2024 GKS-U University Available Departments (Yonsei-U)

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2024 GKS-U Available Departments

University Embassy Univ. Track 모집단위 Department Field of Study Period Medium of Required TOPIK for Telephone for detailed
No. 대학명 (대학알리미 공시 Campus Location Track Type Applicable (학과, 학부 등) (대학알리미 공시 명칭) 학과계열 (Division) Degree Program (years) Instruction Admission after Program starts Website URL for detailed information information Remarks
명칭) Programs Language Program

Shinchon / Seoul Not https://libart.yonsei.ac.kr/libart/index.do

1 연세대학교 Yonsei University A Applicable 국어국문학과 Korean Language & Literature 인문사회 Humanities & Social Science Bachelor's degree 4 Korean / English TOPIK 3 or above March or September +82-2-2123-8428 reside at Incheon International Campus for the freshmen year(1st and 2nd semester)

2 Shinchon / Seoul Not 4 https://libart.yonsei.ac.kr/libart/index.do

연세대학교 Yonsei University A Applicable 중어중문학과 Chinese Language & Literature 인문사회 Humanities & Social Science Bachelor's degree Korean / English TOPIK 3 or above March or September +82-2-2123-8428 reside at Incheon International Campus for the freshmen year(1st and 2nd semester)

Shinchon / Seoul Not https://libart.yonsei.ac.kr/libart/index.do

3 연세대학교 Yonsei University A Applicable 영어영문학과 English Language & Literature 인문사회 Humanities & Social Science Bachelor's degree 4 Korean / English TOPIK 3 or above March or September +82-2-2123-8428 reside at Incheon International Campus for the freshmen year(1st and 2nd semester)

4 Shinchon / Seoul Not 4 https://libart.yonsei.ac.kr/libart/index.do

연세대학교 Yonsei University A Applicable 독어독문학과 German Language & Literature 인문사회 Humanities & Social Science Bachelor's degree Korean / English TOPIK 3 or above March or September +82-2-2123-8428 reside at Incheon International Campus for the freshmen year(1st and 2nd semester)

Shinchon / Seoul Not https://libart.yonsei.ac.kr/libart/index.do

5 연세대학교 Yonsei University A Applicable 불어불문학과 French Language & Literature 인문사회 Humanities & Social Science Bachelor's degree 4 Korean / English TOPIK 3 or above March or September +82-2-2123-8428 reside at Incheon International Campus for the freshmen year(1st and 2nd semester)

6 Shinchon / Seoul Not 4 https://libart.yonsei.ac.kr/libart/index.do

연세대학교 Yonsei University A Applicable 노어노문학과 Russian Language & Literature 인문사회 Humanities & Social Science Bachelor's degree Korean / English TOPIK 3 or above March or September +82-2-2123-8428 reside at Incheon International Campus for the freshmen year(1st and 2nd semester)

Shinchon / Seoul Not https://libart.yonsei.ac.kr/libart/index.do

7 연세대학교 Yonsei University A Applicable 사학과 History 인문사회 Humanities & Social Science Bachelor's degree 4 Korean / English TOPIK 3 or above March or September +82-2-2123-8428 reside at Incheon International Campus for the freshmen year(1st and 2nd semester)

8 Shinchon / Seoul Not 4 https://libart.yonsei.ac.kr/libart/index.do

연세대학교 Yonsei University A Applicable 철학과 Philosophy 인문사회 Humanities & Social Science Bachelor's degree Korean / English TOPIK 3 or above March or September +82-2-2123-8428 reside at Incheon International Campus for the freshmen year(1st and 2nd semester)

Shinchon / Seoul Not https://libart.yonsei.ac.kr/libart/index.do

9 연세대학교 Yonsei University A Applicable 문헌정보학과 Library & Information Science 인문사회 Humanities & Social Science Bachelor's degree 4 Korean / English TOPIK 3 or above March or September +82-2-2123-8428 reside at Incheon International Campus for the freshmen year(1st and 2nd semester)

10 Shinchon / Seoul Not 4 https://libart.yonsei.ac.kr/libart/index.do

연세대학교 Yonsei University A Applicable 심리학과 Psychology 인문사회 Humanities & Social Science Bachelor's degree Korean / English TOPIK 3 or above March or September +82-2-2123-8428 reside at Incheon International Campus for the freshmen year(1st and 2nd semester)

Shinchon / Seoul Not https://yce.yonsei.ac.kr/ybe/index.do

11 연세대학교 Yonsei University A Applicable 경제학부 Economics 인문사회 Humanities & Social Science Bachelor's degree 4 Korean / English TOPIK 3 or above March or September +82-2-2123-2453 reside at Incheon International Campus for the freshmen year(1st and 2nd semester)

12 Shinchon / Seoul Not 4 https://yce.yonsei.ac.kr/ybe/index.do

연세대학교 Yonsei University A Applicable 응용통계학과 Applied Statistics 인문사회 Humanities & Social Science Bachelor's degree Korean / English TOPIK 3 or above March or September +82-2-2123-2453 reside at Incheon International Campus for the freshmen year(1st and 2nd semester)

Shinchon / Seoul Not https://ysb.yonsei.ac.kr/default.asp

13 연세대학교 Yonsei University A Applicable 경영학과 Business Administration 인문사회 Humanities & Social Science Bachelor's degree 4 Korean / English TOPIK 3 or above March or September +82-2-2123-6253 reside at Incheon International Campus for the freshmen year(1st and 2nd semester)

14 Shinchon / Seoul Not 4 http://science.yonsei.ac.kr/

연세대학교 Yonsei University A Applicable 수학과 Mathematics 자연과학 Natural Science Bachelor's degree Korean / English TOPIK 3 or above March or September +82-2-2123-2552~2556 reside at Incheon International Campus for the freshmen year(1st and 2nd semester)

Shinchon / Seoul Not http://science.yonsei.ac.kr/

15 연세대학교 Yonsei University A Applicable 물리학과 Physics 자연과학 Natural Science Bachelor's degree 4 Korean / English TOPIK 3 or above March or September +82-2-2123-2552~2556 reside at Incheon International Campus for the freshmen year(1st and 2nd semester)

16 Shinchon / Seoul Not 4 http://science.yonsei.ac.kr/

연세대학교 Yonsei University A Applicable 화학과 Chemistry 자연과학 Natural Science Bachelor's degree Korean / English TOPIK 3 or above March or September +82-2-2123-2552~2556 reside at Incheon International Campus for the freshmen year(1st and 2nd semester)

Shinchon / Seoul Not http://science.yonsei.ac.kr/

17 연세대학교 Yonsei University A Applicable 지구시스템과학과 Earth System Sciences 자연과학 Natural Science Bachelor's degree 4 Korean / English TOPIK 3 or above March or September +82-2-2123-2552~2556 reside at Incheon International Campus for the freshmen year(1st and 2nd semester)

18 Shinchon / Seoul Not 4 http://science.yonsei.ac.kr/

연세대학교 Yonsei University A Applicable 천문우주학과 Astronomy 자연과학 Natural Science Bachelor's degree Korean / English TOPIK 3 or above March or September +82-2-2123-2552~2556 reside at Incheon International Campus for the freshmen year(1st and 2nd semester)

Shinchon / Seoul Not http://science.yonsei.ac.kr/

19 연세대학교 Yonsei University A Applicable 대기과학과 Atmospheric Sciences 자연과학 Natural Science Bachelor's degree 4 Korean / English TOPIK 3 or above March or September +82-2-2123-2552~2556 reside at Incheon International Campus for the freshmen year(1st and 2nd semester)

20 Shinchon / Seoul Not 4 https://engineering.yonsei.ac.kr/engineering/index.do

연세대학교 Yonsei University A Applicable 화공생명공학부 Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering 공학 Engneering Bachelor's degree Korean / English TOPIK 3 or above March or September +82-2-2123-2735 reside at Incheon International Campus for the freshmen year(1st and 2nd semester)

Shinchon / Seoul Not https://engineering.yonsei.ac.kr/engineering/index.do

21 연세대학교 Yonsei University A Applicable 전기전자공학부 Electrical & Electronic Engineering 공학 Engneering Bachelor's degree 4 Korean / English TOPIK 3 or above March or September +82-2-2123-2735 reside at Incheon International Campus for the freshmen year(1st and 2nd semester)

22 Shinchon / Seoul Not 4 https://engineering.yonsei.ac.kr/engineering/index.do

연세대학교 Yonsei University A Applicable 건축공학과(4년제) Architectural Engineering(4-year Program) 공학 Engneering Bachelor's degree Korean / English TOPIK 3 or above March or September +82-2-2123-2735 reside at Incheon International Campus for the freshmen year(1st and 2nd semester)

Shinchon / Seoul Not https://engineering.yonsei.ac.kr/engineering/index.do

23 연세대학교 Yonsei University A Applicable 도시공학과 Urban Planning & Engineering 공학 Engneering Bachelor's degree 4 Korean / English TOPIK 3 or above March or September +82-2-2123-2735 reside at Incheon International Campus for the freshmen year(1st and 2nd semester)

24 Shinchon / Seoul Not 4 https://engineering.yonsei.ac.kr/engineering/index.do

연세대학교 Yonsei University A Applicable 사회환경시스템공학부 Civil & Environmental Engineering 공학 Engneering Bachelor's degree Korean / English TOPIK 3 or above March or September +82-2-2123-2735 reside at Incheon International Campus for the freshmen year(1st and 2nd semester)

Shinchon / Seoul Not https://engineering.yonsei.ac.kr/engineering/index.do

25 연세대학교 Yonsei University A Applicable 기계공학부 Mechanical Engineering 공학 Engneering Bachelor's degree 4 Korean / English TOPIK 3 or above March or September +82-2-2123-2735 reside at Incheon International Campus for the freshmen year(1st and 2nd semester)

26 Shinchon / Seoul Not 4 https://engineering.yonsei.ac.kr/engineering/index.do

연세대학교 Yonsei University A Applicable 신소재공학부 Materials Science & Engineering 공학 Engneering Bachelor's degree Korean / English TOPIK 3 or above March or September +82-2-2123-2735 reside at Incheon International Campus for the freshmen year(1st and 2nd semester)

Shinchon / Seoul Not https://engineering.yonsei.ac.kr/engineering/index.do

27 연세대학교 Yonsei University A Applicable 산업공학과 Industrial Engineering 공학 Engneering Bachelor's degree 4 Korean / English TOPIK 3 or above March or September +82-2-2123-2735 reside at Incheon International Campus for the freshmen year(1st and 2nd semester)

28 Shinchon / Seoul Not 4 https://bio.yonsei.ac.kr/bio/index.do

연세대학교 Yonsei University A Applicable 시스템생물학과 Systems Biology 자연과학 Natural Science Bachelor's degree Korean / English TOPIK 3 or above March or September +82-2-2123-5554 reside at Incheon International Campus for the freshmen year(1st and 2nd semester)

Shinchon / Seoul Not https://bio.yonsei.ac.kr/bio/index.do

29 연세대학교 Yonsei University A Applicable 생화학과 Biochemistry 자연과학 Natural Science Bachelor's degree 4 Korean / English TOPIK 3 or above March or September +82-2-2123-5554 reside at Incheon International Campus for the freshmen year(1st and 2nd semester)

30 Shinchon / Seoul Not 4 https://bio.yonsei.ac.kr/bio/index.do

연세대학교 Yonsei University A Applicable 생명공학과 Biotechnology 공학 Engneering Bachelor's degree Korean / English TOPIK 3 or above March or September +82-2-2123-5554 reside at Incheon International Campus for the freshmen year(1st and 2nd semester)

Shinchon / Seoul Not https://yonshin.yonsei.ac.kr/theology/index.do

31 연세대학교 Yonsei University A Applicable 신학과 Theology 인문사회 Humanities & Social Science Bachelor's degree 4 Korean / English TOPIK 3 or above March or September +82-2-2123-2897 reside at Incheon International Campus for the freshmen year(1st and 2nd semester)

32 Shinchon / Seoul Not 4 https://socsci.yonsei.ac.kr/socsci/index.do

연세대학교 Yonsei University A Applicable 정치외교학과 Political Science & International Relations 인문사회 Humanities & Social Science Bachelor's degree Korean / English TOPIK 3 or above March or September +82-2-2123-2932~4 reside at Incheon International Campus for the freshmen year(1st and 2nd semester)

Shinchon / Seoul Not https://socsci.yonsei.ac.kr/socsci/index.do

33 연세대학교 Yonsei University A Applicable 행정학과 Public Administration 인문사회 Humanities & Social Science Bachelor's degree 4 Korean / English TOPIK 3 or above March or September +82-2-2123-2932~4 reside at Incheon International Campus for the freshmen year(1st and 2nd semester)

34 Shinchon / Seoul Not 4 https://socsci.yonsei.ac.kr/socsci/index.do

연세대학교 Yonsei University A Applicable 사회복지학과 Social Welfare 인문사회 Humanities & Social Science Bachelor's degree Korean / English TOPIK 3 or above March or September +82-2-2123-2932~4 reside at Incheon International Campus for the freshmen year(1st and 2nd semester)

Shinchon / Seoul Not https://socsci.yonsei.ac.kr/socsci/index.do

35 연세대학교 Yonsei University A Applicable 사회학과 Sociology 인문사회 Humanities & Social Science Bachelor's degree 4 Korean / English TOPIK 3 or above March or September +82-2-2123-2932~4 reside at Incheon International Campus for the freshmen year(1st and 2nd semester)

36 Shinchon / Seoul Not 4 https://socsci.yonsei.ac.kr/socsci/index.do

연세대학교 Yonsei University A Applicable 문화인류학과 Cultural Anthropology 인문사회 Humanities & Social Science Bachelor's degree Korean / English TOPIK 3 or above March or September +82-2-2123-2932~4 reside at Incheon International Campus for the freshmen year(1st and 2nd semester)

Shinchon / Seoul Not https://socsci.yonsei.ac.kr/socsci/index.do

37 연세대학교 Yonsei University A Applicable 언론홍보영상학부 Mass Communication 인문사회 Humanities & Social Science Bachelor's degree 4 Korean / English TOPIK 3 or above March or September +82-2-2123-2932~4 reside at Incheon International Campus for the freshmen year(1st and 2nd semester)

38 Shinchon / Seoul Not 4 https://che.yonsei.ac.kr/che/index.do

연세대학교 Yonsei University A Applicable 의류환경학과 Clothing & Textiles 자연과학 Natural Science Bachelor's degree Korean / English TOPIK 3 or above March or September +82-2-2123-3096 reside at Incheon International Campus for the freshmen year(1st and 2nd semester)

Shinchon / Seoul Not https://che.yonsei.ac.kr/che/index.do

39 연세대학교 Yonsei University A Applicable 식품영양학과 Food & Nutrition 자연과학 Natural Science Bachelor's degree 4 Korean / English TOPIK 3 or above March or September +82-2-2123-3093 reside at Incheon International Campus for the freshmen year(1st and 2nd semester)

40 Shinchon / Seoul Not 4 https://che.yonsei.ac.kr/che/index.do

연세대학교 Yonsei University A Applicable 실내건축학과 Interior Architecture & Built Environment 자연과학 Natural Science Bachelor's degree Korean / English TOPIK 3 or above March or September +82-2-2123-3095 reside at Incheon International Campus for the freshmen year(1st and 2nd semester)

Shinchon / Seoul Not https://che.yonsei.ac.kr/che/index.do

41 연세대학교 Yonsei University A Applicable 아동․가족학과 Child & Family Studies 자연과학 Natural Science Bachelor's degree 4 Korean / English TOPIK 3 or above March or September +82-2-2123-3094 reside at Incheon International Campus for the freshmen year(1st and 2nd semester)

42 Shinchon / Seoul Not 4 https://che.yonsei.ac.kr/che/index.do

연세대학교 Yonsei University A Applicable 통합디자인학과 Integrated Design 자연과학 Natural Science Bachelor's degree Korean / English TOPIK 3 or above March or September +82-2-2123-3092 reside at Incheon International Campus for the freshmen year(1st and 2nd semester)

Shinchon / Seoul Not https://nursingcollege.yonsei.ac.kr/nursing/index.do

43 연세대학교 Yonsei University A Applicable 간호학과 Nursing 자연과학 Natural Science Bachelor's degree 4 Korean / English TOPIK 5 or above March ONLY +82-2-2228-3235~7 Program starts in March only, reside at Incheon International Campus for the freshmen year(1st and 2nd semester)

44 Shinchon / Seoul Not 4 https://glc.yonsei.ac.kr/gld_new/index.do

연세대학교 Yonsei University A Applicable 글로벌인재학부 Global Leadership Division 인문사회 Humanities & Social Science Bachelor's degree Korean / English TOPIK 3 or above March or September +82-2-2123-3206 reside at Incheon International Campus for the freshmen year(1st and 2nd semester)

Shinchon / Seoul Not https://computing.yonsei.ac.kr/

45 연세대학교 Yonsei University A Applicable 컴퓨터과학과 Computer Science 공학 Engneering Bachelor's degree 4 Korean / English TOPIK 3 or above March or September +82-2-2123-5703 reside at Incheon International Campus for the freshmen year(1st and 2nd semester)

46 Shinchon / Seoul Not 4 https://computing.yonsei.ac.kr/

연세대학교 Yonsei University A Applicable 인공지능학과 Artificial Intelligence 공학 Engneering Bachelor's degree Korean / English TOPIK 3 or above March or September +82-2-2123-5703 reside at Incheon International Campus for the freshmen year(1st and 2nd semester)

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