EXERCISE In each of the following sentences, identify the form of the underlined verb by writing above it
B for base form, PresP for present participle, P for past, or PastP for past participle.
Example 1. The dogs are rolling in the grass.
4. The ducks have been paddling around on the surface of the lake.
17. The goalie leaped into the air and grabbed the ball.
18. I hope the guards let us get close enough to see the queen.
19. After they had swept, they carried out the recycling.
Regular Verbs
9b. A regular verb forms its past and past participle by adding –d or –ed to the base form.
EXAMPLE We recently adopted a Chihuahua puppy.
EXERCISE On the blank in each of the following sentences, write the correct past or past participle form
of the verb given in parentheses.
Example 1. (collect) How many baseball cards have you ?
12. (watch) The mother cat has over her kittens carefully.
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15. (wait) The patients have all here for a while now.
17. (promise) If she has , I know she will keep her word.
18. (walk) The last people to finish the 10K race waved to me as they
Irregular Verbs A
9c. An irregular verb forms its past and past participle in some other way than by adding –d or –ed
to the base form.
An irregular verb forms its past and past participle in one of these ways: changing consonants,
EXERCISE In each of the following sentences, underline the correct verb form in parentheses.
Example 1. Have you (saw, seen) any of the movies showing now?
1. The strong wind has (blew, blown) the papers about the room.
2. In the morning, the delivery van (come, came) with our new washing machine.
9. I think the inner tube in my front tire (bursted, burst) when I went over the curb.
14. I think that lunch (costed, cost) more than Laura thought it would.
15. Daniel or Frank (caught, catched) a baseball that was batted into the bleachers.
20. Janette (did, done) more than anyone else to make sure they succeeded.
Irregular Verbs B
9c. An irregular verb forms its past and past participle in some other way than by adding –d or –ed
to the base form.
An irregular verb forms its past and past participle in one of these ways: changing consonants,
changing vowels, changing consonants and vowels, or making no change at all.
EXAMPLES For a snack I ate some grapes.
Has he fed the horses?
EXERCISE In each of the following sentences, underline the correct verb form in parentheses.
Example 1. Have you two (lent, lended) Tom your notes?
2. The two sides had (fought, foughten) about the terms of the treaty.
3. How many home runs have you (hitted, hit) this season?
4. How many times has that jet (flew, flown) across the Atlantic?
6. The water in the ice trays has not (frozen, froze) yet.
13. The cat (hid, hidden) under Michelle’s bed and would not come out.
14. The anthropologist (found, finded) several cave dwellings in that area.
15. The mailbox (held, holded) seven catalogs and three bills.
16. I think that the two of them (had, haved) a better time than they thought they would.
20. The two soldiers (got, gotten) ready for the advance.
Irregular Verbs C
9c. An irregular verb forms its past and past participle in some other way than by adding –d or –ed
to the base form.
An irregular verb forms its past and past participle in one of these ways: changing consonants,
EXERCISE On the blank in each of the following sentences, write the correct past or past participle form
of the verb given in parentheses.
Example 1. (let) Yesterday, the O’Daniels their cats go outside.
9. (read) After you have the chapter, answer the review questions.
14. (run) Have you ever for a position on the student council?
19. (lie) I had just down to rest when the doorbell rang.
Irregular Verbs D
9c. An irregular verb forms its past and past participle in some other way than by adding –d or –ed
to the base form.
An irregular verb forms its past and past participle in one of these ways: changing consonants,
changing vowels, changing consonants and vowels, or making no change at all.
EXAMPLES Who drew this sketch of the White House?
Marcia had hurt her right arm during softball practice.
EXERCISE On the blank in each of the following sentences, write the correct past or past participle form
of the verb given in parentheses.
Example 1. (swing) The engine from a block and tackle.
3. (speak) I believe the guests have to the staff about the mishap.
Irregular Verbs E
9c. An irregular verb forms its past and past participle in some other way than by adding –d or –ed
to the base form.
An irregular verb forms its past and past participle in one of these ways: changing consonants,
EXERCISE On the blank in each of the following sentences, write the correct past or past participle form
of the verb given in parentheses.
Example 1. (become) What had of the treasure map?
1. (begin) Sara had saving for college when she was very young.
6. (eat) The frogs the flies that were buzzing around the pond.
9. (know) What had you about jellyfish before you took biology?
12. (lay) The squirrel a leaf where it had buried the pecan.
16. (see) Two of the deer a wolf at the edge of the clearing.
19. (be) Last week, Donna and Tressa sure they would be able to run
9d. The tense of a verb indicates the time of the action or state of being expressed by the verb.
FUTURE TENSE I will (shall) give FUTURE PERFECT TENSE I will (shall) have given
The progressive form of each tense expresses continuing action or state of being. It consists of a
form of the verb be plus the present participle of a verb.
EXAMPLE The candidates will be giving their speeches Friday. [future progressive]
EXERCISE Underline the verb in each of the following sentences. Then, above the verb, identify its tense.
Also, indicate if the verb is in the progressive form.
present progressive
Example 1. I am going to the market.
5. As of next Thursday, you will have been a United States citizen for one year.
9. By next Friday, we shall have finished the construction of the set for the new play.
10. By then, the orchestra had already learned the new piece of music.
13. The author had published her first book at the age of twenty-four.
14. Next year, the wax museum will have been open for two hundred years.
20. By the end of the month, I will have been here six months.