCM Data Loader page, select the HCM Data Loader tab. You can filter the parameters by these
category values:
• Availability
• Diagnostics
• File Definition
• Performance
• Scheduling Default
Parameters that are specific to a business object appear in a separate section. This topic describes each of the
configuration parameters within its category. Object-specific parameters are described following the category sections.
Note: HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader has its own versions of some configuration parameters, which you manage
on the HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader tab. For these parameters, you can set different default values for HCM Data
Loader and HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader. Users can override the HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader default values in
spreadsheet templates.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 3
HCM Data Loader Preparing to Use HCM Data Loader
Note: A More Information icon is introduced on the names of the parameters which can be overridden by a SET
instruction. When you click the orange icon, the More Information pop up appears, and you will see the details of the
SET instruction that overrides the data loading behavior of your file.
Note: You can audit changes to the Configure HCM Data Loader parameters. Refer: How You Audit the Configure HCM
Data Loader Parameters
Availability Parameters
Enable Automatic Extended Data Set Retention
Determines whether data sets for business objects that support validate or rollback are automatically retained beyond
the standard retention period. You can override the default behavior using a SET instruction. You control how long
extended retention data sets are kept for using the Days to Preserve Extended Retention Data Sets parameter.
Default Value: No
Specifies whether audit data is captured for business objects loaded using HCM Data Loader. If you set this parameter
to Yes, then audit must also be enabled for Oracle Fusion Applications.
You can set this parameter separately for HCM Data Loader and HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader.
Default Value: No
Enable changes uploaded by HDL and HSDL to be bulk-ingested into Oracle Search indexes. When disabled,
incremental ingestion is used.
Determines whether access to HCM Data Loader business objects is configurable by role. When enabled you must
configure the business objects a custom role can load data with.
Default Value: No
Determines whether you can generate business object files for the files lines that failed to load.
Default Value: No
Determines whether configuration of the processes to be automatically submitted after a data load is enabled.
Enable events to be triggered for the data supplied. Enabling load events will significantly increase the time it takes
for your data to load. You can override this parameter with a set instruction followed by the override value. Place SET
instructions before the first METADATA line in your business object file.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 3
HCM Data Loader Preparing to Use HCM Data Loader
Default Value: No
Specifies whether the load-group size is to be calculated automatically. Set to Yes to enable the optimal load-group size
to be calculated based on the number of objects to process and the available concurrent threads. When Enable Load
Group Size Calculation is Yes, the Load Group Size parameter doesn't appear on the Schedule Request page. Also, the
default value of the Load Group Size parameter is ignored.
Specifies whether messages on the Import and Load Data page are to appear in the language of the signed-in user. Set
to Yes to enable translated messages. If this parameter is set to No, then messages appear in the language of the user
who submitted the import and load request.
Default Value: No
Specifies one of three options for generating Business Object Mapping Files. The mapping file describes the HCM Data
Loader shape, and you can import this into Oracle Integration Cloud to define transformation and mappings rules.
The default value of No means you haven't enabled the option to generate mapping files.
The Custom only value lets you generate mapping files for business object dat files you upload to HCM Data Loader.
Only the attributes included in the uploaded file will be included in the mapping file. Under the Parameters section,
select the Generate Objects Mapping File feature. Refresh the Business Objects task bar until the Download Mapping
File link activates and then you can retrieve the map.
A parameter value of Yes lets you request a mapping file from the Import and Load Data interface, just like Custom only.
In addition, on the View Business Objects page, you can Refresh an individual object and it will automatically generate a
mapping file for you. Refresh the page until Last Refreshed indicates today's date. Download the mapping file using the
link under Integration Mapping File.
Default Value: No
Key value supplied by Oracle Support to enable the Purge Person Data in Test Environments process.
Specifies whether incremental load events are enabled when bulk-loading data.
Default Value: No
Note: You can't override the default value for the enterprise. You can include a SET instruction in individual .dat files
to enable incremental load events for the objects in the files.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 3
HCM Data Loader Preparing to Use HCM Data Loader
Determines whether an error is raised when loading descriptive flexfield data, a mandatory segment is without a value,
and no default is configured.
Default Value: No
Determines whether users with a role granted with the Load HCM Security Data function security privilege can bulk-
load data using security related objects. When set to Yes, only users with a role that is granted the Load HCM Security
Data function security privilege will be able to bulk-load data using security related objects, such as User and Delegated
Role. When set to No, users that aren't granted the Load HCM Security Data function security privilege will encounter
warnings when loading security-related data, but the uploads will continue.
Note: Once you enable this feature you can't disable it later. This functionality will be enabled by default in a future
For more information, refer How You Enable Access to HCM Data Loader.
Diagnostics Parameters
Complex Error Stack Trace Occurrences by Thread
Maximum number of complex error message occurrences on a processing thread for which stack trace is recorded.
Default Value: 5
Maximum number of data error message occurrences on a processing thread for which stack trace is recorded.
Default Value: 2
For data loads initiated by web service, specifies whether the Oracle WebCenter Content document title or the .zip file
name is used as the data set name.
File Delimiter
A value of up to 10 characters used to separate attribute names on METADATA lines and attribute values on data lines.
File Encryption
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 3
HCM Data Loader Preparing to Use HCM Data Loader
A value of up to 10 characters used to indicate that the next character is to be ignored on data lines.
A value of up to 10 characters used to indicate a new line in an attribute value. This value must be preceded by the file
escape indicator.
Default Value: n
Flexfields Enabled
Specifies whether audit data is to be purged automatically for objects successfully updated or deleted.
Default Value: No
Note: You can't override the default value for the enterprise. You can include a SET instruction in individual .dat files
to purge audit data for the objects in the files.
Performance Parameters
Days to Preserve Standard Data Sets Before Archiving
Number of days since a standard data set was last updated before it can be automatically archived. Data sets are only
archived if the number of stage table lines exceed the configured limit.
Default Value: 5
The number of days since a standard data set was last updated before it's automatically and permanently deleted from
the stage tables.
Default Value: 30
Number of days since an extended retention data set was last updated before it’s automatically deleted from the stage
tables. Only data sets that contain data which can be validated or rolled back can be retained for extended periods.
Default Value: 60
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 3
HCM Data Loader Preparing to Use HCM Data Loader
Maximum number of threads to run concurrently when importing data to the stage tables.
You can set this parameter separately for HCM Data Loader and HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader.
Default Value: 8
Maximum number of threads to run concurrently when loading data from the stage tables to the application tables.
This parameter is used in conjunction with the Load Group Size parameter. Only the threads required to load your
objects based on the Load Group Size parameter are created.
Default Value: 8
The number of data lines that can be held in the stage tables before data sets are automatically backed up.
Specifies whether future-dated records should be purged when date-effective objects are loaded.
You can set this parameter separately for HCM Data Loader and HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader.
Specifies whether to delete source files from the Oracle WebCenter Content server once they have been processed.
This parameter is read-only. You can disable individual postload processes by including a SET instruction in the relevant
Worker.dat or Position.dat file.
File Action
Import and load means that valid objects are loaded automatically once import completes. Import only means that
your data is imported to the stage tables, but load isn't initiated.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 3
HCM Data Loader Preparing to Use HCM Data Loader
Specifies whether processes registered to run automatically after an object is loaded should run.
You can set this parameter separately for HCM Data Loader and HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader.
Percentage of file lines in error that can occur in a business object before the import process stops for the object.
Percentage of business-object instances in error that can occur for a business object before the load process stops.
You can set this parameter separately for HCM Data Loader and HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader.
Specifies whether the full-time equivalent (FTE) value should be calculated automatically for all worker assignments in a
Worker.dat file.
Default Value: No
Specifies whether a default working-hour pattern should be created automatically for all worker assignments in a
Worker.dat file.
Default Value: No
Determines whether life events should be evaluated when loading Participant Enrollment data.
Default Value: No
Note: You can override the value of this parameter using the Configure HCM Data Loader task in the Setup and
Maintenance work area.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 3
HCM Data Loader Preparing to Use HCM Data Loader
You can set this parameter separately for HCM Data Loader, HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader and HCM Spreadsheet Data
Loader templates.
Note: You can override the value of this parameter using the Configure HCM Data Loader task in the Setup and
Maintenance work area.
Related Topics
• The SET Instruction
Changes made using the Configure HCM Data Loader task will now be audited.
You may have performed this step during implementation of Oracle HCM Cloud. This topic identifies how you define
these referenced objects.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 3
HCM Data Loader Preparing to Use HCM Data Loader
This table identifies the main objects of this type. It lists the tasks that you use to manage them and the functional area
to which each task belongs in the Setup and Maintenance work area.
Application Reference Data Set Enterprise Profile Manage Reference Data Sets
Foreign-Object References
When you refer to these objects from objects that you're loading, you use their user keys. (Alternatively, you can use
their surrogate IDs, if available.) HCM Data Loader provides business-object documentation for all supported objects.
This documentation identifies the user key that you can use for foreign-object references. For example, the Position
object includes a reference to the Business Unit object, which isn't integration enabled. The position documentation
identifies the business-unit name as its user key. Therefore, when loading a Position object, you can refer to the
associated business unit using the business-unit name. To see the supplied documentation for a business object, click
the object name on the View Business Objects page.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 3
HCM Data Loader Preparing to Use HCM Data Loader
In some cases, you can edit or remove predefined values. In Oracle HCM Cloud, lists of values are defined as lookup
types. You're recommended to review the predefined lookup types and make any updates before you attempt to load
data that uses them. You may have completed this process during implementation of Oracle HCM Cloud.
• Address types
• Contact relationships
• Ethnicity
• Highest education level
• Honors
• Marital status
• Military rank
• Phone types
• Religion
Ensure that the defined lookup values support the data that you're planning to load.
Related Topics
• Overview of Lookups
You must have the Application Implementation Consultant or Human Capital Management Application Administrator
job role or privileges to perform this task.
Use the Manage Common Lookups task in the Setup and Maintenance work area. Follow these steps:
1. On the Manage Common Lookups page, search for the lookup type HRC_SOURCE_SYSTEM_OWNER.
2. In the search results, select the lookup type to display its lookup codes.
3. In the Lookup Codes section of the page, click the New icon to add a lookup-code row.
4. Complete the fields in the row. Ensure that the new code is enabled and the dates are valid for the data that
you're loading.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for additional source-system owner values.
6. Click Save and Close.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 3
HCM Data Loader Preparing to Use HCM Data Loader
Related Topics
• Source Keys
How You Test the HCM Data Loader Process Flow and
In a new environment, you may want to test HCM Data Loader end-to-end processing without creating unwanted data.
Once you're sure that HCM Data Loader processing and connections are working as expected, you can load your own
data with confidence.
This topic describes how to test HCM Data Loader end-to-end processing.
When you submit the Test HCM Data Loader Process Flow and Connections process, set the Action parameter to
Test HCM Data Loader. The process:
Note: Although an Example Object Translation object exists, no translation data is generated when you run the Test
HCM Data Loader Process Flow and Connections process.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 3
HCM Data Loader Preparing to Use HCM Data Loader
This topic describes how to enable and manage audit for bulk-loaded objects.
Tip: Enable audit only for incremental updates and not during data migration.
1. Perform the Manage Audit Policies task in the Setup and Maintenance work area to select objects and their
attributes for audit.
2. Enable auditing in general on the Manage Audit Policies page.
3. Enable auditing of bulk-loaded data, either for the enterprise or in individual .dat files and spreadsheet
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 3
HCM Data Loader Preparing to Use HCM Data Loader
In spreadsheet templates, you can set the Purge Audit Data parameter to Yes. These instructions purge the audit data
for the business objects in the .dat file or spreadsheet.
Restrictions exist on enabling audit and purging data at the same time. You can't include both of the following SET
instructions in a single .dat file:
Similarly, you can't include both of the following parameter values in a spreadsheet template:
Parameter Value
To purge audit data when auditing is enabled for the enterprise, you must disable audit in the same .dat file or
spreadsheet template. That is, you must do one of the following:
Related Topics
• Set Spreadsheet Template Parameters
• Enable Audit for Oracle HCM Cloud Business Objects
• The SET Instruction
• HCM Data Loader Configuration Parameters
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 3
HCM Data Loader Preparing to Use HCM Data Loader
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
HCM Data Loader Data Preparation
4 Data Preparation
• Ensure that a manager is identified for every worker and that the information is accurate.
• For jobs and positions, ensure that correct job codes and titles exist in the source systems.
• For worker history, establish the accuracy of any historical data. Understand whether all historical data must be
uploaded or just key events, such as hire, promotion, and termination.
Preparing the source data in this way minimizes the problems that can occur when you upload data to Oracle HCM
Cloud. It also makes it less likely that you load inaccurate data to the new environment.
1. Open the View Business Objects page in the Data Exchange work area.
2. Search for the object by entering its name in the Business Object query-by-example field and pressing Enter.
3. Click the object name to open the Business Object Details page for the object. This page provides
comprehensive information about the object's structure and attributes.
You must also define the transformation logic and build extraction routines. You can use tools that are native to the
source system, such as PL/SQL in Oracle E-Business Suite or SQR in Oracle PeopleSoft. Alternatively, you can use an
Extract, Transform, and Load tool, such as Oracle Data Integrator or PowerCenter Informatica.
You can download the Data File Validator tool from the My Oracle Support document, Data File Validator Tool for HCM
Data Loader (document ID 2022617.1).
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
HCM Data Loader Data Preparation
Related Topics
Unchanged Attributes
When you update existing data in Oracle HCM Cloud, you supply:
Any attributes that you omit retain their current values. For performance reasons, you're recommended not to include
attributes that haven't changed.
Note: For date-effective records, all attributes that you supply are updated for the specified date range.
Lookup-Validated Attributes
For nonflexfield attributes that are defined in Oracle HCM Cloud as lookup types, you can specify either the lookup code
or its meaning. For example, you can specify the sex of a person using either the lookup codes or the lookup meanings
shown in this table.
M Male
F Female
You're recommended to use the lookup code, as the lookup meaning can be translated. The language of the lookup
meaning must match the language of the user who's uploading the data.
Different rules apply to flexfield attributes that are defined as lookup types.
Note: You're recommended to use the lookup code, as you must supply the lookup meaning in the language
configured for the FUSION_APPS_HCM_ESS_LOADER_APPID elevated user, which may differ from language of the
session user.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
HCM Data Loader Data Preparation
Numeric Values
For numeric values, only the decimal separator is supported. Don't include currency symbols, scientific notation, or
thousands separators. To set an existing numeric value to null, supply the #NULL token as the attribute value.
To set an existing date or time value to null, supply the #NULL token as the attribute value.
Related Topics
• Guidelines for Loading Flexfield Data
Instead of supplying the data directly in the data (.dat) file, you supply it in a separate file. You supply the name of this
file as the value of the relevant attribute in the data file.
This example shows a data file for the Document Attachment component. The File attribute references a text
attachment file in each MERGE line.
MERGE|DocumentAttachment|Drivers License|file01.txt|23901|...
MERGE|DocumentAttachment|Drivers License|file02.txt|64235|...
This approach is used because data for these data types can be very large. Also, data to be loaded directly rather than
by attachment may need new-line characters, making it complex to include in the business-object data file.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
HCM Data Loader Data Preparation
The business-object documentation specifies the data types of all attributes. For example, the File attribute of the
Document Attachment component has the BLOB data type. Therefore, you place referenced files in the BlobFiles folder,
For example, you can identify the parent record of a child component using a source key. You can't use source keys for
foreign-object references if you aren't also using a source key for the local record.
This topic describes how to supply source keys for both local records and foreign-object references. It also describes
how default source keys are constructed.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
HCM Data Loader Data Preparation
Note: You can use source keys for foreign objects only if those objects are integration-enabled. The integrated
business-object documentation identifies which objects are integration enabled.
If your foreign-object has a different source system owner for the local record, you must also supply the source
system owner of the foreign-object reference. To do this, you append the hint (SourceSystemOwner)to the surrogate ID
attribute for the foreign object. This example extends the example above and shows how to identify a Job object in an
assignment record, where the source system owner for the Job and Assignment are different.
EffectiveStartDate|EffectiveEndDate MERGE|Assignment|234234|EBS-UK|12349|VISION|2013/01/01|4712/12/31
Related Topics
• Source Keys
• Define the Source-System Owner
• How You Update Source Keys
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
HCM Data Loader Data Preparation
You can use the source key to refer to the object both when maintaining it and when referring to it from another object.
If you specify no source key, then a default source key is generated. You can update both default and locally defined
source keys for integration-enabled objects. This topic describes how to update source keys.
This example SourceKey.dat file updates the source key for a person address that's identified by its existing source
key. The BusinessObject and Component attributes are used to identify the type of record being updated. For both
attribute values, you supply the relevant file discriminator.
The user-key attributes are required when you create a record. They're also required when you update it, unless you
supply a different key type to identify the record uniquely. This topic describes how to use user keys to identify local
records and refer to foreign objects. It also describes how changes to user-key values affect their usefulness as keys.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
HCM Data Loader Data Preparation
Related Topics
• User Keys
• Sources of Business-Object Information
The integrated business-object documentation identifies the surrogate ID attribute for all business-object components
and foreign-object references. This topic describes how to use surrogate IDs to identify local records and provide
foreign-object references.
Note: Oracle HCM Cloud customers are unlikely to have access to the Oracle Fusion surrogate ID.
Related Topics
• Oracle Fusion GUIDs and Surrogate IDs
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
HCM Data Loader Data Preparation
You can use GUIDs for foreign objects only if they're integration enabled. The integrated business-object documentation
identifies which foreign objects are integration enabled.
Related Topics
• Oracle Fusion GUIDs and Surrogate IDs
This topic explains how to use the reserved characters in data that you're uploading. It also explains how to override the
default reserved characters.
To include the newline (n) and vertical bar (|) characters in attribute values, you precede them immediately with the
escape character (backslash \). For example:
MERGE|Address|The Stables\|Main Allan
This entry enables the vertical bar to appear in the attribute value for address line 1:
To include the newline character in a value, you specify \n. For example:
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
HCM Data Loader Data Preparation
MERGE|Address|The Stables\nMain Allan
The Stables
Main Allan
The new value can be up to 10 characters. For example, you could set the newline character to newline and the file
delimiter to comma (,) using the following SET commands:
Tip: You can also override the reserved characters for the enterprise by setting relevant configuration parameters. For
example, set the File Delimiter configuration parameter to override the default file delimiter for the enterprise.
Related Topics
• The SET Instruction
You specify the character set of the data file by naming any Java-supported character set on the File Character Set
configuration parameter. The default character set is UTF-8.
1. You create the object by loading the base-language version. At this stage, translation records are created for all
enabled languages, but they hold base-language versions of any translatable values. For example, if US English
is your base language, then translation records hold US English versions of translatable values.
2. You load the translated values as corrections to the base-language object. To perform this step, you use data-
file templates that are provided specifically for translation. One translation data-file template is provided for
each business-object component that includes translatable values.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
HCM Data Loader Data Preparation
For example, you may create the Sales Manager job in an environment where US English is the base language. If French,
German, and Spanish are also enabled, then the object is created as shown in this table.
Once this object exists, you can load a single translation data file (JobTranslation.dat) to correct the French, German,
and Spanish versions of the job name. Alternatively, you can load a translation file for each language if you prefer. You
can deliver translation files either in the same .zip file as the original object or separately. However, you can't deliver
them before the base-language object exists.
This requirement exists to ensure that the effective dates of the base-language and translation objects remain the
You can't delete translation objects in isolation. Translation objects are deleted automatically when you delete the
associated object. For example, when you delete a Job Family object any associated translation objects are deleted
Translation-File Discriminators
Unique file discriminators exist for the translation files and are identified in relevant files. For example, the file
discriminator for the file JobTranslation.dat is JobTranslation.
This example shows a Job.dat file followed by the associated JobTranslation.dat file.
MERGE|Job|EBS-UK|JB2ACC44|2010/01/01|2014/04/04|ACADM|Accounts Administrator|A
MERGE|Job|EBS-UK|JB2ACC44|2014/04/05|4712/12/31|ACADM|Accounts Clerk|A
MERGE|JobTranslation|EBS-UK|JB2ACC44|2010/01/01|2014/04/04|ES|Administrador de Cuentas
MERGE|JobTranslation|EBS-UK|JB2ACC44|2014/04/05|4712/12/31|ES|Cuentas Clerk
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
HCM Data Loader Data Preparation
Related Topics
• HCM Data Loader Configuration Parameters
They enable you to record reference data for the file line, which could include values already supplied on the file line
or within the object, or source-system information, such as the database-table name, column names, and attribute
values from the source system. The Object Status page within the Import and Load Data interface, displays the
reference values supplied against the top-level record in your object. Navigate to Object Details page to view the
reference information supplied against each file line that constructs your object. You can create OTBI reports to include
these values using the HCM Integrations Real Time subject area. The reference names and values are available in the
Imported Objects sub-folder within the HCM Data Loader folder.
For example, when loading element entries, you may want to filter and reconcile by the assignment number, element
name and amount. You can supply these values against the ElementEntry record, even though the amount is loaded
using the ElementEntryValue record type. This would then allow you to filter by the assignment number and element
name, to check the status of the element entry, while reviewing the amount specified for the element entry.
You aren't restricted as to the values you supply, there is no validation of these attributes. The data supplied to them in
held only the staging tables, it is not saved to the application tables.
References are optional. This topic describes how to construct reference attributes, which are made up of a name and a
Reference Names
You specify reference context and column names in the METADATA line. To specify a source-system database-table
name or reference context, you add the following entry to the METADATA line:
SourceRefTableName=<table name>
You can specify up to 10 reference column names in the same METADATA line using the SourceRef001 to SourceRef010
Reference attributes can appear anywhere in the METADATA line after the instruction and discriminator values.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
HCM Data Loader Data Preparation
Reference Values
Supply the reference values on each data line, ensuring that they appear in the order specified on the METADATA line.
In data lines, you must leave the SourceRefTableName attribute blank. This value appears in the METADATA definition
only. For example:
Related Topics
• How You Review and Correct Errors
Tip: As you can't recover a deleted object, try to correct your data instead of deleting and recreating it.
When you delete a parent object, its child components and any translation objects are also deleted. For example, to
delete a Grade object and its child components, you create a DELETE instruction for the Grade discriminator. To delete
only a Grade Rate Value child component, you create a DELETE instruction for the GradeRateValue discriminator.
Note: Before you delete an object, ensure that other business objects don't refer to it.
For information about whether you can delete a component, see the business-object details on the View Business
Objects page in the Data Exchange work area.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
HCM Data Loader Data Preparation
DELETE Instructions
To delete an object, include the DELETE instruction in the relevant data file. For example, you could delete a Job Family
object by including these lines in the JobFamily.dat file:
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
HCM Data Loader Data Preparation
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 5
HCM Data Loader Loading Date-Effective Data
You can load date-effective objects and their date-effective history using HCM Data Loader. This topic provides some
general rules about loading date-effective objects.
Attribute Description
EffectiveStartDate The start date for the attribute values. This value is required for all date-effective records.
EffectiveEndDate The end date for the attribute values. If you leave this value blank, then the date-effective record
continues by default to the end of time.
EffectiveSequence When multiple changes per day occur, this attribute identifies their order.
EffectiveLatestChange For objects with multiple changes per day, this attribute identifies the latest record for the effective
start date.
Note: Leaving an attribute value blank doesn't set the attribute to null. To change a value to null, you must supply the
#NULL token as the attribute value.
Key Values
HCM Data Loader groups records into logical objects, where a logical object is one occurrence of the business object,
such as a Worker. The records belonging to a logical object are identified by the unique key for the component.
Therefore, the key value must be the same throughout the date-effective history. You can use any of the four key types.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 5
HCM Data Loader Loading Date-Effective Data
• Include the SET PURGE_FUTURE_CHANGES Y instruction at the start of the data file. This instruction sets the HCM
Data Loader date-effective maintenance mode to Replace. In this mode, which is the default, the contents of
the data file replace any existing data.
• If you're including object history, then supply the #NULL token for all attributes that must have null values.
• Include the SET PURGE_FUTURE_CHANGES N instruction at the start of the data file. This instruction sets the HCM
Data Loader date-effective maintenance mode to Retain. In this mode, existing future-dated changes are
retained. If you don't include this instruction, then any existing future-dated changes for the date range of your
updates are purged.
• Always supply the effective start date of each change. The effective end date is optional. However, you must set
the effective end date to #RETAIN if you don't want to correct any future-dated records. Leave the effective end
date null if you want a change to apply until the end of time.
Note: When you update date-effective objects, the values that you supply are applied to every record in the specified
date-range. However, some attributes, such as ActionCode, are protected from update.
Related Topics
• How You Load Objects with Multiple Changes per Day
• Options for Updating Date-Effective Objects with Future-Dated Records
• Options for Carrying Forward Changed Attribute Values in Retain Mode
• Examples of Changing First Effective Start Date and Last Effective End Date
However, for some objects, such as Assignment, a record exists for each update in a day. Such objects include an
effective sequence number to show the update order. Changes are cumulative, and the record with the highest effective
sequence number is available to transactions for that date. This topic describes how to load and maintain objects that
support multiple changes per day.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 5
HCM Data Loader Loading Date-Effective Data
Note: Don't leave EffectiveSequence blank when you're loading multiple changes for a single day. Without this
information, the order in which records with the same effective start date are processed is undefined.
To correct an existing record, you must supply the existing values for these attributes to identify the record correctly:
For example:
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 5
HCM Data Loader Loading Date-Effective Data
Note: Don't leave EffectiveSequence blank when you're loading multiple changes for a single day. Without this
information, the order in which records with the same effective start date are processed is undefined. However to
leave the EffectiveSequence blank, ensure that you include the SET PURGE_FUTURE_CHANGES N instruction in
the data file. For more information on this instruction, refer Example of Retaining Attribute Values in Future-Dated
Records. Additionally, for details on supplying values when updating Date-effective objects, refer Updating Date-
Effective Objects.
Such records are known as future-dated records. This topic describes how updates to future-dated records are
processed in each of the maintenance modes. It also shows how to set the maintenance mode.
Effective Start Effective End Job Code Job Name Regular Full Part Time Active Status
Date Date Temporary
If you update the object specifying an effective start date of 2011/01/01, then a new date-effective record is generated
for 2011/01/01. This update changes the effective end date of the 2010/06/08 record. It also affects both the 2012/01/10
and 2012/03/04 records. The exact effect on these existing future-dated records depends on:
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 5
HCM Data Loader Loading Date-Effective Data
Leaving the effective end date blank or
setting it to 4712/12/31 has the same effect
as specifying the #ALL token. However, you
must use the #ALL token to carry forward
changes for objects that have a specific end
Retain Specific date other than 4712/12/31 Changed attribute values are carried forward
to future-dated records until the specified end
date. All existing records are retained.
Retain mode is recommended when you're applying an incremental update to an existing record. Replace mode, which
is the default mode, is useful during data migration, when you're uploading the complete data for a record.
Note: Replace mode may have unexpected consequences if you upload less than the complete data for a record.
In both modes:
• A new date-effective record is generated for the object if you specify an effective start or end date for which no
date-effective record currently exists.
• Only the attributes for which you supply values are updated.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 5
HCM Data Loader Loading Date-Effective Data
If you include neither of these SET commands in a data file, then the default mode is Replace. The default mode can be
overridden for the enterprise using the Date-Effective Update Mode configuration parameter.
Related Topics
• Example of Retaining Attribute Values in Future-Dated Records
• Options for Carrying Forward Changed Attribute Values in Retain Mode
• Example of Replacing Attribute Values in Future-Dated Records
This token ensures that your changes take effect from the supplied effective start date to the start of the next record. If
no future-dated records exist, then your changes apply until the end date of the record. This topic provides an example
showing the effects of Retain mode.
Effective Start Effective Effective End Action Code Job Code Grade Location Hours
Date Sequence Date
To change the working hours to 37.5 from 2012/01/10 without affecting future-dated records, you use this data file:
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 5
HCM Data Loader Loading Date-Effective Data
Effective Start Effective Effective End Action Code Job Code Grade Location Hours
Date Sequence Date
Attributes in records with effective start dates after 2012/01/10 retain their current values.
Note: As recommended, the data file includes no effective sequence number. Therefore, the next available number in
the sequence is allocated automatically.
Related Topics
• Options for Updating Date-Effective Objects with Future-Dated Records
• Options for Carrying Forward Changed Attribute Values in Retain Mode
This topic describes how to achieve each outcome and what to consider when deciding how to proceed.
Effective Start Effective End Job Code Job Name Regular Full Part Time Active Status
Date Date Temporary
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 5
HCM Data Loader Loading Date-Effective Data
Effective Start Effective End Job Code Job Name Regular Full Part Time Active Status
Date Date Temporary
To change the Regular Temporary value from T to R for the period from 2011/03/04 to 2014/04/04, you include these
instructions in the .dat file:
Effective Start Effective End Job Code Job Name Regular Full Part Time Active Status
Date Date Temporary
A new date-effective record is created for both the start and end dates of the change. The Regular Temporary attribute
is updated for the specified period. All other attributes keep their existing values.
For example, you want to make these changes to the Job object:
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 5
HCM Data Loader Loading Date-Effective Data
Effective Start Effective End Job Code Job Name Regular Full Part Time Active Status
Date Date Temporary
You can achieve the same result by leaving the effective end date in the .dat file blank or setting it explicitly to
4712/12/31. However, you must use the #ALL tag for any object that has an explicit end-date.
Related Topics
• Options for Updating Date-Effective Objects with Future-Dated Records
• Example of Retaining Attribute Values in Future-Dated Records
Replace mode is the default maintenance mode. However, you can use this SET command to select Replace mode
explicitly and record the setting in the .dat file:
Effective Start Effective Effective End Action Code Job Grade Location Normal Hours
Date Sequence Date
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 5
HCM Data Loader Loading Date-Effective Data
Effective Start Effective Effective End Action Code Job Grade Location Normal Hours
Date Sequence Date
To update the working hours to 37.5 from 2012/01/10 in Replace mode, you create the following data file:
Effective Start Effective Effective End Action Code Job Grade Location Normal Hours
Date Sequence Date
In Replace mode, records with effective start dates that are later than the effective start date of the update are purged.
Attribute values that predate the change and for which you supply no values in the data file appear in the new record.
This update isn't reversible.
CAUTION: You're recommended to supply values for all attributes that currently exist on the object when updating in
Replace mode. In this example, you could have provided values for job, grade, and location. As you didn't supply those
values, the values that are current on the effective start date of the update remain in effect.
Related Topics
• Options for Updating Date-Effective Objects with Future-Dated Records
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 5
HCM Data Loader Loading Date-Effective Data
To change an object's first effective start date, you include the ReplaceFirstEffectiveStartDate attribute in the .dat file
and set it to Y. To change an object's last effective end date, you include the ReplaceLastEffectiveEndDate attribute
in the .dat file and set it to Y. You supply the revised dates on the EffectiveStartDate or EffectiveEndDate attribute,
as appropriate. You can make these changes at the same time as other changes. For example, you can change both the
start date of an object and its name.
These restrictions apply to changing first effective start date and last effective end date:
• For some objects, the last effective end date must be 4712/12/31. Any attempt to change this date causes an
• You can't change the first effective start date of the Worker object in this way. Instead, you must use the
NewStartDate attribute.
• When you include the ReplaceLastEffectiveEndDate attribute in a .dat file, you must specify a date value
for the EffectiveEndDate attribute. You must not supply a #RETAIN, #ALL, or #NULL token in place of the
effective end date.
Tip: On the Component Details tab of the Business Object Details page, identify whether you can change a
component's first effective start or last effective end date. For example, in the Date Effectivity section on the
Component Details tab for the Job object, the First start date option is selected. Therefore, you can include the
ReplaceFirstEffectiveStartDate parameter in the .dat file.
Related Topics
• Overview of Loading Date-Effective Objects
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 5
HCM Data Loader Loading Date-Effective Data
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 6
HCM Data Loader Loading Flexfield Data
Configuring Flexfields
Before you generate template files for objects with flexfields, you must configure the flexfields in Oracle HCM Cloud.
After the flexfields are configured, the METADATA lines in generated template files include all attributes that are
required to load the flexfield data. You also see a Flexfield Attributes tab for relevant object components on the Business
Object Details page in the Data Exchange work area.
Flexfield Codes
When loading flexfield data, you must supply the flexfield code in the METADATA line in this format:
FLEX:<flexfield code>
For example, to load data for the job descriptive flexfield, the flexfield code is:
Relevant flexfield codes appear in the generated template file and on the Flexfield Attributes tab for the business object.
Flexfield Attributes
Flexfield attribute names are those that you specify when configuring the flexfield. Both descriptive and extensible
flexfields have one or more contexts. When you include a flexfield attribute name on the METADATA line for an object,
you must also identify the context. You provide a hint value in the following format to identify both the flexfield and the
context to which the attribute belongs:
<flexfield attribute name>(<flexfield code>=<context code>)
For example, for the _MAIN_CONTRACT attribute of the PER_CONTRACT_LEG_DDF descriptive flexfield with the CN
context code, the entry on the METADATA line is:
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 6
HCM Data Loader Loading Flexfield Data
For example, for a configured gender flexfield attribute, you can supply either the lookup code (M or F) or the value
(Male or Female). To supply the value, use the attribute name gender_Display, as shown in this example:
The same is true for flexfield segments validated by table-validated value sets. You can supply either the ID or value. To
supply the value, you must append the suffix _Display to the attribute name in the METADATA line.
Note: You're recommended to use the lookup code or value set ID, as the lookup meaning and value set value can be
translated. The language of the value provided to the _Display attribute must match the language of the user who's
uploading the data. For HCM Data Loader that's the elevated FUSION_APPS_HCM_ESS_LOADER_APPID user, whose
language may differ from language of the session user.
Related Topics
• Generate and Use Template Files
• How You Load Data for Descriptive Flexfields
• How You Load Data for Extensible Flexfields
• Enable Security for Value Sets
• Secure Access to Value Sets
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 6
HCM Data Loader Loading Flexfield Data
object template, the METADATA line automatically includes the flexfield code and attributes for configured descriptive
This example shows the METADATA line for the Job business object with entries for the PER_JOBS_DFF descriptive
The descriptive flexfield attributes can appear anywhere on the line. You don't have to append them at the end.
For example:
On the MERGE line, the context value (US) appears in the same position as the flexfield code (FLEX:PER_JOBS_DFF) on
the METADATA line.
Segment 2 No CN
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 6
HCM Data Loader Loading Flexfield Data
If you update segment 1, which is a global segment, then you must set the context to CN, not Global Data Elements.
Otherwise, the existing contents of segment 2 are set to null.
Related Topics
• Guidelines for Loading Flexfield Data
• Example of Loading Data for Descriptive Flexfields
The PER_CONTRACT_LEG_DDF descriptive flexfield is configured in Oracle HCM Cloud with the context and attribute
values shown in this table. The Hint column shows the resulting hint for each attribute.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 6
HCM Data Loader Loading Flexfield Data
In the generated Worker.dat template file, the Contract METADATA line includes these attribute definitions for the
flexfield attributes:
METADATA|Contract|...|_CONTRACT_GLB(PER_CONTRACT_DF=Global Data Elements) |
As each attribute has a hint that identifies both the descriptive flexfield and the context, you can define attributes for
multiple flexfields on the same METADATA line.
Related Topics
• How You Load Data for Descriptive Flexfields
• Guidelines for Loading Flexfield Data
Category Code
Extensible flexfields have both a flexfield code and a category code. The category code is provided automatically in
generated template files and has the attribute name EFF_CATEGORY_CODE.
This example shows a METADATA line for the JobLegislative extensible flexfield.
This example shows a METADATA line and two MERGE lines for the JobLegislative extensible flexfield:
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 6
HCM Data Loader Loading Flexfield Data
Note: Unlike other components of the business-object hierarchy, extensible flexfields can't be supplied in isolation.
They must be accompanied by a parent record.
You must supply a value for the user-key flexfield-segment attributes when creating an extensible flexfield record.
When updating a multirow extensible-flexfield record, you must supply either the source key or the complete user key,
including the flexfield segments defined as the unique key. You can identify which flexfield segments form the unique
key by reviewing the flexfield-segment configuration on the Manage Extensible Flexfields page. All flexfield segments
for which Unique Key is selected are user-key attributes.
Related Topics
• Guidelines for Loading Flexfield Data
• Example of Loading Data for Extensible Flexfields
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 6
HCM Data Loader Loading Flexfield Data
In the generated Job.dat template file, the JobLegislative METADATA line includes these attribute definitions for the
flexfield attributes:
Related Topics
• Guidelines for Loading Flexfield Data
• How You Load Data for Extensible Flexfields
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 6
HCM Data Loader Loading Flexfield Data
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 7
HCM Data Loader Importing and Loading Data Using HCM Data Loader
This topic summarizes the processing that occurs in each step. It also describes how you specify import and load
• Extracts the business-object data from your .zip file on the Oracle WebCenter Content server and decrypts it, if
the file is encrypted.
• Validates the business-object file name and METADATA definitions and raises any errors.
• Imports records from the data files into the HCM Data Loader stage tables.
• Validates the data against attribute data types and raises any errors.
• Groups the data by local key values to form logical records of related date-effective file lines. For example, all
date-effective file lines supplied for a Job object are grouped into a logical occurrence of a job, such as the
Accountant job.
• Forms logical objects by resolving references to parent components. For example, the logical record for a valid
grade is associated with its parent Job object.
• Records the status of all imported objects. View the status when you click the Total Objects count from the
Import and Load status page.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 7
HCM Data Loader Importing and Loading Data Using HCM Data Loader
Import and load HCM Data Loader imports the contents of the .zip file to the stage tables and calls object services to
load valid logical objects to the application tables.
Import only HCM Data Loader imports the contents of the .zip file to the stage tables but doesn't pass valid logical
objects to the relevant object service. Instead, you perform that step separately on the Import and Load
data page by clicking Submit and selecting the Load action for each business object.
You may want to select Import only when you start to load data so you can fix import errors before attempting to load
objects. Once your data loading is routine, use Import and load to run them both with one job submission.
Tip: You can validate your data file before you load it. Use the Data File Validator tool for HCM Data Loader. For
more information, see Data File Validator Tool for HCM Data Loader (2022617.1) on My Oracle Support at https://
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 7
HCM Data Loader Importing and Loading Data Using HCM Data Loader
This topic provides steps for importing and loading your data interactively on the Import and Load Data page. It also
describes how to load data to the application tables if you imported it separately to the stage tables.
Parameter Description
File Name The name of the file on the WebCenter Content server.
Content ID The WebCenter Content ID for the file on the WebCenter Content server.
File Action The Import only option imports the business object data into the stage tables but doesn't load
it to the application tables. You can start the load process manually from the user interface.
The Import and load option automatically loads to the application tables any business object
that loads successfully to the stage tables.
Maximum Percentage of Import Errors The percentage of file lines in error that can occur in a business object before the import
process stops for the object.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 7
HCM Data Loader Importing and Loading Data Using HCM Data Loader
Parameter Description
Maximum Percentage of Load Errors The percentage of business-object instances in error that can occur for a business object before
the load process stops.
Delete Source File Indicates whether the source file is to be purged from the WebCenter Content server after
Maximum Concurrent Threads for The maximum number of concurrent process threads to use for importing your data set.
Maximum Concurrent Threads for Load The maximum number of concurrent process threads to use for loading your data set.
Load Group Size The number of objects to process at a time on each thread. The record counts are updated only
when processing completes for each group.
This parameter appears on the Schedule Request page only if the Enable Load Group
Size Calculation configuration parameter is set to No. Otherwise, the load-group size is
calculated automatically.
1. In the Data Exchange work area, select Import and Load Data to open the Import and Load Data page.
2. On the Import and Load Data page, click Import File.
In the Import File dialog box, select Oracle WebCenter Content Files. Any files in the hcm/dataloader/import
account that haven't been processed are listed. You can filter the list to reduce it. For example, you can enter the
file creation date.
3. Select your file in the Import File dialog box and click Submit Now to immediately initiate the file processing
4. Alternatively, you can click Review Parameters to review and edit the default values of parameters before
Clicking Review Parameters navigates you the Schedule Request and Parameters sections.
In the Parameters section of the Import and Load Data page, review the parameters, edit them as necessary,
and click Submit.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 7
HCM Data Loader Importing and Loading Data Using HCM Data Loader
1. In the Business Objects table on the Import and Load Data page, select the business object and click Submit.
2. On the Schedule Request page, specify a File Action of Load, review the parameter values, edit them if
necessary, and click Submit.
1. In the Business Objects table on the Import and Load Data page, select the business object to roll back data for
and click Submit.
2. On the Schedule Request page specify a File Action of Roll Back. Review the parameter values, edit them if
necessary, and click Submit.
Note: Review the business object details in the View Business Objects task to determine the objects for which the
support is being rolled back and the level of roll back available.
1. In the Data Exchange work area, select Import and Load Data to open the Import and Load Data page.
2. Click Import File.
3. In the Import File dialog box, select your file, either locally or from the Oracle WebCenter Content server.
4. Click Review Parameters.
5. In the Schedule section, specify Run as Using as schedule and specify the Start Date.
6. Click Submit.
Related Topics
• Example of using HCM Data Loader
Which business object am I loading? Job. The child components of the Job object aren't being loaded. These components are:
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 7
HCM Data Loader Importing and Loading Data Using HCM Data Loader
• Job Evaluation
• Job Extra Information
• Job Legislative Extra Information
• Job Valid Grade
What's the value of the File Action Import only. You have decided to manage the load step separately.
Summary of Tasks
Upload the jobs data by:
Note: You can also download the object definition by clicking the download file icon on the View Business
Objects page for your object. You will need to log in when requested to build the object definition
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 7
HCM Data Loader Importing and Loading Data Using HCM Data Loader
Note: Ensure that the SourceSystemOwner supplied in your file exists in the HRC_SOURCE_SYSTEM_OWNER lookup.
For details, refer How You Supply Source Keys.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 7
HCM Data Loader Importing and Loading Data Using HCM Data Loader
Related Topics
• How You Supply Source Keys
• Import and Load Data
• The SET Instruction
• HCM Data Loader Configuration Parameters
You can:
• Filter the list to show the METADATA lines and the file lines in error for the components of a single business
• Use Query by Example fields to show specific file lines or messages.
When you open the Failed Lines page from the Business Objects table, you see details for the selected object by default.
You can filter the list to show failed lines for different objects from the same data set.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 7
HCM Data Loader Importing and Loading Data Using HCM Data Loader
To correct import errors, you correct the source data before importing and loading it again. You need to add the
corrected data file to a new .zip file. You can't process the existing file again.
1. On the Import and Load Data page, select the Data Set or Business Object for which you want to generate the
failed lines file.
2. On the Schedule Request page, based on the type of file you want to generate, set one of these values in
Use the Failed Lines File column to monitor the progress of the file generation by clicking Refresh. Once the
file download icon appears, click the icon to access the generated file.
The Extract Failed Lines option is not enabled by default. To enable it:
1. Go to Setup and Maintenance > Configure HCM Data Loader and override the default for the Enable File
Generation for Failed File Lines parameter and set it to one of the following:
Accessing the Failed Lines File from the Oracle WebCenter Content Server
When error files are generated, they are encrypted by HCM Data Loader and can only be decrypted when downloading
the file from the Import and Load Data page, as described above.
To enable generated error files to be accessed directly from the Oracle WebCenter Content Server:
1. Go to Setup and Maintenance > Configure HCM Data Loader and override the default for the Enable Oracle
WebCenter Content Access to Error Files parameter and set it to one of the following:
◦ Yes, with no encryption
◦ PGP - Signed encryption
◦ PGP - Unsigned encryption
When you request a generation of the error file, the File Encryption parameter will be available and defaulted to value
selected here.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 7
HCM Data Loader Importing and Loading Data Using HCM Data Loader
Note: When choosing to encrypt the file you will have to specify the encryption verification key.
You can:
• Filter the list to show error details for a specific object in the data set.
• Use Query by Example fields to show specific keys or messages.
When you open the Failed Objects Messages page from the Business Objects table, you see details for the selected
object by default. You can filter the list to show messages for different objects from the same data set.
Reviewing Messages
To review the messages for an import or load failure, click the icon in the Messages column of the Data Sets or Business
Objects table. When you open the Messages page for a data set, you see for each message:
• The process where the message occurred, which can be Import or Load
• The message location
• The message itself, with the number of occurrences of the message
When you click the message link, you open the Message Details page. It provides details of the message with the
information from the Failed Lines or Failed Objects page, as appropriate.
Tip: Messages appear in the session language if the HCM Data Loader configuration parameter Enable UI Message
Translation is set to Yes in your environment.
If you prefer to correct object errors in the source data, then you need to import and load the corrected data again. You
must add the corrected data file to a new .zip file. You can't process the existing file again.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 7
HCM Data Loader Importing and Loading Data Using HCM Data Loader
Related Topics
• Import and Load Data
1. In the Search Results section of the Import and Load Data page, select the data set that you want to stop.
2. Click Refresh to update the status and confirm that the data set is still processing.
3. Click Stop.
Tip: The Stop button is active only if either the import or the load is still in progress.
4. In the Warning dialog box, click Yes to confirm the stop request.
The status of the import or load process that was stopped is updated to Stopped. A large data set may take a few
minutes to stop processing completely. For efficiency in import and load processing, HCM Data Loader checks at
intervals for stop requests.
1. In the Details section of the Import and Load Data page, select the business object that you want to stop
2. Click Refresh to update the status and confirm that the business object is still processing.
3. Click Stop.
4. In the Warning dialog box, click Yes to confirm the stop request.
The status of the import or load process that was stopped is updated to Stopped.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 7
HCM Data Loader Importing and Loading Data Using HCM Data Loader
DOC ID 1664133.1
• The WebCenter Content Document Transfer Utility, a feature-rich Java library that provides content import and
export capabilities
• WebCenter Content Generic SOAP Web Service, which exposes a SOAP web service interface (GenericSoapPort)
that supports various operations, including file upload
Method Description
Several ways exist of running the web service. For example, you can use generated proxy classes.
For more information on using the HCM Data Loader Integration Web Service, see: HCM Data Loader Integration Web
Initiating the HCM Data Loader Data Set Summary Extract Automatically
HCM Extracts is a tool for reporting and outbound integrations. When you use HCM Extracts as part of an integrated
process, you can initiate it automatically from an automated flow. The Payroll Flow Engine is the generic processing
engine that you use for this purpose.
When you save a copy of the predefined HCM Data Loader Data Set Summary extract, you also create a payroll flow of
type Extract. You can initiate this payroll flow using the FlowActionsService, which you use to automate and monitor the
extract. You use the payrollProcessingActionService.fetchExtractOutput method to download the extract output. When
the extract is associated with a BI template, the payroll flow ensures that the BI report is generated and written to the BI
Related Topics
• Overview of HCM Data Loader Extracts
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 7
HCM Data Loader Importing and Loading Data Using HCM Data Loader
Note: You can only download those data sets for which you have the access to view.
While loading data, HCM Data Loader captures the Fusion surrogate ID of all the records successfully created, updated,
and deleted by your data set.
After which, it automatically submits the Update Oracle Search with HCM Data Loader Changes process to maintain
the Oracle Search indexes with the changes made.
You can review the status of this process by clicking Review Processes for your data set in the Import and Load Data
Note: Any records that fail to be bulk-ingested into the Oracle Search indexes will be automatically retried for loading
at an hourly interval.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 7
HCM Data Loader Importing and Loading Data Using HCM Data Loader
Note: It should only be considered when the frequency of loading data for a business object could cause a backlog of
process submissions.
To disable the Update Oracle Search with HCM Data Loader Changes process include the following instruction at the
top of your file:
HCM Data Loader will continue to capture the details needed for the bulk ingestion of Oracle Search indexes despite
disabling the Update Oracle Search with HCM Data Loader Changes process.
You must manually submit the Update Oracle Search with HCM Data Loader Changes process to keep the Oracle
Search Indexes updated.
Note: As the initial ingestion of an index can take many hours, it should not be used if only a few records within the
indexes are impacted by your update.
To disable bulk-ingestion include the following instruction at the top of your file:
It disables the capture of the Fusion surrogate IDs for Oracle Search bulk-ingestion and the automated submission of
the Update Oracle Search with HCM Data Loader Changes process.
To submit the bulk-ingestion process, click Update Oracle Search Indexes within the Import and Load Data task.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 7
HCM Data Loader Importing and Loading Data Using HCM Data Loader
Note: Bulk-Ingestion of Oracle Search Indexes is only available if the Enable/Disable Search Ext Framework
(ORA_FND_SEARCH_EXT_ENABLED) profile is enabled.
Related file lines are grouped to form logical business objects, and some preliminary validation occurs. Errors reported
at this stage are specific to the object itself. The object's dependencies on other objects aren't assessed.
You can monitor object status on the Import and Load Data page. Errors reported at this stage may relate to either the
object itself or its dependencies on other objects.
Click the count to open the Object Status page and review your objects. If the process hasn't finished, refresh the Object
Status page until all imported objects appear.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 7
HCM Data Loader Importing and Loading Data Using HCM Data Loader
How can I view the data in error for a data set or business object?
If your data file import encounters errors, then the Failed Lines and Failed Objects columns on the Import and Load
Data will become active links.
Click the number to open the Failed Lines or Failed Objects page, as appropriate, to see error details. From the Failed
Objects page, you can link to the Object Hierarchy page and correct individual attribute values.
Or, you can click the Messages icon on the Import and Load Data page to open the Messages page. From the Messages
page, you can navigate to error details. For failed objects, you can open the Object Hierarchy page.
You can also fix load errors in the source data and upload the corrected data again. Or, you can correct attribute values
in the Attribute Details dialog box on the Object Hierarchy page for a failed object. In this case, you can resubmit the
load process for corrected objects on the Import and Load Data page.
For information on how to clean up your staging tables, see the Maintaining Stage Tables chapter.
Currently, the enhancement to restrict access to security related objects is disabled, so you can still successfully use
these objects but a warning is raised. You must request access to bulk-load security related data before the functionality
is enabled, after which attempts to bulk-load data for security related objects will fail.
Related Topics
• How You Enable Access to HCM Data Loader
• HCM Data Loader Configuration Parameters
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 7
HCM Data Loader Importing and Loading Data Using HCM Data Loader
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 7
HCM Data Loader Importing and Loading Data Using HCM Data Loader
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 8
HCM Data Loader Initiate File Processing on the Go
You can choose to view specific uploaded files by using the filters on the page. For example, to only view files that failed
to load successfully, use the Status filter. This page displays a subset of the information available on the Import and
Load Data page, but unlike the Import and Load Data, you can access this page from your mobile devices.
On mobile devices, you can initiate the import and load of files that are available on the Oracle WebCenter Content
server, by clicking the Import File action. Like the Import and Load Data page, you can optionally override the default
parameters was submitting a file, refer to Import and Load Data for details of the parameters. You can also access
the Delete Stage Table Data task from the Recent File Load page on your mobile devices. For more information, refer
Maintaining Stage Tables. You can access the other tasks from your desktop browsers using the Actions Menu.
The images show the new mobile user interface for importing and deleting stage table data.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 8
HCM Data Loader Initiate File Processing on the Go
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 9
HCM Data Loader Data Loading Using Spreadsheets
• Rows in the spreadsheet are initially saved to the HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader stage tables
• Stage table data is reformatted to the hierarchical shape supported by HCM Data Loader
• Reformatted stage table data gets saved to the HCM Data Loader staging table
You can find HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader in the Data Exchange work area.
• Create the spreadsheet on the page where you manage the object.
• Load the objects directly to the application tables.
• Correct any errors in the spreadsheet.
In many cases, you can both create and update the object in a spreadsheet.
Single-object spreadsheets are most useful for users such as human resource specialists and benefits specialists,
who are creating objects of a specific type in bulk. You're less likely to use these types of spreadsheet loaders for
This table shows some key objects that you can create in bulk using this type of spreadsheet. It also identifies the page
or tab where you generate the spreadsheet.
Note: Some of these are HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader spreadsheets embedded in the relevant page or tab.
Benefit Enrollment Evaluation and Reporting work area, Enrollment Uploads tab
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 9
HCM Data Loader Data Loading Using Spreadsheets
Postal Code Range and Service Area Manage Postal Code Ranges and Service Areas page
For some objects, such as Benefit Rate and Assignment, you can perform a mass update in a spreadsheet. To update
these objects, you download existing objects to a generated spreadsheet, edit the objects, and upload the changes.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 9
HCM Data Loader Data Loading Using Spreadsheets
Note: Every release of Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications is likely to have a new version of the Oracle ADF Desktop
Integration add-in. When prompted, install the latest version of the add-in.
• For information on the new version, see the relevant What’s New document.
• For information on the upgrade policy for the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration add-in, see Add-In Upgrade
Policy for ADF Desktop Integration: DOC ID 2242879.1.
Note: If you have administrator privileges, you can also install the add-in for all users. For more information, see How
to install the ADF Desktop Integration Add-in for Excel: DOC ID 2681794.1
Related Topics
• Troubleshoot Desktop Integration for Excel
• Guidelines for Using Desktop Integrated Excel Workbooks
• Business User's Guide for ADF Desktop Integration
For more information, see How to use the ADF Desktop Integration Client Health Check Tool (Doc ID 2010222.1) on My
Oracle Support.
If the health check tool doesn't resolve your issue, you can uninstall and reinstall the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration
add-in. For more information, see Information Center: Troubleshooting Oracle ADF Desktop Integration (2012600.2) on
My Oracle Support.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 9
HCM Data Loader Data Loading Using Spreadsheets
2. Select Oracle ADF Desktop Integration Add-In for Excel from the list of programs.
3. Click Uninstall from the toolbar at the top of the program list.
4. When prompted, click Uninstall to remove the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration add-in.
Note: If you have installed the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration add-in on multiple user profiles using the current-user
installer, you must remove it from each user profile.
Related Topics
• Set Up Desktop Integration for Excel
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 10
HCM Data Loader Introduction to HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader
HCM Data Loader is designed for the integration specialist, having access to HCM Data Loader allows the user to
load data for supported objects. HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader is designed with the business user in mind. You can
secure the spreadsheets to implement the data security policies of the spreadsheet user. This topic describes some key
features of data loading from spreadsheets. This information helps you to identify the best approach for your business
Spreadsheet Templates
You must generate the spreadsheet from a spreadsheet template. Some spreadsheet templates are predefined. To
create templates, you can either copy a predefined template and edit it or create a template from scratch.
Tip: You can access Oracle By Example tutorials for HCM Data Loader in the Oracle Learning Library. Search for HCM
Spreadsheet Data Loader to find HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader content.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 10
HCM Data Loader Introduction to HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader
• In specific cases, spreadsheets are the simpler option. For example, to load an element entry for an element
with 5 lines from a .dat file, you supply:
In a spreadsheet, you supply just 1 spreadsheet line where the values are individual columns on the same line.
• You can restrict the job roles that can access a spreadsheet. For example, you can make the spreadsheet to
create new hires available only to the Human Resource Specialist.
Spreadsheet Restrictions
When loading data from a spreadsheet:
• You can't upload data to attributes whose data type is binary large object or character large object, like images
and file attachments.
• HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader doesn't recognize source keys. Therefore, objects that you load from a
spreadsheet have default source keys. To maintain such objects using .dat files, you supply user keys or you can
retrieve the source key values to use, using the Integration Object User Key Map Extract.
• You can't create objects or object components, such as Profile Item, that don't supply user keys. However, you
can update such objects if you define a list of values on the local surrogate ID attribute to identify the record to
• You can't update the values of the user-key attributes if they identify the record to update. Therefore, you're
recommended to define separate spreadsheets for creating and updating objects. In the spreadsheet for
updating an object, you can identify the record to update in one of these ways:
Note: Whether you load data from a spreadsheet or a .dat file, no approval processes exist for loaded objects.
Setup Requirements
All users must set up desktop integration for Microsoft Excel to use HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader.
Related Topics
• HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader Templates
• Set Up Desktop Integration for Excel
• Configure Lists of Values for Attribute Validation
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 10
HCM Data Loader Introduction to HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader
In the first stage, HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader imports the data to the HCM Data Loader stage tables. In the second
stage, HCM Data Loader loads valid business objects to the application tables.
This figure summarizes the process of uploading data using HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader.
1. You use the Run Spreadsheet Data Loader task in the Data Exchange work area to generate a spreadsheet
for a business object from a spreadsheet template directly. You can also access spreadsheet templates directly
from the business objects pages, such as Job, Location, Position.
2. You click Create Data Set in the spreadsheet to create a data set for the data that you want to load.
3. You enter data in the spreadsheet and click Upload. This action imports the spreadsheet data set to the HCM
Data Loader stage tables.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 10
HCM Data Loader Introduction to HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader
4. Some validation occurs in the stage tables. Any import errors are reported in the Progress and Message
columns of the Spreadsheet Line Status section of the spreadsheet when you click Refresh.
Errors at this stage are rare, as the spreadsheet format enforces business-object structure and rules.
5. As each object loads successfully to the stage tables, HCM Data Loader calls the relevant object service to load
the object to the application tables.
6. The object service validates the object. Any errors are reported in the Progress and Message columns of the
Spreadsheet Line Status section of the spreadsheet when you click Refresh.
7. You correct any import or load errors in the spreadsheet and click Upload again. This action imports the
corrected data to the stage tables again.
Tip: You can review the status of an HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader data set on the HCM Data Loader Import and
Load Data page. Search for data sets by file type to list those loaded from spreadsheets.
The Instruction worksheet of the spreadsheet may contain instructions on how to use the spreadsheet, while the
Messages worksheet holds a summary of all import and load messages generated for this data set.
Related Topics
• Upload Data Using HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader
When you run the Test HCM Data Loader Process Flow and Connections process, you set the Action parameter to
Test HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader. The process:
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 10
HCM Data Loader Introduction to HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader
A predefined spreadsheet template is provided for the example object. The generated .csv file is based on this template.
Note: The predefined Human Capital Management Integration Specialist job role also provides access to HCM Data
Loader and other tools which you may not want your users to have access to. You’re encouraged to create custom
roles to grant access to just the tools your users need.
Some other business-user roles inherit HCM the ability to load data using HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader, but these
need to be assigned to pre-configured and custom templates. This topic describes how to enable other roles to:
Tip: You can refer to the Configure Access to HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader (HSDL) tutorial, available in the Oracle
Learning Library.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 10
HCM Data Loader Introduction to HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader
For example, you can select a custom Compensation Administrator job role and assign all compensation
objects to the role. Users who have the job role can create and import spreadsheet templates for all
compensation objects.
• Select a single business object and assign one or more custom roles to it.
For example, you can select the Job object and assign custom Human Resource Specialist and Human Capital
Management Application Administrator job roles to it. Users who have either role can create and import
spreadsheet templates for the Job object.
In both cases, users can't create and import spreadsheet templates for other business objects, unless they have other
custom roles that provide that access.
Tip: When you assign business objects individually, you must assign the translation objects explicitly, if required.
They're not assigned by default with the base object.
• Create, save, and upload data sets from spreadsheets generated from the template.
• View all data sets in spreadsheets generated from the spreadsheet template.
For example, a user with a custom Compensation Administrator job role may create a spreadsheet template named
US Compensation Grades for loading Grade objects. On the Manage Role Access tab of the template, that user selects
a custom Compensation Analyst role and selects the Create, Save, and Upload options. Therefore, any user with the
custom Compensation Analyst job role can:
• Generate spreadsheets for the Grade object from the US Compensation Grades spreadsheet template.
• Create, save, and upload data sets from the generated spreadsheets.
Note: The Role Access tab of the spreadsheet template is enabled only if the Assign Roles to Template field is set to
Enabled. This field appears in the Template Security section of the Define page of the spreadsheet template.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 10
HCM Data Loader Introduction to HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader
• Spreadsheet Templates
• Run Spreadsheet Data Loader
Users who have one of the following job roles can access the Data Exchange work area and perform the Run
Spreadsheet Data Loader task:
• Compensation Analyst
• Compensation Manager
• Human Resource Specialist
• Human Capital Management Application Administrator
• Payroll Manager
• Payroll Administrator
• Payroll Interface Coordinator
• Time and Labor Manager
Other users need access to the same tasks so that they can:
To provide this access, you add relevant privileges to the custom roles that are authorized to use HCM Spreadsheet Data
Loader. You must have the IT Security Manager job role or privileges to perform this task.
Related Topics
• Manage Spreadsheet Business Object Access
• How You Enable Access to HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader Tasks
• How You Associate a User Name with a Data Upload
• How You Enable Administrator Access to HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 10
HCM Data Loader Introduction to HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader
1. On the Spreadsheet Business Object Access page, select the By Role option in the page title.
2. In the Job and Abstract Roles section of the page, enter the name of the role in the Role query-by-example field
and press Enter. For example, enter Compensation Administrator Custom.
3. In the results, select the role.
The Assigned Business Objects section title is updated automatically to include the role name.
4. In the Assigned Business Objects section, select an entry in the Assign menu.
a. Search for and select the business objects in the Search and Select Business Objects dialog box. For
example, search by the Compensation product area and select specific objects.
b. Click Add to add the selected business objects to the role. An entry appears in the Assigned Business
Objects section for each selected business object.
5. If you select Assign All Business Objects in a Product Area, then:
a. Select the product area in the Select Product Area dialog box. For example, select Compensation.
b. Click Add. A single entry appears for all compensation objects in the Assigned Business Objects section.
6. If you select Assign All Business Objects, then a warning message appears. Click Add to close the warning and
continue. A single entry appears for all business objects in the Assigned Business Objects section.
7. Click Save.
Users who have the selected role can now create and import spreadsheet templates for the selected business objects.
1. On the Spreadsheet Business Object Access page, select the By Business Object option in the page title.
2. In the Business Object section of the page, enter the name of the business object in the Business Object
query-by-example field and press Enter. For example, enter Job.
3. In the results, select the business object.
The Assigned Roles section title is updated automatically to include the object name.
4. In the Assigned Roles section, click the Add icon.
5. In the Search and Select Roles dialog box, search for and select one or more roles. For example, select Human
Resource Specialist Custom.
6. Click Add.
An entry appears in the Assigned Roles section for each of the selected roles.
7. Click Save.
Users who have the selected roles can now create and import spreadsheet templates for the selected business object.
Related Topics
• Spreadsheet Business Object Access
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 10
HCM Data Loader Introduction to HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader
• Spreadsheet Templates
• Run Spreadsheet Data Loader
• Delete Spreadsheet Stage Table Data
This topic explains how to give other roles access to these tasks. You must have the IT Security Manager job role or
In addition, if the Manage Data Exchange Work Area (HRC_MANAGE_DATA_EXCHANGE_PRIV) function security privilege isn't
already granted to the role, then you must grant it.
If you want the users of this role to upload data for testing purposes using the Spreadsheet Templates preview
functionality, you should also grant this aggregate privilege:
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 10
HCM Data Loader Introduction to HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader
In addition:
• Roles that are authorized to maintain a spreadsheet template must have the Manage HCM Spreadsheet Data
Loader Templates (ORA_HRC_MANAGE_HSDL_TEMPLATES) aggregate privilege. You authorize a role to maintain a
spreadsheet template on the Manage Role Access tab of the template.
• If the Manage Data Exchange Work Area (HRC_MANAGE_DATA_EXCHANGE_PRIV) function security privilege isn't
already granted to the role, then you must grant it.
In addition, if the Manage Data Exchange Work Area (HRC_MANAGE_DATA_EXCHANGE_PRIV) function security privilege isn't
already granted to the role, then you must grant it.
Related Topics
• Spreadsheet Business Object Access
• Edit Job Role and Abstract Role
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 10
HCM Data Loader Introduction to HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader
For business object templates where the object's application data security isn't extended to HCM Spreadsheet Data
Loader, you won't be able to assign the role access. In such cases, you can create a custom role with this administrator
access to grant data set permissions on all HSDL templates.
However, in order to be able to upload data using the template you should grant this aggregate privilege
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 10
HCM Data Loader Introduction to HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 10
HCM Data Loader Introduction to HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader
5. Select HSDL Template Roles node under HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader in the hierarchy.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 10
HCM Data Loader Introduction to HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader
7. In the Select and Add Audit Attributes dialog, select the following:
a. Roll Back Data Set
b. Save Data Set
c. Upload Data Set
d. View All Data Sets
e. Manage Template
f. Create Data Set
8. Click OK.
9. Click Save.
Related Topics
• How You Audit Objects Loaded by HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 10
HCM Data Loader Introduction to HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader
Related Topics
• How You Audit Objects Loaded in Bulk
• Enable Audit for Oracle HCM Cloud Business Objects
You must grant access to either develop or use HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader templates.
Related Topics
• How You Enable Access to HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader Tasks
• Spreadsheet Business Object Access
In some cases, you may be able to successfully upload the spreadsheet rows without providing a value for the required
attributes. However, you are recommended to provide value for all the required attributes to successfully upload the
spreadsheet rows.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 10
HCM Data Loader Introduction to HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader
Why can't I see the user name of the user who created or last
updated the record?
If the spreadsheet template is configured to upload data as a session user, you can see the user's name in the Created
By or Last Updated By attribute.
On the Design page of a template for deleting objects, only those components that can be deleted appear.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 11
HCM Data Loader HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader Templates
Every spreadsheet generated from the template has the same structure and organization as the template. This topic
describes spreadsheet templates.
Tip: Copy the predefined templates and edit the copies to suit business requirements.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 11
HCM Data Loader HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader Templates
See note.
Inactive Yes No No
Note: You can disable attributes in an active spreadsheet template, but you can't remove them.
To make an active spreadsheet template unavailable to users, you change its status to Inactive. You can't change it back
to Draft.
On the Manage Role Access tab of the template, users who can create and import spreadsheet templates identify roles
that can:
• Create, save, and upload data sets from spreadsheets generated from the template.
• View all data sets in spreadsheets generated from the template.
• Maintain the template.
Note: The Manage Role Access tab is enabled in spreadsheet templates for unsecured objects and objects where the
application data security is available in HSDL. You can't manage role access for templates based on secured objects
where the data security isn't yet available with HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader.
In generated spreadsheets:
• Users see only data sets that they created, unless their role is associated with the spreadsheet template with the
View All option.
• Users can perform the data-set operations that are enabled for their roles.
• Users with the Human Capital Management Integration Specialist job role or a HSDL data set administrator role
can perform all actions and view all data sets.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 11
HCM Data Loader HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader Templates
Set the session language to the target language before editing the spreadsheet template to enter translated text.
Note: By default, column headings are based on the attribute label and column help text is based on the attribute
description. You can overwrite the column headings and help text as per your use case. To allow this customization,
column headings and help text aren't automatically translated for you.
Related Topics
• Create and Edit Spreadsheet Templates
• Export and Import Spreadsheet Templates
• Copy Spreadsheet Templates
• Define Categories for Spreadsheet Templates
• Spreadsheet Business Object Access
1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Manage Common Lookups task.
2. On the Manage Common Lookups page, search for the lookup type ORA_HRC_DL_TEMPLATE_CATEGORY.
3. In the search results, select ORA_HRC_DL_TEMPLATE_CATEGORY to display its lookup codes.
4. Click the New icon to add a row to the lookup codes table.
5. Define the lookup codes for your categories. For example, to create a category for worker templates:
Tip: The Display Sequence value is a number that specifies the position of this category in the list of
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 11
HCM Data Loader HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader Templates
Related Topics
• HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader Templates
1. In the Data Exchange work area, select Spreadsheet Templates to open the Spreadsheet Templates page.
2. Click Create.
3. In the Create Template dialog box:
a. Enter a name for the template. By default, generated spreadsheets have the name of the template with a
date and time stamp.
b. The Code value is generated automatically based on the Name value. You can overwrite the code.
c. Select the business object for which you're creating the template.
Note: If you click Search at the bottom of the business object list, it opens the Search and Select:
Business Object window which provides two free-texts fields for Product Area and Business Object
to support wild card searching.
d. Select a legislative data group (LDG), if appropriate. Typically, the LDG is relevant for Global Payroll
e. Select a value in the Supported Action field. If you select a business object that doesn't support deletion
for any of its components, then Create and update appears by default.
f. Enter a description and select a category, if required.
g. Click OK.
The Define page opens. Some fields contain values that you entered in the Create Template dialog box.
The template is in draft status by default. Spreadsheet users can generate spreadsheets from active
templates only. Leave the template in draft status until it's ready for use.
4. If the spreadsheet template is for an unsecured object, such as Job, or for an object where data security is
supported by HCM Spreadsheet Data loader, then set the Upload Data As value in the Template Security
section. This value determines which user name appears in the object's history. You can't set this value for
secured objects. This step is optional.
5. In the Template Parameters section, set parameter values to apply to all spreadsheets generated from this
template. This step is optional.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 11
HCM Data Loader HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader Templates
1. Add attributes from the Available Attributes panel to the Selected Attributes panel. When you select any
attribute, all attributes that are required to identify the object move automatically to the Selected Attributes
2. Either edit individual attributes, as required, or manage all attributes at once by selecting Advanced Options
for Attribute Definition.
3. When the template design is complete, click the Add Instructions tab to enter instructions, if required.
Otherwise, click the Manage Role Access tab.
4. Reorder the attributes in the Selected Attributes panel to specify the order you require in generated
1. Click Add.
2. In the Create Instruction dialog box, enter a heading and the instruction text.
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 to create additional sections of instruction text, as required. You can reorder and delete
4. Click the Manage Role Access tab. The Manage Role Access page opens.
• Create, save, or upload data sets created in spreadsheets generated from the template.
• View all data sets created in spreadsheets generated from the template.
• Maintain the template.
Note: Manage Role Access actions are enabled only if the Assign Roles to Template field is set to Enabled. Assign
Roles to Template, which is read only, appears in the Template Security section of the Define page. This field is set
automatically based on the object for which the template is defined. It's set to Disabled for secured objects.
1. In the Permitted Data Set Operations section of the Manage Role Access page, click the Add icon.
2. In the Search and Select Roles dialog box, search for and select one or more custom roles and click Add.
The roles appear in the Permitted Data Set Operations section. By default, the selected roles can create and
save data sets. You can select the Upload and View All options for any of the roles, if required.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 11
HCM Data Loader HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader Templates
Tip: The actions that you authorize on the Manage Role Access tab are enabled by default. You can deselect
the Enabled option for any role to disable the role's access temporarily.
3. In the Template Maintenance section of the page, click the Add icon.
4. In the Search and Select Roles dialog box, search for and select one or more custom roles and click Add.
Tip: You can click Preview on any page to generate a sample spreadsheet. However, the spreadsheet shows
only the configuration that you have saved so far.
Only active templates are available on the Run Spreadsheet Data Loader page.
Note: You can only save valid active templates. If your template has validation errors, you must resolve them before
saving. Alternatively, set the status to Draft or Inactive and save without validation.
Related Topics
• HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader Templates
• Spreadsheet Template Design
• Set Spreadsheet Template Parameters
• Spreadsheet Business Object Access
• How You Associate a User Name with a Data Upload
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 11
HCM Data Loader HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader Templates
When you create a spreadsheet template for an object that doesn't use data security in the application, or the
application data security is available for spreadsheet loading:
• You can select either Session User or Elevated User in the Upload Data As field. When you select Session
User, the user name of the signed-in user who uploaded the data appears in the object history. If you select
Elevated User, then the user name is always FUSION_APPS_HCM_ESS_LOADER_APPID. For objects that
don't use data security, or where data security is available for spreadsheet bulk data loading, Upload Data As is
set to Session User by default.
When you create a spreadsheet template for an object that uses data security in the application, but that data security
isn't available yet for spreadsheet loading:
• Upload Data As is set to Elevated User and can't be changed. The user name in object history is always
• It isn't possible to share such templates with other roles. Only users who have an administrator role can upload
data from a spreadsheet for objects that use data security in the application where that data security isn't
available for spreadsheet data loading.
Related Topics
• Create and Edit Spreadsheet Templates
• Spreadsheet Business Object Access
• How You Assign Access to a Spreadsheet Template
• How You Enable Administrator Access to HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 11
HCM Data Loader HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader Templates
1. Open the Define page in the Manage Spreadsheet Templates task flow.
2. In the Template Parameters section, click the Add icon.
3. In the Search Template Parameters dialog box, either enter a parameter name or select a category and click
Search. This table lists the parameters and their categories.
Enabling load events will
significantly increase the time
it takes for your data to load.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 11
HCM Data Loader HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader Templates
Date-Effective Update Mode Scheduling Default When set to Replace, specifies Retain
that the data in spreadsheets
replaces any existing data in
Oracle HCM Cloud. When set
to Retain, specifies that any
existing future-dated changes
are retained.
Initiate Business Object Post Scheduling Default Specifies whether to run Yes
Processing processes that are configured
to run automatically after the
object is loaded.
Oracle Search Index Update Scheduling Default Determines how changes are Bulk ingestion
Mode ingested by the Oracle Search
4. In the search results, select a parameter and click OK. The selected parameter appears in the Template
Parameters section.
5. Enter or select a value for the parameter, as appropriate.
6. Repeat from step 2 for additional parameters.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 11
HCM Data Loader HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader Templates
7. Either click Save and Close or select a different page in the task flow.
You can set parameters to support each template's use case. For example, you can set Date-Effective Update Mode to:
Tip: You can set spreadsheet parameter values for the enterprise on the HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader Parameters
tab of the Configure HCM Data Loader page.
Related Topics
• HCM Data Loader Configuration Parameters
Note: On occasion, you may see two attributes with the same name in the Available Attributes panel. Typically, this
duplication occurs for foreign object references. It enables you to choose between entering free text and selecting a
value from an LOV. The icons that precede each name show the attribute type.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 11
HCM Data Loader HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader Templates
• Create Note attributes. Use Note attributes to return values from a list of values for information only. For
example, you may have a list of values for the PersonNumber attribute that returns the person number to
this attribute. It can also return the person's last and first names in the Note column. You can make the Note
column read-only, and multiple Note columns can have values returned from the same list of values. Data
in Note columns isn't passed to the application but can be used in the data set for information purposes or
coordination of multiple contributors.
You can also use Note attributes to communicate information that doesn't need to be uploaded. For example,
the Human Resources Specialist may have submitted overtime information in a spreadsheet for the Payroll
Administrator to action.
• Change the attribute order. After you determine if any attributes are hidden, click the Reorder icon to open the
Reorder Attributes dialog box.
• Duplicate a component. This option exists for components that can appear more than once in an object, such
as Person Phone or Location Legislative Extra Information.
Tip: Edit the selected attributes of the component before creating additional instances.
Note: You can only duplicate components present at the bottom of the object hierarchy with no child
When you add an attribute to the Selected Attribute panel, some of the following attributes are automatically added for
• Attributes that are used to uniquely identify the record you've selected an attribute from.
• Attributes that uniquely identify the parent record when you select an attribute from a child object.
• Attributes from the parent record if you duplicate the selected attributes for a child object or include attributes
from a different child object.
Note: It's important to include attributes from the parent object when supplying data to different child objects, or
duplicated child objects. The parent record groups all the related data and ensures the spreadsheet row is loaded
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 11
HCM Data Loader HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader Templates
Advanced Settings
To manage all attributes at once, click the Advanced Options for Attribute Definition icon. On the Advanced Options
for Attribute Definition page, you can manage:
Related Topics
• Create and Edit Spreadsheet Templates
• How You Configure Default Values for Spreadsheet Attributes
• Configure Lists of Values for Attribute Validation
Supported Actions
Depending on the business object, you can use HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader to either create and update or
delete object components. You can design a single spreadsheet for both creating and updating an object. However,
spreadsheet templates that support a single action are better for users and easier for you to manage. For example:
• In templates for creating objects, you can mark as required all attributes that must be supplied for new objects.
Typically, the same attributes aren't required when updating objects, so you can mark different attributes as
required in templates for updating objects.
Tip: To mark an attribute as required, edit the attribute in the Selected Attributes panel on the Design page
and select Required.
• In templates for updating objects, you can configure lists of values to identify records to update.
Lists of Values
For many attributes, you can ensure that users enter only valid data by providing choice lists and searchable lists of
values. Some attributes have lists of values by default. In particular:
• Some lookup-validated attributes are automatically configured with choice lists. A list of values is displayed
when the user clicks in the cell.
• To reference a foreign object from your template, you can include the Oracle Fusion Surrogate ID attribute.
Attributes like this are automatically configured with searchable lists of values, and the selected attribute is
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 11
HCM Data Loader HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader Templates
returned to the spreadsheet. While a surrogate ID itself may not be meaningful, you can also configure your
own lists of values for attributes included in a spreadsheet. These attributes can be validated using a lookup
type, value set, or view object.
For example, you can return additional values to other attributes, such as Person Number, instead of just
returning the person ID. You can also copy the list of values configuration to another attribute that is typically
used to identify a record, such as the Name or Number identifier. You configure the list of values to return the
recognizable number.
Tip: Attributes with lists of values have the List of values icon before their names in the Available Attributes panel of
the spreadsheet template.
Default Values
You can configure default values for attributes in spreadsheet templates. You may want to exclude attributes with
default values so that you can enforce their values. Alternatively, you can include the attribute so that users can enter a
value, which overrides the default value.
Date Editors
A date editor is provided automatically for all date attributes. However, the user must click in the spreadsheet row
to initialize date editors. Therefore, you're recommended not to make a date value the first column in the row. This
approach ensures that date editors in the row are initialized before they're used.
Related Topics
• How You Configure Default Values for Spreadsheet Attributes
• Configure Lists of Values for Attribute Validation
• Create and Edit Spreadsheet Templates
Option Description
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 11
HCM Data Loader HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader Templates
Option Description
Load date Use the date when the spreadsheet row is loaded.
Existing selected attribute Select another date attribute to supply the default value. The attribute must be in the Selected
Attributes section of the Design page.
For example, to set the default value of a date attribute to the load date:
1. Select the attribute in the Selected Attributes section of the Design page of Spreadsheet Templates and click
2. In the Edit dialog box, set Default Value to Value and select Load date from the list.
Option Description
Existing selected attribute Select another attribute of the same data type to supply the default value. The attribute must be in the
Selected Attributes section of the Design page.
1. Select the attribute in the Selected Attributes section of the Design page and click Edit.
2. In the Edit dialog box, set Default Value to Value and select Use expression from the list.
3. Enter the expression in the text area and click Validate to ensure the expression is valid.
Hiding Attributes
You may want to hide attributes that have default values so that spreadsheet users aren't aware of them. To hide an
attribute, edit it in the Selected Attributes panel on the Design page of the template. In the Edit dialog box, deselect the
Visible option.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 11
HCM Data Loader HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader Templates
You can configure lists of values for other attributes to make populating spreadsheets easier. This topic describes how
to configure lists of values.
• Lookup
• Value set
• View object
Select View object to include user key values in a spreadsheet in place of a surrogate ID to reference a foreign object.
Having user keys helps the spreadsheet user, who sees recognizable values in the spreadsheet. For example, in a
spreadsheet to create positions you include a reference to a department. You could just include the Department ID
attribute in the spreadsheet, as it's automatically configured with a searchable list of values. However, when the user
selects a value from the list, the surrogate ID is returned to the spreadsheet. Instead, you could include the Department
user key attribute in the spreadsheet. Using a view object, you configure the Department attribute with a searchable list
of values to return the department name to the spreadsheet.
1. On the Design page of the Manage Spreadsheet Templates task flow, move attributes to the Selected Attributes
2. In the Selected Attributes pane, select the attribute to be validated with a lookup type or value set and click Edit.
3. Complete the details on the main tab of the Edit dialog box, as appropriate.
When you're editing the details of an existing list of values, you can change the list display type on the main
tab, if required.
4. Click the List of Values tab.
5. Set the LOV Source value to Lookup or Value set, as appropriate.
6. Select the name of the lookup type or value set.
7. Specify whether the LOV is to appear as a choice list or a searchable list of values in generated spreadsheets.
Tip: If the list of values has more than 20 entries, then a searchable list of values is better for the spreadsheet
user. Use choice lists only when the number of choices is limited.
• Add filter criteria to enable the user to filter the returned list of attribute values.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 11
HCM Data Loader HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader Templates
• Add search criteria to enable the user to search the returned list of attribute values.
Note: When creating a value set to use as the source of values for an HSDL template column, ensure that the bind
variable names don't include spaces.
1. Select a value in the Filter Criteria field and click Add. The View Criteria and Bind Variable values are
completed automatically.
2. Set the Expression Type value for each of the view criteria to one of the following values:
◦ Constant
◦ Expression
◦ Attribute
3. If the Expression Type is set to Constant or Expression, then enter the constant or expression in the Value
field. If the Expression Type is set to Attribute, then select the attribute in the Value field.
To add search criteria, in the Search Criteria section:
1. Select a value in the Search Criteria field and click Add. The Search Criteria and Attribute fields are
completed automatically.
2. Repeat step 1 for additional search criteria.
Click OK to close the Edit dialog box.
1. On the Design tab of the Manage Spreadsheet Templates task flow, move both the surrogate ID and user key
attributes to the Selected Attributes pane.
2. Edit the surrogate ID attribute. On the List of Values tab in the Edit dialog box, the LOV Source field shows the
full path to the view object. For example, for the Department ID attribute you would see the following value:
Related Topics
• Spreadsheet Template Design
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 11
HCM Data Loader HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader Templates
For example, on the Design page in a Worker spreadsheet template, you edit the Person Number attribute in the
Selected Attributes panel and select Autogenerate. In this case, users don't have to supply the person number value in
generated spreadsheets. However, so that related records can be identified and processed together, a unique identifier
must still be supplied. Therefore, Person Number must appear in generated spreadsheets and its value must be a
unique identifier. This value isn't used as the person number, which is generated on successful creation of the worker
To ensure that users supply this unique identifier for a logical object, these rules apply to the template definition:
• If you select the Autogenerate option for an attribute, then the Required option is selected automatically and
made read-only.
• If the Required option is selected and the Default Value field is set to None, then the Visible option is selected
automatically and made read-only.
• A default column heading is defined. For example, for the Person Number attribute the column heading is
Person Unique Identifier. For the Assignment Number attribute, the column heading is Assignment Unique
Identifier. You can change the default column heading.
• The default description of the attribute explains that a unique identifier must be supplied. You can edit this
Spreadsheets generated from the template include the Person Number or Assignment Number attribute, as
appropriate, with its new column heading and description. For the attribute value, users must enter a unique identifier
to ensure that records are loaded successfully.
They enable you to record reference data for the spreadsheet row, which could include values already supplied on the
spreadsheet row, or source-system information, such as the database-table name, column names, and attribute values
from the source system. The Object Status page within the Import and Load Data interface, displays the reference
values supplied against your spreadsheet row. You can create OTBI reports to include these values using the HCM
Integrations Real Time subject area. The reference names and values are available in the Imported Objects sub-folder
within the HCM Data Loader folder.
For example, when loading element entries, you may want to filter and reconcile by the assignment number, element
name and amount. This would then allow you to filter by the assignment number and element name, to check the
status of the element entry, while reviewing the amount specified for the element entry.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 11
HCM Data Loader HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader Templates
Note: While defaulting values for reference attributes from other selected attributes, ensure that the attribute
selected for copying has the same value across all records for the logical object created. Examples of a logical object
are new hire, element entry, or salary. Reference attributes are stored only against the top-level record in the object
hierarchy. Hence, the upload will fail if the value is sourced from an attribute that changes values across those rows.
For example, consider that your template maintains phone numbers for your employees and includes multiple phone
records such as work, home, or mobile for the same employee. You can safely default a reference attribute from the
Person Number attribute, which will be the same for all entries. However, defaulting a reference attribute to the phone
number or phone type will cause three different values to be stored, causing the upload to fail. It is only a concern for
templates having duplicate attributes for child records or where multiple spreadsheet rows are supplied for the same
record, for example, for date-effective history.
Non-reference attributes specific to the object hierarchy are stored in anonymous stage table columns. It's not possible
to retrieve the specific attribute information. Reference attribute values are visible on the Import and Load Data user
interface, available in HCM Extracts and OTBI. Using the reference attributes, you can easily create reconciliation
reports to filter and report on the attribute values required for your use case.
Note: You can't change the Supported Action value. For example, if Supported Action is set to
Delete only in the source spreadsheet, then copies of that spreadsheet have the same value.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 11
HCM Data Loader HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader Templates
6. On the Spreadsheet Templates page, search for the new spreadsheet template.
7. In the search results, click the name of the spreadsheet template to open it for editing.
You can copy a spreadsheet template in any status, but the status of the new spreadsheet template is always Draft.
Change the status to Active when the template is ready to use. Active spreadsheet templates are available on the Run
Spreadsheet Data Loader page.
Related Topics
• HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader Templates
This topic describes how to export and import spreadsheet templates. You perform these tasks in the Data Exchange
work area.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 11
HCM Data Loader HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader Templates
Related Topics
• HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader Templates
This topic explains how to give the same access to business users with custom roles.
For example, let's say that your human resource specialists create job definitions in bulk. They load them from a
spreadsheet on the Manage Jobs page in the Workforce Structures work area. They can generate the spreadsheet and
load the data because:
• They have the predefined Human Resource Specialist job role. This job role inherits the Workforce Structures
Management duty role, which inherits the Load Data Using HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader aggregate privilege.
• The Job (ORA_PER_JOB) spreadsheet template behind the Manage Jobs page lists the predefined Human
Resource Specialist job role on its Manage Role Access page. Users with the role can create, save, and upload
Human resource specialists who use a custom role can't load data from a spreadsheet by default. To let them load data,
• Add the Load Data Using HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader aggregate privilege to their custom role. You need a
template administration role to update custom roles.
• List the custom role on the Manage Role Access page in the predefined spreadsheet template for the object.
You need a template administration role to update predefined templates.
You can make these changes for custom versions of any predefined role that can load data from HCM Spreadsheet Data
Loader spreadsheets.
Related Topics
• Add a Role to a Predefined Spreadsheet Template
• How You Enable Administrator Access to HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader
• Edit Job Role and Abstract Role
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 11
HCM Data Loader HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader Templates
Suppose you want users with the Human Resource Specialist role to load grades on the Manage Grades page in the
Workforce Structures work area. Follow these steps:
1. Sign in with the Human Capital Management Integration Specialist job role or privileges.
2. Select Navigator > My Client Groups > Data Exchange
3. In the Data Exchange work area, select Spreadsheet Templates.
4. On the Templates page, search for the Grade (ORA_PER_GRADE) spreadsheet template.
Tip: The codes of predefined spreadsheet templates begin with the characters ORA_.
5. Click the template name in the search results to open the spreadsheet template for editing.
6. Click the Manage Role Access tab in the spreadsheet template.
7. Click the Add icon in the Permitted Data Set Operations section of the Manage Role Access page.
8. Select the Human Resource Specialist role in the Search and Select Roles dialog box and click Add.
Your role appears in the Permitted Data Set Operations section. The Create and Save options are selected
automatically. They mean that users with this role can create data sets in spreadsheets generated from the
template and save them.
9. Select Upload to let users upload their data. Select View All to let users view spreadsheets generated by other
users from the template.
10. Click Save then Done.
Tip: You can't change the attributes in a predefined spreadsheet template, but you can set the template parameters
and manage role access.
Note: You may need to define a custom role to access spreadsheet templates if your preconfigured role doesn't grant
access to the Load Data using HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader (ORA_HRC_LOAD_DATA_USING_HSDL) function
security privilege.
Related Topics
• How You Enable Business Users with Custom Roles to Load Spreadsheet Data
You can assign job roles to a template using the Spreadsheet Templates task:
• Navigate to the Role Access tab of the spreadsheet template designer.
• Click Add.
• Search and select the job role that needs access to the template.
• Use the following checkboxes to configure the data set access for the role.
◦ Create : Create data sets for data entry within the spreadsheet.
◦ Save: Save data set data to the stage tables.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 11
HCM Data Loader HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader Templates
◦ Upload: Initiate the upload of data sets into the application tables.
◦ Roll Back : Initiate the roll back of data sets. This checkbox is available only if the roll back is supported by
the object.
◦ View All: View all data sets and their content, including the ones created by other users.
• Repeat for any other roles that require access to the template.
• For the spreadsheet to be available to users with the assigned roles, you must set the template's Status as
Active on the Define tab.
Note: When you create a spreadsheet template, the Template Security section on the Define tab indicates whether
roles can be assigned to the template or not. You can only assign roles to templates for business objects that don't
make use of data security or where data security is implemented for spreadsheet data loading.
You can enable audit of Spreadsheet Template Roles under HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader using Manage Audit
Policies and review changes using the existing Audit Reports task found in the Tools area.
Related Topics
• How You Enable Audit of Role Configuration for a Spreadsheet Template
Check the read-only Assign Roles to Template field on the Define page of the template. If it's set to Disabled, then you
can't manage role access for the object.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 11
HCM Data Loader HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader Templates
To save your changes without validating the template, you can change the status of your template to Inactive.
Since active templates are available for use to other users, they can't be saved without being validated first.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 11
HCM Data Loader HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader Templates
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 12
HCM Data Loader Importing and Loading Data Using HCM Spreadsheet Data
Watch video
You perform this task in the Data Exchange work area, or directly in the page that maintains the object, such as Jobs.
Related Topics
• HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader Templates
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 12
HCM Data Loader Importing and Loading Data Using HCM Spreadsheet Data
3. On the Spreadsheet Loader toolbar, click Import File. The Import from File dialog box opens.
4. In the Import from File dialog box, select one of File Type values shown in this table.
Tip: You can download CSV and XML file templates from a spreadsheet template. Use them to load data to a
spreadsheet generated from the same template.
5. For file types other than XML file type, indicate whether the file contains a header.
The header provides the names of the attributes for which the file contains values. In this case, the attribute
order in the file doesn't have to match the spreadsheet column order. If you deselect Header included, then the
order of the values in the file must match the order of the columns in the spreadsheet.
In an XML file, the XML tags used for the attribute values must use the attribute keys configured in the
spreadsheet template.
6. Click Browse to select the file to import.
7. For file types other than XML file type, expand the Advanced File Options section. Complete the options as
shown in this table for the selected file type. You can use the default values where supplied.
The Newline Command field shows the newline command constructed from the supplied Escape Indicator
and Newline Indicator values.
8. Click OK to import the data from the selected file. After the data is imported, you can edit any of the imported
attribute values.
Note: Some validation of the imported data occurs. Any errors appear automatically in the Progress and Message
columns of the Spreadsheet Line Status section of the spreadsheet. Correct any errors before you attempt to upload
the data.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 12
HCM Data Loader Importing and Loading Data Using HCM Spreadsheet Data
Watch video
Alternatively, you can add data rows to an existing spreadsheet and upload them to the existing data set. This topic
describes how to create and manage spreadsheet data sets.
1. Either open the original spreadsheet or generate a new spreadsheet from the same template as the original
2. In the Data Set Name field under the Search header, select the name of the data set that you want to update.
Available data sets:
◦ Were uploaded from a spreadsheet that was generated from the same spreadsheet template as the
current spreadsheet.
◦ Still exist in the stage tables. You can't update a data set after you have deleted it from the stage tables.
3. Select a Search Mode value. You can retrieve either all records in the data set or only those that failed to load.
4. In the Spreadsheet Loader toolbar, click Search. The specified data-set records are downloaded to the
You can correct failed rows and add new rows, but you can't update any row that loaded successfully. Rows that you add
belong to the data set that you're updating. When you upload the data, only new and updated rows are imported to the
stage tables.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 12
HCM Data Loader Importing and Loading Data Using HCM Spreadsheet Data
• Import data to the stage tables over a period of time. For example, you can enter and save payroll adjustments
throughout the week but upload them only at the end of the week.
• Create large volumes of data that you save regularly to a single data set. You don't have to manage those
volumes all at once in the spreadsheet.
• Allow multiple users to supply data for processing in the same data set.
Related Topics
• Import Data to a Spreadsheet
• Maintain the HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader Stage Tables
How do I populate the spreadsheet? Import the file Sales_Jobs.csv, which is a comma-separated file that contains a header and uses the \n
newline command.
Will I create a data set or import the file to Create a data set.
an existing data set?
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 12
HCM Data Loader Importing and Loading Data Using HCM Spreadsheet Data
Before you can complete this task:
1. You must have installed the desktop client Oracle ADF 11g Desktop Integration Add-in for Excel.
2. You must have enabled the Trust Center setting Trust access to the VBA project object model in Microsoft
3. The Sales Jobs spreadsheet template must exist and be active.
4. The Sales_Jobs.csv file must exist.
Field Value
File Sales_Jobs.csv
Escape Indicator \
Newline Indicator n
5. Click OK.
6. Correct any Import File Errors reported in the Progress and Message columns of the Spreadsheet Line Status
section of the spreadsheet.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 12
HCM Data Loader Importing and Loading Data Using HCM Spreadsheet Data
Related Topics
• Set Up Desktop Integration for Excel
Follow these steps:
1. Generate a spreadsheet from the template used to create the data set you want to roll back.
2. Select the data set name to roll back from the list of data sets created by the spreadsheet.
3. Click the Spreadsheet Loader tab in the spreadsheet toolbar.
4. Click Search.
5. Click More > Roll Back.
6. Refresh the data set to monitor the status and any errors raised by roll back.
Related Topics
• Sources of Business-Object Information
String/Text #NULL
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 12
HCM Data Loader Importing and Loading Data Using HCM Spreadsheet Data
Number -999999991
This mobile responsive user interface displays the following summary information:
• The data set name
• The template name
• The data set status
• The business object
• The number of failed spreadsheet rows
• The percentage of rows that loaded successfully
By default, only data sets last updated by the session user in the last 7 days are displayed. Click the Show Filters link to
change the filter criteria.
Click on the spreadsheet icon to generate a spreadsheet and download the data set you're reviewing.
Note: You can only download those data sets for which you have the access to view.
Related Topics
• How You Assign Access to a Spreadsheet Template
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 12
HCM Data Loader Importing and Loading Data Using HCM Spreadsheet Data
When you move an attribute to the Selected Attributes panel of the Design page, all attributes required for deleting the
component move across simultaneously.
Tip: You can monitor progress on the Import and Load Data page. Search for data sets by file type to list those loaded
from spreadsheets.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 12
HCM Data Loader Importing and Loading Data Using HCM Spreadsheet Data
For some objects, you can change only one of these dates.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 12
HCM Data Loader Importing and Loading Data Using HCM Spreadsheet Data
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 13
HCM Data Loader Postload Processing
13 Postload Processing
Process Order
Additionally, there are two mandatory processes that are always run automatically that can’t be disabled:
• EMEA Localizaiton Postprocessing
• Global Tax Reporting Unit Maintenance
By default, these two processes also run automatically when a load of Worker objects completes:
You can prevent either or both of these processes from running automatically using a SET instruction in the Worker.dat
file. Alternatively, you can prevent the processes from running for the enterprise by setting configuration parameters.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 13
HCM Data Loader Postload Processing
Process Descriptions
Apply Name Formats to Person Names
Applies the Display Name, List Name, Full Name, or Order Name format to denormalized person-name data when you
add or update a name format. Optionally, you can run the process for a single country.
Generates requests to provision and remove roles based on current role-provisioning rules.
Optimizes the index of the PER_KEYWORDS table to improve search performance. By default, the process runs for a
maximum of 180 minutes and performs a full optimization. You can enter a different Maximum Optimization Time. If
you select the Rebuild the index option, then the Maximum Optimization Time value is ignored. Rebuilding the index
can be time consuming.
Run this process whenever you run Update Person Search Keywords. Run it after that process completes.
For performance reasons, the complete manager hierarchy for each person is extracted from active data tables.
The hierarchy is stored in a separate manager hierarchy table, known as the denormalized manager hierarchy
(PER_MANAGER_HRCHY_DN). This approach ensures that a person's manager hierarchy is both easily accessible and
up to date. The Refresh Manager Hierarchy process populates the denormalized manager hierarchy table with latest
information after each data load.
If this process isn't enabled to run automatically, then run it manually after all data loads.
Ensures that personal data held in your LDAP directory matches that held by Oracle HCM Cloud.
Notifies consuming Oracle Cloud applications, such as Oracle Fusion Trading Community Model, of changes to person
and assignment details since the last data load.
For a once-only load, submit this process with the After Batch Load parameter set to Yes. In the From Date field, enter
the start date of the load. In the To Date field, enter the end date of the load. For ongoing updates with daily changes to
person records, schedule the process without specifying start and end dates.
Several attributes of person, employment, and profile records are used as person-search keywords. This process copies
keyword values in all installed languages from the originating records to the PER_KEYWORDS table, where they're
indexed to improve search performance.
Select a person name in the Name field to run the process for a single worker. If you leave the field blank, then the
process runs for all workers, which can be time consuming. To avoid performance problems, submit the process with the
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 13
HCM Data Loader Postload Processing
After Batch Load parameter set to Yes. In this case, the process creates keywords for new records but doesn't update
those for existing records. Leave the Batch ID field blank.
Other objects automate the submission of post processing. Refer to Business Object Post Processes topic for further
Process Guidelines
Send Pending LDAP Requests:
You must always run Send Pending LDAP Requests after loading worker records. When you run Send Pending LDAP
If appropriate role mappings don't exist when you load new workers, then user accounts are created but no roles are
provisioned. User accounts without roles are automatically suspended when Send Pending LDAP Requests completes.
Also, subsequent role-provisioning requests to the suspended user accounts may be slow to process. To avoid this
1. Create a role mapping to provision at least one role, for example, Employee, to every current worker before you
load worker records.
2. Prevent the creation of user accounts for terminated workers. Set the User Account Creation for Terminated
Workers option to No using the following in the Setup and Maintenance work area:
◦ Functional Area: Workforce Structures
◦ Task: Manage Enterprise HCM Information
3. Load worker records.
Note: Always create a role mapping for the workers you're loading before you load them. Having this role-
provisioning rule in place prevents new user accounts from being suspended unnecessarily.
You don't have to run this process after the initial or only load of worker records if you create role mappings to
autoprovision roles before you load workers. However, if you load the workers before creating the role mapping, then
you must run this process followed by Send Pending LDAP Requests for the loaded workers.
You don't have to run this process after an incremental update. However, you're recommended to run this process
whenever a change is made to the autoprovisioning rules.
Run this process after the initial or only load of worker records. Run it after an incremental load:
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 13
HCM Data Loader Postload Processing
Related Topics
• Why You Should Run the Send Pending LDAP Requests Process
• Autoprovisioning
• The SET Instruction
• Manual testing
• Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI) reports
• HCM Extracts
• Validate data interactively by searching for a representative sample. For example, you can search for workers
in the Directory or Manage Person work area. If a worker is also a manager, then you can explore the manager
• Validate work structures by searching for them. For example, you can search for jobs on the Manage Job page
and locations on the Manage Locations page. Alternatively, you can test that they're available for selection. For
example, you can update a worker's assignment to select a different job or location.
You can also design your own reports using Oracle BI Publisher. To open Oracle BI Publisher, select Create > Report in
the Contents pane of the Reports and Analytics work area.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 13
HCM Data Loader Postload Processing
Monitor and Review the status of the business object post processes
After you submit a data set through the Import and Load Data page, select the data set and click Review Processes.
The overall post process processing status for an import is indicated by the Post Process Status column in the Data
Sets and Business Objects tables on the Import and Load Data page.
The table here lists the various post processes status and its meaning:
Error If all the post processes for a business object have completed and one or more of those ended in error.
Success If all the post processes for a business object have completed successfully.
Not Applicable If there are no post processes for the business object.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 13
HCM Data Loader Postload Processing
Related Topics
• Business Object Post Processes
• How You Manage Business Object Post Processes
In the Setup and Maintenance work area, select Configure HCM Data Loader task in the HCM Data Loader functional
area. On the Configure HCM Data Loader page, select the Business Object Post Processes tab.
• You can review the business object post processes available for automated submission by HCM Data Loader.
• For supporting post processes, you can enable or disable the automatic submission for all the data loads for a
business object.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 13
HCM Data Loader Postload Processing
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 13
HCM Data Loader Postload Processing
This table explains the set-up for the business object post processes on this page:
Name Description
Process Order Preset order of processing of the business order post process.
Override If enabled, reset the default running state of the business object post process. Values are Yes and No.
This table explains the set-up for the business object post processes parameters on this page:
Name Description
Parameter Name Name of the parameter of the business object post process.
To manage the automatic submission of post process for a business object, in the Business Object Post Processing
1. Filter by the desired Business Object.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 13
HCM Data Loader Postload Processing
2. Select the post process and review the value under the Default column.
◦ The value: Yes, indicates that the post process for the business object will be automatically submitted
whenever HCM Data Loader or HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader successfully loads data for it.
◦ The value: No, indicates that the post process for the business object will never be submitted.
◦ If the Override column is enabled for the selected post process, you can overwrite the default value by
redefining it with the desired option.
◦ The parameters for the post process appear below the post process list for the business object.
◦ If the Override column is enabled for the parameters, you can overwrite the default value and redefine it
with the desired value.
CAUTION: This change is not recommended as it disables the configurability of post processes for HCM Data Loader
business objects. On the Processes page for a submitted data set, you will not be able to: view the individual line
items of the post processes, track their statuses and view their completion times.
Related Topics
• How You Review Automatically Submitted Post Processes
• How You Manage Business Object Post Processes
Alternatively, to disable a post-process for all files, go to the Business Object Post Processes tab in the Configure HCM
Data Loader Parameters page, filter by the desired Business Object. Select from the configured post processes for the
business object and if it's enabled, change the Override value to No.
To disable the running of all selected post processes of a business object, include the following instruction at the top of
your file:
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 13
HCM Data Loader Postload Processing
The post processes not included in the DISABLE_POST_PROCESS_TASKS statement will be invoked and these post processes
will appear under the Manage HCM Data Loader Post Processes entry in the Processes page for a submitted data set.
Related Topics
• How You Review Automatically Submitted Post Processes
• Business Object Post Processes
• The SET Instruction
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 14
HCM Data Loader Removing Person Information
• Purge data from HCM Data Loader staging tables for terminated employees.
• Perform staggered disposal of data for a terminated employee. For example, you can now purge Global HR data
first while retaining the payroll data for a longer time and purge payroll data at a later date in the future using
the same person number reference.
• Delete workers with canceled work relationships (rather than just terminated).
To remove a person information, you need to have access to the following pages:
• Configure Person Information Removal Policies: Configure the business objects and its components that you
want to remove and mask mandatory attributes. To access this page, you must have the Configure Person
Information Removal Policies privilege (HRC_CONFIGURE_PERSON_INFO_REMOVAL_POLICIES_PRIV).
• Remove Person Information: You can remove person information for specified people from this page. When
you submit the person information removal process, the data is removed as per the configuration defined in
the associated person information removal policy.
a. On the Create Role page of the Security Console, create a job role.
b. On the Function Security Policy page (Navigator > Security Console >
Roles > Create Role), add Configure Person Information Removal Policies
c. On the Role Hierarchy page (Navigator > Security Console > Roles > Create Role, add
Remove Person Information (ORA_HRC_REMOVE_PERSON_INFORMATION) role membership
to access both Report and Remove modes. Add Generate Remove Person Information
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 14
HCM Data Loader Removing Person Information
Note: Remove Person Information security is person-based therefore, to restrict access for removing
person information, you can create a security profile on the Person Security Profiles page (Navigator >
My Client > Workforce Structures > Security Profiles) and add it to the data role. If you want users to
access and remove all person records, use View All People security profile.
• HCM Data Loader is used to perform the data removal. You need HRC_LOAD_HCM_DATA_PRIV (Load HCM
Data) privileges to do so.
• For UCM upload or download, you need HCM_DATALOADER_IMPORT_RWD to upload data for Human
Capital Management file based Import, HCM_DATALOADER_EXPORT_RWD to download data from
Human Capital Management file based Export, and 'Transfer HCM File from UCM and import into
Note: For more information about Security Roles, refer the HCM Security Guide.
• CATEGORY: The Business Object the template was created for (for example: Worker).
• STATUS: The status of the template (Draft, Active, Inactive). Only a template in Draft status can be modified. An
active template can be only processed. An inactive template can't be processed nor can it be modified.
• CREATED BY: The user who created the template.
• LAST UPDATE DATE: The last date and time the template was updated.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 14
HCM Data Loader Removing Person Information
1. Click Create to open the Create Template window. Required fields are:
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 14
HCM Data Loader Removing Person Information
3. Under the Business Objects section, search for a specific business object and select objects to process. The
Components section, select the child objects under the selected business object.
◦ When you select a component with associated dependent objects, you're recommended to
select the dependent objects to avoid orphan data.
4. Use the Rules tab to configure policies. Most objects are configured for deletion, so no specific rules are needed
for those objects. You can configure rules for objects if they contain attributes that can only be obfuscated
and cannot be deleted. If you specify a generic value to include in a field, you can use any value except null.
For example, the Person Last Name can't be deleted, so it needs to be replaced by a static value. ZZZZZ is
the default. The Person Last Name will be replaced by this static value appended by an internal identifier, to
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 14
HCM Data Loader Removing Person Information
maintain the uniqueness of this attribute and thus the data integrity. Notice the Search boxes for Attribute
Names and Description.
Note: You can remove flexfields that are registered in HCM Data Loader registered like any business object. Upon
deletion, only required global segments of flexfield attributes remain and the rest is removed automatically.
Points to consider:
• Ensure that the process is run on terminated workers only, with a termination date in the past. Deleted data
can't be recovered so proceed with caution.
• The process details are stored (for example, templates and person number) but the worker data as per the
template definition is removed.
• A user can delete data for a person if they can access the person's data. For example, a user must have the
following privileges to dispose Person Email and Person Phone data:
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 14
HCM Data Loader Removing Person Information
Note: You can also upload a file containing a list of Person Numbers separated by commas.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 14
HCM Data Loader Removing Person Information
Note: The Remove mode is an ESS process that extracts key information for the records to be deleted or
masked and generates an HCM Data Loader business object .dat file for each business object in the selected
policy. The generated .dat files are zipped together and uploaded with HCM Data Loader. The Report mode
only produces the .dat file that is zipped and can be downloaded locally for review. HCM Data Loader does
not process the .dat file and no information is deleted or obfuscated when run in Report mode.
a. In the Remove mode, you can set the following additional runtime parameters to override the default
HCM Data Loader values in the Review Parameters section:
i. Delete Source File: Deletes the data set file from UCM.
ii. Maximum Concurrent Threads for Import: Maximum number of concurrent threads to assign
to the import process. The default is defined by the Maximum Concurrent Threads for Import
parameter in the Configure HCM Data Loader task.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 14
HCM Data Loader Removing Person Information
iii. Maximum Concurrent Threads for Load: Maximum number of concurrent threads to assign to
the load process. The default is defined by the Maximum Concurrent Threads for Load parameter
in the Configure HCM Data Loader task.
iv. Run Post Processes: Submits the business object post processes and the Oracle Search Bulk
Ingestion process.
b. In the Report mode, you can only set the Run Post Processes review parameter.
Note: If you deselect the Run Post Processes parameter while clicking Submit, then a warning message
displayed to indicate that post processes, including Oracle Search Bulk Ingestion, will not be executed for this
Data Disposal process.
Here's what you will see on the page after you submit the process:
You can also use the View Process Details icon to view different stages of the Person Information Removal process, as
well as the corresponding log files:
• The log file details all steps taken in the process and the number of workers processed (for example, No of
Employees Matching the Termination Criteria.
• If the Report mode was selected, you can use the Download Data File icon to download the .zip file containing
the .dat file, although this file can't be used in another HDL process.
These are some of the scenarios when you must create new templates:
• Changes to Business Object Components or Attributes:
◦ Adding a new Business Object Component. For example, adding a new business object component
Person Phone in the Worker object.
◦ Modifying components in a business object hierarchy. For example, changing the entity type from
◦ Deleting an existing component from the business object hierarchy. For example, deleting the Person
Email component of the Worker object.
◦ Adding a new Attribute in a Business Object Component. For example, adding a new attribute Person
First Name to the list of Person Name component of the Worker object.
◦ Changing the default value for an existing attribute. For example, updating the default value of Person
First Name from ZZZZZ to WWWW.
• Changes in Flexfield structure:
◦ Adding a new Mandatory Global Segments. For example, adding a new Global Mandatory Segment for
a worker descriptive flexfield in the Worker business object hierarchy. This would cause the existing
templates in Worker to fail due to missing mandatory segments. You must create a new template to
include the latest flexfield definition.
◦ Supporting new flexfields for a business-object component in a new release.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 14
HCM Data Loader Removing Person Information
This functional security privilege allows reporting on person information removal process submissions.
To enable access to the Data Disposal folder to report on Data Disposal Templates in the Data Exchange work area, add
the following function security privilege:
This functional security privilege allows reporting on the templates that are used by the person information removal
You can only remove payroll data from employees who don’t have Cloud Payroll results. For example, when you use a
third-party payroll product, you can delete the payroll data captured in Oracle HCM Cloud.
Note: You can’t remove payroll data for employees with payroll results, such as employees included in the Calculate
Payroll process.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 14
HCM Data Loader Removing Person Information
Consider the following when you configure the person information removal policy for payroll objects:
• In the Business Objects section, you can select the check box next to either the standalone Payroll node or
the Worker > Work relationship node. When you select either of these nodes, all the employee payroll data
mentioned previously gets deleted.
• Unlike the Worker node, where you can view the components on the page, for the Payroll node, components or
child nodes are not displayed on the page.
• You cannot configure any rules for payroll because the payroll node doesn’t include attributes for masking.
Note: Run the process only for terminated employees with a termination date in the past. Once deleted, you can’t
recover the deleted data. You can delete data for a person only if you have access to the person's data.
Related Topics
• Remove Person Information
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 15
HCM Data Loader Purging Person Data from Test Environments
This topic explains how to enable the process and identifies the data that it purges.
Note: You can't run the Purge Person Data in Test Environments process in production environments.
• Absences
• Assignments, including extra information type data
• Benefits
• Calculation cards
• Compensation
• Contacts and contact relationships
• Documents and attachments
• Element entries
• Goals
• Payroll relationships
• Performance records
• Roles and user details
• Talent profiles
• Work relationships
Deletion requests are generated for user accounts in the test environment. To process these requests, you must run the
Send Pending LDAP Requests process when Purge Person Data in Test Environments completes.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 15
HCM Data Loader Purging Person Data from Test Environments
The process inactivates dependent TCA records in the TCA tables but doesn't purge them.
If processed payroll actions are associated with a worker, then the worker isn't purged. You must roll back relevant
payroll processes before you can purge such workers.
Related Topics
• Purge Person Data from Test Environments
• Tables Purged by the Purge Person Data in Test Environments Process
This topic also describes how to run Send Pending LDAP Requests to process user-deletion requests generated by the
Purge Person Data in Test Environments process.
Parameter Description
Person ID Provide one or more person IDs. Separate multiple IDs with commas, for example,
Person Number Provide one or more person numbers. Separate multiple numbers with commas. You can use
the wildcard character to supply partial values, for example, PER%,Test%,%abc%.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 15
HCM Data Loader Purging Person Data from Test Environments
Parameter Description
Person Query Enter a SQL query to return the person IDs of all persons whose data you want to purge.
To return the person IDs of all person records where the last name starts with the characters John, you could use
the following SQL query:
To return all person IDs in the test environment, use the following SQL query:
N Lists the persons whose data would be purged by the process. No data is purged.
6. Click Submit.
Tip: The time this process takes depends on the amount of data to be purged. Don't cancel the process, as its final
stages include clean-up operations. If you cancel the process, then the clean-up operations resume when you next
run the process.
Related Topics
• Overview of the Purge Person Data in Test Environments Process
• Tables Purged by the Purge Person Data in Test Environments Process
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 15
HCM Data Loader Purging Person Data from Test Environments
Product Table
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 15
HCM Data Loader Purging Person Data from Test Environments
Product Table
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 15
HCM Data Loader Purging Person Data from Test Environments
Product Table
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 15
HCM Data Loader Purging Person Data from Test Environments
Product Table
Questionnaire • HRQ_QSTN_RESPONSES
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 15
HCM Data Loader Purging Person Data from Test Environments
Product Table
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 15
HCM Data Loader Purging Person Data from Test Environments
Product Table
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 15
HCM Data Loader Purging Person Data from Test Environments
Product Table
Related Topics
• Overview of the Purge Person Data in Test Environments Process
• Purge Person Data from Test Environments
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 16
HCM Data Loader Maintaining Stage Tables
You're recommended to create a schedule to delete processed data sets that you no longer need in the stage tables.
How often you delete processed data sets from the stage tables depends on the volume and frequency of your data
loads. During data migration, consider deleting every large data set as its processing completes. This topic describes the
role of stage tables in data loading and explains how the deletion process maintains the stage tables automatically.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 16
HCM Data Loader Maintaining Stage Tables
prematurely and doesn't negatively impact the bulk load processing which occurs from the main stage tables
Note: In the Import and Load Data page, data sets that are retained for an extended period in the secondary stage
table can be identified by the green tick that are retained for an extended period in the secondary stage table can be
identified by the green tick in the Extended Retention column.
• To delete HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader data sets from all stage tables, use the Delete Spreadsheet Stage
Table Data task. It runs the Delete HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader Stage Table Data process.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 16
HCM Data Loader Maintaining Stage Tables
• To delete data sets from the HCM Data Loader extended retention stage tables, use the Delete Stage Table
Data task. It runs the Delete HCM Data Loader Stage Table Data process.
Alternatively, you can delete individual data sets from these stage table using the Delete button on the Data
Sets table within the Import and Load Data interface.
When you run the Import and Load Data process, it determines whether a schedule exists for the Delete HCM Data
Loader Stage Table Data process. If no schedule exists, then the process creates one to run Delete HCM Data Loader
Stage Table Data nightly.
Note: If the Import and Load Data process identifies that an existing schedule is failing because the initiating user is
no longer having the permissions to run the process, the schedule will be automatically deleted with a warning.
When you delete extended retention data sets from the HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader stage tables, they're deleted
automatically from the HCM Data Loader stage tables. You can also delete spreadsheet data sets explicitly from the
HCM Data Loader stage tables. In this case, they remain available in the HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader stage tables.
You can't recover deleted data sets. Don't delete data sets that you want to report on or that you want to extract error
information for.
1. Purges automatically from the stage tables any data set that hasn't been updated in the last 30 days. You can
specify a different number of days by setting the Days to Preserve Standard Data Sets Before Deleting
configuration parameter.
2. Reviews the number of data lines still in the stage tables. If the number exceeds a specified maximum value,
then data sets may be archived automatically. You specify:
◦ The maximum number of data lines on the Maximum Data Lines Before Archiving configuration
◦ The number of days since a data set was last updated before it can be backed up. Specify this value on
the Days to Preserve Standard Data Sets Before Archiving configuration parameter.
Therefore, a data set is a candidate for automatic archiving only if:
• The number of data lines in the stage tables exceeds the value specified on the Maximum Data Lines Before
Archiving parameter.
• The data set hasn't been updated in the number of days specified on the Days to Preserve Standard Data
Sets Before Archiving parameter.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 16
HCM Data Loader Maintaining Stage Tables
The archive starts with the oldest data set and continues until the number of data lines in the stage tables drops below
the specified maximum.
The same process is used to delete extended retention data sets. The retention period of extended retention data sets is
controlled by the Days to Preserve Extended Retention Data Sets.
All other data from the data set is deleted. After a data set is archived
• You can't open error management pages for that data set.
• It doesn't appear in search results when you search for data sets to purge.
• You can access the data using a custom query only.
You can archive data sets manually by running the Delete HCM Data Loader Stage Table Data process with the Action
parameter set to Archive. You can't create a schedule when the action is Archive.
Related Topics
• Maintain the HCM Data Loader Stage Tables
• Maintain the HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader Stage Tables
• HCM Data Loader Configuration Parameters
• The SET Instruction
• Example of using HCM Data Loader
This example shows how automatic maintenance of the stage tables works in conjunction with a user request to delete
stage table data.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 16
HCM Data Loader Maintaining Stage Tables
The following table shows the status of recent import and load processes when the user performs Delete Stage Table
1. Data sets 3 and 5 are purged by the user's process, based on the user's parameters.
2. Data set 6 is purged automatically because it hasn't been updated in the last 30 days.
3. Data set 4 is backed up automatically. The backup occurs because the number of data lines in the stage tables
still exceeds the configured Maximum Data Lines Before Archiving value.
Related Topics
• Overview of Maintaining the Stage Tables
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 16
HCM Data Loader Maintaining Stage Tables
This percentage helps to know the capacity left on the stage tables. Based on this value, you can decide to
delete data sets.
Delete a Single Data Set on the Import and Load Data Page
Follow these steps to delete a single data set from the stage tables on the Import and Load Data page:
1. In the Data Exchange work area, select Import and Load Data.
2. Search for and select the data set that you want to delete.
3. In the Search Results section, click the Delete icon for the selected data set.
Note: You can only delete protected data sets if you have the Delete HCM Data Loader Protected Data-Sets
function security privilege.
4. In the Schedule Request dialog box, set the Delete Source File parameter to Yes to delete the source file from
the Oracle WebCenter Content server.
Note: You can delete the data from the stage tables without also deleting the source file. If you loaded this
data set with the Delete Source File parameter set to Yes, then the source file has already been deleted. In
this case, selecting Yes in the Schedule Request dialog box has no effect.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 16
HCM Data Loader Maintaining Stage Tables
Delete Multiple Data Sets on the Delete Stage Table Data Page
You can delete one or more data sets immediately from the stage tables. Alternatively, you can schedule a recurring
deletion process. Follow these steps:
1. In the Data Exchange work area, select Delete Stage Table Data.
2. On the Delete Stage Table Data page, set the filter criteria to identify the data sets you that you want to delete.
This table describes the main criteria.
Field Description
Days Since Last Updated Specify the number of days since the data set was last updated. For example, to identify any
data set not updated in the last week, set this field to 7. The default value is 30, the maximum
value is 60, and the minimum value is 1.
◦ Standard
◦ Extended
This field is hidden unless you have the additional privilege (Delete HCM Data Loader Extended
Retention Data sets) required to delete extended retention data sets.
Created By Enter the user name of the user who created the data set.
◦ Spreadsheet
Import Status Select a status. For example, set to Success to list data sets that imported successfully.
Load Status Select a status. For example, set to Success to list data sets that loaded successfully.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 16
HCM Data Loader Maintaining Stage Tables
Tip: To change the data set criteria, edit them on the Delete Stage Table Data page, review the results,
and click Actions > Schedule Deletion again. You must refresh the search results before clicking
Actions > Schedule Deletion. Otherwise, the parameters aren't updated on the Parameters tab of the
Schedule Request page.
c. Source files for the data sets are deleted from the Oracle WebCenter Content server by default. To retain
the source files, set the Delete Source File parameter to No.
d. Click Submit. The ID of the deletion process appears.
4. To schedule a recurring deletion process for all data sets that match the specified criteria:
a. Click Actions > Schedule Deletion on the Delete Stage Table Data page.
b. Set Run to Using a schedule.
c. Specify the frequency of the deletion process. For example, you could schedule the process to run weekly
to delete any data set that hasn't been updated in the last 7 days.
d. Enter start and end dates.
Note: If the start date is tomorrow's date, then the process runs tomorrow and at the specified interval
(for example, weekly) until the end date. If the start date is today's date, then the process runs for the
first time in one week's time, assuming a weekly frequency.
e. Click Submit.
You can review the status of any deletion process by clicking Actions > Review Processes on the Delete Stage Table
Data page. On the Recent Processes page:
• You can see the parameters for any process by clicking the action icon for the process and selecting
Parameters. If the process created a schedule, then the Parameters dialog box also includes the schedule
details. Scheduled processes are identified by an icon before the process name
• You can cancel a schedule for any scheduled process by clicking the action icon for the process and selecting
Cancel Schedule.
• Recurring deletion requests appear on the Recent Processes page with a parent process in Wait status. The
parent process starts a child process for each scheduled deletion request. The ID of the parent process appears
in the Scheduling Process ID column.
• The log file for a process includes the request parameters and identifies the data sets that were deleted. To
access the log file, click the action icon for the process and select Log.
Related Topics
• Overview of Maintaining the Stage Tables
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 16
HCM Data Loader Maintaining Stage Tables
Note: When you delete HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader data sets, they are deleted from all stage tables.
1. In the Data Exchange work area, select Delete Spreadsheet Stage Table Data.
2. Check the value on the Spreadsheet Stage Table Capacity Used section.
This percentage helps to know the capacity left on the stage tables. Based on this value, you can decide to
delete data sets.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 16
HCM Data Loader Maintaining Stage Tables
Delete Data Sets from the HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader Stage Tables
Follow these steps:
1. In the Data Exchange work area, select Delete Spreadsheet Stage Table Data.
2. On the Delete Spreadsheet Stage Table Data page, set the filter criteria to identify the data sets that you want
to delete. This table describes the criteria:
Field Description
Days Since Last Updated Specify the number of days since the data set was last updated. For example, to identify any
data set not updated in the last week, set this field to 7. The default value is 30, the maximum
value is 60, and the minimum value is 1.
Template Select an HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader template to identify any data set created in
spreadsheets generated from the template.
Data Set Specify a particular data set. If multiple spreadsheets have been used to load the data set, then
they're all listed.
◦ Load successful
◦ Ready to process
Last Updated By Enter the user name of the user who last updated the data set.
Created By Enter the user name of the user who created the data set.
Tip: To change the data set criteria, edit them on the Delete Spreadsheet Stage Table Data page,
review the results and click Actions > Schedule Deletion again. You must refresh the search results
before clicking Actions > Schedule Deletion. Otherwise, the parameters won't be updated on the
Parameters tab of the Schedule Request page.
c. Click Submit.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 16
HCM Data Loader Maintaining Stage Tables
4. To schedule a recurring deletion process for all data sets that match the specified criteria:
a. Click Actions > Schedule Deletion on the Delete Spreadsheet Stage Table Data page.
b. Set Run to Using a schedule.
c. Specify the frequency of the deletion process. For example, you could schedule the process to run weekly
to delete any data set that hasn't been updated in the last 7 days.
d. Enter start and end dates.
Note: If the start date is tomorrow's date, then the process runs tomorrow and at the specified
frequency (for example, weekly) until the end date. If the start date is today's date, then the process
runs for the first time in one week's time, assuming a weekly frequency.
e. Click Submit.
You can review the status of any deletion process by clicking Actions > Review Processes on the Delete Spreadsheet
Stage Table Data page. On the Processes page:
• You can see the parameters for any process by clicking the contextual action icon next to the process name.
If the process was scheduled, then the Parameters dialog box also includes the schedule details. Scheduled
processes are identified by an icon in the Schedule column.
• Recurring deletion requests appear on the Processes page with a parent process in Wait status. The parent
process starts a child process for each scheduled deletion request. The ID of the parent process appears in the
Scheduling Process ID column.
• The log file for a process includes the request parameters and identifies the data sets that were deleted.
When you delete data sets from the HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader stage tables, they're also deleted from the HCM
Data Loader stage tables.
Related Topics
• Overview of Maintaining the Stage Tables
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 16
HCM Data Loader Maintaining Stage Tables
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 17
HCM Data Loader Best Practices for HCM Data Loader and HCM Spreadsheet
Data Loader
Source Keys
The source key is the recommended key type to use for all implementations. If you supply a source key when you create
your data, then you can also update or simply reference that data using source keys.
You can't update some objects if you identify them using only user keys. For example, you can't update most
components of the Worker object if you supply only a user key. The attribute that you want to change is often the
attribute that's used to identify the record. For example, in the Person Address component, the AddressLine1 attribute
is used both to identify the address to update and to supply the new value. Therefore, you're recommended to use
source keys whenever possible. You can also update source keys. You may want to do this when the source key value is
Data Migration
When creating business objects using HCM Data Loader:
• Deliver one object type in each .zip file. For example, create one .zip file for jobs, one for grades, one for
workers, and so on. To avoid data-reference errors, you must ensure that you load .zip files in the correct order
and fix any errors before loading the next file.
• Purge the stage table data regularly for data sets that you no longer need, especially if you're loading large
volumes of data.
• Understand and follow the rules for creating date-effective data.
Tip: HCM Data Loader can load very large volumes of data from a single file. However, do consider the practical
challenges, such as error management and the length of the transition period, associated with large data loads.
Best practice is to split large loads into logical groupings so that you can extract, transform, and load the data more
easily. For example, when loading workers you could load ex-employees separately from current, active employees. If
this grouping still leaves you with very large data loads, then you could define subgroups of records based on other
significant criteria.
Updating Objects
When updating business objects using HCM Data Loader:
• Understand and follow the rules for maintaining date-effective data. In particular, always include the SET
PURGE_FUTURE_CHANGES N instruction in the .dat file to ensure that any existing future-dated changes are retained.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 17
HCM Data Loader Best Practices for HCM Data Loader and HCM Spreadsheet
Data Loader
• Supply all business-object files in the same .zip file. HCM Data Loader processes them in the correct order.
Referenced data is loaded before the data that references it.
• Supply any changed attribute values and a unique reference to the record that you're updating. HCM Data
Loader validates every attribute name in the METADATA line.
• Never include both DELETE and MERGE instructions for the same record in the same file. HCM Data Loader
doesn't guarantee the order in which the file lines are processed.
Related Topics
• Maintain the HCM Data Loader Stage Tables
• Source Keys
• How You Update Source Keys
• Overview of Loading Date-Effective Objects
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 18
HCM Data Loader Reporting and Diagnostics
HCM Data Loader Data Set Summary Provides status values and record counts for both a specified data set and each business object in the
data set. It reports all error messages and identifies all records affected by each error.
Compensation Changes Extract For a specified compensation run, extracts assignment, salary, and bonus changes made by the run.
This extract is most useful if you're implementing a coexistence scenario.
Integration Object User Key Refresh Retrieves latest user key values. Run this extract before running the Integration Object User Key Map
Integration Object User Key Map Extract Extracts GUIDs, source keys, surrogate IDs, and user keys for a specified business object hierarchy.
The output from all extracts is in XML format by default. You can provide a BI Publisher layout to reformat the output.
You can also define options to automate delivery of the output.
Related Topics
• Manage an HCM Data Loader Extract Definition
• Configure a Copied HCM Data Loader Extract
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 18
HCM Data Loader Reporting and Diagnostics
1. On the Extract Definitions page, search for your copy of the extract.
2. Click the extract name in the search results to display the extract definition on the Extract Definitions page.
3. Click Deliver.
4. In the Extract Delivery Options section, click Add.
5. Specify a delivery option. To keep the default XML output, set the Output Type to Data.
6. For the XML delivery option, specify Delivery Option Name, Output Name, and Delivery Type values.
Tip: The values that you must specify vary by output type.
7. Click Save.
For more information, see Oracle Fusion HCM Extracts: Delivery Options (document ID 1573099.1) on My Oracle Support
at https://support.oracle.com.
Related Topics
• Overview of HCM Data Loader Extracts
• Configure a Copied HCM Data Loader Extract
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 18
HCM Data Loader Reporting and Diagnostics
Related Topics
• HCM Data Loader Data Set Summary Extract Parameters
• Compensation Changes Extract Parameters
• Integration Object User Key Refresh and Integration Object User Key Map Extract Parameters
To configure the parameters, you perform the Refine Extracts task in the Data Exchange work area.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 18
HCM Data Loader Reporting and Diagnostics
Related Topics
• Configure a Copied HCM Data Loader Extract
• Overview of HCM Data Loader Extracts
To configure the parameters, you perform the Refine Extracts task in the Data Exchange work area.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 18
HCM Data Loader Reporting and Diagnostics
Related Topics
• Configure a Copied HCM Data Loader Extract
• Overview of HCM Data Loader Extracts
Note: You’re recommended to change the name of the Business Object parameter to Business Object
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 18
HCM Data Loader Reporting and Diagnostics
This table shows the parameters that you must edit and the required values for the Integration Object User Key
Map Extract.
Note: You're recommended to change the name of the Business Object parameter to Business Object
Related Topics
• Configure a Copied HCM Data Loader Extract
• Overview of HCM Data Loader Extracts
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 18
HCM Data Loader Reporting and Diagnostics
1. On the Tasks panel tab of the Data Exchange work area, select Submit Extracts to open the Submit a Process
or Report page.
2. Using the query by example fields, find your extract and click Next.
The Enter Parameters page opens.
3. In the Payroll Flow field, enter a flow name for this run of the extract.
4. Enter the parameter values for your extract.
Enter Parameters for the HCM Data Loader Data Set Summary Extract
This table shows the parameters for the HCM Data Loader Data Set Summary extract. Enter any one of the Content ID,
Process ID, and Data Set Name parameters. You can find all of these values for a specific data set on the Import and
Load Data page.
Parameter Description
Content ID The content ID associated with the data set. This ID was assigned when you uploaded your source file
to the Oracle WebCenter Content server.
Data Set Name The data set name, which is also your source file name.
Process ID The process ID of the process that created the data set. This ID was assigned when you submitted your
source file for processing by HCM Data Loader.
Parameter Description
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 18
HCM Data Loader Reporting and Diagnostics
Parameter Description
Enter Parameters for the Integration Object User Key Refresh Extract
This table shows the parameters of the Integration Object User Key Refresh Extract.
Parameter Description
Business Object The file discriminator of the business object for which you want to refresh keys. For example, for
some or all components of the Worker object, set this parameter to Worker. You can find the file
discriminator values on the Business Object Details page for the object in the Data Exchange work
Component Discriminator The file discriminator of the business object component. For example, to refresh keys for the Work
Relationship component of the Worker object, set this parameter to WorkRelationship. You can find
the file discriminator values on the Business Object Details page for the object in the Data Exchange
work area.
Include Child Components Set to Yes to include the child components of the business object or component in the refresh.
Enter Parameters for the Integration Object User Key Map Extract
This table shows the parameters of the Integration Object User Key Map Extract.
Parameter Description
Business Object The file discriminator of the business object for which you want to extract keys. For example, for
some or all components of the Worker object, set this parameter to Worker. You can find the file
discriminator values on the Business Object Details page for the object in the Data Exchange work
Component Discriminator The file discriminator of the business object component. For example, to extract keys for the Work
Relationship component of the Worker object, set this parameter to WorkRelationship. You can find
the file discriminator values on the Business Object Details page for the object in the Data Exchange
work area.
Include Child Components Set to Yes to include the child components of the business object or component in the extract.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 18
HCM Data Loader Reporting and Diagnostics
Parameter Description
If you're extracting a large number of records, then you're recommended to set this parameter to No
and extract each component separately.
Source System Owner If required, select a value to extract the keys for a specified source system owner. The extract includes
all types of keys, but only for those object instances with this source system owner.
Related Topics
• Overview of HCM Data Loader Extracts
• View the Results of an HCM Data Loader Extract
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 18
HCM Data Loader Reporting and Diagnostics
Related Topics
• Overview of HCM Data Loader Extracts
• Submit an HCM Data Loader Extract
To run the HCM Data Loader Error Analysis Report test, select Settings and Actions > Run Diagnostic Tests.
A unique reference to a single data set. You can find the content ID in the Content ID column of the Search Results table
on the Import and Load Data page. You must specify either the content ID or the process ID to identify the data set.
Process ID
A unique reference to a single data set. You can find the process ID in the Process ID column of the Search Results table
on the Import and Load Data page. You must specify either the content ID or the process ID to identify the data set.
The name of a business object in the data set, such as Worker or Job. You can find the business object name in the
Business Object column of the Details table on the Import and Load Data page. This parameter is optional, but you're
recommended to supply it if your data set contains multiple business objects.
Detailed Mode
Set this parameter to Y to include the details of any reported errors in the output, including message stack trace for the
records in error.
• Status information
• Details of every process submitted to process your data set
• All errors raised for each business object in the data set
• Message stack trace and nonsensitive attribute values for the records in error, if you set the Detailed Mode
parameter to Y
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 18
HCM Data Loader Reporting and Diagnostics
Related Topics
• Run the HCM Data Loader Error Analysis Report
6. Click OK.
7. If required, enter a name for the test run in the Run Name field. The name can help you to locate your results
easily. If you leave the field blank, then a name is generated.
8. Click Run to run the test and click OK to close the confirmation dialog box.
9. In the Diagnostic Test Run Status section, click the Display Latest Test Run Status Information icon to see the
results of this test.
10. Expand the test hierarchy for your run to see the results. Click the Report icon to open the report.
You can save the output and attach it to a service request if required.
Related Topics
• HCM Data Loader Error Analysis Report
To run the HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader Diagnostic Report, select Settings and Actions > Run Diagnostic Tests.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 18
HCM Data Loader Reporting and Diagnostics
To report on a specific data set, enter its name. You must provide a value for either the Data Set Name or the Template
Name parameter.
Template Name
To report on a spreadsheet template, enter its name. You must provide a value for either the Data Set Name or the
Template Name parameter.
Enter the number of data sets most recently created in spreadsheets generated from the spreadsheet template to
include in the report. The default value is 5. This parameter applies only when you also specify a value for the Template
Name parameter.
Set this parameter to Y to provide details, including stack trace, of the most frequent import and load errors in the
report output.
Parameters Lists all report parameters with the values that you supplied
Template Business Objects Details of the business objects that the template supports
Template Attribute Details Details of the attributes selected in the template, regardless of whether they're visible in generated
Data set Name: <data set name> One section for each data set in the report
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 18
HCM Data Loader Reporting and Diagnostics
The Data Set Name: <data set name> section includes the following information for each data set in the report:
◦ Object status
◦ Details of the import and load processes
◦ SET commands
◦ The 25 most frequent import errors
◦ The 25 most frequent load errors
◦ Object and component counts
Related Topics
• Run the HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader Diagnostic Report
6. Click OK.
7. If required, enter a name for the test run in the Run Name field. The name can help you to locate your results
easily. If you leave the field blank, then a name is generated.
8. Click Run to run the test and click OK to close the confirmation dialog box.
9. In the Diagnostic Test Run Status section, click the Display Latest Test Run Status Information icon to see the
results of this test.
10. Expand the test hierarchy for your run to see the results. Click the Report icon to open the report.
You can save the output and attach it to a service request if required.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 18
HCM Data Loader Reporting and Diagnostics
Related Topics
• HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader Diagnostic Report
The HCM Data Loader area contains folders relating to HCM Data Loader (HDL) and HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader
(HSDL) data sets and processes and HSDL templates.
Data Sets HCM Data Loader and HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader data set details, such as created by, last update
date, and import and load statuses.
Data Set Business Objects Status information for the business objects processed within HCM Data Loader and HCM Spreadsheet
Data Loader data sets.
Data Set Business Object Parameters Details of the overridden parameters for a business object within a data set.
Facts Numeric facts for a business object's files, lines, and imported objects.
Imported Objects Data related to the objects imported for a business object within a data set. It includes the identifiying
key, reference attribute values with the line, and object messages. This data is only available while the
data set exists in the stage tables.
Spreadsheet Data Sets HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader data sets details and facts.
Spreadsheet Template Roles Roles associated with HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader templates.
Spreadsheet Template Parameters Overridden parameters for HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader templates.
The HCM Data Disposal area contains folders relating to the Remove Person Information functionality.
Remove Person Information Information relating to Remove Person Information templates and processes.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 18
HCM Data Loader Reporting and Diagnostics
Remove Person Information Facts Number of processes generated by the Remove Person Information functionality.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 18
HCM Data Loader Reporting and Diagnostics
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 19
HCM Data Loader Transferring Encrypted Data
The process for inbound files (into Oracle HCM Cloud) is:
1. You encrypt files using the Oracle HCM Cloud public key.
2. The data-loading process decrypts files using the Oracle HCM Cloud private key.
The process for outbound files (generated by Oracle HCM Cloud) is:
• Outbound files are signed using the HCM Cloud private key. You verify these files using the HCM Cloud public
• Inbound files are signed using your private key. The data-loading process verifies inbound files using your
public key.
This topic describes how to set up encryption, decryption, and signing of files.
Encryption Mode Encryption Key Decryption Key Signing Key Verification Key
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 19
HCM Data Loader Transferring Encrypted Data
1. Sign in to Oracle HCM Cloud with the IT Security Manager job role or privileges.
2. Select Navigator > Tools > Security Console to open the Security Console.
3. Click the Certificates tab to open the Certificates page.
4. Click Import to open the Import page.
5. Set Certificate Type to PGP.
6. In the Alias field, enter a name to uniquely identify your key.
7. Click Browse to identify the location of the customer public key.
8. Click Import and Close to import the public key into the Oracle HCM Cloud keystore.
Your public key now appears on the Security Console Certificates page.
1. Sign in to Oracle HCM Cloud with the IT Security Manager job role or privileges.
2. Select Navigator > Tools > Security Console to open the Security Console.
3. Click the Certificates tab to open the Certificates page.
4. Click Generate to open the Generate dialog box.
5. In the Generate dialog box, set Certificate Type to PGP.
6. In the Alias field, enter fusion-key.
Note: You must enter fusion-key in this field. Otherwise, the encryption APIs can't use this key to decrypt all
encrypted inbound files.
7. In the Passphrase field, enter a passphrase for the private key. This passphrase is needed when you edit,
delete, or download the private key.
Note: If you forget the passphrase, then you may have to raise a service request for help to delete the private
key. Once the old key is deleted, you can generate a new key using the process described here.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 19
HCM Data Loader Transferring Encrypted Data
You write programs to collect the encrypted files from your file server. You then place them on the Oracle WebCenter
Content server and call a data loader to decrypt and load the data to Oracle HCM Cloud.
Note: You must set up your encryption keys before you perform these tasks.
Encrypting Files
This section provides the commands to encrypt files in Microsoft Windows and Linux environments using the GnuPG
encryption tool. For other tools and platforms, work with your suppliers to find the necessary commands for setting the
cipher algorithm.
• Gpg4win, the official GnuPG distribution for Microsoft Windows, provides both a command-line interface and a
graphical user interface for encryption, decryption, signing, and verification. For encryption, use the command-
line interface. You can find Gpg4win here: https://www.gpg4win.org/about.html.
• You can download GnuPG for Linux from various sources, depending on the Linux distribution that you're
using. Commonly used GnuPG versions can be found here: https://www.gnupg.org/index.html.
After installing the Gpg4win or GnuPG tool, follow these steps to encrypt or encrypt and sign a file:
1. Import the HCM Cloud public key (downloaded from the Security Console) using this command at the
command prompt:
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 19
HCM Data Loader Transferring Encrypted Data
Note: When signing files, ensure that your private key is imported into the keystore that's used for
1. Write programs to send your encrypted files to Oracle WebCenter Content, using the Oracle WebCenter Content
Web Services. If your home page is: https://Hostname/homePage/faces/AtkHomePageWelcome, then the
Oracle WebCenterContent Server WSDL is: https://Hostname/idcws/GenericSoap?wsdl.
2. Call the loader program to pass the encryption parameter with other required parameters. The
loaderIntegrationService uses the submitEncryptedBatch method, which has an additional
parameter named encryptType. This parameter has the following values, which are defined in the
Related Topics
• Set up Encryption for File Transfer