XSpectra An Advanced Real-Time Food Contaminants Detector
XSpectra An Advanced Real-Time Food Contaminants Detector
XSpectra An Advanced Real-Time Food Contaminants Detector
Authorized licensed use limited to: ULAKBIM UASL - Akdeniz ©2019 03,2023
Universitesi. Downloaded on December IEEE at 07:10:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Figure 4. Spectrum at temperature T = +20 °C obtained by irradiating
one pixel with a 100 μm × 100 μm area beam of 60 keV photons incident
on its geometrical center at rates from 0.3×106 up to 2.5×106 cps.
Figure 2. Simplified blocks schematic of XSpectra®
block of the system, collects the data-streams produced by all
photons per second per pixel. Finally, XSpectra® must be also the MCAs and delivers them to the Application Software,
able to work at photons energies up to 130 keV. Putting which is the third and last macro-block. The Application
together all such requirements, makes the XSpectra® design a Software temporally re-orders the data delivered by all the
real challenge. MCAs and processes them by means of advanced proprietary
Neural Network algorithms to both reconstruct the product
III. XSPECTRA® ARCHITECTURE image and also detect the presence of eventual contaminants
Figure 2 shows a simplified blocks schematic of XSpectra®. inside it. In case a contaminant is detected, an EJECT signal is
The first macro block is the Detector Electronic Front-End, generated to drive the line ejector which removes the product
which has a modular architecture. Each module comprises a from the line belt. Figure 3 shows a picture of a Detection Unit
CdTe linear-array of 128 pixels - with 0.8 mm pitch - which in its version equipped with n. 3 Detector Electronic Front-
detects the photons emitted by the X-ray source after having End modules, which has dimensions 36 × 37 × 11 cm3. The
passed through the scanned product. The signals of each pixel placements of the collimated slit for photons entrance, of the
are read-out by a multi-channel full-custom Analog Front-End interface to the Data Collector and of the liquid-cooling plate
Application Specific Integrated Circuit (AFE-ASIC), realized are also shown in the figure.
in CMOS technology and developed in collaboration with
Politecnico di Milano. The AFE-ASIC performs the very first IV. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS WITH SYNCHROTRON
analog processing on the signals and has been designed in RADIATION
order to obtain the challenging best compromise in terms of XSpectra® modules have been experimentally characterized
industrial reliability, low-power, high photon-rate and low- at beam line BM05 of the European Synchrotron Radiation
noise capabilities. The ASICs feed the Multi Channel Facility (ESRF) in Grenoble (France). The measurements have
Analyzer (MCA) that is composed by a high sampling-rate been performed at temperature T = +20 °C by irradiating a
Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) followed by a FPGA- sub-set of the overall 128 pixels-array by means of a 100 μm ×
based full-custom Digital Signal Processor. Each MCA 100 μm area beam of monochromatic photons, at different
reconstructs the energy spectrum of the X-ray radiation energies and rates, centered in the middle of the tested pixels.
detected by its own 128-pixels array and transfers it to the Figure 4 shows the raw spectra obtained with one of the tested
Data Collector. This last, which constitutes the second macro- pixels by irradiating it with 60 keV photons at incoming rates
ranging from 0.3×106 counts-per-second (cps) up to 2.5×106
cps. The main 60 keV line width resulted to be 8.5 keV
FWHM at the lowest-rate measurement condition and 13.5
keV FWHM at the highest one. The escape-peaks and pile-up
regions can be clearly appreciated. As can be seen in the
figure, the system noise tail affects the lowest-energy part of
the spectrum below about 10 keV at all the tested photon-rate
conditions, thus making the spectral information fully usable
by the algorithms approximately starting from such energy on.
Authorized licensed use limited to: ULAKBIM UASL - Akdeniz Universitesi. Downloaded on December 03,2023 at 07:10:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
figure shows the unprocessed radiographic image as produced
by XSpectra®, while part b) shows how the figure appears
after the processing performed by the XSpectra® algorithms,
which make the presence of the foreign body much more
Authorized licensed use limited to: ULAKBIM UASL - Akdeniz Universitesi. Downloaded on December 03,2023 at 07:10:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.