Revision 2
Revision 2
Revision 2
Exercise 3. Indicate:
a. Sentence patterns
b. The semantic roles of underlined parts
1. My dog bit the postman.
2. Mrs. Christine is writing the Mayor’s speech.
3. John threw the boy the ball.
4. The dog chased the cat.
5. The fox jumped the ditch.
6. Edna felt ill.
7. The baked me a cake.
8. The rock broke the window.
9. The wind blew the tree down.
10. The ship sank.
12. The author wrote the book.
13. They turned traitors.
14. They elected him chairman.
15. Ali and Hassan have already got their new books.
Exercise 4. What does the underlined preposition indicate?
1. I sent the parcel to the man, who lived across the river.
2. Down the road was a temple.
3. My grandma lived down the road.
4. The shop is closed on Sundays.
5. Walk along the river, and you see my house.
6. Jerry jumped into the river to help his sister.
7. I received a letter from my father.
8. Glint went to Chennai with his friends.
9. I cut my birthday cake with a fruit knife.
10. The supermarket will be closed from 9 p.m. to 9 a.m.
11. Did you send that letter to your mother?
12. Sam left his jacket in the car.
13. He swam across the pool.
14. Go down the stairs and through the door.
15. The sculpture hangs on the wall.
16. I am good at sports.
17. I wouldn't like to go for a week in silence.
18. To my surprise, the space devoted to the kinetic sculptures had a lively and
progressive atmosphere.
19. I went to that wedding Saturday.
20. The US, as the country of origin for the uranium, had originally insisted that
shipments be made by air.
Exercise 5. Identify the subordinate clauses and their functions.
1. He will go when he likes it.
2. When he heard that Archelaus was reigning over Judea in place of his father Herod, he
was afraid to go there.
3. Whoever gets the role will do a wonderful job.
4. They now understand that lying is wrong.
5. The peaches that we picked the other day have rotted.
6. Once we get to the beach, I’ll be able to de-stress.
7. I saw a man who was crying.
8. The problem, that you did not pick up the packages, delays the entire production
9. The best thing would be to leave immediately.
10. Including garlic in the diet can significantly reduce cholesterol.
11. Their function is to detect the cries of predatory bats.
12. I wouldn't like to leave him.
13. Please forgive me for doubting you.
14. You can tell whoever waiting that I’ll be back in ten minutes.
15. His choice, for her to bring the kids the week after, seems logical.
16. She watched her son George scything the grass.
17. We are glad that you are able to join us on our wedding.
18. The news of what happened reached us.
19. You have undermined my conviction that a nuclear war is inevitable.
20. Everyone is happy to have him around.
21. Perhaps I made them what they are.
22. Whether he is right or wrong does not bother me at all.
23. There's a term and a half left before he moves in.
24. A little group of people had gathered by Mrs. Millings to watch the police activities
on the foreshore.
25. This is the course chosen by a large minority of households.