CMPSA Notes 3
CMPSA Notes 3
CMPSA Notes 3
Ysh= - and
Zser= R+jXL
Define a loss factor α=
Usually, α=<<1
8. There are 12 variables (6n where n is the no.of buses) in the equations. So need to
reduce it to 4 for solving the equations
Classification of System Variables
1. Uncontrolled or disturbance variables
Real and Reactive power load demand are completely beyond our control and are
determined by the customer
2. State variables (dependent Variables) : Voltage magnitudes and angles
3. Control variables (Independent Variables) : used to control state variables
Real and Reactive power generation
Solutions have practical acceptance only if the state variables and control variables are
within practical limits
System Data
Line data Busdata
From to XL (pu) Bus no V(p.u) PD (p.u) QD (p.u) PG (p.u) QG (p.u)
1 2 j0.2 1 1.0 1.0 0.6 Not Specified
1 3 j0.2 2 1.0 0 0 1.4 Un specified
2 3 j0.2 3 1.0 1.0 1.0 0 Un specified
Specified quantities:
α = 5o, Pdr= 100MW, γ= 18o, Vdi=250kV