Science LP
Science LP
Science LP
Content Standard
Demonstrate understanding of the parts and functions of the sense organs of the human body
Performance Standard
Describe, identify, and observe things around us by using our sense organs.
The learners should be able to describe the parts and functions of the human eye.
I. Learning Objectives
a. Describe the different parts and functions of the sense organs of the human body.
b. State on how to take good care of sense organ.
c. Draw the sense organs and give the name of the different senses.
2. Learner’s Materials
III. Procedures
1. The students will stand in the center.
2. The teacher will read different things that can be classified into five
3. Motivation/Activity 3. Each students should race what sense organ are them.
What sense organ is used in each of the following:
The height of the building
The fragrance of bitter gourd
The taste of ampalaya
The texture of silk cloth
4. Discussion/Abstraction Sense organ are specialized organ that help to perceive the world around
us. They are integral part of our lives and is the only way to that enables
us to perceive the environment. The five sense organs are your eyes,
nose, tongue, ears and skin. The five senses are sight, hearing, smell,
taste, and touch.
Eyes – Sense of sight. You see with your eyes. Through the use of your
eyes, you learn how things look.
Nose – Sense of smell. You smell with your nose. Your nose helps you to
know how things smell.
Skin – Sense of touch. You touch things with your skin. Your skin helps
you to know how things feel.
Instruction: The story of Helen Geller (The teacher will tell a story about
Helen Geller and after that she will be asking students a questions
related to the story.)
1. The class will be divided into five groups.
5. Application
2. Each group will be assigned in different sense organ and they have to
identify and classify it according to their task.
3. Be careful in using and handling materials.
Instruction: The teacher will ask the following questions to the students:
-What are the functions of sense organ in our life?
-How to take care of the sense organ?
-Why it is important to take care of sense organ?
6. Analysis/Generalization
-Sense organ
IV. Assessment/Evaluation
In a tree chart, there are sense organs in each branch; they will select words from a box and place them in
the branch that corresponds to their senses.
Candy, Chocolate, Rainbow, Shouting, Shapes, Cold water, Hot coffee, Weather, Vinegar
V. Assignment
Differentiate between five sense organ; sense of sight, sense of hearing, sense of smell, sense of taste, sense
of touch by combining each picture in appropriate sense organ.