Unit 1 (DWDM)
Unit 1 (DWDM)
Unit 1 (DWDM)
Data warehousing is the process of constructing and using a data warehouse. A data warehouse is
constructed by integrating data from multiple heterogeneous sources that support analytical reporting,
structured and/or ad hoc queries, and decision making. Data warehousing involves data cleaning, data
integration, and data consolidations.
A data warehouse is the secure electronic storage of information by a business or other organization. The
goal of a data warehouse is to create a trove of historical data that can be retrieved and analyzed to provide
useful insight into the organization's operations.
A data warehouse is a vital component of business intelligence. That wider term encompasses the
information infrastructure that modern businesses use to track their past successes and failures and inform
their decisions for the future.
A data warehouse is the storage of information over time by a business or other organization.
New data is periodically added by people in various key departments such as marketing and sales.
The warehouse becomes a library of historical data that can be retrieved and analyzed in order to
inform decision-making in the business.
The key factors in building an effective data warehouse include defining the information that is
critical to the organization and identifying the sources of the information.
A database is designed to supply real-time information. A data warehouse is designed as an archive
of historical information.
There are decision support technologies that help utilize the data available in a data warehouse. These
technologies help executives to use the warehouse quickly and effectively. They can gather data, analyze it,
and take decisions based on the information present in the warehouse. The information gathered in a
warehouse can be used in any of the following domains −
Tuning Production Strategies − The product strategies can be well tuned by repositioning
the products and managing the product portfolios by comparing the sales quarterly or yearly.
Customer Analysis − Customer analysis is done by analyzing the customer's buying
preferences, buying time, budget cycles, etc.
Operations Analysis − Data warehousing also helps in customer relationship management,
and making environmental corrections. The information also allows us to analyze business
Query-driven Approach
Update-driven Approach
Query-Driven Approach
This is the traditional approach to integrate heterogeneous databases. This approach was used to build
wrappers and integrators on top of multiple heterogeneous databases. These integrators are also known as
Process of Query-Driven Approach
When a query is issued to a client side, a metadata dictionary translates the query into an
appropriate form for individual heterogeneous sites involved.
Now these queries are mapped and sent to the local query processor.
The results from heterogeneous sites are integrated into a global answer set.
Query-driven approach needs complex integration and filtering processes.
This approach is very inefficient.
It is very expensive for frequent queries.
This approach is also very expensive for queries that require aggregations.
Update-Driven Approach
This is an alternative to the traditional approach. Today's data warehouse systems follow update-driven
approach rather than the traditional approach discussed earlier. In update-driven approach, the information
from multiple heterogeneous sources are integrated in advance and are stored in a warehouse. This
information is available for direct querying and analysis.
This approach has the following advantages −
This approach provide high performance.
The data is copied, processed, integrated, annotated, summarized and restructured in semantic
data store in advance.
Query processing does not require an interface to process data at local sources.
The following are the functions of data warehouse tools and utilities −
Data Extraction − Involves gathering data from multiple heterogeneous sources.
Data Cleaning − Involves finding and correcting the errors in data.
Data Transformation − Involves converting the data from legacy format to warehouse
Data Loading − Involves sorting, summarizing, consolidating, checking integrity, and
building indices and partitions.
Refreshing − Involves updating from data sources to warehouse.
The need to warehouse data evolved as businesses began relying on computer systems to create, file, and
retrieve important business documents. The concept of data warehousing was introduced in 1988 by IBM
researchers Barry Devlin and Paul Murphy.1
Data warehousing is designed to enable the analysis of historical data. Comparing data consolidated from
multiple heterogeneous sources can provide insight into the performance of a company. A data warehouse
is designed to allow its users to run queries and analyses on historical data derived from transactional
Data added to the warehouse does not change and cannot be altered. The warehouse is the source that is
used to run analytics on past events, with a focus on changes over time. Warehoused data must be stored in
a manner that is secure, reliable, easy to retrieve, and easy to manage.
Maintaining a Data Warehouse
There are certain steps that are taken to maintain a data warehouse. One step is data extraction, which
involves gathering large amounts of data from multiple source points. After a set of data has been
compiled, it goes through data cleaning, the process of combing through it for errors and correcting or
excluding any that are found.
The cleaned-up data is then converted from a database format to a warehouse format. Once stored in the
warehouse, the data goes through sorting, consolidating, and summarizing, so that it will be easier to use.
Over time, more data is added to the warehouse as the various data sources are updated.
Designing a data warehouse is known as data warehouse architecture and depending on the needs of the
data warehouse, can come in a variety of tiers. Typically there are tier one, tier two, and tier three
architecture designs.
Single-tier Architecture: Single-tier architecture is hardly used in the creation of data warehouses for real-
time systems. They are often used for batch and real-time processing to process operational data. A single-
tier design is composed of a single layer of hardware with the goal of keeping data space at a minimum.
Two-tier Architecture: In a two-tier architecture design, the analytical process is separated from the
business process. The point of this is to increase levels of control and efficiency.
Three-tier Architecture: A three-tier architecture design has a top, middle, and bottom tier; these are
known as the source layer, the reconciled layer, and the data warehouse layer. This design is suited for
systems with long life cycles. When changes are made in the data, an extra layer of review and analysis of
the data is completed to ensure there have been no errors.
Regardless of the tier, all data warehouse architectures must meet the same five properties: separation,
scalability, extensibility, security, and administrability.
A database is a transactional system that monitors and updates real-time data in order to have only
the most recent data available.
A data warehouse is programmed to aggregate structured data over time.
For example, a database might only have the most recent address of a customer, while a data warehouse
might have all the addresses of the customer for the past 10 years.
Data mining relies on the data warehouse. The data in the warehouse is sifted for insights into the business
over time.
Both data warehouses and data lakes hold data for a variety of needs. The primary difference is that a data
lake holds raw data of which the goal has not yet been determined. A data warehouse, on the other hand,
holds refined data that has been filtered to be used for a specific purpose.
Data lakes are primarily used by data scientists while data warehouses are most often used by business
professionals. Data lakes are also more easily accessible and easier to update while data warehouses are
more structured and any changes are more costly.
Data Warehouse vs. Data Mart
A data mart is just a smaller version of a data warehouse. A data mart collects data from a small number of
sources and focuses on one subject area. Data marts are faster and easier to use than data warehouses.
Data marts typically function as a subset of a data warehouse to focus on one area for analytical purposes,
such as a specific department within an organization. Data marts are used to help make business decisions
by helping with analysis and reporting.
A data warehouse is intended to give a company a competitive advantage. It creates a resource of pertinent
information that can be tracked over time and analyzed in order to help a business make more informed
It also can drain company resources and burden its current staff with routine tasks intended to feed the
warehouse machine. Some other disadvantages include the following:
It takes considerable time and effort to create and maintain the warehouse.
Gaps in information, caused by human error, can take years to surface, damaging the integrity and
usefulness of the information.
When multiple sources are used, inconsistencies between them can cause information losses.
Provides fact-based analysis on past company performance to inform decision-making.
Serves as a historical archive of relevant data.
Can be shared across key departments for maximum usefulness.
Creating and maintaining the warehouse is resource-heavy.
Input errors can damage the integrity of the information archived.
Use of multiple sources can cause inconsistencies in the data.
A data warehouse is an information storage system for historical data that can be analyzed in numerous
ways. Companies and other organizations draw on the data warehouse to gain insight into past performance
and plan improvements to their operations.
Consider a company that makes exercise equipment. Its best seller is a stationary bicycle, and it is
considering expanding its line and launching a new marketing campaign to support it.
It goes to its data warehouse to understand its current customer better. It can find out whether its customers
are predominantly women over 50 or men under 35. It can learn more about the retailers that have been
most successful in selling their bikes, and where they're located. It might be able to access in-house survey
results and find out what their past customers have liked and disliked about their products.
All of this information helps the company to decide what kind of new model bicycles they want to build
and how they will market and advertise them. It's hard information rather than seat-of-the-pants decision-
SQL, or Structured Query Language, is a computer language that is used to interact with a database in
terms that it can understand and respond to. It contains a number of commands such as "select," "insert,"
and "update." It is the standard language for relational database management systems.6
A database is not the same as a data warehouse, although both are stores of information. A database is an
organized collection of information. A data warehouse is an information archive that is continuously built
from multiple sources.7
"ETL" stands for "extract, transform, and load." ETL is a data process that combines data from multiple
sources into one single data storage unit, which is then loaded into a data warehouse or similar data system.
It is used in data analytics and machine learning.
Design guidelines for data warehouse implementation:
A data warehouse is a single data repository where a record from multiple data sources is integrated for
online business analytical processing (OLAP). This implies a data warehouse needs to meet the
requirements from all the business stages within the entire organization. Thus, data warehouse design is a
hugely complex, lengthy, and hence error-prone process. Furthermore, business analytical functions change
over time, which results in changes in the requirements for the systems. Therefore, data warehouse and
OLAP systems are dynamic, and the design process is continuous.
Data warehouse design takes a method different from view materialization in the industries. It sees data
warehouses as database systems with particular needs such as answering management related queries. The
target of the design becomes how the record from multiple data sources should be extracted, transformed,
and loaded (ETL) to be organized in a database as the data warehouse.
1. "top-down" approach
2. "bottom-up" approach
In the "Top-Down" design approach, a data warehouse is described as a subject-oriented, time-variant, non-
volatile and integrated data repository for the entire enterprise data from different sources are validated,
reformatted and saved in a normalized (up to 3NF) database as the data warehouse. The data warehouse
stores "atomic" information, the data at the lowest level of granularity, from where dimensional data marts
can be built by selecting the data required for specific business subjects or particular departments. An
approach is a data-driven approach as the information is gathered and integrated first and then business
requirements by subjects for building data marts are formulated. The advantage of this method is which it
supports a single integrated data source. Thus data marts built from it will have consistency when they
Developing new data mart from the data warehouse is very easy.
In the "Bottom-Up" approach, a data warehouse is described as "a copy of transaction data specifical
architecture for query and analysis," term the star schema. In this approach, a data mart is created first to
necessary reporting and analytical capabilities for particular business processes (or subjects). Thus it is
needed to be a business-driven approach in contrast to Inmon's data-driven approach.
Data marts include the lowest grain data and, if needed, aggregated data too. Instead of a normalized
database for the data warehouse, a denormalized dimensional database is adapted to meet the data delivery
requirements of data warehouses. Using this method, to use the set of data marts as the enterprise data
warehouse, data marts should be built with conformed dimensions in mind, defining that ordinary objects
are represented the same in different data marts. The conformed dimensions connected the data marts to
form a data warehouse, which is generally called a virtual data warehouse.
The advantage of the "bottom-up" design approach is that it has quick ROI, as developing a data mart, a data
warehouse for a single subject, takes far less time and effort than developing an enterprise-wide data
warehouse. Also, the risk of failure is even less. This method is inherently incremental. This method allows
the project team to learn and grow.
Advantages of bottom-up design
It is just developing new data marts and then integrating with other data marts.
the locations of the data warehouse and the data marts are reversed in the bottom-up approach design.
Breaks the vast problem into smaller Solves the essential low-level problem and
subproblems. integrates them into a higher one.
Inherently architected- not a union of several Inherently incremental; can schedule essential
data marts. data marts first.
It may see quick results if implemented with Less risk of failure, favorable return on
repetitions. investment, and proof of techniques.
Data Warehouse Implementation
1. Requirements analysis and capacity planning: The first process in data warehousing involves defining
enterprise needs, defining architectures, carrying out capacity planning, and selecting the hardware and
software tools. This step will contain be consulting senior management as well as the different stakeholder.
2. Hardware integration: Once the hardware and software has been selected, they require to be put by
integrating the servers, the storage methods, and the user software tools.
3. Modeling: Modelling is a significant stage that involves designing the warehouse schema and views. This
may contain using a modeling tool if the data warehouses are sophisticated.
4. Physical modeling: For the data warehouses to perform efficiently, physical modeling is needed. This
contains designing the physical data warehouse organization, data placement, data partitioning, deciding on
access techniques, and indexing.
5. Sources: The information for the data warehouse is likely to come from several data sources. This step
contains identifying and connecting the sources using the gateway, ODBC drives, or another wrapper.
6. ETL: The data from the source system will require to go through an ETL phase. The process of designing
and implementing the ETL phase may contain defining a suitable ETL tool vendors and purchasing and
implementing the tools. This may contains customize the tool to suit the need of the enterprises.
7. Populate the data warehouses: Once the ETL tools have been agreed upon, testing the tools will be
needed, perhaps using a staging area. Once everything is working adequately, the ETL tools may be used in
populating the warehouses given the schema and view definition.
8. User applications: For the data warehouses to be helpful, there must be end-user applications. This step
contains designing and implementing applications required by the end-users.
9. Roll-out the warehouses and applications: Once the data warehouse has been populated and the end-
client applications tested, the warehouse system and the operations may be rolled out for the user's
community to use.
Implementation Guidelines
1. Build incrementally: Data warehouses must be built incrementally. Generally, it is recommended that a
data marts may be created with one particular project in mind, and once it is implemented, several other
sections of the enterprise may also want to implement similar systems. An enterprise data warehouses can
then be implemented in an iterative manner allowing all data marts to extract information from the data
2. Need a champion: A data warehouses project must have a champion who is active to carry out
considerable researches into expected price and benefit of the project. Data warehousing projects requires
inputs from many units in an enterprise and therefore needs to be driven by someone who is needed for
interacting with people in the enterprises and can actively persuade colleagues.
3. Senior management support: A data warehouses project must be fully supported by senior management.
Given the resource-intensive feature of such project and the time they can take to implement, a warehouse
project signal for a sustained commitment from senior management.
4. Ensure quality: The only record that has been cleaned and is of a quality that is implicit by the
organizations should be loaded in the data warehouses.
5. Corporate strategy: A data warehouse project must be suitable for corporate strategies and business
goals. The purpose of the project must be defined before the beginning of the projects.
6. Business plan: The financial costs (hardware, software, and peopleware), expected advantage, and a
project plan for a data warehouses project must be clearly outlined and understood by all stakeholders.
Without such understanding, rumors about expenditure and benefits can become the only sources of data,
subversion the projects.
7. Training: Data warehouses projects must not overlook data warehouses training requirements. For a data
warehouses project to be successful, the customers must be trained to use the warehouses and to understand
its capabilities.
8. Adaptability: The project should build in flexibility so that changes may be made to the data warehouses
if and when required. Like any system, a data warehouse will require to change, as the needs of an enterprise
9. Joint management: The project must be handled by both IT and business professionals in the enterprise.
To ensure that proper communication with the stakeholder and which the project is the target for assisting
the enterprise's business, the business professional must be involved in the project along with technical
Multidimensional Models
The multi-Dimensional Data Model is a method which is used for ordering data in the database along with
good arrangement and assembling of the contents in the database.
The Multi Dimensional Data Model allows customers to interrogate analytical questions associated with
market or business trends, unlike relational databases which allow customers to access data in the form of
queries. They allow users to rapidly receive answers to the requests which they made by creating and
examining the data comparatively fast.
OLAP (online analytical processing) and data warehousing uses multi dimensional databases. It is used to
show multiple dimensions of the data to users.
It represents data in the form of data cubes. Data cubes allow to model and view the data from many
dimensions and perspectives. It is defined by dimensions and facts and is represented by a fact table. Facts
are numerical measures and fact tables contain measures of the related dimensional tables or names of the
On the basis of the pre-decided steps, the Multidimensional Data Model works.
The following stages should be followed by every project for building a Multi-Dimensional Data Model :
Stage 1 : Assembling data from the client : In first stage, a Multi-Dimensional Data Model collects
correct data from the client. Mostly, software professionals provide simplicity to the client about the range
of data which can be gained with the selected technology and collect the complete data in detail.
Stage 2 : Grouping different segments of the system : In the second stage, the Multi Dimensional Data
Model recognizes and classifies all the data to the respective section they belong to and also builds it
problem-free to apply step by step.
Stage 3 : Noticing the different proportions : In the third stage, it is the basis on which the design of
the system is based. In this stage, the main factors are recognized according to the user’s point of view.
These factors are also known as “Dimensions”.
Stage 4 : Preparing the actual-time factors and their respective qualities : In the fourth stage, the
factors which are recognized in the previous step are used further for identifying the related qualities.
These qualities are also known as “attributes” in the database.
Stage 5 : Finding the actuality of factors which are listed previously and their qualities : In the fifth
stage, A Multi Dimensional Data Model separates and differentiates the actuality from the factors which
are collected by it. These actually play a significant role in the arrangement of a Multi Dimensional Data
Stage 6 : Building the Schema to place the data, with respect to the information collected from the
steps above : In the sixth stage, on the basis of the data which was collected previously, a Schema is
For Example :
1. Let us take the example of a firm. The revenue cost of a firm can be recognized on the basis of different
factors such as geographical location of firm’s workplace, products of the firm, advertisements done,
time utilized to flourish a product, etc.
Example 1
2. Let us take the example of the data of a factory which sells products per quarter in Bangalore. The data
is represented in the table given below :
2D factory data
In the above given presentation, the factory’s sales for Bangalore are, for the time dimension, which is
organized into quarters and the dimension of items, which is sorted according to the kind of item which is
sold. The facts here are represented in rupees (in thousands).
Now, if we desire to view the data of the sales in a three-dimensional table, then it is represented in the
diagram given below. Here the data of the sales is represented as a two dimensional table. Let us consider
the data according to item, time and location (like Kolkata, Delhi, Mumbai). Here is the table :
3D data representation as 2D
This data can be represented in the form of three dimensions conceptually, which is shown in the image
below :
3D data representation
OLAP stands for On-Line Analytical Processing. OLAP is a classification of software technology which
authorizes analysts, managers, and executives to gain insight into information through fast, consistent,
interactive access in a wide variety of possible views of data that has been transformed from raw
information to reflect the real dimensionality of the enterprise as understood by the clients.
OLAP implement the multidimensional analysis of business information and support the capability for
complex estimations, trend analysis, and sophisticated data modeling. It is rapidly enhancing the essential
foundation for Intelligent Solutions containing Business Performance Management, Planning, Budgeting,
Forecasting, Financial Documenting, Analysis, Simulation-Models, Knowledge Discovery, and Data
Warehouses Reporting. OLAP enables end-clients to perform ad hoc analysis of record in multiple
dimensions, providing the insight and understanding they require for better decision making.
o Budgeting
o Activity-based costing
o Financial performance analysis
o And financial modeling
o Production planning
o Defect analysis
OLAP cubes have two main purposes. The first is to provide business users with a data model more intuitive
to them than a tabular model. This model is called a Dimensional Model.
The second purpose is to enable fast query response that is usually difficult to achieve using tabular models.
Fundamentally, OLAP has a very simple concept. It pre-calculates most of the queries that are typically very
hard to execute over tabular databases, namely aggregation, joining, and grouping. These queries are
calculated during a process that is usually called 'building' or 'processing' of the OLAP cube. This process
happens overnight, and by the time end users get to work - data will have been updated.
OLAP Guidelines (Dr.E.F.Codd Rule)
Dr E.F. Codd, the "father" of the relational model, has formulated a list of 12 guidelines and requirements as
the basis for selecting OLAP systems:
1) Multidimensional Conceptual View: This is the central features of an OLAP system. By needing a
multidimensional view, it is possible to carry out methods like slice and dice.
2) Transparency: Make the technology, underlying information repository, computing operations, and the
dissimilar nature of source data totally transparent to users. Such transparency helps to improve the
efficiency and productivity of the users.
3) Accessibility: It provides access only to the data that is actually required to perform the particular
analysis, present a single, coherent, and consistent view to the clients. The OLAP system must map its own
logical schema to the heterogeneous physical data stores and perform any necessary transformations. The
OLAP operations should be sitting between data sources (e.g., data warehouses) and an OLAP front-end.
4) Consistent Reporting Performance: To make sure that the users do not feel any significant degradation
in documenting performance as the number of dimensions or the size of the database increases. That is, the
performance of OLAP should not suffer as the number of dimensions is increased. Users must observe
consistent run time, response time, or machine utilization every time a given query is run.
5) Client/Server Architecture: Make the server component of OLAP tools sufficiently intelligent that the
various clients to be attached with a minimum of effort and integration programming. The server should be
capable of mapping and consolidating data between dissimilar databases.
6) Generic Dimensionality: An OLAP method should treat each dimension as equivalent in both is
structure and operational capabilities. Additional operational capabilities may be allowed to selected
dimensions, but such additional tasks should be grantable to any dimension.
7) Dynamic Sparse Matrix Handling: To adapt the physical schema to the specific analytical model being
created and loaded that optimizes sparse matrix handling. When encountering the sparse matrix, the system
must be easy to dynamically assume the distribution of the information and adjust the storage and access to
obtain and maintain a consistent level of performance.
8) Multiuser Support: OLAP tools must provide concurrent data access, data integrity, and access security.
9) Unrestricted cross-dimensional Operations: It provides the ability for the methods to identify
dimensional order and necessarily functions roll-up and drill-down methods within a dimension or across the
10) Intuitive Data Manipulation: Data Manipulation fundamental the consolidation direction like as
reorientation (pivoting), drill-down and roll-up, and another manipulation to be accomplished naturally and
precisely via point-and-click and drag and drop methods on the cells of the scientific model. It avoids the
use of a menu or multiple trips to a user interface.
11) Flexible Reporting: It implements efficiency to the business clients to organize columns, rows, and
cells in a manner that facilitates simple manipulation, analysis, and synthesis of data.
12) Unlimited Dimensions and Aggregation Levels: The number of data dimensions should be unlimited.
Each of these common dimensions must allow a practically unlimited number of customer-defined
aggregation levels within any given consolidation path.
Relational OLAP
ROLAP servers are placed between relational back-end server and client front-end tools. To store and
manage warehouse data, ROLAP uses relational or extended-relational DBMS.
ROLAP includes the following −
Multidimensional OLAP
MOLAP uses array-based multidimensional storage engines for multidimensional views of data. With
multidimensional data stores, the storage utilization may be low if the data set is sparse. Therefore, many
MOLAP server use two levels of data storage representation to handle dense and sparse data sets.
Hybrid OLAP
Hybrid OLAP is a combination of both ROLAP and MOLAP. It offers higher scalability of ROLAP and
faster computation of MOLAP. HOLAP servers allows to store the large data volumes of detailed
information. The aggregations are stored separately in MOLAP store.
Specialized SQL servers provide advanced query language and query processing support for SQL queries
over star and snowflake schemas in a read-only environment.
OLAP Operations/ Multidimensional view Efficient processing of OLAP Queries
Since OLAP servers are based on multidimensional view of data, we will discuss OLAP operations in
multidimensional data.
Here is the list of OLAP operations −
Slice and dice
Pivot (rotate)
Roll-up performs aggregation on a data cube in any of the following ways −
Drill-down is the reverse operation of roll-up. It is performed by either of the following ways −
Drill-down is performed by stepping down a concept hierarchy for the dimension time.
Initially the concept hierarchy was "day < month < quarter < year."
On drilling down, the time dimension is descended from the level of quarter to the level of
When drill-down is performed, one or more dimensions from the data cube are added.
It navigates the data from less detailed data to highly detailed data.
The slice operation selects one particular dimension from a given cube and provides a new sub-cube.
Consider the following diagram that shows how slice works.
Here Slice is performed for the dimension "time" using the criterion time = "Q1".
It will form a new sub-cube by selecting one or more dimensions.
Dice selects two or more dimensions from a given cube and provides a new sub-cube. Consider the
following diagram that shows the dice operation.
The dice operation on the cube based on the following selection criteria involves three dimensions.
2 OLAP systems are used by knowledge OLTP systems are used by clerks, DBAs, or
workers such as executives, managers and database professionals.
7 Provides summarized and consolidated Provides primitive and highly detailed data.
8 Provides summarized and multidimensional Provides detailed and flat relational view of
view of data. data.
In the FASMI characteristics of OLAP methods, the term derived from the first letters of the
characteristics are:
It defines which the system targeted to deliver the most feedback to the client within about five seconds,
with the elementary analysis taking no more than one second and very few taking more than 20 seconds.
It defines which the method can cope with any business logic and statistical analysis that is relevant for the
function and the user, keep it easy enough for the target client. Although some preprogramming may be
needed we do not think it acceptable if all application definitions have to be allow the user to define new
Adhoc calculations as part of the analysis and to document on the data in any desired method, without
having to program so we excludes products (like Oracle Discoverer) that do not allow the user to define new
Adhoc calculation as part of the analysis and to document on the data in any desired product that do not
allow adequate end user-oriented calculation flexibility.
It defines which the system tools all the security requirements for understanding and, if multiple write
connection is needed, concurrent update location at an appropriated level, not all functions need customer to
write data back, but for the increasing number which does, the system should be able to manage multiple
updates in a timely, secure manner.
This is the basic requirement. OLAP system must provide a multidimensional conceptual view of the data,
including full support for hierarchies, as this is certainly the most logical method to analyze business and
The system should be able to hold all the data needed by the applications. Data sparsity should be handled in
an efficient manner.
The main characteristics of OLAP are as follows:
1. Multidimensional conceptual view: OLAP systems let business users have a dimensional and
logical view of the data in the data warehouse. It helps in carrying slice and dice operations.
2. Multi-User Support: Since the OLAP techniques are shared, the OLAP operation should provide
normal database operations, containing retrieval, update, adequacy control, integrity, and security.
3. Accessibility: OLAP acts as a mediator between data warehouses and front-end. The OLAP
operations should be sitting between data sources (e.g., data warehouses) and an OLAP front-end.
4. Storing OLAP results: OLAP results are kept separate from data sources.
5. Uniform documenting performance: Increasing the number of dimensions or database size should
not significantly degrade the reporting performance of the OLAP system.
6. OLAP provides for distinguishing between zero values and missing values so that aggregates are
computed correctly.
7. OLAP system should ignore all missing values and compute correct aggregate values.
8. OLAP facilitate interactive query and complex analysis for the users.
9. OLAP allows users to drill down for greater details or roll up for aggregations of metrics along a
single business dimension or across multiple dimension.
10. OLAP provides the ability to perform intricate calculations and comparisons.
11. OLAP presents results in a number of meaningful ways, including charts and graphs.
1. OLAP helps managers in decision-making through the multidimensional record views that it is
efficient in providing, thus increasing their productivity.
2. OLAP functions are self-sufficient owing to the inherent flexibility support to the organized
3. It facilitates simulation of business models and problems, through extensive management of
4. In conjunction with data warehouse, OLAP can be used to support a reduction in the application
backlog, faster data retrieval, and reduction in query drag.
1) Understanding and improving sales: For enterprises that have much products and benefit a number of
channels for selling the product, OLAP can help in finding the most suitable products and the most famous
channels. In some methods, it may be feasible to find the most profitable users. For example, considering
the telecommunication industry and considering only one product, communication minutes, there is a high
amount of record if a company want to analyze the sales of products for every hour of the day (24 hours),
difference between weekdays and weekends (2 values) and split regions to which calls are made into 50
2) Understanding and decreasing costs of doing business: Improving sales is one method of improving a
business, the other method is to analyze cost and to control them as much as suitable without affecting sales.
OLAP can assist in analyzing the costs related to sales. In some methods, it may also be feasible to identify
expenditures which produce a high return on investments (ROI). For example, recruiting a top salesperson
may contain high costs, but the revenue generated by the salesperson may justify the investment.
OLAP Servers
Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) refers to a set of software tools used for data analysis in order to
make business decisions. OLAP provides a platform for gaining insights from databases retrieved from
multiple database systems at the same time. It is based on a multidimensional data model, which enables
users to extract and view data from various perspectives. A multidimensional database is used to store
OLAP data. Many Business Intelligence (BI) applications rely on OLAP technology.
Type of OLAP servers:
The three major types of OLAP servers are as follows:
1) Relational OLAP (ROLAP):
Relational On-Line Analytical Processing (ROLAP) is primarily used for data stored in a relational
database, where both the base data and dimension tables are stored as relational tables. ROLAP servers are
used to bridge the gap between the relational back-end server and the client’s front-end tools. ROLAP
servers store and manage warehouse data using RDBMS, and OLAP middleware fills in the gaps.
It is compatible with data warehouses and OLTP systems.
The data size limitation of ROLAP technology is determined by the underlying RDBMS. As a
result, ROLAP does not limit the amount of data that can be stored.
SQL functionality is constrained.
It’s difficult to keep aggregate tables up to date.
ROLAP stands for Relational MOLAP stands for Multidimensional HOLAP stands for Hybrid Online
Online Analytical Processing. Online Analytical Processing. Analytical Processing.
The ROLAP storage mode The MOLAP storage mode principle The HOLAP storage mode connects
causes the aggregation of the the aggregations of the division and a attributes of both MOLAP and
division to be stored in indexed copy of its source information to be ROLAP. Like MOLAP, HOLAP
views in the relational database saved in a multidimensional causes the aggregation of the
that was specified in the operation in analysis services when division to be stored in a
partition's data source. the separation is processed. multidimensional operation in an
SQL Server analysis services
ROLAP does not because a copy This MOLAP operation is highly HOLAP does not causes a copy of
of the source information to be optimize to maximize query the source information to be stored.
stored in the Analysis services performance. The storage area can be For queries that access the only
data folders. Instead, when the on the computer where the partition is summary record in the aggregations
outcome cannot be derived from described or on another computer of a division, HOLAP is the
the query cache, the indexed running Analysis services. Because a equivalent of MOLAP.
views in the record source are copy of the source information
accessed to answer queries. resides in the multidimensional
operation, queries can be resolved
without accessing the partition's
source record.
Query response is frequently Query response times can be reduced Queries that access source record
slower with ROLAP storage than substantially by using aggregations. for example, if we want to drill
with the MOLAP or HOLAP The record in the partition's MOLAP down to an atomic cube cell for
storage mode. Processing time is operation is only as current as of the which there is no aggregation
also frequently slower with most recent processing of the information must retrieve data from
ROLAP. separation. the relational database and will not
be as fast as they would be if the
source information were stored in
the MOLAP architecture.
Fetching Data is fetched from the Data is fetched from the Data is fetched from the
methods main repository Proprietary database relational databases
Data Data is arranged and Data is arranged and stored Data is arranged in multi-
Arrangement saved in the form of in the form of data cubes dimensional form
tables with rows and
Volume Enormous data is Limited data which is kept in Large data can be processed
processed proprietary is processed
Technique It works with SQL It works with Sparse Matrix It uses both Sparse matrix
technology technology and SQL
Designed It has dynamic access It has a static access It has dynamic access
Response It has Maximum response It has Minimum response It takes Minimum response
time time time time
ROLAP stands for Relational Online Analytical MOLAP stands for Multidimensional Online
Processing. Analytical Processing.
It usually used when data warehouse contains It used when data warehouse contains relational as
relational data. well as non-relational data.
It has a high response time It has less response time due to prefabricated cubes.
Data cube operations are used to manipulate data to meet the needs of users. These operations help to
select particular data for the analysis purpose. There are mainly 5 operations listed below-
Roll-up: operation and aggregate certain similar data attributes having the same dimension
together. For example, if the data cube displays the daily income of a customer, we can use a
roll-up operation to find the monthly income of his salary.
Drill-down: this operation is the reverse of the roll-up operation. It allows us to take particular
information and then subdivide it further for coarser granularity analysis. It zooms into more
detail. For example- if India is an attribute of a country column and we wish to see villages in
India, then the drill-down operation splits India into states, districts, towns, cities, villages and
then displays the required information.
Slicing: this operation filters the unnecessary portions. Suppose in a particular dimension, the
user doesn’t need everything for analysis, rather a particular attribute. For example,
country=”jamaica”, this will display only about jamaica and only display other countries
present on the country list.
Dicing: this operation does a multidimensional cutting, that not only cuts only one dimension
but also can go to another dimension and cut a certain range of it. As a result, it looks more like
a subcube out of the whole cube(as depicted in the figure). For example- the user wants to see
the annual salary of Jharkhand state employees.
Pivot: this operation is very important from a viewing point of view. It basically transforms the
data cube in terms of view. It doesn’t change the data present in the data cube. For example, if
the user is comparing year versus branch, using the pivot operation, the user can change the
viewpoint and now compare branch versus item type.
D. Xin, J. Han, X. Li, B. W. Wah, Star-Cubing: Computing Iceberg Cubes by Top-Down and
Bottom-Up Integration, VLDB'03
Explore shared dimensions
E.g., dimension A is the shared dimension of ACD and AD
ABD/AB means cuboid ABD has shared dimensions AB
Allows for shared computations
e.g., cuboid AB is computed simultaneously as ABD
Aggregate in a top-down manner but with the bottom-up sub-layer underneath which will allow
Apriori pruning
Shared dimensions grow in bottom-up fashion
4) High-Dimensional OLAP.
None of the previous cubing method can handle high dimensionality!
A database of 600k tuples. Each dimension has cardinality of 100 and zipf of 2.
X. Li, J. Han, and H. Gonzalez, High-Dimensional OLAP: A Minimal Cubing Approach, VLDB'04
Challenge to current cubing methods:
o The “curse of dimensionality’’ problem
o Iceberg cube and compressed cubes: only delay the inevitable explosion
The data mining tutorial provides basic and advanced concepts of data mining. Our data mining tutorial is
designed for learners and experts.
Data mining is one of the most useful techniques that help entrepreneurs, researchers, and individuals to
extract valuable information from huge sets of data. Data mining is also called Knowledge Discovery in
Database (KDD). The knowledge discovery process includes Data cleaning, Data integration, Data
selection, Data transformation, Data mining, Pattern evaluation, and Knowledge presentation.
Our Data mining tutorial includes all topics of Data mining such as applications, Data mining vs Machine
learning, Data mining tools, Social Media Data mining, Data mining techniques, Clustering in data mining,
Challenges in Data mining, etc.
The process of extracting information to identify patterns, trends, and useful data that would allow the
business to take the data-driven decision from huge sets of data is called Data Mining.
In other words, we can say that Data Mining is the process of investigating hidden patterns of information to
various perspectives for categorization into useful data, which is collected and assembled in particular areas
such as data warehouses, efficient analysis, data mining algorithm, helping decision making and other data
requirement to eventually cost-cutting and generating revenue.
Data mining is the act of automatically searching for large stores of information to find trends and patterns
that go beyond simple analysis procedures. Data mining utilizes complex mathematical algorithms for data
segments and evaluates the probability of future events. Data Mining is also called Knowledge Discovery of
Data (KDD).
Data Mining is a process used by organizations to extract specific data from huge databases to solve
business problems. It primarily turns raw data into useful information.
Data Mining is similar to Data Science carried out by a person, in a specific situation, on a particular data
set, with an objective. This process includes various types of services such as text mining, web mining,
audio and video mining, pictorial data mining, and social media mining. It is done through software that is
simple or highly specific. By outsourcing data mining, all the work can be done faster with low operation
costs. Specialized firms can also use new technologies to collect data that is impossible to locate manually.
There are tonnes of information available on various platforms, but very little knowledge is accessible. The
biggest challenge is to analyze the data to extract important information that can be used to solve a problem
or for company development. There are many powerful instruments and techniques available to mine data
and find better insight from it.
Types of Data Mining
Relational Database:
A relational database is a collection of multiple data sets formally organized by tables, records, and columns
from which data can be accessed in various ways without having to recognize the database tables. Tables
convey and share information, which facilitates data searchability, reporting, and organization.
Data warehouses:
A Data Warehouse is the technology that collects the data from various sources within the organization to
provide meaningful business insights. The huge amount of data comes from multiple places such as
Marketing and Finance. The extracted data is utilized for analytical purposes and helps in decision- making
for a business organization. The data warehouse is designed for the analysis of data rather than transaction
Data Repositories:
The Data Repository generally refers to a destination for data storage. However, many IT professionals
utilize the term more clearly to refer to a specific kind of setup within an IT structure. For example, a group
of databases, where an organization has kept various kinds of information.
Object-Relational Database:
A combination of an object-oriented database model and relational database model is called an object-
relational model. It supports Classes, Objects, Inheritance, etc.
One of the primary objectives of the Object-relational data model is to close the gap between the Relational
database and the object-oriented model practices frequently utilized in many programming languages, for
example, C++, Java, C#, and so on.
Transactional Database:
A transactional database refers to a database management system (DBMS) that has the potential to undo a
database transaction if it is not performed appropriately. Even though this was a unique capability a very
long while back, today, most of the relational database systems support transactional database activities.
o There is a probability that the organizations may sell useful data of customers to other organizations
for money. As per the report, American Express has sold credit card purchases of their customers to
other organizations.
o Many data mining analytics software is difficult to operate and needs advance training to work on.
o Different data mining instruments operate in distinct ways due to the different algorithms used in
their design. Therefore, the selection of the right data mining tools is a very challenging task.
o The data mining techniques are not precise, so that it may lead to severe consequences in certain
Data Mining is primarily used by organizations with intense consumer demands- Retail, Communication,
Financial, marketing company, determine price, consumer preferences, product positioning, and impact on
sales, customer satisfaction, and corporate profits. Data mining enables a retailer to use point-of-sale records
of customer purchases to develop products and promotions that help the organization to attract the customer.
These are the following areas where data mining is widely used:
Market basket analysis is a modeling method based on a hypothesis. If you buy a specific group of products,
then you are more likely to buy another group of products. This technique may enable the retailer to
understand the purchase behavior of a buyer. This data may assist the retailer in understanding the
requirements of the buyer and altering the store's layout accordingly. Using a different analytical comparison
of results between various stores, between customers in different demographic groups can be done.
Education data mining is a newly emerging field, concerned with developing techniques that explore
knowledge from the data generated from educational Environments. EDM objectives are recognized as
affirming student's future learning behavior, studying the impact of educational support, and promoting
learning science. An organization can use data mining to make precise decisions and also to predict the
results of the student. With the results, the institution can concentrate on what to teach and how to teach.
Knowledge is the best asset possessed by a manufacturing company. Data mining tools can be beneficial to
find patterns in a complex manufacturing process. Data mining can be used in system-level designing to
obtain the relationships between product architecture, product portfolio, and data needs of the customers. It
can also be used to forecast the product development period, cost, and expectations among the other tasks.
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is all about obtaining and holding Customers, also enhancing
customer loyalty and implementing customer-oriented strategies. To get a decent relationship with the
customer, a business organization needs to collect data and analyze the data. With data mining technologies,
the collected data can be used for analytics.
Billions of dollars are lost to the action of frauds. Traditional methods of fraud detection are a little bit time
consuming and sophisticated. Data mining provides meaningful patterns and turning data into information.
An ideal fraud detection system should protect the data of all the users. Supervised methods consist of a
collection of sample records, and these records are classified as fraudulent or non-fraudulent. A model is
constructed using this data, and the technique is made to identify whether the document is fraudulent or not.
Apprehending a criminal is not a big deal, but bringing out the truth from him is a very challenging task.
Law enforcement may use data mining techniques to investigate offenses, monitor suspected terrorist
communications, etc. This technique includes text mining also, and it seeks meaningful patterns in data,
which is usually unstructured text. The information collected from the previous investigations is compared,
and a model for lie detection is constructed.
The Digitalization of the banking system is supposed to generate an enormous amount of data with every
new transaction. The data mining technique can help bankers by solving business-related problems in
banking and finance by identifying trends, casualties, and correlations in business information and market
costs that are not instantly evident to managers or executives because the data volume is too large or are
produced too rapidly on the screen by experts. The manager may find these data for better targeting,
acquiring, retaining, segmenting, and maintain a profitable customer.
Although data mining is very powerful, it faces many challenges during its execution. Various challenges
could be related to performance, data, methods, and techniques, etc. The process of data mining becomes
effective when the challenges or problems are correctly recognized and adequately resolved.
The process of extracting useful data from large volumes of data is data mining. The data in the real-world is
heterogeneous, incomplete, and noisy. Data in huge quantities will usually be inaccurate or unreliable. These
problems may occur due to data measuring instrument or because of human errors. Suppose a retail chain
collects phone numbers of customers who spend more than $ 500, and the accounting employees put the
information into their system. The person may make a digit mistake when entering the phone number, which
results in incorrect data. Even some customers may not be willing to disclose their phone numbers, which
results in incomplete data. The data could get changed due to human or system error. All these consequences
(noisy and incomplete data)makes data mining challenging.
Data Distribution:
Real-worlds data is usually stored on various platforms in a distributed computing environment. It might be
in a database, individual systems, or even on the internet. Practically, It is a quite tough task to make all the
data to a centralized data repository mainly due to organizational and technical concerns. For example,
various regional offices may have their servers to store their data. It is not feasible to store, all the data from
all the offices on a central server. Therefore, data mining requires the development of tools and algorithms
that allow the mining of distributed data.
Complex Data:
Real-world data is heterogeneous, and it could be multimedia data, including audio and video, images,
complex data, spatial data, time series, and so on. Managing these various types of data and extracting useful
information is a tough task. Most of the time, new technologies, new tools, and methodologies would have
to be refined to obtain specific information.
The data mining system's performance relies primarily on the efficiency of algorithms and techniques used.
If the designed algorithm and techniques are not up to the mark, then the efficiency of the data mining
process will be affected adversely.
Data mining usually leads to serious issues in terms of data security, governance, and privacy. For example,
if a retailer analyzes the details of the purchased items, then it reveals data about buying habits and
preferences of the customers without their permission.
Data Visualization:
In data mining, data visualization is a very important process because it is the primary method that shows
the output to the user in a presentable way. The extracted data should convey the exact meaning of what it
intends to express. But many times, representing the information to the end-user in a precise and easy way is
difficult. The input data and the output information being complicated, very efficient, and successful data
visualization processes need to be implemented to make it successful.
Tasks and Functionalities of Data Mining
Data mining tasks are designed to be semi-automatic or fully automatic and on large data sets to uncover
patterns such as groups or clusters, unusual or over the top data called anomaly detection and dependencies
such as association and sequential pattern. Once patterns are uncovered, they can be thought of as a
summary of the input data, and further analysis may be carried out using Machine Learning and Predictive
analytics. For example, the data mining step might help identify multiple groups in the data that a decision
support system can use. Note that data collection, preparation, reporting are not part of data mining.
There is a lot of confusion between data mining and data analysis. Data mining functions are used to define
the trends or correlations contained in data mining activities. While data analysis is used to test statistical
models that fit the dataset, for example, analysis of a marketing campaign, data mining uses Machine
Learning and mathematical and statistical models to discover patterns hidden in the data. In comparison,
data mining activities can be divided into two categories:
o Descriptive Data Mining: It includes certain knowledge to understand what is happening within the
data without a previous idea. The common data features are highlighted in the data set. For example,
count, average etc.
o Predictive Data Mining: It helps developers to provide unlabeled definitions of attributes. With
previously available or historical data, data mining can be used to make predictions about critical
business metrics based on data's linearity. For example, predicting the volume of business next
quarter based on performance in the previous quarters over several years or judging from the
findings of a patient's medical examinations that is he suffering from any particular disease.
Data mining functionalities are used to represent the type of patterns that have to be discovered in data
mining tasks. Data mining tasks can be classified into two types: descriptive and predictive. Descriptive
mining tasks define the common features of the data in the database, and the predictive mining tasks act in
inference on the current information to develop predictions.
Data mining is extensively used in many areas or sectors. It is used to predict and characterize data. But the
ultimate objective in Data Mining Functionalities is to observe the various trends in data mining. There are
several data mining functionalities that the organized and scientific methods offer, such as:
1. Class/Concept Descriptions
A class or concept implies there is a data set or set of features that define the class or a concept. A class can
be a category of items on a shop floor, and a concept could be the abstract idea on which data may be
categorized like products to be put on clearance sale and non-sale products. There are two concepts here,
one that helps with grouping and the other that helps in differentiating.
o Data Characterization: This refers to the summary of general characteristics or features of the
class, resulting in specific rules that define a target class. A data analysis technique called Attribute-
oriented Induction is employed on the data set for achieving characterization.
o Data Discrimination: Discrimination is used to separate distinct data sets based on the disparity in
attribute values. It compares features of a class with features of one or more contrasting classes.g.,
bar charts, curves and pie charts.
One of the functions of data mining is finding data patterns. Frequent patterns are things that are discovered
to be most common in data. Various types of frequency can be found in the dataset.
o Frequent item set:This term refers to a group of items that are commonly found together, such as
milk and sugar.
o Frequent substructure: It refers to the various types of data structures that can be combined with an
item set or subsequences, such as trees and graphs.
o Frequent Subsequence: A regular pattern series, such as buying a phone followed by a cover.
3. Association Analysis
It analyses the set of items that generally occur together in a transactional dataset. It is also known as Market
Basket Analysis for its wide use in retail sales. Two parameters are used for determining the association
4. Classification
Classification is a data mining technique that categorizes items in a collection based on some predefined
properties. It uses methods like if-then, decision trees or neural networks to predict a class or essentially
classify a collection of items. A training set containing items whose properties are known is used to train the
system to predict the category of items from an unknown collection of items.
5. Prediction
It defines predict some unavailable data values or spending trends. An object can be anticipated based on the
attribute values of the object and attribute values of the classes. It can be a prediction of missing numerical
values or increase or decrease trends in time-related information. There are primarily two types of
predictions in data mining: numeric and class predictions.
o Numeric predictions are made by creating a linear regression model that is based on historical data.
Prediction of numeric values helps businesses ramp up for a future event that might impact the
business positively or negatively.
o Class predictions are used to fill in missing class information for products using a training data set
where the class for products is known.
6. Cluster Analysis
In image processing, pattern recognition and bioinformatics, clustering is a popular data mining
functionality. It is similar to classification, but the classes are not predefined. Data attributes represent the
classes. Similar data are grouped together, with the difference being that a class label is not known.
Clustering algorithms group data based on similar features and dissimilarities.
7. Outlier Analysis
Outlier analysis is important to understand the quality of data. If there are too many outliers, you cannot trust
the data or draw patterns. An outlier analysis determines if there is something out of turn in the data and
whether it indicates a situation that a business needs to consider and take measures to mitigate. An outlier
analysis of the data that cannot be grouped into any classes by the algorithms is pulled up.
Evolution Analysis pertains to the study of data sets that change over time. Evolution analysis models are
designed to capture evolutionary trends in data helping to characterize, classify, cluster or discriminate time-
related data.
9. Correlation Analysis
Correlation is a mathematical technique for determining whether and how strongly two attributes is related
to one another. It refers to the various types of data structures, such as trees and graphs, that can be
combined with an item set or subsequence. It determines how well two numerically measured continuous
variables are linked. Researchers can use this type of analysis to see if there are any possible correlations
between variables in their study.
Types of Data Mining
If you haven't heard the term data mining yet, it would be good to have a little discussion about "data
mining" before learning the types of data mining. In this article, we will learn the different types of data
mining (or data mining methods). However, if you already know what data mining is, you can directly move
on to data mining methods (or types).
is nothing but a process of finding or extracting useful information from huge volumes of data. You may get
familiar if we use the term big data. Although using a big range of techniques can help us to use this
information to increase revenues, cost-cutting and improve customer relationships, etc. It may be quite
possible that you may be thinking that is why data mining is so important. The answer to this question is
quite complex. However, it is not the answer that is actually big. You may have seen staggering numbers;
the volumes of produced data are getting doubled every two years. However, this growth rate of the data is
also increasing, or it will be correct to say that data is getting doubled even in less than two years.
These are the following key features that data mining usually allows us:
o Sift through all the chaotic and repetitive noise in your data.
o Allows understanding what is relevant and then making good use of that information to assess likely
o Accelerate the pace of making informed decisions.
In today's modern world, we are all surrounded by big data, which is predicted to be grown by 40% by the
next decade. You may wonder that the real fact is that we are drowning in the data, but at the same time, we
are starving for knowledge (or useful Data). The main reason behind this, all this data creates noise which
makes it difficult to mine. In short, we have generated tons of amorphous data but experiencing failing big
data initiatives as the useful data is deeply buried inside. Therefore without powerful tools such as Data
Mining, we cannot mine such data, and as a result, we will not get any benefits from that data.
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Each of the following data mining techniques serves several different business problems and provides a
different insight into each of them. However, understanding the type of business problem you need to solve
will also help in knowing which technique will be best to use, which will yield the best results. The Data
Mining types can be divided into two basic parts that are as follows:
As the name signifies, Predictive Data-Mining analysis works on the data that may help to know what may
happen later (or in the future) in business. Predictive Data-Mining can also be further divided into four types
that are listed below:
o Classification Analysis
o Regression Analysis
o Time Serious Analysis
o Prediction Analysis
The main goal of the Descriptive Data Mining tasks is to summarize or turn given data into relevant
information. The Descriptive Data-Mining Tasks can also be further divided into four types that are as
o Clustering Analysis
o Summarization Analysis
o Association Rules Analysis
o Sequence Discovery Analysis
Here, we will discuss each of the data mining's types in detail. Below are several different data mining
techniques that can help you find optimal outcomes as the results.
This type of data mining technique is generally used in fetching or retrieving important and relevant
information about the data & metadata. It is also even used to categories the different types of data format
into different classes. If you focus on this article until it ends, you may definitely find out that Classification
and clustering are similar data mining types. As clustering also categorizes or classify the data segments into
the different data records known as the classes. However, unlike clustering, the data analyst would have the
knowledge of different classes or clusters. Therefore in the classification analysis, you have to apply or
implement the algorithms to decide in which way the new data should be categorized or classified. A classic
example of classification analysis would be Outlook email. In Outlook, they use certain algorithms to
characterize an email is legitimate or spam.
This technique is usually very helpful for retailers who can use it to study the buying habits of their different
customers. Retailers can also study the past sales data and then lookout (or search ) for products that
customers usually buy together. After which, they can put those products nearby of each other in their retail
stores to help customers save their time and as well as to increase their sales.
In statistical terms, regression analysis is a process usually used to identify and analyze the relationship
among variables. It means one variable is dependent on another, but it is not vice versa. It is generally used
for prediction and forecasting purposes. It can also help you understand the characteristic value of the
dependent variable changes if any of the independent variables is varied.
A time series is a sequence of data points that are usually recorded at specific time intervals of points.
Usually, they are - most often in regular time intervals (seconds, hours, days, months etc.). Almost every
organization generates a high volume of data every day, such as sales figures, revenue, traffic, or operating
cost. Time series data mining can help in generating valuable information for long-term business decisions,
yet they are underutilized in most organizations.
4. Prediction Analysis
This technique is generally used to predict the relationship that exists between both the independent and
dependent variables as well as the independent variables alone. It can also use to predict profit that can be
achieved in future depending on the sale. Let us imagine that profit and sale are dependent and independent
variables, respectively. Now, on the basis of what the past sales data says, we can make a profit prediction of
the future using a regression curve.
5. Clustering Analysis
In Data Mining, this technique is used to create meaningful object clusters that contain the same
characteristics. Usually, most people get confused with Classification, but they won't have any issues if they
properly understand how both these techniques actually work. Unlike Classification that collects the objects
into predefined classes, clustering stores objects in classes that are defined by it. To understand it in more
detail, you can consider the following given example:
Suppose you are in a library that is full of books on different topics. Now the real challenge for you is to
organize those books so that readers don't face any problem finding out books on any particular topic. So
here, we can use clustering to keep books with similarities in one particular shelf and then give those shelves
a meaningful name or class. Therefore, whenever a reader looking for books on a particular topic can go
straight to that shelf. Hence he won't be required to roam the entire library to find the book he wants to read.
The Summarization analysis is used to store a group (or a set ) of data in a more compact way and an easier-
to-understand form. We can easily understand it with the help of an example:
You might have used Summarization to create graphs or calculate averages from a given set (or group) of
data. This is one of the most familiar and accessible forms of data mining.
In general, it can be considered a method that can help us identify some interesting relations (dependency
modeling) between different variables in large databases. This technique can also help us to unpack some
hidden patterns in the data, which can be used to identify the variables within the data. It also helps in
detecting the concurrence of different variables that appear very frequently in the dataset. Association rules
are generally used for examining and forecasting the behavior of the customer. It is also highly
recommended in the retail industry analysis. This technique is also used to determine shopping basket data
analysis, catalogue design, product clustering, and store layout. In IT, programmers also uses the association
rules to create programs capable of machine learning. Or in short, we can say that this data mining technique
helps to find the association between two or more Items. It discovers a hidden pattern in the data set.
The primary goal of sequence discovery analysis is to discover interesting patterns in data on the basis of
some subjective or objective measure of how interesting it is. Usually, this task involves discovering
frequent sequential patterns with respect to a frequency support measure. Some people may often confuse it
with time series as both the Sequence discovery analysis and Time series analysis contains the adjacent
observation that are order dependent. However, if the people see both of them in a little more depth, their
confusion can be easily avoided as the Time series analysis technique contains numerical data, whereas the
Sequence discovery analysis contains discrete values or data.
Many characteristics act as a deciding factor for data quality, such as incompleteness and incoherent
information, which are common properties of the big database in the real world. Factors used for data
quality assessment are:
There are many possible reasons for flawed or inaccurate data here. i.e. Having incorrect values
of properties that could be human or computer errors.
For some reasons, incomplete data can occur, attributes of interest such as customer
information for sales & transaction data may not always be available.
Incorrect data can also result from inconsistencies in naming convention or data codes, or from
input field incoherent format. Duplicate tuples need cleaning of details, too.
It also affects the quality of the data. At the end of the month, several sales representatives fail
to file their sales records on time. There are also several corrections & adjustments which flow
into after the end of the month. Data stored in the database are incomplete for a time after each
It is reflective of how much users trust the data.
It is a reflection of how easy the users can understand the data.
Data preprocessing is a data mining technique which is used to transform the raw data in a useful and
efficient format.
(a). Missing Data: This situation arises when some data is missing in the data. It can be
handled in various ways. Some of them are:
1. Ignore the tuples: This approach is suitable only when the dataset we have is quite
large and multiple values are missing within a tuple.
2. Fill the Missing values: There are various ways to do this task. You can choose to
fill the missing values manually, by attribute mean or the most probable value.
(b). Noisy Data: Noisy data is a meaningless data that can’t be interpreted by machines.It can
be generated due to faulty data collection, data entry errors etc. It can be handled in following
ways :
1. Binning Method:
This method works on sorted data in order to smooth it. The whole data is divided
into segments of equal size and then various methods are performed to complete the
task. Each segmented is handled separately. One can replace all data in a segment
by its mean or boundary values can be used to complete the task.
2. Regression:
Here data can be made smooth by fitting it to a regression function.The regression
used may be linear (having one independent variable) or multiple (having multiple
independent variables).
3. Clustering:
This approach groups the similar data in a cluster. The outliers may be undetected or
it will fall outside the clusters.
2. Data Transformation:
This step is taken in order to transform the data in appropriate forms suitable for mining process. This
involves following ways:
1. Normalization:
It is done in order to scale the data values in a specified range (-1.0 to 1.0 or 0.0 to 1.0)
2. Attribute Selection:
In this strategy, new attributes are constructed from the given set of attributes to help the
mining process.
3. Discretization:
This is done to replace the raw values of numeric attribute by interval levels or conceptual
4. Concept Hierarchy Generation: Here attributes are converted from lower level to higher
level in hierarchy. For Example-The attribute “city” can be converted to “country”.
3. Data Reduction:
Since data mining is a technique that is used to handle huge amount of data. While working with huge
volume of data, analysis became harder in such cases. In order to get rid of this, we uses data reduction
technique. It aims to increase the storage efficiency and reduce data storage and analysis costs.
The various steps to data reduction are:
1. Data Cube Aggregation: Aggregation operation is applied to data for the construction of the
data cube.
2. Attribute Subset Selection: The highly relevant attributes should be used, rest all can be
discarded. For performing attribute selection, one can use level of significance and p- value of
the attribute. the attribute having p-value greater than significance level can be discarded.
3. Numerosity Reduction: This enable to store the model of data instead of whole data, for
example: Regression Models.
4. Dimensionality Reduction: This reduce the size of data by encoding mechanisms. It can be
lossy or lossless. If after reconstruction from compressed data, original data can be retrieved,
such reduction are called lossless reduction else it is called lossy reduction. The two effective
methods of dimensionality reduction are: Wavelet transforms and PCA (Principal Component
In data science, the similarity measure is a way of measuring how data samples are related or closed to each
other. On the other hand, the dissimilarity measure is to tell how much the data objects are distinct.