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Sec4 Part1

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Optical Fiber Communications

Signal Degradation in Optical Fibers ?? Ch.3

Factors that affect the signal in Optical Fiber: ?

1. Attenuation (fiber loss) 2. Dispersion(Signal distortion)

 Attenuation: determines maximum repeater less distance between Tx. and Rx. L
 Dispersion: limits the bit rate B; limitation of information-carrying capacity of a fiber.
• information-carrying capacity:
is the bandwidth–length product
= B× L
Attenuation (fiber loss)
Attenuation: is the loss of power as the light travels inside the fiber.


α : Attenuation in dB/km
Pin: Input power.
Pout: Output power.
L: Length of Fiber cable in km.

Attenuation: determines maximum repeater less distance between Tx. and Rx.
• Fiber attenuation α (dB/Km) as a function of wavelength λ :

Transmission Windows:
 850, 1310, 1550 nm
 O, E, S, C, L and U

 nominal values of 0.5 dB/km at 1310 nm and

0.3 dB/km at 1550 nm for standard SMF.
 Absorption by the water molecules (OH)
causes the attenuation peak around 1400nm for
standard fiber.
The dashed curve is the attenuation for low
water peak fiber.
Main Causes (sources) of Attenuation:
 Attenuation is mainly a result of:
a. Absorption
i. Atomic defects
ii. Extrinsic
iii. Intrinsic
a. Electronic absorption band (U.V region)
b. Atomic bond vibration band (I.R region)

b. Scattering
i. Intrinsic
ii. Extrinsic

c. Bending (Radiation)
i. Micro-bending Loss
ii. Macro-bending Loss
a. Absorption
i. Absorption by atomic defects or imperfections as
 Missing molecules.
 High density cluster of atom groups.
 Oxygen defects in glass.
- Negligible w.r.t. other causes.

ii. Extrinsic absorption

by impurity atoms in glass as :

 Metal impurities: such as iron, nickel , cobalt, copper and chromium

(Absorption results in energy level transition of electrons. )
 OH (Water) ions ; absorption peak at 1400 nm
iii. Intrinsic absorption:
by glass materials itself (Ex: pure silica glass; SiO2).

Two major intrinsic absorption:

a. Electronic absorption b. Atomic bond vibration

 in ultraviolet ( U.V ) region  in infrared ( I.R ) region

light (photon) interact with an electron light (photon) interact with molecular
and excites it to a higher energy level. vibrations bonds within the glass
(Energy level transition).
energy transfer from the optical signal to the

-- E inversely proportional to λ.

• U.V absorption is small as compared to I.R absorption in O.F Comm.

b. Scattering Losses
Scatter light in other directions
Arises from:
i. Intrinsic Scattering
due to::
i. Structure inhomogeneities; higher or lower density
ii. Compositional fluctuations of SiO2, GeO2, and P2O5.
- i , ii give refractive index fluctuations.
- These fluctuations, cause Rayleigh-type scattering of light.

-- Reduces with increase in wavelength

-- The sky appears "blue" during the day is because of this phenomenon.
ii. Extrinsic Scattering
From defects during fabrication:
-- gas bubbles
– un-reacted starting materials
 Negligible compared to Rayleigh scattering
Absorption & scattering losses in optical fiber

In the region above 1.2 μm, the opt. loss

determined by the presence of OH ions
and the infrared absorption of the material
C. Bending losses
Two types:

i. Microbending losses:

due to:

 non uniformities during manufacturing

 non uniform lateral pressure or external forces
 Light refracts and power is lost.

Can be minimized by:

using a compressible jacket
ii. Macrobending losses:
-- bends or curves on the O.F path.
Light refracts and power is lost.

As the radius of the curvature (R ) decreases, the loss increases exponentially until it reaches at
a certain critical radius losses

-- Critical radius: Rc
-- if R < Rc :
the losses suddenly becomes extremely large.
When the mean optical power launched into an 8 km length of fiber is 120 μW, the mean
optical power at the fiber output is 3 μW.
(a) the overall signal attenuation or loss in decibels through the fiber assuming there are no
connectors or splices;
(b) the signal attenuation per kilometer for the fiber.
(c) the overall signal attenuation for a 10 km optical link using the same fiber with splices at
1 km intervals, each giving an attenuation of 1 dB;
(d) the numerical input/output power ratio in (c).

Pin = 120 μW O.F Po = 3 μW

Solution: 8 Km
(a) the overall signal attenuation in decibels through the fiber is:

(b) the signal attenuation per kilometer for the fiber is:
10 Km

1 Km
splice O.F

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