CMPSA Notes 3

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Power System in Steady state: Load flow Analysis

Ysh= - and
Zser= R+jXL

Define a loss factor α=

Usually, α=<<1

Define the net power injection

S1 =P1+jQ1 = (PG1-PD1 )+j(QG1-QD1)

S2 = P2+jQ2 = (PG2-PD2)+j(QG2-QD2)
System Model: Static Load flow equations
Characteristics of Static Load Flow equations
1. Algebraic Equations- represent the system operating in steady state
2. Non-linear Equations – need Numerical solution technique
3. Equation relate Voltage and Power ( instead of V and I)
4. Equations are functions of frequency But freq assumed constant
5. Real Power balance

6. Reactive power balance

7. Losses are functions of voltage and angle

8. There are 12 variables (6n where n is the no.of buses) in the equations. So need to
reduce it to 4 for solving the equations
Classification of System Variables
1. Uncontrolled or disturbance variables
Real and Reactive power load demand are completely beyond our control and are
determined by the customer
2. State variables (dependent Variables) : Voltage magnitudes and angles
3. Control variables (Independent Variables) : used to control state variables
Real and Reactive power generation

Solutions have practical acceptance only if the state variables and control variables are
within practical limits

1. |Vi|min<|Vi|< |Vi|max for i=1,2,…., n

2. |δi - δj |< |δi - δj |max for i=1,2,…., n

3. PGimin<Pgi <PGimax for i=1,2,…., n

4. QGimin<Qgi <QGimax for i=1,2,…., n

Bus Classification on the basis of specified variable
1. PQ bus: PD and QD known and specify PGi and QGi
There for bus power injections are known (Pi and Qi )
And the unknowns are |Vi| and δi

2. PV or voltage Controlled bus: PD and QD known

specify |Vi| and Pgi
There for real power injections are known (Pi )
And the unknowns are Qi and δi

3. Slack/Reference bus: PD and QD known

specify |Vi| and δi , (δi set to 0)
And the unknowns are real and reactive power injections
Equating Real and Imaginary Components,
The values of Qi, and δi are to be updated on every iteration
Q: Solve using Gauss Seidel Method for the 3 bus system

System Data
Line data Busdata
From to XL (pu) Bus no V(p.u) PD (p.u) QD (p.u) PG (p.u) QG (p.u)
1 2 j0.2 1 1.0 1.0 0.6 Not Specified
1 3 j0.2 2 1.0 0 0 1.4 Un specified
2 3 j0.2 3 1.0 1.0 1.0 0 Un specified

B. Repeat with bus voltage specifications (Magnitudes) as

V1= 1p.u, V2= 1.04p.u, V3 = 0.96p.u
Comment on the result obtained

c. Repeat the same problem assuming real power generation scheduled as

PG1= 1.0p.u, PG2 = 1.0p.u, PG3=0
Comment on the result obtained
Using Taylor Series expansion, expand Pi and Qi around initial guess (δ𝑜 , 𝑉o ) and
neglecting higher order terms
Pisch – Pi(δ𝑜 , 𝑉o )= J1 Δδk + J2 Δ|V|k
Qisch – Qi(δ𝑜 , 𝑉o )= J3 Δδk + J4 Δ|V|k
Advantages of Normalizing Voltage correction vectors
Note: For each iteration check for Vi and Qi
DC Load flow
• Assume a loss less network
• All bus voltages are set to 1 p.u
• Omit all elements that mainly affect the mega VAR flows (such as
shunt capacitors, reactors etc)
• - The Eqn for reactive power injection is neglected
• Set the taps of transformers =1
Apply following load flow technique and obtain the power flow
solution for power system shown in Figure and compare the
results obtained. Take a base of =100MVA. Magnitude of bus
voltage at slack bus is given as 1p.u.

1. Newton Raphson Method

2. Decoupled Method
3. Fast Decoupled Method
4. DC load flow Method
5. Gauss-Seidel Method

Bus data Line Data

Bus no Generation Load
From-To Impedance (p.u)
1 0 0 0 0 1-3 j0.05
2 100 50 50 25 1-4 j0.05
3 0 0 75 30
2-3 j0.05
4 0 0 100 50
2-4 j0.05

Submit on 30/09/2022 3-4 j0.1

AC-DC Load Flow
Apply sequential method of load flow technique and obtain the
power flow solution for the 4 bus power system shown in Figure, in
which the line connected between the buses 3 and 4 is a HVDC
line. Take a base of =100MVA. Magnitude of bus voltage at slack
bus is given as 1p.u.
Data for HVDC link:
Base voltage of AC system=132kV
Rd=10 Ohm, Nr=Ni=2, 3 3
Xcr  Xci  6
 

Specified quantities:
α = 5o, Pdr= 100MW, γ= 18o, Vdi=250kV

Bus data Line Data

Bus no Generation Load From-To Impedance (p.u)
1-3 j0.05
1 0 0 0 0
2 100 50 50 25 1-4 j0.05
3 0 0 75 30 2-3 j0.05
4 0 0 100 50
2-4 j0.05

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