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for CHAPTER 12: PUNCTUATION pages 342=346

Semicolons Review
12a. Use a semicolon between independent clauses that are closely related in meaning if they are not
joined by and, but, for, nor, or, so, or yet.

EXAMPLE She ate her whole dinner; her sister just picked at the food.

12b. Use a semicolon between independent clauses joined by a conjunctive adverb or transitional

EXAMPLE I decided against taking German; instead, I’m going to take Spanish.

12c. A semicolon (rather than a comma) may be needed to separate independent clauses joined by a
coordinating conjunction when the clauses contain commas.

EXAMPLE Mike, Hallie, and I saw Leah and her sister; and April and Ziggie saw them, too.

12d. Use a semicolon between items in a series if the items contain commas.
EXAMPLE Max, the oldest; Roy, the youngest; and Cora, their sister, were all watching us.

EXERCISE In the following sentences, add semicolons or replace commas with semicolons where

Example 1. To take the test, you will need a Number 2 pencil paper will be provided.

1. Ali has visited Toronto, Canada, Mexico City, Mexico, and Kingston, Jamaica.
2. Zora Neale Hurston is one of my favorite writers I have read several of her short stories and
two of her novels.

3. Laraine’s father is a traveling minister in fact, he visits a different community each month.
Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved.

4. The squirrel leaped down from the branch, ran across a field, and then disappeared into the
forest and, though he tried, my dog, Barks, didn’t stand a chance of catching that squirrel.

5. Present at the committee meeting were Lamar, my cousin, Anita, your friend, Jerome, the new
student, and Anna, my next-door neighbor.

6. Yesterday, Thad was late for class consequently, he forgot to turn in his homework.
7. Zach wrote his report on American Indians of the Northwest he also created a poster to
illustrate key points of his research.

8. Denise, Scott, and Trina will go to the movies Ellis, Shani, and I will jog in the park.
9. Eva has the highest grade-point average in our class, she is this year’s valedictorian.
10. I suppose you have heard of that African American literary movement it was known as the
Harlem Renaissance.

Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics: Language Skills Practice 227

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