Lecture NTUA 11 12 23 10 12 Eng
Lecture NTUA 11 12 23 10 12 Eng
Lecture NTUA 11 12 23 10 12 Eng
versa. We do not apply what we can discover but we discover what we apply
safely for all. (Power, inequalities, and speed of evolution)
16.Epilogue. Sections 13, 16, 17 of the book.
The ancient Greek philosopher Democritus (460-370 B.C. long life of 90 years) was
born in Abdera of Thrace (see references [Democritus]) . He was the son of a rich
man, and inherited together with his brother a very significant size of fortune
compared to his fellow citizen in Thrace.
But unlike his brother who multiplied his part of the inheritance by business,
Democritus spent it in travelled to all the great centers of knowledge in his ancient
world, including Babylon in Mesopotamia. His philosophy and theory of the cosmos
(universe) was shaped by the idea of matter made from free permanent and
indivisible particles (atoms). When after many years return to Abdera, he was
finacially broke, which was considered a shape from his fellow citizens (to spend the
parental inheritance). So his brother offered him a small part of his fortune, so as to
be also an honourable citizen. Democritus was going every few days in the market of
Abdera, and was lecturing the people about what he had learned in his life-journey.
In particular of how with the idea of atoms of matter, the three material states , solid,
liquid and gaseous could be explained, and together with it, many other physical
phenomena, like the winds ,the sea waves, the lightning, the rain, the snow, the
clouds, etc. In all of his explanations, the ancient greek gods of the mount Olympus
ware absent. No god Poseidon to create sea waves, no god Aeolos to create the winds,
no godees Demeter, to create the clouds and rain, for the plants , no god Jupiter to
though the lightning. The humans were now the center of material universe who need
not be afraid of the wrath of the gods, and who could explore and dominate. This was
much liked by his fellow citizens who gave them money for each lecture, and we call
here the ancient paradise of Democritus. I consider Democritus, a lucky man
with good fate. The Roman public speaker Senekas, writes in his book about
spiritual peace of mind, that compared to Herakleitos who was crying, when she was
realizing the shortcoming and stupidity of his fellow citizens, Democritus was
laughing with good heart.
The main merit of this little presentation of the book above is in its physical ontology
(molecular matter, fieldmatter) and the physical interpretations, and not so much in
its mathematics, that many physicists can work out. The principle of the ancient
Greek philosopher Democritus, that matter, in any of its form, consists from
free and permanent particles, together with Newton’s law of momentum
conservation derives almost all of the facts in the current book. A unified theory
of fields at the classical laboratory scale is not mainly a new system of mathematical
symbols, but rather the mental images of a new realm of particle material
ontology (here of the fieldmatter and not so of the molecular matter) and a richer
system of expected physical phenomena. The Nobel prize winner physicist R.
Feynman often mentioned that he took great pleasure in making though simulations
with mental images of molecular matter fluids, by “seeing” their particle motions and
then the macroscopic fluid motion.
EVOLUTION OF THE CIVILIZATION. (Section 3 of the book).
This “openness” about how deep is the material reality is of utterly importance
and I explain with 2 famous examples! If you think you know all layers of matter
than exists and all free and permanent particles end with particles like electron,
proton, neutron, photon, then
1) the definition of space will be obligatory and forever be with measurements
by photons as Einstein suggested and any curving of the path of photon due to
gravitation will be a curvature of the space too. But if not and how deep is matter is
open, then the curving of the path of photon is not a forever curvature of space
and instead it is more likely that it occurs in a straight without curvature space.
2) Similarly the measurement of the momentum and position of particle will
obligatory and forever be with photons, electrons neutrons, protons and the
indeterminacy relations of Heisenberg will be forever laws of the physical reality. On
the other hand, if how deep is matter is open then the indeterminacy relations
are not forever and are simply restrictions of a class of experiments and a state
of the art of evolution of physics and its technology.
Obviously the “openness” is in favor of the evolution of sciences towards a
better knowledge, while the “closeness” about how deep is material reality is in
favor of a not evolving our knowledge.
The next table shows the experiments and what they prove.
Table 1
In 1998 I was invited by the British aerospace to expalin the gyroscope effect
mentioned by H. Aspden (see [Aspden,H] a) ), and performed by the British
Aerospace too in 1998. (see references [Aspden, H.] ). It was a gyroscope as in the
figure 1 below, which when rotated in the air due to the magnus effect (see
references [Magnus effect]) of aerodynamics (air-plane wings) the outer cylinders
were lifting by an angle. The “strange” thing was that even if it was rotated in air
vacuum, the outer cylinders would still lift by a smaller angle. Was it ant-gravity an
known interaction? According to our perception of the finer fieldmatter, the
explanation was that although in air-vacuum, it was not fieldmatter vacuum, and a
weaker similar effect of fluid dynamics in the (neutral) fieldmatter would occur.
Should we call such weak interaction anti-gravity? Should we call them laboratory
scale weak interactions? Should we call them inertial phenomena of molecular mass
coupled with the fieldmatter? The term is not so important compared to the intuition
of the physical ontology of fieldmatter interacting with the fieldmatter. There was
even an author (see references [Hayasaka,H.Tackeuchi S.]) who experimentally
verified a formula about the relation of the velocity of the molecular matter and the
induced velocity in the neutral fieldmatter which turned out be somehow
proportional by a constant. We will come back to this weak interaction of molecular
matter motion and induced fieldmatter motion but a much more microscopic scale in
the paragraph 12.
Figure 1 (It seems to the author that the way that B.A. performed the
experiment was with the gyroscope upside down compared to the figure).
The gyrodrop experiment of B De Palma (See references [ Depalma B
gyrodrop experiment] is a similar simple and astonishing experiment that can be
easily performed even at high school physics lectures. We drop a cylindrical metal
object A in the air vacuum in two ways 1) A is not rotating around its cylindrical
axis of symmetry 2) A is rotating around its cylindrical axis of symmetry. Normally
the mainstream of physical thinking in University Education, that considered the air
vacuum as material vacuum too, would expect that the measurement ofteh final
velocity of A in the table, is actually an estimation of the gravitational acceleration g
and it is the same in both cases 1) and 2) . BUT the experiment shows that according
to the orientation of the self-rotation of A, the rotating cylinder will reach faster the
table compared to the non-rotating cylinder A. Below are the image (Figure 2, 3) of
the statistics of the iterated experimental measurements. Again the true explanation is
simple, the rotating cylinder when falling is falling in air vacuum but not vacuum
from the neutral fieldmatter, and thus a weak fluid dynamic effect is created which
adds or subtracts from the velocity due to the gravitation.
Figure 2
Figure 3.
The discovery that matter is not infinite divisible but consists of free and
permanent particles (initially called atoms) was a one of the greatest discoveries in
the history of the physical science and opened new roads of meaningful
understanding of nature and an abundant of technology. A Nobel prize was given for
this to A. Einstein for his paper o Brownian motion and photoelectric effect (1905)
but this Nobel prize should be given to L. E. Boltzmann for his voluminous work on
the statistical atomic theory of the gasses almost 50 years earlier. Actually it is know
that ancient Greek philosopher and thinker Democritus lectured on the Democritus
principle that the ontology of the physical reality is only vacuum and matter nathing
else, and that matter always consists from indivisible or atoms. This was know in
ancient Greece as the Paradise of Democritus. Therefore, any enhancement and
multiplication of this principle of atomic structure of matter will similarly bring
proportionally great new discoveries and even more meaningful understanding of the
material reality. And such an enhancement is the layered atomic structure principle
of paragraph 1, 2 , in other words that the material reality exists in discrete orders of
scales and discrete layers , each layer created by free and permanent material
indivisibles or atoms or particles. The denser the layer the smaller the constituent
particles. Applying this principle to the fieldmatter of paragraph 3 we conclude
that the electromagnetic field and the gravitational field consists of three types
free and permanent material indivisible or particles of positive, negative and
neutral charge.
We know that this is true for the molecular matter by the protons, electrons, and
neutrons that we may denote here respectively by the symbols (p+ e- n0).
Therefore, we can call these fieldmatter particles micro-proton, micro-electron
and micro-neutron and denote them by the symbols (μp+ μe- μn0).
NANO-ELECTRONS? Section 14 of the book.
In the history of physic there were experiments that proved something important
but this was not realized but almost one century later. One famous example was the
Brownian motion discovered around 1820, which it was realized only in 1905 that
proved the existence of atoms. In this paragraph we discuss that the EPR paradox is
another such class of experiments. In such cases of the history o physics holds the
rule: “We do not believe what we see but we see what we believe”
non-locality prove nevertheless something even more important: Because indeed all
interactions are eventually reduced to local interactions which is the base of the
physical causality through matter, ,the explanation of the non-locality is that it
exist at least one more finer density (and higher frequency) material layer beyond the
field matter of the classical fields which again by a guess of minimalism and
simplicity would consists from a new triad od free and permanent particles of
negative positive and neutral polarity that we may call nano-electron , nano-proton
and nano-neutron and denoted by (νp+ νe- νn0). Thus so far matter exist in at
least 3 layers or densities and created by 3 triads of particles that we have
denoted by proton-electron-neutron (p+ e- n0) micro-electron etc (μp+ μe- μn0)
mano-electron etc (νp+ νe- νn0). Then the explanation of the class of non-
locality experiments is that the phenomenally non-local interaction are
essentially local interactions through “light” waves of the 3rd layer matter (2nd
fieldmatter) which naturally is expected to travel faster than the light of the 1st
fieldmatter (classical electromagnetic field) but not in infinite speed. And indeed
as most relevant resetachers notice it isnot any of the known interactions of the
1st fieldmatter, that we know. This also includes the postulate that the particles
are a “chord” of material frequencies and knot of vortex motions in many
layers material realities We should remark also that this class of experiments do
not exclude the possibility of a 3rd higher frequency material reality (pico-
electron etc) . The Nobel Prize in Physics 2022 which was awarded to Alain
Aspect, John F. Clauser and Anton Zeilinger “for experiments with entangled
photons, establishing the violation of Bell inequalities and pioneering quantum
information science” concludes that Einstein’s concept of locality (=nothing goes
faster than light) and realism is wrong, exactly as we reveal in the current book. On
the other hand, quantum mechanics would become much more complete if we
include the finer 2nd fieldmatter. As quantum computing has the ambition of
computations that are transcendently faster than those that utilize the electromagnetic
field and speed of light it resorted to quantum entangled states that propagate
information faster than the speed of light. And with the rational ontology of
layered densities of matter (1st fieldmatter, 2nd fieldmatter etc) since normally the
electrons move in a computer with speeds up to the speed of light, to find matter that
moves faster than the speed of light we will resort to the micro-electrons (see
section 4) (about half of them according to the Maxwell probability distributions of
speeds of the particles in a gas, in the fieldmatter move faster than the speed of light
and also the “light wave” of the 2nd fieldmatter (which consists from nano-electrons )
moves faster than the visible light. Based on this technology and computing faster
that the light can be developed. But if we not really understand the simple physical
ontology of finer material densities of fieldmatter t5hat can move faster than light
then such a technology cannot be easily developed simply by the idea of quantum
For the definition of the frequency of the material layer we will have to find the
frequency of their constituent particles. And e.g. here for the molecular matter and
for the electron we do not mean the Compton-De Broglie frequency of the electron
but we mean the actual average frequency of the spin of the electrons, protons
and neutrons. Thus we might be able to calculate the frequency of the molecular
matter which is the coarser layer and lower density matter but not yet the frequency
of the fieldmatter.
For example of we utilize the data of the classical electron, the frequency fr of
the spin of the electron is fr=s*5/(2*m*R^2) where s is the spin s=+,- ½ ĥ ,
(ĥ=h/2π) , R is the radius, and m its mass. While the Compton-de Broglie frequency
fc is fc= (m*c^2)/h.
To make an estimate of the frequency of the visible molecular material reality
we enter the data ĥ=h/2π=6.58 *10^(-25) GeV *sec , electron mass
me=0.10938356*10^(-31)kgr, and the classical radius of the electron
R=re=(1/4πε0)*(e^2)/me*c^2 , where c is the speed of light. So that
re=2.817940326727*10^(-13) cm, and s=5.264*10^(-44)joules*sec.
Putting these data in the formula of the frequency of the spin and making the
calculations it gives the result of about fr=1.81 Terra Hertz. Of course the data of
the classical electron are approximate and average only and so is this frequency of
the material reality. If we utilize the more common believed radius of the electron to
be of the order of 10^(-14)m then the frequency might be estimated lower and closer
to 1 terra-herz. Roughly speaking the frequency might be between 1 Terra Hertz
and 2 Terra Hertz. As the range of the infrared is between 430 Terra Hz -300 Giga
Hz, this frequency is in the range of the infrared.
An increase of the frequency of the visible molecular material reality will
have the result of decrease of the radius of electrons, protons and neutrons due to
the conservation of the angular momentum. . If the increase in the frequency of the
elementary particles of an object is sufficient, this may result in to seemingly
invisibility of the material objects, and is might be the base of the idea of beam-
transportation of objects in the future technology.
A remark about the frequency of the electron spin calculated here between 1-2
terra Hertz These frequencies have wavelength which is between about 0.5 mm
while the dimension of the nitrogen atom is 56 pm, the mean free path in air is 68
nm , thus there is ultrasound in air with that frequency too!
What is this that in astronomy they call dark matter, dark energy? In view of
the previous rational ontology of matter in physics, dark matter is molecular
matter of different frequency than what we know on earth, and dark energy,
fieldmatter of different frequency that what we now on earth. It seems that in the
galaxy there are whole planets made from the 1st fieldmatter, and even of higher
frequencies types of fieldmatter, which somehow absorb and do not reflect the
usual light waves, and appear darker in astronomic observations.
The property of same frequency (of electron spin etc) of molecular matter
objects is crucial in coexisting, in the same coherent physical reality. If two say
pencils would have much different frequencies compared to the 1 terrarhertz, the one
with the higher frequency would almost liquidate and destroy the one with the low
frequency the moment they were some centimetres close. Our physical reality is a
small window of frequencies (of the spin of electrons, protons and neutrons) around
the 1 terrarherz. But it is this snall window of “almost the same frequency” property
that makes the Physical reality coherent and working as we know it (when you throw
pencil on the wall it will not go though it!) . That is why there are serious people who
advise the CERN to stop the super high energy collisions experiments. There is
always the danger of destroying locally this small window of “almost the same
frequency” of the matter, which will “open the door” for matter and existences from
unknown type of matter with frequency in-between the 1 terrahertz at infra-red of the
molecular matter and the (unknown yet) frequency of the 1st fieldmatter (spin
frequency of the micro-electrons) . This would be a kind of self destruction ofteh
physical reality, like opening a door deeply under the surface of the see, in sailing
The next table compares the material layers of the fieldmatter and the molecular
matter and perceives them as whole different worlds of materiality with possible
liquid, and solid state matter in them. It may even be that there exist whole planets
made only from fieldmatter!
Table 2: Material reality of at least 2 layers-frequencies.
1 frequency
Created Periodic Commo Common Organic
material by the System, n wave: materiality: living
reality or free- and Sound Solid objects, configuration
molecular permanen whole liquids, gases. s:
matter t triad planets planets Yes Known
(frequency= (proton, made Biology
the average neutron, from it:
frequency of electron) Yes.
the spin) (p+ , e- , Known
AND PRACTICE (Section 2 of the book)
Material physical reality is structured in discrete orders of scale and
layers or densities or resolutions and each layer is made of some size
free and permanent material indivisibles. The denser the layer the smaller
the constituent particles..
from atoms) .
What this article is not: It does not suggest as proved, equations or
new perceptions that known and existing experimental facts do not
suggest. Nevertheless, we are free to make most probable plausible
speculations as long as we do not claim them proved experimentally and
thus certain. Furthermore, it does not give directly recipes for
technological inventions, but helps the inventors to shape a truer
perception of how the material reality and the classical fields function
which makes for the easier to discover new technology especially in the
era of renewable energy and transportations.
As we shall realize by the end of this article, the new
propositions and equations are inevitable consequences of the
experimental facts and stated principles.
THIS EVOLUTION. Sections 5,6 of the book
Meanwhile for the present the road that seems open, is that of re-
writing our equations of the classical fields to become more true and
corrects, following the right intuition (as in the current presentation)
and at the same time providing simple University experiments that
support this new version of our equations. First we aim and ten we pull
the trigger not the other way around.
The other, road, of first discovering new practical and experimental
devices, and directly commercializing the technology , without at the
same time modifying in a valid way the known Universities theory and
equations, has been proved to fail and it is a dead-end road.
(TESLA ELECTROMAGNETISM ETC.) Section 8 of the book
The need to solve the CO2 problem of the planet requires these
modifications of the equations because of hundreds by now
experiments and devices.
Since the time of J. C. Maxwell and A. Einstein there are by now
plenty many experiments and inventions that require modification of the
equations. And the first such experiments where by N. Tesla relevant not
only to his “Magnifying Transmitter” which he considered one of his
major discoveries but also relevant to other devices by him. For an
account and qualitative explanations of them see the paragraph 15). A
good account of may such inventors of this particular type of renewable
energy which certainly is renewable due to the solar energy and which is
called in the internet “Free energy” may be found after the elaborate
and fair work of Allan Sterling (see {Sterling Allan 2021] and [Naudin
It will turn out as we shall see, that the classical Maxwell
equations of electromagnetism seem to require the hypothesis of an
inviscid and incompressible charged gaseous fieldmatter, while the N
Tesla’s inventions require effects of viscous and compressible charged
gaseous fieldmatter,
It seems that the N. Tesla method for this fieldmatter renewable
solar energy was by lightings and his towers, in large or small size
(phenomena related probably to his magnifying transmitter) .The same
with the similar work of E. Gray . On the other hand, the inventors J.
Searl. De Palma, P. Baumann (testatika, Switzerland ) , P.Tewari (India) ,
L Szabo EBM generator (Hungary) (see references) , have inventions are
relevant to rotating magnetic fields. It might be that N Tesla had also
discovered versions of the electric generator that could extract solar
energy from the gravitational field (see paragraph 15). N.. Tesla often
wrote that he had discovered the rotating magnetic field. Did he simply
mean that he had discovered that you could rotate a magnet? Not likely.
Most probably he meant that he had discovered that a rotating magnetic
field cannot be described adequately with the linear Maxwell equations.
Since we know now that the magnetic vector is the vector of the vorticity
of the changed fieldmatter, if you ask any expert in fluid dynamics he
will assure you that in general a rotating field of vorticities of a fluid
cannot be described adequately by the linearized equations of
acoustics as if of inviscid incompressible fluids with zero convective
accelerations. ( and the Maxwell equations are exactly that as we discuss
in paragraph 12) and on the contrary it requires the full non-linear
equations of Navier-Stokes, as we shall see in the next paragraph 9.
Therefore, it is not improbable that N Tesla also had discovered methods
of extracting of solar energy from the gravitational field based on
rotating magnetic fields and not only to his magnifying transmitter.
Another reason for the modification are also experiments and
observations in gravitation that do not conform with the Einstein’s
gravitation. A major example is also the discrepancy of Astronomy and
geology about the earth’s interior and gravitational mass, discussed in the
next paragraph 9.
Furthermore, the class of experiments in quantum mechanics called
non-locality and noticed after the EPR paradox is also a strong reason to
modify the axioms of special relativity although keep the equations the
The next table show the correlation of technologies and theories and
the CO2 planetary problem.
Table 3
as when we put two air-fans in opposite direction face to-face. The result
of course in air, will be that the two air-fans will create compression ofteh
air in between them and then outer direction expansion of it outside the
circular boundaries of them. This will make the air to lose heat (the
temperature will drop a bit) and part of this energy of the heat will be
converted to extra kinetic motion of the air. This is also what happens
with the Testatika, where the extra kinetic energy of the charged
fieldmatter, is collected as extra potential difference between the two
poles of brushes in collecting electron currents. This extra electric energy,
is more than the losses to keep the Testatika turning at about 30 rotations
per minute (sustained by a small motor which is powered again by
Testatika) , and the source of this renewable electric power. The diameter
of the disc of Testatica is about 70 cm, and the produced energy is about
1kw-hr. The electrons are collected by a kind spark-gap in the old
fashioned air-capacitors of high voltage, and then converted to low
volatge and more ampere. The temperature of the fieldmatter will drop a
bit, which will lead to as light drop of the temperature of the air. Which is
indeed observed. That is why this device is classified as “Cold
Electricity” among other similar such devices, of electromagnetism that
create a small drop of the temperature of the air environment. Of course
Tesla’s tour was also a case of “Cold Electricity”. Professor K.Meyl
(see references [Meyl Konstantin 2000]) has constructed miniatures of
the Tesla tour (magnifying transmitter), and verified that indeed it
produces some extra millivolts in the potential difference that extra small
percentage of energy. Sparks create of course very small almost invisible
tornadoes in the charged fieldmatter that extract heat to make it extra
electric field, and electric current. Below in figure 4 is a photo of the
Testatica. And in figure 5 a single-disc Wimshurts machine
Figure 4
Figure 5
Video showing a Wimshurtst machine in action.
We will mention one more, of the 100’s other electric devices not
explainable or existing in the Maxwell electromagnetism (from the time
of Tesla till today) , because it is relevant to electromagnetic
propulsion , and essentially it is an accidental discovery of rather clumsy
flying disc. (see references [Searl J effect])
Figure 6
J Searl experimented with his disc during 1940-1960. This drawing in
Figure 6 is by a text from the University of Sussex.
J. Searl (as with Testatika) was experimenting with rotating metal discs
so as to have centrifugal forces applied to its free electrons , and then
collect difference of voltage from the centre and peripheral areas of the
disc. In the figure we see in a horizontal section rings and cylindrical
magnets, instead of a simple metal disc. The device is symmetric. Still
when it is rotating fast it will obviously create also rotation in the charge
fieldmatter. In order to have the extra energy phenomenon, the rotation of
the fieldmatter has to be asymmetric as in a cone so as to have expansion
and temperature drop. The asymmetry is provided by the environment , as
the ground is closer to the device than the roof. So close to the ground the
fieldmatter rotates slower, and a small tornado in the electro-magnetised
fieldmatter is created after some time. This will make the temperature of
the fieldmatter to drop, and so it will be with the molecular air too. Thus
not only extra energy is provided on the rotating disc but also a
propulsion due to the fieldmatter tornado (momentum conservation
between the fieldmatter and the molecular matter of the disc) which
will lift it through the roof on the atmosphere, and let the disc fall some
kilometres away. The explosiveness of the phenomenon is similar to the
explosiveness of tornadoes (here nevertheless we are dealing with field
matter tornadoes) This is roughly speaking the explanation of the Searl
Generator effect. I consider it a lucky accidental discovery of rather
clumsy flying disc (fieldmatter helicopters) .
ELECTROMAGNETISM (incompressible , frictionless and with zero
convective acceleration fieldmatter as we shall see in paragraph 11)
In this paragraph I will deviate from the strict academic scientific facts,
and I will describe, some of my experiences in my carrier, which contain
of course personal beliefs about rumours without the claim to be imposed
or be accepted as facts proved beyond doubt by the mainstream concepts
of the mass media. Still all that I mentioned can be found in the internet.
As a pupil in high school I was a student with grades 18/20 , 19/20 and I
was 4th national wide when being accepted in the mathematical
department of the Kapodistrian University of Athens. I loved
mathematics , and I was always reading many books about many
advanced mathematical areas never taught in the University. I took by
bachelor with a grade about 8.x/10 and also I worked out a PhD in
geometry (2nd part of the 18nth Hilbert problem) after some years. When
with friends of mine we were participating as University students in
international conferences in physics, relativity or quantum mechanics, I
always had the feeling and thought in the back side of my head, that with
special relativity and that the speed of light is the same in all systems of
reference there was a misunderstanding from the side of A. Einstein, and
that his formulae of special relativity could be derived within the classical
Galilean relativity (see paragraph 12 below). But I was thinking that I do
not really have strong motive to put myself in to discovering this
misunderstanding, as I was not really a physicist but a mathematician. I
preferred at that time to let people believe that Einstein ‘s axioms of
special relativity were correct. Decades later, and after what a came to
realize was happening in humanity, I found the motive to put myself in to
it and reveal the misunderstanding.
In the decade of 90’s I was not working in the Universities and I was
more or less unemployed suffering from the lack of the universal survival
income as million of other people too. I watched a documentary film in a
reliable state channel of the national state TV, (ERT 3) in which by
photos and reports of the British intelligence service during the 2nd world
war, it was revealed that the Nazi in Germany under Hitler, had two super
weapons that of the atomic bomb and that of flying discs (or supersonic
helicopters as they called them). The technology of the flying discs was
not discovered by the Germans but was given to them in secrete
masonries (Vril and Thule ) by telepathy from an…..renegade alien who
came in earth as they claimed. When Germany was defeated they
destroyed the two only experimental flying discs that they had
manufactured. Surprised as I was by that , I bought a copy of the film and
I studied it. I was impressed by the idea that there was electromagnetism
which is not captured by the Maxwell’s equations, and that flying disc
could travel faster than the speed of light. Such facts were in agreement
with what I was discovering in my speculations in non-Einsteinian
gravitation and non-Einsteinian special relativity. At that time (1998) I
was noticed by the British Aerospace (for my attempt to publish a paper
in non-Einsteinian physics in conference held every two years in North
UK, for non-Einsteinian physics) and was invited in the University of
Lancaster in UK to lecture and explain the Aspden gyroscope effect
mentioned in the previous paragraph 6. My invitation by the British
Aerospace was financed by a project by them, which was asking
University professors to design flying vehicles that 1) utilize renewable
energy while flying and not fossil fuels 2) can go faster than the speed of
light.At exactly the same time an exact same projects was announce my
NASA, with a very small budget of 60 thousand dollars
It was obvious to me, (and to almost everyone) that such a project was
asking the academic world to explain with what physics might the flying
disc fly, The situation was strange to me, but I realized that there was a
need indeed to advance or correct our theoretical physics, which would
help much the defence of the planet against hostile aliens with flying
At that lecture in the University of Lancaster in autumn of 1998 , I gave
the general physical intuition (that the fieldmatter is a material fluid and
not empty space) about how to find equations that could derive the flying
discs to the audience, but I failed of course to give exact and correct
equations. I open a blog about it I wrote an article with this intuition of 70
pages, that year after year was enriched and corrected and after more than
20 years resulted to my current book about solving the global CO2
problem and this presentation. During this time I consolidated my
concept of gravitation due to the heat of the fieldmatter which I will
present in the paragraph 8,9 Till today I have no proof that I have
discovered any system of equations that with an exact experimental way
will lead to the manufacture of flying discs. But I know that the right
path of the intuition and perception of the ontology of the physical reality
and more correct non-linear equations that I suggest might lead after
some decades to this. Extraction of (solar) energy from the heat of the
fieldmatter (which would solve the global problem of CO2 ) is a by far
an easier task compared to flying discs, and I believe again that my book
shows the right path, so that one day in the future and before the end of
the century the Universities will achieve it.
As I said this book by me was triggered (but not really started) by the
invitation by the British Aerospace in 1998.
From 1998 till 2010 I was reading “off he record” and underground
rumours in the internet, that most of the inventors after N. Tesla who tried
and succeeded in inventing cold electricity renewable energy devices like
those in the previous paragraph, were suppressed, stopped and for-bitten
to make any monetization business from them. Therefore as I mentioned
in the paragraph The road, of first discovering new practical and
experimental devices, and directly commercializing the technology ,
without at the same time modifying in a valid way the known Universities
theory and equations, has been proved to fail and it is a dead-end road.
Still later in 2010, while trying to understand the “illusions” of the
famous David Copperfield, in his show business, I fell in the internet
upon someone under the name Alex Collier, that the American pentagon
had hired to lecture pentagon military officials with information about
earth and our sciences that was given to him (as a contactee) from an
alien civilization (from Andromeda) called “Blues”. The “blues” was one
of the 300 anti-tyrannical advanced civilizations of the galaxies
(Andromeda alliance) , by far more advanced compared to us not only in
technology but also in morality, degree of being saint , and spiritually. It
was hard to me to assimilate his information (especially about the interior
of the earth) and it took me more than 3 years to verify part of it by
reasoning in sciences or other sources of information. But his
informations confirmed all the previous information I had about flying
discs or aliens contacting earth. Recently (mainly 2021 and after) there is
an ex-agent of Nasa (and I think of the secrete services too) called Dr
Greer (easy to find in the internet) who is travelling and giving lectures
all over the planet, and verifies the existence of flying discs and also the
need to open this technology after more than 50 years, He explains that it
is reasonable that they had kept it secrete because there was the danger of
turning upside down huge networks of big companies in energy ,
transportation etc. But few give attention to him since the official policy
for 50 years was not to reveal anything about aliens and acquired flying
discs technology by them.
Personally I did not have and I do not seek financial profit from this
research, And I am not after goals of University carrier evolution
(actually I found work in a Economic School, seemingly irrelevant to
mathematical physics). I am also due to age, months away from
retirement. But I do believe that this direction of research will solve
the global CO2 problem.
I am optimistic though, that here is an open road ahead, and that part of
the secrete services are waiting the universities for this
For the present the road that seems open for a 21st century Democritus
paradise, is that of re-writing our equations of the classical fields to
become more true and corrects, following the right intuition (as in the
current presentation) and at the same time providing simple University
experiments that support this new version of the discovered equations.
First we aim and then we pull the trigger not the other way around.
The other, road, of first discovering new practical and experimental
devices, and directly commercializing the technology , without at the
same time modifying in a valid way the known Universities theory and
equations, has been proved to fail and it is a dead-end road.
�2 � �2 � �2 � 1 �2 �
�� 2 + �� 2 + ��2
− �2 ��2 =− �� � (eq2)
� =− − ∇� (eq 1.1)
�2 �0 �2 �0 �2 �0 1 �2 �0
�2 ��2
=0 (eq4)
Where p0 is the pressure of the air and the u0 is the velocity of the
air. (See references [Acoustic_wave_equation], [Wave_equation] ) It is
important to realize that he acoustics equations in an incompressible fluid
like water are based on 5 linearization hypotheses (which we will state for
simplicity in one spatial dimension only)
1) Incompressible fluid and linearized state equation. and state
equation linearisation that the ambient density ρ0 is constant and in
general ρ=ρ0 (1+s), with small infinitesimal s changes, and similarly for
the pressure p=p0 +ps, . Staring from the state equation PV=nRT (see in
references [acoustic_wave_equation] ) we linearize it for the pressure p
and density ρ to p-p0=B(ρ-ρ0)/ρ0 , (eq 4.1)
where the p0 and ρ0 are the constant ambient pressures and densities
and B the adiabatic bulk modulus of the fluid which has physical units
dimensions of pressure.
2) Linearized continuity equations (mass conservation) (see again
�� ��
in references [acoustic_wave_equation] ) ��
=0 . (eq 4.2)
Where u is the velocity. From these 1), and 2) we easily derive the
�� ��
+(1/�) ��
=0 (eq 4.3)
3) Inviscid fluid (no friction)
4) Zero convective acceleration and linearized Newtons force
(density) equation (Navier-Stokes equations). In other words, the
spatial partial derivatives of velocities are small compared to the
(� ∗ ∇� = �). (eq 4.4)
The non-linear Newton’s force equation is of the type
=− ∇� + ������� + �������� ������ ������� (eq 4.5)
Where is the material (moving with the fluid) velocity , and p the
(see in the references [acoustic_wave_equation] and
[acoustic_wave_equation] and also in section 9 equation 11 ). The
linearised force equation in one dimension is
�� ��
ρ0 + =0 (eq 4.6)
�� ��
See [Acoustic_wave_equation] for this triple linearisation and
derivation of the D’ Alembert wave equations (eq 3) (eq 4). In
section 11 we shall discuss in detail how, with only the so far Democritus
principle of particle structure of the fieldmatter, the Newtons law of
momentum conservation and a minimal assumption of Coulob’s type
forces between charged particles either in molecular mater, or
fieldmatter, we may derive with the above acoustic linearization of the
full equations of a compressible fluid, the Maxwell equations . Here we
just mentioned it for heuristic reasons. We must not forget though that
this is only an approximation and that the true waves are non-linear, and
this is why the sound in molecular air and light in the fieldmatter, at
small scale create particle-like behavior so as to talk about particle
“sononia” and photons.
Based on this
1) We interpret the vector magnetic potential A as the
momentum density ρm �± - divided by the charge density ρq of the
A= f2 (ρm�± )/ρq (eq5)
2) We interpret the scalar electric α potential as the pressure
�± the charged fieldmatter divided by the charge density ρq of the
α= f1 �± /ρq (eq6)
with f1 , f2 dimensionless constants to fit the units of measurements.
Of course these interpretations are based on that as molecular matter
has charge indivisibles (electrons etc.) so also with the fieldmatter
(micro-electrons etc.) as we have already mentioned in section 4.
Now the Maxwell equations (eq 1) (eq 2) have a natural
interpretation as forced waves in the charged fieldmatter from molecular
charges like electrons that due to their spin create forced waves or due to
additional velocity too (electric current density). From this we are one
only step away for the correct non-linear charged fieldmatter equations of
the electromagnetism, that will be discussed in section 9, and will be of
the general form (starting with the general form of equation 4.5)
(Newton’s law of Force (density) in the fieldmatter fluid ( density,
velocity pressure, fieldmatter charge density, fieldmatter current density
etc)) =
=(external forces (density) my molecular matter( molecular
charge density, molecular current density etc.) )/
If we do not like the classical fluid dynamics approach but prefer the
statistical mechanics approach (as by Boltzmann) then the next
hypotheses could be utilized to derive the equations of the correct non-
linear Electromagnetism.
1) The particles of the electomagnetized or charged fieldmatter
consist from mainly positive (micro-protons) or mainly negative
(micro-electrons) fieldmatter particles, that interact between them
with collisions but mainly essentially by Coulomb’s law forces.
2) These charged particles make an ordinary gaseous fluid, with
all the necessary laws and equations of gaseous fluids, somehow
similar to ionized gases of the molecular matter.
Someone might remark with disappointment, that he was expecting
that the charge forces of coulomb might also me explainable, with the
Democritus principle of particle fieldmatter, and Newton’s law of
momentum conservation. Well not yet in such a low frequency
fieldmatter fluid. Maybe in much higher frequency fieldmatter fluids if
they exist (7th or 8th etc) . But by noticing that the charge is only of two
types, positive and negative we may suspect that it is related with
geometric motion inside the electrons (and micro-electrons) of the two
possible orientations in 3 dimensional space , right-hand rule and left-
hand rule. E.g. a non-rigid surface motion on a torus, which
simultaneously rotate around the axis of symmetry of the torus and also
upward or downwards, would give such two types of (vortex) motions.
B) To discover the meaning and role of the Newtonian scalar
gravitational potential requires a little more ingenuity and inspiration.
When the students of physics in the Universities are taught about the
Newtonian gravitation they teach them that the basic equation of
Newton written on the scalar Newtonian gravitational potential is the
Poisson equation. And when they are taught thermodynamics of
molecular material fluids or air they are also teach them that the flow of
the heat around a heat source is also described by the Poisson
Equation. Of course they do not teach them, the why of this coincidence.
(see references [Poisson equation] ) When I. Newton was asked why his
inverse square law of universal attraction holds, he answered that we only
know that it is so and we do not know the why. Here in this article we
will discover in the first time in the history of physics why the inverse
square law of Newtonian universal attraction holds. Once we have
realized that the Newtonian gravitation takes place in the fieldmatter and
not in empty space , it is natural to consider the flow of heat around a heat
source in the field matter (not in the molecular matter). See references
[Heat equation]
For non-uniform isotropic mediums
− ∇ �∇� = �� (eq7)
��� � =− �� (eq8)
�� � =− ���� (eq9)
speed of the particles of air and this average speed of the particles is
directly proportional to the temperature. The sound waves paths are bent
by areas of higher air temperature or heat sources in air and
experience acceleration towards these heat sources. This would be in
more detailed derived from a more true non-linear waves of the sound.
Similarly, for the fieldmatter: Higher temperature due to heat will create
higher speed to both the neutral fieldmatter waves (fieldmatter sound or
neutral light as we shall see in paragraph 10) and on the charged
fieldmatter waves or light waves. Thus the photons will accelerate
towards the fieldmatter source of heat which in the equation 9 are only
due to the quantity of matter and the heat of fieldmatter created by
friction of the spin of electrons, protons, neutrons. And this is essentially
the effect of the gravitation. In the paragraph 11 we shall see why besides
the photons, also the electrons , proton and neutrons too accelerate.
After the above enlightening we discover that the field
Temperature T is directly proportional with some constant with the
Newtonian scalar gravitational potential φ
� = �� � (eq 10)
Where α0 is a constant with appropriate units dimensions to convert
the units of the Newtonian scalar potential to the temperature units of the
fieldmatter . The physical dimension units of the φ are [φ]=[s]2 [t]-2 and
of the temperature [T]=[k] (k=units of temperature), thus [�0 ]=[s]-2 [t]2 [k]
Coulomb laws. From this and the Newton’s law of force or momentum
conservation we can unify, gravitation, electromagnetism and relativistic)
inertia with more true non-Maxwell and non-Einstein gravitation
equations. Although some of the equations presented here may change
after experimentation, the main thought-form of the fieldmatter as a
finer particles fluid will still be true. Once we have discovered the
correct physical interpretation of the potentials of electromagnetism and
Newtonian gravitation, the very physical nature of their phenomena
makes obligatory to us to state the well-known equations that they
govern them.
It is enough for the author for the reader to realize the for the fieldmatter
its fluid dynamic phenomena are derived with Netwon’s law of
momentum conservation or force law, in the form of momentum density
and field density plus some force law of intearction of the positive and
negative particles of the fieldmatter. E.g.
(Newton’s law of Force (density) in the fieldmatter fluid (density,
velocity pressure, etc)) =
=(external forces (density) my molecular matter(molecular
density, molecular momentum density etc.) (eq10.1)
As it is known the main equations of the fluids is that of the Navier-
Stokes equations which are stated essential as the momentum
conservation of Newton. Here is the structure of the Navier-Stokes
equations (See references [Navier-Stokes equation] )
=− ∇� + ������� + �������� ������ ������� (eq 4.5)
�� ��
+ � ∗ ∇� =− ∇� + ∇� + ��� + �� (�� ) (eq12)
Or in more detail
� �+
�+ + �+ ∗ ∇ �+ =− ∇�+ + ∇�+ + �+ + �+ �� , �, �
� �−
�− + �− ∗ ∇ �− =− ∇�− + ∇�− + �− + �− �� , �, �
� ��
�0 + �� ∗ ∇ �� =− ∇�0 + ∇�� + �� + �� �� , �, �
fieldmatter mainly due to the interaction of positive and negative
fieldmatter charge, and we describe it by the equations. We might set
�� = � for simplicity in neutral fieldmatter. We consider here the
electric forces of the micro-protons, micro-electrons of the charged
fieldmatter which as coulomb forces are by far stronger than the
collision forces of the micro-neutrons. We choose to formulate the
equations for 3 different partial sub-gasses of micro-neutrons,
micro-electrons micro-neutrons and micro-protons) .
We call the equations eq14, eq 14.1 eq 14.2 the true non-linear
dynamic electromagnetism. Even the Lorenz force formula (see
equation 2.3 ins section 7 and in references [Lorenz force]) requires
correction as the intensity of the interaction of the molecular mater
charges (e.g. electrons) with the electromagnetic field (charged
fieldmatter) depend in the frequency of the spin of the electrons
(frequency of the molecular matter)
For the case of neutral total fieldmatter (when it is not charged or
electromagnetised) we state the same equation but for the neutral
densities, pressures and velocities , that we denote with an index 0 (we do
not divide with fieldmatter charge density as it is zero) .
+ �� ∗ ∇�� =− ∇�0 + ∇� + �� (�� , �� , �� ) (eq15)
measurements. But they are convenient for us here to capture in
abstract mathematical terms the ontology of the relevant physical
phenomena as far as the classical mathematical calculus, that utilizes
the infinite, allows (see also in references [Conway J. H], [Kyritsis K.
If we do not like the classical fluid dynamics approach but prefer the
statistical mechanics approach (as by Boltzmann) then the next
hypotheses could be utilized to derive the equations of the correct non-
linear Electromagnetism.
of the electomagnetized or charged fieldmatter as a (gaseous) fluid
consist from mainly positive (micro-protons) or mainly negative
(micro-electrons) fieldmatter particles, that interact between them
with collisions but mainly essentially by Coulomb’s law forces.
ELECTROMAGNETISM. These charged particles OF
FIELDMATTER make an ordinary GASEOUS FLUID , with all the
necessary laws and equations of gaseous fluids, somehow similar to
ionized gases of the molecular matter.
We assume furthermore conservation of mass and charge in
fieldmatter as well besides the molecular matter.
Continuity equations of field-mass conservation and field-charge
We remind the reader that in the classical electromagnetism we have
the postulate of molecular charge conservation which is sated as
+∇∗�=0 (eq21)
Where ���± is the density of the fieldmatter current and ��± is
the fieldmatter charge density positive or negative (separately).
Furthermore, we may postulate the fieldmatter mass conservation
which is the next equation
+ ∇ ∗ (�0 �� ) = 0 (eq24)
��0 �
�0 ��
− ∇ �∇�0 � = �� (eq25)
�� =volumetric heat source or rate in time and space density of heat
energy flow in the fieldmatter, ρ0 is the mass density of the fieldmatter ,
cp is the specific heat capacity and k is the thermal conductivity of the
fieldmatter, while φ is the scalar Newtonian gravitational potential.
Of course the derivation of the gravitation acceleration g from the
scaler gravitational potential φ still holds.
� = −∇ � (eq26)
∇2 � =− 4���� (eq 9)
frequency of the molecular matter is both uniformly
distributed in space and not time varying.
3) The solar radiation at molecular matter and fieldmatter
(the electromagnetic waves in reality are not adiabatic and
do have friction) becomes a 2nd volumetric source of heat
of the field matter, that for example for earth, the relevant
constants of the above equations would give about 30% of
the gravitation of earth (as we shall discuss and compute in
a dialogue below).
relativity holds not though out the 4-D space-time manifold. Actually in
[Weyl Hermann 1952], it is mentioned that the automorphisms
(symmetries) of the 4D space-time manifold when traced to the tangent
spaces of special relativity are the similarities rather than the isometries.
In books like that here [Misner C.W.,Thorn K.S Wheeler J.A.], it set in
an adhoc way that the unit of measurement of space at each tangent space
is such that the speed of light in numerical value does not change
throughout the manifold. But this is artificial, it is not the natural (units of
space inherited by the charts of the manifold) and there is no
experimental base of it. To have an experimental base of such an extra
axiom of general relativity, requires defining how large is a tangent space
of the 4D manifold of general relativity? Would include one only solar
system? Many solar systems? And then make experiments with
measurement of the speed of light. Saying that a photon approaching
directly at the centre of a black-hole and ready to be absorbed by it is not
accelerated (rather improbable) , but that the space-time is distorted might
be equivalent to a Galilean-Newtonian inertial system that the photon is
accelerated. And the equations stated here are in Galilean-Newtonian
inertial systems of reference, with Galilean relativity.
We know of course the equation that relates temperature, density and
pressure in an ideal gas
�� = ��� or � = �3 �� (eq30)
Where p0 is the pressure of the neutral fieldmatter, ρ0 the density of
the neutral fieldmatter, α3 an appropriate constant, �0 is the constant of
equation (10) and φ is the scalar Newtonian potential
The classical behavior of the electromagnetic field is described
by Maxwell's equations, which predict that the speed c with which
electromagnetic waves (such as light) propagate in vacuum is related to
the distributed capacitance and inductance of vacuum, otherwise
respectively known as the electric constant ε0 and the magnetic
constant μ0, by the equation (See references:[Speed_of_light])
�2 = (eq32)
�0 �0
This gives a new equation by utilizing (eq29) too
1) The anomalies of Mercury perihelion, that gave observations of
higher gravitation on the mercury that that predicted by the Newtonian
gravitostatics. The problem of the anomalous precession of Mercury's
perihelion appeared in 1859 when the French astronomer Le
Verrier observed that the perihelion of the planet Mercury precesses at a
slightly faster rate than the one that can be accounted by Newtonian
mechanics with the distribution of masses of the solar system
There is a very simple qualitative explanation of it full of physical
meaning and familiar physics compared to the entirely formal
verifications by Einstein’s gravitation.
Since the sun is also rotating with an average spin period of 28 days
the fieldmatter around the sun is not static thus the gravitostastics of
Newton are not entirely appropriate. The rotation of the fieldmatter
occurs because of the rotation of the sun (rotation of fielfmater induced
by e.g, approximately the equation 35.4 of section 12 above or more
exactly by equations 14, 14.1, 14.2 and the force density term due to
molecular matter.) This will create a Bernoulli fluid dynamics effect,
and the closest planet which is the Mercury will experience an additional
fieldmatter pressure towards the sun. This is not purely gravitational
force and includes weak inertial forces derived from the equations 14.1,
14.2 or 35.4 of section 12..
Notice also the difference of molecular matter solar wind and
fieldmatter solar wind.
2) A second experimental verification of Einstein’s gravitation was the
bending of light Bending of light is obviously predicted with this unified
theory too and actually with a way far more enlightening and detailed
mechanism way.
3) Qualitative explanation of the gravitational redshift of light going
out of gravitational well
The gravitational well in the current unified theory is essentially like
that of sound going out of a temperature well in air that will decrease its
speed and thus have lower energy and impact momentum , except now its
not in air but in the fieldmatter and the redshift will be on the light and
not the sound.
Thus the historically main experimental verifications of general
relativity hold also for the current unified theory at least here
qualitatively. But the current theory predicts more than what the general
relativity does predict (e.g. double slit electron experiment, N. Tesla solar
energy, compatibility with astronomic hollow earth, existence of
fieldmatter sound waves or weak neutral light, motions faster than light,
In the light of the above analysis of universal attraction
“gravitational waves” could be
1) Temperature waves of the fieldmatter.
2) Fluctuations of the conductivity constant k of the field-gas
3) Fluctuations of the gravitational constant G due to
fluctuations in the spin frequency oscillations that may lead
to time varying rates if heat flow in the fieldmatter from
the quantities of molecular matter.
4) Fluctuations of the solar radiation that may lead to time
varying rates if heat flow in the fieldmatter from the
quantities of molecular matter.
All the above waves would have been classified in the old
gravitation theory of Einstein as “gravitational waves”
Top Astronomer: Do you agree with the astronomic assumption of
the origin of planets as solar nebula firry plasma balls?
Top Geologist: Yes we believe it is true.
Top Astronomer: Alright then, here are the stages of cooling of the
plasma ball with all the simulated calculations of material states from the
laws of physics.
1) First stage all the ball is gaseous plasma b) 2nd stage the spherical
surface till some depth is cooling to molecular matter magma c) 3rd stage
the spherical surface is cooling to solid state molecular matter till some
depth. This so because gaseous plasma state is not good conductor of heat,
so before all the ball is cooling to magma, first a spherical shell will be
cooling to solid state. Furthermore because of the rotation of the ball the
tangential surface tensions are maximum at the rotational poles thus there
are expected some solid-state holes say of 70 kilometers diameter. d) 4th
stage because of the holes and because the plasma matter continuous to
cool to magma from inside , the plasma state ball reduces its diameter
much less to the diameter of the solid-state spherical shell, so eventually
the spherical shell is cooling to solid-state matter from inside too e) 5th
final stage a solid spherical shells crated at about 1/3 of the radius while
the plasma ball is reduced at a very small ball at the center which may be
called inner sun of the planet earth. The rest of the inner space is full of
atmospheric air as the outer atmospheric air.
Top Geologist: Hmmm, I see your calculations they are correct! It
should be like this indeed and not full of magma. Actually you predict
magma only till about 1250 kilometers deep and I assure you that
experimental geology through the volcanos has not real proof that magna
exist in more depth. We only assume that magma will be till the center.
BUT I have 2 major objections …from astronomy that make your
predictions fall apart. 1) If there are 70 km diameter holes at the poles
how is it that the ocean e.g. at the north pole does not fall inside the
hollow earth? 2) If the solid spherical shell is about 1/3 of the radius then
the inertial and gravitational mass of earth would be much less. In
particular, the total quantity of molecular matter is the next proportion of
the quantity of a full sphere matter
((4/3*pi*3^3)-(4/3*pi*2^3))/(4/3*pi*3^3)=1-(2/3)^3=0.7125. Thus
a hollow earth has about only 70% mass compared to a full of magma
earth! And Newtonian gravitation has indeed measured as mass of earth
that of a full earth not 70% only of a hollow earth.
Top Astronomer: I admit that you have put me in a difficult
position at the corner as Galileo also was put when they objected to him
that how is it possible that a spherical earth hovers in space and does
not …..fall down, or the night that earth turns around we do not …..fall
in the sky?
The author : Let me dear astronomer give a resolving answer to the
Geologist based on our new and deeper theory of gravitation of the
present article. As I mentioned above the true source of gravitation is the
heat of the fieldmatter rather than the quantity of molecular matter which
created heat in the fieldmatter. Now it is known in meteorology that the
molecular air temperature follows the n-spherical harmonics and reverses
gradient many times as we go from the earth surface to the end of the
atmosphere. It is highly probably that the same reversing of gradient
occurs to the fieldmatter temperature which is the source of gravitation,
thus it may very well be that the gravitation from the inside solid surface
of the spherical shell is outward instead of towards the center of earth.
Thus if there are inner oceans at the polar holes their weight would cancel
out and be in balance. Now the answer that the reduced quantity of
molecular matter to about 70% will still have inertial and gravitational
mass of 100% full earth is answered a s follows. We already know from
the formulae of special relativity for a particle with velocity close to that
of light thus with double mass to that of the rest mass that the inertial and
gravitational mass is not in fixed proportionality with the quantity of
matter. We assume also as right the assumption of Einstein that the
gravitational mass of a body is about equal to its inertial mass. Here
is why a 70% quantity of matter hollow earth has inertial and
gravitational mass as if 100% full sphere. We had calculated that the
frequency of the spin of the electrons, protons and neutrons is at the range
1-2 terahertz of infrared. Thus at this frequency the molecular matter of
earth absorbs energy from the infrared of the solar radiation, it passes it to
the spin which in its turn passes it to heat of the fieldmatter thus to
gravitation. The inner space of the hollow earth would then have higher
fieldmatter temperature to that due to simply the quantity of matter of the
inner molecular atmosphere exactly like a greenhouse effect in the
fieldmatter temperature. Thus earth would gravitate more due to the
greenhouse effect of fieldmatter temperature due to the solar radiation at
1-2 terahertz. This could explain why we measure astronomically a
higher by about 30% gravitational and inertial mass of earth! This is the
very important role of the solar radiation to the earths gravitation.
Top Geologist: I can’t believe that you gave a way to resolve it,
even qualitatively. This is the most interesting thing I have heard in me
entire carrier! You should take the Nobel prize!
We only have to formulate the D’Alembert linear wave equations in
it (See references [Acoustic_wave_equation], [Wave_equation],
[D’Alembert operator] )
The acoustics waves with the D’Alembert hyperbolic linear
homogeneous wave equation are the next (See references
[Acoustic_wave_equation], [Wave_equation], [D’Alembert
operator] )
�2 �0 �2 �0 �2 �0 1 �2 �0
− �2 ��2
=0 (eq3)
�2 �0 �2 �0 �2 �0 1 �2 �0
+ ��2
+ ��2
− �2 ��2
=0 (eq4)
Where ρ0 is the density of the air and the u0 is the velocity of the
gaseous fluid . We apply them of course for the fieldmatter rather than
molecular air.
We may state them also over the pressures assuming an inviscid
incompressible gaseous fieldmatter.
�2 �0 �2 �0 �2 �0 1 �2 �0
− �2 ��2
=0 (eq34)
2) Linearized continuity equations (mass conservation) (see again
�� ��
in references [acoustic_wave_equation] ) ��
=0 . (eq 4.2)
Where u is the velocity. From these 1), and 2) we easily derive the
�� ��
+(1/�) ��
=0 (eq 4.3)
3) Inviscid fluid (no friction)
4) Zero convective acceleration and linearized Newtons force
(density) equation (Navier-Stokes equations). In other words, the
spatial partial derivatives of velocities are small compared to the
(� ∗ ∇� = �). (eq 4.4)
The non-linear Newton’s force equation is of the type
=− ∇� + ������� + �������� ������ ������� (eq 4.5)
Where is the material (moving with the fluid) velocity , and p the
(see in the references [acoustic_wave_equation] and
[acoustic_wave_equation] and also in section 9 equation 11 ). The
linearized force equation in one dimension is
�� ��
ρ0 + =0 (eq 4.6)
�� ��
See [Acoustic_wave_equation] for this triple linearisation and
derivation of the D’ Alembert wave equations (eq 3) (eq 4).
We must not forget though that this is only an approximation and
that the true waves are non-linear, and this is why the sound in molecular
air and light in the fieldmatter, at small scale create particle-like behavior
so as to talk about particle “sononia” and photons.
We may notice in equation 3 of a sound wave, based on the densities,
that although it is used for incompressible fluids like molecular water,
strictly speaking it is impossible in a calculus of real functions of density
of the fluid (Weierstrass calculus) that do not admit infinitesimal
quantities like the old Newton-Leibniz calculus. The reason is that since
the water is incompressible the real numbers function of the density is
always constant thus also the higher derivative of time and space always
zero! But in a calculus that admits infinitesimals like the old Newton-
Leibniz calculus the density is a quantity ρ=ρ0 + sρ0 , which is a sum of a
real number and an infinitesimal and for such more general functions the
derivative may not be zero. In the references [Conway J. H] Conway
since 1976 has defined linearly ordered fields of quantities larger than the
rea numbers, which contain infinitesimals and infinites, and have a
calculus similar to that of real numbers (Weierstrass). In such a surreal
numbers Newton-Leibniz calculus, equation 3 of the sound in water , by
the densities is possible! And not only equation 3 but also the Dirac’s
Delta which requires infinite quantities. See also [Kyritsis K. 2022].
Nevertheless, the majority of the physicists, engineers and
mathematicians would prefer a calculus that does not utilize the infinite
and models the continuum of the molecular and fieldmatter fluids, with
an oncology of a continuum which still consists of finite particles only. E.
Shroendinger in [ Schroedinger Ε. 1961] Science and Humanism ,
describes clearly that the mathematical model of the continuum of
material fluids based on the real numbers with infinite many decimal
digits, is too much fictional and away of our perception of the continuum
of material reality consisting from finite many particles. Sharing the same
opinion, in [Kyritsis K. 2022] I developed an Engineer’s calculus or
digital calculus, where a physical material continuum which consists of
finite many particles (either molecular matter or fieldmatter) does have an
“optical” mathematical topology which makes it continuous and
connected and supports a calculus of continuous, differentiable and
integrable functions over finite only points of numbers which have only a
maximum finite number decimal digits. All the classical Weierstrass
calculus partial differential equations of fluids that we have stated in this
book occur also in this Engineers calculus or digital calculus, with the
usual properties (still a calculus logically differed in the ontology from
the classical Weierstrass calculus).
Since by know we know that the average speed of the elementary 3
particles of the fieldmatter as in the paragraph 4 (μp+ μe- μn0) is that of
the speed of light so also these waves travel at the speed of light. Thus we
may call such fieldmatter sound waves as weak neutral light . There
are giogi both in east and west who claim that at some point of their
saintly increased sensitivity they become able to see with the natural eyes
this weak neutral light which they call “aether vision” and see weak
luminous glow around all living bodies of trees or animals as if in a
kirlian photography (which has a different electromagnetic conduction
principle though) which is essentially the fieldmatter sound that the
functions of the cellular plasma creates.
1) When a human body is healthy it is scanned and all the
electromagnetic waves and field-sound frequencies of all its
tissues are recorded.
Still another remark is the next about the frequency of the electron
spin 1.8-2 terra Hertz that we computed at the paragraph 5 . Both
frequencies have wavelength which is between about 0.5 mm while the
dimension of the nitrogen atom is 56 pm, the mean free path in air is 68
nm , thus there is ultrasound in molecular air not only in fieldmatter with
that frequency too!
Finally we should predict that the neutral light or fieldmatter
sound is quantized at the small scale exactly as the ordinary light does
with the Compton effect and the equation E=hν. The reason that we can
predict it, is that as in the case of light also the absolutely correct
equations of the wave are not the D’ Alembert linear hyperbolic wave
equations as in (eq. 34) but rather non-linear wave derived from the
Navier-Stokes equations (eq.11), (eq.12). As is the case of light that the
approximate linear waves are quantized at microscale to photons, so the
case of neutral light or fieldmatter sound are quantized as if particles that
can be called phononions (the corresponding due to (the non-linear)
sound waves in molecular air are called sononions .
linearization of the general 3 Navier-Stokes of charged field matter,
plus the postulations about the force densities in these cases.
We carry out such a linearziation derivation of the Maxwell’s
equations below.
It is important to realize that the original true
Electromagnetised fieldmatter of J.C. Maxwell is entirely under
Galilean relativity, because the velocities e.g. in the Lorentz force
formulae (see references [Lorentz force] ) or the Biot-Savart or
Ampere formulae were all relative to the fieldmatter and not relative
to an absolute vacuum inertial reference system as later Einstein
assumed. Actually as the eq1 and eq2 are mathematical equivalent to
a pair of forced acoustics waves equations in air and as such acoustic
phenomena are under the Galilean relativity so is also with the
Maxwell’s initial electromagnetised fieldmatter except not in
molecular matter but in fieldmatter as well. It seems, that the
classical Maxwell equations of electromagnetism require the hypothesis
of an inviscid and incompressible charged gaseous fieldmatter, while
the general Navier-Stokes equations as in (eq 14, 14.1, 14.2 ) and the N
Tesla’s inventions require effects of viscous and compressible charged
gaseous fieldmatter.
For the linearization-derivation of the Maxwell’s equation we do not
need to start from the 3 separate equations 14, 14.1, 14.2 , but we can
start from the equation 12
�� ��
+ � ∗ ∇� =− ∇� + ∇� + ��� + �� (�� ) (eq12)
in the neutral field matter, but in the charged field matter
(electromagnetized fieldmatter as Maxwell was saying)
Where the Newton’s law of force still holds, but there is also the new
parameter of fieldmatter change density denoted by ρq , with which we
divide both sides of the equation 12 and setting the friction=0 to obtain
�� �� 1 �
�� ��
+ � ∗ ∇� =− � ∇� + � �� (eq 12.1)
� �
� ���
− �� + � ×B =�� � (Amperes law) (eq
34.7 )
We will derive the Maxwell’s equations as in section 7 in the SI system
of units (we must know that the equations of Maxwell have different
constants in different systems of units).
�2 � �2 � �2 � 1 �2 �
��2 + �� 2 + ��2 − �2 ��2
=− �� /�� (eq1)
�2 � �2 � �2 � 1 �2 �
+ ��2 + ��2 − �2 ��2 =− �� � (eq2)
� =− − ∇� (eq 1.1)
2) Linearized continuity equations (mass conservation) (see again
�� ��
in references [acoustic_wave_equation] ) ��
=0 . (eq 4.2)
Where u is the velocity. From these 1), and 2) we easily derive the
�� ��
+(1/�) ��
=0 (eq 4.3)
So we start with the non-linear equation 12.1 as above and we apply step
by step (at first in one dimension which is easy and then in 3 dimensions)
the acoustic wave linearization describe above, and in references
(wikipedia, [acoustic_wave_equation]) and we result at first in the linear
wave (Dalambert) non-homogeneous equation
�2 � �2 � �2 � 1 �2 � �
�2 ��2
=− ∇� (and by (eq 34.5)=- ��
And again we start with the non-linear equation 12 as above and we apply
step by step (at first in one dimension which is easy and then in 3
dimensions) the acoustic wave linearization described above, and in
references (wikipedia, [acoustic_wave_equation]) and we result a
second time in the linear wave (Dalambert) non-homogeneous equation
�2 � �2 � �2 � 1 �2 � � ���
( ��2
− �2 ��2
) = �� ��
− � × � =− �� � (eq34.9)
12) EINSTEIN as linear approximation. Section 12 of the book.
2) Linearized continuity equations (mass conservation) (see again
�� ��
in references [acoustic_wave_equation] ) ��
=0 . (eq 4.2)
Where u is the velocity. From these 1), and 2) we easily derive the
�� ��
+(1/�) ��
=0 (eq 4.3)
general equation 12 of section 10 of a compressible model of the neutral
�� ��
+ � ∗ ∇� =− ∇� + ∇� + ��� + �� (eq12)
And again we start with the non-linear equation 12 as above and we apply
step by step (at first in one dimension which is easy and then in 3
dimensions) the acoustic wave linearization described above, and in
references (wikipedia, [acoustic_wave_equation]) and we result a
second time in the linear wave (Dalambert) non-homogeneous equation
�2 � �2 � �2 � 1 �2 � ���
( ��2
+ ��2
+ ��2
− �2 ��2
= �1 �� (after (eq 35.2))
The homogeneous forms of them are the next that we identified as
the sound wave equation in fieldmatter in the paragraph 10.
�2 � �2 � �2 � 1 �2 �
+ ��2
+ ��2
− �2 ��2
=0 (eq4)
γ= 1−
This in 20th century physics has been called “wave nature” of the
molecular matter particles and described in smaller space and time scale
plus probabilistically by the Shroendiger equation. Because of this the
particles of molecular matter experience acceleration according to the
grad of the temperature of the filedmatter as the light waves (photons) do
also which is the base of the universal attraction or gravitation as
described in the paragraph 9.
Axiom E1=All inertial systems of reference are equivalent for the
description of motion of molecular particles
Axiom E2=In all inertial systems of reference the speed of light is
the same.
The derivations of all the well-known equations of special relativity
are of identical calculations as those that are used to derive them from the
axioms E1 E2 of Einstein except that we interpret the Lorentz
transformations in the actve mode and not in the passive mode. In
particular the next equations are derived for the momentum and energy of
molecular matter (not of fieldmatter!)
� = ��2 (eq39)
E2=(m0)2c4+p2c2 (eq40)
�0 �
�= (eq41)
1− 2
Euclidean flat space. And we could also formulate a gravitation in the
mode of Einstein by setting a tensor as responsible for the curvature
of the pseudo-Riemannian 4-dimensional manifold. But this tensor
would not depend on the matter-energy as Einstein formulated it, but
solely on sources of heat of the fieldmatter (and of course some heat
sources would be due to the quantity of matter). My guess is that
Einstein predicts much more gravity in the universe that what actually
occurs due to his general energy part of his tensor. Instead only heat
energy creates gravitation.
In spite the fact that such a pseudo-Riemann 4-manifold would be
convenient for measurements of gravitation by the paths of light, instead
of the potential of the current article, it is too indirect and complicated to
formulate as a 1st approach and would obscure the clear and rich physical
meaning within fluid dynamics that we intent with the current article.
Besides it would be a conversion of the linear Lorentz invariant equation
20 to a non-linear macroscopic version (Minkowski Pseudo-Riemann 4-
maniform) which would be incorrect and phenomenological only
compared to the correct, at the potentials, non-linear equations 14, 15.
The limit of the infinite mass is where this linear coupling stops to hold,
quite similarly as the many usual aerodynamic equations of the coupling
of the wings of an airplane stop to hold at the supersonic flights.
the unfortunate situation becomes even worse with the general relativity
and Einstein’s’ gravitation. Which is a quite buzzard phenomenological
conceptually confusing mathematical complicated theory. To me there is
no doubt that is poorly and ambiguously verified as compared to the case
of special relativity discussed here that its equations are much more
verified. Unfortunately, it is hopeless to unify Einstein’s gravitation with
electromagnetism or reveal the true simple and natural common physical
ontology as fieldmatter of the electromagnetic and gravitational field. I
will not be surprise if the future history of physics will prove that both
Einstein’s theories of relativity are as the Ptolemaic theories in astronomy
and Einstein will turn to be the modern Ptolemy of physics.
cannot have simultaneously that the fieldmatter is dragged by the
rotations of earth so that the speed of light is measured in the Michelson-
Morley experiment the same in all directions in the fieldmatter and at the
same time we have the aberration of light in the telespopes.
But this is not really so. We may have both!
Aberration of light (see references [Aberration of light]). The
aberration of light is usually described over the geometry of a telescope
in an absolute vacuum, This has led some physicists (including Lorentz
according to Max Born) that if the fieldmatter follows the earth , then
there is no aberration. But this is not so because it may not occur
aberration around the telescope but it occurs in somewhere higher
where the fieldmatter stops gradually following the earth. This is also
with the aberration of sound in an airplane which occurs even when
heard inside the airplane at the air that follows the airplane. The
aberration of light although different is similar to the refraction of light.
If a telescope is inside the sea water very close to the surface it will have
light refraction. But if it is deep in the ocean although it will not have
light refraction around it , the light refraction will occur high at the
surface but the final result will include change of the light ray angle thus
If we want a more exact description of the phenomenon we should
include the bending of the light ray due to the earth and sun gravitation.
Can a solid molecular body after all travel faster than the light?
We mentioned previously that the particles of the fieldmatter travel
in the average by the speed of light , thus a percentage of them faster than
the speed of light. But what about a molecular matter body? The
equations 14, 15 of the paragraph 9 and in particular the force density
terms are the relevant equations. There is not other hindrance except of
that the protons, neutrons, electrons may not drag fast and strong enough
the elctromagnetised fieldmatter around them , causing a disintegration
of the molecules and metal lattices of the body thus a disintegration of the
molecular body. But the same equations depend the force density terms
on the frequency of the spin of the rhe basic elementary particles.We
conclude that
There is CRITICAL SPIN FREQUENCY of the spin of
electrons , protons, neutrons of a molecular material body should have
to be able to travel faster than the light. Lower than this frequency it
cannot travel faster than the speed of liht while higher than this
frequency it can.
The next table summarizes the difference and similarities of the two
logically and physically different theories of the Lorentz invariant wave
inertia and the special relativity.
Table 5
THEORY Absolute Material Ability to Ability to
bound of existence of understand discover solar
light velocity the the energy stored
fieldmatter mechanism of in the field
bending of matter as heat
light by
Einstein’s YES NO NO NO
Table 6
THEORY Fieldmatter Experimentally Relativity of Lorentz
waves and verified formulae inertial systems group
molecular invariance
FIELDMATTER? Sections 9 , 15 of the book.
heat effect. . It turns out, that the classical Maxwell equations of
electromagnetism require the hypothesis of an inviscid and
incompressible charged gaseous fieldmatter (with zero convective
acceleration as well) , while the general Navier-Stokes equations as in
(eq 14) and the N Tesla’s inventions require effects of viscous and
compressible charged gaseous fieldmatter.
Now we may predict that a similar phenomenon in much smaller
space and time scale can be created in the fieldmatter. It requires of
course as external molecular matter trigger by the force density terms in
the Navier-Stokes fieldmatter unified equations. For the cone-expansive
tornado heat effect to occur in the fieldmatter the molecular matter
trigger could be either rotating magnets, or disc-shaped coils, or
asymmetric rotating metal discs that apply centripetal forces to electrons
etc. This means that in a cone the fieldmatter would expand, dropping its
temperature, and converting heat to kinetic energy exactly as with
ordinary molecular matter tornados. Furthermore such smaller cone-
expansive tornado heat effect could occur in the lightning effect in the
molecular vacuum, or even in air. We also may predict that the fall of the
fieldmatter temperature will induce a smaller fall in the involved
molecular matter temperature which when it happens is called cold
electricity. In fact it seems that all the above methods have been
discovered the last century by various inventors since the time of N.
Tesla. Nevertheless, none of them including N. Tesla was
acknowledged as a valid and understood inventions due the luck of
the current article correct physical interpretations and equations of
electromagnetism and gravitation and the prevailing of Einsteins
theories. N Tesla had met J C Maxwell , and it is unfortunate that they
had not met and cooperate with L. Boltzmann , because if they had, and
J. C. Maxwell who called the electromagnetic field the electromagnetised
aether (fieldmatter) would reformulate his equations along the lines of
statistical theory of the fieldmatter gas of L Boltzmann, and we as
civilization, would have solved the CO2 problem one century earlier.
On could say for the many inventors who were suppressed in
this way that ” If you are 3 steps ahead they declare you as insane, if
you are 2 steps ahead they declare you a crook, if you are one step
ahead, they ignore you, but if you are one step behind they might give
you the Nobel prize!”
It seems that the N. Tesla method for this fieldmatter renewable
solar energy was by lightings and sparks and his towers, in large or small
size (phenomena related to his magnifying transmitter). Modern
experiments by K. Meyl (see [Meyl Konstantin 2000] ) with miniature
towers verify the magnifying transmission phenomenon, where the
received energy is larger than the transmitted energy. The same with the
similar work of E. Gray . On the other hand, the inventors (See
references ) J. Searl. De Palma, P. Baumann (testatika, Switzerland ) ,
P.Tewari (India) , L Szabo EBM generator (Hungary) , [Naudin J] are
utilizing rotating magnets to crate the fieldmatter cone-expansive
tornado heat effect.
We should mention also that the various HHO devices with special
types of resonating electrolysis and also devices that utilize hard
treatment of water to extract extra heat should be unserstood as utilizing
the fieldmatter cone-expansive tornado heat effect at a molecular
microscopic scale.
Furthermore the fieldmatter cone-expansive tornado heat effect
could be created in the neutral fieldmatter as well not only on the
charged or electromagnetiszed, by other types of rotating machines.
There are inventors who claim that they have discovered such renewable
energy devices and they call them gravitational generators.
It is ecologically and planetary quality design to have rules of
uniform distribution on the surface of the planet of extraction of such
renewable fieldmatter energy from the potential gravitational energy
(stored and renewed by solar energy) by a large number of
decentralized installations as much better and safer than centralized
and concentrated installations. Happily, direct calculations show that
even if the extraction of such energy is less than what already is lost as
molecular matter heat radiation of the planet, it is sufficient to power
the electricity of all the humanity!
Besides the renewable solar energy from the gravitational field ,
these new Navier-Stokes unifying equations and perceptions about the
fieldmatter, suggest also new fieldmatter propulsion, similar to the
rockets propulsion, except now at the layer of the fieldmatter.
For example by creating small fieldmatter tornado with discshaped
or cone shaped coils, or rotating magnets, and pusihing it by molecular
matter in a direction through the momentum conservation of matter
(either fieldmatter or molecular matter) a molecular matter vehicle
would travel in the road, in the sea, in the atmosphere, or outside the
planet. If flying discs exist as many eyewitnesses claim, then this is how
they should function and could be called fieldmatter-helicopters. See
references [Naudin J]
The next table compares the classical linear Maxwell’s
electromagnetism with the true non-linear electromagnetism of section 8
in relation to N Tesla’s inventions.
14) Does MAXWEL and EINSTEIN allow for the existence of flying
discs? (The answer is No! )
The answer to this question I think is now obvious! It is a No. As we
mentioned in the paragraph 6, not even the accidental clumsy flying disc
of J. Searl cannot be explained with only the Maxwell’s equations. No
extra energy is possible in Maxwell’s equations because , no expansive
cone with drop of the temperature is describable by equations that assume
adiabatic processes and incompressibility . Furthermore the propulsion of
the J Searl disc is not also describable, since we assume
incompressibility and zero convective accelerations. It is like expecting
that the equations of acoustics in air are sufficient to describe the
aerodynamic phenomena of air-planes. Finally that flying discs might
travel faster than the light , is not allowed by the absolute axioms of
Einsteins special relativity.
For the present the road that seems open for a 21st century Democritus
paradise, is that of re-writing our equations of the classical fields to
become more true and corrects, following the right intuition (as in the
current presentation) and at the same time providing simple University
experiments that support this new version of the discovered equations.
First we aim and then we pull the trigger not the other way around.
The other, road, of first discovering new practical and experimental
devices, and directly commercializing the technology , without at the
same time modifying in a valid way the known Universities theory and
equations, has been proved to fail and it is a dead-end road.
creation during 1996-97 at the University of Portsmouth. In addition, I
would like to thank, Dr Evans, from the B.A. and the green-glow project
that after communicating with Dr M. Duffy at the Sunderland University,
invited me in UK, and the University of Lancaster, that provided the
facilities for the Lecture during 1998. I would like also to thank Dr H.
Aspden for his discussions and valuable encouragement. I would like to
also to thank the University of Ioannina in Greece, for providing its
library facilities for the research and relevant conferences.
I would like to thank the national Technical University of Athens
(and especially prof E. Christophorou) for the opportunity to give
this presentation.
Finally, I would like to thank all the friends, and researchers and
many other people, that with discussions, enthusiasm, and encouragement,
contributed somehow to take the decision to write this paper. The author
stresses in advance that the main merit of this book is not the exact
mathematical form of the unified phenomena of the fieldmatter fluid
(which may have different constants in different systems of units and
in some cases different mathematical equations according to the
degree of approximation we require) but the clearer physical
ontology of the fieldmatter as material fluid from positive , negative and
neutral permanent and free particles interacting with Coulomb laws. From
this and the Newton’s law of force or momentum conservation we can
unify, gravitation, electromagnetism and relativistic) inertia with more
true non-Maxwell and non-Einstein gravitation equations. Although
some of the equations presented here may change after
experimentation, the main thought-form of the fieldmatter as a finer
(positive, negative, neutral) particles fluid will still be true.
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