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1 An Era of Transgression - correction

People interviewed History of America and Woodstock Nation

Tony Hawk, a skateboard legend 400,000 / 500,000 fans

festival which took place in upstate New York in
Carlos Santana, a guitar player August 1969
atmosphere = “we are one” unity - cooperation -
John Marcellino, leader of the Sha Na Na Na band living in harmony
storm of musical talent, political movement and
assassinations of Martin Luther King and the
kennedy brothers
mass protest against Vietnam War
Police violence in Chicago
women’s liberation movement

2 1) introduction = information about Woodstock

2) Interviews
3) Cultural background at the time
4) Conclusion = situation today

3 This article is biased. The journalist praises the festival and its legacy.

Let’s recap!
➢ Group 1 The document is an article about Woodstock published in 2019. It commemorates the 50th anniversary of the
Woodstock festival. It talks about the first Woodstock festival that took place in 1969 and explains why it was legendary:
nearly half a million people attended the festival, sometimes it was raining, the infrastructures were no good but people were
still there, united, for the sake of music. The people interviewed state that it was a life-changing moment in their lives and
that it made history.

1 a.
What happened in the 50s What happened in the 60s The hippie culture

rigid war eastern philosophy

defined by their job criticize stoner
conformity rebel threat
communal living
look, talk, act, think like against their parents, their
everybody else community, their government long hair
inspired by rock’n roll peace symbols
flower power
b. 1) Timothy Leary = countercultural guru
2) 1967 = Summer of Love
3) San Francisco - Haight Ashbury = where the Summer of Love took place

2 The document starts with a comparison between the 1950s and the 1960s then we are given more information about the
hippie movement and how it led to 1967’s Summer of Love. The last part of the documentary states some drawbacks of the
hippie movement : a lot of STDs as the consequence of free sex and the use of drugs, especially acid, which led to increased

3 The tone is humorous: he uses humour to show that the hippies rebelled themselves against the rigid social
conformity of the 1950s — by doing so he implicitly criticizes this rigidity. He also means to give informative
details to his audience.

Let’s recap!
➢ This video is a documentary about the hippie movement of the 1960s. It focuses on the hippie way of life and
how it contrasted with the rigid social norms imposed in 1950s. In response to this rigidity, people rebelled and
wrote their own rule which was that there were no rules anymore. Their ideals were freedom, love, unity, peace.
4 – Introduce your document to the class (nature, author, main theme) and be
ready to present it to the class (where, when, who, what).

5 – In your opinion, why do Woodstock and the hippie movement still live on in
people’s minds?
(cultural legacy, be part of history, sense of togetherness, bond, sharing the same values, asserting
oneself, longing for peace, changing the world…)

Woodstock and the hippie movement still live on in people’s mind probably because today we
still aspire to some of the same ideals. Unprecedented events like Woodstock were covered
by all types of media and celebrated in film and song, providing a lasting document of this
colorful and appealing movement.

6 – What do the documents and your personal findings reveal about America and
Americans at the time?
communal living place of music against war beginning of the
open mindedness and astrology : Age of pacifist concept of the 3Rs
tolerance Aquarius against repression “Reduce, Reuse and
integration of black recreational use of “Make Love not War” Recycle”
people, homosexuals drugs precursors of organic
liberation of women holistic medicine food
against the consumer grow your own food

7 – What were the limits of the hippie movement?

8a – Would you have liked to attend the Woodstock festival? Why or why not?

8b – Do you feel attracted to the hippie movement? Why or why not?

Les nombres cardinaux et ordinaux

a – Observez les passages soulignés dans le texte du groupe 1.
b – Trouvez à quoi ils correspondent puis classez-les en 4 catégories
year ordinal Quantity Age
1969 50th 400,000 a year old
500,000 19
two 71
three dozen

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