Research Paper
Research Paper
Research Paper
what you see and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious. And however
difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at.” 1 —Stephen
astrological research. This event represents the disability frontier within his career, and
more ideas to be formed about Black Holes, and inspired disability in the workforce.
The primordial building blocks of astrophysics had been placed in the 1920’s, as this
epoch majorly focused on the life cycle of a star. This began when Arthur Eddington
discovered the basic equations of stellar structure and energy transport; additional to
deriving relationships between mass, radius and central temperature of stars. Later on,
Niel Bohr’s quantum theory was applied to ions that could be viewed on the surface layer
of stars, which assisted in the future modeling of stellar atmospheres and introduced the
1 “Stephen Hawking's Last Inspiring Message To Humanity Before He Passed” Uploaded on youtube
by Goalcast, 15 March 2018,
2 “Astrophysics and cosmology: the golden age” physics world, 06 August 2019
Within the late 1930’s, the “proton-proton” and “carbon-nitrogen cycle” was
founded by Hans Bethe and his colleagues, describing the process in which engines a star’s
existence. Finally, in 1955, Fred Hoyle and Martin Schwarzschild were able to illustrate the
near death of a star, where hydrogen has exhausted its centre, however, little was known
the discovery of the emission of radio and radar from various extraterrestrial objects was
discovered. In 1934, Karl Jansky discovered radio emission from the milky way galaxy,
likewise, John Hey discovered radio emission from the sun. The new astronomies of radio
and radar provided an explanation for dozens of phenomena, hence, being responsible for
many findings of this scientific era, some of which are mentioned in the following: radio
galaxy, quasars, and pulsars. In addition to radio wavelengths, X-ray binaries also majorly
and black holes, massive black holes in galactic nuclei, starburst, and ultraluminous
infrared galaxies, protoplanetary discs, and gravitational lensing by stars, galaxies and
As astrology evolved, more extraterrestrial objects had been found, including the
Black hole. However, black holes hadn’t been outrightly viewed, rather they were a
hypothetical. The idea of black holes was created in 1738 by John Mitchell, an englishman
who had formulated this theory while considering a method that could be used to measure
the mass of a star. Using one of Newton’s theories, he was able to understand that by
measuring the reduction in the speed of light given by a star, it is possible to calculate the
Mitchell viewed this as a projectile and speculated that the imaginary missile
would need to reach a speed of x before it could actually escape the gravitational force of
the sun. He was aware that x could depend on the size and mass of the star. He then
questioned the possibilities of what would happen if the star was so huge that it caused x to
surpass the speed of light.3 He decided that x would exceed the speed of light on a star that
is 500 times larger than the sun. He then concluded that if the aforementioned
circumstances were true, then light wouldn’t be able to escape this body, therefore being
invisible. Due to the object's gravitational pull, observing if nearby stars revolve around a
focused on the parallax of stars near the black hole in Sagittarius in 1928. This study was
directed to understand the strange matter Slocum encountered via observation. Slocum
wanted to find out if there was a parallel relative of a star that lies beside this anomalous
object (most likely a black hole), which could be used to discover what the strange item had
3 “John Michell: Country Parson Described Black Holes in 1783: AMNH” American Museum of Natural
History, 2000
been. However, within this study, there is a potential mistake that occurred, whereas the
Another experiment was conducted in 1978 with a scientist that recorded findings
of an extraterrestrial object that mimicked a black hole; though it is uncertain if this was a
black hole, as it had many similar characteristics of a black hole. The scientist describes the
object as a “Large faint nebula” , “Very diffusive” , “Not less than a 10’ diameter”. 5He then
elaborates in row F that he viewed an object that had “A small triangular hole in the milky
way galaxy, perfectly black, some 2’ diameter, very much like a jet black nebula.”
Stephen Hawking had been diagnosed with ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) in
his early twenties while attending college.6 Since the average life expectancy of ALS
patients is 14 months after development, the physician forecasted that Stephen Hawking
wouldn’t live long. However, his disease had experienced a plot twist, whereas his ALS
progressed at a slower pace, therefore allowing him to live longer than expected. The
effects had still remained, where he had been confined to a wheelchair and experienced
troubles with writing during the late 1960’s. In the 1970’s his ability to communicate had
6“Dr. Stephen Hawking: A Case Study on Using Technology to Communicate with the World” 15
March 2018
begun to deteriorate, and eventually lost his ability to speak altogether due to a
The disease had provided many frontiers throughout Stephen Hawking’s career,
where he was unable to participate in everyday activities. Some of these included feeding
computer, he had been regularly asked to speak at meetings, which had periodically been
conflicted.8 His disease had also placed him at risk of many diseases, hence he needed to
undergo many procedures, some of which had been time consuming. Additionally,
subsequent to the disease’s fundamental effects, Stephen Hawking had only been able to
His office at CMS was personally designed to accommodate his disease. A large
portion of his office had been designated to his carers, and it is speculated that most chairs
and tables were surfaces that held medical equipment.9 As a treatment, Stephen Hawking
would be laid flat on a couch in order to clear his throat. With the development of his
technology, this procedure was able to be conducted from the comfort of his wheelchair.
7“ALS and Stephen Hawking: Timeline, Quick Facts, and More” Uploaded on Griswold Home Care by
Beth Sager 08 May 2018
8 “How Stephen Hawking Defied Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis for Five Decades” Clinical Medicine
and Therapeutics (CMT), 09 March 2019
9 “INTRODUCING STEPHEN HAWKING'S OFFICE”, Science Museum, 10 November 2022
Notwithstanding his depressing circumstances, he remained joyous and overcame
many obstacles. He gained comfort with his disease as he progressed throughout his
lifetime. It is stated by colleagues at CMS that he greatly enjoyed racing around the area via
his wheelchair. At times, his outgoing personality had caused a few accidents, one of which
caused him to break his bones.10 These situations hardly fazed him, and periodically, he
would make jokes of these events. This could be expressed through a first hand account of a
student, where Stephen Hawking had fallen from his wheelchair, and most students had
been frightened as he began to violently shake. By turn of events, he was actually laughing,
“Reaching for the Stars…er Black holes” - Stephen Hawking and Black Holes
holes. Foremost, using information obtained by those who excelled in the subject of general
relativity, he was able to form the idea that black holes are existent. In 1971, he expressed
this idea to colleagues, but had been doubted by many. His logic behind this is that many of
them were created within the chaotic environment of the big bang, a theory that was also
proposed by him. In order to test if this hypothesis was true, a series of experiments and
projects were conducted, and the results of such had supported Stephen Hawking’s claim.
10 “How Stephen Hawking Defied Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis for Five Decades”, Clinical Medicine
and Therapeutics (CMT) 09 March 2019
An example of this is the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) which had been able to produce
Other experiments had recorded radio waves that came from black holes, and
aspects in this experiment had corresponded with the theorized characteristics of black
holes. He also discovered that if two black holes were to hypothetically merge, then the
area of the final black hole would be greater than the sum of areas that the original black
holes had.11
Within a study, Hawking had proposed that black holes don't eternally expand, nor
were they actually black. He had explained, “for a black hole of solar mass this is much
longer than the age of the Universe.’ In much smaller black holes it would be faster,
1942. Hawking radiation is radiation that is theoretically emitted from outside the event
horizon.13 Stephen Hawking describes that according to quantum mechanics, the universe
11 “Stephen Hawking on black holes - Professor Stephen Hawking” Uploaded to Youtube by The
Guardian on 18 November 2013
12“Stephen Hawking and the Science of Black Holes” OpenMind, 12 March 2021
13 “Hawking radiation” Encyclopædia Britannica, 30 December 2022
is filled with particles and antiparticles that constantly materialize in pairs and eventually
annihilate one another. However, one member of this team might fall into the black hole,
leaving the other, and while this body has none to annihilate, it either falls into the black
hole, or escapes the black hole’s vicinity. Stephen Hawking explains that “radiation is
that mimicked Hawking radiation was conducted. It had proven both hypotheses to be
wording had led others to consider that “if, according to quantum physics, the information
associated with particles is never destroyed, but no matter or energy ever escapes a black
hole, how can a black hole simply disappear, taking this information out of existence?”
Essentially, this violated a principle of science, whereas matter is not created or destroyed,
rather it stays constant. However, he had debunked this by explaining that all information
is not lost but it lies in the particles that the radiation emits.
Stephen Hawking had discovered that Black holes yield the tendency of boiling or
evaporating themselves, which causes them to cease existence (essentially die). 15 He had
14“Stephen Hawking explains black holes in 90 seconds - BBC News” Uploaded to youtube on 10
Аugust 2016
15 “Simplifying black holes, debunking information paradox: Stephen Hawking’s biggest
contributions to science” The Economic Times, 09 December 2020
declared that this had originated from virtual particles. This is a result of Hawking
radiation, as the constant escape of particles/antiparticles causes the black hole to rapidly
that throughout space, particles are popping in and out of existence, while on the inside,
both members remain there and annihilate one another; this is the same case for the far
outside the black hole. Yet, in the horizon, he deems that one member could fall in while the
other escapes with energy. The error in this illustration is that if this were true then
Hawking Radiation yields a 50/50 mix of particles, all of the Hawking radiation is emitted
from the event horizon, and every quantum of emitted radiation must yield an enormous
amount of energy. 16
Stephen Hawking hadn’t incorporated these perceptions into his writings, and
Seigel theorizes that he was aware of his flaw, but had presented it nonetheless. The author
implies that he knew the correct explanation of Hawking Radiation’s functions, and had
16“Yes, Stephen Hawking Lied To Us All About How Black Holes Decay” Forbes, 09 July 2020
Hawking’s Legacy
Not only did Hawking act as a trailblazer academically, but his disability encouraged
many individuals. In 1993, Stephen Hawking visited a school of disabled students in order
to give a pep talk. Stephen Hawking described his boredom with life until he had gotten
diagnosed and viewed this event as a wake-up call to appreciate life, which is the moral
that he was teaching the students. "I didn't die," he noted continuously. Following his
speech, students asked questions. However, the messages were delayed due to the voice
synthesizer, and with this, he jokes “The only trouble is it gives me an American accent," 17
The children find this aspect humorous, and a child named Mike Gallagher expressed "I
It was reported that a child had enjoyed Hawking’s presence on a TV show, as it had
given her a representation of disabled individuals. This had brought her content. She had
also enjoyed how a famous person who was a role-model to others, needed assistance in
order to eat, which is a similar aspect that she and Hawking share.
Stephen Hawking’s career had also inspired disability in the workforce. Karin
Willison expresses in an article, “Before Stephen Hawking came along, people with speech
disabilities were often dismissed as mentally unaware and unable to contribute to society…
his high goals, which had been inspired by stephen hawking, “Like Professor Stephen
Hawking who could achieve so much in the world of science from his wheelchair, I too am
Stephen Hawking’s legacy paved the way for other physicists and inspired
experiments. On January 3rd, 2022, an article concerning the testing of Stephen Hawking’s
ideas. The scientists are attempting to debunk or confirm a very controversial theory of
Stephen Hawking whereas it states that dark matter had been formed from black holes that
had existed ever since the big bang. Using logic, the scientists were able to refute his claim,
as black holes require normal matter in order to be made. The amount of normal matter is
The scientists decided to make models representing their findings. They replaced
the dark matter within this model with primordial black holes. (Black holes from the big
bang) The team discovered that primordial black holes had been essential, as they birthed
the first stars, galaxies, and potentially supermassive black holes. However, this model
could be tested with the James Webb Telescope. With Hawking’s discoveries, scientific
18 “How Stephen Hawking Normalized Disability and Spoke for Those Who Could Not” HIE Help Center, 19
March 2018
19 “Prof Stephen Hawking is the inspiration for this budding astrophysicist with CP” Newz Hook | Disability
News - Changing Attitudes towards Disability, 11 January, 2022
20 “We may finally be able to test one of Stephen Hawking's most far-out ideas”, 03 January, 2022
innovations concerning astrophysics have advanced greatly, and taught everyone that
“however difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at.” 21
“John Michell: Country Parson Described Black Holes in 1783: AMNH” American Museum of Natural
History, 2000. Accessed Feb 25, 2023.
21 “Stephen Hawking's Last Inspiring Message To Humanity Before He Passed” Uploaded on youtube
by Goalcast, 15 March 2018,
This winch was used to carry Stephen Hawking during medical procedures.
“INTRODUCING STEPHEN HAWKING'S OFFICE”, Science Museum, 10 November 2022. Accessed Feb.
25, 2023
Table that was used for medical procedures in Stephen Hawking’s office.
“INTRODUCING STEPHEN HAWKING'S OFFICE”, Science Museum, 10 November 2022. Accessed Feb.
25, 2023
Stephen Hawking hosted a pep talk in 1993 at a school for disabled kids.
Hawking reminisces with disabled students” DO-IT, 02 July 1993. Accessed on Feb 25, 2023
Annotated Bibliography
Primary sources
This source is a report from Stephen Hawking himself concerning his knowledge of black holes.
This had been useful to my NHD project, as it had allowed me to gain an understanding of
Hawking, Stephen. “The theory of the NHS.” Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, vol.
This source had been a recording of a speech that Hawking had given prior to it being published.
This journal allowed me to view the medical portion of Stephen Hawking’s work.
Hawking, Stephen W., et al. Black Hole Entropy and Soft Hair, 2018, p. 26. Cornell
This source elaborates on the features of a black hole. However, before this had been published,
Stephen Hawking had unfortunately passed, but contributed nonetheless. This assisted me in my
NHD project whereas it once more allowed me to view the thought process of Stephen Hawking,
This source elaborated on the setup of Stephen Hawking’s office, and had not only elaborated on
scientific points, but also medical points. This assisted with my NHD project whereas it had given
me a view of Stephen Hawking’s way of life. The images had been especially helpful.
Kreutz, H. “New Nebulae - Small Black Hole in the Milky Way.” Harvard University, 3 April
This article elaborated on the This article elaborates on the strange body Mr. Wendal encountered
an observation that lasted about 6 days. This body is presumed to be a black hole, as it yields most
qualities of a Black hole. This article elaborates on the strange body Frederick Slocums encountered
upon observation that lasted about 6 days. This body is presumed to be a black hole, as it yields
Michell, John. “The Country Parson Who Conceived of Black Holes.” VII. On the means of
Difalace, Magnitude, Etc., vol. 1, no. 1, 1783, p. 1. American Museum of Natural History,
displays a journal that had been written by him, and assisted me with my project by giving me an
students. Accessed 16 January 2023. This article describes how Stephen Hawking had gone to a
classroom that had taught kids with disabilities in order to provide them with a pep-talk. This is
useful to my project due to the fact that it allows one to witness how Stephen Hawking’s fame had
This Report elaborated on the outcomes of an experiment concerning the parallax of black holes,
and deciding on whether an object had been a black hole or not. This had been useful to my project,
as it allowed me to view early thoughts of the black hole. It caused me to understand how far
technological advances came, as during this time period, one was unable to do experiments without
a probable error. In modern times, I am sure that the probable error is lower.
2023. This video yields a speech that Stephen Hawking had given prior to passing.
Nonetheless this source hadn’t been exactly related to the main course of my NHD project, it had
assisted greatly in importing quotes that had been directly from Stephen Hawking.
The term, “Universe” yields a large spectrum, as he elaborates on aspects from our planet earth, to
massive stars. This gave my project a variety of aspects to elaborate on. This TED ED also revolved
The Guardian. “Stephen Hawking on black holes - Professor Stephen Hawking.” YouTube, 18
This video revolved around Stephen Hawking discussing his knowledge of black holes. It describes
the boundaries that he had faced, as others had looked down upon him. However, nonetheless of
such notions being placed upon him, he had been successful. This information is useful as it
provided me with discoveries and theories that Hawking generated. The use of all these discoveries
could be to display that nonetheless of health condition, everyone yields an equal chance of being
Secondary sources
Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. "Hawking radiation". Encyclopedia Britannica, 30
This source explains Hawking Radiation in somewhat simpler terms. This assisted me with my
project as it instilled an understanding of my topic. Without this source, I would be completely lost
on my topic.
“Dr. Stephen Hawking: A Case Study on Using Technology to Communicate with the World |
This source elaborates on how technological advancements had been able to assist Stephen
Hawking throughout his career. This had assisted me with my NHD project because it allowed me to
understand how technology had been used to Stephen Hawking's advantage, and had somewhat
Goud, Sekhar. “Prof Stephen Hawking is the inspiration for this budding astrophysicist with
This source expresses how students who were disabled had been inspired by Stephen Hawking.
This assisted me with the impacts portion of my project, as it displayed that Stephen Hawking
This source elaborates on how Stephen Hawking had brought encouragement to the disabled
community, as he had paved the way for those with disabilities. This article assisted me with NHD
whereas it proved that Stephen Hawking had not only inspired scientists, but also inspired those
yielding disabilities.
Kuo, Chin-Lung. “How Stephen Hawking Defied Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis for Five
This source elaborates on Stephen Hawking’s life with ALS, as it describes how it gradually
progressed throughout his lifespan. This was assistful with my NHD project, as it had allowed me to
understand events that occurred in response to this disease, and provided me with an explanation
as to why he had lived so long with such a disease. Additionally, it discusses how ALS had affected
Michael Rowan-Robinson, Michael. “Astrophysics and cosmology: the golden age – Physics
scientific innovation throughout different time periods. It also yields some discoveries that
potentially led to the discovery of hawking radiation, such as radio emission from stellar bodies.
Sager, Beth. “ALS and Stephen Hawking: Timeline, Quick Facts, and More.” Griswold Home
This site elaborates on Stephen Hawking’s lifespan, ranging from early life to death. The article as a
whole didn’t assist me much, but specific portions such as when he had developed ALS had been
Scholte, Jan Aart. “Stephen Hawking and the Science of Black Holes | OpenMind.” BBVA
This source shoehorned many of Stephen Hawking’s ideas. It had been useful because it elaborates
on his studies and how he had proved other scientists wrong while changing, building, and
Siegel, Ethan, and Starts With a Big Bang. “Yes, Stephen Hawking Lied To Us All About How
concerned the function of Hawking Radiation. This assists with my NHD project because it displays
some errors that Stephen Hawking had made, as not all of his impacts had been positive on
humanity. At times, they had been negative, whereas it led to deception of humanity.
This describes some obstacles that Stephen Hawking underwent, as his statements had not always
been accepted as automatically true. This reveals the other side of the argument, whereas some had
been against his findings. However, of these doubtful comments Stephen Hawking had persisted
and actually proven this theory to be correct. This assisted me with my NHD project whereas it
allowed me to understand that some had been against this idea, as this source had been the first to
introduce me that some scientists had contrasting notions from that of Stephen Hawking.
Sutter, Paul. “We may finally be able to test one of Stephen Hawking's most far-out ideas.”
This source discusses how scientists from NASA are using the James Telescope to test ideas of
Stephen Hawking. This was useful to my NHD project since it elaborates on how Stephen Hawking's
legacy has opened a door of new questions in addition to experiments. These could lead society