Fasting and Zakat

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How do Muslims carry out Zakat? [10]

Model Answer
Zakat is obligatory on every Muslim, adult, sane, who at least owns Nisab i.e. 7.5 Tola or
87.48 grams of gold or 52.5 Tola or 612.32 grams of silver and the whole year has passed on
this savings. Zakat is not obligatory on the items of use but only on savings. It is not
obligatory on income but on savings as the purpose is to keep the money flowing from one
hand to other.
We give 2.5% on the total value of four items: gold, silver, cash and goods of merchandise.
10% has to be given on the total production of agricultural land if the land is irrigated by
natural means. If it is irrigated by artificial means, then only 5%. It is known as Ushr. On the
extracts on mines, we give 20%. It is known as Khums. There are certain rates on the Zakat
of cattle:
1. On five camels one goat, on ten camels two goats and so on, but on 25 camels one she
2. On thirty cows and buffalos, one calf of one year and on forty cows one calf of two years.
3. On forty goats we give one goat, on hundred and twenty-one goats we give two goats. On
two hundred goats three goats and then on every hundred one goat will increase.
There are eight recipients of Zakat. The Holy Quran says, “Alms are for the poor and the
needy and those who employed to administer the funds; for those whose hearts have been
recently reconciled (to truth), for those in bondage and in debt, in cause of Allah and for the
1. Faqeer: The one who is unable to support themselves and their families.
2. Miskeen: They are poorer than faqeer. They can’t fulfil even their daily needs.
3. Collector of Zakat: They are the government officials appointed on the collections of
Zakat. They will be given their salaries from the funds of Zakat.
4. Newly Converts: In early Islam the Prophet used to give money to the new converts
because Islam was in need of strong personalities. During the caliphate of Hazrat Abu Bakr,
Hazrat Umar refused to give them Zakat saying that Islam had become enough strong.
5. Slaves: if a master offers his slave to pay a certain amount of money and get free, so this
slave is known as Mukatab. We can help him with the funds of Zakat.
6. People in debt: those who have incurred debts to meet their essential needs.
7. In the way of Allah: Majority say that it refers to jihad. It can refer to the people who are
engaged in activities relating to services of Islam.
8. Travelers: During travelling if a person became needy or he faced losses in foreign
country, we should help him with Zakat, even if he had money at home.
Zakat can’t be given to: The Non-Muslim as it is a pillar of Islam. It can’t be given to the
parents and grandparents, children and grandchildren, husband and wife as it is the
responsibility of a person to fulfil their financial needs. It can’t be given to the Hashemites as
Zakat is the dirt of wealth and they are very honourable. It can’t be spent on construction,
furniture or machinery as the recipient of Zakat should be made the owner of it.

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Explain Zakat’s importance to the Muslim community. [4]

Zakat brings rich and poor closer to each other. Rich shows his concern to the poor and poor
gives respect to the rich, so brotherly atmosphere develops in the community. Zakat stops
concentration of wealth in few hands. It causes wealth to flow from rich to the poor and all
members of the community get the benefit. Zakat gives the guarantee of the fulfilment of
the basic needs of all members of the community. When everyone will be satisfied crime
rate will reduce. Zakat can be called the backbone of the Islamic Economic System. It
maintains the economic balance by a constant flow of wealth. It also helps such institution
of the community which provide free services to the needy people.

Give an account of the Pillar of Almsgiving (zakat). 10

Marking Scheme
Answers could say that it is a compulsory charity and the term zakat means purification and
by giving zakat a Muslim purifies a person’s wealth and frees their heart from the love of
wealth. Great reward is promised to those who fulfil this Pillar. Zakat helps to set up social
and economic stability in a society as the funds enable the needy and deserving recipients
towards economic independence.
Zakat is due if one’s assets equal or exceed the nisab for one whole year. The nisab was set
by the Prophet (pbuh) the Qur’an does not specify which types of wealth are taxable nor
does it specify the percentage. The rates are determined from the sunnah of the Prophet
which state that the amount of zakat on capital assets such as money is 2.5 % and varies up
to 25% depending on the type of goods. Examples of recipients of zakat are Muslim
converts, the poor, zakat collectors, prisoners of war, people in debt, travellers and to
people and organisations that are engaged in services to Islam.
Examples of who cannot receive zakat are non-Muslims, a giver’s husband, wife, children,
grandparents and grandchildren. It cannot be paid to the descendants of the Prophet
(pbuh), to those who meet the threshold of nisab or the deceased. Zakat cannot be used to
pay servant’s wages or as burial expenses.
There are many benefits for the giver of zakat. One of the most important benefits is the
fulfilment of the obligation of giving zakat and earning God’s pleasure. Zakat also purifies
wealth and may be a means of gaining God’s protection from problems. Giving zakat washes
away one’s sins and it teaches Muslims about the laws of God as one has to know the rules
of zakat before one is able to pay it.
Also, there are broader advantages to society of zakat being given as it distributes wealth
and fixes the monetary imbalance in society and creates a more caring society. A detailed
and well-developed answer should include who is liable to pay zakat, who the recipients of
zakat are, who it cannot be paid to and what the benefits of giving zakat are.

Describe the benefits of zakat for the Muslim community. [10]

Zakat is the backbone of Islamic economic system. It contains numerous benefits to the
community. Firstly, it helps to reduce the poverty in the community. It ensures that he basic

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needs of every individual in the community will be fulfilled and they spent a satisfied life.
When the basic needs will be fulfilled, they will not look towards the unlawful ways of
income and so the community will remain safe from the evil of crimes.
Zakat reduces the gap between rich and poor. In societies where zakat ceases to exist, the
gap between the rich and the poor widens to the effect where abhorrence and hatred
replace love and appreciation for the poor and disdain and scorn replace compassion and
charity for the rich. Leaves of history attest that the civilizations that have opted to divide
themselves into conflicting classes, their initial happiness was short-lived and finally they
have paid the ultimate price for their social injustice. The bridge of zakat also constructs a
stable middle class through which increasingly more recipients of zakat can become its
donors and a possible clash between the rich and the poor is prevented.
By providing an opportunity for the unemployed to embark on new business ventures, zakat
gains them back into society, stronger than ever, instead of deserting them to become
burdens of the community. The circulation of capital solely in the hands of the rich
inevitably leads to them becoming richer at the expense of the poor, who then become
even more stricken. In actual fact, wealth has been created for the benefit of the whole of
humanity, indiscriminately.
Additionally, in such societies where zakat is not paid the poor remain in constant anxiety in
regard to attaining their sustenance whereas the rich foster a similar anxiety pertaining to
the security of their wealth. In contrast, zakat eliminates all of the illegitimate options,
graciously providing the poor with an ethical way out of their strife. The prime hindrance of
the formation of a harmonious atmosphere within societies is the existence of social classes
based on wealth. It is self-evident that it is an impossible for the poor to nurture love for the
rich in a society where they are turned a blind eye on.
As prevalent experience has shown, such a society is destined to become a hotbed for social
conflict. The following verse testifies the fact. “Spend generously for the cause of God, and
do not cast yourselves into destruction by your own hands. And know that God loves the
doors of good.” [2:195] Those who do not spend in the way of God impede the rights of
others by depriving them of what is theirs and simultaneously, wrong themselves by
evading an obligation. God indeed, dislikes wrongdoers: “Indeed God does not wrong
humankind in any way; but humankind wrong themselves.” [Yunus 10:44]
Allah, the Almighty, has explicitly forbidden all types and forms of interest, the chief catalyst
in causing the rich to become richer and the poor to become poorer. It gives the comparison
of zakat with riba in the following verse, “That which you give in usury in order that it may
increase on people’s property has no increase with God; but that which you give in charity,
seeking God’s countenance, has a manifold increase.”[30:39] Zakat keeps the wealth
flowing from one hand to other and everyone gets the benefit. It stops the concentration of
wealth in few hands. Zakat also becomes the fuel for such institutions which provide free
service to the needy people.

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Who do you think benefits more from the payment of zakat and why, the giver or the
receiver? [4]

In my opinion giver of Zakat gets more benefits as zakat purifies his remaining wealth. It
comes in Allah’s security and becomes a source of comfort for him. It also purifies his heart
from the love of wealth as he himself gives out his own money. His wealth doesn’t reduce
but Allah returns it multiplied to him. His relation strengthens with Allah as he shows that
his wealth is God gifted and he can spend it in the way. He also get spiritual satisfaction and
inner happiness by helping the needy. Such a person is also respected by everyone in the

In your opinions, what is the greatest benefits for the giver of zakat? Give reasons to
support your answer. [4]

In my opinion the greatest benefit of zakat for giver is that he is spiritually elevated. By
giving zakat he gets Allah’s pleasure and feels his closeness which is the main objective of
believer’s life. He get spiritually satisfied by carrying out his religious responsibility and
doesn’t feel guilty. He feels peace, sleeps comfortably as he believes that now his wealth is
in Allah’s security and it will not be wasted.

More Questions

Write an account of the benefits that result from the payment of charity (zakat) and state
to whom it should and should not be paid. [10]

How do you think observing the Pillar of giving alms (zakat) benefits the giver? [4]


Outline the features of the Ramadan fast, and identify which Muslims are exempt from
fasting during this month. [10]

Fasting is obligatory on every Muslim adult, sane, who is healthy enough to fast. It is
performed in the month of Ramadan. Fasting starts when we see the moon of Ramadan.
The Holy Prophet said, “start fasting when you see the moon and stop fasting when you see
the moon.” Muslims wake up before dawn and have a meal known as Sahoor. It is sunnat
and not obligatory. The Holy Prophet said, “Take Sehr as there is a blessing in Sunnat and
not obligatory. The Holy Prophet said, “Take Sehr as there is a blessing in it.” They must stop
eating before dawn. Then they do niyat. They say, “I intend to keep today’s fast of the
month of Ramadan.” Then Muslims offer their obligatory prayer of Fajr.

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“Sawm” literally means to abstain. In religious terms fasting refers to abstain from eating,
drinking, sexual activities and smoking etc. We should spend this time away from all types
of sins. They must take care of their religious duties like prayer and recitation of Quran.
They should be embodiment of patience and tolerance during fast. Before sunset we should
pray as it is the time of the acceptance of prayer. We break the fast right after the sunset,
preferably with dates. It is known as Iftar. The Holy Prophet said, “Allah said, ‘The dearest of
My servants in my sight are quickest breaking of the fast.”
Muslims also offer Tarawih prayer in every night of Ramadan. There are twenty rakaats of
tarawih. It is sunnat e Muakkadah. They listen to the complete Quran in this prayer.
Muslims also search for the Night of power in the last five odd nights of Ramadan. The Holy
Quran says, “Night of Power is better than thousands month” Some Muslims also do I’tikaf
for the search of this night. Muslims also pay Sadaqaat-ul-Fitr in this month. The amount of
this Sadaqah is 1.63 kg of wheat. It has to be paid from each member of the family to the
recipients of zakat [2:184] If a person breaks his fast intentionally without any valid reason
he will give Kaffarah. He has to keep sixty days fast continuously. If he can’t do this then he
will feed sixty needy people twice. Muslims stop the activities of Ramadan when they see
the moon of Shawwal. If a person ate something due to forgetfulness, no harm will be there
to his fast.
Non-Muslims, children and insane people are exempted from all obligations, so they are
totally exempted from fasting as well. Very old people and permanently sick people are also
exempted but they have to pay Fidya. The amount is 1.63 kg of wheat per fast. The Holy
Quran says, “For those cannot do it is a ransom the feeding of one indigent.” Temporarily
sick, people busy in jihad, travellers and women in their certain cases are also exempted
from fasting but they will keep Qada fast after Ramadan.

What advantages does the fast of Ramadan bring to the Muslim community? [4]

Fasting makes the rich people realize the pain of hunger. It develops mercy in their hearts
for the poor. The Muslims assemble in large numbers in the mosque which increases
brotherhood. There is a visible change in the Muslim community, Muslims are moved
towards goodness and avoid sins. The rich people spend generously on the poor to seek the
blessing of Allah in the form of Zakat and charity. It enables the poor to receive enough
funds to meet their needs for atleast a part of year. It equalizes all Muslims as everyone
regardless of his financial status experience hunger and thirst. It reminds them that they are
equal in the sight of Allah.

What are the moral, spiritual and other benefits of fasting in Ramadan? [10]

It safeguards the body‘s health by protecting it against extravagance. It grants its organs a
respite so that they may be ready to resume their activities. As medical science has proved,
it is a medicine for many bodily and nervous ailments. Islam places a great deal of emphasis
on moral excellence during this holy month. We must avoid, especially during fasting,

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fighting, quarrelling and abusive language but embodiment of patience and tolerance. The
Holy Prophet (pbuh) said, “One who, while fasting, neither guards his tongue from telling
lies nor refrains from doing bad deeds doesn’t respect his fast, while Allah does not approve
of mere abstention from food.” He also said, “if anybody speaks ill of you or tries to pick a
quarrel with you, do not respond to him in the same manner; rather, simply tell him that
you are fasting.” Fasting also teaches us to be organized and punctual in our life as
everything in Ramadan is done in prescribed timings.
During the month of Ramadan, the believers learn to curb their desires and check them
against transgression, extravagance, and the yielding to the lower desires, all of which
degenerate man and bring him to the pit of self-destruction and annihilation. Fast fosters a
strong will, teaches patience and self-discipline, the ability to bear hardship and tolerance
hunger and thirst. In short, it brings about a clear victory over one’s illicit desires and selfish
impulses. The believers strengthen their ties with the Almighty, since they express through
fast a continuous desire to obey His will and carry out His commandments.
A person doesn’t eat or drink even in loneliness as he remembers that Allah is watching me.
It makes him God-conscious. During fasting we do not eat, drink, avoid sins and worship
Allah more which are angelic qualities so in this month we get a great spiritual boost. It
helps us to spend pious life in the following year.
It is a moral education, a nourishment of supreme virtues. It teaches the believer to
abandon vices, to control emotions and instincts, to curb the tongue against saying what is
wrong or inappropriate and the conscience against contemplating upon wrongdoing or
subversion. It promotes the spirit of unity among members of the fasting community, it
teaches them humility and humbleness and instils within them the feeling of equality before
Allah. The rich have to observe it as well as the weak and downtrodden: they all have to
observe the fast. It develops the sense of equality and the sense of togetherness. It
promotes the spirit of charity and compassion towards the poor and the needy, and it
reminds each believer the needs of other believers. Muslims share with each other Allah’s
blessing unto them. Most of the Muslims gives Zakat and other charities in this month
which is good for the poor members of the community. We see a good change in the
community. The people avoid sins and try to practice their religion. Mosques are full of
Muslims and they come closer to each other and brotherhood prevails.

Choose any one benefit of the Ramadan fast and say why you think it is more useful. [4]

In my opinion greatest benefit of Ramadan fast is the development of ‘Taqwa’ (God

Consciousness) in a person. If a person becomes God-fearing then he will avoid all evils
which Allah has forbidden from. He will become honest in dealing with others and will take
care of other’s rights. Taqwa is the root of all goodness and merits. Quran respectively
orders its followers to be Muttaqi. It says: “O you who believe! Fear Allah as He should be
feared and die not except in a state of Islam which complete submission to Allah.”[3:102]
When a person’s relations become stronger with Allah he will obey all of His commands and
will follow the straight path. It will lead him to the successful life in both of the worlds.

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Fasting in Ramadan benefits Muslims in many ways. Write about the major benefits of
fasting in Ramadan.

The benefits of fasting in the month of Ramadan are countless. Candidates in response to
this answer should not write an account of how fasting is observed but instead write an
account of the benefits of fasting. It could be said that fasting teaches a Muslim taqwa
which is the sum total of all Islamic values and virtues. Taqwa is the consciousness of God, it
is to do one’s best to live by His commands and to avoid His prohibitions. Fasting builds the
quality of taqwa in a believer, who is spiritually uplifted by its observance. Fasting enhances
one’s spirituality and teaches sincerity to God. As fasting is an invisible act that is only
between a believer and God it helps a person to live by the rules and regulations of one’s
faith. It enables a person to learn self-control.
During fasting even things that are permissible in Islam like eating, drinking and marital
relations are forbidden for the duration of the fast. And this self-control strengthens the
moral character of a person. The training Muslims get during fasting to say no to permissible
things helps them to say no to the forbidden things in daily life. The fast has a positive effect
on one’s health, it gives the digestive system a rest and gets rid of excess fats and toxins.
The prosperous in society become aware of the plight of the poor and needy and can
empathise with them. More charity is given in Ramadan and zakat is also often given in this
month and it brings economic prosperity in the community. Unity, peace and harmony are
also benefits of fasting. The rewards for a fasting Muslim’s good deeds are multiplied and
the Prophet (pbuh) has said that ‘there is a special entrance to Paradise called al-Rayyan,
none will enter through the gate save those who fast.’ When Muslims fast together it
creates unity and goodwill, they not only come closer as a community but get closer to God
as well.

Explain why the Night of Power (Layla-tul-Qadr) is so important for Muslims. 4

Candidates could say that the Night of Power is considered to be a night of immense
blessings for it was on this night that the last of God’s books, the Qur’an, was revealed to
the Prophet (pbuh). The Qur’an itself mentions the immense blessings of this night. This is a
night of reading, understanding and reflecting upon the teachings given in the Qur’an. The
reward of worship on this night is more than the reward for worshipping for a thousand
months. Hence Muslims have special arrangements for extra prayers on this night. The
Prophet (pbuh) has said that those who spend Layla-tul-Qadr in prayer out of faith and in
the hope of reward, will have his previous sins forgiven. It is believed, as stated in the
Qur’an in Sura al Qadr, that the angels and the Spirit descend to earth by God’s permission
and that peace prevails until the rise of dawn. It is for these reasons that Muslims consider
the Night of Power to be the most important night of Ramadan and indeed of the year.

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How might fasting and zakat bring Muslim closer to God? [4]

By giving Zakat a person gets closer to Allah as he shows that his wealth is given to him by
Allah and he is ready to spend it according to his commands. By giving Zakat the wealth does
not decrease but it increases as Allah becomes happy with the person and He returns it
multiplied. The Holy Quran says, “The parable of those who spend their substance in the
way of Allah is that of a grain of corn, it grows seven ears and each ear has a hundred
grains.”[2:261] In fasting the body does not have to do the work of digestion, it has more
energy to focus on other things. In the same way, since we are not consumed by what we
are going to eat next and when, we have more energy to devote to God. Physical food never
fully satisfies; in a few hours, we’ll need to eat again. But when we are fed from dong the
worship of Allah, we will find a new satisfaction like we’ve never experienced. Fasting
purifies the soul, cleanses the intention, and brings about an abundance of good from the
Almighty Who is ever watching over us and Who desires nothing but good for his sincere
servants. The greatest benefit of fasting is the development of “Taqwa” in a person.


Write an account of how Muslims carry out the following observances. [10]
i. Payment of poor-rate (zakat)
ii. ii. Fasting (sawm)

Write about the practice of fasting in Ramadan and the moral benefits that a Muslim gains
from fasting in this month. [10]

What are the benefits to individuals and the community of fasting in the month of
Ramadan? [10]

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