PTS Bahasa Inggris 1B Ganjil
PTS Bahasa Inggris 1B Ganjil
PTS Bahasa Inggris 1B Ganjil
1. Pilihlah jawaban yang benar dengan memberi tanda silang (X) pada pilihan a, b, atau c!
1. I breakfast in the... a. What is your name ?
a. Evening b. What colour it is ?
b. Afternoon c. How are you ?
c. Morning 10. Bagaimana kamu mengucapkan apa
2. Caca : good afternoon kabarmu dalam "bahasa inggris"
Cici Cici....Caca a. Good morning
a. Good morning b. How are you?
b. Good afternoon c. Good bye
c. Good bye 11. " see you" in Indonesian is
3. Jone.............jef a. apa kabarmu ?
Jef : good night jone b. Selamat malam
a. Good evening c. Sampai jumpa
b. Good bye 12. How do you write the number 2 in
c. Good night English?
4. Susan : how are you Susi a. To
Susi................Susan b. Tu
a. Thank you c. Two
b. See you 13. "Five" in Indonesian is....
c. i am fine a. Dua
5. What is the responses of hello b. Lima
a. Hi c. Enam
b. Hello 14. What is the colour of the sky..
c. Bye a. White
6. What is the responses of good bye b. Blue
a. Good bye c. Yellow
b. See you 15. What is the colour of banana..
c. Thank you a. Yellow
7. See you next time... b. Green
What is the responses off parting above c. Red
a. Hi
b. Good bye
c. See you Joshua
a. I
b. You
c. Are
9. Bagaimana cara menanyakan nama
dalam "bahasa inggris"
1. Good Afternoon
2. Good Night