Semv Ac QB
Semv Ac QB
Semv Ac QB
Unit I: (8M)
1) Give a broad classification of transducers with examples.
2) Write a note on thermistor? Explain NTC and PTC thermistors.
3) Write a note on thermocouples.
4) Explain the working principle of LVDT with neat, labelled diagram.
5) Explain the principle of potentiometry and how it is used in pH meters with neat,
labelled diagram.
6) Draw the block diagram of electronic weighing system using load cell and explain its
7) Write a note on construction, working and applications of LEDs.
8) Draw the construction of LCDs explaining its working principle and write a note on
types and application.
9) Explain the working LDR, photodiode and phototransistors.
10) Write a note on wire, foil, and semiconductor type strain gauges.
Unit I: (4M)
1) Define transducers. Write a note on active and passive transducers.
2) What are the criteria for selecting a transducer?
3) What are the parameters for electrical transducers?
4) Write a note on load cell.
5) Explain the construction and working of multicolor LED with necessary diagrams.
6) Write a note 7 segment display.