Referees Form

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Form B


International Doctorate School in

Information and Communication

The following section is to be filled out by the applicant:

Family name Khan First Name Muhammad Rezaul Hoque

Address House No: E-13/4, B.O.F. Gazipur-1703, Bangladesh.

City Gazipur Zip code 1703 Country Bangladesh

Telephone +880173018519 Fax E-mail [email protected]

Writers of letters of recommendation are requested to complete the form below. If additional space is needed, please
attach a separate page. In particular, recommenders are asked to provide an assessment of the candidate's abilities to
carry out advanced studies and research, together with her/ his main points of strength and weakness. All information
will be kept confidential.
Please rate the applicant in comparison with others of her/his age and position whom you have known within the past
five years. If possible indicate the number of students with whom you are comparing her/him with:

Comparing with 100 students the candidate’s abilities seems to me outstanding. His academic
background is excellent.
Outstanding Excellent Very Good Good Below Unable
(Top 1-2%) (Top 5%) (Top 20%) (Top 40%) Average to judge
Intellectual ability       
Motivation       
Potential for
      
autonomous research
Capability to carry out
      
the work
Team work       

How long have you known the applicant? Since 1999 (Around 7 years)

In what capacity?

 Undergraduate  Graduate  Research Assistant  Teaching Assistant

 Other: As a teaching associate in Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology (CUET), Bangladesh.

Ability to follow courses and research work in English:

 Adequate  Insufficient  Unable to judge

Date: 1/10/2007

To whom it may concern

I know Muhammad Rezaul Hoque Khan, as he was my student of different courses

offered by me. I have occasions to observe him from a close quarter both in theoretical and practical
classes. I have found him brilliant with inquisitiveness and drives. He has an excellent academic
record and got intellectual potential in acquiring knowledge in his field of study.

Muhammad Rezaul Hoque Khan is a polite, sincere, and energetic person and possesses
good personal drive in his field of study. I think that his application for studying in University of
Technology Sydney on Information and Communication Technologies will be a chance for him to
accomplish his goal of postgraduate studies in engineering. I sincerely hope that he will receive
necessary help in getting admission as well as scholarship in your well-known PhD program.

He needs experience in the field of Information & Communication Technology, as it’s his
research interest to continue the profession of teaching in Islamic University of Technology (IUT)
or elsewhere.

He is hard working, sincere and persevering. He is very much humble with friendly and
cooperative nature. His command in English in both oral & verbal is excellent.

Dr. Md. Shahid Ullah

Professor, Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Islamic University of Technology (IUT)
Gazipur-1704, Bangladesh
Email: [email protected]

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