Hacking Matrix

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Vadim Zealand

Free and clean consciousness

The value of the Russian language

Stasys Birthplace
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Versta iš: Vadim Zeland, The Evil of the Technogenic System, Ves, 2012

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ISBN 9786090112342

Knygos viršelyje panaudotas ARINOS paveikslas "Laiko šukÿ" (ARINA, "The Shard of
Time", 2012) © Publishing Group "Ves", 2012 © Gordienko Arina, painting "Shard of
Time", 2012 (©ARINA, "The Shard of Time" Time“, 2012)

All rights reserved. © Translation

into Lithuanian, Stasys Gimbutis, 2013 © Publishing House Alma
littera, 2013

Translated from Russian by Stasys Gimbutis

Editor Dovilÿ Svetikienÿ
Proofreader Rasa Mielkuvienÿ
Cover artist Kristina Jakineviÿiÿtÿ E-book layout by Jurga
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Dear Reader!

In front of you is a book created by Power. Not I wrote it, it

pushed me forward. I can say this because, first of all, I would
not have been able to write it myself. And second, without the
support of the Power, as the name suggests, this would not
have been possible. Why? Because the content of the book,
which you will soon see, fully matches its title. No one is allowed
to talk about such things without permission.
One can think of the ends of the world, of the aliens from other
planets, of the proponents and opponents of anyone, of all the
mistakes and flaws of our society, even of the secret world
government that claims to rule it. But there is no question of
overcoming the system itself . This is taboo. Have you ever
heard anything like this?
It will not be about environmental ecology. There is another,
but no less sensitive, problem, which, without revealing itself so
far, threatens a person's greatest values - his freedom and
individuality. It ’s a matter of the ecology of the soul, which for
some reason cares little. The focus is on insignificant and non-
essential issues, and the reverse, invisible side of the world is
changing rapidly. It may seem like nothing is happening. And
indeed something is going on.
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Nothing special seems to be happening - everything is going

like normal, our civilization is on the path of technical progress.
But such progress, when its fruits benefit man, is already over,
now moving in a direction beneficial to the system itself as a self-
evolving structure.
The system as a tumor began to actively propagate itself, now
independently of human will. All indications are that the process
has become out of control. For a person, this does not go without
a trace, his abilities are blocked, his opportunities are severely
limited - precisely so that he does not hinder the development of
the system as it is needed. But the person does not see or feel
anything like this, because the "operation" is performed under
general anesthesia, he is in a state of deep sleep, and the patient
does not even suspect anything. Code implanted in his

Sit in your workplace, in your cage, and press the buttons as

appropriate. Create system products and consume everything it
gives you. Obey the rule of the pendulum: "Do as I do." Follow
the principle of society: "If everyone does that, then it's right."
And don't think of leaving the line. But most importantly, always
be connected to the network. Be in the system. Have the
necessary accessories at all times. Focus on the flow of
information you receive.
Participate in a common choir of mouse-clickers and clickers to
always resonate with and be part of the web. Don't look for your
way - it will show you.
Don't think, don't bother - I'll tell you everything
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will explain. Your job is to learn to evaluate everything at the

most primitive level, to develop appropriate conditional reflexes
so that you can make the right choice at the right time and in the
right place - with a mouse button, a shopping cart or a ballot
paper. And when the time comes, be ready to join the rich ranks
of those who march in a common line where ...
Well, orally, it will show you where. The main thing - be prepared,

Imagine you came to your workplace or school, and there is a

collective dream. Everyone strives for success, but acts as if
dreaming, at the level of some universally common algorithms
and instincts. You, too, would like to achieve success and stand
out from the crowd. But how do you do it if you are an ordinary
propeller marching in a common lineup and your consciousness
and energy are the same as everyone else's? Now everyone is
educated, everyone knows the "Secret." And you know. So
what? How are you better than others? Nothing. You have very little chance
The technogenic system is inherently utterly destructive of
both our planet’s biosphere and man. But because everything in
the world is in balance, there will always be a reaction to every
action that violates harmony. In such a struggle is born the Power
I have alluded to. I am not proposing to destroy the system. This
is probably not possible unless it destroys itself or is destroyed
by some natural cataclysm.

However, there is a chance to significantly improve your

quality of life if you know the principles of how the system works and
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rules of the game that have not been published. You can be in the
system, use it for your own purposes and at the same time be
Now imagine another situation. Your consciousness is free and
clean. You have much more energy than others. You stopped
thinking "like everyone" and doing "like everyone." You left the
queue without leaving her. You pretended to be a dreamer, but woke up.
It is now quite clear to you that everyone around is asleep and
you are not. He who leaves the general line-up always gains an
advantage and can:

ÿ Look at the country where everyone else

is marching. ÿ Get rid of social clamps and
stereotypes. ÿ Learn to see and understand what others do
not see and understand. ÿ Finally stop striving to be first and
strive for uniqueness.

When you get rid of the restrictions and customs imposed on

you by the system, you will have the opportunity to take revenge
on her for leveling your personality. You are unique, now free.
This is an amazing privilege. Use your privilege.
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Part I.

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It is now very fashionable to talk about the fact that thought is

material. As a physicist, I can authoritatively declare to you that this is
complete nonsense. Thought is intangible, at least because it is not
captured by any physical device and has no speed of propagation. As
soon as you think about something, your thoughts immediately end
up on the edge of the Universe, without any delay.
The electroencephalogram records the impulses of the brain as a
result of the thinking activity of the brain, but not the thoughts themselves.
Similarly, the blinking of the computer lights does not indicate the
programs themselves, but the process by which they are being
processed. It's easier with energy - it can be captured, felt and even
seen on the oscilloscope screen. And with thoughts in this regard, it
is much more difficult. Some supposedly use the "power of thought"
to move things, but this is not the case. Things are moved by energy.
Here it is - material. Thought - no.
And in general - are you wondering what the thought is? Only one
thing is clear: it conveys some information. But can you explain what
that is?
Nor can it be explained what infinity is. Imagine we are moving
further and further away from Earth, beyond the solar system, beyond
the galaxy, flying through all the clusters of stars, breaking out of our
Universe, and then perhaps reaching other Universes, and
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so endlessly ... It's impossible to imagine no matter how hard you

try. At least for my mind, such a situation causes terrible
discomfort. Well how so?
Moreover, there is an even more difficult fact: infinity and point
are one and the same in terms of topology. Now imagine that we
are moving in infinity, not outwards, inwards - into a molecule, into
an atom, through electrons orbiting the nucleus like a planet,
penetrating a proton, already inside it quite a bit, and so on,
infinitely far and long. There is neither an end nor a beginning,
and they are not found. And there is no support, no foundation on
which to put your mind down so that you can understand this one.

What to do? We have to be content with models that at least

roughly explain who we are alone and in what world we live in.
Otherwise, "our minds will just go crazy." And this is what happens:
if the mind loses its support in this world, its "gathering point" finds
itself in some other, parallel world, so man, in the opinion of those
around him, "goes out of his mind." On the other hand, no matter
how you explain whatever models you create, the issues are still

The transerfing model is also just one of many possible

interpretations to explain to the mind at least a little more
comprehensible how to deal with this strange and incomprehensible
reality. The only consolation is that this model, if not explaining
everything, at least works.
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The basic principle is this: you shape reality with your

thoughts. Would it seem possible if the thoughts were intangible?
It is possible, too, because thoughts are not in the mind, but in
the intangible, metaphysical space of variations, where all that
has been, is, and will be permanently stored. Thoughts - like
the same TV tuner channels. And man is just a perfect bi-
television, able to connect to one or another sector of space,
where there are the same thoughts - "television programs". Like
television, a person does not "generate" programs - he receives
In our world, all living things are "connected" to some
program. Plant their own programs - strictly fixed. For those
who know how to crawl, swim, run, fly, the programs are more
flexible, but also limited quite strictly, to the level of instincts.
Only a person can jump freely and consciously from one
"channel" to another. But he, too, is not making full use of this
opportunity because he is too interested in a "series" that is
"spinning" in reality. And this series, which usually goes awry,
doesn't end because the same "channel switch" button is stuck.

But a person can take their "console" and turn on another

channel. Yes, the reality will not change immediately. In the
beginning, the same program will rotate from inertia. But if the
right button is pressed persistently long enough, the features of
the new program will gradually emerge in the old series, and
eventually the new reality will completely replace the previous
one. This is how thoughts materialize. The only condition you
need to keep in mind is that
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the formulated idea becomes material, it needs to be focused on

it systematically and long enough.
There are several "demonstration" models in transerfing theory
that illustrate how this works. One is designed by analogy with
how a radio transmitter is tuned to a certain frequency. You fall
into that line of life whose parameters correspond to the "radiance
of your thoughts." That’s what kind of wave you’ve set in, that’s
the kind of reality you’ll find yourself in.

It is true that the terms 'radiance of thought' and 'energy of

thought', which I used in the first books, are not entirely correct
and are easier to understand than to explain the structure of the
world. We keep forgetting we stand in front of the mirror of the
world, so a lot of things seem inverted to us.
I repeat, we do not "radiate thoughts" but, on the contrary, join
them, because they are where intangible objects must be - in
metaphysical space. No one knows exactly how to join. The thing
is, first of all, we kind of illuminate some sector of the space of
options with our flashlight and perceive the information there, so
it seems to us that the idea was born in our minds. And secondly,
if it is illuminated for quite a long time, the corresponding form of
thought will become embodied in reality - it will materialize.

Another model is similar to a mirror. The surrounding reality is

a mirror image of the image that comes to your mind (well, if not
exactly mirror, it is very close to it). Everything is very simple: you
just have to form the image you want
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see in the mirror. You want to see a happy face - smile; you want
the reflection to go welcome - take a step forward. But the difficulties
arise because people are very easily captured by the illusion of a
mirror. They seem incessantly looking in the mirror - the reality
around them. And much like in a dream, you forget yourself - your
image. They just evaporate from their head the need to observe
the image and consciously keep it in the shape they want.

Looks like something complicated here? Take your attention

away from the mirror, point at the image, shape the image the way
you want to see it, and then watch what will happen in the reflection.
But no, man does the opposite: confronted with "angry reality,"
frightened, believed that it is and will always be, reconciled with it,
captured in his mental pattern, and lives in this gloomy reality,
unable to look away from the mirror, to look at himself, your mind
and click there any switch.

Again an eternal question: what to do? The first is to maintain

awareness so that the mirror does not enchant like a dream.
Second, look not at the mirror but at yourself. Only by following
these two conditions is the surrounding reality, that is, a layer of
your world, little by little, not immediately, but step by step. The
most important thing is to keep the right image in mind at all times,
no matter what is actually happening. Still, the reflection will
eventually match the image. Where he disappears!
In fact, you can create any world. When your focus, either
consciously and persistently, or involuntarily and intrusively, is
focused on some image of the thoughts that surround you
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reality is beginning to transform. Things are changing. What

you focus on just fills your world and keeps catching on. On the
other hand, other things that no longer control your thoughts
disappear somewhere without a trace. Could that be the case?
After all, the reality is one for everyone?
Not quite so. It is one, but each has its own, separate layer of
this reality. Not a common reality is changing - changing the
configuration of your world layer. Another person next to you
can live in a completely different reality. This may seem
impossible, but it really is. Upright the whole world is very
diverse. This diversity is sufficient for many different single-layer
configurations. With your thoughts, you create a unique,
individual version of the world. There or doesn’t fall into what is
or isn’t in your mind.
For example, a woman who does not tolerate drunkards is
constantly confronted with them in reality. As you know, what
annoys you governs your thoughts. In addition, the polarization
of excess potential begins - the stimuli stick to your layer of the
world, like iron shavings to a magnet.
Finally, if our lady continues to hate blues, they will completely
fill her layer. The world of this poor woman will be filled with a
swarm of alcoholics swinging, collapsing and clinging to it. And
all her men will be alcoholics. And children, too.

Similarly, a man who somewhere in the depths of his soul

realizes that he is by no means an ideal and therefore makes
every effort to convince himself that all bob whores, or at best
insanity, will be confronted with just that all the time. Supreme Leagues
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women will live far beyond his stratum because he himself

chose and proclaimed it to the world.
Sounds like fiction? No, that is the reality of the mirror in its
infinite number of manifestations. Maybe the picture of our world
I draw will look intimidating to some. But let it not bother you. All
this is just the outside, the visible side of the dual mirror. From
our point of view, the hidden reality is even worse.

ÿ Thoughts are intangible, they are not in the mind but in the metaphysical
space. ÿ Thoughts similar to TV channels. ÿ Man does not generate or
radiate thoughts, he joins them as
ÿ A person can consciously and deliberately switch from one channel to another -
to control the flow of his thoughts. ÿ A person does not make full use of this ability
because he is too interested
A "series" that is "rotated" in reality.
ÿ An articulated thought is a fixed "television program" that a person can join
and broadcast to the world around them.
ÿ It takes a systematic and quite long time for a formulated idea to materialize
be focused on it.
ÿ Reality is one for everyone, but everyone has their own, separate reality
ÿ With your thoughts, you create a unique, individual version of the world.
ÿ There is or is not what is or is not in your mind.

Notes in the margins

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Man's biggest mistake is that he is a passive spectator - fascinated

he looks at the mirror of reality, unable to tear it from his eyes. Much like a bio-TV, he
watches TV shows imposed on him from the outside.
Why this is the case will only become clear to you at the end of the book. When you create
your world, you need to look not at the outer screen (the mirror) but at the inner (yourself).
Not to accept strange TV shows, but to broadcast your own.
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Now the question is: how do I set up my layer? Very simple.

Take a piece of paper and write down the forms of thought - a
concise portrait of the world around you and your place in it, in
just a few phrases that you would like to see.

For example, “I care about my world, and my world cares

about me. My world will always take care of everything and take
care of everything. I have nothing to worry about. Everything is
going well for me. Gradually, my planet is turning into a cozy
corner. I succeed. I look great, getting better and better every
day. I have a very charming personality, an inner light shines
from me, people feel it and sympathize with me.
My health is great, my energy is powerful, my intelligence is
extraordinary. I easily handle any task. And Power with me,
Power leads me, so I do everything brilliantly and wonderfully. ”
And so on, you can remake in your own way. Concretize, add,
expand: what you are aiming for and what you ultimately want
to get.
This will create a kind of configuration file, config.sys, for your
global "operating system".
Writing down such a configuration of your world on paper will
only be useful because it will help you organize and organize
your thoughts. You’re probably never special
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sitting down and wondering what kind of reality you would like to see
around you. This is where you formulate your vision.
You will need the "configuration files" initially until all the parameters
you have written are well captured by your mind. Just don’t hang this
leaflet on the wall for everyone to see. The forms of your thoughts are
an intimate thing between you and your world with which you will realize
Now - what to do next. First. Every time you look at the world (that
is, in the mirror), you look at it through the prism of a predetermined
configuration. In other words, first to yourself, and only then to the
mirror. Whatever is going on out there, you need to focus a ray of
attention on what satisfies you and what you like, and at the same time
work diligently to distract that ray from those things that annoy or hinder
you. Let them be, those obstacles. Yet. You don't care. You just turn
away from them. Soon all that rubbish will be blown off your planet.

For example, you can filter out the people you come across. Pay
more attention to nice and beautiful people - women, men - who are
more interested in you. Admire them, socialize with them, smile at them,
enjoy their company. And those who are uncomfortable with you, just
politely tolerate yourself and hiring yourself. And all the more so if there
is no need to communicate with them, just avoid them, turn around,
pass by, don’t hold a ray of attention to them. Gradually, your world will
be filled with pleasant people, and strangely enough, there will be them
even in places where pleasant societies are not worth expecting.
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Not everything will go smoothly and the way you would like.
From time to time, you will have to face the negative aspects of
reality. But you still calmly and methodically pass all that spam
through your configuration filter. Still, persevere to yourself that
the world knows better how to take care of you, and that
everything goes as it should, because the principle of
coordination of intent, if followed, works smoothly.

Second. Declare your formulated thoughts at every appropriate

opportunity, especially when someone endorses them. Dedicate
time to it, and keep it in mind, in the background so you can
repeat it more often as a prayer. In this way, you will first learn
to control the flow of your thoughts, which is equivalent to
controlling reality. And second, you will reshape the reality
around you the way you need to.
Here's how to understand it. You put the right "film strip" into
your "movie projector" and rotate it systematically and
continuously. Let your thoughts sometimes deviate to the side,
let the negative tapes come in sometimes - don't fight it, just go
back to your film calmly and meticulously. Finally, whatever film
you spin on your virtual projector, that’s the kind of cinema you’ll
watch in reality.
No matter how you pronounce your thoughts - out loud or just
in your mind. The words are secondary, they are just vibrations
of the air. Only thoughts matter, and only those that are
broadcast continuously, systematically. If you start walking all
day like a live TV and broadcast one or more deliberately
selected and fixed
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applications, your world layer will gradually take on the specified

I emphasize that articulated thoughts need to be broadcast
systematically. It’s a concrete job, not soaring. And this is the
only "Secret" you need to know that is not a secret at all. No
secrets. All esoteric knowledge is freely available, though not to
everyone. He who has revealed this "secret" to himself becomes
the Determinant of his reality. The only difficulty is that the result
is not immediately apparent, and you need to have the patience
and perseverance to constantly and even blindly send the correct,
self-configuration to the Universe, even though, at least for now,
you are not doing what you want.

It is still necessary to know that thoughts that are spun

mechanically, unconsciously, and without thinking have little
power. The external intention is triggered only by thoughts from
the heart, pronounced sensually, in the unity of soul and mind.
Additional formulated thoughts gain additional power.
It is not for nothing that it is said, "What is written will not be
thrown down with an ax." Therefore, in the lives of writers, the
stories, events, people they write about in their books are often
realized. I can confirm this fact myself.

In a letter, especially if it is written sincerely and addressed to

a specific person, the power of thought is several times greater.
So keep in mind that letters should be handled with care. Now
you can see a typical one everywhere on the internet
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image: someone, in order to shed their bile, sends to all or one

person some form of flowing, contemptuous, or hostile form of
their thoughts. If you have visited virtual communication sites,
you know that there will always be people out there who want to
hurt you, upset you, ruin your mood. This is not to say that those
people are bad, on the contrary, they are often lonely and
unhappy, so they try to establish themselves at someone's
expense or hang their projections on others.

It seems that you have encountered what you do not like, well
pass it by, take it where it is good for you, and take what is close
to your heart. Either way, if someone said or created something,
it was probably necessary for someone and there were probably
reasons for it, and what is foreign has the same right to exist as
what you are proud to cherish. But no, this man will not pass by.
It will necessarily "mark the territory", add to it, and only then,
satisfied with itself, will it continue.

I treat such people with reverent horror as intentionally self-

harming. It does not occur to them that if they have given
someone a few unpleasant minutes with their unfriendly attack
or angry criticism, it will inevitably return to them in a boomerang.
And how else? In one form or another, and perhaps on an even
larger scale, but will certainly return. It’s the same as pouring
slag out of a bucket against the wind. The only difference is that
the boomerang doesn’t come back right away and isn’t always
the way it starts. Therefore, without seeing the cause-and-effect
relationship, people do not understand that they will still have to pay, that is
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get through your nose, and continue throwing rubbish around your
own planet.
It is quite obvious that, from a practical point of view alone, it is
very useless to throw a boomerang at something that is bitter.
On the contrary, wouldn't it be better to leave a flower in that place
instead of a drunk? Send someone a word of support, compassion,
gratitude. Although sometimes you really want to shed your bile,
you better not do that. You better get over the side or consciously
change your attitude - from minus to plus. Strange as it may seem,
it is very easy to "reconfigure" your boomerang from evil to good -
at any moment - just to wake up, understand and want. A good
letter will be just as impactful as it is bitter, and will give satisfaction
to the sender much more - both this minute and later. After all, the
boomerangs of love and goodness are coming back as well. And
yet how!

ÿ The configuration file plays an important role in sorting and highlighting thoughts,
desires, goals.

ÿ Look at the world through the prism of a predefined configuration.

ÿ Focus your attention on what you accept and like, distract it
aside from those things that annoy or interfere.
ÿ Declare your formulated thoughts at every convenient occasion, especially when
you find confirmation for them.
ÿ Whatever band you spin on your virtual projector, you can watch that movie
in reality.
ÿ Formulated thoughts need to be broadcast continuously.

ÿ Written formulated thoughts gain extra power.

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ÿ The boomerang principle: if you do not want to see hostility in the reflection,
aggression, condemnation, antipathy, do not send relevant images there.

Notes in the margins

The configuration file will hold your mind. Next, on the one hand, you're narrow
a ray of your attention from everything that happens to you in your world
layer, you choose only what is appropriate and on the other hand consciously
you broadcast to reality around you all that is missing there yet, but what
you would like to see it there. You kind of become both a spotlight and
cinema projector. These are the first steps in your magical transition from
a receiver to a broadcaster. You will see how it happens when you change
qualitative changes in your reality.
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So, we have four methodologies that can transform our world

layer: configuration, ray of focus, movie projector, and boomerang.

Let’s look at how transformation is happening based on specific


Is there any way to explain the fact that I have been facing cats for three days in a
row? This neighbor's cat dies in front of me, the next day in the movie (I went to
the cinema for the first time in a year), the cat also got stuck, an unknown black
cat pops up on the balcony (fifth floor!) At night and starts screaming and so on. In
general, I notice a lot of connections, more precisely, repetitive words, things,
actions, but I don’t understand what it all means.

Everything is very simple: what you focus on is concentrated in

your world. At first, like a receiver, you receive a signal from the
incoming information stream, and then, if it captures your attention,
you start broadcasting it, so the signal sent through the feedback
circuit grows stronger.

I am looking for a job. All the offers are sent to me by big Western companies (as
I want to be), but they make cigarettes or beers. I do not drink, I do not smoke
and I firmly decide that I do not want to work in them, which is contrary to my
principles. But such bodies are persistently sending me offers. When my friends ask
me how to work, I tell everyone that I only get offers from "cigarette makers" and
brewers. Maybe it’s because I’m repeating it to everyone myself and pulling just
those companies?
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Your thoughts control what you actively oppose. You don't

just refuse - you persistently repeat your refusal, which means
that you capture attention, and that's why you get the appropriate
realization in the mirror of reality. You can not smoke or drink,
but you can also react calmly to the fact that others are doing
it. Why not let them be others?

"222" has been catching my eye over the last month. Somehow intuitively.
Sometimes, I look somewhere, for example, at mileage, and there are 3-4 equal
numbers (and not just doubles). When I look at the clock, the numbers also repeat
strangely: 11-11 or 22-22, and so often. This has not been the case in the past, and has
been constant for the past few months. What can signs mean in the form of numbers?

Absolutely nothing. What is in your spotlight dominates your

layer of the world, especially if it surprises or annoys you. You
can provide as many samples as you want. If you feel disgust
with vagrants, they will still catch your eye. If you are annoyed
by neighbors or passengers, you will definitely face them. If you
like beautiful girls and you look at them, you will meet them
even more often. If you get very angry when you are turned
around in a store or put in a poor item, it will keep happening.
In this case, you locked in to the numbers. It all started with a
symmetrical figure catching your eye. Your thoughts are
reflected in one way or another in the mirror of the world and
are realized in the reality around you. So after a while you see
the weird number again. You are amazed, and the soul and
mind always unite into one, if the feeling is strong enough, so a
clear one appears in front of the mirror.
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view. The process is then activated. What your attention is fixed

fills up the layer of your world. The ordinary human mind is
unlikely to believe that thoughts can shape the surrounding
reality in this way. That's what you want to relate to the
selectivity of perception, right? Am I not thinking of creating
these strollers, neighbors, beauties? After all, they already exist
objectively. I pay too much attention to them, and they are
obsessed with me!
But not everything is that simple. There is certainly no doubt
about the selectivity of perception, but that is only half the point.
If you follow, you will be surprised to notice a very strange
phenomenon: when someone stops caring about you, it
disappears from your life, and on the contrary, you just have to
"hook" for something, and it starts to persecute you all the time.
And it is quite clear that perception is not put here by anyone.
You no longer pay attention to wanderers, and these are very
rare - where did they go? You have found a couple, calmed
down and meet beautiful girls not so often - so what, maybe
they have fallen? You got used to what used to annoy you -
rubbish in the streets, and suddenly the streets got cleaner. Why?
For each layer of the human world is partly autonomous or
separate. All the layers overlap and intertwine with each other,
but together, independently of each other, they move in the
direction where they are attracted by the ray of attention of the
owner. Reality is one for everyone, like a table, but the cards
on that table are shuffled. As soon as the owner of a layer
captures his ray of attention on a particular object, his layer
(card) begins to move to the area where there are many such objects.
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In fact, you are not materializing all the characters on which

your thoughts are focused - it is that the layer of your world is
"going" where there are more of them.

I create rap style music and lyrics. It was very often the case that the events I
wrote about later actually happened to either me or someone else. I was almost
shocked to learn from the news program about one incident I had described in my
text a week or two before it. This text was storytelling type and completely fictional,
it's a big couplet that tells the situation I came up with in a rhyming way.

Such situations have happened more than once, now I am more careful.
I understood why artists like "50cent" earned a lot of wealth from their rap - they sang
lyrics about their well-being long before it. I will now consciously choose topics and
filter what I write.

No comments required.

There are mass natural disasters in the world. If I understood correctly, everything that
happens to us is the result of our thoughts. Let’s say one person might have thought
something would happen to him, but can’t it be said that the same thing is going on in
the minds of all the people involved in a disaster?

The perception that everything that has happened to us is the

result of our thoughts is not a transference, but a so-called pure
esotericism, a metaphysics made absolute. And this view is
We live in a dual world made up of physical and metaphysical
components, so both need to be considered. There are too
many variables in the physical reality equation. When
circumstances somehow occur and some fatal variable is
realized as a result, each
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even in the life of a very positive person, anything can happen. Will
earthquakes be completely avoided if you live in a seismic zone?
One can only talk about the correlation of thoughts with the probability
of an accident .
Also, you are not alone in this world. The layers of many people
intertwine in time and space. Therefore, it is impossible to completely
isolate your layer of the world and keep it clean without external
impurities. Of course, there will always be foreign impurities, you will
not run away from them anywhere. And because of disasters and
disasters, if you don't pay attention to such news, it's very likely that
it won't reach your world.

If the layer of my world is largely shaped by my thoughts, it turns out that if I

crave something but have some doubts like that (that’s, I’m afraid it won’t work),
I shouldn’t succeed at all.

Our world is not so primitive as to react like an automaton on a

"yes or no" basis. Real reality consists of miriad units and zeros. This
creates a complex system in which everything is both determined
and unpredictable at the same time. It would seem that there should
be no coincidences.
Every consequence has its cause. But because of the complexity of
the system, we are actually observing probabilistic reality behavior
rather than deterministic behavior. And we ourselves are not so
simple anymore. We don’t have a light bulb in our head that either
burns or doesn’t. Our psyche is much more complex. And our
interaction with reality is even more complicated.
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Therefore, when making assumptions, “what if” does not

mean absolute laws and strict algorithms, but trends and
probabilities. You’ve probably pointed out that transerfing
doesn’t have laws, it’s just principles. For example, the stronger
the desire (desire and fear), the less likely you are to get what
you want. But no one claims that you will not achieve anything
if you are a little scared. Conversely, if you have the same
"mustard grain size faith," you will be able to overthrow the
mountains. But again, no one will tell you exactly how much
that faith is needed to achieve the result. "Mustard grain" is, of
course, a metaphor.

So there is nothing absolute. And thank God, otherwise, if

any desire or the slightest fear were to become a reality, there
would be turmoil in the world.

I get information about future cataclysms from all sides and am going to
accept them. I feel like a stalker. I walk the streets, and it feels like I’m in
some kind of world unfamiliar to me. Everyone is in a hurry, flying, selling
a lot of all kinds of spam, completely unnecessary and unpleasant.
Unnatural smells, sounds ... People's problems seem insignificant ... Is
civilization turning into a matrix? Very uncomfortable.

The stalker must observe all these manifestations of the

matrix away. Let them be. You will not be able to "beat" all this
somehow. On the contrary, with this approach you will collect
unnecessary spam in your world. It’s not worth showing
antipathy to what you don’t like and actively expressing your
dissatisfaction or, worse, engaging in a battle with the
pendulums. That’s what you feel hostility for, usually
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controls your thoughts, thus abundantly filling the layer of your

world. It is necessary to do the opposite - to accept what is
annoying (as if to “get to know”), to surrender through oneself,
and to wave a goodbye hand. When you run it, you will run it too.

I have a problem here. I am a fan of Western values, a liberal, a Democrat. As

you can see, what is happening now in Russia (the move to a totalitarian system)
is like a plague to me. What to do? It is probably impossible to completely remove
politics from life.
In general, I try to ignore news about disasters, massacres, and so on. But there
are still a lot of negative things pouring out of the internet and the media, and it is
impossible to distance ourselves from this. As soon as I see the first-person photos,
I get annoyed. What to do? It seems to me that the daily annoyance nullifies all my
efforts in the field of transerfusion.

You make the mistake of associating the society you live in

with the prosperity of your world. It may seem strange at first
glance, but there is no connection here. You can be both happy
and unhappy in any state, both totalitarian and democratic. All
the more so because the difference between the first and
second is essentially only decorative. You can play any play
with any decorations. Once you realize this, you will no longer
care about politics.

I want to inquire about bad intentions. You wrote that it would end badly for
someone who sent such an intention. I would like to know why this is happening.
After all, if I am firmly convinced that I will not suffer for anything, will it have to? Who
is working too hard here? The law of cosmic justice that punishes the offender?
But did you say there is no karma? In addition, there is black magic whose adepts
are aware of their actions and are not afraid to be punished.
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Karma is not for you if it is not in your "configuration file". Karma is

a subjective thing, as is destiny. Whoever has been reconciled to the
fate will be like him. And he who has taken control of destiny into his
own hands will be ruled.

But there is an objective law of boomerang: if you give someone a

bad wish, they will come back to you, one way or another, in one
form or another. After all, the world is a mirror, as you shout, it will
The situation is different with black magicians. They do not act
directly, but through their pendulums, so the boomerang does not
return to them. So in order to annoy someone, you need to be able
to use the appropriate pendulum or not do such things at all.
It's not worth it.

I studied at various spiritual development centers for several years. But after a
while it became clear to me that, although the methodologies were very effective,
they did not bring me closer to the most important goal - a life without worries. It
was "treading on the spot, constantly dancing." That result did not satisfy me.
Although my own achievements after almost seven years of "jumping" practice
were quite impressive - I was able to handle the weather with tolerance, such as
stopping the rain, materializing plots of land, cars, etc. But the wave of success
did not rise, there was no problem-free life. After the victory, I still suffered defeat.

To give your world a stable, trouble-free state, you need to

systematically and continuously apply the principle of intent
coordination and the amalgam technique described in the book The
Transerfection of Reality.
The whole secret is permanence. The mirror works late,
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therefore, a stable reality is created not by one-off efforts but by

established habits and mindsets.
Amalgam and coordination must become a habit. It is necessary
and enough for you to fly on a wave of success.
Everything is simple: thoughts and actions need to be constant
and consistent. But people usually act inconsistently - it catches
fire quickly and cools down, which is why they get a string of
black stretches in their lives, which is sometimes interrupted by
temporary "jumps".

I lost a state of integrity and inner joy. I try to remember what it was like to feel,
but nothing comes out. There are a lot of thoughts in it, they are intertwined, and
not a single complete idea. I don’t panic, but I really don’t like the current state.
What can be done in such circumstances? I know what I want: self-confidence,
spiritual comfort and joy.

The reality needs to be corrected - to take your layer of the

world out of the cloudy cloud into a clean realm of variant space.
How to do it?
There is one recipe as simple as all that is brilliant.
How to calm a crying child? Persuasion will not help.
You need to talk to him, take care of him, empathize with him,
pay attention to him. When you feel bad , a child is crying in you.
Take care of it. Although many of us look serious, solid, brave,
etc., basically we are all children. Remember that. Take the
carousel - do what you like best. Take a special break to correct
the reality and just relax without thinking about worries. Tell
yourself, “I’m going with my world today
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take a walk! ”The time is worth it, because the layer needs to
be cleaned - a lot depends on it. Buy your favorite treats: "Eat,
pigeons, you will be stronger." Spend the whole day for yourself,
for your pleasures. Take care of yourself, lay yourself carefully
in bed : "Sleep, dove, your world will take care of everything."
Then make a little effort to turn the principle of coordinating
intent, as well as the techniques of transforming reality —
configuration, ray of focus, movie projector, and boomerang —
into a habit, a way of thinking about you and perceiving the
world. And once a day comes when you will tell yourself: I can
do anything.

ÿ What you focus on is concentrated in your world. ÿ Your mind can take over
what you are actively opposing.
ÿ When someone stops caring for you, it disappears from your life and vice versa
- All you have to do is "hook up" for something, and it starts all the time
to chase.
ÿ The layer of the world moves where it is attracted by the ray of attention.
ÿ You can play any play with any decorations.
ÿ But not everything is determined by thoughts, because the world is dual, and different people
the layers may overlap.
ÿ Due to the complexity of the system, the behavior of reality is not determined but
ÿ Stable reality is not created by a single effort, but
established habits and mindset.
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Notes in the margins

In the following, we will examine, on the basis of specific examples, the issues
which usually arise in the creation of their world.
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Is it possible to "put" a specific person in the target slide?

By managing your layer of the world with transerfusion

techniques, you materialize everything you intend to have from
the space of variations. Similarly, when you go to the store, you
bring home the items you need. The space of options actually
contains all the goodies that can be materialized: a house, a car,
a yacht, a successful career, etc. It is a template that stores
scripts and decorations. And is there something there that isn’t
There is no love or hate of yours, no spiritual comfort or
depressed mood, joy or sorrow.
Do you understand what's not there? There is no soul in you.
And do you know the difference between the real people and
the characters in the space of variations you meet in dreams?
Those characters, unlike humans, have no soul and no self-
awareness. They are just templates, dummies or supposedly
live programs. If you try to ask someone in a conscious dream,
for example, "And do you know that I am asleep and dreaming
of you?", You will not hear anything but a stupid laugh instead
of an answer, because they cannot understand the meaning of such questio
The characters of the dreams act according to the default
scenario as the heroes of a computer game or movie. What is
assigned to them in the film you are watching will be.
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Of course, there are an infinity of such films with different scripts.

Therefore, the behavior of the characters can vary plastically, depending
on the expectations of the mind, which is both the viewer and the film
mechanic (idea generator). The dream-watching mind adjusts the script
with its expectations and concepts, so the film changes at the same
The illusion is that a person does not dream a dream, but lives it as a
real life. But it is still an illusion. Everything that happens there is not
reality, although at the same time it actually and objectively exists (by
analogy: cinema is an illusion, and a film in a box is a reality). And the
characters there are not living, but soulless patterns.

What happens when you "put" a specific person on your slide? You
illuminate a film of attention from the space of variations with that person
's character - his template. Any meaning? After all, he is not there -
alive. It’s the same as watching a movie and assuming you’re actually
interacting with the band’s hero. The same can be said of summoning
the "dead spirits." Participants in spiritualism sessions are naive about
communicating with the "dead" - people who once died and are now
settled somewhere in the world. In fact, the "persons" they interact with
have never been born or ever died. These are still the same characters
of dreams - casts, copies, films, which, as they lay, still lie somewhere
on the shelves of the variant space.

And here the originals themselves - the souls of the dead - have long
since been reborn in a new body, or are floating only in spheres
accessible to God.
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Of course, you can basically watch a slide where you are

together and love each other. It is a scenario, so it is in the
space of variants and it can theoretically be pulled from the
metaphysical world into the physical, that is, materialized. But I
repeat: the other person is not a passive object, but a living
being who is actively realizing his intention. Maybe you can do
this with a slide, but it won’t be very effective because a living
person doesn’t sit incessantly in space, and runs somewhere all
the time. As long as you create his slide, he will soon find a "more earthly" p
In general, exposure to humans is contrary to the principles
of transerfusion. In the store you can choose any product. But if
you try to grab something there by the elbow and stretch it out,
what will come of it? That's the whole problem. Or maybe a
person doesn’t need your salivation at all, which you are
potentially trying to impose on him on your love slide?

I don't know what mechanisms work here, but the soul of the
person you're trying to "slide" probably feels it. And if she doesn’t
like it, a person may feel unconscious disgust at you. Do you
want that So it is better not to experiment with metaphysics, but
to make a direct connection using the principles of freestyle.
Personal relationships are when you need to interact with a
living person, not fly in clouds and dreams. And if you haven’t
seen anything yet, use a slide with some abstract person, ideal.
Then at some point you will meet someone close to this ideal.
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And if I imagine a happy person ("energy delicacy") - why is there no violation

here? You wrote that it is a gift on a mental level.
In my particular case, that man is a girl. I just try to imagine giving her love to her
without expecting anything in return. But if it is not possible to create a slide for a
particular person, then why is it possible to give an energetic gift, because it is also
the imagination of a person in a situation that is not typical for him?

You give her love! And are you sure she needs your love?
Does the technique of energetic gifts claim that you have to
give a person pleasure? It says that you have to imagine a
person in a situation where he is happy with himself: riding a
bike, sitting with a glass of beer, playing football, etc. You are
completely unnecessary in this picture. The book also says you
still have to guess what gift to give.
Therefore, look sincerely at the person: what situation will be
pleasant for him, what he lacks. And it’s not just a slide, it’s
your energetic gift. Man is happy near you because there is
what he lacks in your rays of energy.
You need to read books more carefully. Just read, at least
for the first time, not listen. Because the one who listens just
misses a lot. And reading is just a book, not an electronic text.
The book is a living being. When you interact with her directly,
she helps you. That is an indisputable fact.

What to do if the goal is a person, a potential partner in a love affair? My goal

is to find someone who will fully satisfy the need for mutual love. I do a good
job of visualizing the image. But it has been going on for quite some time and
there are no signs or any signs that the situation will change. In fact, I’ve been
living the visualization of a target slide for over a decade.
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There are two possible reasons for this. First: blank visualization.
The slide must be in the "tape" of intent. You must not just imagine
the pictures of the fulfillment of desires, but rather the intention to
achieve the result, and finally to go towards the goal. Second, you
pass through the opening door as if you could not see anything.
or hear If
both causes have some effect, the situation is as follows.

I was going to mushroom in the woods. I wander there and

imagine how many mushrooms I picked, how I cooked them and
ate them. The slide is ideal in all respects. There is only one thing
missing: all my thoughts and actions are for visualization - I just
dream, staring at the tops of the trees and not looking at all under
my feet. Or maybe I left the bag at home. Do I "mushroom" at all
while lying on the couch? The mushrooms on the couch will not
bounce on their own, however you need to go and collect them.

There is no way I can accept myself as I am. It is to accept and to love.

I am forever on my own terms: if I were beautiful, then I would love myself, etc. Deep
down, I realize that this is all stupid habits. But I have some flaws in appearance: a scar
on my lips, a crooked nose ... Although, in fact, I'm a pretty likeable girl, but these flaws
ruin everything. It is not they themselves who are right, but my painful attitude towards
them. The whole time I thought I would be left alone because of the looks.

But at the age of twenty I got married and gave birth to a daughter. And yet constantly
i felt like i was doing something not that. My husband was a great man, good, caring,
and most importantly, he loved me and my daughter. It seemed to me that I loved him
too. But ... As far as I can remember, I felt unhappy all my marriage. I don’t know why I
cried all the time. And I couldn’t explain the reason for the tears. I just felt like the soul
was crying sadly like a child.
And here once a family friend brought us audio books about transerfection.
I was very interested, I started watching the target slide. And what?
Triggered. But the way I did, maybe it couldn’t be done. I imagined
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being happy, loved, and most importantly - loving, but only with another person, not
with husband.

And everything went to the dog on the tail. He felt something and left me. To
be frank, I’m glad he left. It has become so easy and cozy in the heart, but ...
He, my husband, still loves me and suffers, can in no way forgive.
And here I met one person online. We started communicating.
He arrived later. I really enjoyed it. It was as if someone had pierced me. But he
apparently didn’t feel anything like that to me. Our relationship somehow didn’t stick
together. He left, but said we could communicate. The only trouble is that he doesn’t
keep in touch. Calls are not answered. And when he did respond anyway, it stated
that we would communicate, but later, you hear, we have to wait. And how long to
wait? I don’t want to lose it. I want to recover. All the more so because he didn't tell me
"no". I now envision him and myself as a happy couple as the target slide. Is that

One simple truth needs to be well understood. First, if your

other half left you, then it is not your side. You think to yourself:
can your other half leave you?
Nonsense. But people, for their own misfortune, usually don’t
understand this simple thing. Second, if a person leaves, it is
impossible to bring him back. Whoever thinks otherwise is
seriously mistaken. Everything is simple here too. No psychological
tricks are required. Even if you manage to bring something back
sometimes, nothing good comes out of it. But that’s another topic,
and we’ll get back to it later.
In fact, you have nothing to recover because you have lost
nothing. It is not worth comforting yourself with illusions and
wasting your life time. Not that much time anymore. It is
encouraging that he did not say 'no' directly. But it is far from
always possible for everyone to say no to this. And there are
people who don’t know how to pronounce at all
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"No". Also, be aware that if a woman's situation: "I didn't say yes, my
lord." - You did not say no, but rather show encouraging uncertainty,
which means a clear negative answer to the man. The mentality of
men in this respect is quite unambiguous, you can even say "black
and white".
You can only create a slide show for a specific person if there is
no other way out. But it would not be worthwhile for you to do this
because you did not agree with your other half. When you meet a
man for you, you won't have to fight for him - he's in your arms.
And you will probably have trouble with that. So there is nothing to
grieve about. Use amalgam technique and coordination of intent.

Due to imperfections in appearance. What a trifle! On the contrary,

such shortcomings, which do not meet common standards, only add
spice. Do you think only puppets stand out in the eyes of men?
Nonsense. In this regard, you can completely calm down and accept
yourself as a newborn baby as you are.
Then all those around you will receive you. The world around you is
just a mirror.

You are probably right. But how do I understand "I'll have trouble with it"? So even
if I somehow manage to put it back into my life, there will be no happiness with it?

The thing is, if the door is yours, they welcome you, everything
goes smoothly and pleasantly. And if something goes wrong from the
beginning, the door opens first, and then it hits its nose, so it's foreign.
Sometimes you can sneak through them, but usually nothing good
comes out of it. Therefore, there is absolutely no regret here.
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The same goes for your other half. You just haven’t been able to
accept yours yet. You are not alone. Many people have the same
problem. Finding your goal and the other half are the two most difficult
tasks in life. Everything else is banal.
It is characteristic of the soul to admire and fall in love. And it often
seems to her that she has found what she has. But it turns out later
that it was only a short-lived fascination. You need not despair and
keep looking. If there is an intention, everything will work out.

Apparently, creating a human slide is a kind of rushing into his reality, into his
inner world. But I would still like to know what the consequences would be if I
imagined it in the future on my target slide ... What could happen? I need to know
what this could end up with and understand if I will have to answer for it?

It will not end with anything and you will not face any responsibility
unless you feel guilty. The moral responsibility lies with those who used
the services of a magician to entice someone. These are dirty
technologies. An ordinary person cannot directly reach the
consciousness of another person. Pendulums can. The magician gains
access using a pendulum.
If the goal is achieved, the customer gets "love turned into a zombie".
Understandably, such artificial happiness sooner or later turns into
You can only include a person in your world layer in a slide.
You may see each other more often and you may have a chance to
make a connection. But to make this person fall in love with a slide will
not work. And here the opposite result can certainly be achieved if, as
I said, his soul feels that its slide is being created, and if it does not like
it. And that doesn't like it, almost
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undoubtedly. Imagine you are unconscious and someone is enjoying

your body without your knowledge.
On the other hand, if you already really want to somehow involve a
person in your life and there is no other way, you can opt for such
extremes as a slide with a particular person. Just doing it, as you
probably understand, requires being sincere and tactful. That is, don’t
allow yourself what you couldn’t afford in reality.

Summary ÿ It
is not necessary to create a slide for a specific person, as this is inefficient
and the result can be the opposite.
ÿ You can only create a slide for a specific person if there is no other
way out.

ÿ You can only include a person in your world in a slide. ÿ It is not just
a picture of the fulfillment of desires that needs to be imagined, but an intention to achieve
score and finally go towards the goal.

Notes in the margins

A personal relationship is a case where you need to communicate live
man. Use freestyle. More about it in the book “Realities
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If the "intention to have" has already formed, do I still have to start visualizing?

When there is an intention to have, such questions will no longer

arise because you will already get what you are going to have. And
since you are still asking, you will still have to work.
If the intention is to be pure, free from the impurities of hesitation
and fear, the Eternal Gatekeeper will let you into the mall of options
space, and you will easily take what is yours. Let’s remember the
classic example with a newsstand. You will no doubt get your morning
newspaper (determination to have).
You go quietly and buy it at the kiosk (determination to act). When the
determination to have and act is pure, you definitely get what you want.
Want to walk on water? Please.
And if there are at least the slightest hesitation or fear, you will have
to work with the target slide, it will not go away. The task of the work -
to pump the intention of faith, as a hydraulic pump does: albeit a little,
a drop, but regularly and purposefully. Such systematic actions
accumulate enormous power. At the same time, your comfort zone
expands, and in reality, noticeable transformations take place around
you. From the sector of metaphysical space that you stubbornly
enlighten your attention to, the physical layer of your world is simply
pumping what was not and could not be there before. This is how the
"hydraulics" of your intent work.
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And to further strengthen my faith, I will present it again to readers

feedback that speaks for itself.

I feel like Neo in the Matrix suddenly realizes that it's all an illusion.
Transerfing helped me firmly believe that the world is nothing. And I look at him without fear and
with joy, as in childhood. Of course, sometimes you forget, start to squirm, covered in pointless
anxiety, but later get rid of hallucinations. You have really opened up freedom for me and I can do
with it what I want. For example, set your own rules and live by them without forgetting that I created
them myself. And pick up everything I want. Enrich the lives of those who like. A miraculous feeling
that turned out I felt as a child.

Anyway, the world is not entirely illusory. It consists of two

components: tangible and intangible. That, too, should not be
forgotten. But one of the amazing properties of this duality is that we
can stretch things from the metaphysical world to the physical.

The variant space, unlike the information store, provides an

opportunity to realize one or another variant of events. You can not
only take the record off the shelf and watch it, but also run your
broadcast, so your cinema will be shown in reality.

I accepted transerfection right away as part of my life. It didn’t take long to get results, but it was
just a snag. I need a car - please extend the apartment - without any problems, and the options
seem to have found me themselves. But I could not imagine that the power of intent is infinite,
that it knows no boundaries such as space and time.

In a word, I used to live like everyone else, everything was like everyone else, but nothing good.
The soul begged, prayed erroneously, to do it alone, and the mind, influenced by the
"benefactors," did the exact opposite. This continued until the soul came to the mind and said, “Give,
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I'll try, leave the wheel, just one cartel, a minute. ”The mind reluctantly agreed. An
impossible thing happened. Reality has changed in a day! The mind was shocked, and
the soul sang and flew! I understood the way that has a heart!
Everyone is the ruler of his world, he has been crippled by a society (matrix)
since childhood. Therefore, when making any decisions, especially in the most
important moments of life, all you have to do is send all the “benefactors” and
advisors as far as possible, dive into silence, turn off the stupid TV, go to the forest,
close the room, stop turning your head for and against and just listen to the quiet voice of
your heart. Her answer will be the only right one, even if it is illogical.

After all, in a person's life, everything needed for happiness is always in his presence.
And if a person has found a way with the heart, then everything else (all kinds of material
goods) will appear automatically when needed. And I don’t just think so, I KNOW it. Good
luck and happiness to all! There is nothing impossible in life! The most important thing is
not to be upset under any circumstances! Life is much more mysterious and wonderful
than the bravest fiction.

I can only add that sometimes it is necessary to turn

off not only the TV that is on the outside, but also the one
that is on the inside. Strange as it may seem, people
can’t do one basic thing: stop, sit at a table, take a piece
of paper and a pen, and set out the demands of the world
and their place in it. Unable to form its own configuration
file so that later, albeit once a day, when awakened, it
could install it on its own layer of the world as an operating
system. No one does this. Very strange. People run it
screwed. There is never forever, everything is later, and
finally, everything is never. However, try to set up the
configuration as described in one of the previous
newsletters and you will see that this is, firstly, a really
noteworthy task and secondly, you will make sure that it
gives results.
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And another example, very obvious from a practical point of


I drive to work. Both on the way to work and back I sometimes carry people raising their hands.
Not only because the extra 50-300 rubles a day will not hurt me. I still like it. I like to drive a
I like the element of excitement in this activity. Likes to interact with

strangers (true, not always and not with everyone). These 2-3 hours a day
have almost nothing to do with everything else in mine
life. I leave home, immerse myself in this game for an hour and a half, go to work and there -
another world, another life.
Another working day is coming to an end - and here the car turns around for an hour or two,
rarely three, inevitably approaching home. I could not do that. But then I would lose not only a
certain amount of money to be compensated from the salary, but also some extra meaning in my
And this one fine day I got acquainted with transerfing. And the following thought came to my
mind: after all, this move from home to work can be thought of as a kind of "transfusion model." It’s
like a tiny life: with a start, an end, a path, successes and failures, coincidences and regularities,
possible tragedies (an accident), the hope of happy encounters (like the Amazing Stranger sitting
in my car), angry enemies (traffic cops hiding in the bushes with radar ) etc

And most importantly, the whole process depends entirely on my CHOICE. From
which route I choose. Whether or not I will sit here is this unshaven man who raises his hand and
is struck by vodka and poorly washed linen. Whether I pass through this intersection with a yellow
light, stop obediently at the stop line, etc. Also, if we dig deeper, the outcome of this little trip really
depends entirely on my choice. In all respects. Everything that happens on my path depends on
what my choice was before!

By the way, what is the RESULT in this case? First of all, of course, only in numbers
expressed outcome - how much money was made. But that's far from it.
There is still a condition that involves me coming to work or home. It can be either some kind of
unpleasant, bad sediment, or, conversely, light, good
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mood after a successful pleasant journey, after communicating with sympathetic

Once I realized that these trips were in full compliance with the principles that
a transferor should follow, I decided to try to follow these rules:

ÿ Reduce the significance of the digital result of a trip to zero.

If I earn anything - great. If you don't see it, it will be better
tomorrow. ÿ Never fight for a client, do not try to beat
someone, do not negotiate, never take people who are
uncomfortable with something. ÿ When planning a route, plan
less and rely entirely on certain internal impulses: drive where
you want, where you are, on a route where there is more
spiritual comfort.

ÿ Give way to everyone, never get involved in pointless races.

ÿ Perhaps most importantly - NEVER and NOT FOR
ANYTHING to regret, not to despair, even when I am simply
arrogantly deceived.

For example, I ride the first lane on Marshal Zhukov Avenue,

I see a girl in a white jacket raising her hand, inside I am already
happy - she thinks! And at that moment, an old rusty car pops
out of the nearby lane, throws me across the road, so I have to
press the brakes "to the bottom," and successfully catches MY
girl. In the past, I would have had a greasy curse in my mind
(and maybe a voice), put in the days of a dog and the owner of
a rubble, and for some reason a girl, and
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(most importantly!) - myself, for missing out. Now I try to smile

in such circumstances as well - well and stupid, get drunk, dove
and so on. And the girl is not the last?
We will find another, even better one!
It works all 100 percent. In the past, if the trip started with any
failure, I was upset and everything went wrong somehow. Now
that it doesn’t matter to me (or almost doesn’t matter), a failed
(old understanding) start does NOT respond in any way to the
next trip.
And here’s the specific question: Has my earnings increased?
I will answer openly - I don't know! Maybe yes. Or maybe not, I
just didn’t count. Either way, there was no "jump" in earnings.
But I noticed an obvious change elsewhere. Now I have some
completely different people on the road! Somewhere in the
rough drunken company, which had to ventilate the cabin for a
long time, the arrogant types that immediately started teaching
me how to drive a car, even the people of Caucasian nationality
(against whom I already have nothing) somehow declined. On
the other hand, there has been an increase in the number of
sympathetic couples, women in their forties, men who (like me)
enjoy classic rock and football. It’s as if reducing internal tension
has affected my layer of the world, painting it in brighter and
better tones.

Summary ÿ
People run into it. Not forever ever, everything later, and finally -
everything never. However, we need to stop procrastinating and start living
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ÿ Continuous work with a targeted slide will inflate your intentions of faith,
as does the hydraulic pump, albeit little by little, after the drop, but regularly and

Notes on the margins There are no

thoughts in the head. They are in the space of options. When you engage in
visualization, you basically pick up the film you need from there and start watching your own
cinema. If this is done long enough, cinema will materialize
in reality. This is the "pulling" out of the variants of the reality you need
the principle of space.
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We continue to examine some of the tricky issues of

transertification in depth. Judging from the letters, a lot of white
spots are still in the slide technique.

The thing is, I already really know what I want. I want to live for myself,
have my own home, travel, improve, learn languages and more. I don't want to
have my (let me love) my job. Legacy or other investment must become a means
to an end. Am I right that I only work with the target slide where I virtually live in
my house, sometimes driving a car? Do I have to create a slide where I sign the
inheritance documents?

The slide must have a picture of the goal achieved, that is,
one's own house, travel, etc. Signing inheritance documents is
no longer a goal but a means. There is no need to program a
tool to achieve its purpose if you do not know enough about it.
How the goal is achieved is not your business. The task of the
mind is to focus on the target slide, otherwise the process will
only get stuck. If you are constantly focused on the picture,
where you are already enjoying all the goodies, after a while the
corresponding door will open - the path leading to the goal. Who
will be through the door is unknown. But they will only open if
you do not know or think about them at this stage. Just give
yourself the pleasure of watching the target slide. And when the
door opens, the soul and mind will have to agree that the
measure is appropriate. Once agreed, everything will work out.
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All my conscious life I felt like I was banging my head on an invisible wall. On the
other hand, I have always been haunted by the feeling, even the knowledge, that beyond
this wall there is a wonderful, great infinity in which everything is possible.
Pain and vanity led me from one book to another. With each new book, at
first a frantic joy caused by a new worldview, and then a sadness that everything is
back on track.
The pain remains. Life does not change.
Your books, as before, bring indescribable joy. Of course, a little
I am so worried that, as in previous cases, it will pass. But in my kingdom these
experiences are allowed.
I'm having trouble with the slide technique. What a slide to have like it
to create?

Life doesn’t change just because you’re constantly, as if

enchanted, watching the movie screen and you’re alive only with
the joy of how amazing the images that show you can be. When
reading alien books, you are watching alien slides. From that, of
course, nothing will change.
Cinema, television, other media and even books are all a world
of illusions, an ingenious invention of the matrix designed to block
a person's ability to create their own reality. No matter what the
child does, it is not up to him or her to create a disturbance that
disrupts the orderly process of movement of the system. The
system moves where it needs it. And where do you need it?

No one will make your own slides for you. You eventually have
to stop admiring a foreign movie and start making your own. The
rule of the game is very simple: whatever band spins in your
head, that kind of cinema and you will watch in your reality.
Imagine this not as it should be done "according to the
instructions", but as it comes out. Exactly how it comes out because
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visualization is a very individual thing, and it is different for everyone.

There are no special instructions here.
The most important condition: now play the role you have yourself,
and perform it in a way that gives pleasure.

I work with the target slide, but there’s no way I can disconnect my brain. Many
problems immediately arise in the head. True, without any reason (what others will think,
and how it looks from the side, it is impossible at all, and how, what, etc., etc.). As if I
understand everything - these are pendulums, they need to be ignored, but they do not
go out, thoughts spin non-stop. Drink - my head goes off, but I don't want to drink, and I
don't see another way.

There is no need to clog your thought mixer.

On the contrary, it is a rather demanding and completely pointless
occupation from a technical point of view.
You don't have to turn off your "movie projector", but put the right
movie tape in there. If your own cinema projector stops, consciousness
will fly to another cinema that will be someone other than you (no
one knows).
The thoughts of outsiders will arise, it is inevitable, that is our mind.
The most important thing is that the main vector of your thoughts
shows the goal. You may doubt, be afraid, even fall into despair, but
in spite of everything, keep coming back to the target slide.

My company designs and manufactures clothes for young people, they are sold in
the stores of our customers to whom we send the goods for sale. I want to improve
sales with visualization. I was faced with a dilemma: it is necessary to visualize how a
buyer enters each store and buys our clothes, but after all, there are many stores and
not one of the goods?
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In this case, it is not necessary to "see" how well the goods

are sold. It is enough to firmly declare the form of thoughts. For
example, 1 can use the intent generator technique of
visualization, only with a formulated idea as your declaration of
intent. By declaring your intention, you are sending an image
into the world mirror that will sooner or later appear in the
reflection. The most important thing is to do it constantly.
Remember that the mirror responds with a delay.

Mudu and I discussed the dream of each of us and realized that they almost
coincided. We dream of having our own house on the coast, which will be our
residence, a Porsche, a yacht and traveling around the world. But you are not
writing anywhere that a dream can be shared by two. This raises visualization
issues. Even after telling each other about the house, furniture, yard, yacht, etc.,
we still imagine them differently. Will it not hinder the realization of the dream and
the transition to the desired lines of life? Maybe the visualization should take one
person? Or maybe engage in visualization for each of us and it won’t stop us? After
all, our visualization is based on a common dream. The man was longing for the
yacht, it wasn’t in my dream. I have accepted it in my mind, and the soul cannot yet.
It seems to me to be very expensive (although, paradoxically, I logically understand
that land and house will be much more expensive to separate).

Visualization can and should be done in two. Put only your

attributes on the slide. For example, if your yacht is not
interested, there is no need to rape yourself. Instead, discard
geographic realities in the first step. Don't worry about being
overly luxurious. The most important thing is that it is in the
comfort zone. Although, as you know, the comfort zone can be
expanded with slides. Don’t think about how and when the goal
will be achieved. Work on the slide and wait. You may have to
wait several years. And what do you want? Variant spaces
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the sector where you live in a chic house is quite far from the current reality. It
takes time for your reality to move into that sector. So be patient and keep
working on the slide technique. If you do not give up your goal, you will achieve

You say you can’t visualize a particular person as your couple. And if you’re already
a couple, then you can take a visualization of how good you are together and getting
even better?

What matters is not whether it is possible or not, and whether it is worth it. If
you’re already a couple, it’s time to stop visualizing and, in fact, engage in love.
Love comes once, and comes by itself. But when it appears, it needs to be
nurtured and ignited like a fire in a fireplace. Personal relationships can be
maintained according to the principles of freestyle, the slides are no longer
used here. It’s a concrete job, not just a fun pastime. But it’s not that complicated
anymore. The most important principle here is to orient the vector of attention
and intention correctly: not to receive, but to give. You are standing in front of a
mirror, so you just need to take the first step to get the image moving towards
you. As soon as you give up the intention to receive and replace it with the
intention to give, you get what you have given up. Everything is really simple,
but if this work is not done, love will soon fade.

Is there an excess potential if I visualize that I already have what I want, but I'm so
happy that sometimes even tears are shed? I do the same in my life - if I am very
happy with something, I can even cry out of happiness and gratitude. Is that an
excess potential too?
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Rejoice as much as it does, it won’t hurt. Only the slides need to

be watched constantly, purposefully, then the euphoria will subside
and the result will be.

I love watching mystical, horror and fighting movies. But watching such films, one gets
excited about the main character and even to some extent identifies with him. It turns out
that the thoughts of a viewer who regularly watches such films or reads similar books are
broadcast to the negative sectors of the space of variations and must be realized?

The answer is yes. If you give up the role of an active creator

and become completely immersed in the role of a passive viewer,
a user of external information (and for many people this is exactly
what happens), your ability to create your own reality disappears.
And then, for example, if the "Vladimir Central Prison" is constantly
spinning in your ears, eyes and thoughts , you will end up there.
What your focus is on will inevitably appear in one form or another
in your life.

I want to connect the future with cinema and, more precisely, with directing. So
far, I don’t see an opportunity to embark on a journey to my destination, but I’m not
worried about that, I leave it to external intent. But then you need to watch the slide of
the final goal. This is where I face difficulties.

Imagine everything to do with your future job.

Don’t consider what’s right and what’s not - just give yourself pleasure
in your virtual reality. When the door starts to turn, you will see for
yourself what to do next and how to proceed.
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Already as a teenager I woke up in a dream, that is, I realized that I was asleep.
Every time I got into a dream, I usually checked at first: is it a dream? I shook some
nonsense or something I can’t do in reality - if it worked, then move on!

Successful periods of life when I felt like I was on my way to success

waves, it seemed to me that my world was a dream, and I was the master of it.
The power of thought demolished the buildings, I flew like a superman at rocket
speed, I walked through the walls, I literally had as much fun as I could. And it was
easy, because I had the stereotype that a dream is my world, and I do what I want
But the question is different. There is an idea in your books: if you think about what
is bad, bad is coming. But for some reason I have talent: the brighter the image and
the more realistic I imagine any future event, the less likely it is to happen.

I deliberately can’t force myself to draw colorful pictures about one or the other
other possible events. Anyway, the brightest slides should be realized. But in reality,
for some reason, the dullest is realized.
Forever searching for various truths and striving to understand the world
structure, I am increasingly convinced that there are no ideas. There is only,
as you call it, the unity of soul and mind. And ideas are part of the material world, and
we create them ourselves.

What is truth is truth. No one knows and probably will know

how our world is really made up, because the worldview is not
static and not "monotonous", but extremely versatile in its
manifestations, as an endless series of reflections between two
mirrors placed in front of each other. Have you tried accessing
one mirror with another mirror in your hand? What you will see
there is exactly the most adequate model in our world - the
infinity of mirror reflections. We can examine and understand
only some reflections - one or another manifestation of a
multifaceted reality. With what concept (mirror) will you access
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the mirror of the world, such a reflection and you will see. If your
mirror is based on the principles of materialism, you will get a
corresponding picture of the world. And if idealism (whether
subjective or objective), the world will also agree and create a
completely logical and inconsistent reflection.
So we need to be content with models that at least roughly
explain who we are and what kind of world we live in. As many
world models as you take, so many will be.
The other thing is important: what can be achieved with one model or another.
For example, to construct an atomic bomb or to create a
humanistic society that coexists harmoniously with the planet’s
biosphere; to swim passively downstream or to consciously
control one’s destiny.
Due to the realization or non-realization of slides, the letter
contains two key phrases: "... it seemed to me that my world is
a dream, and I am the master of it" and "I cannot consciously
force myself to draw colorful pictures".
The image of the slide must be drawn on the canvas of intent,
not hanging in the imaginary space. When you imagined being
the master of reality in a dream, there was no need for intention,
because the feeling of "I can do everything" was not in the zone
of faith or unbelief - it was like a matter of course, indisputable.
What the soul and mind accept unconditionally, without
immediate discussion, preoccupied
is impeccably mirror
with realized.
observing But
is a
mirror than realizing its intention, so it does little to succeed.
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To succeed, you need to control your "movie projector"

consciously. And if the picture quality is poor, then you need to
take this fortress with a permanent cloak, that is, watch your
cinema systematically.
You created quality slides spontaneously, unconsciously, so
they hung in the space of imagination and had no power. And
here are the faint pictures that you deliberately tried to draw
over time. That’s why I adviseimportance
you not toto
much The
most important line of success is constant and purposeful work.

ÿ The slide should show a picture of the goal achieved, not a script and tools
to reach him.

ÿ Whatever band you have in your head, you will watch such a movie in your own reality.
ÿ There is no need to interrupt the internal monologue. The most important thing is that of yours
the thought vector would show the goal.

ÿ When it is difficult to create a visual image, an oral form of thought can be used, yes
as well as the intention generator technique.

ÿ Personal relationships should be maintained according to the principles of freestyle, slide

unnecessary here.

ÿ If “Vladimir’s Central
prison ", you will be there. ÿ The slide art

should be drawn on the intent canvas, not the other way around

to hang in the imaginary space.

ÿ If the image quality is poor, take this fortress with a permanent cloak,
it is to systematically watch your cinema.
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Notes in the margins

In fact, all of these questions are simple and straightforward, but we’ll cover them in detail

we discuss because the very principle of “watching your own cinema” is not as clear as
it seems.

1 The technique is described in the book The Transfiguration of Life.

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You wrote that you need to watch the slide for at least half an hour a day. It
stuck deep in my mind. If we look at it from the side, it is clear that this "half hour" is
a conditional thing, the same as "brushing your teeth" or "exercising". What is
important is not so much regularity and necessity as systematic, periodic adjustment
to the target frequency. But in reality, everything turns into a small nightmare.
That's right. For a few days or a week, I watch the slide for at least half an hour
every day, and everything is great. But let's say, one fine day, I wake up to the idea
that I "need" time for a slide, and I'm immediately scared that there may be no free
time. The mind does not want to listen to anything: it increases the excess potential
in such a way that any, even alleged, threat to the regularity of working with the slide
causes terrible anxiety and everything freezes in the chest. The goal significance
arrow is stuck at the highest point. I immediately remember your words that
visualization does not have to turn into a heavy duty, and this involves even greater
anxiety. Magical wheel. And more precisely - insane!

You need to run yourself occasionally, give yourself a day off

and not work at all. Castaneda calls this practice "inaction."
When you consciously allow yourself to do nothing, the
accumulated energy of excess potential is dissipated, as it is
when you do something. And the intention for future action
strains like a temple. And when, after doing nothing, this temple
moves, the previously accumulated force is released.
Another way. To make constant work a burden, make it a
habit, but initially it will take some willpower. Later, when work
becomes a habit, it will no longer be tiring.
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Better yet, develop a habit of watching the slide in the background

mode when managing day-to-day affairs. most effective. Or
Whatever you do, keep coming back to your goal, compare the
information you receive with what you are striving for. In other words,
always keep the target film on your projector at all times. Act
consciously and don’t worry about anything.

For visualization. I’ve been a little confused with him lately, or maybe I’ve been
overwhelmed. Is it worth wasting time and wasting effort imagining a complete
and clear picture, or is it still the way it goes?

It is not worth raping yourself, it requires concentration, not zeal.

Concentration and zeal are different things.
Better just give yourself pleasure. It is always easier for us to focus
on what makes us happy.

I set a goal to get an apartment because I live in a dorm. At first, when I

imagined a new home, my heart was filled with joy, wanting to jump, sing,
and dance. But I later realized that this is not quite the goal I need to pursue.
You don't want an apartment in the city, but on the highway - thoughts about it
give you more pleasure. But the situation is that now I am primarily interested
in moving into my home, and for good reason, I am not yet ready for global
change (outside the comfort zone).

You need to order everything at once. This will both expand your
comfort zone and guide you to a line of life that will one way or
another lead you to your destination in the closest way. Of course, if
the goal is quite ambitious and difficult, external intent may initially
provide more modest options. In that case, we should be happy
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with these modest gifts and know that precious gifts are still

Need to watch a slide show like a full-length movie? I mean

continuous events for a while with my direct involvement. Or maybe you can
watch a short excerpt many times?

As you wish. There are no strict restrictions and rules in the

slide technique. You can and should do it as you see fit and as
you see fit. When you do as comfortable as you do, you are
doing well.
The most important thing is that it is not a burden and a
pleasure, and that the slide is not an alien image on the screen,
but your own virtual life, then it will gradually become a reality
over time. There is no need to set deadlines either. It can be
said that everyone probably has their own slide technique.

I have a girlfriend, her energy is indescribably strong, so everything she wants

comes true just unbelievably. She wants to help me with things. We initially
decided she needed to visualize me with the right people and circumstances, but
she failed to do so, she never saw how my business was run. In a word, nothing
comes out of it. How can she work better for me?

Not at all. Only the layer of your world is at your service.

Everyone has their own reality, even if two people live together.
You cannot make a mental (metaphysical) impact on an alien
reality. Nor can other people affect yours. Joint efforts can
create a shared reality, only competencies need to be separated.

For example, your business is your personal business, his

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affect your girlfriend will not be able to. And it is quite real to build a common
house where you will live together.

I am studying at the Institute of Cinematography and am now making a short

film with a friend. The script is based on my experiences and partly my story.
Only the end of this movie is different from the end of my story, which hasn’t
happened yet. In addition, I play a key role in this film.
When we filmed the first scene, we realized we needed to remake the script.
Throughout the days, I think of options for ending the story. And every time I come
up with something interesting and then write it down, my life turns in the direction
of the story I’ve written. It seems to me that I will be going crazy soon.

As you can see, the mirror really works on the principle of "what kind of
film on your cinema projector, that's what cinema you watch in reality." And
if the slide is not only thought out and imagined, but also written down, the
efficiency increases significantly. That's why I advise you: don't be lazy to
write down the forms of your thoughts - this way you will simply create your
own configuration of reality. In the morning you can set a goal to achieve
something, and in the evening you can state your achievements and
progress. Both will become more and more entrenched in your mental
pattern, and hence in reality.

Everything seems clear about visualization, but how to deal with doubts? They
constantly intervene in the slide.

There is no need to fight with doubts. If they are overwhelmed, let them
linger a little in your head, then focus again firmly on the goal as if it has
already been achieved.
The arrow of attention can be distracting from time to time, most importantly,
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so that its average statistical vector strongly shows the target.

You just need to work constantly and diligently with the slides. Then
temporary hesitation will not stop.

I formulate my goal as follows: an independent, well-equipped,

luxurious life without the need to work. But what do you think the target slide
might look like, reflecting the state that that goal has already been achieved?
Of course, except for bank accounts. Just don’t think you’re writing a idler
sizzling on the couch. I am a successful professional and author of several
books. But I used to work enthusiastically in my specialty, and now (as I
approach 40) it’s starting to get frustrating.

Just keep in mind your imaginary celebration of life. Isn't it just a

bank account? Live virtually in your imaginary world. I call this
activity "directional flying in the clouds." Over time, the door will
open giving you access to this celebration.

The mirror of the world is, in general, such a great gadget that it
breathes upright. No need to break your head, how a dream can
come true - the mirror itself will show. Just one trick: don’t let
yourself get caught up in the illusion of a mirror.
In reality, especially in the beginning, it won’t do what’s spinning on
your virtual movie projector at all. And it makes you doubt, worry,
panic. A disturbed man throws his film and, covered in horror,
watches events. This is the illusion of a mirror.

You have to be completely consistent, even, I would say, clever.

Play Poker Face. I am frightened, I am led by the nose, I am
ridiculed, and I remain completely indifferent and calmly do. I don't
look with wide eyes at
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all that nightmare on the screen, only occasionally with clever

strings and mostly watching what tape spins on my movie projector.

"Well, he can't read my poker face. " The image in the mirror
will still match your film sooner or later.

He just has nowhere to go. Such rules.

On the one hand, the intention must be declared in the present tense. As if
I had reached my goal. An example is a car. I can easily imagine that I
already have him, that he is standing under the windows as I leave the house,
sitting in it, starting and driving. I buy spare parts, winter tires, etc. in the store
But how does this relate to the fact that the car is not there yet? Where is he
then? My mind is constantly tormenting me on this issue.

It's a game I believe in "I don't believe" with a mirror of the world.
After all, he plays with you and spins you as he pleases, taking
advantage of the fact that your attention is easily captured by the
series shown in the surrounding reality.
Here's what's going on: you look in the mirror, and it shows you
how relentless and awkward the world is, it's very difficult to
succeed in it, you have to spin like a squirrel in a circle, respect
the circumstances, obey them and keep tense - try to get
something, fear something, to doubt something (especially
yourself), orally, to be pulled on a rope like a rag doll. Do you
believe in this illusion? And how. After all, the game is one-way,
you yourself apathetically agreed to play the role of a passive
spectator in illusion.
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Now create your illusion for a mirror. Tell him: Now look at
me and do as I say. And he, too, imagine, will gladly agree. The
mirror will look at you and think, "I don't believe." Whether he
will believe you or not, sooner or later will depend on how
sincerely you cheat on him.
And, of course, depending on how long you’ll be a dealer. Otherwise, you
throw the cards and the blunt ones pop into the screen, and the same
boring story begins again - the tricks show you, and you believe.
That’s when you take your fascinated look away from the
mirror and pay attention to yourself, to that film that spins in
your head, the reality will gradually begin to transform.
It won't happen at all right away, on the contrary, an old series
will be displayed on the screen out of inertia and things that
don't really match your preferences will do, even fatally. But you
have to remember what game is being played here and who is
trying to cheat what.
If you stick to your line, you will soon see the attributes of the
past disappear from your world and the signs of the future
become clearer - the future you have portrayed in your incredible
legend. It’s like changing the scenery on stage. Only everything
happens barely noticeably, as if some other reality from a
parallel world were included in this world. And the more daring
you lie, the more natural it will go for you. And the mirror will
eventually trust you completely and will also obediently respond
to the illusion you have created, as you have done in the past.

So the initial meaning and conditions of this game are: what

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creates illusions, and whoever just looks at them. You choose

your role yourself.

ÿ Do not make working with a target slide a difficult task. ÿ To make
regular work a burden, make it a habit.
ÿ Concentration, not zeal, is crucial in slides.
ÿ There are no strict restrictions or rules on slide technology. You can and
you have to do it as you see fit and as you see fit. ÿ At your service - only a
layer of your world. You can’t do mental
impact on an alien reality.
ÿ If the slide is not only thought and imagined, but also
recorded, the results given will increase significantly.
ÿ Slides just need to be worked on constantly and diligently, then temporary hesitation
will not interfere.
ÿ Consciously look at your imaginary celebration of life.
Live virtually in your imaginary world. Directly “fly
in the clouds ”.

ÿ Don't get involved in a game you're playing - play your own.

ÿ Play with the world I believe in. Create your illusion for a mirror.
Tell him, now look upon me, and do as I say.

Notes in the margins

If you persistently and relentlessly watch your cinema in your mind, it is a reality
will sooner or later meet it. There will simply be no place for reality to disappear - that's it
property. Not only are you dependent on reality, but it is up to you.
What matters is who shows initiative.
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Part II

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Today is the best day today

to fight with fools.

To understand why people have difficulty delving into

transerfection, we need to figure out how our society is structured.
Let’s start with not very nice questions.
Uncommonly, but sometimes I am sent letters probably by people
who are offended by something, whose expectations are not met
by transerfection.

You are on the right track! Sweep the money while you are fashionable and popular.

Here is how it is, in a nutshell. I suggest that I write letters with

similar content in just such a format, because if it is clear from the
beginning that the letter is hostile, and if it is longer than two or
three lines, it remains unread all the way and ends up in the trash.
So all your work goes to the dog on the tail. And if it is written
concisely and in essence, your arrow reaches its target, and I
immediately fall into the flour.

Anyway, I wouldn't want to explore this topic anymore. The

provocations of individual pendulum puppets can be ignored, but if
there is a certain phenomenon, it will not escape so easily. And the
phenomenon is, and one of its manifestations is:
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I get letters from people who are sincerely convinced that I should
not be paid for my work. For example:

One of the reasons I started reading transerfection -

selflessness - the author freely distributed the book without claiming anything in
return. And now it’s more reminiscent of a normal commercial project.

First of all, I didn’t distribute my books freely. Although if anyone

needs text, I'll send it. Second, if you are convinced that you need
to work for free - go and work for free. That's so simple - right? Will
we dodge and dodge?
Frankly, we all make something one way or another and get paid
for it. If I come to the author of this letter for what he produces, he
will not give anything to me anyway. But for some reason the belief
that I have it for me is firmly ingrained in my mind , and I don't have
to give my job in vain.
Such is the parasite mentality.
Letters like me don’t hurt as much as they shock me. I look at
such things both with disgust and with the curiosity of the researcher.
The phenomenon is certainly attracting almost no medical interest
and deserves a very thorough investigation.
There are parasites in the body that are known to everyone and
lesser-known parasites in consciousness. But there are also social
parasites that, quite strangely, are very little studied as a phenomenon.
As I am not competent enough on this issue, I will not go into
lengthy speeches, but will just set out some considerations. What
is interesting and surprising here is not so much the very
manifestation of the parasite as its unspeakable claims
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stupidity. Well, tell me, how can an artist, a musician, a composer, a

writer, and finally a chef be blamed for a “bad craving for commerce”?
Get up from the table in the restaurant, turn to the kitchen and shout
to the chef, “And what are you doing here, dog ?!” Or to the musicians
at the concert, “Oh, and you’re making money here! I want art! ”And
which of you will end up in a restaurant or a concert?

You want to get something, right? Otherwise, if it weren’t worth it,

you wouldn’t have spent the money. But the parasite does not want
to pay for a stranger's job! It is always in vain to take something for
granted, but if it fails, it will first accuse others of selfishness.
That's how a worm behaves - it will get out of its cavern, turn its
head - just look, drive a commerce here!
The chef feeds him, the musician entertains him, but he doesn't like
it - if everything was given in vain, then everything would be fine and
right, as needed. Meanwhile, the sausage itself is laid out in your
store, and try to ask for it! Well, you've compared it - my great
sausage with your creativity!
I deliberately go down to primitivism to explain the seemingly
obvious things. That is the trouble with the emergence of people who
do not understand simple things.
The huge sums that the famous author sweeps, as the imagination
of the parasites draws, are not really there - everything is much more
modest. And the relationship between the work of a writer who
requires a lot of effort and material reward is absolutely disproportionate.
Whoever has not tried to take up this activity cannot imagine. nor
Transfers Center does it give peace to parasites - there is
no way they can accept that someone is making money
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money in teaching. But the Center came about because there was
a demand for such training. So someone needs it. So what do
teachers have to do for free? Classes require highly qualified and
dedicated efforts.
Parasites do not know how much, say, it costs a teacher to teach
in a regular school - they do not appreciate someone else's work
and do not recycle themselves. I personally do not receive any
income from the activities of the Transfer Center because I do not
conduct any activities myself. When I marry, I get it. Isn't that possible too?

If that's the case, there's nothing wrong with commerce itself -

business is business. But everyone is very sensitive and gentle
about their own business. And here are strangers always ready to
put the labels of selfishness, deception, unfair play. Finally, what
kind of commerce can we talk about here in general, if I study such
unpleasant topics as eating live vegetarian food? Is this a popular
topic? Whatever. Another thing is meat!

If I stopped believing in any author whose books I read, I would

suddenly turn around and walk away and never get closer to or
touch what he was doing. And you (I am addressing the authors of
such letters) are still thinking here? Which ends? Please through
the door! After all, I’ve always said I don’t invite anything with me.

Now, basically, most of my work is not paid for at all. Working

with reader correspondence, in which they ask me to help in a
particular life situation, takes a lot of time and effort. I really help
here for free
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to those I can help - to the best of my ability. But what if I don’t get
anything for my books at all? Then I will have to go to earn money,
do something else, and there will be no time left for what I do. So
let’s end that and break it down.

Sounds weird and absurd, right? And don’t the parasites ’claims
sound weird? After all, these are also the people who are among us
and who are recognized by society as completely accountable.
What are the causes of this phenomenon?
In Russia, where the disease of social parasitism has worsened,
this phenomenon has been determined by historical peculiarities. In
both the Middle Ages and the times of slavery, and in the conditions
of socialism, the community (collective farm) was responsible for
one or another tax, and not the producers themselves. Some
worked honestly, while others were idle at the time - the community
would still pay for everyone. The conditions for the parasites to
reproduce were simply ideal.
After the tsarist regime, during which the bureaucratic system
acquired the scale of pathology, the Bolsheviks hoped: "We will
destroy the very foundations, and then ..."

Lenin, seeing what was going on after the revolution, grabbed

his head in despair and did not know what to do. What worried him
was not the crisis and the turmoil, the resistance of the "unfinished
counter-revolutionaries" and not even the "fools and the ways", but
the rapid growth of the bureaucratic system. She evolved
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by itself, under some of its own laws, and no directives could

overcome it.
Many of us still remember how, in the days of socialism, until its
collapse, there was an active campaign against the bureaucracy.
Now it has a hand in hand - fighting corruption. And again, nothing
will work out. After all, nothing is learned from history, as you know. It
is clear that combating social parasites, as well as body parasites, is
completely pointless - conditions must be created in which their
existence will become unbearable, impossible.

But even with regard to historical heritage, I still find it

incomprehensible and strange how modern educated people can
quite sincerely think that something must be given to them, and that
they themselves are not obliged to give anything in return. In a word,
as Dersu Uzala said, "how many years after the taiga you would not
walk - you will not understand."
And if we don’t understand each other fundamentally, then we’re
too different from different planets, and we should stay away from
each other. But simply ignoring someone’s alien essence when it
comes to the surface doesn’t always save. If you ignore the parasites
of the body, they will silently tune in you and suck you. The social
parasites will not be ignored either - you will go to the official with a
piece of paper, and he will hold that piece of paper with one hand and
the other with it. And transerfection will not protect you from either.
Protection from the parasites of the body and consciousness, thank
God, found - living food, living water, living air. And where is the cure
for social parasites? No one has found it yet. But we will look.
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ÿ The system begins to evolve with the formation of a bureaucratic apparatus.

Notes in the margins

Dear Reader!

As you know, books on transfereing are freely available online. But

nothing passes in vain and is not given. You either get a cheap fake, like in the
market, or you serve the interests of random people. I have to warn you:
if you download electronic text from books from illegal sources, I will
i can't guarantee it's just my texts. You can put anything in there, and
this is already being done. Whether to read publisher originals or use “used
copies ”that were tossed online - your self-determination and
the issue of liability. If you need text, please email me
and I will send him. I will not answer anyone if you ask me. I dont need
your compensation - consider it a gift. I only care about one thing - to keep you
from getting a counterfeit with a transfusion mark.

2 http://tsurf.ru/ - here are the author's notes.

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After the repercussions of the book The Transfiguration of

Life, I was simply overwhelmed by letters from readers and
requests for articles and interviews from various periodicals
(including foreign ones), so there was a lot of free time, so this
book was written for quite some time.
On the other hand, it is gratifying because such a lively interest
shows that the course to the transfusion of renewal, which is in
recent books, has been chosen correctly and in a timely manner.
Readers support the idea of cleansing the body, raising energy
levels and freeing consciousness through the practice of living. I
get a lot of emails full of enthusiasm and gratitude for the updated
transerfection, which works much more efficiently than the classic.

Frankly, I did not expect such support, because the course

chosen seemed very strange, unusual and, in particular,
unpopular, at least at first. What's more, I've had to endure a lot
of pressure from a lot of readers to make sure I'm "polluting the
very essence of the transfusion philosophy." And yet the new
philosophy not only heals, but also (now) perfectly inspires a
great many people. Apparently, the theme of live nutrition
touches on some deep strings of the soul, opening up some new
light at the end of the tunnel. I will try to explain why this is
exactly the case. That’s where we start.
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... amajotrakapen even ÿliem laG - ÿmulot ÿrdeig ÿ uajÿun rI

isujomisžu ÿj nytškua uaiÿievŠ, sÿujobak sogedou žu uapuiÿ .ÿnetel
žu sij satnibakap O .samitevs sakžaK? ajoudlabak saK .ÿtnajoudlabak

Wake up? Please forgive me, Dear Reader.

I used this method to get your attention.
(An excerpt from the book The Dream Forum.) Otherwise, you may
not understand the meaning of what I want to tell you. You know
what happens in a dream - when something too absurd happens,
the focus wakes up, and the person suddenly realizes they are
dreaming. But the most important thing is not even that he realizes
this, but that he stops being like a zombie and starts to see and
understand clearly what is going on around him.
I was surprised to see something strange happen recently.
The letters keep asking me about what is already detailed in the
books. The picture is as follows. The book raises any straightforward
question and answers it directly and clearly at once.
And the man who reads that book writes me a letter asking the
same question almost word for word.
I didn’t attach much importance to that in the past, all because of
simple carelessness. But lately, this is happening more and more
often, so it can be concluded that these are no longer isolated
cases, but a phenomenon, a certain regularity.

It feels as if much of the attention of a person reading a book is

being hijacked by someone. Here, as with energy, if a person is ill,
most of his energy is used for fighting
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with disease. Or if a person is burdened with an unbearable burden of

obligations, much of his free energy is again blocked, reserved for those
In the first books, I have written how a pendulum grabs attention when
a person who is upset, worried, or frightened by something seems to
have a stupor, and he dives into his problem like a dream, no longer
sees and no longer understands what is going on in his reality. But then
I didn’t write about it as a mass phenomenon. And now the mass
regularity is clear. I find this phenomenon a worrying sign because it was
not so obvious two or three years ago. Therefore, I will return to the
analysis of this phenomenon several times later, and for the time being I
will provide some other examples illustrating the effect of distraction.

That's what newsletters are about3social parasites.

Sometimes I explain why I do that and that, sometimes I don’t. So in
those newsletters, I explained quite understandably why I was exploring
this topic. But imagine there were people who, after reading my
explanation, immediately asked me why I was doing this and declared
that there were no parasites in their world.

Thus, by bluntly absolutizing the principles of transerfing, one can

immerse oneself in the illusion created by oneself, when it becomes
impossible not only to control but also to adequately assess this reality.
But what do I explain! It is possible to ignore individual provocateurs,
but to ignore the phenomenon is simply stupid - one should at least study
it from the observer's point of view, not hide one's head in the sand. Of
course, there are them in your world - both body and consciousness
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parasites as well as social wasters. They will not disappear just

because you have declared that they do not exist. The first tuna in
your body - that's exactly what they need you to remember. The
latter can, without much effort, take over your consciousness so
much that you will not notice anything. And with third parties, you
will meet in one way or another in the offices of officials or anywhere
I repeat, parasites should not be ignored, but at least monitored,
preferably through a magnifying glass. When you pull them out of
the darkness, where it is convenient for them to bustle, into the
variegated world, they immediately begin to wander and stretch,
because the revelation of their ugly real face is a breakthrough for
them. When a parasite finds itself "under glass," as Hoffman wrote,
its essence is illuminated, and he can no longer handle his affairs
calmly. That’s why I raise such topics. And now ask me again why
I do it.
Another interesting story happened with the same newsletters.
The Transfers Center announced a free webinar (webinar) for
which an unexpected number of people signed up, so registration
had to be canceled the same day due to a limited number of
participants. But in fact, unexpectedly few people gathered at the
It became interesting who it was related to (who should register
then?), And the Center conducted a survey as to why people did
not participate. The reasons were banal: there was no time, I didn't
manage, I forgot, I confused my time zones, I didn't connect at that
time or too early and I didn't try to connect anymore, I gave
inaccurate addresses and therefore didn't receive an invitation, etc.
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This fact tells us that the vast majority of people sleep, that
is, it simply acts like a dream - they do not control their own
lives, but life happens to them. Of course, it’s hard to assume
that if they had paid for the event, then they would have really
introduced themselves. But can’t just money trigger attention?
If such transferers are already there, what about others? It
seems to me that the "snooze" effect is now getting stronger
and faster. Until a few years ago, people weren’t so sleepy.

And even in a business where success is achieved only

through the highest levels of awareness, the focus often
captures stamps and stereotypes. For example, recently, one
commercial newsletter offered me to cooperate.
I had to move my readership from subscribe.ru to this new
server. But when they found out that the address database on
the subscribe.ru newsletter is inaccessible to the authors of the
newsletter (I would not have done so without the knowledge of
the subscribers), I was offered to pay for my articles, which I
would write and they would send. This approach has confused
me, as the transerfelling brand attracts people and thus helps
to increase the subscriber base of the service, which in itself is
far more valuable than the money that can be earned from the
author 4.
But that’s not even important. When I refused to cooperate
on a paid basis, I was told, “We’ll post your articles for free if
they don’t mention your products.” Do you understand how the
ingenious idea of an entrepreneur works? It turns out the
philosophy of transerfing
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can simply be put together in one showcase with sausage or

sneakers. That’s what I can post in my articles about any
abstract stuff, just about transerfusion - by no means because
it’s a product!
Obviously, one overwhelming passion has taken over here:
instead of taking the first step toward the mirror so that the
reflection moves toward you, the goal is to lack a crack to grab
that reflection and force yourself to grasp it. It's a psychology
not far from a child's "give!" At the same time, it is a feverish
fear that, God forbid, you will not advertise anything for free. It's
just a distraction, so he can't comprehend the principle of "give
up the intention to receive, replace it with the intention to give,
and you'll get what you give up."
For example, I am completely free in this regard and will not
flip at night because someone has earned from my
recommendations. Bless you! If I recommend something, I do it
not to push something down, but to help others find reliable
sources. And I don’t understand why everyone around is so
worried and so scrupulous about free advertising.

Another simple illustration of the hijacking effect. When some

company goes out into nature, what is done first? The car doors
are opened and the radio is turned on at full volume. It would
seem strange: instead of resting from the noise of the city and
listening to the silence of the forest and the songs of the birds,
the same brain chiller is released. Maybe everyone is a big fan
of music and hot news?
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Compare the modern man to the one who lived a thousand

years ago when there were no newspapers, movies, radio,
television, internet, and cell phones. These are completely
different people! And the most important difference is not even
the level of intelligence, civilization or education. The thing is
that modern man is a slave to information - he can no longer
do without the external flow of information. This is the flow
generated by the system and causes a distraction effect.

You may feel like you’ve focused all your attention on what
you’re doing right now, but being really active is only a small
part of your focus. And most of the invisible thread is connected
to the information web of the system, reserved for external
management traffic as a deposit section in the bank.
Another, no less important, part of the focus is blocked.
Blockage is induced by synthetic food, like any other product
that more or less alters the state of consciousness.

Already dead, that is, food made on fire blocks attention, and
after that, awareness. Arnold Eret was the first to make this
discovery at the beginning of the last century. But he could not
yet predict the effect of synthetic food on consciousness.

So in the current reality, two parallel processes take place:

distraction and blocking . These processes are an integral part
of a more complex system development mechanism - the matrix.
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ÿ The vast majority of people sleep, just behave like in a dream - not themselves
control their lives, and life happens to them.
ÿ Instead of taking the first step toward the mirror so that the reflection moves toward
them, people try to grab that reflection and draw themselves to it by force. ÿ Modern
man is a slave to information - he can no longer do without it
external information flow.
ÿ The flow of information generated by the system causes a distraction. ÿ Only a
small part of the focus is active. And most of it is reserved for the outside
managing flow as a deposit section in the bank.
ÿ Another, no less important part of the focus is blocked. Blockage
induced by synthetic foods.

Notes in the margins

The phenomenon of attention-grabbing in recent years has been
the first symptom and sign that the system is beginning to actively grow as if the
tumor were. It does not pass without a trace to a person, his abilities are blocked,
opportunities are greatly reduced. We started with the basics of transerfection and
difficult issues, and we are now moving on to what these difficulties are

3 Some chapters of the book were first published in my newsletters, which can be ordered
from the author's website http://zelands.ru.

4 http://tsurf.ru
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As technology and technology develop, so does the corresponding technogenic

consciousness - let's call it cyborg consciousness. The first is impossible without
the second - everything is interconnected. Feeding synthetics - tampi cyborg,
tampi cyborg - feeding tin synthetics. For a person, it all means one thing - it turns
into a matrix cage. And that's by no means fiction.

Why is there no mention of this anywhere in an understandable and clear way?

This is natural again. Firstly, the system does not benefit from such information,
and secondly, people's consciousness is already sufficiently blocked and attention
is diverted - it is constantly diverted to secondary and non-essential things.

What can be opposed to these processes? On the path of spiritual quest, many
remember with hope the ancient esoteric teachings and practices. In some places
this may be a support, but it is not worth placing high hopes on practices that have
been around for thousands of years because they were created at a time when
people were completely different and living in completely different conditions.

It is still possible to stretch your consciousness to a higher level and only

mentally, by constantly observing yourself, your thoughts and actions, the
surrounding reality. But constantly educating yourself and being fully prepared is
quite difficult - it requires the discipline of a soldier and a great effort of will. Far
from it
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everyone is given this and very few people will take up such a
In the light of all this, the practice of eating natural and, if
possible, living food (which I started writing about in the book
The Reality Maker in 2005) seems to be the simplest, most
normal and at the same time the most effective.
This at least removes the focus block. Consciousness is truly
enlightened and liberated, not to mention the positive changes
in overall tone, energy and health. This is confirmed with one
voice by all who have understood and tried it for themselves.
After all, it takes very little - just to understand and try.
Recently, the news show featured information about a girl
suffering from one form of obsessive state - she has to repeat
the same pointless action many times, such as counting steps
or making a door. This is the highest degree of attention capture
by parasites. Doctors are stuffing her with psychedelic drugs,
but that doesn’t help. With this "treatment", they will only turn
the girl into a plant. After all, it is very easy to help her - it is
enough to change her diet - live natural plant food and more
fresh herbs. The parasites of consciousness will go away on
their own, maybe not even the help of a psychotherapist, let
alone chemicals. But I can’t help it because I won’t be asked.
Doctors don’t understand what they’re doing because their
attention is also distracted. All this is very sad.

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The sky was overwhelmed by a storm. This one caused a whirlwind

of snow, weeping like a beast, and a mask like a child. Didn't understand,
fog or storm? Orally, no matter, the beast with the children became
angry and covered the fog with glowing chandeliers. Bless, O God, the
beast and the children.

I would like another quantum of your attention. Now quite seriously.

The phenomenon of distraction is a sensitive and perhaps even
frightening phenomenon. Remember how fantastists scared us that
aliens from other planets would seize the Earth? But perhaps the danger
(as is often the case) comes from a completely different, unforeseen
It has been known since ancient times that what enters a person
directly forms his physical body, his consciousness, and then his
individual reality. But with the passage of millennia, this fundamental
principle has become such a worn-out stereotype that it no longer
attracts attention. People unanimously forgot about it and rushed to look
for some new, undisclosed secrets to improving their lives.

Agree, isn't it weird that the vast majority of people don't ask
themselves at all what, how and why they eat - they just eat, and that's
it. They just care that it would be delicious or at least practical.

Of course, the level of awareness on this issue is different.

For example, imagine an old woman who only buys pasta, white flour,
chopped groats, margarine, refined butter, sugar for practical reasons.
The initial products themselves are not believing in anyone, and what
about the final ones
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dishes are food for exhausted, starved, unhealthy people, what

a lot becomes after forty and even earlier. This is the lowest

level of awareness - a person eats what is eaten upright.

And a meager pension is not put here by anyone. You can buy
far more natural products for the same money.
The young hostess, who watches the "smart" programs on
healthy eating on TV, has a higher level of awareness, she is
already thinking about what she eats herself and what she
feeds the family. But much of what is advertised on television
and other major media in one way or another represents the
interests of major producers. And big producers, of course,
don't care about the health of the nation at all. Although all
advertising, of course, refers to "natural healthy products".
That's the most popular product - white flour. The young
hostess's awareness is not yet high enough for her to realize
that white flour (as well as products made from it) is a purely
synthetic product - culinary, made absurd. All that is valuable
in grain is in the germ and in the husk. Premium white flour is
obtained by removing husks and germs from wheat. In this
way, all that is valuable is removed, leaving only the dead part,
which consists mainly of starch. Nature has created this dead
part of the grain as a kind of barrel with fat for the germ. Eating
top quality white flour is the same as buying starch at a store
and hanging it up with a spoon over lunch.
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No need to have illusions about black rye bread either. People

do not know that flour is a fairly perishable product. Tocopherols
(vitamin E), B vitamins and other beneficial substances are
oxidized very rapidly in the air. Freshly ground flour is rapidly
losing its marketable appearance, the required consistency,
moisture and other properties that allow them to do so. Obviously,
this does not benefit producers or traders at all. In order for the
flour to become a confectionery product, it is basically treated with
chemicals. But that, I repeat, few know.

In addition, products made from synthetic flour are baked with

thermophilic yeast. This practice became very widespread more
recently, during the Second World War. Just with yeast is less
terlionic than with natural yeast. You put it in the dough - and it
went up right away. And what is yeast? These are basically
mushrooms, and their abundance can be compared to that of the
most dangerous parasites - they are not destroyed even by high
temperatures, which is why they are called thermophilic.
Imagine this now: a foreigner is settling in your body - a fungus
that is beginning to change your inner environment. So far, it is
only known that yeast overshadows the symbiotic microflora
(which is why all kinds of yoghurts, again synthetic ones, which
are said to "restore" this flora and are unprecedentedly popular).
Other degenerative changes can only be judged by the number
of deaths from new diseases and by the income of pharmaceutical
companies, as appropriate research is not done (revealing the
truth would be of great benefit to many).
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What to do for a young hostess when she is surrounded on all sides

by dead synthetics?
Now imagine another picture. There is such a miracle in your kitchen
- your own electric mill. (Well, many don't even realize there is such a
miracle in the world.)
You can grind the grain yourself at any time and immediately make
everything your heart desires from bread to pastry. And you will surely
know that there are no signs of any chemicals in yeast treats. And all
the useful materials are saved. You will also see what the flour should
look like - not white as starch, but grayish brown, with dots of valuable
skin and germ. It will be a real meal that our ancestors consumed and
that you have never seen before.

In fact, preparing natural yeast and baking your own bread is not
difficult at all - no harder than baking the simplest cookies. And if you
want to get another medicinal product, it is again difficult to germinate
and dry it. Organic grain can be easily (at least for now) bought in
specialty stores or ordered online. And the recipes are now available
online, and an electric mill can be found there as well. And the grinder
in your kitchen will become your favorite when you see what a miracle
it is and realize that it frees you from the myriad of synthetics
manufacturers. But the awareness of the young hostess needs to rise
at least one step higher. Understand?
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PS Wow, I seem to have advertised something again. Only

this time on purpose, out of maliciousness, I will not indicate the
address where the grinder can be obtained. Whoever needs it
will find it in the book The Transfers of Life or in search engines.
But if someone really, really needs it right now, email me and I’ll
send you a link. Secret.

ÿ Synthetics for your diet - punched cyborg, punched cyborgs - synthetics for your diet.
ÿ The system constantly focuses on secondary and non-essential issues.
ÿ What enters a person directly forms his physical body, his consciousness, and
then individual reality.
ÿ The vast majority of people do not ask themselves what, how and why
they eat - they just eat, and that's it.
ÿ A diet that is natural and, if possible, at least eliminates live food
focus block. Consciousness is enlightened and liberated, not to mention
positive changes in overall tone, energy and health.

Notes in the margins

Look around: sleeping, sleeping, sick people feed on systemic
in supermarkets, fooled by systematic medical facilities, blindly believe in advertising ...
Mankind has come to such idiocy that it has begun to destroy itself not only
through the environment, but directly, through food. Such stupidity was very hard to expect
from beings who call themselves intelligent.
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I offer you one powerful and, by the way, ancient technique that
is very useful in the current conditions of attention capture and
You will need a certain attribute - a small toy, a souvenir, a
mascot, gloves ... - any thing that will give you sympathy. It can be
a gift from someone, an item you bought or made, a random find
that caught your attention. This technique is a simple "pagan" ritual
to be performed in the morning and evening. You take your toy in
your hand and say to him, “Good morning, my dear. I love you
and take care of you, and you help me fulfill my desire. ”Then
declare your intention for what you want to achieve. For example:

My world loves me, my world cares about me, I agree with my

other half (or my other half finds me - as you prefer), I am offered
a good job, I have a great realization of my project, I have the
opportunity to buy my own house, I reach my goal, my affairs are
getting better, etc., what you want most.

One wish for one toy. If there are several desires, you will need
to install several attributes and "whisper" with each one separately.
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The declaration must be worded concisely, clearly and concretely,

in a positive form, in the present or a continuing time, and not as
a request or a prayer, but as an intention without any conditions
or explanations. When declaring, you have to intend rather than
want. You are going to do and you are doing. You are going to
get and you are getting. If the declaration is worded correctly,
you will be visited by a sense of confidence, of knowing that you
will receive what belongs to you .
Watching a simple and innocent (or even naive) game is a
pretty serious thing. I will now explain how and why it works. Its
mechanism is based on two functions.
The first thing that is obvious is the hook of intent. In modern
reality, man is greatly affected by the effect of attention capture.
This makes it increasingly difficult to capture intent in a goal.
By observing yourself, you can see for yourself how many
different intentions are always postponed, how many all sorts of
urgent matters and distracting circumstances arise that just don’t
allow you to sit down and focus your thoughts on a goal for at
least a minute.
And this ritual, which you include in your obligatory schedule,
acts as a lasso, capturing your attention to what you must
necessarily and systematically deviate from in order to achieve
the result.
The second function is no longer quite obvious because it is in
the metaphysical, intangible realm. Next to the physical world
there is the same objective but invisible world inhabited by the
beings of subtle matter, as real as we are with you. We only
perceive that world
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indirectly, in the form of paranormal phenomena. Likewise, the

beings of the subtle world perceive our presence only in the
form of some kind of reflection of another dimension, phantom
projections. Imagine digging into a layer that is millions of years
old, you discover an object of clearly unnatural, rather
extraterrestrial origin. You're just paralyzed by a reverent thrill,
because the word "surprise" isn't appropriate here - what you
see is too unrealistic. Such an object is called an artifact. In the
Encyclopedia , it is defined as follows: “A process, object,
property of an object or process, the occurrence of which in a
particular case is impossible or unlikely due to natural causes.
Indication of the presence of a targeted intervention or of certain
unrecorded factors. "

In the same way, an object illuminated by intent appears to

beings of subtle matter as an artifact and arouses great curiosity
in them. The world of other material objects around us remains
invisible to beings. We usually do not attach importance to
objects, do not put intent on them, and only use them
mechanically as appliances, work tools or interior accessories.
The only universal link between our worlds is intention and love.
When the intention is put into the material object, it transforms
from a dead piece of matter into an object of Power that is
already becoming visible in the subtle world. To beings, it
appears to be an artifact of intent, signifying a purposeful
interference from some parallel reality. And if love is added to
it, an artifact
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begins to glow and attracts butterflies like nectar.

These are independent beings (not pendulums), they are all

different, big and small, savvy and not very. They may not have
direct access to our world, but they are very interested in it, and
if such an opportunity arises, they will be happy to make
contact. I have already written in books that you can create your
own phantom beings and sustain their lives with the energy of
thoughts. And it can also happen that you manage to attract
and tame an already mature creature that will become your ally.
The intent artifact, your toy, is the connecting link, a kind of
telephone cord between you and the ally. It doesn't matter how
you communicate, what rules you set are the same. You just
have to constantly pay systematic attention to it and nurture the
energy of intention and love. A small morning and evening ritual
will suffice.
So when you perform a ritual with your toy, a creature
descends on it like a butterfly on a ring. She warms up in the
warm rays of your love and listens intently to your intentions.
And anyway, it doesn’t matter if the creature understands what
you want to tell her or not. She just listens like a fairy tale or a
song and then flies out and carries it everywhere like an echo:
“My world loves me! My world cares for me! In my dream, we
will meet soon! ”This is the echo that is a powerful addition that
greatly enhances your own intention.

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ÿ When an intention is placed in a material object, it transforms from a dead piece of matter
An object of power that is already becoming visible in the subtle world. ÿ The
intention artifact is the connecting circuit, a kind of telephone cord between
you and your allies.
ÿ The declaration must be concise, clear and specific,

in a positive form, in the present or continuing time, and not as a request or a prayer, but as
an intention without any conditions or explanations.
ÿ If the declaration is worded correctly, you will receive a
the feeling of knowing that you will get what belongs to you. ÿ This
ritual captures attention to the goal.

Notes in the margins

My books, especially this one - are completely independent beings, personalities. And these
personalities stronger than me. They write themselves, not me. And they write themselves the
way they want to, not the way I want to. And then at the publishing house
starts commanding. The editors told me it happens to be my book
come and change their agenda in a steep way as if they were a new boss.
For the past six months of writing this book, it has seemed to me every month that
that, after all, is over. But no, some Power was asking a few more questions and asking
them to investigate. This book itself is an object of Power,
The power artifact is absolutely convinced. I’m a mediocre executor, but she is
all the while pulling me by the hand and squeezing out of me everything she needed.
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The "Artifact of Intent" section was published in the

newsletters. Here I answer some questions, continuing the
topic of distraction.

The technique you describe is no different from shamanic rituals. You

can’t say anything new either before or now.

And have I ever claimed to discover something new?

On the contrary, I have always called transerfing the Ancient
Knowledge, which, by the way, is known to many and without
any books, because most of us are very old souls.
Have you not yet understood that everyone writes about the
same thing, from the ancient Vedas to Blavatsky? I’m not
talking about contemporary authors anymore. There is nothing
new in our world because this world is quite old.
I will reveal one terrible secret to you. Just don't tell anyone!
What matters is not even what one or another author can tell
you personally, but what you find new by reading various
authors. In the same way, you can study a very serious work
of philosophy or read an unpretentious fairy tale - the result
does not depend on the external source of information, but on
the thoughts in your mind at that time.
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The question had to be worded differently: “Reading yours

I did not find anything new. "Here are some clarifications:

1. "New in general or new to yourself?" Do you understand that these

are completely different things?
2. "Why didn't I find it?" Who is to blame for this - you or the author?
3. “What was I thinking when I read the text?” About the fact that you
are very smart and know everything?
4. "How did my mind work when I read the text?"

The latter clarification is very important. We have already talked about

the fact that the average modern person is more a consumer of information
than a creator of it. There are very few people involved in the information
creation process in our world - less than one percent. Everyone else is
just using it. And even those who create, in turn, are also consumers. How
should I understand this? Imagine such a slightly exaggerated picture. In
the cinema sits a cyber-organism (say, you have already learned to make
one) that can perform two simple functions: swallowing popcorns and
flashing lights in response to external sound and visual effects. When a
cyborg just watches a movie without thinking about anything and makes
fun of popcorn, two processes take place in his body.

The first: popcorn enters one opening and moves toward another
opening, experiencing certain digestive metamorphoses along the way.
The second process: similarly, information enters through adjacent
openings, causing some to rotate inside
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gears (the reaction is “good here!”) and the lights are flashing on the
outside. The processes seem to be different, but their essence is
the same: both gaps and information just come in and go out, without
causing any change, let alone creation and enlightenment.

I don’t want to say at all that there’s no point in watching movies

and reading a book anyway for fun. Everything makes sense if it is
done consciously. But if the gears are matched only to use
information, to let out critical remarks from your outlet - you hear it,
it's not new, it's not interesting, it's not worth my attention - small at
least aesthetic.
If a person who has read a book declares that he has not found
anything new there, it can be firmly stated that he is a primitive
consumer. Not an original personality and certainly not a creator anymore.
Learning something new from foreign words is not a win and not a
creation. Winning and creating - when you make new discoveries by
spreading old pages yourself. Then and any desire to criticize, as if
to leave a mark on the pillar, disappears completely, because both
the intention is occupied with something completely different, and
the mind works in a completely different mode.
Now let's find out what's new in the "intent artifact" technique. In
fact, a similar technique was used and used by idolaters, magicians,
as well as children.
But while these techniques look similar, they are fundamentally
In short, the differences are as follows. Magicians put intent into
their artifacts and thus turn them into amulets, talismans, and other
objects of Power. Intention works
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quite effectively. In the case of idolaters, it is no longer an

intention, but rather a request, a plea, a faith, a hope, a worship,
a fear. It is clear that the technique, which is based on faith mixed
with great reverence, is already much weaker. Children have
neither faith nor intention, but have love. They just love their
teddy bears and dolls, asking for nothing and giving no special
meaning to anyone. The "Artifact of Intent" technique uses a
double force - intention and love.
I do not think there is any need for further interpretation.
The only question is: will you want to and can you give and
give love to the simplest trifle? Of course, this love is not for the
object itself, but for the being he represents. And it's not at all
sentimental, as it may turn out, but rather "love of deduction."
After all, you hope in one way or another that the being you turn
to through the toy will help you. But even such, not quite "pure"
love has enough power. We love those we care about, and you
really care about your toy because you pay special attention to it.
And in general, how not to love him, if he, such a good, even
listening to my fairy tales and songs, helps me, and he himself
does not demand anything for it, only a little attention.

But I repeat: such a technique is not suitable for everyone in

terms of manner and mentality. If it does not fit your comfort zone,
consider it normal and use other techniques.

If the artifact fulfills my intention after a while, do I have to abandon it when a

new goal arises and settle for a new one? Is it, literally, reusable?
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And is the echo "one-off"? Is the player for one board

only? Of course, one and the same being can first
broadcast one intent and then move on to another
because it acts as an echo or, say, like an beetle that
flies in the subtle world, radiating your declaration of
intent as a program or a radio signal. All you need is
precision and consistency so that you do not mislead
either the being or yourself.

What to do with the Object of Power, with the Ally, when the goal is achieved?
Just stop paying attention and love to this creature? But she's like your child, and if
you still found this ally, didn't you create it?

When the program is executed, switch to another with

the same Power object. Everything else you understand.
We are responsible for those we have tamed. For
example, if a pet no longer "breathes" in you, the decision
about what to do with it must be dictated by your
conscience. Of course, the beings of the subtle world are
not as obvious as the inhabitants of the material world.
It’s hard to say what will happen to the creature you
threw. She can go out and can start living her life. There
is no research on this. But people throw each other and start living
Things happen. Either way, it's up to you. Just one tip -
don’t gain too many allies to avoid burdening yourself in
the future.

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ÿ The knowledge that can be gained from books does not depend more on its content,
and from what the reader himself may find in it. ÿ
Learning something new from foreign words is not an achievement and not a creation.
Winning and creating - when you do it yourself by scattering old pages
new discoveries.

Notes in the margins

The object of power for this book is the picture on the cover. Author - all over
the world-famous London artist ARINA (Arina Gordijenko).
I was surprised when a star of this size offered to create a beautiful cover for the
book herself. I am very grateful for that. The picture is not only beautiful. You may
have noticed that it depicts the Maiden as true perfection. It is alive and systemic
cube - dead and menacing. No doubt - there is Power in the picture
stamp. Arina has a staggering talent for stopping the world. Her work is available on
the author's website: http:// www.arina-art.com/.
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I often receive emails with the following questions:

Can't imagine where to find live food in the winter?

Yes. Cold and hunger. Cold because of hunger, and hunger because
it is cold and no grass - you have to look for food under the snow.

As I wrote these lines, it was midsummer, but the weather suddenly

made a reverence, and spring came to us for a short time. Tulip and
dandelion seedlings began to sprout up, believing that winter was over.
Unnecessarily. It turned out that I, not wanting to do it myself, scared
me in the winter. I didn’t know if I was scared, but I was confused. Just
something really strange happened.

It snowed a lot with us this winter. This is not at all typical of the area
where I live. I didn’t even have skis because the snow is already low
anyway and it doesn’t last long. And this season, more precisely, since
the beginning of December, I have had to take a shovel and work every
In the end, it got a lot annoying for me and I decided: everything, I
buy skis. My loved ones were very surprised by this idea, but I was
adamant. Problems also arose due to the fact that almost no one skis
with us, therefore there are no skis in the shops. But I was already at
war with
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winter trail and didn’t hesitate to find the skis. Doesn't transertification
My search began with a gross violation of the same transerfing
principles. (Such relapses often occur to me because I have been
involved in anti-transfection for most of my life.)
I reasoned this: there should be no skis in the shop next door, because
that’s not possible (if there can be them in our city at all). Searching
for skis has to be really long and hard, and can only be found by
someone who is smarter than anyone who knows that skis can only
be found at the farthest specialty store. And they will only go to the
one who has endured all the difficulties and deprivation on the flooded
roads, will experience all the bitterness of frustration at infertile

That was the case (as I ordered). When my frustrating tour of the
whole city ended in failure, I went to the nearest and easiest store,
waiting for them, prepared especially for me, without any hope.

I brought the skis home and parked them in a visible place. The
next day it started to rain, the snow started to melt.
It happened two weeks ago. And this continues to this day. There
were not even January sparks. The most impatient of the plants
thought spring had come and figured out how to wake up.
And I’m now wondering what to do next? Whether to hide the skis
in the shed as soon as possible so that winter will come back and put
the stupid plants to sleep again, or wait and as soon as it approaches
again, go buy skates. I don’t even have a hockey stick. And much more
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as far as possible armed. Orally, I don’t know yet.

We'll see.
Something similar has happened in the past, such as in
Hong Kong, where I was invited to a book presentation. I knew
I was driving there during the rainy season, so I set up a wide
umbrella in advance. During the few days I was there, the rain
did not rain. Our fellow Hong Kong people were still wondering,
“What is this? Zealand with us? ”“ No, ”I replied,“ an umbrella
with me. ”Now let's go back to the search for food. In fact, if
you have no idea what to eat in the winter, it is too early for
you to switch to a live diet alone. You are not ready yet.

You just need to be more interested in live food and everything

related to it. There is a lot of information on the Internet and
more recently on the shelves of bookstores that is provided by
people with useful experience.
I just don’t recommend believing everything that’s on TV
about food, especially what’s advertised there about live food.
The latter topic is usually enjoyed by people who have no
experience at all. The big media always works in one way or
another for the benefit of the big producers and traders. When
revealing the "truth about food", ask yourself who benefits from
the show.
When you descend into the auditorium, you can see what an
interesting performance is played on the stage: if the producers
suffer from the "rude truth", medicine wins, if the interests of
cosmetics are violated, the pharmaceutical rating rises;
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others, etc., in every way, in various combinations. There is a

constant battle between the big pendulums for us, the buyers and
the consumers. We must not engage in this battle and swallow the
bait, but watch ourselves in a circus performance, realizing that it is
a circus.
If you don’t know what to eat here or how to feed yourself without
breaking any rule, do it very simply: allow yourself to break the rule.

The following principles would be appropriate here :

1. If you are not firmly convinced that you want and can eat only
live plant foods, set up a more acceptable cartel - eat mainly live
foods, allowing yourself to make exceptions at this stage.

2. If an exception is made, preference should be given to those

products that really contain something useful and valuable, rather
than just eating what is being eaten.
3. Foods which, because they have a high nutritional value, are
able to cleanse rather than contaminate the body may be
considered useful and valuable .
4. Do not act on the principle of giving up, but on the principle of
replacing some products with more valuable ones .
5. And don’t forget the most important principle: the diet to live
plant-based foods must be a step-by-step transition based on your
level of preparation, not your willpower and the cost of your
emotional disposition.
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The third principle needs to be commented on. Products that

cleanse rather than pollute do exist, even among dead foods.
These are primarily grain and legume seedlings. Of course,
they all best reveal their properties green, but also cooked very
For example, sprouts of radiant beans and chickpeas sow
the body at all levels - from cells to filtration systems - and have
a high nutritional value. They are extremely easy to prepare.
Rinse in the evening (sometimes pebbles), pour in water and
leave until morning. Then transfer to a colander, cover with four
layers of damp gauze and place in a warm place. In the evening,
boil water in a pot with bay leaf, allspice and cloves, dip in
boiling water and cook for 3-5 minutes. Then pour in the water,
add the pumpkin seeds or add the cedar pine oil, a little salt or
natural adjika is possible (without tomatoes), and you will get a
dish that far exceeds the nutritional value of the meat, and in
terms of its cleansing properties it only descends on live

Radiant beans and chickpeas are usually sold in markets by

traders from the East. They are also available online: http://
Although very strange, but just cooked vegetarian borscht
The ORP (oxidative reduction potential) can be compared to
the ORP of living water. Of course, I do not recommend borscht
with meat broth. But if someone finds such a dish too cheap,
you can roast tomatoes with garlic in a pan and take one portion
of fresh cabbage,
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another - tanned. Cook all the vegetables until they are half cooked, no
more. It is also a valuable and useful meal, albeit cooked.

Another very useful and forgotten meal is turnips.

They are high in calcium, iron and potassium. In terms of vitamin C content,
they are surpassed even by lemon. High in phosphorus and magnesium.
Cancer prevention. Especially useful for strengthening teeth and skeleton.
Cleanses and makes the digestive tract healthier. Due to its high nutritional
value, it is called the "food of the pyramid builders".

No one can say for sure whether the pyramids were really built by
"sweating," but in ancient Egypt, as well as in Russia, turnips were one of
the most important foods before potatoes appeared. Later, with the
development of technogenic civilization and the rise of universal idiocy, a
great many valuable products were forgotten. If you manage to see an old
man with turnips at the market, you know, you are very lucky. Of course,
the people who know this have not disappeared yet, but there are very
few of them already.

If you want to eat something rich and hot in the winter, try boiling turnips
in a steamer (of course, if you’re lucky enough to find them) or at least half
a potato with turnips. When they are left to cook for five minutes, add a
few onions. Both fruits and vegetables need to be eaten with the skin
(there are some exceptions, such as bananas, citrus) because it contains
substances without which it is impossible to fully digest this plant. It is
known that old winter potatoes already need to be peeled - harmful
substances accumulate in their skin. Ropes
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- not necessarily. Green areas of both turnips and potatoes

should always be cut. So far, we are not talking about a diet full
of live food, but about exceptions and dietary supplementation.
If the principle of dietary food is violated, it must be done wisely,
with minimal harm and maximum benefit to the body. For
example, boiled porridge can be replaced by sprouted legumes,
potatoes - turnips. Another exceptional product in this regard is
wild rice.

True, this plant has nothing to do with rice except its external
resemblance. Once upon a time, wild rice was one of the staple
foods for North American Indians (as well as amaranth for the
Mayans and Aztecs). Extremely beneficial to the body. Improves
vision, reaction, causes an unprecedented influx of forces. Very
well tones and stabilizes the nervous system. Rich in protein.
Strong aphrodisiac: Both oysters and wild rice can be eaten
equally successfully.

Wild rice is produced in different ways depending on the type.

The general principle is as follows. First, soak in water for an
hour, or perhaps leave overnight if it does not deform.
(Unfortunately, wild rice cannot be sprouted, as it is usually
processed at high temperatures to keep it longer.) Cook for
20-25 minutes (water / rice ratio 3: 1). Then wrap the pot in a
blanket and leave for two hours. Season to taste with soy sauce
(if found free of sodium glutamate) and cedar pine oil.
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Finding wild rice is not as easy to find, for the same reason as
turnips, because most people are completely ignorant about food -
they know nothing and don’t want to know, they just eat what they eat.
That’s why I say that by learning about this new practice of
transerfusion, eating natural and live food, you’re joining an elite club.
In any case, wild rice is already sold in selected gastronomic shops.
They can also be found online.

In winter, you should not attack the vegetables and greens grown
in greenhouses, but rather pay attention to seaweed and sauerkraut.
Greenhouse plants are inferior to natural ones in terms of the amount
of useful substances. And you can only use them regularly if you really
know that they were grown without chemical fertilizers.

But sometimes you can pamper yourself with vegetables from the
supermarket - there will be no major damage. It is only necessary to
avoid production from outside the European Union, as genetically
modified products can be purchased.
It is better to buy fruit from those areas where it grows according to
the season under natural conditions. For example, bananas, oranges,
mandarins, lemons, pineapples, and other fruits can be eaten without
major fears if they are of normal appearance, taste, and smell. Natural
bananas (like other fruits) are spoiled quickly and turn black. Fresh
frozen (unscheduled) vegetables and berries are perfectly acceptable
live food in winter. From frozen berries
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you can make an amazing dish that I call live yogurt because it,
unlike supermarket surrogates, justifies its name for its many
beneficial properties. Here is his recipe:

300-400 g frozen berries

2-3 apples
2-3 bananas
2 tablespoons with heaps of kurila tea 5 tablespoons
pollen 1 tablespoon bee bread 2 glasses of water

Thaw the berries (currants, blueberries, strawberries). (Instead

of berries, half of the pineapple will work well.) Cut the apples
into slices along with the seeds. Pollen and bee bread must be
mixed with honey as described in the systematic
(in the book
Kuril tea is made from sagebrush, which is one of the best
remedies for dysbacteriosis. Dysbacteriosis occurs when a
person’s symbiotic microflora becomes unhealthy and malformed
by eating yeast bread, synthetic and dead food. Almost all of the
population suffers from dysbacteriosis.
It manifests itself at least in a weakened immune system and a
decrease in the efficiency of the gastrointestinal tract. Man eats
a lot, but only a small part of the nutrients is absorbed.
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So, put all the components in a blender and shake well. The
nutritional value of this product is very high. 400-500 g will be
enough for a particularly effective and useful breakfast every
winter. Live yogurt is especially useful for children and athletes.

Here is another extremely valuable dish that cleanses the liver,

intestines very well, increases the overall tone and nourishes the
body with everything it needs. His recipe is as follows:

200 g of wheat grain

3 bananas
5 tablespoons margarine oil

Germinate the grain (how to germinate wheat, set out in the

system recipes). Finely grind the bananas first in the meat grinder,
then the wheat. Add oil, stir. Not only useful but also delicious.
Use as a standalone dish, do not mix with anything else. This
recipe is borrowed from the company Tiniatov (http://

And in the end - a recipe for a drink. In winter, the lack of greens
can be compensated not only by sea cabbage, but also by dry
grass infusions. For example:

1 tablespoon with a pile of kuril tea 1 tablespoon with

a pile of gooseberries 1 tablespoon of rosehips 3–4
tablespoons with a pile of rosehips
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1 tablespoon with a pile of rowan or hawthorn berries in 1 liter

of living water

Grind the rosehips in a coffee grinder. Pour all components

into cold waterall(preferably live,
day or night. activated),
Store stir and leave
in the refrigerator to stand
as it quickly acidifies. Drink delicious with honey. It is convenient
to use a liter glass cafe with a piston. All piston parts must be
metal, otherwise the filling will be difficult to filter. Many different
types of dry herbs can be found here: http://www.taiga.etnoshop.net.

All berries, of course, need to be dried at room temperature.

And it’s better to do it yourself so you don’t have to buy from
someone who doesn’t know what. It has always been
inconceivable to me how to dry the rosehips in the oven, scald
them with boiled water (and still in the thermos) and then drink
them assuming that this drink is high in vitamin C. There is no
way I can understand what value can remain there after such a treatment. Un
It’s also pointless how to make syrup from rosehips by steaming
them and then adding artificial vitamins there. But all this is done
in a very serious way and even on a "scientific basis".
In a word, I want to say: you will not have any hunger if you
have the information and know where to look for food. And to find
out, all you have to do is set a goal. Successful hunting!

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ÿ If you have no idea what to eat in the winter, it's too early to move on
eating live food alone. Take your time, go slowly. ÿ You can eat mostly
live food and make exceptions.
ÿ Preference should be given to those products that really contain something
useful and valuable, not just eating what is eaten.
ÿ Foods that have a high nutritional value can cleanse rather than contaminate
the body can be considered useful and valuable .
ÿ Do not abandon, but replace one product
other, more valuable, principle.
ÿ The diet of live plant-based foods must be a step-by-step transition based on
one's level of preparation and not on the will and effort of the will.
the cost of emotional mood.

Notes in the margins

In general, at any time of the year, the basis of a live food diet is
seedlings. As soon as you start using them, the following questions fall:

ÿ What to eat in winter?

ÿ How to compensate for protein deficiency?
ÿ How to compensate for vitamins and amino acids?
ÿ What to eat at all, if only chemicals and GMOs are around?

Seedlings are superior in that their nutritional value is much higher than that of sleeping
seeds. Germinating seeds are essentially GMO-free. They contain everything for the body
the necessary substances he had previously received, in particular not with
animal feed. And valuable greens can be provided even in winter by growing wheat
in beds on the windowsill.
You can read more about seedlings in Natalia Cairo's book “Seedlings
- live food. Nutritional Alchemy
(http:// www.ozon.ru/ context/ detail/ id/ 8533500/).
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The following are systematic questions that are most commonly

asked by readers. We will first examine two essentials. The first:
"Why, when you read a book, does it involve such euphoria and
admiration, and then it all disappears somewhere?"
And why do you ask such things? You will find out now
an answer that will appear to you both simple and questionable.
So. Where does the euphoria go, why does it happen? And
because when you read a book, it seems to you that reality can
be controlled as a conscious dream. But when you tear yourself
away from the book and dive into the same reality, it becomes
clear to you that it’s not all as easy as it seemed. You find yourself
again in the same unconscious dream that governs you. From
one dream (book) you jump to another dream (reality) that is not
so bright anymore.
Is the answer clear? Everything is very simple but questionable.
If it were unquestionable, you wouldn’t ask, right?
So now that I’ve made it clear, everything has become
understandable. But what was up to those words? Fog in your
mind is what it is. Am I right? Or maybe not? Of course, to whom like.
Everyone has their own level of awareness and Power. That’s
what I mean.
Remember how confidently you were when you watched a
movie that made you very excited and inspired
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you said, “Here! Just that! And I will be able to! I will be different
from this moment on! I will be like her or him! ”
But very little time passed, and you sank into a previous
infantile and helpless dream, and all your promises made under
oath disappeared somewhere, like that euphoria.

The second essential (and rather the first) question is, “Why
are there any questions at all?” It seems that everything is written
in the books and so on. And questions come from somewhere,
new and new ...
The answer is: questions arise because you are unable to
control a dream without sleep - your reality. If successful, no
questions would arise. Is not that right?
And why fail? As we have already discussed in previous topics,
the modern man is more a consumer of information than an
author (more precisely, in this context, the creator). If you are a
receiver, then you are watching a foreign movie. If you are a
broadcaster - you create your own.
Do you understand what that means? When you watch a foreign
movie, you are in an unconscious dream. To make an unconscious
dream conscious, you need to turn yourself from a receiver into a
A broadcaster is one who disregards the stereotypes imposed
on him by society and the demands of good tone and has the
audacity to set his own laws and rules. You know, the laws of
society (unlike the laws of Nature) are such an unstable thing ...
Not to mention the rules. While the common reality for all is very
objective, your world is
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this is your world, your dream is your dream. If you have the
Consciousness and intent of the Destroyer, your dream (your reality)
becomes manageable in spite of seemingly "insurmountable
There is no need to fear the categorical phrase 'insurmountable
circumstances'. It is a common but unbelievable fact that a bat
knows how to fly5. And yet how to pay! In terms of common sense
and the known laws of mechanics, this cannot be the case.
That does not happen! But it works just like transerfing.

If you’ve ever seen a flight of a bat, you know it’s not like a flight
of a bird or an insect. There is something mystical, even, so to
speak, Ufonautical, on his flight. He does it virtuoso. A bat, compared
to a bird, is the same as a UFO compared to a helicopter. Why am
I talking about all this? It will appear later.

The key question: How to become a broadcaster from a receiver ?

Answer: There is a need to release consciousness and raise energy
Much of modern human consciousness (as you recall, we talked
about the attention-grabbing effect) is reserved for the external flow
of information , and another large part is blocked by the products of
the technogenic environment : dead synthetic food, chemicals,
GMOs, electromagnetic radiation, and other factors.

The fog in my head, thoughts distracted like a sheet of plywood in the wind, it is
difficult to concentrate, and it is almost impossible to broadcast "one's cinema"
in a targeted way.
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The same factors lead to energy capture and blockage. Part

of the energy is taken away by the system, because man, as an
element of the system, cannot objectively use its goods free of
charge. Another part is inevitably suppressed by the
technosphere, because man, as a creature of nature, cannot
"idle" his body in an unnatural technogenic environment. A
significant part of the energy is still spent on running costs: to
digest dead synthetics, to fight illness and stress, to keep the
weights on, and to deal with psychological problems. As a result,
the free energy that nurtures conscious intention is almost gone.

Over the years, consciousness becomes even more foggy,

and energy fades even faster. This leads to what I call the 'old
chest of drawers' phenomenon. You can get acquainted with
this phenomenon yourself - either based on your experience, if
you have been a few years old, or by observing elderly relatives.
Many things that used to be done energetically, willingly and
enthusiastically are being done "almost now" or not at all as we
age. For example, in the past you used to have a nice table
setting, you were very enthusiastic about interior and furnishings,
you were happy and careful at home, you scratched at the car,
and finally you took care of your appearance. And now the
previous desire for perfection is gone somewhere - you already
don't want a lot or just don't want to. You fill the table almost
with a newspaper, the interior of the home
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you no longer care, you handle with backwards hands and in

general you do a lot any way. Therefore, where there used to be a
feast, splendor and order, everything now smells of apathy and
looks desolate, as if it were over its age, and resembles an old
dresser on which, as usual, old souvenirs are bored and bored.

Of course, this is not always the case and not for everyone.
Much depends on the level of culture, intelligence, upbringing ... If
the family's cultural traditions are strong enough, the house is
always kept clean and tidy, and there is no dust on the chest of
drawers, even though the soul is tired.
Conversely, if the family is constantly pumping vodka, the
phenomenon of the old chest of drawers is very evident.
I give such examples as an illustration to understand: if with such
energy and consciousness there are not enough forces to control
reality even on a material level, then on a subtle level - there will
be nothing to do at all. The phenomenon of the old chest of drawers
will hit you so quickly and unexpectedly that you won't be able to
get up, because these two processes - the seizure and blocking of
energy and consciousness - have tended to accelerate imperceptibly
but very sharply lately.
It will appear on your chest of drawers dust much earlier than it
happened to your parents.
Now the eternal question: what can be done here? So again, we
have to address a topic that annoys some. For the past time, I have
been forced to reiterate that transerfusion must be seen as a
holistic, integrated teaching that consists of three main parts: how
we think, how we feed, how we move.
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What does holistic teaching mean? This means that if we reject

one or more of its elements, something unfinished will come out -
the technique will lose some of its power.

Thinking is the way you interact with the mirror of the world, in
terms of what image you form in front of it and how you react to
what is happening in the reflection.

Meals are what come directly to you - food and information.

Movement includes your lifestyle - active or sedentary - as well

as your ability to deal with your body and energy.

The first component, commonly known as the classic

transerfection, in the laid
fifth out
volume, The
Management of Capabilities).
But the
second and third have become increasingly important recently, as
the former alone is no longer enough6.

You ca n't "go for a walk" and create a reality to your liking. Not
enough energy and awareness. Of course, visualization will work, it
will not go anywhere, but in order to control reality as a conscious
dream, consciousness must be free and energy powerful.

To exist in a system (matrix) that deprives you of energy and

consciousness, you need to be untied of it. This can only be
achieved through the second and third components.
All other mental ways - meditation, stopping the inner monologue,
diving into the subconscious - will definitely not give
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benefits. You can only get rid of the system the way it binds you.

You need to act in the pre- phase: the system forces you to live
still, and you do the opposite - you start to take serious care of
your physical shape; it is nourished by synthetics - you switch to
a natural diet; it tries to overwhelm you with all sorts of information
nonsense - you get away with pretending to be "empty"; it poisons
you with various chemicals and radiation - you try to choose only
what is ecological, starting at home and ending with cosmetics.
Here is such a simple principle.

It’s not necessary to just switch to raw food or go to an organic

village right away. Start with the simplest and most affordable. At
least start, step on the Path, and the Path itself will take you
where it is needed.
For example, if you have psychological problems - complexes
and phobias - you can spend many years fighting yourself,
analyzing yourself and visiting yourself, visiting psychologists and
psychotherapists, but you will not achieve anything. But all you
have to do is switch to a separate diet with natural products and
focus on your physical body and energy, and all of these
complexes will fall apart on their own. Why? And because the
second and third elements release much of the energy and
consciousness previously taken away by the technogenic system.
When energy and consciousness reach a certain critical mass,
everything else begins to manage on its own. We will talk about
this in more detail.
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Some may object, hear me, transerfection works so well, and

everything else doesn’t matter. It works, of course, but I can now
say with certainty that it is no longer as effective as it was 5-7
years ago, due to the same effect of seizing and blocking energy
and consciousness. This can be said for all of us. The reality is
changing very fast, and if you continue to live by the old
principles, such as "it works, everything else doesn't matter", you
will soon be behind the train.
On the other hand, everyone chooses their own Power Level
according to their needs. Here as with cars: some prefer powerful
cars, while others prefer smaller ones.
So as much as you intend to take, so much you will receive. If
you set a goal to have a powerful consciousness and a lot of
energy, you will no longer worry that "euphoria disappears
somewhere." One fine day, when you close a book or leave the
cinema and think of realizing something in your life, you will
finally be able to stop dreaming and start realizing it, because
energy and awareness (as with money) will suffice. And it wo n’t
take much willpower like now, and it will succeed really easily.

The obvious illustration that the level of power can be chosen

at will is the evolution of species. Look - it would seem like a
normal situation: who is flying, who is running, crawling, flying,
and who is standing still all the time. Ordinary, simple,
understandable: whoever is destined for someone has it - it has
been and always will be. But is it obvious? No!
I ask a child's question: why? Why do some fly and others
crawl? Who can answer? If you raise yourself from time to time
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childish questions, you will discover many common but completely

obscure things around.
There is one very interesting group of mammals - the wings,
whose front limbs turn into wings. Among them are species whose
representatives can only fly, but there are also those whose
representatives can also run, swim or even rise from the water.
Imagine that once upon a time, beings were divided according to
what they preferred: some remained on earth and others too small.
There are no "insurmountable circumstances" in reality (at least in
time). To paw on the panorama - please. Want to fly - please.

Only available for birds? Who said? Everyone chooses their own
level of Freedom and Power.
And even among those who chose wings, the range of preference
by power level is wide. Let's compare the two most interesting
individuals - the bat and the flying fox. The bat is one of the most
perfect and mysterious

Creatures created by nature. It is not in vain that he has become the

prototype of both the superman Batman and the theater star. Active
at night. His vision is direct7. Scientists believe that ultrasonic
echolocation helps bats navigate in space. But this is highly
questionable. No one knows well for whom bats echolocation (or
pretends to know).
Most bats feed on insects. He sings songs while flying, mostly for
weddings. Not all of these songs are heard by humans, as their
frequency may exceed our hearing
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limit of 20 kHz. Conditions of anabiosis (sleepiness) may occur

under adverse environmental conditions.
The flying fox is active both at night and during the day.
Thought mainly of fruit, nectar, flowers. The wings of the wings
reach one and a half meters. It flies awkwardly, but soars well.
Flying foxes cannot be in an anabiosis state. Their vision is not
direct, echolocation does not use them.
He lives in squads, is constantly in contact with each other, fusses, makes a
lot of noise and rages in every way.
If the bat and the flying fox could meet and
their dialogue could be something like this:

- I 'm a flying fox! And who are you?

- And I'm a bat.
- Oh, poor beast! You are such a scarecrow!
- Look at yourself: disgusting overgrown snout, hairy
tummy, short tail.
- And my ears, you see how beautiful it is not yours
funny films!
- I have echolocation, although I can see it in the dark without
it. For some reason, everyone thinks echolocation can be
navigated on the fly. Idiocy! It’s the same as a blind man with a
stick in the woods looking for mushrooms. I have butterflies to
chase - you know how nimble they are!
- For which end are you echolocation?
- And who works for someone. My business.

- It's at least, bunny, at least! Just don't run out of pride!

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"And what do I do?"

Are you probably angry that you were born so clumsy and
- What are you so disgusted at flying?
- From the pleasure of being able to fly the way I want.
- But I flew too!
- Yes, like a dog, if it has wings: Above
forests, fields, homesteads
So I can fly!
And at the height of the intoxicating
sky, the wings of the dog are waving wide!
- Come on, fly out of here, and I may inadvertently eat you!
- There will be nothing, love, you - a vegetarian.

And so on. Equally, there are flying foxes and bats

among us. After all, we are all different, and everyone’s
needs and hobbies are their own. Everyone chooses their
own level of Freedom and Power. But over time, needs
and hobbies can change. Some today, others tomorrow.
And when you ever meet, you might say the following
words to each other as a password:

- And I'm a bat!

- And I'm a flying fox!
- And I'm a mouse!
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- Oh, I'm a fox! But if I want to, I can also become a mouse. Here's

ÿ When you read a book, you feel that reality can be controlled as a conscious
dream. But when you break out of the book and dive into the same
reality, it becomes clear to you that not everything is as easy as it seemed.
ÿ Reality cannot be controlled because man is the consumer, not the creator;
receiver, not broadcaster. ÿ To
make an unconscious dream conscious, you need to
the receiver becomes a broadcaster.

ÿ A broadcaster is one who disregards the stereotypes imposed on him by society

and the requirements of good tone and have the audacity to lay down their own laws, and

ÿ To become a broadcaster from a receiver , you need to be unconscious and uplifted
energy level.
ÿ A large part of the modern human consciousness system is reserved for the
external flow of information, and another large part is blocked by technogenic
environmental products.

ÿ The same factors determine energy capture and blockage.

ÿ Over the years, consciousness is becoming more and more foggy, and energy
is fading. Therefore, the "old chest of drawers phenomenon" occurs.
ÿ Recent processes of energy and consciousness capture and blocking
tends to accelerate imperceptibly but very sharply.
ÿ Transerfection should be seen as a holistic training consisting of three main ones
ingredients: how we think, how we feed, how we move.
ÿ Existing in a system (matrix) that deprives you of energy and consciousness,
it needs to be untied.
ÿ You can only get rid of the system in the way it binds you. You need to act in the
pre-phase with it.
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ÿ When energy and consciousness reach a certain critical mass, everyone else
the problems solve themselves.
ÿ Everyone chooses their own level of Freedom and Power, according to their needs.

Notes in the margins Sometimes I

am asked: “There is a lot of contradictory information about the Bronikov
method on the Internet. It is unclear how this will be assessed. "
Usually people tend to believe what is written if it is written
in the media, in this case the Internet. But the peculiarity of the internet is that
that it is both a rich treasure and a large pit of debris. Didn’t you have such a thought in
mind? Next door, almost on the same shelf, are also reliable
information, and an obvious lie. After all, no one can control it all.
For Bronikov. From the city’s point of view, his method is so fantastic that it just
can’t be right. These ignorant townspeople, protruding their tongues, scatter all the
abominations with the keyboard to justify and, I would say, defend
their ignorance. Oh, or a little of all the marasms written about

5 Russian bat - letusyaja myš, literally "flying mouse" - translator past.

6 The basics of the second and third components are set out in The Book of Life
Transfiguration, the same can be found in the gift edition with the addition of Live

7 Information: Direct vision is the brain's ability to perceive reality directly, not through the
eyes. This, as well as other abilities, is taught at the Bronikov School (http://bronnikov.ru/).
Man’s direct vision is a dream while awake. In a normal dream, we see only the unrealized
part of the variant space. Direct vision makes it possible to perceive beyond the eyes both
the metaphysical and the physical elements of our world with the various phenomena that
flow from it. All of these abilities are deeply blocked, but special training can be revealed.
This is most easily achieved by children.

It is quite difficult for adults, but it is also possible.

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You can comment on your physique as follows: either with

self-irony, if you are a good person, or with pride, if your figure
is athletic. But what is health, what should it be? Or let’s raise
the question more interestingly: and is it happening?

In our time, perfectly healthy people - only one, if any at all,

because man is a refined sadist for his body, he deliberately
devotes to himself precisely those trials which Nature did not
foresee. After all, Nature could not have predicted that a person
would pour alcohol on his head, poison tobacco, cook food on
fire, surround himself with all sorts of chemicals, electromagnetic
radiation, and instead of an active movement, which, in fact, his
body was designed to choose a sedentary lifestyle. . It follows
that, according to the preliminary diagnosis, the patient is alive
rather than dead, and according to the final diagnosis, he is
rather ill, but he is definitely unhealthy. Even if he has to be sent
into space.

Two false stereotypes

The first: the disease is when someone starts to hurt. But the
human body, with its vast resources, reports itself in pain at an
early stage, when living as before becomes utterly impossible.
Second: the disease
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can be cured by doctors and medications. We will not classify injuries

as diseases - the word "faults", which can be eliminated, is more
appropriate here. But the trouble is that it is customary for us to
"eliminate" almost all diseases. In other words, emergency medicine
methods are used for chronic diseases.
Just as you will not fix the road by stuffing only the pits in the
spring, you will not make the body healthy by patching it elsewhere.
But it is the doctors who have to patch the holes: not to eliminate the
causes, but to suppress the symptoms. High blood pressure - take a
tablet to lower it. The temperature rose - analogously. Cough -
It started to hurt my head - suppress it! Stomach crashes - squeeze
it! There are many ways to force the body to shut up - just walk away
from the pills so as not to bother the owner or the doctors.

And what's left? How can a person, a child of Nature, be healed

who has violated all the laws of Nature, as many as there are?
Ask any sober-minded doctor: is it possible to cure the disease with
pills, compresses, and hot compresses?
Don't! Go somewhere in the corner for a short time - maybe you can.
There is no cure. And here you can treat yourself , as well as patch
your knees.

What is the way out of the situation?

Academician I. Pavlov liked to repeat: "The organism is a self
-regulating and recovering system." He will heal himself. Only he
needs to create the conditions that are natural for his normal
functioning, as provided by Nature.
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The most important of these conditions are natural nutrition and exercise.
I have talked about nutrition many times. But this time there will be talk of
the need for adequate physical activity. That movement is necessary,
basically everyone knows, is a common stereotype. But why should anyone
think about moving, precisely because this fact is unquestionable. Not
everything that is simple is obvious, not everything that is obvious is
understood. Here I will try to answer briefly and clearly so that the obvious
is even more understandable.

The disease is a flood

The disease begins where the microcirculation of blood, lymph and
intercellular fluid is affected for any reason. According to I. Pavlov, the
organism, as a self-regulating system, always directs the flow of "repair"
resources to the area where some disturbances occur. And if there are no
obstacles in the way of transporting resources, the problem is already solved
anyway. But when the riverbed (network of veins) is not permeable enough,
when urgent help is needed, it all ends with spills, floods, stagnation,

Veins - dried furrows

Vein and capillary networks in immobile people are underdeveloped.
Capillaries die, veins atrophy. And due to an unhealthy diet, blood vessels
become clogged like old plumbing. In the end, not even the rivers themselves
dry up (after all, there is enough blood), but their beds. An aquatic river turns
into a narrow stream or dries altogether. This has many negative
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Muscles - Shore Rowers The heart can

only pump blood through large blood vessels. In the small
veins, the blood moves mainly due to the contraction of skeletal
muscles, which is why they are called the second heart. Lymph
and intercellular fluid are not separate at all, so the movement
of these substances depends entirely on the condition of the
skeletal muscles - the rowers' veins.

What is not used is atrophied

Yes, there is such an unpleasant law of Nature, and nowhere
will it disappear. There is no status quo - either evolution or
degradation. Up to about 20 years old, the body develops
mostly on its own, but then things go differently - either you try
to keep developing or at least stay in good shape, or you
gradually degrade. If the muscles do not get loaded, the rowers
on the river banks will weaken and their numbers will decrease.
The bodies of rowers in the body of a sedentary person will
remind him of himself - either they will be elephanty and clumsy,
or they will be weak and exhausted.

There are no unnecessary muscles

Nature does not create anything unnecessarily. If something
is there, then something is needed, as are the muscles that are
no longer being paid attention to anyway. But, as has already
been said, if some muscles are not loaded with work, they
atrophy. The incomplete activity of the mobile machinery (including
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passivity) load is unevenly distributed: some muscles are used

more often, others less frequently (or not used at all). There are
more rowers in one place, fewer or even fewer in others. The Nile
Valley on one side, the dead desert elsewhere.
Is it normal? No. Is this a typical phenomenon? For modern man,

What to do?
Imagine that your "rowers" are your army on which your
security and even your life depend.
Soldiers must not be allowed to idle - their fighting form must be
maintained at all times. Remember: you are either evolving or
degrading. You need to get loads on a regular, systematic basis,
but they don’t run out. Everything is fine - both work and rest.
Movement should be pleasurable - if this is not the case, the body
is heavily contaminated with slag and needs to be cleansed.
Exercise should be as diverse as possible to develop all muscle
groups without exception.
As you can see, there is nothing new under this sun - everything is
simple and obvious. But now it's understandable, right? When the riverbeds
are clean again and the rowers get stronger, then the diseases will leave
you, and the body will be beautiful, and the health will appear, and the
weight will definitely be healthy.

ÿ In our time, completely healthy people are just one
another. ÿ The human body reports pain in the final stages.
ÿ Emergency medical treatment is common.
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ÿ The body is a self -regulating and regenerating system.

ÿ Microcirculation of internal media is usually the leading cause of disease

ÿ Lymphatic and vascular capillary networks in immobile people

ÿ In the small veins , blood and lymph move mainly due to the contraction of skeletal
muscle, which is why they are called the second heart.
ÿ There is no status quo - either evolution or degradation.
ÿ No unnecessary muscles .
ÿ Your "rowers" are your army on which your security depends
even life itself.
ÿ You need to receive loads regularly, systematically, but they must not be exhausted.
ÿ Exercises should be as varied as possible.

Notes in the margins

The technosphere deprives us of health, energy, attention, awareness, and
and finally freedom. The strangest thing is that we see it all, but
we don't notice. For example, have you noticed how quickly and unconsciously,
in two to three decades, synthetic materials are almost completely
replaced natural?
In order to implement the basic principle of transfer, the choice
at least you need to know that it is not at all necessary to limit yourself to what is imposed
technosphere. The most important thing is to be informed and to have an intention
variants of natural foods or clothes that are dear to the soul and body
space will appear.
There is such a forgotten miracle - blue flax. They are available for a long time
to speak. But words don't care here - in the technosphere they need to be looked for carefully,
like treasure, because linen clothes are an oasis of the biosphere for the body. See what
the miracle is in the world: http:// otrada.by.
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I often get enthusiastic letters that “transerfection works!” And

specific stories that tell one thing was done and everything else came
out are rare. This shows that people confuse intention and conscious
control of reality with the effect of synchronicity when someone, after
distracting themselves, manifests themselves in reality in some
miraculous way.
But if, to your surprise, you first see a spontaneous connection
between your thoughts and reality, that doesn’t mean your
transerfection is working. Specifically, it works, but by itself, regardless
of your will. And it’s not transerfection, it’s uncontrollable synchronicity
- a phenomenon you can only observe and marvel at.

If you want to start managing this process, that is, to learn to

consciously "stun" yourself, you need to change your mindset, as I
have already said, so as to "relite" the scheme somewhere in your
mind so that the passive receiver becomes a transmitter .

The question may be: how often and for how long should the
broadcast mode be switched on? It’s the same as asking how much
it will take to dismantle a boat to keep a constant course in a
constantly changing flow. As soon as you release the paddles, you
are immediately caught up in a stream of external circumstances not created by y
Life becomes dependent on a stranger, not you
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reality scenarios and scenery. Your paddles end up in the hands

of more active passengers. That is the reality.
Therefore, one must strive to continuously broadcast one’s
view of reality to the outside world in live or background mode.
Even if you just relax, walk, read, watch strangers 'movies or
listen to strangers' shows, your own movies and radio broadcasts
should not be interrupted. You color your world the way you want.
If you really want to. Whatever happens in reality, keep repeating
yourself, as in a well-known song:

Orange sky, orange and sea, Orange

grass, orange humpback.
Orange moms for orange kids Sing an orange
song here every morning.

And you’ll also be dealing with things like orange cops, orange
cops, bosses, fools, knees, all sorts of problems - everything will
be orange! You know how to have fun right away! No matter what
the black clouds are, you must always remember that a blue sky
shines above them forever. Or, say, orange.

It's like a simplified "magic explanation." Basically, any incoming

information can evoke some analogies and interfaces with your
inner world. If you switch to broadcast mode, the data entering
the "transmitter" will become associations and your declaration of
intent will go out. Just set a goal while watching
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foreign paintings, to capture associations and at the same time to

turn their bar - to declare the intention of their own, “orange” world.
They are all gray and mine are orange. There is some trouble in
that world, and no in mine. Those people live, constrained by certain
restrictions, and I don’t care. Celebrities create masterpieces - and I
can do that.
How beautiful, strong, brave they are - and I have my advantages.
This is what I will not allow into my world, and this is what
Or give all incoming information a common denominator of your
goal. For example, if you really want to have your own home as soon
as possible, you need to keep repeating "My House and Me in It".
When you see a home in reality, in a movie theater, or on a TV
screen, compare it to your own, like it or not, and immediately paint
it in your imagination. You've seen useful items in an ad or store -
pick them up for your home, even though you can only view those
purchases for now. You see different corners of the planet - imagine
where you want to live. Color this whole world in the colors of your
dreams, completely seriously and decisively, without paying attention
to the uncle who, as in the song, says "it is not so". He doesn't have
that. You will.

For some, this broadcaster mode may seem quite tense and
difficult or unnecessary. Of course, it all depends on whether there
is a goal in life and a strong desire to achieve it. And difficulty is a
matter of habit. What becomes a daily habit is no longer tiring.
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mindset in broadcast mode can be started from the simplest things.

Transerfing is a very powerful and at the same time simple principle
of coordination of intentions.
Let's remember him.
If you decide to consider an event that seems negative to you
positive, everything will be so. Remember: no matter how bad it is
now, some particularly pleasant surprise awaits you if you maintain
coordination at this point. Why is this happening? Human life, like
any other movement of matter, is a chain of causes and effects. In
the space of options, the consequence is always close to its cause.
As one flows from the other, so do the adjacent sectors of space form
lines of life. Every event in the life line has two branches - positive
and negative. Every time this or that event happens, you choose how
to rate it. If you consider the event positive, you fall into a favorable
branch of the life line. The tendency to negativity forces you to
express dissatisfaction and choose an unfavorable branch. As soon
as someone annoys you, another inconvenience happens. That is
why it is said that "disaster never goes away". But the chain of
discomfort does not follow the disaster itself, but then the approach
to it. The pattern is shaped by your choice where the line branches.
The principle of intent coordination gives you the opportunity to
always enter a successful lifeline.

Why am I repeating what you have known for a long time? Because
there is a huge gap between knowing and doing . Agree, you're fine
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you know the principle of intent coordination, but you don’t apply it,
right? This is not your daily habit. Otherwise, you would not have
many of the problems you write about in your letters. Knowing and
understanding everything, you react negatively to negative events
and circumstances as before - that's your habit. And this
unconscious habit, not your conscious intention, governs reality.

I want to explain why the principle of coordination is really

necessary. For this purpose, let us examine a phenomenon that
does not seem to be directly related to the topic - deja vu. I am
referring to the case where circumstances show that something
similar has happened at some point in the past. The distinguishing
feature of deja vu is that a person is almost convinced but cannot
remember exactly where and when an event happened.
It is usually the case that past events are confusing, and it is
impossible to determine whether this is a memory impairment or a
confusion in reality itself.
There are two possible causes for this phenomenon. The first
option. Deja vu happens because a certain similar event took place
in a dream. A person does not always remember what he dreamed
of, but when in reality he is confronted with analogous conditions
and circumstances, a vague but very palpable sense of re-
experience arises in his memory.
The second option. While living, a person keeps moving from
one line to another. Two lines of life, like two films, may have
different events in the past. It’s the same as gluing two different
strips with different stories to the point of gluing. Occasionally
scripts can be
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much different. It would seem that such transitions should disrupt

the cause-and-effect relationship, but otherwise there are no
obvious conflicts, and there are some kind of "misunderstandings"
when it is not clear whether a person is confused or whether
something is anomalous here. In any case, it is impossible to
confirm or deny the incomprehensible situation, that is, to take
reality by the hand, "with clues." It turns out that the person
himself seems to remember that there was one in the previous
shots of the film, and those around him, those who did not "jump"
from one film to another, claim to him that it was not, but was quite different.
And new questions are already being raised here - about
human memory. For example, if the process of remembering is
joining the strips that are kept in the variant space, then the
question arises: does a person "look" at his own strip, which
occurred after many glues from one line to another, or can he
join whole pieces of those strips, which you haven't seen before?
In a word, it can be very confusing here.

Confusion arises not only in life, where everything can be

blamed for a person’s mental imperfection, but also in physics
labs. Heisenberg's principle of uncertainty, known from quantum
mechanics, shows this insidious side of reality: it does not allow
itself to be "caught by the hand", it turns away and flees in every
way when you try to rest it against the wall and how to look.

One such typical example of deja vu is given in Siderski and

Privalov's book, The Eyes of the Revival to a New Era. That’s
what the authors do
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called transgression from one life to another. A man, a researcher

in a secret company in Siberia, suddenly wakes up to another
reality, where he is married to a woman he knows and doesn’t
know, and does a completely different job he knows and doesn’t
know. The transgressor clearly feels as if he has lived two
completely different lives in one and the same body at the same
time. Knowing exactly where the secret company is, he goes to
Siberia, but finds nothing there.

Karl Castaneda has also recounted a similar situation when he

fell from a cliff into a ravine and then retreated to his apartment in
New York. The tapes came together: he had to shut up anyway,
but he actually jumped from one reality to another - he found
himself in the line where he was alive.
I will not judge whether what is set out in the books is true, but
there have been no less strange testimonies of movement in
space and time in life. Although reality, as always, turns away and
does not give clear answers: was it or not, how and why. There is
only one thing that is certain: transgression, as a movement
between individual lines of life, adjacent or distant, actually takes
place. Not only that, it happens all the time - every time we make
a decision where the line branches off.
Something similar happened sometimes in my life, too . Here is
one of the old memories.

You forgot your gloves with me. More specifically: forgot or left
to return? I was surrounded by some strange feeling,
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as if something had happened between us, but I am not firmly

convinced that it was a dream or a reality.
On the eve of my house, a party of our merry company was raging.
I remember we went out to the balcony to smoke, there was nothing
more, and suddenly we started kissing neither this nor that, by the
way, very hot. But to my shame, I had drunk so much that evening
that the next day I could not separate reality from the dream.

When we met, you looked at me somehow strangely, but I couldn’t

tell from your behavior if there was something between us or if it was
the fruit of my imagination. I asked, you forgot my gloves, maybe
you'll come in? The answer may have been somehow strange to the
viewer. I do not understand anything. And I can’t say it straight
because I don’t remember well and you don’t say anything. As if it
were, as if not. At least I got stuck. Need less drinking.
Later, when the hangover finally dissipated, another episode
appeared in memory, surpassing the previous one. We are kissing
again, already in the hallway, both of them are unacceptable and
drunk, you are already so calm and restrained, you are hot in your
shoes, and you are trying to tear your shirt off me ...
I don't remember further. Eclipse again. Nothing for yourself. Was it
or wasn't it? No, really, you need to drink less.
Two days pass. You don’t come to pick up gloves.
So you didn’t leave them and forgot? And I dreamed it all up?
And somehow weird. Why? You have another, and I have another. I
didn’t think of anything like that and didn’t intend to be unfaithful. Why?
I'm going on a business trip. There, I dive into other problems.
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Deja vu recedes into the background . Back home. Your gloves are gone.
Everything is now really a dead end.

How this could have happened, I understand only now. There was a
transgression from one line where there really was and could be a sequel
to another where there was nothing - either in prehistory or later. The strips
stuck together at the branch point the moment I made the decision: "there
was nothing." But to seize the reality of reality, to find out where and how
the gloves disappeared, I then failed. And here’s another story from the
recent past.

Winter, cold. I’m going to go for a wood burning fireplace. You need to
put your phone in your pocket, you have to call from the publishing house.
At the same moment, I think of something and forget it. I'm leaving the house.
I grab the phone in my pocket. Yes, I forgot, he’s here. Where better to help
him so as not to interfere? No, I picked it up unnecessarily while I was
messing with firewood, I could ruin it. Needs to be removed. I forget him
again. A neighbor cat violated my territory. I take him out. It used to be a
disgust to mark my door.
Finally, I grab firewood. I remember the phone. It needs to be removed. I'm
looking for pockets. He's not here. Yes. It fell out while I was a cat. I found
that much later. The focus shifts again. Back home. The phone is on the

Apparently, the tapes were back together. This time I can swear I really
grabbed the phone in my pocket. How could he get on the table? There
was probably some kind of spontaneous breakthrough in my energy
because it’s so obvious
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transgression "in the middle of the day" needs it a lot. Now that my
energy level indicator sometimes gets stuck at the highest point,
electronic devices sometimes suddenly break down. And I haven't
been drinking for a long time.
I will say why I am telling all this. Deja vu is an uncontrollable
phenomenon, it just happens, much like an unconscious dream. As
long as we unknowingly make essential decisions at important
branching points, as well as reacting bluntly like mollusks to meager
everyday inconveniences, our lives are an uncontrollable transgression
along unsuccessful lines of life. And if we get used to the principle of
coordinating intent in all circumstances, our reality will hold a wave
of success. And it’s no longer transgression, it’s transerfing.

Coordination is also amazing because it optimally corrects reality

- you don't have to bother coloring your world much. For example,
you want everything to be fine and right, but you don’t know how to
be good and how to be right. No big deal. It is not necessary to turn
your head about it. Just get used to it every time someone goes
wrong the way they would like to, wake up immediately and
consciously turn the nuisance into pleasure. Have your own special
response to these cases.

Ah, I wonder what a joyous event will happen after that ?! Oh, a
pleasant surprise awaits me! Let's see! What luck, there can be no!
Joy visited! Happiness visited! What an amazing circumstance! What
a great opportunity! Yes, that's mine
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chance! My world has protected me from even greater

inconveniences! Oh, what a blessing! Absolutely amazing! Looking
forward to your gifts and congratulations!

You have to shout all these "inappropriate" shouts (silently or

loudly, it doesn't matter) every time something unpleasant
happens, even the slightest, or when your imagined scenario is
somehow disrupted. Learn to get dizzy from bad weather, queues,
traffic jams, problems, any negative things. This kind of masochism
will gradually clear the sky over your world. You just have to think
about the benefits of one or another outrageous circumstance.
That's right - you will see for yourself more than once. It only takes
a certain amount of willpower at first to make coordination a habit,
part of your Self. And then everything will be as it should be. This
is the first step from the receiver to the broadcaster.

ÿ Do not confuse thoughtful and conscious reality management with
synchronicity effect.

ÿ Having a spontaneous connection between your thoughts and reality does not mean that

your transerfection is working.

ÿ To start managing this process, you need to change your mindset so that

the passive receiver would become the transmitter, switch to broadcasting its intentions

ÿ Efforts should be made to continuously broadcast your reality live or in the background

view of the outside world.

ÿ Whatever the black clouds, you must always remember to be above them

forever twinkling blue sky.

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ÿ When viewing foreign images, set a goal to capture associations and

to turn their bands together - to declare their intention as an "orange" world. ÿ Give all
incoming information a common denominator of your goal.
ÿ The transformation of mindset in broadcast mode can be started from the intention

ÿ If you decide to consider an event you consider negative to be positive, everything is just right
and so will.
ÿ Transgression is constant - every time we make a decision there,
where the line branches.

ÿ Learn to feel dizzy from bad weather, queues, traffic jams, any problems
negative things.

Notes in the margins

By the way, the whole "Orange Song" (original version) can be heard in Loros
Lotta and Dracosa Chivong on the blog "Transerfing in Practice"
(http:// transerfingon.ru/). It was performed for the first time by eight-year-old Irma Sochadze,
in my head about forty years ago. She has been there many times since
was re-sung (apparently not unnecessarily). The "Orange Song," by the way, contains the
entire quintessence of transerfing. The poems were written by Grigory Gorin and
Arkady Arkanov, music - Konstantin Pevzner. Blog
the page also contains the full text of the song. A good blog. Everything is great there
interesting and very orange.
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I will continue the topic of the previous section on the

coordination of intentions. We colored the events and
circumstances of the supposedly negative hue with orange. In
fact, we can make any (or almost any) inconvenience a pleasure.
It remains to apply the same principle to people and to what
they do.
We are now discussing technologies for removing unnecessary
garbage from your world. If you notice, transerfing does not deal
with the "treatment" of problems, but eliminates their causes,
crossing Gordian knots in one bridge. Moreover, it is not worth
looking for a reason for one situation or another - it is too long
to get dirty and finally confusing. The best thing you can do to
make your way forward is to get rid of the causes of these
causes. Then the current problems will solve themselves and
no new ones will arise.
In other words, we need to look not at the past and not even
at the present, but at the 'target future'. Move forward, no matter
who is left behind. Because you will only go where your intention
is. In this context, the statement "Live now, in this moment" is
not entirely correct. There is no Power in this moment - Power
is in the passing moment - only it draws itself into your dream
without sleep. But we’ll talk about that later, and so far it’s just
information to think about.
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So, remembering the girl who colored her world orange, we

may ask ourselves: and how to do it in practice? Fortunately,
no special abilities and efforts are required here - the world itself
takes on a hilarious tone if it is subject to the principle of
coordinating intentions, both in terms of the situation and the
actions and actions of other people.

Those whose consciousness is now activated can immediately

catch me: "Actions and deeds are one and the same." for big -
and scatter immediately. This is done automatically, for many of
us it is just an unconditional reflex. Whatever is wrong, I don't
like it - the red light goes on somewhere in my head: "Aaa!",
And we drive it - in writing or orally. Especially on the Internet,
where no one will really catch on to the butt and kick in the
buttocks, for all sorts of hair here - the free will (or the freedom
of the will?).

No matter how calm the reaction to criticism is, it certainly

does no good to anyone - neither the critic nor the critic. At the
very least, it always looks ugly.
If your mood is now in a state of equilibrium, try to imagine
objectively what it looks like for someone who flatters something,
expresses their disagreement, means dissatisfaction. It’s really
ugly, and absolutely regardless of whether such a reaction is
justified or not.
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But then the question arises as to why people so often take on

such an unattractive role.
Oh, because our mentality has left a mark on us from an early
age: if any of the adults rebukes us harshly and angrily, then we
are right, and we have done something wrong, so we are older,
taller, better than us, and we are so small and unbelievable,
somewhat inferior to them - worse. Understand? But don’t we
want to be inferior to anything? Here is the pattern reaction from
childhood: if it is not you, but you rebuke someone, then you are
right, you are better than those you rebuke.

In fact, the reaction is quite primitive, at the level of lower

invertebrates. Instead, it creates the illusion of an advantage,
albeit temporary, and at least a little above us.
But it must be understood that it is nothing more than an illusion, and it
is exalting to look at it only from the inside, and from the outside, from the
outside, to always look at it with little pleasure.
Let’s take the internet as an example, because it occupies an
important place in our reality, and imagine what it looks like to be
a scoundrel (and so many) lurking there trying to establish his
personality. Just like a yard puppy with a curled tail that burns it,
it raises its paw, it drops ...
Let it even be right sometimes. Any motto? Different from the big
people - "I came, polluted, swept."
The only question is whose work and what traces will be left
behind. The works of those attacked by the scavenger will
certainly survive, as there is usually no search for trailers for snails. O
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who will be left behind? Sooner or later, the snow melted in the
spring sun will reveal "masterpieces," and the summer rain will
wash away anything that doesn't please the eye.
I myself am compelled to focus on such not-so-pleasant images
only out of necessity in order to overcome the imprint of childhood
and illustrate the real situation. But deterrence is by no means all
that characterizes a primitive reaction of dissatisfaction. There are
three other good reasons why you shouldn’t give up.

The first is the boomerang effect. No matter what you throw in

the mirror, everything will come back to you - both good and bad.
Direct conclusion: it’s not worth throwing at what you don’t want to
get back. Please note that when you condemn something, you
become accused of the same article after a while. This is very
common. Less frequently, but also inevitably, the boomerang
returns in another, transformed form. You may be condemned for
your other actions. Or you will encounter some annoying
inconvenience that will be impossible to logically link to a stone
previously thrown into someone’s garden. What is surprising here:
"And where is the trouble from?" Of course, not everything is so
fatal and unambiguous, but it is definitely natural. That's how a
seemingly harmless imprint of childhood causes a lot of conflict,
from family scandals to star wars.

The second reason is the mirror effect. The mirror indifferently

states the content of your approach, ignoring its direction.
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Still, whether you agree or condemn him, he just reflects what

you send. But in the second case, this reflection falls into our
reality in an even darker shadow, because it is always condemned
with empathy in the presence of the unity of soul and mind.
By expressing dissatisfaction and antipathy, you pollute your
world even more. Whatever tape is on the projector, so is the
And finally, the third reason is that you may be wrong.
By attacking someone to criticize, you will almost certainly be
wrong because you can’t have all the information why this person
is doing something the way you want it to. What would you inflict
on yourself if you found yourself in its place? Either way, it is
impossible to know all the alien circumstances, conditions, and
motives. Much in this world is very relative, with rare exceptions.

There is no need to look far for examples. That's the criticism

at my address. I am sometimes accused of inserting into the
esoteric all sorts of "kitchen utensils" that have nothing to do with
it. And in general, you hear, non-men work in the kitchen to get dirty.
I wouldn’t say it hurts me, it’s just interesting to watch what an
opinion is expressed on. By the way, sometimes it is useful to
think not "straightforwardly" but masculinely, as "blondes" think
(I don't mean anything specifically here). Non-linear and illogical
steps in solving a complex task that seem to have "nothing in
common" very often lead to enlightenment. And that the
occupation is "non-male", everything is relative here as well.
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I remember in the army we didn’t like those who didn’t know

anything to do as needed. Those who are accustomed to using
the services of mothers and babysitters cannot be relied upon,
and intelligence with them is not available. I don’t know how now,
but in my time I had to do everything myself, including in the kitchen.
There were situations when you had to look for food in the forest
in the winter. For example, it is difficult to hit a rabbit from a
vending machine, and finally it takes time to track it down. But
there is one cruel way just for men. A loop is made of a telephone
cable with steel cores, which is tied behind a branch above the hare trail.
At night, the hare runs its way, slips through the loop, ignoring it,
but the hind paw hooks the wire, and it closes. For Paris, you find
him already frozen, on a red snow, a paw cut to the bone. He
fights to the end and dies, feeling great pain, instead of waiting
for someone to come to pick him up. A cowardly man is said to
be "cowardly like a hare," but this comparison is incorrect.

The power of the hare is no weaker than that of a wolf. Everything is relative.
So, the general meaning of everything that is said is that by
expressing dissatisfaction with something or doing something -
government, officials, footballers, air, colleagues, neighbors,
relatives, not to mention children, you broadcast an ugly image
into the world mirror and get the appropriate reflection. reality.
Broadcasting on the frequency of the radio station "Success
Wave" or the station "Lowering Tank" is a matter of conscious (or
unconscious) choice.
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Of course, this does not mean that there is no need to argue at all,
to repel someone, to defend oneself or others when it is really
necessary. The most important thing is that your attitude and actions
are not governed by an unconscious imprint, but by a conscious
intention. There are situations everywhere and constantly where it is
not necessary to show a negative reaction at all. Why not do something
that isn't directly related to you, or rebuke someone who hasn't done
you any harm? You can’t change what has already happened in this
world, just as you can’t affect the cinema you see on screen.
You can change the movie bar instead. Attacking a screen or adjusting
a projector are two completely different lifestyles.
It is usually better to just go through things that evoke negative
emotions, ignore them, not put into the heart what you would not want
to have in your world. All you have to do is allow someone to distract
you with something negative, and it will immediately become your
And if you can't get past the country and you're trapped in an
emotional trap, you don't have to restrain yourself - it's pointless. You
have to remember that it is not emotions that need to be managed,
but attitudes. It can always be changed by activating consciousness.
For example, instead of blurring, do the opposite - praise. The
officials sang you? Look at them from a different angle. How diligent
they are! Trying! Cops stuck on the road? It's at least men! How do
they take care not to get in an accident! Starving neighbors bothered?
Wow, how crazy they are! Creative people! Footballers are not happy?

How good it is to run around the field! How cool and beautiful! And
their uniform is so beautiful! Coworkers offended? Helped
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wake up and understand something! Thank you very much! Praise

everyone in a row, in all sorts of words. For every negative impulse, there
will always be at least a mockingly pleasant response. Great! Charming!
Or as Eloÿka the Man said - a colossal! Let the pendulums dive, the rest
with their noses.

Be that as it may, patience and forgiveness are king

feature. Is not that right?
And yet on the movement with the flow of options. In everyday reality,
you are very often given occasional comments, suggestions, advice or a
vague opinion. All of these details may seem insignificant, but in reality
they are not. You need to know that the people around you, unlike you
(unless you sleep with your eyes open), have fallen into a deep dream.
The dream pushes them, and they mostly swim downstream with its flow,
only occasionally trying to change something. Your task is not to swim,
but to move consciously in the flow, using its power and paying attention
to the road signs. These signs can be sporadic remarks, especially if they
are seen to be given unconsciously, as if by the way, without stopping. In
such cases, it will be very helpful to overcome the inflammation by
stubbornness, opposition, or knocking down by hand. Of course, it is not
necessary to follow any advice immediately, but not taking it into
account will not hurt you. Set a new rule: listen to the woman and do as
she said. Do you understand what I mean? For a man, this is less likely
to work,
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for it is more guided by reason than intuition. He needs to be

listened to and praised carefully. You're a real shooter! My advice:
doing as he says is optional, but worthy of praise. Men love it when
they listen to them and praise them, they will forgive everything
else. And, of course, it won’t hurt to notice what they’re talking
about unconsciously, because it can be a signpost - a wise
indication of the flow of options moving in the optimal way. Stay
alert when you are surrounded by a universal unconscious dream,
and look at it as an exciting adventure.
And in the end: to make it all work, get used to activating
consciousness at the right time. Catch yourself every time
someone doesn’t like it and there is an excuse to attack them.
Did the red light come on in my head? Aha! Tracking mode is
activated. What to do? Next you know. Not immediately, but with
enough effort, after a series of unsuccessful cyber-dreams in a
dream, you will gradually acquire the necessary skill, and the
previous unconscious imprint will no longer control your life. You
will be surprised to see that the number of dissatisfactions around
you is dwindling.
Your world will clear up and shine in warm orange.

ÿ The world itself takes on a cheerful tone if it is subject to the principle of
coordinating intentions, both in the situation and in the actions and actions of other people.
ÿ The imprint left in our mentality from an early age: if anything
although from the adults we are severely and angrily rebuked, therefore, are right,
and we do something not so.
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ÿ A pattern reaction has been developed since childhood: if not you, but someone
bari, therefore thou art righteous; for thou art better than thine.
ÿ No matter what you throw in the mirror, everything will come back to you - so good
so bad.
ÿ By expressing dissatisfaction and antipathy, you are polluting your world.
ÿ Attacking someone to criticize you will almost certainly be wrong. ÿ When
expressing dissatisfaction with someone or doing something
you broadcast an ugly image into the mirror of the world and receive in reflection
relevant reality.
ÿ This does not mean that there is no need to argue at all, to retaliate, to defend oneself or
others when it is really necessary.
ÿ Your attitude and actions must be governed not by an unconscious imprint but by
conscious intention.
ÿ You cannot change what has already happened in this world, you can change it
film on your projector.
ÿ Attacking a screen or adjusting a projector are two completely different lifestyles

ÿ It is not emotions that need to be managed, but

attitudes. ÿ Forbearance and forgiveness are a feature of kings.

ÿ Move downstream with the flow of options, paying attention to the road signs.
Listen to the woman and do as she said.
ÿ Stay alert when there is a universal unconscious dream around you and watch
to it as an exciting adventure.
ÿ Get used to consciousness at the right time. The red light on his head
light bulb? Aha! Tracking mode is activated.

Notes in the margins

When something is depressing or annoying, you are asleep. As soon as you realize you have someone

depressing and annoying, you can wake up in a dream - whether you sleep or not. And if
enough energy and clarity of consciousness, you will be able to control this dream.
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This time, I decided to do what I do very rarely: publish

success stories instead of problem letters. There are so many of
them, you can make a thick book. I think you’re curious to know
how others are doing it.

"I have decided to tell you what I did and how I did it. I started
reading the Fate Management Course in 78 Days. I did well, all
the more so because I wanted to get rid of the depression that
surrounded me. Whining and upset, however, is an unacceptable
While experimenting, I created an intention to look for a new
job. Many of the principles in the book were in line with what I
had tried to do so far: expect only good from the world, firmly
believe in my happy star, etc. The job search was crowned with success.
I am working in a new place for the third month already.
I used this to convince my mind that everything is working
perfectly. I'm not talking about household details - timely transport
and other small "coincidences".

I am now designing a whole complex of paintings - they

envisage bigger changes than just fun work. Changes are taking
place step by step: however, the scope for action is very wide,
and there are sometimes moments when I engage in self-reliance
and mental masochism again. Then helping me take care of my own
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with a physical body (a contrast shower, a delicious salad, a long

walk, exercise) or just a reorientation of attention to the world
around me, as well as to the people around me.

Recently, however, the world around me has come to a halt as

a huge mechanism that I have stopped, and now it is starting to
turn in the other direction - at first slowly, squeaking, but the
"gears" are gaining momentum every day.
Due to transgression. I remembered one case - it happened a
few years ago. For more than 10 years, I have been wearing a
ring all the time, which I bought as a teenager. He suddenly
disappeared from my finger. I think I’d be upset anyway, but then
for some reason my thoughts seemed to fly somewhere. This is
when you dream a very real dream and then wake up and try to
understand: was it really or just dreamed. Then I was just
overwhelmed by some similar hallucination. I already remember
the first shots quite clearly.
I put my hand on the handbag, and when I pull it out, the ring is on
my finger again. I wasn’t even surprised at that moment.
I looked at him, stroked him, and, covered in some kind of
anabiosis, went on. ”

"If your good friend is

Cheerful and unhappy, If he
no longer moans, Does not
change completely, It can
be no doubt That the
transferor is!
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You say to him, "Heaven is soot," and he says,

"I'm smelling money!" Lynoja ...

And he's even happier.

When the white snowflakes fall, he
annoys him: "There will be holidays soon!"

Everything. I'm silent without a word ...

The boss bar - will increase the salary!

There will be brightly colored dresses!

And if you paid the fine - You
will have a lot of new items!
If you curl up on Monday - This
week will be like a fiesta!
Thrown out of work? That is

Sequences in love for sure!

Is the dog getting better?
Called, Money will be! He knows it!
Cat pancreas ear?
Everything will be the best!
The roof took off and collapsed
- There will be a home soon!
And all the roads to Rome
And to the sea, gentlemen!
It's like the wind now It's on the
waves of success!
Everything changes, changes itself,
And the car moves away ...
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Don't happen to him, don't sing

- Here's your real happiness!
The clouds of heaven overlapped
- and in Egypt it is like a paradise!
Summer is over and it's raining ...

We are not afraid of exams!

Are you suffering from winter boots?
Spring is on the doorstep!
Gulit flu torture - It will be a
hundred years!
If we live, called, Happy
Babies we are born!
And we all have great consequences!
The transfer itself says that! ”

“Once last winter I walked and visualized my goal. This is my future house.
It’s already built in my mind. Both the rooms, the furniture, and my family are
already inside the entire TO.

I’m no longer talking about how my house looks from the outside, how it
stands in the sun. I walk quietly under him, wade into the kitchen, see my wife
there, feel the light of day at home, the sun flashes through the windows and
the sun’s energy spreads to the floor while falling barefoot. Wonderful! I am
writing these lines, and I myself am TEN, inside!

At the end of the walk, I decided to do a transaction. Theme, I really like

this time of day, he’s like
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no one else shows us the full beauty of our world! Already light,
neither dark nor hot nor cold. It seems to me that I feel complete
harmony in the world at the time! That time passed quickly, it was still
light a few minutes ago, and it was getting dark a few minutes later.
And when I manage to capture that moment, I am overwhelmed by a
feeling of silent ecstasy. It happened again this time, but in some
inexplicable way, the causes and consequences met in space, as
they say - here and now.
There was a lot of snow outside (according to European standards)
after yesterday’s snowfall, so I had to walk carefully down the street.
During the day the snow melted and a nightmare formed, but
nonetheless, my evening walk was generally successful, and as I
approached home, I was left to cross a narrow street and walk down
the cleared sidewalk.
The very moment my left foot stood on the safe sidewalk and the
right one wanted to join the left and all my attention for safety was
focused on the edging, I saw SOMETHING! It was an obscure form
of reality with a ragged edge but a clearly defined outline like an
island in the ocean on a world map.

"It's at least!" I thought. And after all, it’s not a dream, it really
happened the moment I caught it. Due to the special lighting, which
only happens at dusk, the image was of very good quality, only
without special embellishments, as in color dreams, for example, but
certainly not inferior to dreams. I myself do not know why I decided
to tell this incident. Probably because he was bright compared to
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others, like the star that suddenly appeared in the clear starry sky,
and I was firmly convinced that it really wasn’t there a second ago!
What I saw right above my head during the visualization was part of
a rainbow in a sky that promises no rain. The rainbow made me think
that during these ten minutes before she was seen, few people
noticed her at all, as always.

Who goes somewhere, who goes shopping in the mall, who sleeps,
who drinks, etc. And I saw this rainbow!
This is probably HAPPINESS! ”

"There was a recent conflict with my son over science (he was 12
years old). Anyway, he’s an obedient kid, but sometimes he comes in.
The conflict was related to underachievement at school due to
computer and social networking. In a word, he was approached
almost before the fight, after which he was punished and had to
apologize every day until his birthday and repeat how ugly he was
behaving. On the third day, I was struck by being a classic manipulator,
and I made changes: now he had to remind me every day that he is
the most beautiful, the smartest, prepares his lessons well, always
listens to his parents, helps his mother at home and succeeds
everywhere and always.

The fact that the lessons are now being prepared almost without
my intervention was not very surprising, as is the case. But just
tonight we went home and talked about school - what jokes, what's
coolest in class, etc. So, he told me that there are occasional girls'
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polls who likes. According to yesterday's poll, he took first place. It

makes my breath stand out from my emotions! ”

"What you have shaken out of my life with your books is hard
to put into words: every day makes me enthusiastic. I bought your
first book in the summer of 2005. I read it in one sitting. I later
bought and studied the books I subscribed to. newsletters.

I started to apply the acquired knowledge in life. Every day I try

to live by transerfection. My life has changed in every way and for
the better. What's more, he became what I "drew" him to be.

One example. I compiled the table "MY GOALS for this and that
year". Went out 10 points. I gave up all thinking about money
because I had less than a tenth of the amount I needed on the
day the table was compiled. I printed out several copies of the
table, one of them hung at home above my desk, the second I
carried in my briefcase, the third I hung in a visible place in the
summer house. I then started working on the written goals, as Dr.
Zealand pointed out in my books.

The first point was this: buy a car.

Since the model was planned earlier, I found all the available
information about it: photos, videos, test drive results, prospectuses,
discussions in the forums, and so on. Colorful car pictures
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I hung up in visible places, carried them with me on trips, looked

at them, looked for such a car on the roads and in the parking
lots, looked around the cabins, sat in them, drove once. And here
is the RESULT:
I am sitting at the wheel of my own car. Nice little thing: I bought
a car of the same brand, but a more expensive and better model.
I think that has been taken care of by MY WORLD, which knows
better what I need. I am very pleased about that. Of the 10 items
recorded, 9 were implemented that year. I am realizing the last
item now.
Yes, I almost forgot. A year and a half ago, I completely and
voluntarily gave up ALL alcohol. And a year ago, I switched to live
food. Your books have helped you do that. For this reason, my
health has become completely different: I have rejuvenated, I
have lost 20 kilograms, I am lively, cheerful, enduring, etc. ”“
When I watch the target slide, I imagine my future life. That’s what
makes my life a holiday. I am a successful financier, I have a
wonderful family. Here I am at work. The office is on the 30th
floor. I'm coming to my office.

I sit in a chair by the window. I open the blinds, and there's such
a sight ... It's upright. The secretary comes in and brings mail. I
take a knife for the envelopes. And its such a comfortable wooden
handle. I open the letter. Paper is so nice, even a mattress. It
contains an invitation to the anniversary of the university.
I go to the meeting later.
As I watch this slide, I am firmly confident inside that I know my
job perfectly. I am a high class professional.
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Then I can go to a restaurant with my wife or play tennis with a

friend. And then a business trip to New York.
Next time I’m watching a slide at home. I am awakened by my
pug trying to get on the bed. He’s stout and can’t jump himself.
I'm getting up. The smell of fresh pastries at home.
I have access to the window. And our window is high, from floor
to ceiling. I open it and go out to the balcony. There is a small
lake around which children play.
And so on. My slide is constantly changing. Of course, I’m
going back to all those moments. But today, on my slide, I travel
around Europe with my family, tomorrow - on a business trip to
Siberia, and the next day we are at the Maria Theater, etc. In all
these paintings, I feel a constant feeling that this is my life. It's mine.
Everything around. I feel, I hear, I see. And I really like it all. I
have significantly expanded the comfort zone.
I used to think about how it could be, how I would achieve it ...
And now there are no such questions. Just know, and that's it.
Everything goes as needed. And the world is going to meet me.
Everything has already happened that I would not have believed
But not long ago, I read in the forum that you can't watch
component slides. You hear, I don’t live my life. What to do? ”

You are doing everything right. Create a virtual reality for

yourself and live in it. If you keep watching this movie, you will get
it in reality (VZ).
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"I am from Ukraine. In February, the TV channel STB invited

to the selection of amateur chefs (without special education and
not working in the profession). I decided on a dish (it was a
cake). And here's how to decorate ...
I have never decorated my dishes, and this is the case here ...
Orally, I sat online, found interesting glazes and went to sleep.
In the morning I get up and rush to work, on the expressway
(the man had to ride before work), and since I never did, the
decoration doesn't work ... And the man rushes ... Orally, using
the principle of coordination of intentions I'm starting to tear up
the whole kitchen: "Everything will go out, I'll do better than
everyone, I'm the winner, I'll accept me ..." or for the birthday
when I said that for the first time, I just didn't believe it ... "

"I realized that the more precisely I direct my thoughts, the

faster things come true. I gave up all destructive thoughts and
built my business in a week from scratch. I opened the video
studio I wanted for a long time. Everything was so. I didn't have
a penny of money, sometimes I lacked to pay for the rented
apartment where I lived. It would look like my business there ...
I couldn't apply for a loan in my name because one was not
repaid. But I concentrated and started thinking in that direction.
I lived up to these thoughts. I made an income schedule, making
sure that working for myself was not only more rewarding than
anyone else, but also more enjoyable. I found a lot of pluses for me
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it was even nice to think about it. I enjoyed it as much as I could,

without turning my head where the money would come from. And
here one fine day, my friends offered me to apply for credit on
their behalf and finally start my own business. And they did it
willingly, not asking for anything in return. Maybe just boxes of
beer from the first proceeds. That's what I did. And here I have
been working for myself for half a year. I live in a new, albeit still
rented, good apartment. I make a good living. I repaid one credit.
I will return the second one in a few months. That's the way it is! ”

“Your books have completely changed my life. Life's Transfers

is my favorite book. The body instantly feels the difference
between a natural diet and dead food. I make live kissels - at first
I didn't like the taste of it, to put it mildly, but later ... In a word, as
you wrote - now it won't take your ears. I constantly eat sprouted
grains, live bread, etc. - an amazing result! I was surprised to
learn that it turns out I never knew what health was. In addition, I
constantly use the techniques "Intention Generator" and "Glass
of Water" - very powerful techniques, working one hundred
percent !!! I dedicated a year and a half to the Eye of Revival, the
effect was small, but after supplementing this technique with
methods from your book, I finally felt the power of this complex.
There are three times as many forces and energies, you want to
change everything at once. And most importantly, you really
understand that there will be enough strength and mood for
everything, the laziness has disappeared somewhere in general. ”
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"I can't say that I have completely switched to live food, sometimes
I use cooked, but much more often - fruits, vegetables, lightly salted
fish. I am 48 years old.
Transerfing changed me and my life. I lost weight at first, then I gained
weight, the size of my jeans decreased.
Energy levels have really risen. The mood is always great. I am active
in sports. The most amazing thing is that I started to see the glow
around people, I see the dimensions of this glow, I differentiate the
colors of the glow a bit. Amazing - we live in a world of bright, radiant
beings! I've read about it, but I didn't think it could happen to me. "

“I have been able to make a real difference in my life.

For example, I used to try to make money, and now they make money
on their own. I just order who specifically needs the money, then put it
in the comfort zone and wait. It usually takes 2-3 weeks, and the
money itself appears, so to speak, materializes. When I started
applying your methods, my earnings increased on average 10 times
after about half a year! I am convinced that this would have taken
much less time if not for the same 'comfort zone'. At first I almost had
to persuade myself, my mind stubbornly refused to believe that I CAN
Afford to have much of what I have now. I wouldn’t have believed
anything two years ago, but now it’s so normal and natural.

It is true that there are days of stagnation, when things are not going
so smoothly, but I know that this is a temporary and easily overcome
phenomenon. "
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"I wanted to be proud of how well my affairs began.

For 30 years, I graduated in architecture from Moscow College.
I came to work for a construction company and was, of course, the
youngest architect among the architects. I am now the Deputy Head of
the Architecture Department, the Chief Architect of the project. I just
rented myself. Frankly, at first I did it instinctively, later I became more
conscious. In addition, freestyle is particularly effective.

The boss loves me very much. And overall, I just bloomed.

Thank you very much! Now I have no limits or restrictions !!!!! It felt like I
had been a horse in the past, dragging my leg behind my leg without
lifting my head, and now I have grown wings. I became carefree and
free ... as a child !!!!! Yes! Here's how to call it.

And nothing will happen if I get tired of this game - I'll come up with a
new one. And there is nothing serious in life, you just have to monitor
the state of your soul. And my soul is just amazing. ”

"Everything has changed in life - relationships in the family, with

friends and acquaintances. Even in an unimaginable way, I started
picking victories at the pool table, even though I hadn’t been playing
games before, but checking my nervous system, and not just my own.
I consider the rapprochement with my wife to be my biggest achievement -
thank you very much for that alone. We even started building a business together!
When I stop thinking about my significance, I notice how the attitude of
those around me has changed for the better! Terrible thoughts imposed
by the media don't come to mind, and not just because I don't watch TV
- they just don't have room
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positive flow. The reaction to the obviously negative events

stunned my environment. I now describe my condition as
weightless - I used to be a military pilot and I know what I am
talking about. I turned 40 a month ago, and the feeling of "life is
over" was replaced by "it's just beginning."

“You answered me the question, why does everything come

out to me the other way around, which has tormented me all my
life. If I was convinced that any event would happen, then that
event would never have happened. Whether good or bad. It was
available to the point of absurdity. I once recorded media with a
program library at the Institute of Communications, and I was
confident I would have the library I wanted. Nothing could bother
me. Media has already been saved. All that was left was to pick them up.
Even if something happens, they can be rewritten and all problems
will be resolved. The day before they were handed over to me,
the Communications Institute, specifically the Computing Center,
where my media was, burned down. That’s how my dream is
gone. When I noticed this regularity, I started actively using this
"phenomenon". If I needed anything, I convinced myself, and
even better, those around me that nothing would work out. So
everything was the opposite and I achieved the desired result.

I have been using this method for 30 years !!!! There were
almost no exceptions. Probability of completion 99.9999
percent !!!!!!!!!! But in the end, it bothered me. Why isn’t everything
in my life the way other people are! Why do I have to think the
opposite! Everyone around you says you need to send good thoughts that ne
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to think positively. Aha! Where not. All I have to do is think

positively, and things go the other way. Once someone
accidentally (cha cha!) Recommended me to your books. And
the world suddenly stood on its feet, not down its head, and
everything became clear. I have rearranged my thoughts in a
month, and now my intentions are working as they should. It
comes out even better than before! Easier, more understandable
and more fun! I got answers to my questions, and as a prize, a
methodology on how to go about my goal and how to protect
myself from the pendulums. And slide theory is just amazing!
Everything works!!!!!"

"I do not want to burden you with the ever-expanding list of

miracles (you won't call it that) that happen to me because of
this KNOWLEDGE. In short. I used to live a gloomy and cocky
life in the big city, and now, after a short stretch of time, I live
with a wonderful wife on a tropical island in the ocean, and
every minute of my life is full of meaning and joy. As you say,
"The soul sings, and the mind rubs its hands contentedly." life in
response to everything that just happens. But I don't remember
much, because everyone chooses their own layer of the world. "
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"What I'm doing? Let’s say there came some news that I
thought was unpleasant. I start rubbing my palms, I smile
(sometimes curving somehow crooked) and I say to myself,
“Everything is going as it should. Okay! Everything is great! It's
just amazing! ”Then there is some incomprehensible" inner
gesture ". I can’t even understand what that is, the more I explain!
It’s as if something inside is squeezing joyfully (you know how
small children can happily squeeze fists and shake them). I
force myself to do about the same thing. And it really works! Not
only does the situation change in my favor, but it also definitely
brings some unexpected pleasant surprises! And then you say,
"Go for yourself !!!!" True, I didn’t know that in detail, but
somehow I paid intuitively, and I did well. Later, it was
increasingly necessary to act wisely and appropriately. Then,
due to my life experience, I started to put everything "on the
shelves", according to the concept of what is right and what is
wrong. The results didn’t have to wait long: now I lost everything
I had achieved before that was important and unshakable.
Particularly strong beliefs collapsed in the wake of what

It’s good that I decided to stop and think about where the point
here is. I found out about your books by accident, but I found
them pretty quickly. What is good is also a sign. Now I’m like an
athlete who was a champion, but for the sake of bragging
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suffered an injury and re-learn to walk. I will try to remember my

childhood. "

"When I read Transerfing two years ago, I didn't even dream

of being abroad, especially in London. And the fact that people
can argue in which mountains to ski in addition to the Alps can
also be said from your books.
Then I decided I wanted that too. At the time, transerfection
seemed really unreal to me, but I knew it would work the way it
should. In a word, I now ski in the Alps, so it works. This allows
me to set more incredible and crazy goals for the future.

After all, nothing is impossible, only we limit ourselves. ”

“From the very beginning, my goal, my intention, was to change

the living space. It was hard to figure out what I really wanted.
Two years ago, I actively, inspiredly created a slide show for a
three-room apartment in the city center, and a little over a year
and a half later I finally realized that my soul longed for a large
plot of land, a farm, a home of my own.
I want to live there and work the land. And preferably as far away from the
city center as possible.
And here three days ago, this happiness just suddenly
overwhelmed me. There is a real opportunity to buy a large (7
hectare) plot of land and farm at a very affordable price. For the
money I received from selling my current apartment, it is really
possible to build a good cottage. So without any mortgages and
other debt loops, I am changing my two-room purchase to a third-class
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in the city area to a magnificent 150 square meter cottage on a large

plot of good fertile land, surrounded by forest, near a stream, accessible
from the city within an hour. That’s where there will be room for my
imagination, how much can be realized there!

By the way, when I was overwhelmed by this happiness, it was so

unexpected for me that I panicked at first. Yes, I’m going to have it all,
but right now, that’s so simple and straightforward!
After all, it fundamentally changes my whole life! I had to grab myself by
the arms, calm down, and start thinking again. I understood: the intention
is realized when you clearly understand what you specifically need. And
only if you really need it. I would not be satisfied with a three-room
apartment in the center. That was not my goal. As soon as I realized my
real goal, I immediately achieved it. "

"The soul lived and suffered,

Dreaming of daus, Wanted
to run free like the wind, Forget all
sorrows, Make life happy, Turn the
world into a fairy tale ...

But supposedly clever thoughts

Suddenly craving advice: Don't
expect ... Don't dream ...
It's not like that ... Throw it out ...
How to create hell is often taught by the mind, and
the soul longs to create paradise forever ... ”
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"I started reading and I couldn't tear it off. I found answers to

all the questions, even the ones I couldn’t formulate. Everything
that was read fell into one coherent system, where no one
disturbed anyone, on the contrary, helped. Many things became
apparent to me, the essence of which I had either not understood
before or questioned the correctness of my opinion.

Since childhood, my needs, as adults have said, have been

one step ahead of everyone else. When everyone said, "That's
not possible, you have to do this, otherwise you won't get
anything," I looked for other ways. I almost never liked the "path"
of my peers. And only now do I realize that I am looking for a
way for myself, a way to the "harmony of soul and mind."

After the book, the world seemed to change, as if I had taken

off my glasses. I watched what surrounded me, and I couldn’t
rejoice that I was finally looking with real eyes. It's like I have
sprouted wings! That’s how things changed. And what I’ve done
unconsciously so far turns out to be compatible with transerfing.

And I no longer hesitated to pull my way, towards the harmony

of soul and mind. It turns out that everything, as I like to say, is
"ridiculously simple". The mood doesn't change for the slightest
reason - now it's even funny when, for example, on the bus, a
woman starts fluttering me. The "unattainable" goals have
disappeared - they do not exist. The problems of communication,
science, money are gone - everything seems to have evaporated.
Now I know what is real. For the first time in my 18 years
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really happy. After all, I ran away from the farm. I am free! And I won't
be back there. "

“A friend gave me a read on your publications on synthetic food. I

think you need to know that you have shown the way to another person,
me. The transition to live food was not difficult because I fasted regularly
and the body was prepared. I felt great while fasting, I had a lot of
energy, but I couldn’t even imagine it would be even more! Really, it
feels like you’re flying doping and wanting to fly and create.

But not even that matters. I have never complained about my health
and awareness because I have been living consciously for a long time
and all my intentions are coming true. But earlier in the morning I was
anxious, I couldn’t understand where the anxiety came from, something
unfounded, turning into fear. And here I understood. The organism was
dependent on the same synthetics. When the addiction was gone,
everything was gone somewhere. In the past, it was hard for me to be
able to anticipate a goal, to achieve it, but deadlines shifted. I am no
longer now. Clear intent without unnecessary tension, I just go to the
goal, and that’s it. Everything became simple.

And after all, I couldn’t even predict where the whole point was. If
someone had told me about nutrition before, I would have disbelieved.
I kept looking for reasons - maybe guilty, maybe not disciplined enough,
or maybe someone else. And only when you realize that there are a lot
of other things you don’t even suspect
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being like a diet can really change your reality. I wrote this letter
to let you know how much you have done for me. "

Notes in the margins

It should be noted that with the publication of the book The Transfiguration of Life,
I get far more descriptions of happy stories. There will be more in the book
one section where I will provide feedback on how radically
living world is changing the world.
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Part III

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I get a lot of readers asking questions about natural

lifestyle. The following chapters are about that and more.

Is it true that often loving loses creative energy, as can be seen from one
Drasher’s novels, where the main character of the artist stopped painting because

No, not true. It does not deplete creative energy and energy in
general, of course, as long as the limits of the mind are not exceeded.
Intimate relationships are a rather emotional and, in a sense,
unbalanced area, so there are a lot of subjective myths here.
The question is: what does "make love often" mean? Any activity,
and not just sex, takes away energy if you don’t feel moderate.
Where that measure is, everyone sets themselves apart because
all people are different.
Only one circumstance needs to be considered. Energy is similar
to current and occurs only in motion. In other words, energy is
where there is movement, and where there is stagnation, it is not.
Do not store energy when not in use. What is not used is gradually
atrophied. Because unnecessary.
Such is already Nature.

Is it true that, like my Castaneda magicians, black holes appear in the aura of both
partners when they get pregnant?
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No, not true. No data has been seen that anyone has ever felt
a break in their shell when giving birth to a child’s life. Don't you
believe that Nature is interested in "piercing" man for performing
his first innate duty? Quite the opposite. So you don’t have to
invent and literally and sacredly believe in everything that
someone once said.

Is it true that eating live food reduces sexual power?

No, not true. Initially decreasing, then increasing. Eat varied

and complete. When the transition is over, things will recover and
return to normal.

Why does Osho say that sex is enough only once a year and that it is by no
means an optional part of human life?

And why is once a year enough instead of two or twelve?

Where is the criterion? If we are referring to the extension of the
family, that is a completely different matter. After all, it’s about
sex, not fetal function. These are different things.
And that it is an optional part of life is true. Many do without
sex, and this has no major impact on their vital activities. Can you
list any visible differences in principle between those who have
an active sex life and those for whom this area of life is not yet
known or has already moved into the past?

When you have some kind of energy at your disposal, it can or

cannot be used at your own discretion.
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You won't use it - you will gradually lose it, just as you will lose it if you use
too much.
But, I repeat, you can do without this kind of energy if you don’t feel the
need, without doing any harm to anyone else.

You wrote that if there is no energy, you will not be able to do anything - the intention will not be

enough. I’ve been very interested in meditation lately. The thing is, even when eating live food, I feel like

there’s not enough energy to be conscious all the time. Therefore there are thoughts of restricting the sexual

realm and moving on to brahmacharya. I ask because I have a girlfriend I love.

I would not want to choose between the path of the soul and the love of my girlfriend.

Not to be confused with God’s gift with an egg: love with sex, spirituality
with asceticism, self-discipline with fanatical abstinence. These are different
things. You will not use any one type of energy, it will just atrophy, but that
does not mean that other types of energy will increase.

There is movement - there is energy. Compare a mountain river and a

standing swamp. Where is the energy?
I don’t know what meditation you are interested in and what it gives you.
I can only say one thing: meditation, when the inner monologue is
interrupted, immersed in the depths of consciousness, seeks to grasp
some truth, and the like, has nothing to do with transerfection.

What is so special that proponents of meditation practice have come to

realize? As far as is known, the first and last thing that really did something
(by the way , no one knows exactly) was the Buddha. Somehow not to
hear about any shocking achievements of his followers. Isn't that right?
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The inner monologue should not be interrupted, but directed in

the necessary way to broadcast its purposeful intention to the
world around it. Broadcasting is a movement.
Meditation is stopping, sinking from one dream to another, even
deeper. And who will control your thoughts in that dream - you or
the beings of subtle matter for whom the local environment is
natural - is a big question.
A live diet also does not guarantee enlightenment, though
it lifts you up a few stairs at once, like an elevator.
Up to that level of consciousness, when reality is perceived as
a conscious dream, subject to intent, which is, in fact, the goal of
transerfection, leads a rather long path that requires self-control
and self-discipline. But not self-restraint. You understand
the difference?

Living nutrition is not a limitation of some of one's needs, but a

fundamentally different principle of life that moves man as an
entity to the highest range of vibrations and, of course, greatly
facilitates the path to consciousness. But by no means in an

Does shungitis help protect against electromagnetic radiation?

I don't know. There are manufacturers who claim that a

shungite plate shields the field. An entry can even be found on
the Internet showing the focus, as an indicator captures a smaller
field of the mobile phone if a plate is placed on it. In fact, a piece
of stone can in no way shield the field. The pot can - shungite no.
I have
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electromagnetic indicator and did not laugh to check for myself.

Unfortunately, using the pot is inconvenient.
Shielding, that is, reducing the voltage of the field, is only
possible on the screen. Given the protection against
electromagnetic radiation from the phone, shielding will not work,
as the device will simply not work. Radiation cannot be
suppressed, it can only be harmonized, that is to do more or less
physiological. Shungite can harmonize the field. Theoretically. On
any scale, it’s hard to say the manufacturers keep it quiet
because they don’t have the data. This requires special hardware.
Therefore, all they have to do is blindly declare that they are
shunite. It would be great if someone did a qualified check

One of my acquaintances works in the field of magnetic resonance imaging.

Has been working for about three years. But for some time she notices that she is
so tired after work that a long sleep does not help. And the rest days are spent
sleeping. It gets down at 9pm on Friday and gets up at 9am on Saturday. He walks
for a couple of hours and goes to sleep again. Sleep and sleep. She had gone on
vacation for a month, but that didn’t help. The same goes for her partner. Tell me,
does this electromagnetic radiation work that way? Are there problems somewhere
else? Is there any way to combat this without changing jobs?

It would be better to change jobs. One of the most harmful

professions is electric train drivers, trams, trolleybus drivers,
astronauts, submarines, pilots and all those who have to work
surrounded by electrical appliances. Electromagnetic radiation
primarily affects the human blood and biological field. Erythrocytes
clump together into conglomerates (bunches), much like after
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doses. The biofield is severely deformed. The special hardware

shows that the aura of people who are no different from a cell
phone or who spend a lot of time at the computer is completely
ruined. Such a fee for technogenic "amenities".

By the way, quite a few people cut into all this, because, as
usual, most of them are in a state of careless ignorance, as if
nothing is terrible for them, everything is normal.
(You should know that ignorance is so much fun and careless
just because it is collective.) But it will be until the body runs out
of supplies and degenerative processes begin. Even after this,
they are still spitting.

What advice can be given to those who are still not? It does
not hide from the radiation, it can only be harmonized, that is,
to make it physiologically acceptable to the body. In my opinion,
a device called the functional state corrector - FBK (http://
www.center-region.com/) is currently the best way to handle
such a task.
I don’t want to impose anything on anyone, especially since
this toy is not cheap. But I consider it my duty to share
information about what I use myself. This is information for
those who may find it useful, not an advertisement. I don’t get
any money for it. But I always gladly and consciously provide
knowledge about things that act as a counterweight to the
widely advertised technosphere products. It’s like my modest
contribution to preserving the invaluable and fragile biosphere
of our planet.
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FBK is a small plate that, in general and in short, structures water,

harmonizes non-physiological fields, creates discomfort for extraneous
organisms - parasites, etc. The purpose and properties of different
plates are different. In other words, FBK provides a local (personal)
oasis in an aggressive environment. Power supply - Earth's magnetic

Detailed information can be found on the manufacturer's website.

I should probably warn you that for an unprepared person, the
information there may be incomprehensible, causing mistrust and even
a reaction of rejection. Unfortunately, the manufacturer did not offer to
describe his product in clear and straightforward language to make it
understandable to ordinary people without biological, physical and
technical education. And if you still listen to the lectures of FBK
developer Sergei Kolcov! The impression is that a genius speaks, but
as if communicating with his colleagues who are immersed in the
subject and who understand and are clear.

You won’t really understand almost anything at first. You will need
to listen to quite a few videos of the lectures and read a lot of text
before you start catching some. All the more so as the theoretical basis
of the FBK differs from the paradigm of fundamental science. But such
a difference is more of a plus, because it is this paradigm that has
helped to create a technosphere that can kill us either very quickly and
unexpectedly, or slowly and slowly. So basic science has long raised
more fears than trust.
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Frankly, I can’t guarantee you for sure that the product will
actually work as claimed. Senses can be subjective, and objective
verification requires quite sophisticated and expensive hardware
that I don’t have. One can only believe the manufacturer, whose
equipment shows that the aura is really leveled and the
erythrocytes disengage. I myself believe this manufacturer. But I
can’t recommend you to believe what I believe in myself. So you
decide for yourself. Of course, if you are interested in this item.
Or just take note and forget for now.
You may find another safeguard somewhere. Everyone has their
own way and their own toys.

What do the activities at the Transfer Center bring? After all, have you said that a person
can master everything on his own, without any training?

Many years have passed since I said this. Reality is changing

rapidly, transerfection as well. Change has gained momentum. A
new reality is already beginning to emerge before another
transfusion technique is developed to match it.
All the more so as the release of new books is delayed. At the
center you can get acquainted with the latest reality management
technologies. Of course, with a strong determination, you can do
without training.
But far from everyone has that much determination, many need
a push from the outside to start moving on their own. Especially
lately, when the effect of energy and consciousness hijacking
that I wrote about in recent newsletters is becoming more and
more apparent. People are getting sleepier. A person's life is
sunk by events beyond his control
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in a whirlwind and he can do nothing. Lack of energy and

In addition, as is often the case, there can be a deep gap
between understanding theory and acting - the ability to solve a
practical task. As you know, the dog’s problem is that he
understands but can’t tell. The human problem is different: he
understands everything, can say it, but cannot do it. By reading
books, you learn to understand. During the sessions you learn to
put knowledge into practice - to do it.

For half a year now, when I switched to a live diet, I sometimes

don’t catch and eat raw fish, lamb. From the lamb immediately bunk.
Lightness appeared, I unnaturally melted and became aggressive.
No more sex. I also fade this with a lack of B12 because it is very low in plants.

All these phenomena are transient. When the transition is over,

things will return to normal. That is why I do not recommend
immediately attacking vegetarian food alone, so that everything
runs smoothly and harmoniously, without side effects. It takes
many years for the body to completely cleanse and reorganize.

I’ve already written about B12, I can repeat. The body needs
this vitamin very little. Sources of B12: grapes, blue raisins,
seaweed, natural apple cider vinegar, pollen, bee bread, sprouted
grains. The necessary vitamins are also produced by the intestinal
microflora. But she has to be healthy. The microflora is transforming
very slowly, which is another reason why it is better to switch to a
live diet instead of immediately.
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ÿ Energy is where there is movement, and where there is stagnation, it is not.
ÿ What is not used is atrophied.
ÿ If you decide to switch to a live diet, move slowly, eat a varied and complete
ÿ When the transition is complete, everything will recover and return to normal.

ÿ Live nutrition is not just a limitation of some of your needs, but in principle
a different principle of life. ÿ
Living nutrition moves man as a being to the highest vibrations
ÿ It is not possible to protect yourself from electromagnetic radiation - it is possible
only to harmonize, that is to make physiological, acceptable to the body.

Notes in the margins

I don't like and try not to use the term 'raw food' because this is an area already
quite discredited - both by the media and by the vegetarians themselves. I do not advise
anyone to switch to a live diet immediately and abruptly. Your concept
I will outline how to do this in the book The Transfers of Life.
Abandoning the synthetics of supermarkets is already a big achievement. Living
nutrition pioneer Arnold Eret warned: “Never forget that any extremes are harmful.
Avoid all extremes. "
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Do not know what to do. I want to move on to a live diet because I think it’s the
best option, but I live with a man who doesn’t agree with me on this - he says I’m
attacking extremes, I’m selfish - I think only of myself.
I don’t impose anything on him, he eats everything he wants but makes me
eat the same. Say if you love me - eat!
He believes that there must be both good and bad in our lives, so he wants
me to eat cooked food and better alcohol so that the body knows how to fight
various diseases later. If I eat only raw food, the body will weaken and I will be
very sick.
I don’t like his food, but I have to stuff it all into myself because he told me to.
He says, “How can you know what your body wants? Only doctors know this,
because they are learning it - after all, medicine has not been invented
unnecessarily. You also have to take the pills - definitely! ”He once told me,“
Choose: either raw food or I. If you want to be
raw food, then we're divorced - I don't want to live with such a stupid person like

I cannot give specific advice in similar situations. Family

relationships are an area where you should not stop at all with
your advice. And didn’t it occur to you that your disagreements
with your husband aren’t basically about food at all?

Here is a typical case described in the Butenkai family book

"Raw Food Culinary Book":

"It simply came to our notice then. Once, after a cooking

session, a woman (her name was Vendé) came to me and told
me that she was going to divorce her husband because
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want to not even hear raw food. Although she switched to raw food
only a month ago, she is already tired of convincing her husband
and no doubt that any attempts to change it will be in vain.

A year later, I received an email from Peter, a former husband

of Vendée, informing me that he was divorced from Vendé and
engaged to another woman with whom they had switched to a
green food regime. Peter was fascinated by the raw food and
asked if my sister and I could prepare a feast during his wedding.
At the end of his letter, Peter ironically mentioned that Vendé no
longer eats raw food. "

I cannot abstain and I will present another excerpt from the

same wonderful book. By the way, this book can be found here:

“Valia Butenko. Here ’s a typical one from many of mine

example of dialogues with other students:
I: Hello.
Henry: Hello.

Me: How are you feeling?

Henry: Listen, I covered the whole room last night.
I slept for just three hours. The macaque hits like a bomb with a
Me: Here at least!
Henry: And how are you?
Me: I feel good rested.
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Henry: Somehow I have a hard time. Do you understand what the teacher
is saying?
Me too.
Henry: It was a fun party yesterday!
I really.
Henry: It's so bad for me. I hate this school. Lessons would end soon.

Me: And it’s very good for me today. After all, it's great to know the weight-
to-volume ratio to determine body density? Just think of what comes out: the
density of water is one, and the density of ice is only nine-tenths. Ice is ten
percent lighter than water, so only the top of the iceberg is visible (the same
ten percent lighter than water).

Henry: Yeah, I wonder. How do you know that?

Me: You talked about it in physics today. Don't you remember?

Henry: Nothing for yourself! (He turns to go.) Stay healthy!

Me: See you! ”

And how to persuade children to switch to live food? After all, you won't usually
explain to them why you used to eat one, but now you need something else.

As you understand it, explain it. Kids will understand, even better than you.
Of course, if they are not yet forced to the condition of non-repairable
supermarket synthetics consumers. Unfortunately, synthetics are deceptively
attractive and cause narcotic addiction, so there is little chance of echoes of
nature, if they resonate somewhere else there. Protect yourself from
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the influence of relatives and aggressive peers in an environment

where no one thinks good is easy is also not easy. But dietary
abuse should be completely abandoned. You can only show
your personal positive example. Not more than.
Coercion ("How can you be persuaded ?! Easier to kill!") And
any war with your loved ones will bear no fruit.

Another excerpt from Butenkai's "Raw Food Cookbook". I

can't abstain again. A great illustration of how children explain
to each other. Adults can only envy:

“Valia Butenko. Once upon a time, there was a "Pizza

Festival" in our third grade, an event that equated Christmas or
New Year to the third-graders' calendar. I sat with my friends
and ate salads of apples, oranges, blueberries, raspberries,
and honey when a girl from another class joined me. I already
knew from experience that only discomfort could be expected
from it. - See what pizza! She said, twisting the piece around
her nose. - And you don't have that, rabbits don't eat pizza!

- If I wanted to, I'd have pizza too, - I shot, -

but i don't need it.
- What? She asked mockingly. - And why?
"Well, if you want to know ..." I said, sighing. - because the
flour was ground from genetically modified wheat sprayed with
such toxic pesticides that
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people had to wear chemical protective suits and put on gas

masks. The cheese on your pizza is a few years older than you,
it looks like it’s from an outdated army stockpile. The tomatoes
were collected green, placed in the refrigerator and forced to
blush with ethylene gas. And the sausage is made from the
meat of hormone-pumped animals.
They were kept in such filth that their image alone would hurt
you. At least I don’t have the slightest desire to eat it. My parents
know the owner of the pizzeria, he told them that the company
makes a good profit because the ingredients in the food cost
the cheeks.
The girls sitting at my desk froze with broken mouths. In the
evening, my mother called an angry lady. She demanded to
explain what I told her daughter that she refused to have dinner.

Of course, that doesn’t mean you have to put in place anyone

who tries to hang you up. In addition, it is necessary to be able
to answer properly. Do you know what it takes? Wake up in
time, look at everything from the sidelines and calmly, soberly
grasp what is going on right now. In other words, a clear
consciousness is needed. Well, everyone can admit that it was
often the case that the words needed to respond to a grievance
came too late. It is clear that the two quotations from Valius
Butenko show the advantage that living food gives to man over
others. I see everything clearly, I clearly understand it, I clearly
teach it. I am free, calm and confident.
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I understood and accepted the transfer immediately. I just couldn’t accept

your newsletters about living kitchen and living water. I was unprepared at
the time. I was looking insanely for something else, some meaning.
I was interested in various teachings, followed by several minor tragedies in my life. I
later bought Life Transfiguration. I read it right away. But I couldn’t think because I
found myself in the Maldives quite by accident and unexpectedly. What happened - I
don't know, but I came home completely different!
For nine months now, as a dieter, I have been adding linseed oil, marjoram oil,
pollen, drinking herbal infusions, switching to natural cosmetics, replacing many
creams with vegetable juices. I look unique! I can say with satisfaction: the older the

But I'm totally confused! There is not a single person in my environment who would
after reading Transerfing. The beloved man (he was still trying to be with me
at the time) wondered what attracted me so much, immediately returned the book to
me and declared it "populist." There is not a single person in my environment who
would eat live food and share my view. I don’t impose it on anyone, I just patiently
answer why I don’t eat one product or another.
Over the course of nine months, I have listened to countless lectures, tips, and
lessons on the lack of protein and other vitamins in my diet. But I look better and
better every day. Not only that, I annoy everyone. The result: broken relationships
with friends, ruined personal lives, misunderstandings.

It’s not all you annoying, it’s all annoying you. It is not you who
are not allowed to be yourself, but you are not allowing others to be
yourself. That's what's going on. You want your whole environment
to take over your hobbies. The mirror initially only reflects the fact
that you want it. "I want to! - Yes, you want to. And wish for yourself.
”Continued. You see that your desire alone does not change anything.
You still want to, but with an admixture of annoyance and
dissatisfaction: why don’t others want the same thing I want? The
mirror again indifferently reflects your frustration and resentment.
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Now you see another picture - there are shades of aggression in

the world around you - because of your own momentum. Your
further (and quite natural, but unconscious) reaction is to defend
and resist external aggression. You start bouncing off standing in
front of a mirror, and what do you see in the reflection? The same -
your projections.
No one in my world is fascinated by transerfusion either. In my
house, the word 'transerfing' is not uttered at all. And none of the
loved ones like live food. Can you imagine? But that doesn’t ruin my
relationship in any way. Why? Because I don’t impose my worldview
on anyone, I don’t even start talking about it unless it’s bothering me.

The same goes for nutrition. I can sit at a shared table eating
meat and drinking alcohol, but in my plates and cups, it’s something
else entirely. If a person tends not to eat meat or drink, is that an
excuse to end his relationship with him?
I know there are many other people who, like me, remain true to
their inclinations, even though their acquaintances and loved ones
do not share those inclinations. You just have to follow the first
principle of transerfection: allow yourself to be yourself and others
to be others. And if you don’t allow yourself to be yourself, others
won’t let you either. Understand?
On the other hand, when you give up meat, alcohol, tobacco, and
other substances that cause drug addiction (meat, by the way, a
strong drug), you move into the highest vibrational range and then
you can no longer resonate with the previous society, no longer find
common ground with it.
For example, if a person stops "starving", he has nothing left
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to share with previous friends addicts. If he stops drinking, he is no longer

interested with the former drinkers.
But if you remain flexible and adhere to the first principle as you
change, your acquaintances will accept you as they have become, and
you will also accept them as they remain. And there will still be a lot in
common between you.
For example, my friends, with whom I had a lot of drinks before, didn’t
stop being my friends when I gave up on this thing. Not to mention the
fundamental differences between our menus. Only many of those who
continued to drink are already dead, and those who are still alive look
very bad and have major problems with health and quality of life in general.

You either didn’t follow the first principle and therefore rejected your
environment, or your environment just no longer equates to you.
Because if the relationship ended only because of a change in the menu,
then it’s worth thinking about: and do I need such an environment?

I was once greatly impressed by how freely and hotly one very famous
highland lion told me about his worries.

- Oh, tomorrow we have a party, friends will come, so everything you

need to prepare them, buy wine, buy meat, do it and that's it, lia lia lia, lia
lia lia ...
I'm watching her.

- You don't drink and you don't eat meat?

For a moment, a grimace of sincere astonishment fades on her face.
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- So what ?!
- What are they, your friends, what?
- And here they are, here they are! Lia lia lia, lia lia lia ...

You see, it's a completely different broadcast. She doesn’t care at

all if her friends want the same thing she wants. She just cares about
her world and her world cares about her. Thats all.
Stop sending projections of your expectations into the mirror, and your
environment will leave you alone. And if you care, so will you.
Elementary freiling.

ÿ Supermarket synthetics are deceptively attractive and addictive
ÿ Nutritional abuse should be completely eliminated. You can only
show your personal positive example.
ÿ Allow yourself to be yourself and others to be.
ÿ Do not argue with anyone, impose anything, or prove anything.
Don’t try to turn everyone around to your faith. Look for like-minded people.

Notes in the margins

Whatever the benefits of a live diet, I urge you to exercise caution
and cleverly, not attacking with an upright head. I myself am very moderate on this issue.
My most important principles are harmony and
gradation. Unfortunately, among the raw foods sometimes there are those about
it is said, "Tell a fool to pray, and he will break his head."
not the letters presented here, but the situation in general.)
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Doctors say dairy products are very much needed, otherwise teeth will break down and
hair will fall out. And what is the condition of your teeth and hair?

The old song about the most important source of calcium - milk and
dairy products - is just a song that was most popular not only with farmers
and doctors (the latter only got it by agreement), but with product
manufacturers and traders. After all, they have to find very strong
arguments for people to constantly and willingly open their wallets and buy

Manufacturers and traders have such powerful structures that they can
create any myth. If, for some reason, milk production and trade in dairy
products suddenly become useless, do not hesitate, a new song will be
created immediately. She needs to be very convincing, wise and beautiful
for everyone to believe her. The performers will also appear immediately -
from entertainment business stars to professors. And shoppers will listen
and say, “Oh, what a beautiful and smart new song!” And also willing to
carry their wallets to the supermarkets. All this can be organized extremely
cleverly and comprehensively. That is what is being done.

In addition to songs, scary, very scary stories are also being created.
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If, God forbid, you do not eat our delicious yogurt, your hair will fall
out and your nails will have to be uprooted, for they will begin to grow
inward! If you don’t eat a lot of it, our nutritious mogurt, you’ll be sent
to an evil and terrible dentist with unwrapped sleeves and flat-faced
tongs! And if you continue to be stubborn and think you will survive
without our healing yogurt, do you know what will happen to you? All
the bones will fall! And then you will only be able to crawl like the most
miserable slug, and all the healthy and beautiful people will stand
around with cups of magical yogurt in their hands, laughing at you and
starving their fingers! Don't you want that? ("No! No! I don't want to!")
Then eat as much of our yogurt as is so natural and beneficial.

And false myths are being created as "substitutes" to distort and

discredit foreign, useless and uncomfortable opinions and teachings.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away. One apple a day and no
doctor needed. No, not like that. An apple a day and I’m going to see
a doctor. Whoever eats apples turns into a semi-madman and a
terrible terrorist! No, not like that. A drop of nicotine kills a horse, an
apple kills a doctor. Do not eat apples - it is very harmful!

About the same spirit. I myself tend to believe in Nature because it

does not seek benefits, does not create songs and does not show. In
nature, only babies feed on milk, and their own - not strangers' -
mother's milk.
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And yet I tend to check everything myself. When products of

animal origin were gradually pushed out of my diet and replaced
with live plants, dental problems resolved on their own, without
"anything bad and terrible." I had several problematic teeth. They
fell out on their own, painlessly and naturally, and new ones grew
in their place. This is often the case for greens. But only for those
who do not attack the extremes and eat in a varied and full way.

My hair is as lush and strong as it was in my youth, and it

doesn’t fade, even though it’s been a long time. Wrinkles - no
trace. It’s not about some of my individual peculiarities.
On the contrary, there was a time in my life when the signs of
aging — bad teeth, wrinkles, bleaching hair — became quite
apparent. But later, to my surprise, I realized that degenerative
processes can not only be stopped but also reversed. This
became apparent when a variety of live plant foods began to
dominate my diet.
It turns out that when you return to the laws of Nature, the body
awakens the ability to regenerate. A lot, if not all, is recovering
and normalizing.
But I stress once again that there is no need to go to extremes.
The diet must first be varied and wholesome, not fanatical, as is
the case - a person will hear about the wonders of living food by
the edge of their ear and start eating one apple.
The transition must be gradual and natural. The basic principle is
not to restrict and abandon some products, but to gradually
replace them and displace them.
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Don’t rush to give up cheese, cottage cheese, eggs and

butter if you feel you’re not ready yet. And remember that fresh
vegetables, grain sprouts and seaweed are not particularly
valuable, not even vegetables and fruits. In terms of the amount
of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, greens outperform
the fruit tens and hundreds of times. But you won't eat a lot of
grass alone - it's hard and not very tasty. But a solution was
found: a raw cocktail and a green soup. All of this is already
described in detail in the book The Transfers of Life.

All my life, I’m 22, active in sports. Now I play football, I train in the gym to
gain muscle. Question: Where, from what sources do I, a proponent of raw food,
get the protein I need to build muscle? Mom, a good doctor by education and a
man who loves me, says that without animal protein, muscles won’t grow fast.

I have answered this question many times, but I am still

being asked it. Of course, your mom is right. No mother in the
wild will feed her calf meat, but the tiger grass.
The question is, who are you, what have you grown and what has brought you up.
Why does a person who gives up cooked and animal food
and switch to live and plant food lose weight noticeably?
Especially if the transition is sudden. There are two processes
going on here. First, living food does not block the mechanism
of removal of slag and toxins like cooked (dead) food, but
instead actively activates it.
In the past, food that had been killed by fire, was consumed,
and was almost poisonous. Cooked food
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cannot be non-toxic. What is dead is dead.

Decide for yourself: what is life and what is death?
Compare any living being with the dead. For some reason, we
all feel and understand the difference between a living being and
a corpse very well, and this difference makes a particularly strong
impression when the eyes see a corpse or a withered, dead plant
right in front of us. Death is a very unpleasant and all the more
uncomfortable sight of appetite. Right?
But when we sit down at the dinner table, for some reason we
immediately forget about it. Such is the strength of the habit
introduced from birth. Such a stereotype formed by society, a
mental pattern. Imagine a boiled human corpse. Haven't seen? Gross?
But is it anything fundamentally different from a boiled chicken
We will no longer distinguish between the living and the dead.
Just think: what does the body have to do with dead food?
Nature could not have foreseen a situation where her creation
would be shot in the head to marry her food with fire. But she, one
way or another, provided a fairly large reserve and a reserve of
resilience. We are far more perfect in this respect than any animal.
If an animal were to suffer all the extreme excesses and violations
of the laws of nature which man voluntarily experiences, he would
not be attracted for long.
The body is forced to assimilate dead food in some way if it is
already in such conditions. He has no other choice. And he gets
around to it more or less, for better or worse. However, there is a
reserve of resilience and preparedness for emergencies. But not
prepared for that
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an emergency will last all the time - always. Understand?

The body cannot constantly dispose of dead food processing
waste. After all, the dead are dead. Food is not just a chemical
raw material, a mixture of some molecules or necessary
substances. And an organism is not a chemical company where
substances are made from raw materials. And life is not just a
complex of chemical reactions.
Everything is much more complicated. Even science, although
it still cannot explain what life is, agrees. He that is alive shall eat
of that which is alive. Such is the absolute law of nature. Even
plants - the only ones that can get nutrients directly from minerals
- feed on living minerals - not dead ones! Try to pull the flower out
of the pot with the ground at home, "bake" the pot in the oven,
then plant the flower there again - it will die. For the dead are
dead. The flower does not have the resources that man has to
absorb and bring alive what is inanimate.

I repeat, life is not chemistry in a test tube.

Every time a person eats dead food, he has to consume part of
his vital energy. According to today's science , it is the energy of
living enzymes. But that's not all - it's much more complicated.
Enzymes are also not just chemical reagents, but the aura of
living substances that have their own glow. They remain alive for
some time even in the body left by the soul. But if the body be
baked, there will be nothing left alive there.

So the body is forced to poke dead food processing waste

where it got stuck - its resources do not allow everything
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remove. After all , what is alive and what is not alive, what is
needed and what is not needed, what can be appropriated and
what cannot be included in the blood. Again, Nature could not
have foreseen that man, fascinated by chemistry, would so
insanely introduce it into his life and especially into food. The
body sheds all this ballast all over the body - it accumulates and
accumulates, throughout life. The body of an elephant, if not a
weightlifter, is about ballast, not about health and muscle
And when a person switches to a diet of live food, the
mechanism of purification is triggered. The resources of the
elimination systems are freed up, and the body gradually begins
to pull the spam accumulated over the years from all the outlets
and throw it out. Literally like rubbish from an old house clogged
by Marazmists.
So the first process that results in weight loss is cleansing. It
can last for years. After all, garbage has accumulated for years.
It’s not that easy to get rid of it all. I can judge from my own
experience. I have already paid a bit of attention to both cleaning
and proper nutrition, but so far I can see and feel the spam that
I once diligently treated myself being removed from me.

And you may notice for yourself: it is as if the spirit of

something you have not used for a long time came out of you.
It can be felt, for example, like brewing beer, characterized by a
rapidly passing taste of tobacco, wine, fried potatoes ... Where
does this feeling come from, if you haven’t tasted it in a long
time? It is a spirit that is dead and toxic, literally and figuratively,
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a product that is removed as slag and toxins on a physical level and as

an imprint on a mental level. After this kind of cleaning, you no longer
want this product at all. And if you still want, say, sausage or fried potatoes,
then the toxins of such a product are still present in your body.

Later and at the same time as the cleaning begins the second process
- replacement. What is being changed? Think of how different a man is
from an herbivore whose meat he feeds on?
Meat is different. They stand on different steps of the food pyramid. Their
everything is different - digestion, meat and bones, as well as
And now imagine that this man suddenly gives up food of animal origin
neither from this nor from it, and begins to eat only plants, and not cooked
as before, but raw. What's going on for him? His body initially experiences
a severe shock. How so? He is confused, does not understand what is
desired of him. He then retreats to undertake a general reconstruction of
himself .
The body is forced to obey, because it will not argue with the laws of
Nature - it must move to the next stage of the pyramid, so it will be
necessary to change everything within itself. The form may remain the
same, but the content and material will be completely different.
Thus, two processes take place in the body at the same time - cleansing
and replacement. Obviously, such a reorganization is not a laughing stock.
What follows from that?

ÿ Dietary stereotypes are mainly shaped by manufacturers and
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ÿ Nature does not seek benefits, does not create songs or produce shows. In nature, milk
feeds only on babies, and on the milk of his - not a stranger’s -
mother. ÿ Feeding live food, the hair is beautiful, the heat disappears and germinates
new teeth. But only if the diet is varied and complete. And, of course, not immediately.
ÿ When you return to the laws of Nature, your body awakens to regenerate.
ÿ The transition must be gradual and natural. The basic principle is not to restrict and
abandon any one product, but to gradually replace and exclude them
with others.

ÿ Do not rush to give up cheese, curd, eggs and butter if you feel that
you are not ready yet. ÿ
Not even vegetables and fruits, but fresh herbs and sprouts are of particular value
and seaweed.
ÿ Food is not just a chemical raw material, some molecules or needed
mixture of substances.
ÿ An organism is not a chemical plant where raw materials are produced
ÿ Life is not just a complex of chemical reactions.
ÿ Every time a person eats dead food, he has to consume a portion
their vital energy.
ÿ The body is forced to poke dead food processing waste where
fucked - his resources do not allow to remove everything.
ÿ What is alive must be nourished by what is alive. ÿ
When a person switches to a live diet, he is released
purification mechanism.
ÿ Cleaning may take several years. After all, garbage has accumulated for years.
ÿ The body undergoes general self-reconstruction.

Notes in the margins

Systematic media will convince you that a live diet is
an absurd whim of people not quite sane and bodily. Will show you some stale and drooping
raw food (there are definitely enough of them), and next to it -
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a flowering and prosperous type that feeds “like all normal people”. But
both meat and raw foods are not inferior to each other. On the one hand,
ignorance, obvious lies, tendencies can put pressure
submission, discredit. On the other, bucarism, stubbornness and
stupid fanaticism. Ignorance is really a big force!
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We stopped at the fact that when the body switches to a diet

of live plant food, it undergoes general reconstruction,
accompanied by processes of cleansing and replacement . The
ballast accumulated over many years is discharged and replaced
by a new body made up of a new biomaterial and an already
new digestive and metabolic mechanism.

It cannot be said that the mechanism of digestion and

metabolism is changing fundamentally, but the great change in
the symbiotic microflora and the fact that raw plant food is
beginning to be fully absorbed already says a lot.

I ask you, dear reader, now to activate your attention and to

understand the meaning of the above statements. Do you really
understand what this is about? It is not a diet, not a superficial
change of diet, and not even vegetarianism, when it is allowed
to eat dairy products and treat food with fire, but it is the transition
to the next stage of the food pyramid, with all the consequences
that that entails.
In the previous chapter (it was published in the newsletters), I
mentioned this, but I didn't emphasize it, and no one seems to
have noticed that "something extraordinary happened in the
dream." On the contrary, many were only interested in new teeth.
But what those teeth are - just rings, a side transition
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phenomenon. The body can basically regenerate in the sense that

degenerative processes can be reversed.
After all, this is already a fundamental issue.
Of course, it is not yet possible to state categorically that complete
regeneration is possible, although there have been cases in history
where lost human limbs have regenerated like salamanders. But
what I see when I observe myself is very promising, so I am no longer
interested in the opinion of official science on this issue.

For some reason, no one and nowhere speaks accurately and

clearly about live nutrition as a transition to the next tier of the
pyramid. And so far I haven’t talked about it from such an angle that
I wouldn’t shock people unnecessarily and introduce the topic as
gently as possible to anyone who is interested. But I think it’s time to
name things by their real names.
There, on that step of the pyramid, are very different people. Their
different worldview, worldview, energy, health, intelligence, quality of
life, finally a different body. It’s a kind of elite club, if we keep in mind
the extraordinary privileges it provides. By the way, unlike other
privileged clubs, anyone can join it. (And unlike a sect, your will and
anytime to leave.)

But there must be very good reasons for such an extraordinary

step. It is no joke to move to the next tier of the pyramid and still in
our society, which has been turned into a zombie by established
stereotypes. There are three valid questions:

1. What does this bring?

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2. How is this possible?

3. And is it possible?

In answering the first question, we will list the main benefits: a

clean and healthy body; powerful intellect and bright consciousness;
good physical shape; stable psyche; getting rid of parasites;
overcoming food and other addictions; cure of chronic and
degenerative diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer,
diabetes, arthritis, AIDS, overweight, allergy, depression,
neurasthenia, infertility, premature aging, stress, chronic fatigue,
etc .; in addition, the natural result is a higher tone of life and a better
quality of life in general. Whether or not all of these reasons can be
considered strong enough is up to you.

And if we consider a live diet to be one of the components of

transerfusion, then the obvious advantage here is the rise in energy
levels and the enlightenment of consciousness. This is first and
foremost necessary to control a dream without sleep - a reality.
You see and understand what others do not see and understand.
By gaining any of these benefits, you gain an advantage over all
others who do not have these benefits. And in general, when you
step out of the general lineup and start doing something not like
everyone else, you definitely gain some advantage. You should
know this from the basics of transertification. Remember the do-it-
yourself rule?
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Those who march in a common line blindly obey the principle: if

everyone thinks so and so, then it is right. This principle, in fact, forms the
basis of society, but it is far from always correct.

For example, the increase in degenerative diseases is statistically quite

correlated with the emergence and development of new cooking
technologies such as canning, refining and all kinds of chemical treatments.
Food technology is not being developed for utility, but to be delicious,
practical, fashionable, everyone does.

In the beginning, it was invented to remove the husk and germs from
the bells and rice, which contain everything that is most valuable. The
products from the processed grains became white, soft and fluffy. Someone
once visited someone and saw: what plump buns, what white rice!

How great! And I want to! So everyone wanted. And then he got used to it.
Just started to get sick. But it has never occurred to anyone to link the
emergence of new diseases to changes in food technology. Almost no one.
And after this day, few people think about it. Eat and get sick.
Sick and eating.
Interesting fact. In medieval France, the homeland of refined cuisine, a
large bowl of green salad was the staple and everyday meals. Ordinary
people myth over simple natural foods. Culinary sophistication was
considered a privilege of the nobility - it was the chefs who tried to make
something for her, and while sitting in the kitchen, they rubbed a whole
bowl of all kinds of herbs.
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salad. The same greens were added to the gentlemen's dishes

only as spices and decorations.
That is, at that time, diseases and all kinds of ailments were
a characteristic feature of the noble family. It was even
fashionable to be pale and roll in bed all day, complaining of
"high-end" melancholy and ill-health. That's the fashion.
Conversely, a tan, a healthy, so deplorable appearance, was a
hallmark of the lowest rank. You see, there is no time to get
sick. And forces through the eyes. Working all day is a regular
thing, and then you can have fun somewhere in the haystack -
without ceremonies.
But over time, refined cuisine has spread everywhere and
largely because of the same fashion. Canned food, for example,
was invented to provide Napoleon's army with a practical ration.
But later they just went into fashion as one of the advances of
progress. Imagine people sitting at a table loaded with all sorts
of cans. And the number of topics for conversation increased:
“And what kind of canned food did you eat today? We are like
that. How come you don't eat canned food ?! You're completely
behind in life! ”Initially, canning technology was limited to long
heat treatments. But later all kinds of preservatives, flavor
enhancers, flavorings, additives, odor substitutes were invented.
You are not used to such food anymore - it causes a very strong
drug addiction, attachment to the trough. And, most importantly,
it is convenient for everyone - producers, traders and consumers.
Everyone is
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addicted, and everyone benefits for themselves. But again: eat and
get sick, get sick and eat.
Such an impression as if the present man were not Homo sapiens,
an intelligent man, but a creature domesticated, accustomed, and
deliberately fattened by SOMEONE who has no idea what is being
fed and for what purpose. Homo mansuetus. SOMEONE 'S
HOUSEHOLD . Here , of course, I fantasize. In fact, THIS IS NOT an
individual, but a system - a matrix. But the essence does not change
from that.
It is in the interest of the system for everyone to march in one line.
And it is extremely easy to manage this line-up if everyone is attached
to one bed. Right? And yet this lineup is easy to manage if everyone
pursues the same surrogate goals and is afraid of the same problems.
Look at any media and you will clearly see a completely primitive
picture: on the one hand, a cult of success and consumption is
imposed on us from all screens and covers, and on the other hand,
we are intimidated by disturbing news at the same time. This maintains
the order.
How to get out of the general line so that you no longer have to
strive for someone else's success and can look for your own? It is
necessary to violate the principle of society - to stop believing that "if
everyone does that, then it is right".
In a sense, such a step can be considered as overcoming the
operating system of the society, which constantly tempts you with
foreign success and at the same time does not allow you to cross
boundaries, forcing you to act according to a set program, immersed
in a collective dream. By getting rid of this program, you will be able
to create your own and then install it on your system so that it works for you, not yo
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her. And then once your success becomes a benchmark for

everyone else who is still driven by the algorithm.

Summary ÿ The
old one is literally being replaced by a new body made up of new biomaterials and
with an already new digestive and metabolic mechanism.
ÿ It is not a diet, not a superficial change of diet and not even vegetarianism,
when allowed to eat dairy products and treat food with fire while in transition
to the next tier of the food pyramid - a fundamentally different way of eating and living. ÿ
The body can basically regenerate in terms of being degenerative
processes can be reversed.
ÿ Consciousness is enlightened, you see and understand what others do not see and
does not
understand. ÿ When you quit and start doing something different to everyone,
you definitely get some advantage.
ÿ Socium principle: if everyone thinks so and does so, then it is right.
ÿ The increase in the number of degenerative diseases correlates precisely with the
emergence and development of new cooking technologies.
ÿ Few people think about it. Eat and get sick. Sick and eating.
ÿ Synthetic food causes very strong drug addiction, attachment
by the trough.

ÿ Everyone is addicted and everyone benefits. But again: eat and

sick, sick and eating.
ÿ The present man is dominated by the system, accustomed, and intentional
a fattening creature that was once considered independent and intelligent. ÿ It is in the
interest of the system for everyone to march in one line. Manage this lineup
it is extremely easy if everyone is intimidated by the same monsters, chasing the same
goals and attached to one trough.
ÿ In order to stop striving for someone else's success and to seek one's own, one must
violate the principle of sociality - stop believing that “if everyone does,
hence, right. ”
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Notes in the margins

Objectively speaking, such issues do not have to be considered for some reason
acceptance or concern for ‘green’ problems, and because managing a reality
requires first knowing what that reality is.
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We continue the topic of the previous chapters. Among the

advantages of the new nutrition pyramid stage are, among other
things, very pleasant prizes. For example, a truly unnatural and
illogical problem such as menstruation is eliminated from
women's lives in the first place, there is no toxicosis during
pregnancy, and childbirth is painless. Here is what Dr. Arnold
Erett writes about it:

"When a woman's body is completely cleansed due to a

therapeutic diet, her period stops. In Scripture, this phenomenon
is called "cleansing," that is, stopping dirty blood with slag every
All my patients who have gone through the process of
cleansing with a therapeutic diet (live diet) have reported that
their periods are becoming rarer - every two, three, four months,
until they finally stop completely.
Headaches and toothaches, nausea and other so-called
ailments in pregnancy, pass away, give birth painlessly, an
extremely clean baby is born compared to others, the mother
has enough delicious milk - I saw it all, watching the women
who followed the treatment diets.

I do not recommend a radical change in the diet during

pregnancy or breastfeeding - it should be done before
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at least two or three months before conception. "

Men also benefit from increased mental resistance to external

influences, or in other words, resistance to stress. There is a
characteristic feeling of calm self-confidence, a sense of power,
restraint, without hysteria and unmotivated aggression.

As is well known, in any difficult situation, including conflict,

the most valuable trait is self-control and endurance, not physical
strength. But developing self-control is much harder than pumping
up muscles. Although very strange, it is not a piece of meat that
gives confidence in its own strength, but fresh greens. Not even
vegetables and fruits, but fresh herbs best stabilize the nervous
system. Why?
I will try to explain.
It cannot be said that some force enters the body along with
live food. In this case, power is not gained but released. Compare
the addict ’s will and psyche with the will of a healthy person.
The euphoria of the drug addict and the influx of forces lasts only
a short time - he is in a state of recession and abstinence most
of the time. Its energy is similar to a perforated bucket - new
doses are needed to compensate for the leak. The state of
intoxication takes away a lot of strength and has a very bad
effect on the nervous system, making it unstable, weak.
The effects of dead food are not as obvious as those of strong
drugs, but quite analogous. Everything is determined by the
toxins that are formed in one way or another when eating. Any
substance that causes intoxication always occurs
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abstinence when new doses are needed to stop intoxication.

Want to sip, drink, smoke or eat again - no difference, the essence
is the same.
It would seem, if that is the case, then why does a person live
for himself like nowhere (relatively, of course), even though he
must have been poisoned a long time ago? Or why, for example,
can a person smoke for a long time without serious and, most
importantly, rapid effects? After all, tobacco smoke contains about
a hundred different poisons.
The thing is, the body can put toxins in capsules that it can’t
remove and scavenge them anywhere just to get away from vital
organs. Equally in a hurry, not just because there is no way out,
but out of great stupidity, a person burying chemical waste, and
as far away from the eyes as possible. But barrels with toxic
substances cannot lie forever on the bottom of the Baltic Sea.

Inevitably, the time will come when the walls of toxic stores in the
body will collapse. And so far, everything is limited to a state of
endless hangovers.
Live food, unlike dead food, is not poisonous. Alive is alive -
always fresh and clean. Any living plant is cleaner than any dead
porridge, although it would be the most "beneficial". What is
inanimate is always, though something, already dirty. For the
dead are dead. The green leaf is the most original and perfect
manifestation of the highest form of life. There is a powerful
potential in the living page, a development program. Life on the
dead leaf is over.
Where life ends, decay begins to rot
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process. Life and decay are two opposing processes, separated by

a thin but perfectly clear line.
Standing in front of a mirror, you fully understand the difference
between reality and reflection. You know that there is a boundary in
the mirror - a plane that has one on one side and something else on
the other. By standing on a dead body, you are equally clearly
demarcating the boundary between life and death. It even impresses
you. But as soon as it is time to eat, the ability to feel that limit
completely disappears. People are so used to dead food that they
no longer realize the difference between a fresh apple and a boiled
one. No, they certainly understand: the substances are different,
and the tastes are different. But the boundary is completely
incomprehensible, what essentially separates the living from the dead.
The essence of life requires potential, the opportunity to recover
and develop. But when the boundary between the living and the
dead is crossed, a program of degeneration and decay is launched.
This is where toxic waste comes from as an integral part of dead
food. And where intoxication, there, I repeat, abstinence, force
tracking, willpower, nervous system disorder. A hole in the bucket,
like a hole in the Soul that needs to be stuffed with something all the
Cooked (dead) food did not have such a devastating effect on the
human body as long as it was natural for centuries. However, the
resources of the human body are enormous. But with the advent of
technogenic food processing, the situation began to deteriorate.
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For example, the mental peculiarity of modern children -

hyperactivity and attention deficit - has become commonplace to
be classified as an "indigo phenomenon". It’s just that simple (if
you don’t know the real reason), lo and behold, indigo kids, they’re
all like that now.
Not at all. The hysterical behavior that is now characteristic of
children from an early age is due to the high levels of chemicals
and synthetics in the supermarket medal. Dead synthetics are
many times more poisonous than cooked but natural foods. Here
you have a broken nervous system. Such a child is scattered like
a weather vane in the wind. It’s hard for him to learn, he can’t
focus and settle in place.
Once upon a time, when we were pioneers, we were able to
settle down. My generation still remembers how we could even be
forced to sit on a bench with our hands folded. And why modern
children can't? Their mood and energy are constantly changing.
How are they different from those pioneers - from us? We were
puffy too, but we were able to concentrate very easily.
And now, I would say, the children are no longer bloated (as
they should be anyway), but rather tired. Once in the summer I
was walking along the seafront and saw a large group of children
in front of me, apparently campers. They had just been brought
in, undressed, and allowed to slip into the water. I’m already
getting ready to go through the crowd of screaming, running,
jumping and fluttering sluts now. Anywhere for you. They behaved
like retirees in the afternoon. After all, the sea usually irritates
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Of course, all children are different, and finally adults have

different effects on chemicals. But the general picture is clear - it is
a poisoning with dead synthetics with all the symptoms that
accompany this poisoning and that have already become the norm.
This is considered normal because, according to the social principle,
"if this is the case for everyone, then it must be so". But should that
be the case?
Reject idiotic stereotypes and think: is it normal for something in
your body, your beloved wonderful body, to rot? Why should this
be the case? Because that is the case for everyone? What if I don’t
want it to be like everyone else?
If you decide to violate the principle of sociality in matters of
nutrition, you will experience abnormal but extremely pleasant
things. For example, new teeth may sprout because the old
degeneration program will be closed and a new one will be replaced
by regeneration and development. In general, the "fur" will change.
But most importantly, you will get rid of intoxication and unleash the
great potential of Power. And that’s a big advantage over those
who will still be in a state of constant hangovers.

Summary ÿ
A truly unnatural and illogical problem such as menstruation is
eliminated from women's lives, there is no toxicosis during pregnancy, and
childbirth - painless.
ÿ Significant increase in mental resistance to external influences,
stress resistance.
ÿ Although very strange, it is not the meat that gives self-confidence
piece and fresh greens.
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ÿ Power is not gained along with live food, it is released.

ÿ Live food, unlike dead food, is not poisonous. Alive is Alive -
always fresh and clean.

ÿ The green leaf is the most original and perfect of the highest life
manifestation of form. In a living leaf lies a powerful potential for development

ÿ Cooked (dead) food has not had such a devastating effect on humans
to the body as long as it has been natural for centuries.
ÿ Childhood hyperactivity and attention deficit are directly related to synthetics
in foodstuffs.
ÿ Dead synthetics are many times more toxic than boiled but natural

Notes in the margins

Just as people used to die stupidly from scurvy, so now they are stupid
dies from technogenic food without realizing where the whole point is.
The animals watch the changes in the habitats without thinking. Colds come,
ungulates come out, then predators. Man follows as well
blindly. Profit-seeking - cheap labor - inexpensive production. Profit again
- cheap food - a person blindly consumes all this. He doesn't care about quality,
most importantly - profit, and that cheap. He simply lowers his head and "follows
the migrating ungulates." As in ancient times. The man did not
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When Steve Jobs died, he was deeply impressed by many.

I, too, cannot silently pass this event because I have always
considered it one of the greatest transfers of genius and life.
Steve's main motto is: "Have the courage to follow the path of
your heart and intuition, everything else is secondary."
I also like the slogan, “Stay hungry, stay crazy!” I understand
this: don’t get overwhelmed, don’t try to grow up, stay with children
who can marvel and look at the world with their eyes wide open,
don’t listen to anything but the voice of your heart, look for your
purpose, but never don’t despair and don’t stop because the goal
is the road, not the destination.
It is frustrating when death is pointless and premature. We
make sure every time that death does not divide its customers
into especially important people and ordinary people, it is not
impressed by its extraordinary qualities or magnificent creations.
And money won’t save her, and a wonderful mind won’t help.
It would seem that the reality is that there are deadly diseases,
there is no escape from such a reality, and there is no place to
wait for help. But it is still possible to help: and those who have
already left, only with the appendix "was", and those whose turn,
who asked the question "will or will not". In order to help yourself
(because "someone" is unlikely to help you here), you need to realize that
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the question of survival in a civilized environment is no less

relevant than in the wild.
I am often asked: all those preparations and ceremonies with
living water, live air, food - isn’t it too much of a hassle? Why is
everything so complicated and is it worth the effort?

In fact, it is neither difficult nor complicated, quite unusual.

You set up an ionizer in your home or office - and breathe in
the fresh air. Replace the kettle with an activator - and drink
yourself living water. What's hard here? True, it's not so easy
with food, but it's really important to answer the question here -
for whom? Worth it or not?
In the wild , constant efforts are needed to find and prepare
food, to hide from bad weather and wildlife. Not wanting to
bother - lying on the ground and soaking from the cold, hunger
and predators - it's easy. You want to stay alive - you will have
to get tired and turn around somehow.
It would seem that in the conditions of civilization everything
is already prepared and provided. Housing is. Of harmful
substances, but cheap and fast. Consumables are also
chemistry and synthetics alone, but practical. You no longer
need to walk with your feet. And is it necessary? It is even a
hundred meters away by car. Created to entertain and
another kind of notvirtual
so probably
but itisis
Food is full - wants to eat, doesn't want to ... Doesn't anyone
want to? Someone on the edge of the ear hears about chemicals,
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addiction to food ... But everything is so delicious and practical. At the

farm, everything is really simple: although you don't lie on the floor of
the supermarket, just put your hands on the shelves.

But is everything really that simple in this synthetic civilization and

will nothing hurt? Chemicals, radiation and GMOs are not detected, but
they actually kill, only slowly.
It is a slow death. And it is the path to death, not life. You have to be
very naive to think that all these "synthetic comforts" will go unnoticed.
We're not androids, are we?
Of course, you can’t think about it. Let’s have fun today like butterflies
at a lantern. Another day will pass without worries - and well. And
another day, and another ... And how many days would you like?
Butterflies never think. And we humans only think when it’s too late.

For some reason, we are always strongly impressed by the death of

a famous person, especially if he has achieved great achievements in
life. But few care about the overall stats, which always remain in the
shadows behind the scenes. And the statistics are like this.
In Russia, 300,000 people die each year from cancer. In the United
States, half a million. A small country has so many inhabitants. Imagine
the whole country dying out every year in every big state. Only from
cancer. And every year those numbers increase dramatically. Recently,
the diseases have significantly rejuvenated.

I will not provide mortality statistics for diabetes and cardiovascular

disease - it is already several times higher. Interestingly different
statistics. In the United States, the country in which
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the technosphere is the most developed, with a third of the population

infertile, a third overweight and a third completely dependent on
antidepressants. According to New Scientist magazine, 40 percent

Europeans are already recognized as mentally ill.

Hard to believe? But if we keep in mind that depression, for example,
has already reached pandemic proportions, there is nothing surprising here.
Allergies, arthritis, spinal problems are also mass epidemics.
But what the depression there is, in Russia alone, 800,000 people
have committed suicide in the last twenty years. It turns out that in our
country, an average of 40,000 people end up every year - not because
of diseases, but because they feel that it is unbearable to continue living.

37,000 people die of hunger every day. Every 5 seconds a child dies
of starvation. We have been promised in the past that GMOs will save
humanity from hunger. However, the introduction of GMOs has not only
failed to solve this problem, it is leading to an increase in infertility and
the death of pollinating insects, which can have catastrophic consequences.

Here are the current statistics that are not widely published and remain
behind the scenes. Everything is normal, right? But what matters is not
even the numbers here, but the fact that all the diseases listed are
degenerative. This means that an organism pressed by unnatural and
aggressive external environmental conditions simply degrades and
degrades. And the causes of all these diseases, including suicides, are
purely technogenic. In history, before the widespread deployment of the
technosphere in all of human
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areas of life, especially food technology, have never been

anything like this.
So how, is there a problem of survival in the conditions of
synthetic civilization ? What is more dangerous and more
damaging - the biosphere or the technosphere? And is it worth
any effort to survive?
The latter question is not even rhetorical but idiotic. Although
as I said here. If you are in the stall and you have beds in it, you
can still have everything. And if it is not always the case, then a
different question arises: if you do not want to run away from the
farm, is it possible to be in it, dwell under its roof and be
unrelated to it at the same time?
The answer is yes. You just need to know this and make
some effort. You need to know the rules for safe existence in a
technogenic environment. Why did I call death from cancer
pointless? Because cancer, like any other degenerative disease,
can be prevented. Before any harmful external effects, be it
chemicals or radiation, a measure can be found that at least
reduces harm and risk.

For example, the risk of cancer is greatly increased by

excessive acidification of the body, where the diet consists
mainly of animalperformed
products. and
by the
of telephones
and function

What measures could be taken in this case? The dietary

balance should be changed in favor of live plant foods. But if
you don’t want to change your diet, live water and live
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air is the minimum that anyone can afford.

After all, it is not difficult at all and does not bother. And simple.
Basic safety rules like hygiene rules.
Who said that the former should be observed only in production and the latter only
in the household?

ÿ The question of survival in a civilized environment is no less relevant than
in the wild.
ÿ Chemicals, radiation and GMOs are not detected, but they actually kill, only slowly. That is
slow death. And it is the path to death, not life.
ÿ Degenerative diseases occur when unnatural and aggressive external
the body pressured by environmental conditions simply begins to decay, degrade.
ÿ The causes of all degenerative diseases are only technogenic.
ÿ It is possible to live in the system, use some of its goods and together
be unrelated to it.
ÿ All you need to know is the rules for safe existence in a technogenic environment.
The whole book about it.

Notes in the margins

In fact, the question is where we are and what is going on around us
the most important and complex. We can only see the surface of phenomena and understand
some aspects of reality. One of the most obvious and together (this
paradoxically) the most secretive aspect is the transformation of civilization into technogenic
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MOM EAT Porridge

Before we go any further, we need to explain the situation,

what we are doing here and what our goals are. I have to do this
from time to time, because our audience is constantly being
supplemented by new people who are only familiar with the
basics from the book "Reality Transfers", and not all newcomers
understand where they got in and what's going on here. (This
and previous sections have been published in newsletters. They
can be accessed on the author's website http://zelands.ru.)
The number of readers of the newsletters already exceeds 45
thousand - this is a large stadium. Few magazines are published
in this circulation. There are well-known personalities among us,
such as stars, politicians, businessmen, and school-age students,
as well as retirees, for whom life is just beginning, if they are here.

The fact that we are not shrinking, but increasing every day,
shows that the topic under consideration is worthy of attention. It
has to be said that grabbing the attention of such a large
audience is very difficult and even harder to retain. And yet I
have been doing so for nine years now, since the first issue of
the newsletter came out in August 2003.
It’s also hard to keep the focus because of the blocking and
hijacking effects of energy and consciousness that I’ve written
about in previous shows.
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Human consciousness is the consciousness of the individual, so on

the one hand it is free, but on the other hand it cannot fly freely or be
in an unstable state. Consciousness needs support, like a bird’s
branches. From the very beginning of the development of civilization,
such a support could have been religion, and now the initiative is
imperceptibly but very firmly taken over by the system - the energy information mat
The new reality is changing at a rapid pace. In 2003, the situation
was quite different and transerfing was different.
It is very good that many have already understood this, as can be
seen from the letters. But there are also many who still embrace the
euphoria of the principle that "it works, everything else doesn't matter."
In fact, the previous, classic transerfection no longer works as before.
If modern specifics are not taken into account, the euphoria will soon
pass, and the same unmanageable reality will return, where events
will unfold, regardless of our "want" or "unwillingness."

Therefore, I will have to arm myself with patience and occasionally

answer similar questions about my inadequacy. They are all inadequate
for one and the same reason - a person may feel that he is in good
health and a sober mind, and in fact his energy and consciousness
have already been severely blocked by the system. What are the
benefits of transerfusion if reality is distorted?

Steve Jobs was one of the leaders in the technogenic system.

It is one thing to create human-friendly devices, quite another to

invent, for example, a nuclear bomb or a GMO.
It is necessary to distinguish it. Do you want to give up your cell phone
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or computer? Yes, these are system products. But it is not

necessary to run away from the system, but to use it consciously,
while remaining untied.

Steve Jobs did not eat meat, but still fell ill.

To put it mildly here ... Yet you change people.

Did anyone say that if you don’t eat meat, you won’t get cancer?

Hello, Vladimir. I have been reading your books for a very long time and I have
subscribed to your newsletters. Transerfection has helped me a lot, but there
are still a lot of questions. For example, transerfection does not always work,
but somehow selectively. I read your newsletter about the death of Steve Jops
today and I am very keen to have my say. One TV show talked a lot about
Steve Jops biography. For example, after the institute he visited India and has
since become a Buddhist and vegetarian !!!

Since you call me Vladimir and Steve 'Jops', I can conclude

that your attention is already heavily captured by the system, and
you simply do not understand the essence of what I am trying to
convey. It is not vegetarianism that protects against cancer, but
living a natural diet is two completely different things. In the book
The Transfiguration of Life, it is written in large, legible font, in
black letters on a white background, for everyone to see and
understand. But you still don't see and don't understand, so
transerfing is "somehow optional" for you.

I receive far more than one such letter, and it cannot be blamed
on mere distraction. Now almost all
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the younger generation suffers from Attention Deficit Disorder. Do

you know why the general state exam was introduced? By no
means because of someone’s insightful stupidity. This is perfectly legal.
Very few young people now know how to think and teach clearly.
For many, consciousness is enough to help a bird in the right place.

Imagine how a sleeping person can be examined? Only by

asking him short questions or offering to choose answers. He is
unable to speak clearly and coherently, but can still show some
signs by wandering and reacting a little. Here, of course, I thicken
the colors, but basically that’s the way it is.

But blocking attention is only half the battle.

Mental patterns narrow the boundaries of perception and prevent
reality from being seen as it is. People see an airplane for the first
time, and imagine it as a "flying carriage". He looks at the steam
locomotive and sees the "iron horse." I’m talking about live food
(not necessarily vegetarian), and you’re pretending to be talking
about vegetarianism.
With the advent of the media and communications, mental
patterns have begun to become more active and firm in
consciousness, and most importantly, in a centralized, as it were,
operation of some kind of operating system that forms the basis of
a technocratic society. Consciousness is "drained" exactly
according to the system. This does not allow live things that are
not useful to it. And if someone slips, consciousness does not
reach or is perceived distorted.
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Soon, for good, it will be necessary to explain the meaning of

each word or write as in the elementary: “Mom washed the frame.
Masha ate porridge. ”Although there will be some who will
misunderstand such simple things:“ How! Mom ate Masha's
porridge ?! ”Or even better:“ Mom washed the porridge. Masha ate
the frame. ”

If I had wanted to subscribe to a healthy eating newsletter, I would have done

so. I therefore refuse these newsletters, please
to dismiss.

Apparently, such words should upset me, but on the contrary, it

is much more pleasant and easier for me to communicate with those
who separate the frame from the porridge. So no need to apologize.
I have long agreed that you will not explain to everyone and not
everyone will understand. I put hope only in that small group of
people who have already realized that although there are similarities
in vocabulary and semantics, it is not at all about a healthy diet.
Health here is the result of side effects, but by no means the goal.
In my opinion, it is not at all interesting to talk about health, and
finally about nutrition in general.
I understand the topic is unpopular. (Someone who wakes up
now, as during the lesson, will ask again: what topic?)
If I chased popularity, I wouldn’t ask awkward questions. But I’m
used to looking reality in the eye. In my estimation (it’s been quite a
year since the first books came out, and now I can draw conclusions),
there will be no more than 5 percent of people who can understand
transerfusion at least a little bit. Another 95 percent off the shelves
with these
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books won’t even come close. Next. Of these 5 percent, only 10

percent can comprehend what the book is a transcript of life.
Obviously, the audience is shrinking even further. Why do I need
it? Why do I keep talking about the same thing?

Because I came across another unfortunate statistic. Of those

who have become acquainted with the basics of transerfection,
only a few, it is already difficult for me to indicate the number, have
really understood everything and put the acquired knowledge into
practice. And most did not understand anything like that, their life
was not affected in any way by this Knowledge. I can judge this
from questions that are still floating, as if there were no books. So
what to do - start all over again? But why, you know the "Mystery",
what else do you want?
It would be possible to go the banal path: to further explain the
basics of transerfing, to put it back in detail and put it on the shelves
of what should already be understood. But then it would already be
"Unreality Transfers". Why is it not understood what needs to be
understood? Consequently, there are aspects in reality that have
not been taken into account before. All the more so as this reality
changes abruptly in the eyes. Of course, jumping on a frozen
Granite slab of Knowledge is in a sense "convenient and fun for
everyone". And popular. But unreal. Knowledge must turn the cycle
of development and rise to a new stage, where what was
incomprehensible becomes apparent and clear. And so it really is.
Here is another opinion, completely different from the first, as it is
published from a new level of knowledge:
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By moving to a natural diet, transerfection is perceived differently in general!

I used to read, as if everything is understandable, but somehow I was lazy,
somehow something is not so ... And now I'm just reading between the lines, just
pulling into the events I need in my life!

What is this about? About a healthy diet? No. And not even about raw
food. As you should have noticed, I am very far from fanaticism on these
issues. A distinction needs to be made between objectives and measures.
Where the goal is, for example, to lose weight or get rid of some diseases,
there are tools and conversations completely different. The vocabulary
may be similar and the topics close, but the purpose is different, you
know? And then, respectively, both the meaning and the path are
completely different.
You will not read or hear anything else here. Because the goal does
not fit into the framework of systemic templates: to break out of the
general line, lurking in the unknown, to break free from the collective
dream. That is the goal, it is talked about and it makes all the sense. And
one of the measures is


at least,
and in the
beginning, to stop consuming what is common. Because it is what is
universally prevalent, and what is consumed directly, that is immersed in
the same collective dream.
What comes into direct contact with the human body and mind (food,
information, conditions) also directly forms his consciousness. The system
has no other means of influencing consciousness than food, information,
and external environmental conditions.
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Therefore, transerfusion cannot be considered in a purely classical

way - as we think. Fullness requires two more components - how
we feed and how we move.
We are now seeing a major shift in information towards the
technosphere: information
producers, largely
traders, reflects
political the interests
or financial of and
the interests of the technogenic system in general.

The purpose of the technosphere is to push a person into a

matrix cage, to erase his individuality, to "marry" a standard screw
from his personality. Misinformation and biased presentation are
widely and boldly used for this purpose. The propeller must not be
quite healthy so that it does not have free energy, and it is slightly
battered so that it does not understand where it is.
The goal of an individual is to preserve his or her freedom,
independence, uniqueness, awareness, energy and health. Only
those who dare to leave the overall line-up will be able to save all
these features. Proponents of the technosphere are waiting for
universal "unification", adaptation to the needs of the system. And
it’s not fiction.
How to avoid "unification"?
The first and most important step is to violate the principle of
sociality, to stop believing that "if everyone thinks and does so,
then it is right". Leave the general order. Stop strangling for
strangers ’success and grab to look for your own.

What does this bring?

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He who comes out of the general line always gains

advantages. He can:
ÿ look at the country where everyone else is
walking; ÿ get rid of societal “clamps” and stereotypes;
ÿ learn to see and understand what others do not see or understand;
ÿ Finally, stop trying to be first and become unique.

Who needs that?

And here everyone already decides for themselves whether it is necessary or not.
If you don’t have any special strengths and talents, there’s no other
way for you to get out of the overall lineup and allow yourself to
become unique. Looking at how fast reality is changing towards
universal unification, it can be assumed that in 5 to 10 years' time it
will be interesting in general. But the most interesting will be for those
who, after leaving the lineup, will watch everyone else.
In Toltec practice, this is called stalking. Imagine you came to your
workplace or school, and there is a collective dream. Everyone strives
for success, but acts like a dream, at the level of some universally
common algorithms and instincts. You, too, would like to achieve
success and stand out from the crowd.
But how do you do it if you are an ordinary propeller marching in a
common lineup and your consciousness and energy are the same as
everyone else's? Now everyone is educated, everyone knows what a
"Secret" is. And you know. So what? How are you better than others?
Nothing. You have very little chance.
And now imagine another picture. Your consciousness is free and
clean. There is much more energy than others have. You
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you no longer think “like everyone” and you no longer think “like everyone”.
You left the queue without leaving her. You bet you are dreaming, but
you are awake. It is now quite clear to you that everyone around is asleep
and you are awake. Later, stalking begins - managing your dream without
sleep. In that dream, you are the Master and the Maker. And this is the
next step in the transfer that offers real benefits.

But I can’t begin to interpret stalking upright right now for one simple
reason: it needs to be understood, not explained. Can you wake up to the
reality of sleep?
The first step is to clear consciousness and raise energy levels. And
eating live food is not the main thing here at all, but just one aspect. But
this is the first step in stalking.
Pretend to be a "normal psyche" but don't swallow pills.
Overnight on the farm, pretending to be in a "herd," "like everyone else,"
but eating in freedom, not what you put in your head.
It is my duty to consistently convey the Knowledge to those who want
to understand it. Otherwise, it will continue to be completely
incomprehensible and already "not for everyone".

ÿ Consciousness cannot fly freely or be in an unstable state, it needs to

supports as branches for a bird.

ÿ From time immemorial, such support could have been a religion, and now an initiative

unobtrusively but very firmly taken over by the system - energy information

ÿ The new reality is changing at a rapid pace.

ÿ With the advent of media and communications, mental patterns have begun

to be introduced to consciousness very actively, firmly and centrally.

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ÿ What is widespread and what is consumed directly, just like

immersed in a collective dream. ÿ
The system has no other means to affect consciousness than food, information, and
external environmental conditions.

ÿ The information mainly reflects the manufacturers, traders, political or

the interests of financial structures and, more generally, technogenic systems

ÿ The purpose of the technosphere is to drive a person into a matrix cage and delete it

individuality, to “marry” from the personality the standard screw.

ÿ The goal of the individual is to preserve his or her freedom, independence, uniqueness,
awareness, energy, health.
ÿ The purpose of the renewed transfusion is to break out of the general line-up
not knowing where to get rid of the collective dream.
ÿ One way, at least initially, is to stop using what is universal

ÿ Violate the principle of sociality, stop believing that “if everyone thinks so
does it, so it's right. "
ÿ Stop strangling for strangers and look for yours.

Notes in the margins

Human consciousness is constantly coded: “Do as I do; focus on
proposed stereotypes and goals; produce and consume everything that is produced and
used in the system; want what the system gives you; always be
when connected, respond to all network vibrations; be in the system; after all
everyone does so; you know, if everyone thinks and does so, it is right. ”This code is
imprinted on the consciousness.
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This section provides answers to questions about living water


You say you need to drink alkaline water, and author Z says the opposite - you
need to drink acidic.

I recommended drinking living water instead of "alkaline" water.

Living water is characterized by an alkaline reaction due to its negative ORP
(oxidative reduction potential) value and not due to the presence of alkaline earth
metal salts.
Living water is dominated by antioxidants, donor molecules with a free electron.
The reaction of dead water is acidic because its ORP is positive. Dead water is
dominated by free radicals, molecular vampires that lack an electron. Living water
rejuvenates the body, "recharges its batteries", and it can be drunk as much as
you want. Dead water has bactericidal properties, so it is used for therapeutic
purposes, according to a special program. Treatment is not my competence, so I
can't give prescriptions for dead water.

Now for the second part of the question. Author Z all

confused. According to his recommendations, it is imperative to include acidic

water in the diet. In addition, soak in citric acid powder. But the author’s entire Z
theory is applied to an area where water is high in calcium salts
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(for example, in the lower reaches of large rivers). Hard salts

promote the formation of deposits on the walls of blood vessels
and joints. Perhaps acidic water neutralizes the salt deposition
process to some extent. But cool water must be drunk. Just a
question, why then drink that hard water? Clean it with a distiller
or reverse osmosis filter and drink yourself health.

I would like to add from myself that I cannot consider the

opinion of author Z to be authoritative for one reason that will
outweigh all the others: he allowed himself to be negatively
commented on Paul Breg and Gennady Malachov. Wrong.
Malachov and Breg did so much for the health of entire nations
that author Z never dreamed. Is it possible to trust a person
who discredits the teachings of others? I will not mention the
name of the author Z. Whoever is interested knows.

Is it possible to drink distilled water regularly?

Yes, but preferably not purely distilled, but attracted to

shungite and flint. All fluids in the body are electrolytes, so
drinking water should be a little, just barely mineralized. Shungite
and / or flint are best suited for this.

Is it true that shungite and flint become obsolete after half a year?

Yes, the stones should be washed at least every two weeks

and replaced after half a year, as they will inevitably form hard
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plaque, even if distilled water is used. You cannot get sterile

water at home.

Is it possible to use a reverse osmosis filter instead of a still?

It is allowed. It's both easier and cheaper. It is true that the

distiller still produces better quality water - it is felt even to the
taste. The membrane filter also purifies water well and also
removes hard salts. It is only necessary to know that the
structure of the water purified by the membrane filter is
significantly destroyed. Such water cannot be drunk immediately,
it must be treated - sunlight, shungite, flint, aqueduct, FBK
would be good.
The membrane filter also does not delete old information.
Perhaps a thin wall does not prevent the "bits" from recovering
immediately. As far as we know, the information seems to be
"archived" but does not disappear. (By the way, information and
structure are not the same thing.) But if FBK is used, this fact
can be ignored, because FBK quickly and firmly writes a lot of
healing information into the water, which can be said to
completely obscure all the old negativity. . That is my opinion.

Interested in your experience in organizing living water production. And specifically

- what dishes do you use, what capacities?

Distilled water must be obtained first. For this purpose I use

a distiller (DE-4 Tiumen-Mediko), sometimes a membrane filter
Geizer Prestiž (without additional mineralization).
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Distilled water is poured into a 25 l enamelled tank with stones in the

bottom (about 1 kg of flint and 1 to 1.5 kg of shungite). How much
storage is very worrying - a couple of hours is enough. It is better to
cover the tank with a cotton swab to prevent dust from entering. But
you should also be aware that water must "see the light of day" (not
necessarily direct light) before consumption. So when the freshly
prepared distilled water is added to the tank, the napkin needs to be
removed for at least an hour.

Why is this being done? The structure of the water that has just been
distilled, the more it is passed through a membrane filter, is destroyed.
Specifically, it is generally unstructured. It is a technical water, it has
not been in contact with natural minerals and sunlight, so it is not
physiological for the body. Astronauts and sailors who drank such water
were often ill. For water to be acceptable to the body, it needs to be
illuminated by daylight, aligning its structure with the Sun. Shungite and
flint also partially structure water, making it physiological, natural.

The lower layer of water does not need to be drained from the tank -
after all, the water has been purified. But the stones should be washed
every two weeks under running water. And before using for the first
time thoroughly wash them with a brush, especially shungite. Do not
place many stones at once , as new stones greatly mineralize the water.

The next stage is activation, which is the preparation of living water.

I am completely satisfied with the electric activator "AP-1". The
activation time depends on the position of the indicator arrow and can
range from 1 minute to an hour.
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The most important criterion for the required duration: the living
water in the outer flask must be odorless and free of alkaline spice;
dead water in a ceramic glass must also be free of any foreign
taste, but emit a faint, slightly odorous acid. The optimal physical
and chemical parameters of living water are as follows: ORP = (–
150) - (–200), pH = 8 - 8.5. Dead water can be held for 24 hours
to settle and pour back into the tank. Both negative and positive
ORPs become neutral over time. True, dead water retains its
properties longer than living water. It can be judged from the smell.

The final stage is the final structuring. The living water is poured
into a jug that stands on an aqueduct and stirred vigorously with a
wooden stick counterclockwise. In addition to the aqueduct, I also
use FBK, because they not only do not interfere with each other,
but also complement each other well. The FBK plate (alternately,
one day on the 1st, the next on the 2nd) stands right here, next to
the pitcher, leaning at an angle to the wall.
Thus, the whole process is limited to the transfer of water from
one vessel to another. The prepared water can be taken with you
throughout the day and enjoy its refreshing power while others are
torturing themselves with heavy drinks. It is really difficult for the
body to absorb drinks. Any. The only exception is an herbal infusion
with the same living water. Even freshly squeezed juice is not a
drink but a meal. The body needs pure water primarily to be able
to purify and maintain water balance.
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Blood thickens and becomes viscous from coffee, tea and

other beverages. If you drink coffee and tea, don’t forget to
freshen up and rinse with clean water after half an hour.
Don’t torture yourself all day with drinks alone. Do you want to
have an organism like a clean mountain river or a standing
swamp? For more information on living water, see the book The
Transfiguration of Life.

The activated water acquired an unpleasant, some chemical spice.

Activated water needs to be cleaned, distilled, or screened

through a reverse osmosis filter and then attracted to shungite
and flint. The time of such water activation by the electric activator
"AP-1" is determined by the position of the indicator arrow. If the
arrow in the green section - no more than a minute. If on the
green and yellow color border - 3 minutes. And if it shows zero at
all, it could be an hour.

Much depends on the conductivity of the ceramic glass.

Recently, the production of porous glasses has started, so even
very weakly mineralized water points the arrow to the green.
Therefore, I repeat, the most important criterion is this: the living
water in the outer flask must be odorless and free of alkaline
spice; dead water in a ceramic glass must also be free of any
foreign taste, but emit a faint, slightly odorous acid. If the spice is
present, then the activation time is significantly exceeded. And if
even lumps appear, the water is very cool.
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It should also be borne in mind that over time, the glass and
electrodes become dirty and need to be cleaned at least once
a month. Unplug the appliance and add 6 per cent vinegar
instead of water as usual and leave for half an hour, then rinse

Is it possible to charge the spring water with the activator?

Spring water is cool. A cloudy solution with clumps will come

out of the activator. Lumps are the same hardness salts that
your body will need to get rid of somehow.
The only advantage of spring water is information. But only if it’s
a really good source in an ecologically clean area.

One professor has tried very hard to convince me that even 50 percent of the
transition to living water is harmful to the body, not to mention the complete transition - you
hear, you don't know what the consequences may be.

If you "don't know what the consequences are," it's not worth
drawing conclusions. I know, so I say what I know. There are definitely
no negative effects. Watermelon is refreshing, delicious, you want to
drink it always, not just when stewed.

Dehydrators, as well as artificially structured and 'revived' water, are not considered
to have any bearing on raw food. What will you say about this?

I, too, have nothing to do with raw food. Specifically, I do not

associate myself with either the raw or the spiritual
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teachers than with spiritual seekers. And I don't like the term
'raw food', so I rarely use it. And in any case, "linking oneself"
means joining a column, accepting some dogmas. I do not
recognize or promote dogmas. I am not making a choice, I am
providing information to make a choice.

All of these manipulations with water can seem unworthy of

attention, time, and effort, and for some they are completely
unnecessary and frustrating. In fact, it is. After all, everyone
knows: bad gasoline damages the engine, and poor water does
not harm the body. I provide proof.
If poor quality water is poured into the human body through the
mouth, the body obviously does not react in any way - it does
not allow bubbles, does not become convulsive and does not
really smoke or wake up. This means that the quality of petrol
needs to be taken care of and water can be ignored.
If you are not satisfied with such proof, there is nothing I can
do - I have nothing else. But there is another logic that is different
from the general one. The question is: what do you want and
don’t want to have? Intention is the determination to have and
act. That’s where it all starts. The logic is simple. The intentional
power is directly proportional to the energy level. In a clean
body, energy flows easily and freely, like in a clean mountain river.
The cleanliness of blood vessels, joints, in turn, and the
cleanliness of energy channels are highly dependent on the
quality of drinking water. So it’s not all pointless trouble, but
caring about what matters most.
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On the other hand, the process of quality water preparation can

also be used to train the power of intent. In fact, water quality depends
directly on the intent you give to your actions. If the actions are
performed mechanically, unconsciously, lazily, then no intention is

And if all this is done:

deliberately (after all , you understand why you are
doing it), consciously (you realize what you are doing
right now), from the heart (after all, you are trying for
yourself), your water is gaining a certain Power. This is no longer
just H2O, but an intention recorded in a liquid medium. The intention
will come back to you with double energy.

ÿ Living water rejuvenates the body, "recharges its batteries" and drinks it
as much as you want.

ÿ Hard salts promote the formation of deposits on the walls of blood vessels and
in the joints.
ÿ All fluids in the body are electrolytes, so drinking water is a must
a little, just barely mineralized.
ÿ The structure of the water purified by the membrane filter is severely damaged. Such
water cannot be drunk immediately, it must be structured. ÿ
Wash flint and shungite thoroughly before using for the first time
with a brush. Don’t put a lot of stones right away because new ones are highly mineralized

ÿ Living water must be odorless, alkaline, free of lumps.
If they exist, the wrong technology is being used.
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ÿ The body needs pure water first of all to be able to

clean up and maintain water balance.
ÿ Intention power is directly proportional to the energy level.
ÿ In a clean body, energy flows as easily and freely as in a clean mountain
in the river.

ÿ Cleanliness of blood vessels, joints , and cleanliness of energy channels

highly dependent on the quality of drinking water.
ÿ So all this is not pointless trouble, but caring about what matters most.

Notes on the margins The

intention goes back with double energy. Where does this energy come from and how

coached intent, it’s worth talking about separately in the next section.
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We ended the previous chapter with the idea that such a simple
procedure as preparing living water can train the intent.

There are not quite cute duties and daily work in life next to pleasant
things. They do not want to work everyday, they are lazy, and it is
often difficult. But indulging in your laziness is also a difficult, tedious
and unproductive endeavor. It doesn’t get any easier because you
realize that there are still no benefits. And tired of inactivity even more.

Question: How to overcome laziness? It is impossible to defeat him.

After all, if you work every day by force, laziness will not go away. The
duty as it was, it will be. And it doesn't matter who you have to do it to
- yourself or someone else.
There is only one means before laziness: to put your heart into what
you are lazy to do. Do your normal work as best you can, give him all
your strength. But not by force, but from the heart. Maybe you should
trick yourself a little, pretend. Turn duty - hot - passion. Do it
consciously, thoughtfully.
In that case, laziness will definitely disappear. You can check and
make sure if this secret is not yet known to you. And I will try to explain
why this happens.
A state of numbness or inactivity is an energy stagnation, a
blockage, a block. No movement - no energy. No energy - no desire
to do anything. Closed circle. And when
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however, you start moving, a "current" appears, and the engine

starts, albeit at low speed. Energy feeds the intention, the
intention gives rise to the movement, etc. in the feedback circuit.

But this is not enough. If work is seen as an obligation, intent

will not suffice. And laziness will not go away, and work will not
bring joy, and the results will be bad. But even if the simplest
work is done honestly and diligently, it is not known where the
extra energy comes from. And it doesn’t require any special
effort. After all, there are only two options: do the work with the
back of your hand or do it honestly. But in the first case, most of
the energy is used to overcome your laziness, and in the second,
the energy comes on its own. Where does she get it from?

Connecting External Power. Or, in other words, an external

intention. That Power that the Jedi spoke of in the Star Wars
saga. But, of course, not only them. It’s not fiction, Power really
exists. Who is she?
If we simply consider reality as the movement of the tape in a
particular movie projector, then Power is the engine that spins
the projector. The task of power is to push this reality, to
constantly drive it so that it does not stop, because it cannot be stopped.
Matter and space, Power and movement, as well as time as a
"side effect" of movement, are all absolute, unchanging
foundations of our world. They never appeared and were not
extinct, and always existed.
Each individual has their own film, their own layer of the
world. Man thoughts and actions in one way or another
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rotates this bar on your projector. When someone, thoughtfully and

consciously, honestly and diligently, in the unity of soul and mind, creates
her little cinema as a major, thus contributing to the mission of Power, she
sees it and immediately rushes to the rescue.

She's not doing it for "someone" and not "for some reason" - just like that
Power property. The internal impulse receives an external echo.
It is not for nothing that the ancient magicians, as well as the masters of
the Eastern duel, forced their students to work in daily chores that had
nothing to do with practice. It can just mechanically, without thinking of
sweeping the streets, and can turn this activity into a magical action. Sweep
this until something comes to mind until you understand what and how you
are doing.
I will illustrate how this works with a few examples from my own


One of the main courses we taught at the Faculty of Physics was the
history of the CPSU (for those who did not know or forgot, the CPSU was
the Communist Party of the Soviet Union). And it was not just read, but in
detail, for three semesters. Now, the history of the party, which is good,
might even pique my curiosity, but that year was not in any way in line with
my interests. However, the grades had a significant impact on the
distribution after university. Also, history is not a way to get away with it.
You either know or have nothing to say at all.
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But exams were not the worst test yet.

Each week had to answer during seminars. They took place in
a ceremonial setting of medieval execution. We all had only one
hope not to ask that day. It was a real ordeal for all of us. It's
hard to learn, and it's even harder to climb an escapo. The
teacher, on the other hand, had great pleasure in being both a
circus performer and Pilate in court.

I was not at all satisfied with this situation. There was a

dilemma: I can't and don't want to study, but I can't and don't
want to get a trip. And the compulsive necessity of being
oppressed was steeply unbearable. At least for me. It is like the
work of a slave in galleries: it allows you to live while you wear
your yoke, but it does not allow you to live because you are a slave. Burden
Something had to be done.
And then I decided to prepare for the sessions as if it were my
favorite thing. Not forcing, no. It was something else. Faster, the
worse the better. During the lectures I sat in the front row, in the
morning I rolled my eyes and took notes diligently. During the
seminars, when everyone else shuddered, I reported
enthusiastically: “You know, it turns out, this and such party
conventions werekeldavau
supposed to make greater
commitmentsand socialist
go beyond the
plan for tractors and combines! And during that and that five-
year-old, the collective farmers managed to pour so many tons
of grain into the barns of the Homeland! ”(Yes, there were times,
not like now. By the way.)
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No one could understand what was going on here for me. Maybe I
was stammering? At first the teacher was satisfied, but later, as my hand
stretched up during each workshop, he began to get a little nervous, but
did not dare to interrupt my reports. My desire, my initiative - I answer. It
was already a completely different circus, and no one knew if to take it
seriously or if there was any deception here. However, I soon got used
to my "weirdness".

There was no deception here, of course, but there was a certain idea
(in part an internal protest) of the same compulsion: "You're like me, I'm
like you." country history). I basically rented it out to myself. I didn’t learn
the subject, but just prepared for each specific seminar, diligently
outlining the necessary literature. (During the sessions, you were allowed
to look at the synopsis, of course, if you had one.)

Instead, I made one amazing discovery: you can rent yourself, but if
you do it with all your might, it becomes easy! Where that lightness
comes from is incomprehensible, but it was obvious: forced labor in
galleries has somehow turned into an interesting creation.
You are no longer being forced, and you are expressing your free will.
And work becomes no burden, and you are free. Wonderful!
This went on from session to session. The only difference in the
session was that I did nothing at all during it, that is, it was the other way
around. And not because I was ready.
On the contrary, I was almost unaware of the subject (although, of course, this one
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I remembered). The information evaporated from my head right after the regular
session because it was uninteresting and unnecessary for me. But I knew that
the teacher would not be able to listen to my demagoguery even during the exam.
That was the case.
Each history exam I took turned into a short nervous dialogue: - So, yes. Hm hm
hm, ee e ...

- Next question!
- The second question sounds like this ...
- Go on, go on!
- I would like to dwell on the third question in more detail ...
- Everything, go, five!


Another similar episode from military life.

The army is generally very well suited to illustrate someone, because there all
the social problems are contrasting.

During the first months of service, the following order was introduced in our
regiment for newcomers. The company is lined up at the entrance to the barracks.
The command is given: "Walk away, run to the company's premises!" The one
who stays last scrubs the whole staircase.

It was incomprehensible to me. I imagined the principles of the army differently:

friendship, mutual help ... What about "Kill yourself, but save a friend"? However,
it was more beneficial for the commanders to act on the principle of "divide and
rule." After all, it is much harder to connect a team. And another principle:
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in order for the newcomer’s will to become as plastic as soft clay, it

was necessary to make his life as difficult as possible.
The company premises were on the third floor. The entire staircase
was lined with white tiles like snow. Try to imagine what the stairs
would turn like when a herd of forty pairs of black shoes passed
through them. And it was done more than once and not twice, but
many times a day, back and forth. And every time, "The last one is the
In a word, the idea is understandable. Still the same galleries. A
familiar sense of inner protest awoke in me, and I decided to be
demonstratively the last one every time.

I did my job very diligently and even enjoying it. Household soap,
brush, rag, bucket. And a little masochism. But only a little. It turned
out that the worse the better. It was easy for me. And I was free.

The officers and sergeants looked at me very much. Do I ever have

to give up ?! But my appearance showed that I felt pleasure instead of
suffering. The adjusted mechanism no longer worked. What are you
going to do with me? New order entered. The race was over, and the
stairwell was washed by everyone in turn. And he was soon transferred
to other barracks. I didn’t fully understand what I had done then, but I
thought in silence: aha, the system can be overcome.


And another typical military episode. We run in a carved area. For

a long time. With all equipment and hiking clothing.
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Heat, dust. Dry in the throat. Chest pressure. We are dying suddenly.
And the ultimate goal is still a long way off.
We are commanded by a trained green sergeant.
More precisely, do not command, but make fun of it as much as possible.
“Girls! I will make you men! ”It is clear that“ making men out of us ”is
very pleasing and triumphant. But he himself runs without weapons,
with sneakers.
I die like everyone else. Just one thought: this torment would end
soon. But at the same time it is disappointing. Behold, damn it. Some
sergeant has to "make me a man"!
If so, my papers are poor.
I remember the samurai saying, "Live as if you were already dead."
I still remember how they trained. It runs until the forces are exhausted,
then presses about three hundred times. It's running again. Presses
again. It's running again. Sustoja.
No more. No more is possible. "Well," says the senses, "that's enough
for now." Or not. Aren't we soldiers ?! ”-“ Banzai! ”- everyone shouts.
And presses three hundred more times. And running again.

But I can't. There are no more forces. They have what they are,
they are samurai, and they are already dead. And now I’m actually
breathing like a dog. But this sergeant, the puppy ... And here anger
overwhelmed me. So much for that, I think, died. And now we're running.
Let's make it…
At that moment, it was as if some Power had grabbed me and
started to carry me. I felt that feeling again when it became easy.
I will look back after a while. A sergeant who is already very worried
is trying to catch me in vain. But the Power that is yet to come
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was with him a minute ago, now completely moving towards me. He
was later, of course, overwhelmed with rage, though it was supposed
that nothing had happened.


And the last example, already from history. In the Middle

Ages, the Zaporozhye Cossacks had amazing magical practices.
When the Cossack captured the enemies, they tried to break
his will with torture. And then he cut off his head. But he would
say, “What if you cut off my head! And thou shalt set me on a
stake, and thou shalt strip my skin alive, and behold, and behold.

Of course, it is certainly not necessary to shout Power in such

brutal ways. Finally, critical situations in life are uncommon.
Power can also be captured on a daily basis. Do you remember
like this?

"Hello! Friends, minute attention. There will be no breakfast

in our kindergarten today. (Valio!) We will fly a space rocket to
Mars. Please pick up the spoons.
Confirm as needed. The rocket will not return to Earth by noon.
”In a word, the moral of this tale is this. If you are in a situation
of compulsion where you are being forced or are being forced
to do some work yourself, try to turn this whole external yoke
into a deeply cherished intention.
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Imagine you are upset in a prisoner of war.

You are driven to work in a chore. And now you wake up, shake
your hand, and start touching the guard: “Give up! Give me a
whip! You drive me badly! ”Transform the situation of“ forcing me
”into a free statement of your will:“ Myself! ”,“ Myself! ”This is often
what children do. They feel the Power. As you begin to spin your
engine of reality, Power draws your attention and joins you.

If the work is missing a crack to be done, you have no choice

but to do it thoughtfully and consciously, at best, from the heart.
When an effort is made, the soul automatically contributes. And if
the soul contributes, the Power joins. Any work is easier to do
honestly than with backwards hands. He who does not know this
torments for a lifetime, struggling with compulsion and irresistible

With the law of attraction of power, one can say goodbye to

routine and laziness. Even the simplest actions, such as preparing
living water, gain Power and become easy if they are done
consciously, deliberately, from the heart.
It then becomes not just a mechanical movement but a magical
practice in the presence of Power. When such a practice becomes a
habit, the Power will always be with you. And if Power is with you,
you will be able to create masterpieces.

Summary ÿ A
state of numbness or inactivity is an energy stagnation, a blockage, a block.
No movement - no energy.
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ÿ Anti- laziness: put your heart into what you are lazy to do. Perform the routine
work as best he can, give him all his strength. But not by force, but from the heart.
ÿ You can rent yourself, but if you do it with all your might, it becomes easy!
ÿ Transform the “makes me” situation into a free will:
"Myself!", "Myself!"
ÿ When effort is made, the soul automatically contributes. And if the soul contributes
- Power joins.
ÿ As you begin to spin your engine of reality, Power draws you
attention and joins you.

Notes in the margins

Remember the old chest of drawers phenomenon? If you don't have enough energy,
The law of attraction will be an additional source.
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Oh, how nice to know

that I'll find out there.
I'll find something right here
and eat it delicious.

In this section, I would like to explain an issue that was first

mentioned in another of the early books on transerfection, The
Determinant of Reality. I get a lot of emails from those who are
passionate about moving to a new tier of the food pyramid but
are worried about whether it is possible to do without animal
protein or it will not harm your health and appearance.
What frightens me most is the fact that almost all nutritionists
and doctors say with one voice, "You can't live in a world without
meat, no." And the principle of society still seems to be in the
bag: everyone eats it, so apparently it is needed. And really,
when you go to any restaurant, you open the menu, and it
immediately becomes clear: what’s not someone’s meat is not a
meal. Or else: food is what someone’s meat is.

But in India, for example, 70 percent of the population is

vegetarian. And they are not seen to be exhausted. On the
contrary, China will soon surpass in numbers. This means that
there is no end to it, something is wrong with that "meat principle".
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I don’t set a goal to try to wean someone away from their

usual food hobbies, I don’t need that at all. My task is to provide
objective information. In a technogenic system, all information
serves this system. Any concept of natural nutrition can be
flipped upside down and distorted so that all the icons will cry.

Let us instead look for answers in more reliable sources - I

mean Nature, common sense, as well as the classics - Arnold
Eret and Max Bircher Bener, who are somehow strangely
Let’s start with what protein is. It's not pork, beef, fish or
anyone else's meat, it's a huge molecule with a long chain of
amino acids. What does the body have to do to turn proteins into
its muscle tissue? Is beef steak becoming part of our body? No.
To assimilate a foreign protein molecule, you need to break it
down into amino acids, and then synthesize your molecule from
Protein is everywhere - in both cutlets and green leaves. But,
unlike animal feed, plants contain both protein and the simplest
amino acids, the primary building blocks of bricks. Clearly, plants
and especially greens in this respect are the optimal source not
only of proteins but also of the starting material for their synthesis.

The obvious confirmation of this can be found just in the pan.

A piece of meat fed to a 'high-protein' compound feed is reduced
by two to three times, and the volume of meat from a domestic
animal that eats natural grass and hay is almost unchanged.
From the so-called complete animal protein,
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which are already added to the feed without any scratches, the
animals become more fat and fat than the meat.
When it comes to protein in general, things are upside down. In
fact, it is not animal proteins that should be considered as
complete, but rather those amino acids, minerals and vitamins
from which proteins are synthesized and which are rich in plants.
Live plant food builds muscle mass slowly but naturally and
qualitatively. Animal food, on the other hand, promotes rapid
weight gain. It is this useless weight that melts in the pan but so
delights the heart of the manufacturer.

And then the manufacturer also happily informs its consumer

that animal protein is better - it can even be used to feed animals,
and then, of course, to feed humans.

And the consumer gladly believes, because his urban mind

easily accepts such primitive logic that it is not necessary to turn
one's head: to form muscles, one must eat the same muscles;
protein - you need to eat protein; for fat - you need to eat fat; and
a breastfeeding mother must drink milk to have it herself.

But if we follow this logic, then the bull needs to be fed meat
(which is basically already done, because bone meal and fishmeal
is added to the feed, and not only), and the cow needs to be watered.
By the same logic, a house is made of walls, so it needs to be built
of walls, not bricks. Better yet, from a full-fledged "full house." How
many houses will be needed to build one house? What will happen
there on the construction site - it doesn’t matter
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the affairs of the builders. Our job is to bring the required number
of houses to the construction site, and let them know there.
There is no such thing as having to tear down the walls into
separate bricks, most importantly that we supplied the "most
complete" building materials.
The myth that there is something irreplaceable in animal food
that the body cannot do without is not even a myth. It is either
ignorance or a lie with certain intentions.
There is nothing in nature that does not occur in one plant or
another. And if science had reliable data on what the body can
and cannot synthesize there, then problems like cancer and
diabetes would have been solved a long time ago. But for the
time being, it must be borne in mind that the science of man is
still in the laboratory stage, so it should not be relied upon very
Only the laws of nature and common sense can be trusted. It
is on these principles that the concept of the Swiss physician
Bircher Bener is based. We will briefly list the main statements
of his theory. Everything is simple and clear here.
We all end up thinking about solar energy. It is our primary
source of energy. All other sources, including coal, oil and gas,
are secondary. We are not talking about space energy yet.

Plants directly absorb solar energy. They are the only beings
on Earth who can do that. (We won't discuss sunlight-eating
people and pran diets to make the topic too complicated.)
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Together with plants, we use solar energy. In other words,

solar energy comes to us through plants.
Animals standing on the next tier of the food pyramid also feed
on plants. Predatory animals upstairs feed on the bodies
(corpses) of herbivores.
Those who feed on plants get solar energy first hand. Those
who feed on animals are among the second. And if these animals
(and of course the birds) are fed animal protein as they are now,
it is already in thirds.
Plants are the first type of food. It contains both plant proteins
that are easily assimilated and the primary amino acids from
which the proteins are synthesized.
The meat of plant animals is a second type of food. They are
second only to plant intermediaries in the solar energy
transmission chain. All subsequent intermediaries in this chain
can be considered as the lowest order food source. Predator
meat There is very little to eat in nature. It is generally possible
to assimilate such meat, but the structure of those who can afford
it is special.
As man goes even further in his "production process" of
cooking, Bircher Bener also introduces the concept of
necrobiosis , the killing of a living body, then a dead body.

As is well known, the killing of a being who is high enough in

consciousness to realize that he is being deprived of life does
not go unnoticed. Her blood contains substances that put a death
stamp on the meat. This happens with both physical and
chemical and energetic information
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level. So such food, if we look at it as a source of solar energy,

becomes of an even lower kind.
The next stage is the killing of a dead body. It would seem
where you can go next. Of course, we do not see anything
unusual and strange here, because we see this "process" from
birth and get used to it as an integral and normal part of life. But
is this really normal from a natural point of view? Imagine never
seeing meat being fried and not realizing that it can and should
even be done. And here you are baking it. She is still lifeless,
and you make her even more lifeless. Already very strange.
And something is not right here. The ends do not come together.

That's who we really are - Nature's children or perverts

and perverts? Well, no one has raised such a question yet.
Finished products are a third type of food source.
In terms of energy, it is a process of weakening and decreasing
energy potential. Alive is alive. The dead are the dead.
Energy and Power are where life is. The stronger the fire, the
less energy potential remains in the food. Not to mention the
formation of toxic substances during production. Any product is
more valuable than natural.
But raw meat is not a delicacy. The exception may be seafood.
But life at sea is much more natural and harmonious than on
land. Even the meat of predatory fish and marine animals,
compared to terrestrial predators, is perfectly fit to eat.

In view of the above, it is possible to do so

main conclusions:
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1. It is better to get energy first hand than from intermediaries.

2. Gýva is always and in all respects better than dead.

Nothing new is said here . Just Bircher Bener named all the
things by real names. And when things are called by their
names, they take on real meaning.

ÿ The principle of socium proclaims: food is what someone's meat is.
ÿ In a technogenic system, all information serves this system.
ÿ To assimilate a foreign protein molecule, you need to break it down into amino acids and
then synthesize your molecule from them.
ÿ Plants and especially greens in this regard are optimal not only for protein, but
and a source of amino acids for their synthesis.
ÿ Live plant food builds muscle mass slowly but naturally and qualitatively.

ÿ We all end up thinking about solar energy.

ÿ Plants directly absorb solar energy.
ÿ Together with plants , we use solar energy. ÿ Those who
feed on plants get solar energy first hand.
ÿ Plants are the first type of food.
ÿ Meat of plant animals is a second type of food.
ÿ Finished products are a third type of food source. ÿ The meat
of a slaughtered animal is stamped with a death stamp.

Notes in the margins

But that's not all. There are many interesting questions left:
Why did people get hooked on eating meat after all?
Where better to be - at the top of the pyramid or below?
Where does the life force come from - protein, fat or carbohydrates?
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All these issues, especially the latter, are not at all banal. So let's try
find out in the next section.
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The man in black clothes, I

bowed politely, ordered Jan
Requiem and disappeared ...
Peace does not give me day and night
Black that man.

Today, we will be dealing with what basically the whole theory

of transerfusion is for: we will usually solve complex problems.
And while there won’t be anything complicated here anyway, now
you’ll see how sometimes what’s mundane and obvious can
surprise and shock you. You will be surrounded by a strange
feeling, as if you had rediscovered what you had known well and
for a long time, but at the same time you did not know at all. After
all, the most obvious things in our world are simple things,
because they are usually overlooked.
Let ’s rephrase the first question differently: why has anyone
started eating something in general since some time? Imagine
you flew to Earth and there only plants.
Fauna does not exist at all. Is that possible? Absolutely. After all,
plants are the most perfect beings, they just need minerals, water,
sun and air to live. The most peaceful and sweetest beings. They
do not attack anything, do not harm the environment, do not
poison each other with chemicals and do not invent an atomic bomb.
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The only manifestation of their aggression, if it can be considered

aggression at all, is the desire to get more sun and space for
their existence. After all, everyone has this right - the right to live!

However, in any society, even the most peaceful and

prosperous one, there will always be at least one "asocial"
element due to the relentless law of dialectics - either too greedy
and greedy, or undermined by something. Who can shoot him in
the head? And I, instead of being patient, like others, struggling
with chemical synthesis and photosynthesis, will take and swallow
some neighbor. Or I will find a discount "friend", "hug him" in a
friendly way and suck his juices.
This is how others came into being - those who live at the
expense of a stranger and even at the expense of a stranger's
life. Others began to multiply and develop rapidly because of the
same dialectic. In the food pyramid, they had already stood a
step above the plants, and this gave them some advantage.
Many of them had already learned to move in space, and most of
the "lower ones" were still tied to one place. They soon began to
find even more arrogant and richer ones, who climbed up the
next stage and began to devour those others who were still eating plants.
Now ask yourself: what is the point of all this? Is it really worth
cybering to the top of the pyramid because it’s better there? And
is it really better to eat others than to feed yourself, just as plants
At first glance, the supposedly "natural" conclusion is: the
higher you are, the stronger and more favorable your position is.
But let’s remember Bircher Bener’s principle: we
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we all end up thinking about solar energy. We conclude from this:

whoever is closer than anyone else to this source of energy, who
has the least number of intermediaries, is in the most favorable
position in the nutrition pyramid. But then why and how did this
race "who will eat what" start? Some absurd situation. Is nature
contradicting itself?
The answer is both simple and paradoxical: someone has to
eat something not because it’s better (fuller, tastier), but because
there’s nothing more to eat. Go deeper into this phrase. Only
here, and nowhere else, does it make sense to race up the
pyramid. The fact that "someone eats something" always and
everywhere in nature seems quite natural, right? But if we reject
the usual stereotype, something else will become apparent: the
fact that "someone eats something" does not have to be natural
at all. Normal does not mean natural and normal at all. It may
even be that our planet is one of the few exceptions in this regard.
Maybe somewhere in a very distant galaxy there can be no talk about it.
But here we are. In fact, there have been and continue to be a
number of situations in our nature where food is not available at
a certain place and time. Plants are more adapted to various
climatic ailments. Some may even sink into anabiosis for a while.
And here animals, for example, during droughts or frosts, curl.
And then what will you do ... Hungry snout, crawling through the
wilderness with gentle paws, he thinks longingly: "And there is
nothing with me, and somehow sad, I swear, I would give
everything to find something, to find something ..." It is clear to
whom - that
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eaten. If there are no plants around, shoot anything.

The main instinct is to stay alive. Without alternatives.
The same goes for people. It is not known where and when they
came to Earth, under what conditions they lived, but it is not difficult to
guess that they were forced to climb to a higher step in the food
pyramid when faced with a situation where the plants in the residential
area had disappeared for some time.
Although it is very useless. And not so much because the second type
of food is of inferior quality. The second type of food, it's animal, is
much harder to get - that's the whole point. There is no need to hunt
plants - there are not many of them, they do not bite, do not bite and
do not starve. And hunting is a very difficult activity. And not just for
For a citizen unfamiliar with the real life of wildlife, predators can
seem to thrive and thrive. Oh how! No one is in danger for you. You
can swallow anything you want or at least overcome. And no man
saves your flesh. Walk for yourself, cross at will, enjoy freedom!

The area is full of those beech herbivores and stupid fish! It's all yours!
Your catch!
In fact, things are much more complicated and all the more tragic.
It’s just an illusion of perception that everything is simple.
The screen shows you how the lion flips the bull easily, the bear
catches the fish, the wolf grabs the hare, the hunter shoots the deer
coolly, etc. Only the end is shown and the whole previous process
remains behind the frame. That is why everything seems easy and
simple: if you are at the top of the pyramid, you are a king and a god,
everything is within your reach.
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And indeed, the opposite is true. The paradox is that the higher
your step in the food pyramid, the harder it is for you to understand.
Conversely, the lower you are in the pyramid, the easier it is to
access food. Strange, right? But really so
The real situation is this: hunger reigns in the upper steps of
the pyramid . Straight from the last they try to survive. Especially
since the time when man settled at the very top. Little does anyone
know about it (hunger), and even less does anyone talk about it.
When millions of people die of hunger somewhere in Africa, it is
considered a tragedy. But when predators die from food shortages,
it is considered a natural process - to regulate numbers, so to
Few know that sometimes a swarm of lions is swallowed for
months. Real lions (not those in a zoo or circus) look like walking
skeletons at such times. Wolves can fail to search for prey for
more than a week. Polar bears are generally endings, and it is
also the case that they cannot find food for months. Humpback
whales do not have the opportunity to feed for half a year (!).

And the phytoplankton at the bottom of the pyramid "eats" whenever

it wants and as much as it wants.
There are many reasons why it is so difficult to feed on Earth.
Climate change, the seasons, the migration of animals, birds and
fish, etc., are a long story. But the point of this story is that all the
representatives of the various stages of the pyramid are
interdependent . The higher you are, the longer and more complex
that chain and the stronger your dependence on
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of all below . And the other paradox is this: the one at the top is not
really the Sovereign of Nature, but a prisoner of circumstances and a
dependent of his "edible" subjects.
The human situation is the same. The modern civilized man in the
wild is powerless. But what matters is not even that he is powerless,
but that he has already pushed himself into the final stage of
addiction. For him, what is not meat is not food.

One such experiment was shown in one of Discovery's documentary

cycles. Seven volunteers, ordinary residents of the city, were
transported to Alaska. The challenge was to endure as much as
possible. They had tents, rifles, fishing rods, and other necessary
equipment — everything except food.
And everyone else had a messenger after the messages. You hit the
button - and the helicopter will come to pick you up, and all your
suffering will end.
It was mid or early fall. The first day of the hike was fun. Amazing
nature, fresh mood, nothing scary.
Then it started to rain. Everyone got wet. No food was found yet, so I
had to settle down on an empty stomach. But there was a good
amateur fisherman in the group and a woman who loved to hunt, so
the chances of success were not bad.
It turned out to Paris that the shoes they had dried by the fire had
burned down. I had to look for some warts on my legs. Everyone
insanely wanted to eat. The search for birds and animals in the area
yielded nothing. The rich country for some reason was in no hurry to
open its goods to uninvited comers.
The hunter stated that he needed to look further, and
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went out promising that they would have meat in the evening. Lots of meat.

All right. Tossed rods. After all, a wonderful mountain stream flowed
through the country. But after a few unsuccessful throws, the enthusiasm
faded here as well. The fisherman concluded that there are no fish in this
stream at all. So nothing will work - you have to look for meat.

They soon noticed that a mouse lived near the camp.

It had to be caught. But as? Of course, they were all educated, smart
people, so they came up with a way - and something else, no joke here!
They poured a large pot of water, pushed a cartel into it, and attached a
wire to the edges of the pot, on which the pipe was closed, which rotated
freely. The idea was this: a mouse will climb a cartel, go through a pipe,
slip, fall into the water and ... the catch will be theirs!

Imagine they took it all as seriously as possible. He started to wait.

Waited a long time. But for some reason the mouse showed not the slightest
desire to slip into the pot, and quietly worked on his daily chores.
Yes ... Another defeat.
And the camera that filmed the group shows: trout are floating in the river
(there are still them there!), Berries on the bushes and grass, lush wasps of
burdock on the banks of the river, and I don't remember much else. If so,
then, for example, the root of burdock can be baked, and will be no worse
than potatoes. But people weren’t interested in it all. They were looking for
Eventually, one man managed to see a squirrel in the tree and he
somehow miraculously (and lia lia!) Invented it to shoot her.
Without thinking for a long time, they tore the fur of the squirrel and gutted it
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(which they knew) and a small body barely larger than a mouse was
hung over a campfire. Again, they took it all very seriously, although
it was obvious that dividing the squirrel into six people would result in
a portion the size of a little fingertip. Everyone quickly swallowed their
bite. The seventh (hunters) did not count - she will return soon and
bring a lot of meat.
And here she is back. Without anything and evil. It turns out there
are no birds and beasts in these three times damn places! But when
the hunter found out that her colleagues had eaten the squirrel without
her, she just got angry. After all, they are one team! How could they
have treated her like that! A long and boring quarrel ensued.

I was no longer able to see the sequel to this story. But it’s hard to
guess how it ended up, in the end it’s not that important anymore.
You understood everything anyway.

Summary ÿ
The least obvious in our world are simple things because they are often
ÿ Who is closer than everyone else to the primary energy source - the Sun, who
has the fewest intermediaries, is in the most favorable position in the nutrition pyramid.
ÿ Someone has to eat something not because it is better (fuller, tastier), but because
it happened so historically and spontaneously when there was no more
to eat.
ÿ Hunger reigns in the upper steps of the pyramid.
ÿ He who is above is not really the Lord of Nature, but a prisoner of circumstances and
a dependent of his "edible" subjects. ÿ Modern civilized man has already plunged
himself into the last addiction
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Notes in the margins

Explanation: This is the tonality that is loved in his works
to Use Mozart | But ... The violins are no longer spinning, now the march of war.
It will be even more interesting below.
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I will continue my mourning Mass for "foreign meat." I hope

you look at everything written without fanaticism.
There are no rules (there are pendulums in transerfing) and
there are almost no laws, but there are only principles that you
can follow or not follow, at your own discretion, in the unity of
soul and mind.
I also consider it my task to provide independent, non-
personal information as a counterweight to the unbridled
propaganda of producers and traders across our world.

We all need to realize that the goods around us are produced

not so much because there is no way to do without them, but
because someone produces them, someone sells them,
everyone needs a profit. Only in the first stage is what someone
needs produced and sold.
Later, a whole different thing begins - a desperate race for
profit. We live in a world where those races are constantly going
on, and you know there’s basically no disgust here by any
Lies and misinformation are very effective tools. After all, in
order to sell, say, a food product, you have to create a myth
that you are not only very useful - in addition to this in general.
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impossible to live. (You can't live without meat, no way.)

Now comes a new fashion - "all natural". My books have

contributed to some extent to this. Question: How to sell a product
that has nothing to do with natural products in such circumstances?
Ogi is very simple: you need to call it natural, and that's it. On the
screen, such a greeting, a wonderful child (after all, he found it
somewhere) is happy to scrub some kind of synthetics from a
can of food, and the voice behind the frame explains to us how it
is here: "Because it's natural!"

Explain to me what can be called a natural product if it is

preserved, sealed and buried in a jar or package and can be
stored for a year or two? Oh yeah, quite simply. Production and
trade are adapting very quickly to new trends. But not a finger is
moved to make a "fairy tale" a reality. Because it will be more
expensive to deceive trusted users than quickly and hassle-free.

In any case, the shelf life of the product can already be directly
compared to the time of detention - the longer it is, the more
dangerous the "prisoner" is. Well, few people remember the times
when it was possible to keep a jar of mayonnaise in the fridge for
no more than three weeks, the milk in the bottles crumbled after
two to three days, and the beer became cloudy after just a week.
For many, it is not destined to just remember - to know.
The universal pursuit of profit has turned us into prisoners,
hostages of the interests of producers and traders. You will hardly
see any truly natural products in the stores. Liko
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the last refuge is the farmers' market and seafood (of course,
those that are not grown under artificial conditions).
After all, not everything is clean and fair.
If we follow Bircher Bener's classification, his table can be
supplemented with a fourth type of food, which he did not
understand at the time - the synthesis of supermarkets . Lowest
class production. It’s basically a matrix medal for cyborgs
standing at the very top of the food pyramid.
The idea is simple and straightforward. The more synthetics
a product has, the lower its cost. The longer a product can be
stored, the easier it is to sell.
The question is: what right do they have to feed us with this
spam? How could it happen that one synthetics around?
And not just food - everywhere.

Again, very simple: if the user’s consciousness is low-level,

upright zombie, then anything can be infused on him. And he
will believe that all of this is not only beneficial but also vital to
his own health.
If the consciousness of both individuals and society as a
whole were at a slightly higher level, we would still be drinking
natural milk and beer, eating natural sausage without genetically
modified soy, etc. But we are not free and conscious individuals.
We ... I don't want to use harsh words, so I'll say it more gently
- we're on the farm, so we eat what gives us. That is our
situation. Do you think this has nothing to do with transerfection?

And indeed: what we give us, we eat. In a developed civilized

society, there is a law that can be done this way
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to formulate: the product is first produced, then it is forced to

buy. I will explain what that means.
As I said, the first stage is the production of a product that is
in demand. Let’s say everyone learned that somewhere in a
mountain village they have been drinking a miraculous drink for
a long time, so they are very healthy and refreshing. Why not
start producing this product for the city? It's forward - started,
and successful. But later competitors began to produce the
same. How to compete with them? And the market is already closed.
How to sell the product?
All these problems are easily solved. A synthetic drink is
produced. This is quite different from drinking in a mountain
village. But the cost of such a product is much lower and it can
be stored for longer. And consumers can dazzle that it’s the
same magical elixir. They will believe it. They are very hungry
and trustworthy.
When production is organized, a completely different kind of
process begins - it is necessary to sell it all, there will be no gap
to break into the buyers. If we make it, you have to buy it.
If you do not want to buy it, we will convince you very sincerely.
Much like in the army: we can't - we'll learn, we don't want to -
we'll force it. How do we learn? We will tell you, through extensive
advertising, with the help of authoritative doctors (who, in fact,
are sick, they need sick patients, not healthy ones), how good
this product is for your health and in general, because it contains
everything you need, and so on. And how do we force it? Very
simply - there is nothing else on the stalls - only our synthetics,
for you, the highest
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beings, well, on whose farm ... After all, we love you very much and take
great care of you!
It is not because producers and traders are bad and malicious people.
This system forces them to act this way, not the other way around. And just
as the revolution devours its children, so the children of the system find
themselves in its power.

As an example, it is worth repeating here again what we are talking about

was discussed in the book The Transfiguration of Life.
In 1974, the American government announced the goal of reducing the
population of third world countries as a matter of national security. How was
such a policy intended? Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, in a memorandum
on U.S. national security, explicitly recommended not only provoking wars
but also using food as a means to reduce the population.

Initially, a biological weapon was developed, but later it was realized that
it was much more effective to operate "peacefully".
Transgenic technology is a brilliant invention of the system, it shoots two
rabbits at once: it is both a means of reducing the population and undermining
the food security of individual countries, as the seeds of modified plants no
longer germinate, so the seed bank is always in the hands of corporations.
The ideal method of manipulation. And there is no need to cause war. Just
refuse to supply the disobedient with seeds at the right time and do whatever
you want with them. Already, many countries have just tripped over.

But most interestingly, the policies of the U.S. government hostile to third
world countries have had unintended consequences
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the US itself. Corporations, in the pursuit of profit, began to produce so

many GMOs that there was nowhere to put them. But somewhere you
need help! Then the already mentioned law comes into force: first it is
produced, then it is forced to buy. And what is being translated?
First of all their own citizens.
And now the whole world is overwhelmed with this disgust.
I eat for people. The global epidemic of infertility, obesity, depression, all
kinds of diseases and frightening changes in nature is nothing. The main
thing - to chase for profit. In countries where awareness is higher and
where people respect themselves, there is at least a choice.

In Scandinavia, for example, there are synthetics, but there are also
organic products. And it clearly tells you what products you buy at the
mall. And in Russia, we have no right to know whether a particular
product contains GMOs or not. Imagine the absence of this right in our
After all, we are on the farm. Isn't that right?
Moreover, when the world was hit by a crisis and then a major
recession, the race for profit accelerated. And now this is very noticeably
reflected in the quality of the goods. All, not just food. Inexpensive
chemical components are added to every household item, from paint to
light bulbs, which pose an immediate threat not only to health but also to

For some reason , no one is talking clearly and openly about this
aspect of the crisis. And it is precisely this aspect that is now being
developed with great acceleration. It may seem like nothing is changing, but it is not.
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Yesterday you bought some item of one quality commodity, and

today it will be quite different. Racing is racing.
And the producers themselves have to consume their own
products. After all, the law "we produce first, then make a
purchase" applies to everyone without exception. As they say, do
not cut into the well and dig into another pit. But, I repeat,
producers and traders are not some kind of abstract evil lurking
somewhere outside the civilized community. After all, it is the
same as all people who have families, children and suffer from
the same consequences of pursuit of profit. The point is in the system itself.
She exploits you, and you seem to enjoy her fruits.
Different system models work differently. The socialist deprives
him of the right to choose. Capitalist enslaves. The technogenic
system works in an interesting way overall. It does not directly
exert or exert direct pressure. It creates the conditions for its
elements - the screws - to taper themselves according to the needs
of the system and begin to want what is good for it.
Everything is based on addiction. Any synthetic food obscures
consciousness and causes massive drug addiction. The system
has no other means of influencing consciousness than food,
information, and external environmental conditions.
That is why I have to talk about it. And believe me, it’s very
unpleasant to talk about it. Many of my workshop colleagues tend
not to touch such a topic at all, as if it all didn’t matter.

But if all this doesn’t matter, then we can, say, manage reality
in the garden. I cannot take such responsibility and offer you
something ephemeral and pure
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metaphysical. Transerfing is distinguished by the fact that it is

guided by a maximally realistic and complex approach. You
can have a conscious intention and wear pink glasses, you can
color your world with orange. But it is not possible to fly in the
dark. "Apples" must fly into the sky. And you have to walk the
ground, otherwise all the transfers will become an illusion.

ÿ The goods around us are not so much produced that we cannot do without them
to get around them as far as someone makes them, someone sells them, and everyone
need a profit.
ÿ Production and trade adapt very quickly to new trends - everything
ÿ The shelf life of the product can be directly compared to the time of incarceration
the longer it is, the more dangerous the
"prisoner" is. ÿ The pursuit of universal profit has turned us into prisoners, producers and
hostage interests of traders. ÿ
Supermarket synthetics are the fourth type of food. Lowest class production. Basically a
matrix medal for cyborgs.
ÿ We are on the farm, so we eat what we give us.
ÿ In a technogenic system, the product is produced first, then it
forced to buy.
ÿ When production is organized, a completely different kind of process begins - it all
needs to be sold, there will be no gap to break into the buyers. If we make it,
you have to buy it.
ÿ Global infertility, obesity, depression, all kinds of diseases and
an epidemic of frightening changes in nature - nothing. The most important thing is to chase

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ÿ For every household item, from paint to light bulb

low-cost chemical components are added that pose an immediate threat not only
health but also life.
ÿ The system is exhausting you and you feel like you are enjoying its fruits.
ÿ The technogenic system creates the conditions for its elements to
screws - they themselves tap into the needs of the system and start to want
what benefits her.
ÿ Everything is based on addiction.

Notes in the margins

In the next section, you will learn things that no one has ever told you about
did not tell and from which you may become uncomfortable. But we are not here
we follow jokes and follow fairy tales. Transerfection encourages seeing and
to know reality as it really is, not to remain in a state of collective dream, of illusion.
However, once again I would like to warn you to avoid it
extreme experimentation and bigotry about your body and lifestyle.
If you want to change something in yourself, do it wisely, step by step
step, harmoniously.
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In the previous section, we stopped at the fact that the

technogenic matrix creates its own human management system
that relies on addiction. First of all - from food.
The basis of addiction is not natural physical need but narcotic
hunger. After all, the third type of food (treated with fire, and
especially if it is of animal origin) causes intoxication. And
everything that causes intoxication is the cause of drug addiction.

The dead are the dead. Dead food is poisonous in itself. But it
becomes even more poisonous during the process of digestion,
for the digestion of that which is not dead, in violation of the laws
of Nature, is essentially a process of decay. (Therefore, please
forgive me, there is a corresponding odor in the toilet.)
Fried or cooked meat is the real drug. That’s why they still
want it. And there are amateurs who can't survive without meat.
If I don’t eat anything now, I’ll kill someone. As soon as you
receive the next dose, the intoxication temporarily subsides and
you can live on.
To make it clearer, I will remind you what intoxication is.
It is not even the extent of contamination of the body with toxic
substances and metabolic products that is at stake, but the
moment when the toxins begin to be eliminated. The human body
is polluted all its life - incessantly, more and more. This is similar
to disposing of chemical waste because the disposal organs are upright
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does not cope, does not manage. In this case, there is a "Plan
B" - the body can encapsulate waste and bury it anywhere, just
away from vital organs. But every time the body finishes the
hard work of digesting a dead lunch, it takes cleansing. At that
point, the toxins enter the bloodstream, which automatically
triggers a reaction: another dose is needed. And man, of course,
consumes it. So Plan B, while back-up, works all the time.

Like nothing terrible, the waste is put into capsules (for now), it
is possible to live (also for the time being). But. You cannot live
without a regular dose . This is the same addiction and was the
main reason why a person climbed to the top of the food
pyramid and then settled there firmly and for a long time.

The question of how to survive in a wild environment and

persistent food shortages would now seem irrelevant.
There is an option to give up animal products, but addiction
does not run out. At present, most of the crop is not used for
direct consumption but for feed to produce meat.

Even in the rainforests , where there is a constant variety of

vegetation, the natives do not give up hunting. Because if
you’ve ever tasted fried meat, you’ll want it all the time. In
addition, addiction forms a habit. And the habit, in turn, creates
a mental (social) stereotype - a sensible (collective) explanation
of why and who needs it.
Moreover, with the invention of industrial food technology,
man has become even more dependent. Mat chemicals
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and synthetics have a very strong addictive effect. And it is

quite obvious who benefits from such an attachment to the
trough. If we make and sell it, you have to buy it. Synthetic
components are added to products deliberately and completely
Lots of examples. I once saw the following image: meat is
moving on a conveyor belt, and something like a press is stuck
on top of it, pinned with many needles. Some chemicals are
injected into the meat, apparently because of their volume,
weight, color, condition, although the carcasses are full of
chemicals, antibiotics, hormones, and other nasty substances
that are added to the feed, not to mention corpses and agonists.
As you know, there is nothing that cannot be done while
pursuing a profit. There are no norms and principles that cannot
be exceeded in this race.

Addiction is further exacerbated by the fact that the food

produced, especially animal, seems to be much richer than the
natural, living. It really just seems that way. According to the
Law of Heret, which I have already written about in the book
The Transfers of Life, the elimination (removal) of toxins from
the body stops when cooked food enters the stomach.
Such an effect, as if hitting the abdomen with a hammer. The
body seems to bite due to being overloaded. This feeling of
load, along with the pleasure of stopping detoxification, is most
often confused with satiety.
But here’s the question, is animal food really richer than plant
food? Dr. Walter Faith, known for his milk myth
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unmasker provides the following example. Dark - skinned woman from

An African who does not drink milk for a lifetime is statistically getting
350 mg of calcium a day with food; an American consumes 1400 mg
of calcium per day. In America, women often lack calcium (osteoporosis)
during pregnancy, and Africans very rarely lack it.

Everything in the body is not as simple as a calcium chart. What

matters is not how much calcium is in the product, but how much can
be absorbed. This depends on many factors.
Dr. Faith compares this process to the work of a builder.
Suppose a bricklayer can only lay 500 bricks a day. Will his productivity
increase if more bricks are brought to him?
Even if you cover it with bricks, it won’t start working faster from then
The traditional concept, which emphasizes only the caloric content
and nutritional value of products, is a chimera because it does not
take into account one simple thing: how much it will take to absorb the
The invented daily allowance of vitamins, minerals, trace elements
and macroelements is also very funny. Collecting all the products that
would need to be eaten to make up for the daily ration would result in
a mountain that is physically impossible to clutter with in a day. And
after all, every product contains something more, something less, and
everything a little bit.

Comparing the human body with a steam locomotive small is at

least incorrect. Metabolism is not a chemical in a test tube, but
something else that is not yet understood. Science
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explains everything to the level he was able to achieve. But here’s

why he can’t gain weight and height so quickly if he only feeds on
breast milk, he can’t. How much protein do you think is in breast
milk? All right 1 percent! And how do people who eat sunlight make
sense to live without food? It is not worth relying on science for the
sole reason that it cannot cure an already universally sick and
obese humanity.

So what do we have. On the one hand, there are obvious

advantages to live plant foods, and on the other, there has been a
stereotype over theand
are more nutritious

And indeed, practice shows that a person just needs to switch to

a diet with live plant foods, and he begins to have problems:
indigestion, severe weight loss, worsening of well-being,
exacerbation of old diseases, and where there are neuroses and
even allergies to the whole body. How to resolve this eternal dispute
between supporters of living and dead food?
The solution must be sought in a completely different plane, not
where it is sought. What matters is not what is more easily absorbed
and more nutritious - dead food or living, animal or plant, but what
stage of the pyramid a person is in, what kind of food his body is
ready to accept.
The different stages of the pyramid and the different types of
food require fundamentally different types of digestion. The type of
digestion depends on the intestinal microflora, it is again different at
different stages of the pyramid. No conclusions can be drawn until
one has passed from one stage to the next. After all, no one will come to
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head to try to feed the cow meat, the tiger in the grass, and then draw
But for man, it is precisely such meaningless conclusions that are
drawn. Because the fundamental difference between live and dead food
is not understood. Among the types of digestion in one stage of the
pyramid and another. Between life and death.

And how can the urban mind understand what life is if even science
does not understand it? Whatever "scientific" definition of life you take,
they are all equally meaningless and absurd. For example, “Life is a way
of the existence of protein bodies.” Think about whether there is at least
a drop of understanding and meaning in this definition? Sex can be
defined "scientifically" in the same way - sex is a way of copulating
proteins. Here we can speak of a categorical difference between the
scientific perception of the essence and the esoteric. There are things
that need not be understood and explained, but known - not the mind,
but the soul, the heart.

Nature explains nothing, it only shows what is natural and what is

hostile to nature itself; where there is a heart, and where there is no sign
of it. Nature knows that what is alive must feed on what is alive. Give to
the living what is alive, and leave all that is not alive to the dead. It is
pointless to indulge in scientific disputes with Nature.

But there is one way to get at least closer to understanding the

essence - to name things by their real names. Ir
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further, dear reader, very briefly, so as not to try your patience,

I will do just that.
It is possible to defend and justify one or another diet for a
very long time. There are many so-called correct diets: by blood
type, by composition, vegetarianism, strict vegetarianism
(veganism), kosher food, ayurveda, macrobiotics ... All these
methods are linked by one thing: basically all this is nothing but
Necrobiosis (Gr. Necrosis - dead, dead and biosis - life, way
of life ) is a change in a cell before it dies. The whole life of a
person who eats dead food is one endless vestibule of death,
the preparation for death, the desire to die as soon as possible.

Necrobiosis is also a special type of digestion and metabolism

that the body adapts to when fed dead food. At the same time,
a special type of microflora is formed, which can absorb dead
food - necroflora.

Conversely , when most or only live food enters the body, it

undergoes fundamentally different digestive and metabolic
processes - vitabiosis. And the microflora is formed differently -
Vitaflora differs from necroflora approximately as elves and
fairies from goblins and orcs. On one side are magical and pure
beings living in a magical and clean country.
In the other - degeneration, dirt, mutants, parasites, stench,
swallowing corpses, rot. There is also a staggering difference
between babies who are breastfed by their mothers themselves
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diapers for infants and babies fed synthetic milk formulas.

I'm not talking about adult "individuals" anymore. And there is no

need to have illusions about the fact that seemingly everything
looks right and sometimes even beautiful. The essence lurking
inside can be hidden, but it will not go away and will not change as
a result. Necrobiosis: dead on entry - dead and dirty inside, dead
and dirty on exit. Vitabiosis: gýva on entry - alive and clean on the
inside, alive and clean on exit. That is the real situation. These are
just facts that don't need to be explained.
Only one fact needs to be explained: why the transition to a live
diet is accompanied by crisis phenomena (which are, of course,
temporary). When live food enters a dirty environment where
necroflora has settled, it immediately begins to clean it all up.
Necroflora, in turn, cannot absorb live food. Goblins and orcs are
accustomed to a completely different food.

What does it take for living food to be fully absorbed and deliver
the benefits it needs to deliver? It is necessary to cleanse all the
internal media, to remove from the body all that is foreign, all the
nasty, in order for the necroflora to be replaced by vitaflora. It is
not possible to do this right away. Such a transformation is similar
to the long war in the Mediterranean from the trilogy The Lord of
the Rings. Goblins and orcs will not retreat so easily. The transition
can last indefinitely, depending on the health condition and the
contamination of the body. But it happens that everything happens
pretty fast and even painlessly.
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The most important thing is to understand the point: this is a really

serious transformation, a real war in the Mediterranean, accompanied
by a change of government in the kingdom and the corresponding
consequences. The transition to the new stage of the food pyramid will
take place when all non-microbiotic digestive processes have ended and
vitabiosis has been established. That’s when real life begins in the body.
New life.
Goblins and orcs in the microflora will be replaced by elves and fairies.
And your feeling will be as if you yourself have become an elf or a fairy.
And inside you will no longer be a gloomy faded dungeon, but a pure
magical country. From my experience, I can say that it is a strange,
wonderful, and long-forgotten feeling: you are fifty, and you feel as if you
are seventeen.

ÿ Dead food becomes even more toxic during the digestive process because
the digestion of the dead is essentially a process of decay.
ÿ Synthetic components are deliberately and deliberately added to products to secure
the user to the trough.
ÿ According to Heret's law, the removal of toxins from the body stops when it enters the stomach

fall into the cooked food.

ÿ The feeling of loading, along with the pleasure of stopping detoxification, is
usually confused with satiety.
ÿ Compare the human body with a steam engine at least a little

ÿ The different stages of the pyramid and the different types of food require
fundamentally different types of digestion.
ÿ Necrobiosis is a special type of digestion and metabolism, at
whose body is forcibly adapted when fed dead food.
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ÿ At the same time , a special type of microflora that can be absorbed is formed accordingly
dead food - necroflora.
ÿ When most or only live food enters the body
There are fundamentally different digestive and metabolic processes - vitabiosis and

ÿ When live food enters a dirty environment where necroflora has settled, it immediately
begins to clean it all up.
ÿ The transition to the new stage of the food pyramid will be when everyone is done
non-microbial digestive processes and stable metabolism -

Notes in the margins

But even that is not yet a finale, but just the most important things to come soon
you will find out the prelude.
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We ended the previous chapter with the idea that the

transition to the new food pyramid will take place when all
necrobiosis digestive processes have been completed and vital
metabolism has been established - vitabiosis. That’s when real
life begins in the body. New life.
New because your vital tone will increase dramatically, your
intent, your power, and after all, your ability to influence events
will increase. To understand where this Power will come from,
let us remember the long-forgotten but ingenious equation that
Dr. Arnold Eret derived at the beginning of the last century:

L = C – R,


L - viability, C -
unknown size, R -
cost, burden.

The unknown size here is the energy that drives the human
mechanism. It’s a really unknown size because no one knows
where the energy comes from in a living body. Life is not the
chemicals in the tube that can be calculated.
Physico-chemical model (it is also a "steam locomotive")
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- only one of the primitive explanations, and only one aspect, by the way,
is not the most important. Other aspects are from the realm of speculation.
Among other things, man, like every living being, is the consumer
of cosmic energy and at the same time its generator.
It can be said that C is both a physical force and a chi energy and a
spiritual force.
R is work intended mainly for the digestion of dead food and the
disposal of metabolites. An organism whose entire function relies
on necrobiosis essentially does just that work. He never has
anything to do with purification, restoration and development.
Necrobiosis, unlike vitabiosis, is very slow, dirty, viscous and
requires a lot of energy. R is a load, a burden that the body has to
carry throughout its life. And this load is growing steadily over the
years as power resources are shrinking and the burden of
unchanged metabolites is increasing.

Seeing the simple Ereto equation is fundamental. It is no less

valuable than Einstein's famous formula E = mc2. It is basically an
equation of life. And the death equation. If R becomes greater than
or equal to C, life ends.

Technical analogue of the equation: the real power of a car

(efficiency ) is equal to its engine power minus all costs and
resistance forces. When the force of the resistance exceeds the
power of the car, it stops.

The basic meaning of the Heret equation is that whatever makes

up energy C, the viability of L is ultimately directly and
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depends most on the cost R. It is the cost that needs to be

focused on, because reducing R is much easier than increasing
It is common to increase the amount of energy absorption and
permeability in the body, or the so-called chi energy, through
complex and labor-intensive exercises (practices). These
practices are for C enhancement only. But, as the Ereto equation
shows, energy levels can be raised in a completely different and easier way.
It is necessary to free the body from the burden, put an end to all
necrobiosis processes and move to the optimal and least costly
type of metabolism - vitabiosis. It's the same as transferring from
a steam locomotive to a Formula 1 car.

Eating low-potential and low-order foods is the cause of

lethargy, unconsciousness, constant fatigue, obesity, decreased
overall tone and loss of consciousness. This is noticeable at an
early age, but is not yet a very critical situation. Later, approaching
middle age, the sympathetic nervous system fades, and the
functions of the circulatory organs, kidneys, skin, respiratory and
digestive systems are impaired. Then the completely pathological
processes begin.
And, conversely, living food not only does not burden, but also
cleanses the body, stabilizes the nervous system, clarifies
consciousness and, most interestingly, restores the body's ability
to regenerate. The body can really regenerate!
You have probably heard many times that the activity of the
human brain is only a few percent according to various data. But
few know the average
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no more than 20 percent (!) of all its cells are actively active in
the statistical organism. Others are like steady-state states due
to hypoenergy (lack of energy in the cells).

But when the body, as it moves into a new stage of the

pyramid, gets rid of the burden of R, the energy potential
increases dramatically and the cells become more active. It
becomes possible to recreate many of the functions and
processes that were reasonably considered irreversible in the
previous stage of the pyramid. In the new stage, a lot can be
recovered. Here's how Heret describes his impressions of
the discovery:

“The indescribable and hitherto unknown feeling of great

health, vital energy, great ability to work, endurance and power
overwhelmed me and gave me extraordinary joy and happiness
just because I live. It wasn’t just a physical sensation. My
mentality changed dramatically, which resulted in an improvement
in perception and memory. I was visited by hope, peace and
even courage, some kind of spiritual enlightenment and vision,
just like sunrise. All of my physical abilities suddenly increased
dramatically, far surpassing those I had in my healthy and
vibrant youth. I easily cycled 800 miles from Algeria to Tunisia.
Imagine, after all, I was a candidate for the dead, doomed and
rejected by doctors. ”And what follows is really noteworthy:“
Your brain will start working in such a way that it
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you will be stunned. A past life will look like a dream to you, and
for the first time your consciousness will reach a level of true self-
awareness. ”

I can sign each of these words myself based on my experience.

It is only a pity to me that I have only words at my disposal that
do not convey the whole palette of the senses. And it's a pity that
far from everyone understands why I'm talking about such
strange things as moving to the next tier of the pyramid,
introducing such horrible concepts as necrobiosis, relying on
such abstract allegories as "war in the Mediterranean" ... It looks
really strange. Too far from the usual questions about esoterics.

I delve into this topic because the new principles of

transertification, such very strange principles, provide a
tremendous Power in which you do not even suspect. And I
didn’t choose the appropriate teaching style by accident because
it’s very hard to break stagnant mental stereotypes. And for many
people, these stereotypes are completely unbreakable. It is
especially difficult for sleepers to explain that it is not a question
of a healthy diet, but of fundamentally new things, even though
they are obvious. The sleepers are just bubbling their own:
“Where is the transfer here? I don't see the transfer. I only see a
healthy diet. And what does that give me? ”
It provides an unparalleled sense of freedom, clarity of mind,
extraordinary energy and youthful euphoria.
Remember the guessing riddle of the Supervisor? You gain
freedom when you end your battle. But this is only the beginning
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the aspect of transertification, only the first step, the first stage
of freedom. You will reach new levels of freedom when you
break the last threads for which the system holds you. The last
threads of puppets are food, information and external
environmental conditions. When you realize the reality of these
threads and break them, you gain a freedom you don’t even
dare to dream about.
All I'm writing is my attempts to show and explain, albeit a
little, that the threads that link you to the system are real. You
will be able to feel for yourself if you try to get rid of them. As I
said, at the age of fifty I feel like I am seventeen. But not really.
After the truth, much better. Now the size of my R term is very
small compared to the load I had at seventeen. Such an effect
cannot be achieved by visualization alone, so a holistic approach
is needed: how we think, how we feed, how we move.

The state is that there is simply nowhere to put energy. It’s

time to do parkouring, acrobatic skiing or anything else where
you can turn your neck. Natural dizziness without any pills. And
at that time, the sun of life is already setting in the evening. It
feels like I’ve overcome not only the system, but something
more, something more serious. So far, I can’t articulate what
specifically. What’s good is the most interesting thing yet to
And when someone tells me that everything I’ve been writing
lately is nothing, it’s a huge surprise to me. How else do you
explain how to show the reality of the threads that bind you ?! Ir
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again, I am very sorry that whoever says so cannot feel and will probably
never feel all this intoxication of freedom and mad energy.

But I get other feedback as well. From those who felt the transition to
a new tier of the pyramid and experienced the same sensations as me.
Please send letters about your experience so that everyone else knows
- you can go into a fundamentally different dimension of reality and
quality of life.

If you have a cherished dream, if your

goal is difficult to achieve, if many want the
same as you, if you have to stand in a long
line to your dream, if you do not have extraordinary abilities and
talents ...
You must know that you have a special, unique chance.

The chance to gain an advantage that others

don’t have. Chance to break the matrix and break free.
You must at least know that this is possible.

ÿ Moving to a new tier of the pyramid will greatly increase your vital tone,

the intention, the Power, and after all, the ability to influence events will be strengthened.

ÿ Heretic equation: L (viability) = C (living energy) - R (burden). ÿ Man is the

consumer of cosmic energy and at the same time its generator.

ÿ C is both a physical force and a chi energy and a spiritual force.

ÿ R is a work dedicated mainly to the digestion and metabolism of dead food

disposal of products.
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ÿ An organism whose functionality relies on necrobiosis is essentially just that

work and perform.
ÿ Decreasing R is much easier than increasing C.
ÿ The optimal and least costly type of metabolism -

ÿ The energy level is easiest to increase when the body is released from the burden,
putting an end to all necrobiosis processes.
ÿ Nutrition low-potential and low-order products are sluggish,
unconsciousness, persistent fatigue, obesity, general tone
causes of decline and obscuration of consciousness.
ÿ Live food not only does not burden, but also cleanses the body, stabilizes nerves
system, clarifies consciousness and restores the body’s ability to regenerate.
ÿ The latest threads of puppets are food, information and the external environment
ÿ When you realize the reality of these threads and break them, you gain freedom, about
which you did not dare to dream of.

Notes in the margins EKSMO Publishing

House has published a book by Dr. Arnold Eret entitled "Living Nutrition".
http:// www.ozon.ru/ context/ detail/ id/ 8519011

"Arnold Eret has left an invaluable legacy for humanity - perhaps

the most important thing people have received in recent millennia. Ereto
theory gives its supporters health, happiness and spiritual awakening - that is,
which has a much greater value than all the world's wealth ”(Professor BV Chaild). There is
also my preface.
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Dear readers! I receive a lot of letters from you telling you

about your experience in moving to a new tier of the pyramid. I
can't put all the letters here - there are too many of them. I
selected the most typical examples to show that everyone’s
experience is their own, individual. You need to listen to your
heart first and walk your own way, as you think is right. Just
fanaticism should be avoided, no matter how it manifests itself.
If you go step by step with the consent of soul and mind, you
will succeed. And it will come out exactly the way you need to
be, because each person is unique.

"My experience is this: 25 years of a traditional diet, which is

considered very harmful even by traditional measures, with
obvious beginnings of alcoholism, and two and a half years of
a smooth transition to a live diet.

1. How I transitioned to a live diet.

I went smoothly. Rather intuitive and willing. As a result, I
experienced almost no discomfort. My wife and I did everything
together, so my experience can be multiplied by two.
At first I gave up cigarettes and alcohol, then meat, then fish,
then eggs, then bread, then I became vegan, and then I
switched to a live diet.
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At the same time, I increased the amount of raw products in my diet,

while giving up canned food, sugar and anything that was harmful. It
all lasted two and a half years. I am convinced that if I had switched
to live food right away, I would have been unbearable or very
unsweetened, both physiologically and psychologically. Slowly he
rode down while riding!

2. What the live diet has given me.

She didn't make me a screwdriver. This is what the tail is made of
by a matrix, convincing him that the more distracted he is, the greater
his success. This is a typical representation of a donkey and a carrot.
There are people who tend to be distracted. They cling to this hook. I
say this based on my own experience: I myself have sometimes
encountered such vortices.

The transition to live food provides different energies: calm, steady,

even, firm. I would call this energy healthy. Healthy energy - when a
person calmly does what he needs to do, without weakening, without
breaking, avoiding a sudden
strength, thischange
completing of of
kindthe mood,
work soberly
to before
the end. evaluating
to Iafinally
Ilive I his
suddenly moved out of the place where I used to slip. Stuck things
started to work out, I easily relinquished many of the commitments I
had previously made.

It was no longer absurd and insane that came to my mind, but work
ideas that did not fade and give reality.
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result. It is very difficult to get this kind of healthy energy under a

traditional diet.
Usually people make a living and wind down. Often they even
understand where the cause is but can’t change anything.
I now realize that nutrition plays a primary role here. Of course,
not only diet but also 'consumption' is affected.
For example, a person who uses news from television or the
Internet on a daily basis will not be able to go through life without
fear and soberly evaluate their options. I know this from my own
experience, too. Food, books, movies, music, goods - everything
that enters us in one way or another needs to be filtered out. And
the meal here certainly takes first place.

3. What the live diet didn’t give me.

Pendulums like to show humanity the so-called inspiration
(inspiration ) approach to everything. For example, the hero of a
Hollywood movie may sit upset, but then he experiences
enlightenment and flies like wings ... We have this chip of
"inspiration" sewn to us and we walk with it. For the joy of the
The transition to a natural diet, unlike the "lures" of the matrix,
does not have a sudden effect, at least when moving step by
step. Just feel calm joy and confidence, almost no fear. Life is
getting more beautiful and stable every day. Problems disappear
somewhere. Going to the goal is no longer a struggle. There are
gains. But all this very calm, without euphoria. So natural you
don’t even notice.
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So, at least for me, a live diet doesn’t cause enthusiasm,

euphoria, and ecstasy. The live diet didn’t make me a screwed-
up wolf that could work without a hitch. I’m not in a forever
positive mood. I got something more that couldn’t be described
or shown. It needs to be tried.

4. My recommendations.
Throughout the year, pharmaceutical companies develop
drugs for various diseases, vitamin complexes that slightly
improve people's well-being, antibiotics, and more. It costs
billions of dollars and countless other resources. And Victoria
Butenko once mixed water, sweet fruit and greens in a whisk. In
this way, the most important (in my opinion) invention of the 21st
century was made - the green smoothie. It is a real elixir of health
and youth.
My (and my family’s) life has gotten completely different
quality. This is cool! I love such a life! ”

"It all started a few years ago when I first heard Reality
Transerfing." Until then, a lot of my intentions had come true,
and I already knew that "it" works. But frankly, there was no way
I could understand what was written in that book. I tried one way
or the other, but I failed.

About a year has passed. I have heard from one person that
alcohol consumption responds to the level of awareness. And I
decided to give it a try. I completely gave up alcohol.
I didn’t even drink during the various holidays. A few months later for me
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as if eyes were open. I finally began to understand what that

book, The Transfers of Reality, was about. I started not only
listening but also hearing. When I approached the Transfers of
Life, I decided to test the effects of live food.
The book repeatedly talks about a smooth transition. But I
wanted to feel the effects of live food so much that I switched to
this diet very quickly. Also, I stopped drinking tea, coffee. I only
drank living water.
The results did not have to wait long. My energy levels were
low before switching to this diet. After eating in the evening, my
eyes immediately closed and I fell asleep. My weight was 85 kg,
height 174 cm. The weight started to decrease very quickly.
In three months, I lost about 15 kg and continued to lose weight.
The feeling was awesome, I wanted to fly. The energy was more
than enough. I fell asleep at night for 4-5 hours. I started doing
gymnastics. I walked a lot. And I still had a lot of energy.

I didn’t know where to put it.

People around me started to worry a lot about my rapid weight
loss. It was impossible to have lunch with everyone at work.
They kept pounding on my cup and commenting. The wife and
mother-in-law felt no longer needed because they no longer
needed to make anything, and they were used to it. I woke up
at 5 in the morning and didn’t know what to do. I felt like I was
asleep and there was nothing to do.
I started to see the situation in a startling way, brilliant ideas and
thoughts came up. At work, I easily solved any
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tasks. I was able to look at the difficulties as if from the sidelines and overcome
them especially easily.
One fine day, when I was already 65kg, I decided to stop. I
realized that my conditions could not allow for a sudden change.
They are causing other changes for which they are not currently
prepared. I mean work. I can’t quit him yet, I like him. Therefore,
I have completely returned to my previous diet. And I even
started eating meat.
I decided to move slowly over the course of three years. I am
now 27 years old and by the age of 30 I am going to switch
completely to live food. It’s been about half a year since I slowly
transitioned to live food. The essence of this slowness is the
predominance of fresh fruits and salads in my diet.
I don't drink or drink coffee and tea. Sometimes during the
holidays I allow myself to drink a little alcohol. I have enough
energy now. Both to raise awareness and to take the necessary
actions during the day. I usually wake up earlier than the alarm
clock, but not as early as when I only fed live food.

I recently noticed a very interesting fact. I no longer feel the

taste of meat. She became completely tasteless to me. And
those meat dishes I used to enjoy have also become tasteless.
I would rather choose a fresh vegetable salad than stuffed
peppers. In a word, I advise everyone to move smoothly and
slowly. Over time, you will have more energy and will be able
to figure out where to put it. And smooth external changes won’t
shock you that way
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environment. By the way, my weight has now stopped at the 70 kg mark, and I
am completely satisfied with that. "

“I tried to include live food in my diet gradually, following the

systematic principle of gradual replacement of products, as you
recommend, but I realized that I wanted it faster and without any
systems. From January 2, when all the New Year’s salad was eaten,
I stopped eating cooked food. I quit drinking alcohol and smoking
even earlier, about a month before that day.

Now I still can’t stand for food, I allow myself if I really want to, I
don’t force myself and then I don’t regret it. This is my transition path.
And I break less and less. It was hard to quit smoking - I was hooked
as needed, "pulled by the hook". The easiest way is to quit drinking
alcohol. Not pulling at all. And nothing is confusing even in a drinking
society, I have fun like everyone else.

To say that I felt better means not to say anything.

The feeling is that my soul has finally dropped its heavy shackles
and climbed up. It has become light and spacious for me, I am full of
energy. And this is just the beginning! I am not used to it yet and I
am still surprised. What is surprising here is that you write about it in
almost every newsletter. But it is one thing to read, and quite another
to feel for yourself. ”

"It simply came to our notice then seven months ago our whole
family was on the path to a live diet. Everything happened
unexpectedly and suddenly. In early summer, I became interested in books abou
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transerfection, but for a while I looked at Life Transfiguration

crookedly. On the one hand, I completely trusted the author and
shared his thoughts in the first books, on the other hand, I
looked at people with such dietary oddities very ironically and
didn’t even go into the essence - stupid, and so on.
I hesitated for a long time, but curiosity took over, and with
the thought "and we'll find out about that owl" (Mikhail Bulgakov,
"Dog's Heart"), I ordered this book in an online store. I ordered
probably to grind this system into flour once and for all and not
go back to it again.

When I received the shipment with the books, I first went to

the "Life Transfer" - it didn't give me peace of mind. Did I know
then how drastically and simply my worldview would change?
The essence and theory of live nutrition stunned me ... I was
overwhelmed by the feeling that the puzzle was finally put
together correctly, and every detail of it came into place.
At the time, I was trying for a long time and unsuccessfully to
get rid of the heavy burden of unnecessary pounds. I was such
a handsome and stout Russian beauty, Kustodiev style and
weighing 100 kg with a good pile. Finally, thoughts and desires
to prolong one's youth and improve one's health have become
more and more recent. There was a persistent desire to start
eating real live food right away.
I told my husband and I got full support, as is usually the
case, because if we go crazy, it's both of us. It was harder with
her son ... He was 12 years old, and at the time, weighing 164
cm, he weighed 87 kg.
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Constant attempts to lose weight bothered and yielded no

results. From any diet and restriction, he became weak, dizzy,
worsened and no longer had any moods, and physical exertion
was difficult to overcome.
I think those with similar troubles will understand me well.
And the son loved to eat delicious and hearty (like us).
He accepted our idea very hostilely, but with persuasions and
promises we persuaded him to try and keep it for only one
week, because of the experiment, and later, as he decides, we
will not insist.
And the experiment began. To our surprise, things were not
as difficult as we thought, and finally the beginning of June was
the perfect time. Initially, we have not yet given up homemade
cow’s milk and cream, raw fish marinated in lemon juice. Of
course, it was very unusual - there was no familiar feeling of
satiety, we just ate, ate and ate. And in the first week we all lost
5 kg !!! It was so unexpected and great that the son said: well,
by the end of the month, but no longer! We agreed, we told him
he could throw everything at any time, and we would cook him
food as before. In anticipation, I will say that the moment has
not come.

The first improvements did not have to wait long. It became

easy and pleasant to wake up, there was a significant increase
in energy - a long-forgotten desire to move appeared. Everyone
had trouble with their stomachs, their skin noticeably warmed,
smooth, black spots and small papillomas disappeared. I no
longer heard the first calls of impending diabetes. It became different,
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no longer such pungent body odors. Many things changed. In

the first month, all three of us lost 31 kilograms of unnecessary
weight together !!!
The son was already more enthusiastic about what was
going on, but still occasionally reminded me: when I lose
weight, go back to my normal diet, keep in mind! We agreed,
but at the same time unequivocally explained the essence of
the diet of live food. The son nodded.
This is how July and August passed. Then we went to the
sea for almost a month, and there was a real fruit paradise.
The new style of eating has taken root in our family quite easily
and painlessly, although it has sometimes been difficult.
The smells of peace were not the strongest "anchors" from a
previous life. And as it is in the south - on the way to the beach,
every step is a cafe, a restaurant, a barbecue. There was a
moment when these smells finally "caught up" with us, and we
quite consciously decided to deviate from the rules and bought
a roast chicken. It was interesting to watch your thoughts at the
time - just a storm of conflicting feelings! On the one hand, we
waited for the coveted and guaranteed pleasure that
previously loved food would provide, and on the other hand,
we clearly understood what process would take place in the
body after all this. In a word, it was a completely conscious
experiment. But the expected pleasure lasted only the first
minutes, then complete frustration and discomfort. The hen
pressed her stomach like a stone, and she immediately had to
remember her forgotten heartburn, her sluggishness, and her
thirst. Very much
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contrasting sensations compared to the comfort we were used to

getting used to. I am grateful to this hen - after that it was possible
to react to all the tempting smells with complete calm and
indifference. In the words of a well-known legend, we danced a
small dance so that we would not jump a big one afterwards.
At the end of September, the son started attending school as a
completely different person, weighing from 87 kg to 62.
Slender, beautified, tanned - completely different. Is it worth saying
that on the first day, many experienced a slight shock due to its
changes. Some students from parallel classes just didn’t recognize
it! The son began to evaluate himself differently, so the attitude of
his classmates changed, more friends appeared, and the girls
began to explore. Progress has improved, with great effort
emerging from the trio. That’s what a miraculous live diet is!
Interestingly, it was by eating live food that the son grew rapidly
up and down (I mean bones and muscles), and the mustaches
appeared and the voice changed - everything is as it should be.
Yes, he’s still in the system, the live diet doesn’t stop him, he just
doesn’t eat in the school canteen. He fully understands what the
system is, is one of the awakened, but does not stand out, does
not oppose himself to others, does not talk about the living diet.
Why? Still don't understand.
About lean. It was very important for both of her and her son,
less so for her husband, his most important goal was health, youth,
and energy. It melted sharply in the first two months, but later the
process stopped and now the weight is gradually increasing. The
same is true for many. I am really dystrophic
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you will not disappear - what is unnecessary will disappear, but what is healthy
and young will appear.
I lost 40 lbs easily in seven months and there is no fuss! For
me, 37, my skin turned 25 years old - smooth, clean. There was
became lighter extraordinary
- previouslylightness,
there were
110 beats
per minute
My heart
the time, and now my pulse is 62 to 65 beats. The eternal fatigue,
weakness, drowsiness, endurance - going up the 10th floor
without using the elevator - has disappeared, and more than
once it has become easy, there is no muscle pain and shortness
of breath! We have never had the flu and colds all the time, even
though it was inevitable every winter. And the cough is gone!

It was our eternal trouble - it was easier to get used to a cough

than to cure it. We thought we would freeze in the winter without
hot food and tea - nothing like that! We were afraid that there
would be little food for us in the winter - we were unnecessarily
afraid. Sprouts, fruits, vegetables, sea cabbage, nuts, honey,
pollen - that's enough. We have long since given up milk and fish
- a decision that came automatically, based on our inner senses.
The body has learned to respond to food - "chemical" fruits,
vegetables and greens are unmistakably recognized in the mouth.

We practice yoga for the whole family, and not because we

need to, but because we like and want, the classes provide real
pleasure. Sense improved. The environment is changing -
interesting, bright personalities are coming, and those with whom
it was difficult to communicate are retreating. The first transerfusion occurs
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seedlings of practice results. It’s amazing to realize, get used to the

thought that my world cares about me with pleasure and carries me
on my arms. So far, it’s hard to start trusting your world. Here we
are at the very beginning of the road, but it is gratifying that we are
"falling asleep" much less often, and the internal caretaker is
becoming more and more vigilant. The same goes for the "minuses"
of live nutrition.
One of the "big disadvantages" is that you don't want to watch TV
and many movies at all. Going to the movies has become obviously
boring (with rare exceptions), the TV shows look ridiculous because
they are easy to predict and ordered, the commercials are ridiculous.
I just can’t physically watch the news. We didn’t like TV very much
in the past, but now we’re all at hand. But this emptiness was easily
filled with walks, reading books, yoga and other things - to make
your life much more interesting than watching a stranger on the TV
screen from the couch.

What are the other disadvantages? Crises, temporary deterioration of health.

Yes, there are - there was a period when the hair suddenly "fell
out", the skin of the hands became dry, osteochondrosis worsened,
the corners of the lips appeared, the sensitivity of the teeth
increased, etc. But we looked at it all happily and understandingly
And everything passed.

The son said: well, until I am 18 years old I will be with you, and
then I will see that if you are really young, beautiful and healthy, I
will stay. That is the condition. Come on! We won’t guess, but my
husband and I can’t imagine anyone else anymore. O
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in general, it is interesting: somewhere in the room for variants

we are different, not on this path. Even one eye is scary to see
there. ”

"My husband and I bought green buckwheat today. We called

a young man named Alexei, agreed on "passwords and a
conspiracy place", and we met. A man talked to him. When he
returned to the car, he said, "You know, as if everything is
normal, but who betrays the one who eats live food: his eyes are
shining, he's glowing!" We are not alone in our universe!

We have been feeding live for only 6 months, but how has
everything around us changed! This style of eating has become
a kind of spark of joy in our hearts, a celebration that is always
with you. We didn’t even think life could provide SUCH pleasure!
It will take a long time to name all the pros, I will limit myself to a
few things: we feel lightness and energy in the body before, the
mood rises, we finally manage to notice and suppress the
pendulums in time, the transfer itself becomes clearer, something
is coming out ! He doesn't want to go back to the farm at all. "

"It simply came to our notice then. Year of live nutrition. At

first, try to explain to loved ones what is useful and what is not,
answered with resentment and reproach. Then you dive into the
hand of all this, especially when the door opens itself and a
completely different worldview emerges, awareness (who will understand).
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There comes such a fresh freedom that it even suffocates. Great that
it all works. People, it's really impossible to believe, it's just possible
to experience. Whoever dares will do so. I could. ”

"I move on to the live diet step by step (half a year) - in the morning
and in the evening everything is already green, there are still cooked
products left in the day (but with salads). Thanks to my dear and
beloved husband - he does not interfere in any way, understands
these innovations of mine (sometimes makes a mockery). I cook him
his usual food, and everyone is happy, no conflicts. ”

"There is nothing extreme or extraordinary about living food if it is

naturally and freely available. I didn’t attach much importance, I didn’t
set any limits. And when I wanted to “poison” someone from a
previous life, like french fries (taste receptors demanded previous
pleasures), I just ate a few bites and realized I didn’t need it at all.

Neither those around me nor my family are very worried about it,
just when the whole big family gathers during the holidays, a huge
plate with salads, nuts, etc. is placed closer to me. I never needed to
explain or persuade. I feel amazingly easy, always in a positive mood,
I don't feel any tension. ”

“About live nutrition. It's amazing - I say it as seriously as possible.

It is true that you have been cleaning for half a year, but then you
have become dizzy. ”
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"It simply came to our notice then. I can not live in an

apartment - a house, and even further from the city - much more
wonderful. Clothing made of natural materials only. Not because
I can’t wear synthetics. I can. For anybody? The body has
become more sensitive and feels constant hostility to synthetics.
All kinds of creams and cosmetics at first became unpleasant
and later completely unnecessary. I haven’t had such amazing
skin since childhood.

Walking to work, making a career is terribly boring.

I found a pleasant activity, I had enough energy and energy.
The mental and emotional background is always joyful, calm.
Although it is a very specific peace! I am indescribably happy to
live! It's such freedom! Getting rid of all restrictions, stereotypes,
resentment, condemnation, boredom, addiction that needs to
be eaten, addiction that needs to fall asleep and rest, addiction
that needs to be cold, that something is constantly needed if
you want to survive ...
No devil! No drug can match this joy, the all-encompassing
feeling of Life! Of course, not everything was smooth. And the
defeats, and the guilt, and the paranoia with schizophrenia, and
the crazy eyes of the neophyte raw food that everyone feared
because I wanted to make everyone happy even against their
will. And now all this is still happening, though not to such an
extent, and finally I already have a solid baggage of experience
that gives me confidence and peace of mind. But when I imagine
I might not have known or tried it all, I could
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don't choose this path ... Brrr! Not for what! There is definitely no way back!

"We are just at the beginning of the road - two months ago, when we
read the book" Transfers of Life ". Information about living food was like a
missing piece of the puzzle in the overall picture of life. We the whole
family (me, my husband and 12 year old son) switched to a new diet. It
wasn't very difficult - we haven't consumed any salt in seven years since
we read Brego's books. We also gave up the main products of the matrix
a long time ago - bread, sausages, sugar, canned food, etc. We tried to
eat properly - our own vegetables, fruits and greens from the garden, we
bought meat in the village, etc. But we cooked !!! We never delved into the
essence of a live diet, and considered raw foods, to put it mildly, weirdos.
But when his eyes opened ...

Plus a lot. First, all three of us have lost more than 40 kg of unnecessary
weight in two months, and we eat as much as we want, all that is alive and
useful, easily, without tension and food restrictions. The smell of the mouth
disappeared, the smells of the body became much softer and less
unpleasant, after a month the tartar disappeared, the back and joints
became much easier, there was a strength (and desire !!!) to run and
exercise a little in the morning, papillomas disappeared, the skin became
smoother and firmer. Heartburn is gone, constant fatigue, no more
headaches. There is much more to list.

Consciousness is also changing. You look at many things differently,

you perceive everything differently than before. I read transfer books like that
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again. It was as if someone had readjusted their inner vision.

Positive sentiment has increased, good things are happening more
and more, and it is becoming increasingly clear that our world cares
about us and loves us.
We don't talk much about our diet, we don't impose it or we post it
- the first euphoria, when I wanted to jump, shout for joy and open
everyone to my faith, quickly passed.
Now living food is just a pleasant and integral part of life. But the
number of like-minded people near us has increased. Changes in
appearance and positive sentiment work better than any advertising.

"Our first step towards Reality Transerfing was a partial transition

to live food. My husband is an "old Malachovist." Twenty years ago,
when he was forty, his health deteriorated so much that he had to
make a choice: either hospital or self-medication. We chose the
second one, according to G.
Malachov, helped. Later, the thought began, "Are we living right?"
Later, "Are we eating right?" We realized the need to move on to a
live diet. There were no moments of crisis and weakness. Bad mood
too. Cooked food does not attract. And live oatmeal - a fabulously
delicious meal! He liked it right away, and the body accepted it with
gratitude. Now - almost a daily meal. Do not get tired and preferred
even a few times a day! We eat live porridge - it turns out it's so
delicious! We make both your tomato sauce and sea cabbage from
systemic recipes. It feels like a new one
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we would be born and begin to know the world again. The body
is light, the soul is calm. Life has become fun, miracles happen
every day that we used to go through because of our ignorance. ”

"If without fanaticism, the body becomes more intelligent, and

what you couldn't do without before, you just don't like it anymore.
I cook as usual, normal food for the whole family, and I don't
really want to. At Christmas, the man gave me a cake with a
filling, I didn't find anything delicious there anymore. "

"It simply came to our notice then

no recipe for cooked food will match. "

"My husband and I have been eating live for three months.
It turned out to be very tasty. I have Butenko’s books, I make
them according to her recipes and I really like them. I used to
cook out of necessity, but now I’m enthusiastic. A man wants to
get rid of unnecessary weight and stop taking pills for diabetes.
Weighed 120, dropped 14. Works in construction, all day on his
feet. His co-workers are surprised, "Are you eating grass, and do
you look so good?"

"I already feel how wonderful it is to overcome the system, how

wonderful it is to be free, not to look at anything and to look into the
depths of my heart."
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"It simply came to our notice then. But sometimes you frantically want
that awful burger or wine.
Don’t push yourself into such tight frames. After all, you are the master of
your own reality. Usually, at times when I really want to, I allow myself to
eat or drink something I haven’t done in a long time. Then I say, “Eat, eat,
my dove. The tummy wants to have fun - have fun, digest every bite of
this "delicacy." The next day or a few hours later, I usually realize that it's
all unnecessary, tasteless, pointless, etc. You have to make the body
realize once again that this is disgusting. If you haven’t eaten bread in a
long time (drunk alcohol, smoked cigarettes, etc.), it should look disgusting
to you. The point is that today I am

I deliberately eat bread, and tomorrow I deliberately don't want to eat it

anymore. "

"I have been eating live food for two years, my speed has increased during
sports, and many of them can't catch up with me. Science has become a fairy
tale in general. ”

“I switched to live nutrition when I was breastfeeding (my son was half
a year old). The result is that I am beautified, slimmer and look 10 years
younger than I really am.
The son is healthy and growing very well! I have been feeding until now,
and he is already two years old, and milk is growing! Both the mood and
the energy are great! ”
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"I failed to switch to live food for the first time, I broke the
second month due to too sudden a transition, I took a half-year
break, I ate processed food, now the second try, I eat everything
I want, but I gradually limit myself. And anyway, transerfection
is a great thing, everything is so cool, everything succeeds,
and if something fails, it goes unnoticed. The soul is not just
happy, the joy just doesn't fit in me, now I even feel my body
completely different, there is a feeling of great, good power that
cares for me and loves me. ”

"It's been a year since I ate meat. Occasionally I can afford

to eat fried or cooked fish. Although I have not yet fully switched
to a live diet, I try to eat a lot of fruits, vegetables and greens.
For breakfast I eat only fresh fruit, until noon I eat a variety of
nuts and dried fruits. Lunch with lots of greens and vegetables,
a little cooked food with breadless bread, cheese. For dinner
as well. Already from such a diet, the body has transformed
itself to live in a new rhythm, and well-being has improved. In
the future, I intend to give up cooked food altogether and switch
completely to live food.
I think I’m really on the right track. Thanks to my world for
giving me the opportunity to learn about transerfection. ”

"I laughed at the food a year ago, today I want to

cry when I remember what I ate earlier. ”
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“When I switched to live food, I started detoxifying after a

while. The public is worried, you hear, you, so young, will drive
yourself to the grave. And now nothing - some even ask, what
the hell are you glowing? Cha cha, and what can I say, you
won't break their stereotypes, it's the same as death for sleepers.

“I am 54. More than two years ago I started to switch to live

nutrition, now I am less and less likely to break down.
I feel everything you write about. And if you can't stand it, these
feelings disappear immediately, and that's what helps to return
to a normal diet - the desire to feel young, easy, agile, flying.
You won’t say it in words, you need to feel it.
Thank you!"

"It simply came to our notice then. We have chosen a gradual,

sustainable transition. We did not experience any particular
difficulties. Unless withdrawal syndrome during periods of body
The body seemed to shudder, woke up, and felt great
appreciation for such a diet. He just demanded it and didn't
want the previous one !!! Live products now make up 80 percent
of our diet. We’ve learned to cook a lot of live dishes, and it’s
incredibly delicious! Our daughter lost 40 kg with ease in just
over a year. My husband and I also got fat, we got healthier and
we looked younger. In addition, we got rid of many ailments that
doctors could not cure. They just themselves slowly
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left! We became more energetic. You have helped us move on to

another reality! ”“ I have been changing my diet and lifestyle for more
than three years. Stunning changes are taking place in me. When
I had a health check-up under the Healthy Russia program, the
therapist used my indicators to determine my biological age of about
20 years (and I will soon be 47). I am fresh, energetic, easy to live
with. Suddenly I started writing prose and poems. And it seems to
me that I can do even more. And after all, I work quite a hard job.
And the fact that I lost 10 kg and had very positive changes in my
body is a side effect. I keep your statement that everything must go
smoothly, slowly, pleasantly. ”

"For breakfast - sprouted wheat with bananas, for lunch - live mix,
for dinner - fish marinated with soy sauce and lemon. This is what
an exemplary menu looks like. The feeling of hunger is getting softer,
the eyes are getting brighter. The focus shifted from supermarkets
and canteens to fruit kiosks and specialty stores. How blind I was!
After all, so many delicacies around!
It happens that I spend all day in the kitchen - trying new dishes.
Indescribable experiences! ”

“It simply came to our notice then. After breakfast, after about 30
minutes, as soon as you approach the workplace, you start to smile,
the light just spreads from the inside (and after all, my physiognomy
is serious). Includes a sense of freedom. Unexpectedly do not
understand what you are free from? You work a lot, you don't get tired, and
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you go to sleep only because you don't want to look stupid - it's so normal,
you didn't sit overnight. The look is changing. The feeling that the face is
beginning to smell like something. It was easier to handle stress, there was
trouble last year, and I suddenly realized that I had never needed a herb,
corvalol, or peony during all these months. There is almost no odor, I
basically gave up on deodorants. The clothes do not smell bad, the feet do
not emit any smell. When meat dishes come to my guests, hold on. If I
suddenly eat something normal, there is an unpleasant odor for a few days
at a time. For the second winter, I don’t have a cold, although lying down in
bed at least twice a winter after a week was a sacred affair. As soon as I
gave up pasta, rice, groats, potatoes, bread - everything: both the flu and
the cold forgot me. ”

"I'll be brief - when I went the long way of living, I learned the pleasures
of simple things, such as walking, the sky. It is a great pleasure to experience
the tree. It is impossible to convey in words, it is necessary to feel. When
have you experienced a real and breathtaking pleasure, a real influx of
endorphins? Maybe when you first made love to your other half? And if the
same pleasure can be experienced just by watching the forest, the lake,
even the city in the morning? I realized how unhealthy I was, even though I
was a successful athlete and was in good shape overall. Literally, she does

worth it."
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“It simply came to our notice then. It is precisely these great

moments that are now lacking for almost everyone. Many people
already realize that the hole involves - all bizzy-bizzy, contact,
facebook, e-mails - all this takes so much time, and LIFE IS
RUNNING ... And the trees, streams, birds, butterflies - after all,
they have survived, only Modern Man has not turned his attention there at all. ”

"Natural nutrition is a flight of the soul, a transition to a new level

of consciousness! Transerfing comes out on its own, and it's a real
euphoria! ”

"As we move to live food, the body breaks down stereotypes

and opens The
versatility of being! ”
“Small miracles happen, and to make big ones happen, I
strengthen my intention and raise awareness. Two years on, I move
on to a live diet. The result is obvious - acne and blackheads have
disappeared, teeth are whiter, the body is perfectly beautiful, I really
like it. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! ”

“My mother’s sister is feeding a child a year and a half, what?

Canned meat, concentrated juice, cottage cheese and yoghurts
from the store - that's all. The mother also believes that the child
needs artificial vitamins, ignoring the objections. Isn't that a dream?
How many times have I seen a child just scream when he starts to
be fed synthetics and give me a piece of onion - lick him satisfied.
For a girl a year and a half, she can't chew on her own, she says
just one word "mom".
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Maybe it's normal? What do my relatives eat? Cooked and then

for three days eat the same pasta with mayonnaise and ketchup,
fried potatoes (analogous), coffee, white bread, meat. Everything.
Maybe that's the way to health? ”

“Technogenic food really takes away its self. Your books

reached me a very long time ago when it was really needed.
Some I ignored and some didn’t understand, but there was
euphoria that ended. Now, after clearing the body, I began to
think more broadly and soberly. Even people have started to
stare at me - I easily solve difficult tasks. "

"It simply came to my notice then that I just knew what I had
in the past. For example, I have always believed that my body
will not age and will be in primitive shape as long as I want. No
diets I tortured myself with, no blunt exercise in the gym, no
plastic surgery. I KNOW that there is another, natural and easy
way to be who I want to be.
I was very impressed, and now life confirms that thoughts can
change matter. I get younger every day to the surprise of myself
and those around me. But most importantly - live nutrition. I, like
Margarita, keep saying, "It's at least cream!"

Notes on the margins Here are

some more inspiring examples:
A recent woman
http:// www.youtube.com/ watch?v=06oJA_xhTa8
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http:// www.youtube.com/ watch?v=ANt4RIFnJH48feature=related

http:// www.annettelarkins.com
14 year old girl
http:// www.youtube.com/ watch?v=X-sSmk9BgSO.
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I am completing a cycle of chapters on the topic of live nutrition.

Much has already been said about the meaning, goals and benefits of
moving to a new tier of the food pyramid. The last questions left to
answer are:

1. Why doesn't everyone succeed?

2. How do you need to succeed?

I want to remind you again: I do not promote a healthy diet, I am not

interested in a healthy lifestyle, I am not engaged in raw food. I do
transfusion - reality management.
Reality management is a holistic technique, consisting of three
inseparable elements: how we think, how we feed, how we move. All
you have to do is dismiss at least one element, and the technique will
be incomplete, one-sided, flawed. In the same way, man is not a body,
not a soul, and not a mind alone, but all these parts united into a single
Likewise, “couching on the couch” or “transferring in the garden” is
not transfusing; a healthy lifestyle is not transerfusion; raw food is also
not transfering.

Unfortunately, sometimes it can happen that you meet a "raw food",

look at it and think: no, something is wrong here, I don't need it. And
really - one shabby sheep is enough for that
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ruin the entire herd. Why are there problems where the benefits
have to be promised?
There is one paradox that for some reason no one talks about
anywhere and that probably no one knows about. Its essence is
this: the better the organism is served , the more demands it makes.

Although very strange, the body behaves like a child, the more
you pamper it, the more it smells. Or as a snob who quickly gets
used to luxury and who finds it especially hard to please. How
does this work?
For example, when you start active sports, you notice that you
lose shape quickly, even if you just stop training for a short time or
do not train hard enough. Possible muscles, joints, spine pain,
weakness, malaise, diseases. And in the past, when you didn’t
take care of yourself at all, there was nothing like that, you wore
your yoke in silence and didn’t complain much about anything.

When you switch to eating the first type of food that seems to
be of the highest quality and wholesome, you may start to lack
some vitamins and minerals, even your hair and teeth may fall out.
And in the past, when you sold mostly canned food, sausage and
pasta, eating only one salad leaf a day for your eyes, you felt like
nothing, normal.
How can that be and what is the point of taking care of your own
body and enjoy it?
Compare the life of a stroller to the life of a person who is
accustomed to pampering, nurturing and affording himself. The
first one doesn’t even have a toothbrush, he’s forced to live as he goes out
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- minimum wishes and claims. And imagine how much everything

a second needs! And the higher the quality of life cartel, the more
all sorts of items and attributes are needed.
So does the body - when you feed it on poor food, it goes down
to a marginal state. The body becomes as stunned and insensitive,
burdened with an unbearable burden, forced to pull the yoke of
katorgos. No one cares about him anymore, just stretch his
weight. Similarly, a mule, doomed to go the circle of a lifetime and
spin a mill mill, does not resist or protest - he has adapted to his
destiny and sank into a deep dream - he has no choice. And the
body has no choice but to reconcile, to adjust. From such a life
the body wears out very quickly, but until life fades, it humbly
stretches its yoke. Thank God, Nature has given us the ability to
survive in extreme conditions. But, of course, not forever, but for
some time.

Now imagine what happens when you take the burden off the
body, release it from the yoke, and release it. A wonderful life
begins! The processes of purification, renewal and regeneration
are moved. The body remembers what it should be by nature and
takes action to restore and revive all that is lost. But, as you can
see, a wonderful life needs a lot more attributes of all kinds.

And here the troubles of transition are still raging.

During the ‘overhaul’, mountains of rubbish are sprouting, needing
to be removed somewhere, and the capacity of disposal systems
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not enough. As a result, chronic diseases worsen, the nervous

system is disrupted, general well-being deteriorates, and the
withdrawal syndrome suffers. And even the "master" often breaks
down - he still applies to put the yoke back on his "mule" and
return it to his previous life. The body finds itself in a very
precarious position, it is disturbed, it is especially difficult for it to
rearrange. In such circumstances, deterioration is possible instead
of the expected change for the better. The body seems to hang
between the two stages of the pyramid. You can't live in the old
days, and you can't pay in the new. And how long it will last is
unclear. Everyone is different, individual.
So if you want a truly wonderful life in your body, you have to
create it competently and consciously, not in any way. Do you
think it’s a joke to move on to the next tier of the pyramid?
No. Not a joke at all. How to do this is described in some detail in
the book The Transfers of Life. Here, as I supplement and develop
this topic, I will briefly list the basic principles of transition.

The basic principle is gradation

A sudden switch to a diet based solely on live plant foods can
have very unpleasant consequences. Crisis begins: indigestion,
exacerbation of old diseases or new ones from somewhere,
weight drops suddenly, possible headaches and toothaches,
allergic reactions, irritability, nervousness, malaise and even
depression. Of course, things will return to normal over time. But
it is a period of crisis, when, instead of getting better, everything
is just that
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deteriorating is the main reason people do not endure and

return to dead food. Going suddenly is bad in every way. It is a
great stress for both the consciousness and the body. Increasing
the proportion of live plant food in your diet requires step-by-
step, stress-free, with pleasure.

Not a restriction, but a change

Replace as many really harmful foods as possible with less
harmful ones. For example, sugar - honey, cakes and pastries
- 72 percent chocolate or sweet dried fruit, smoked products -
cooked, pressure cooker - steamer, fatty products - lean, olive
and sunflower oil - linseed or cedar pine oil, porridge - sprouts -
sprouts wild rice.

Abandon products from premium flour, yeast bread, all kinds of

canned food and other supermarket synthetics altogether and
replace them with any natural products.
Please note that products are not restricted, but are replaced by
other, more valuable and less harmful ones.

Not pollution, but cleaning

Choose food that cleans rather than contaminates.
For example, premium flour products clog the gut and liver into
a fuel oil-like mass, while cleansing flour products with bran
clean. Cooked porridge turns the body into a standing swamp,
and sprouted legumes
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(beans, radiant beans, chickpeas, lentils), let it boil for three to

five minutes, cleanse the body at all levels, from cells to filtration
systems. Wild rice, even cooked, is a very good meal during the
transition period.

And there are products that cleanse the body better than any
fasting. To be more specific, here are three recipes you are
probably unfamiliar with. Believe me, they deserve to stop for
First, the real marjoram is prepared. Take a kilogram of one
and a half marjoram seeds, rinse well, put in an enamel bowl
and pour the water drawn into the shungite. This is best done
early in the morning. Drain the water in the evening, discard the
raised seeds, transfer everything to a colander and cover with a
moistened four-layer gauze. The next morning and evening, rinse
the seeds well under running water without removing the gauze.

If the water is chlorinated, use well-established, preferably

attracted, shungite to kill pathogenic bacteria. The next morning
the seeds must have germinated. They should be washed again,
placed on trays and placed in a dehydrator to dry at 41 ÿC (or on
low heat in the oven with the door open).

This will give you a product that is almost unparalleled in its

cleansing, healing and nutritional properties.
Marjoram has a unique property - it restores liver cells and
removes toxins from the body. In addition, it is a very strong
antioxidant. Antioxidant of marginal flavonoids
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activity is 10 times higher than tocopherol, which is known as

vitamin E - a vitamin of youth. This plant contains a unique
biologically active substance - silymarin, which is multifunctional
in terms of its healing properties, so marjoram can not be
assigned to any one group of medicinal plants. Margain is also
called the "Gift of the Virgin Mary". It is also the national symbol
of Scotland. Obviously not unnecessarily.

But sprouted marjoram, I’ll tell you, it’s a miracle in general!

And now the recipes.

1. Sift unheated buckwheat through a colander to remove

broken particles, wash and soak for three hours in shungite water.

It is possible to take two parts of clean green buckwheat and one

part of unpeeled - the body will be cleansed more efficiently.
Then place in a colander or scar and cover with damp gauze.
Buckwheat will germinate in 12-14 hours.
Wash the germinated seeds, put in a whisk, pour water to
cover with your finger, and grind finely. Then take three
tablespoons of margarine seeds, grind well in a coffee grinder
and place in a plate with a portion of buckwheat. Add a dessert
spoon of cedar pine oil, or walnut oil, or margarine oil, stirring.
Live porridge ready.

All this is done very quickly and requires minimal time and
effort. However, the effect of this dish is
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huge. Nutritional value, healing properties - everything is top

class. Also, the taste is not bad at all. Such a porridge can be
eaten even daily. Store in a refrigerator for up to three days.
(Margainius needs to be ground and added just before a meal.)
But the most important advantage of this dish, especially during
the transition period, is its cleansing properties.
If you eat porridge before going to bed, you can wake up wet
from sweat at night, and that’s very good - the body cleanses
as needed!

2. Grind half a glass of linseed well in a coffee grinder. Grind

three tablespoons of marjoram as well. Add a glass of water, a
dessert spoon of pumpkin oil, you can still add a little cinnamon
and honey to your liking and taste, mix everything. It is generally
simple but very nutritious and valuable. Parasites just can't
stand such porridge, and you'll like it.

3. The same three tablespoons of marjoram

put in live oatmeal kissel from systemic recipes.

All of these dishes should appeal to your children as well.

(You just shouldn't put unpeeled buckwheat in a porridge for the
little ones.) By feeding in this way, they will be well ahead of
those who feed on synthetics.
Marjoram, buckwheat and linseed can be obtained at stores
selling natural products or ordered online.
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And, of course, you need to have a good whisk. The more

powerful the better. The power must be at least 1 kW8. i be
too, but it can also bepowerful.
done in the
oven at first.
is a very useful thing

Natural products
You need to distance yourself from any chemicals, synthetics
and GMOs once and for all. Cooked food can be in the diet for a
long time, but it is better to give up the matrix medal as soon as
What products are considered natural? Products without
artificial additives. Preservatives, flavor enhancers, flavoring
agents, emulsifiers, colorants, thickeners, flavorings - any
synthetic ingredients, as well as those that resemble the
environment and appear natural - are systemic additives used to
tidy up and grind.
If you obediently see the systemic pills, you will never be able to
break out of the matrix and breathe in the fresh wind of freedom.
You also need to know, and in fact you can’t know (and you
don’t have the right to know in Russia) what specifically is added
to sausages, hot dogs and semi-finished products. Manufacturers
and traders hide the true composition and origin of products or
report it in insidious fine print. It’s usually wiser to make something
with your own hands than to pay for health and then life for the
time saved.
The natural product does not require any artificial additives.
Are sausages needed as an ingredient genetically
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modified soybeans? No, the sausage must be made from meat.

And is such an ingredient needed by buyers? Not too. But they
go and buy beeches without thinking about anything. Most
system users have absolutely no idea what they are eating. Just
beech eats, and that’s it. And then the blunt ones get sick and
die too.
If you start thinking and interested in relevant information,
you will make many discoveries. For example, what should
natural mayonnaise be made of? As an illustration, I will present
here a recipe for the same mayonnaise that once, a long time
ago, before the addition of artificial additives, French Provence
was proud of.

250 g oil 2
green yolks 1
teaspoon finished mustard 50 g vinegar
salt and sugar to taste

Separate the green yolks from the protein. Add the finished
mustard and salt to the yolks. Stir well. Then, without stirring
the mass, add small portions of oil (half a teaspoon). When all
the oil is used up, add the vinegar and add the sugar. Yolks can
be increased and vinegar reduced to taste, or replaced with
lemon juice.

The secret of properly prepared mayonnaise, which has become

sufficiently thick, is that the oil is added in small portions while stirring the mass.
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portions. Here, such natural mayonnaise can be made quickly

at home, by hand, with a simple fork in a deep plate, or with a
food processor or whisk if they can be run at low speed. I would
recommend sunflower or marjoram oil and, of course, the first
cold pressed, unrefined, that is natural. And the eggs are rustic,
domestic, from a farm, not an industrial poultry farm.

As you can see, there are no special extras, tricks and tricks
here. They are needed where the aim is to save raw materials,
extend the shelf life, make more profit, and at the same time
hide all their dark machinations. But if everything is done
honestly, with quality and fairness, there is simply no need to
dodge and dodge.
In the current context, this mayonnaise recipe has more
esoteric meaning than any thousand-year-old text. What was in
ancient times is long gone.
Now there are different conditions, another person, and the
reality is completely different - technogenic. But if even in modern
texts you are assured that you can freely control this reality
without even mentioning the influence of food, information,
external environmental conditions, and lifestyle, do not doubt
that you are being misled or given flawed, drained knowledge.

ÿ When you feed your body on poor food, it goes down to a marginal state.
ÿ From such a life the body wears out very quickly, but as long as life
rusena, he humbly stretches his yoke.
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ÿ When the burden is removed from the body, cleansing, regeneration,

regeneration processes.
ÿ The body remembers what it should be like by nature and takes up work
to restore and revive all that is lost.
ÿ There is a critical increase in vitamins, minerals, trace elements and
demand for macronutrients.
ÿ The better the organism is served , the more demanding it is.
ÿ Increasing the proportion of live plant foods in your diet requires a step-by-step approach

step, without tension, feeling pleasure.

ÿ Products should not be limited, but replaced with more valuable ones
so harmful.
ÿ Choose food that cleans rather than contaminates it.
ÿ You need to distance yourself from all chemicals, synthetics and GMOs once and for all
ÿ Products that do not contain artificial additives are considered natural.

Notes in the margins

As you can see, the information is presented in a very condensed way, all at once
it's hard to understand, so let's move on to another topic for a while
let's relax.

8 Good powerful beaters are easy and cheap. From my experience, I can say that a
good price-quality ratio is Krups whisks (http://www.krups.ru).
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Dear Readers, 9 This time I will answer the problematic

questions again. Not everything is so clear in our community of
transferers, we don't always understand each other and I don't
manage to get up to everyone. From time to time I get weird
questions, rather reproaches.

Why do I profit from my books?

Really, how dare I get paid for my work here? There are people
who firmly believe that I must go into the world with a stick and a
barefoot and bring the "light of knowledge" selflessly and
gratuitously. Let’s say you stand by the subway and share your
books for free.
Okay, so from what funds do I then live? And yet to answer
your questions and write new books? If I do not receive a reward
for my work, which, by the way, requires a lot of work, I will have
to find another, specific salary, and there will be no time for my
The author’s income, especially in such a narrow field as
esotericism, is far from as high as it may seem. All the more so
as most of my books are not purchased, but are downloaded for
free from the internet.
Well that’s to health, I don’t stick to it stuck. I would just appeal
to those who apply to get everything in vain. If
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will try only to take, take and take, grab, grab and grab without giving
anything in return, it's really nothing. How can you get something if,
while standing in front of the mirror of the world, you just repeat: give,
give, give?
You will have a hollow trifle in your hands that will not do you any
good. That is what is happening. For example, I write to me sincerely
and naively: "I have downloaded your book from the Internet, I have
such questions for you ..." Any end result? As if they hadn’t read the
books at all.

It’s the same hollow little thing that doesn’t give you anything, even if
you didn’t give anything away. Such is the absolute law of energy
On the other hand, at least respect yourself. For goodness sake,
everyone wants to be respected. But here again, the laws of mirror and
energy sustainability apply. Think: if you do not respect a stranger's job
while standing in front of the same mirror, who will return in exchange
for your work? Hollow trifle again. You’ll just be wondering, “How do
others make money here, and I don’t have enough money for anyone forever?
That's what they get out of me! I'd rather save. I have to get everything
for free! ”
The world is now trying to take effective action and pass laws against
piracy, but strangely, they are stuck because amateurs have gotten so
much in vain that they are staging demonstrations and protests.
However, they are deprived of the right to receive in vain! What a
transfer there already! Why do they need it? They get tired like blind
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in front of a mirror and can in no way understand that in reality he

receives only his reflection: you have given nothing and given
you nothing, like poverty, so poor and so poor.
Just imagine how much giant, inhumane work has been put
into, for example, films like Incarnation, Star Wars, The Lord of
the Rings. How to disrespect a stranger's work and yourself, in
an effort to save a hundred rubles, download them for free from
the Internet! And yet you would take part in protests to preserve
your right to receive it for free.

No, you won't explain anything to such people. But I try.

Maybe at least someone will understand. It’s not so unfortunate
for me to download my books too. I just repeat, it's a pointless
pursuit, and there are no real benefits. There is an objective law
of energy sustainability, even if we disregard the principles of the
mirror. Neither I nor you can do anything about this law.

Why does the Transerfing Center benefit from its exercise? Why are you
promoting this?

Really, how dare they? Why not give everything away for free?
I explain to those who do not know. The job of a teacher is very
difficult and complex. It is given not only physical but also spiritual
strength. Just giving away a part of yourself. But revenue is very
low because prices won’t rise too much and technical costs aren’t
high. So the work of a teacher is sacrificing. In this case,
participants in the Centre's programs receive more than they pay.
What do you get? That is the part of the spiritual power of the teacher and
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gets. And directly. This is much more specific than the part of the
author’s spiritual forces that is transmitted through his text. Such
work is costly.
For advertising. We all know that advertising can sometimes be
aggressive, lustful, and even false. But advertising is not equal to
advertising. Don’t pull everyone on one shoe. After all, you need to
make some distinction about where you’re being fooled and where
you’re providing useful information; where it makes you “watch how
we make money” and where it helps you; where you are gathered
in one sandbox so you can then “sell the sand,” and where you are
invited to a like-minded club.
The transfer center organizes both paid and free events. I myself
do not receive any kopecks from the Centre's activities. And I don’t
advertise anything, but provide information that may be useful to
some. The term "advertising" is usually used to define the
commercial presentation of information. I have never advertised
anything for money and I do not intend to do so.

But there are cunning types who invent this feature of mine - to
provide information for free - to use for their own purposes. I have
already warned and warn you once again that if you download texts
from books from illegal sources, there may be anything in those
texts. There are my own references with such accompanying text,
as if I were recommending them.
Very dirty dish. It would be interesting to look at those who do it.
Well, such people should look like parasites. There are parasites in
the body, there are social ones
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parasites, there are even parasites of consciousness, but I would never have
thought that parasites could take root in books.
So a distinction needs to be made between "advertising and advertising".
Let's agree: if you need a text, write to me and I'll send it. I don’t give a negative
answer to anyone if you ask me. Often people do this: write to me asking you
to send me an email and I will send it. It doesn’t matter to me whether you buy
a real book or not. You act honestly - and I respect you, the book comes to
you as a gift, not as a free hollow trifle.

Do you understand the difference?

Sometimes another question is asked:

Why has transerfection become a business? There are books - everything is written
there. Who needs exercise?

This is what people with a reflexive position think: "I am the center of the
world." If I don't need it, others don't. You hear, run all kinds of businesses here!

But if you don’t need to, step through the country yourself.
Why does someone have to pay attention only to your opinions and needs?
If there is supply, then there is demand. So someone needs it.

Please note that it is now very rare to see a group of friends on the streets.
Even children and teenagers who used to gather in the yard to play, chat or
just sit on a bench and sip a beer are now at home with computers. Everyone
went out to virtual reality, to
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a network where surrogate communication and surrogate buddies

are offered.
But man remains a social being. He needs to communicate
live, not bluntly press the mouse button. The paradox is that the
more virtual friends you have, the loner you are. Sitting through
the days, release the mouse button along with your surrogate
buddies, and LIFE, as one reader said, RUNS RUNNING. Only
trouble doesn’t go anywhere, it stays. This is the reason for both
the increase in depressed states and the increase in suicides.

The Transfer Center (http://tsurf.ru) offers you a real club of

like-minded people and real help, not surrogate communication.
And whether you need it or not, decide for yourself, of course.
You just have to know that you are not alone. You are not alone
with your troubles and you can always get help. Not everything
is free, but everything is real.
I am delighted that the Transerfing Center still justifies its
existence because it is needed by the people.
Many thanks.

9 This and other sections have been published in newsletters and are presented here
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- Here, here, between the branches, between the flowers we

swing, ride, return ... Swing, sister, slowly to yourself ... up -
down ... rings rings from the caresses of our tongues ... Let
's sing with them. The stars will shine soon ... we will have
time, sisters, down ... Va here, va there ... Let's dance, swing,
sisters, soon ...



Dear readers!
The Changed Issues edition, which came out on the eve, has
received a lot of feedback from you. They were distributed as
follows: letters of love, gratitude, compassion, support; requests
to send electronic texts; inquiries about bank details; instructional,
mentoring letters; as well as cold, hostile, and simply harsh
responses. Amazing bouquet!
Thank you.

When I do something similar to the previous edition, I am

often asked: Who am I doing this to? The answer is simple: I do
my job - one way or another, for everyone. It demands of me:
explain to us the transfusion, give us new principles and
techniques. That’s what I do, constantly, in a variety of formats
and aspects, in every issue of the newsletter.
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It is interesting not so much to answer inadequate questions as to then

observe the reaction and the hail of feedback. After all, our common
pendulum needs to be revived from time to time so that it does not get boring.
The serious, academic presentation of even very interesting information
causes a relentless "squeaking of feathers" and a "snort of notebooks" -
"individuals" and "individuals" outline something for themselves there, of
course, if they do not sleep.
But the biggest echo is caused by the controversial, ambiguous
and maybe even a stupid question.
I have such associations as if I were standing in front of the tree of Eve10
and interacting with the living spirits in its branches.

If you said something unambiguous or, for example, just shouted: - Hello,
hello, my dear ones! How are you doing?

As an answer, you would hear only a few different echoes: - Sve-e-

- Genera-a-ai!
- Eik you...

And if you send Eiva the whole chord: -

And I love you! I would kill everyone! Love and good luck to you, my dear
ones! Cattle and cloven-hoofed animals! Tricks and tricks to get you where!
Dear perverts and perverts!
Be healthy and happy in the end!

Then the whole cascade of trels would flow from Eiva's branches:
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- We love the blue sky and green leaves!

- We enjoy the sun and stretch into it!
- We live well, we don't complain! - Anyway.

- And be healthy.
- What do
you need? - Watch your affairs.
- Get out of here!

Pure souls live on the upper branches. They are like magical golden
and green snakes from Hoffman’s fairy tales. They reach out to the sun
and shout, “We sing with flowers, we move our tongues!” They enjoy
life, so everyone who is nearby also has fun. They emit the sound of
crystal bells and scatter the glowing emeralds around them.

On the lower branches and at the roots settled eternally dissatisfied

and hostile types. They were thrown into the depths and debris. It is
bad for them, but at the same time it seems good that it is bad. They
constantly state and incite this "bad" thing, and then throw it out
everywhere to make it worse for others.
The feedback in the letters is the same, from the highest vibrations
to the lowest. There are a number of unconditional love letters coming.
It is love. Their authors do not ask for anything, they do not talk about
anything, but only wish them love, success and happiness. Anyway to
yourself, for no reason, with a chance and without a chance.
These are, I would say, pure souls. They have almost become the
seeds of Eiva and are ready, as is customary in Buddhist philosophy,
for the highest incarnations.
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Wonderful. It turns out there are quite a few among us.

(To be objective, I can't boast of that myself, I'm far from them in that
I would also welcome those who simply ask for an electronic text
to be sent without explanation or justification.
This shows that a person maintains a good balance with himself and
the world around him.
I will not interpret other categories of nevertinsiu and

feedback. Anyone can easily do it themselves. The principle is as

We all "build ourselves in front of a mirror" in one way or another.
This is evident when we respond to some external impulse or
stimulus. We boost the projections of our expectations for others; we
blame someone for what we are to blame; we criticize others for
what we do not do ourselves; we are extremely fond of discussing
other people's shortcomings and mistakes; we break ourselves when
our weaknesses are mentioned. In a word, we resonate where we
consciously or unconsciously feel our vulnerability or anxiety.

The same can be said for our positives.

For example, compassion and sorrow are the highest forms of
unconditional love. "I love and value you no less than myself."
Willingness to help, sincere compassion, dignity, respect, dignity,
honor, generosity. In terms of people, animals, plants, our entire
planet. A Cherish for the World. I care about my world, and my world
cares about me. And many have such qualities.
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You can easily identify what you lack and what you have a lot.
You need to wake up and catch yourself the moment you react to
an external impulse or stimulus. And you will immediately
understand what "hurts" you and what you can be proud of. It’s a
mirror that ’s always with you. You can look at it at any time. And
no psychoanalyst is needed. All that is needed is awareness and honesty.
And, of course, you still need the desire to understand yourself,
the readiness to see both your strengths and weaknesses. This is
quite important because most people don’t want to bark in the
mirror at all and react bluntly, unconsciously and blindly. So used
to it. To live in a dream. So convenient. I would rather be real and
not look. Here is such a magical mirror, a kind of self-view, very
useful to always have with you. And that's what he needs.

Man basically creates his reality when, standing in front of the

mirror of the world, he reacts to the images that appear there. All
living beings have an essential, fundamental reflex: touch is a
reaction. This reflex is followed by everyone, from the protozoa to
those who call themselves intelligent. And the mollusk’s reaction
usually overshadows the conscious reaction.

Your response to any external image is your own impulse to the

mirror of the world. What you send there will get you back and
maybe even the highest degree. Get in the habit: before sending
any of your impulse to the outside mirror, look in the inside mirror
to see what you are going to send and whether you need it.
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It is not necessary to dress in an orange shroud and walk with

the bells while chanting Hare Krishna. And don’t suppress all
your emotions. Learn to control "your geldel" - not emotions that
are secondary, but attitudes. Eliminate negative things from your
reactions. Then both the inner world will be cleansed and the
outer world will shine. And you will not notice for yourself how
you will find yourself on the very upper branches of Eve.
I will give an example. When I get something so bad from
somewhere from the lower branches, “What are you doing here!
With all sorts of "healthy nonsense"! Give me new practices! ”- It
is immediately clear that one has not taken a step closer to
understanding what is called“ reality management ”. What is the
use of new practices for someone who has not understood even
the basics - at least the principle of coordinating boomerang and
intent? Transfers are completely worthless if you are particularly
negative. But if a person looked in the magic mirror before
sending such a letter, he could understand this and at the same
time get rid of the boomerang, which will inevitably return in one
form or another.
By the way, I suggest to those who want "new practices" to
keep the old ones first. One simple question: how is the Observer
different from the Supervisor? Those who attended the Centre’s
recent free webinar should know the answer, of course, if they
haven’t slept. Those who are now participating in a 12-day online
exercise are also likely to know or will learn soon. And, of course,
those who have read books deliberately and thoughtfully, rather
than "in a snare", will be able to respond.
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In fact, this is not 'butter', but a very important issue in the

current reality. I have repeatedly pointed out the meaning of this
issue. Those who think that we are still talking about some kind
of "healthy diet" will certainly not be able to answer it. And for
those who have read carefully, I offer a slightly more complicated

An observer is one who ... (three words).

A supervisor is one who ... (two words).

Will the set number of words be enough for you? By the way,
even one word can be used here. I suggest: who are the
observers in our society and who are the overseers?

ÿ You can easily identify what you lack and what you have a lot. You need to wake up and

catch yourself the moment you react to an external impulse or stimulus. You too

you will immediately understand what is "hurting" you and what you can be proud of. It's a mirror,

who is always with you.

ÿ Your response to any external image is your own impulse to the world

for the mirror. What you send there will get you back and maybe even the highest one

degree. ÿ

Get in the habit: before sending any of your impulses to an outsider

for a mirror, look in the inside mirror, figure out what you are going to send and whether

you need it.

Notes in the margins

And here is the music of the very original creator Alfija. Not like all other music.

Just unlike, unique, very beautiful, from the very top branches of Eiva
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(http:// youtu.be/ _r28IrRnn5Q).

The entire Alfija channel (http:// www.youtube.com/ user/ AlfiaMusic).

10 Eywa from the incarnation - The Tree of the Soul, the Tree of Life, or the Mother Tree
as J. In the original Cameron script.
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There have been many letters from readers with test answers from
the previous section. The ratio of correct to incorrect answers is about
50 to 50. This is a good ratio.
Hence, the awareness of many of you is quite high. But by no means
the majority, not even those who responded.
I will tell you the correct answer:

An observer is one who watches a foreign movie.

The overseer is the one who makes his cinema.

The winner of the competition was Natalia (unfortunately, I don't

know her last name), whose answer is the most accurate and fits in
one word:

The observer is the spectator.

Supervisor - screenwriter.

The observer is an extraneous passive spectator. At best, the

observer does not dive into the game with his head in his head, but
only observes events from the sidelines. But it is not enough to go
down to the auditorium. How not just reading a book is enough to
understand something without doing anything. Dog: "I understand
everything, I can't say." Observer: "I understand everything, I can say,
I can't do it."
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The supervisor is the actor, the builder, and the viewer, in other
words, the creator. I have mentioned in previous chapters that
modern society is divided into those who create information and
those who use it. Most of the latter.
A user of information, sitting in front of a TV or computer screen,
watches someone else shape their destiny.

The creator of the information, unlike the passive consumer, is

not necessarily the one who produces the media.
The creator actively broadcasts his intention to the mirror of the
world , rotates his cinema, which means that he actually gets what
he intended.
One more thing on the topic of the two previous chapters.
When asked, do not send emails with questions about where to
transfer money. If you want to buy electronic text, you can find all
audio and digital books at www.ozon.ru.
Let me remind you that whatever we are talking about here, the
most important goal is to get out of the passive case of the user of
information and become an active broadcaster, the determinant of
one's reality. In the conditions of modern religion , this is not an easy task.
When I wrote my first books on transerfusion, I had no doubt that in
ten years this task would become so relevant. To become an
Observer from an Observer, you will need to release your attention,
perception, consciousness, and energy from the systemic web.
Natural nutrition (even not necessarily raw food) contributes greatly
to this.
Aren't you wondering, for example, where the cockroaches have
gone? Mankind has been at war with them for centuries,
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no measures overcame them. The abundance of these insects is

staggering. They appeared before the dinosaurs and successfully
survived all the catastrophes on Earth. Even electromagnetic radiation
posed no threat to them. The cockroach in the ultra-high frequency
waveguide is a classic "white horse" for the radiophysics laboratory.

But all of a sudden, a few years ago, they suddenly took over
and ... quietly, unnoticed ... disappeared as if they didn't exist. Now
they are very rarely seen anywhere. Not scary yet? Isn't it still clear
that technogenic food is the same delayed-release bomb that is
already sounding loud and threatening, swaying a "pendulum with a
scythe"? And this pendulum is already mowed away - hundreds of
millions die every year from diseases caused by new food
technologies. And along with health and energy, the system devours
human consciousness. She also escapes quietly and unnoticed, after
a drop.
One can wake up once and see that the ability to visualize is
completely lost. And then goodbye, transerfing. Can't that happen?
Maybe it’s very real. But for now, let’s say nothing happens and let’s
get on with our boring affairs.

Coffee and chocolate replacement

For many, it's really a problem - and they don't want to give up, and
no alternatives are seen. And why give up at all?
Because these products are very toxic. Anyone who has already
cleansed their body well enough with a live diet knows: all you have
to do is drink coffee or eat chocolate, and after
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hours or earlier, a natural hangover syndrome occurs. But

caffeine is not put at all here.
The thing is, coffee and chocolate are a very big global
business. And for a large business, almost all means of making
a profit are known to be good. Chemicals are widely used in
coffee and cocoa plantations. They cause intoxication. Roasting
coffee and cocoa beans, as well as making chocolate,
significantly increases the toxicity of the final product. In this
respect, tea is less poisonous, but only because it is not roasted
and the final product, a cup of tea, requires relatively few dry

Of course, tea bush plantations are also treated with fertilizers,

pesticides and insecticides. And you won't often see it in organic
coffee, cocoa and tea stores.
In such conditions, when you are surrounded on all sides by
chemicals, the optimal solution is to drink clean living water, and
no problems. Sometimes it’s scary to watch: how can a person
drink only coffee a day? Or tea, carbonated drinks, juice from
sachets, but not a drop of pure water? The blood thickens, the
internal media becomes viscous, and one remains to wonder
how the body is still able to function.
And when you stop drinking coffee and tea and switch to
living water, you soon wonder who needs it at all. It's good to
live with caffeine, and even better without caffeine.
But if you still need doping and want it sweet, it's a good
alternative and, moreover, a useful wild live cocoa - one that
grows naturally and isn't.
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heat treated. It turns out such wonders are still an example here:
Available, http:// in nature. behold

Cocoa is low in caffeine, there is another "drug" called
theobromine. But unlike coffee, live cocoa does not destroy the
nervous system, does not cause intoxication, addiction and other
side effects. Among the positive properties are: antidepressant, a
very strong antioxidant, a source rich in trace elements and
macroelements, stimulates the brain, strengthens the
cardiovascular system, stabilizes the nervous system and sleep,
improves appearance, general well-being and mood. The following

1. The simplest. Mix the cocoa beans with a little honey and
you can eat. Just chew well and do not abuse it as it is still doping
and should be used in moderation. Not more than 1 to 1,5
tablespoons at a time and not more than 40 to 50 g per day. And
no later than three hours before sleep, because you will not be
able to fall asleep. If small fruit flies appear near live cocoa, you
will see that they start firing like snacks - the smell alone is
enough for them.

2. Drinking cocoa. Mix equal parts of cocoa beans and cedar

pine pulp, grind in coffee grinder, add the powder to the whisk,
add water, a little honey, run the whisk on high speed. Ingredients
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the ratio of parts depends on individual taste and greed.

Can be stored in the refrigerator, but shake before use.

3. Tea with cocoa oil. Put a teaspoon of cocoa oil and a little
honey in a hot cup of green tea. When buying tea, do not save,
choose elite varieties. Cocoa oil is no less useful than cocoa
beans. If you want to have something warm in the winter, this is
the best option. The stimulating effect is much stronger than from
a cup of coffee. But without the harmful effects.

4. Live candy. Mix equal parts of cocoa beans and cedar pine
pulp, grind in a coffee grinder. Add chopped walnuts and honey
to the resulting powder. Stir as dough, roll in balls or other
figurines, place in refrigerator. To refine the taste, add the
cinnamon stick ground in the coffee grinder and the vanilla pod.
Take enough honey (not very hard) to make a firm dough. For
example: 200 g of cocoa beans, 200 g of cedar pine pulp, 100 g
of walnuts, 200 g of honey. You will really like the taste of these
candies. You won't need any more.

5. Live chocolate. In a enameled bowl , grind 80-100 g of cocoa

butter with a grater and add 200 g of honey. Fill a large pot with
hot water at a maximum temperature of 41 ÿC and place in a bowl
to dissolve the butter and honey. In a coffee grinder several times
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grind 250 g of cocoa beans, put the powder in the same bowl.
The coffee grinder must be powerful and no more than 2
tablespoons with a pile should be placed in it at a time. When
the cocoa butter and honey are completely melted, add two
more handfuls of chopped walnuts and mix everything
thoroughly. Then place the mixture in 2-3 wide containers for
food, flatten on the bottom, cover with lids and place in the
refrigerator. After a few hours, the chocolate is ready - it will
easily separate from the container.
Well, not everyone knows what cedar pulp cake (or cedar
pine flour) is. This is what remains after squeezing the oil from
the cedar pine. Very nutritious product. It contains about 45
percent protein. And very tasty. Natural products can be found
in stores or ordered online.

Summary ÿ The

observer observes events from the side in isolation. ÿ The

supervisor is the actor, the producer and the viewer - in other words,


ÿ The main purpose is to get out of the passive information user case and

to become an active broadcaster, a determinant of your reality.

ÿ Along with health and energy, the system devours human consciousness. Consciousness

escapes quietly and unnoticed, after a drop.

ÿ When you stop drinking coffee and tea and switch to living water, soon

understand: it's good to live with caffeine, but even better without it.

Notes in the margins

By the way, almost all young people now have a lot of health problems.

This was not the case in previous generations. Our children, fattened in trade
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centers of synthetics, will live shorter than we do. It used to be the opposite

trend. And now, for the first time, children will live shorter than their parents. Ar

will they be able to have children? The big question. Do you understand what's going on?
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We conclude the topic started in the chapter "Real esoterics".

A complete and varied diet

As we have already said, there may be a lack of vitamins and
minerals when switching to the first type of food. The lack is not
because everything is sufficient in animal and dead food, but
because the recovered organism feels a critical, increased need
for vitamins, minerals, trace elements and macronutrients. This is
another reason not to rush and move abruptly. The body needs
time to rearrange, form vitaflor and accumulate all the necessary
In the transformation from necrobiosis to vitabiosis, vitamins,
minerals, trace elements and macronutrients are accumulated.
Meat and fur literally change. It will accumulate until it reaches a
critical mass of all required elements. So, until a living microflora is
formed, living food will not be fully absorbed and everything will be
low for the body.

Later, at the end of the transition, you will make sure that the
living food is already completely absorbed and the dead food is no
longer absorbed at all. And then you will see the whole difference
between necrobiosis and vitabiosis, between one step of the
pyramid and another. But until then, you need to eat consciously
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fully, including animal food and seafood, as raw as possible.

The most important thing is that the process of cleansing the

body outweighs the process of its contamination. In this respect,
cooked meat and lots of greens are even better than cooked
porridge. The proportion of live plant food in your diet needs to be
increased step by step, but it needs to be as diverse as possible.
You need to understand that the body needs not so much protein,
fat and carbohydrates as many vitamins and minerals. Without the
former he can survive, and quite a long time, and without the latter - no way.
If you open the "Distinctive properties of plants" section ("Living
Kitchen" or the new
plant has
of "Life
will the
diverse your diet, the faster the body will accumulate all the
necessary supplies. . Of course, you will not eat everything , and
you will not always find it, but you need to understand that a live
diet is not just about eating vegetables and fruits. Systemic recipes
are available.

Many useful recipes can also be found in Butenkai's "Culinary Book

in the Raw Food Book" (http://www.ozon.ru/

Feed your body like a child

It is believed that the body itself knows what it needs. This is a
misconception. He knows nothing. The body is confused and
immersed in a deep dream, because its original innate knowledge
is buried under thick technogenic synthetics.
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layer. He was fed dead food from the time of conception,

causing intoxication and addiction. He’d rather tell you he wants
fried potatoes or burgers rather than sweet peppers. And even
when you switch to live food alone, it won’t stop wanting it as
long as it contains toxins from dead products. Imagine that you
are feeding your child and want him to fix up and look good. As
can be understood from the previous principle, it is necessary
to nourish the body consciously and fully, to give it what it needs,
whether it wants it or not.

Later, he will want to himself and will even insist on proper food,
but first he needs to get used to it as a child.
By analogy with drinks.

Drink clean water consciously

Whether you want to or not. Depending on the weight, 1.5-2 l
per day. Structured water is preferred, and more preferably
living water. Not later than 15 minutes before a meal and no
earlier than 1.5 to 2 hours afterwards. Pure water is needed not
so much to quench thirst as to cleanse the body. After all, you
don’t wash dishes with sparkling water or juice?
Water balance is easier for the body to maintain when drinking
pure water than when consuming products from which it still
needs to be extracted. Don’t make him do a job similar to the
one the aborigines have to do in the desert when they dig up,
shred, and then squeeze the roots of the plants.
One amazing discovery has been made just recently. It turns
out the body for unknown reasons
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signals thirst only at the last moment when the dangerous limit
has been reached. This is why a person can drink coffee all day
long without feeling thirsty. The body is undemanding and can
be satisfied with the minimum. But that doesn’t mean you don’t
have to worry about it.

Individual nutrition
Do not eat incompatible products such as protein and
carbohydrates at the same time. Proteins are digested in an
acidic medium, carbohydrates in an alkaline medium. If you mix
them, the food will not be digested, it will half. Use different
products - fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains - separately. You can
mix one type of product, just not too much. Recipes should be
as simple as possible. But instead of eating monotrophic raw
food, do not rush, wait until the body is saturated. Salad with oil,
live mix, live soup from a variety of vegetables and herbs will
not hurt anyone.

Consistent nutrition
Eat those products that are digested faster first, followed by
those that last longer. The same principle as in car traffic: if the
car in front is slower, a traffic jam occurs. According to the rate
of absorption, the order of products is as follows: fruits,
vegetables, grains, nuts.
In this order, they need to be lined up throughout the day. (Nuts
and grains are interchangeable if after a meal with
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at least three hours have passed since the nuts.) By noon, fruit,
raw cocktail, live yogurt (I mean not milk yogurt, but raw, from
systemic recipes). Over lunch vegetables, greens. In the evening
nuts, bread, live porridge from sprouted grains. Live food is not
subject to the rule "do not eat after sunset or after six o'clock in
the evening". You can eat whenever you want and as much as
you want, even before bedtime. The most important thing is not
to break the queue.

Hummingbird metabolism

Avoid heavy oil as much as possible, such as olive, sunflower,

corn, soybean, palm and some other types of oil. Light oil, unlike
heavy oil, does not overload the body and is absorbed faster.

It is the oil of linseed, cedar pine, pumpkin, marjoram, amaranth,

walnuts. If the oil is light, wash it off the dishes with cold water
without detergent.

Victoria Butenko makes such a typical comparison. Metabolism

of the human fat-light human as hummingbird. His energy is
flowing, alive, he feels light and free, moves fast and catches
his grip. Metabolism of a human eating heavy, especially animal,
fat like a grizzly bear. His body is elephant, his energy level is
low, his movements sluggish and slow, his consciousness
In many life situations, those with a less stressed body who
feel light and free have an advantage. Even the heavy ring will
be invincible by the one
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the body is powerful but metabolizes like hummingbird. I’m not

sure if this advantage will be as important, say, in the pub, but it
will still be easier.

Winter nutrition
Anyway, winter is not the best time to switch to live nutrition.
Start a smooth transition is best in late spring. But even in winter
you can find enough all kinds of edible things. Live food is not just
about vegetables and fruits.

Fresh greens can be replaced by seaweed. Greenhouse plants

are also a good option, only you need to be more careful and
picky here. It is believed that greenery greens and vegetables in
general need to give up that everything is soaked in chemicals,
etc. But this is not quite the case. Chemistry can actually be
encountered at times, but organic fertilizers are now increasingly
used in many greenhouses.
There is another important factor. As you know from the basics
of transfereing, your world is filled with what you focus on. If you
keep repeating "Everything is chemistry around!", You will. Isn’t it
better to target the intention to look for natural produce? He who
seeks always finds and receives what is specially prepared for

The seller does not always know and will not always tell the
truth whether the plants are really grown without the use of
chemicals. But it can also be determined on its own. If the taste of the plant
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sharp, uncharacteristic of it, it would be necessary to look for the

products of other manufacturers. Either way, one can protect
myself in one known way. Add 1.5 to 2 liters of water to the
enamelled bowl, squeeze half a lemon, place it there and
squeeze out all the juice. Add the greens to this water and leave
for 5 minutes. Do the same with winter beets and carrots, peel
them thin beforehand. Harmful substances, although not
completely, will be neutralized.

Frozen berries are also suitable for making green cocktails.

True, there are some problems with frozen vegetables - they are
blanched, so it is not clear how many live enzymes remain there.
But I think what’s alive remains in frozen vegetables nonetheless.
You can decide for yourself whether the product is alive or dead.
In my opinion, frozen vegetables and berries can still be
considered live food, even though they are less nutritious than
natural ones.
In winter, special attention should be paid to nutritious products
- nuts and sprouted grains. If the nuts don’t look great to you, try
mixing them with a little honey. Or, for example, here’s a recipe.
Take equal parts of walnuts, cedar pine pulp, live cocoa, add a
little honey, stir. You will be convinced that a whole new and very
attractive sense of taste has already emerged.

Seaweed, pollen, bee bread, raisins, live rosehip and herb

infusions - essential for consumption,
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because they will provide the body with most of the vitamins and
minerals it needs.
The following products also have a very high nutritional value:
pumpkin, sesame, amaranth, cedar flour flour, cedar pine pulp, cedar
pine milk, spelled wheat (information about spelled wheat can be
found here: http://www.hnh.ru/food/ spelled_sale). They are record
holders in terms of protein content - up to 45 percent of them. This is
not the case in any animal product. The flour can be added, for
example, to live porridge as a protein supplement. All the necessary
information and the products themselves can be found online.

Replacement of milk
There is no point in drinking milk. It is poorly digested and even
worse absorbed. It makes even less sense to feed children milk from
a foreign biological species, not to mention surrogate milk formulas.

(God forbid, little one, for you to be born to a mother who will
eagerly feed you with milk mixes and porridge until you, the poor,
disappear from disease.)
If you accustom your children to a live diet, follow these principles:
caution, low doses, gradation. First milk from wheat, spelled wheat,
oats, buckwheat sprouts, as well as nuts, sesame, cedar pine milk,
then porridge from sprouts, raw cocktails, green soup, sea cabbage,
freshly squeezed juice, mashed fruit and berries. Carefully give pollen
and bee bread.
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Look for pumpkin, sesame, cedar flour - they can be added to

porridge and make milk. This requires a powerful whisk.

Cooked porridge definitely needs to be replaced with live

porridge from sprouted grains. Animal milk - milk from the same
sprouted grains and nuts. All this can be easily prepared with a whisk.
When moving to a live diet, do not rush to give up fermented
milk products, cottage cheese, cheese, egg yolks.
Only give them up when you feel ready.
Just be aware that the body absorbs hard cheese very hard and
for a long time. Instead, eat unripened, hard cheese.

Choose producers of all products, including grains, from those

who do not torture their animals and birds with synthetic additives,
do not kill soil and plant chemicals, but still have a little sober mind.
There are such manufacturers. If you set a goal, you will find them.

Less chemicals Of
course, it is hardly possible to guard against all manifestations
of technogenic civilization. But the amount of harmful chemicals in
their immediate environment, from building materials to cosmetics,
can be kept to a minimum if such a goal is set.

After all, you can build a house using only ecologically clean
and natural materials? Of course you can. Just don’t say you don’t
have money. There is transerfection for that. What matters here is
not the funds, but the film that spins on your "projector".
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Maybe one fine day you’ll want to throw out of your home all the
household chemicals and cosmetics that belong to cheap, widely used
goods. The reason is quite strong. All of these washing powders and
washing liquids are not just around the corner - they emit poisonous
fumes all over the house that you have to breathe, even if you don't feel
it. And chemicals from cosmetics easily penetrate the skin into the
bloodstream and contaminate the entire body with toxins. As a result,
rapid "improvement" over time becomes even more rapid.

Not all detergents and cosmetics labeled "natural" can be considered

absolutely organic. The chemicals there are more or less aggressive.

For example, really live cosmetics are made by hand from live plant
raw materials and are not considered long-lived like fresh products.

It is not necessary to attack the extremes by remembering how far our

ancestors rubbed their heads and washed their underwear. But it would
be good to replace "hardened chemists" with those manufacturers who
focus on the safety and environmental friendliness of their products.

To understand what organic products are for home recommend a

and for the body, I can website

Allow yourself to be yourself and others to be others

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Don’t be like those raw people who are angry at the whole
world for not understanding them and not wanting to share their
beliefs. Abandon attempts to convert those around you to your
faith. If they will try to show you the "right way," listen carefully,
with your eyes wide open, and walk your way calmly. But do not
prove or impose anything on yourself. Also for children. You will
not be able to protect children from the effects of the
technosphere if they do not want to do so themselves. And you
won’t be able to convince someone of something if he’s not
ready to accept it. All that is ready is enough hint and obvious
example. Everyone has their own way, and it’s not up to you to
decide which way your loved ones should go. The only method
of persuasion here can only be an obvious example. Other
methods do not work. Although, of course, you can try.

Look for like-minded people

Do not try to convert all the people around you into your faith,
but look for ready-made like-minded people and communicate
with them. At least they can always be found online. You need
to communicate to be alone with your thoughts and mistakes,
to share experiences and support. Human consciousness
cannot do without real support, like a bird without a branch.
Consciousness cannot constantly be in a state of free flight,
occasionally it has to land on something. That’s why when
people are united by some common idea, they gather in groups
where you can always communicate and get the support of
people close to you in your spirit.
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You just have to be careful about strangers ’experiences. First, the

experience is always somewhat individual. I myself try to make
recommendations that are not as narrow as general. Do not stumble upon
strange nutrition methodologies and practices, listen first to yourself - your
soul, mind and body.
Second, maintain awareness and soberly assess the adequacy and
responsibility of that person for their actions.
It is not difficult to assess the degree of adequacy under close observation.
If a person resembles paranoid and fanaticism or is blindly attached to
something, you should stay away from it.

Goal Orientation
You always have to remember and understand why you are doing what
you are striving for, what you want to achieve. Otherwise you will not be
able to maintain the vector of intent and move on to the new tier of the pyramid.
Guiding Star - The Benefits You'll Gain When You Get On This Step. You
have to keep them in mind.
It is a clean and healthy organism; powerful intellect and clear
consciousness; good physical shape; stable psyche; ability to get rid of
parasites, overcome food and other addictions, get rid of chronic and
degenerative diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes,
arthritis, AIDS, overweight, allergies, depression, neurasthenia, infertility,
premature aging, stress fatigue, etc .; in addition, as a natural result, an
increase in the overall tone of life and an improvement in the quality of life
in general.
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Obviously, by gaining at least one of the benefits listed, you will

surpass those who do not have these benefits.

Express your reality in words

It is not just nutrition that determines everything. A comprehensive
approach works fully: how we think, how we feed, how we move.
One must always remember the purpose and constantly broadcast
the intention.
Many people on Earth are constantly praying to their gods. And
not unnecessarily. In this way, people capture their "collection point",
their reality, so that consciousness does not fall out or, roughly
speaking, "the roof does not go away." And if the focus is not on
religion, it is necessarily captured by some other pendulum: ideology,
idea, work, social movement, etc. The sacred place is not empty.
We graze the pendulums, they feed us.

Our task with you is to be a shepherd rather than a sheep.

Be not under the pendulums, but above them, use them for your
own purposes, control them. This requires managing your attention.
Yes, consciousness must land on some platform, a pendulum.
Those who pray to gods and ideas do so unconsciously. But the
same can be done consciously.
Broadcast your intention, watch your cinema, put your reality into
words. When you’re cooking live food, eating, doing physical
exercises - don’t do it just for yourself, mechanically, but consciously,
thinking about why you’re doing it, what you’re aiming for, what it’s
going to give you. Repeat for yourself
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formulated thoughts, declare your intention as often as possible,

make it a habit. The formulated thoughts may have approximately
the following content:

I eat live plant food, my body

cleanses, energy levels rise, consciousness brightens.
All slag and toxins are eliminated from the body. My body is
like a mountain river. I am a clean, fast, powerful mountain river.

A powerful mountain river spins powerful energy turbines.

My beautiful body, great health, powerful energy, powerful
intelligence and bright consciousness.
Live food cleanses my body. As the body cleanses,
consciousness becomes brighter. My bright mind and powerful
consciousness. I control my reality as a conscious dream.
My body is getting cleaner every day. In a clean body, energy
flows easily and freely. My energy is powerful and getting stronger
every day.
Living food cleanses me and feeds me everything I need. I am
eating very well, properly and to the fullest. I take care of my body
and my body is reborn.

My body is cleansed and I feel I will have special abilities. My

powerful energy, powerful intellect and powerful consciousness. I
am a genius, and Power is with me, Power leads me because I
do everything brilliantly and perfectly. I easily solve any problems.
I control my reality.
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I love live food because it cleanses my body and my

consciousness, weeds out all the parasites, frees me from the
matrix, gives me great health and powerful energy, gives me
confidence and freedom. My body also loves live food - it is
light, healing, clean. I love live food just because it’s alive.

It is not necessary to say the whole word orally in the text.

You can make a version of your declarations and repeat them
regularly on a daily basis, quietly or loudly, all together or
separately as you wish. The main thing - regularly. The same
can be done by uttering declarations for a glass of water or the
dish you are preparing to eat. Just don’t make such an
occupation a tedious duty. It must give you pleasure - that is
how you shape your body - your temple, your mind and your
reality - your world.
It’s all at your disposal, and it’s definitely worth doing. Without
such a deliberate broadcast of intent, it is quite difficult to stay
on the path of a live diet. The system will quickly grab your
attention - it has many levers for this: the media, the society,
restaurants, supermarkets. You will be in the herd again, under
the pendulums, and return to your previous diet like everyone else.
But then your chances will be, like all, no higher than average.

To prevent this from happening, create your conscious

prayer - put your reality into words, take care of your living
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diet pendulum and it will help you keep your focus on your
chosen path.

Escalator movement
Adequate (not lazy, but not debilitating) exercise is as much
an integral part of caring as nutrition. If you switch to a sedentary
lifestyle after switching to a live diet, your weight will soon be
able to deviate from normal in one direction or another. It is
very important for the body to move. There is no movement -
there is no development. And where there is no development,
degradation begins. Imagine you are trying to climb a descending
escalator. If you stand or move too slowly, you verywill
be at Do
not stand still. There is no fixed status quo - either improvement
or degradation. That doesn’t mean you have to run around like
a squirrel in a circle all the time. It is optimal to reach a certain
(desired) level of your development on the escalator, and then
step evenly so that you do not descend.

Recovery program
Dead food triggers a program of degeneration, decomposition.
And live food can revitalize and rejuvenate the whole body. But
an impulse is needed to run the update program. Nutrition alone
does not determine everything. The intention of purification and
rebirth can be both a goal and an impulse, the primary impetus
that triggers the body’s regeneration.
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program. Don’t believe if someone convinces you that this is not

possible. In the new tier of the pyramid, much is becoming possible.
All you have to do is make a firm statement of your intention.
The thoughts may be roughly as follows:

Everything in my body cleanses, regenerates, recovers,

rejuvenated. The reverse aging process begins.
Live food organizes my whole body, all vital functions are renewed
and normalized.
The living organism needs live food. Live food rejuvenates my
entire body and triggers regeneration
New teeth are emerging instead of broken ones. My whole
nervous system is recovering. The circulatory and lymphatic systems
are cleansed, regenerated and reborn. The intervertebral discs are
completely regenerated. My spine is flexible, young, new as a child.
All my organs are regenerating.
A program of development and improvement has been introduced into my brain.
New neurons appear every day, millions of new neurons.
Both hemispheres work precisely, harmoniously, synchronously.
More and more new connections are being made between the hemispheres.
My brain is brilliant and my intellect is powerful.
My skin is cleansed, smoothed and rejuvenated. My skin is clean,
smooth, fresh, firm. I look young and attractive. I look very good.
Getting better and better every day.
My whole body is reborn. I turn into a young beautiful elf (elf). I
look young, powerful, attractive. I am a young beautiful elf (elf).
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In fact, the declaration of intent is the decisive factor that divides

and distinguishes raw food as a mode of nutrition and live nutrition
as an integral part of transerfection.
If you have met a raw food that has not achieved the goals and
benefits that have been talked about here all the time, then his
intention worked in a completely different direction or did not work
at all, or he followed completely different principles of transition.
Although live nutrition alone is very rewarding.

Transition to the highest vibrations

Switching to a diet of the first type of food automatically puts you

in the range of the highest vibrations. It would be similar if you took
off and looked at the ground from a bird’s eye view. The body
cleanses, the energy level rises, the consciousness brightens. The
reality of the unfamiliar form unfolds before you.
You begin to see what others do not see and understand what
others do not understand. This is a very big advantage.
On the other hand, some low-vibration things will become
inaccessible to you. For example, you will not be able to smoke or
drink because you will feel sick. By the way, sometimes it is even
useful to smoke, drink a little or eat something dead to make sure
again that you do not want to go back to the past at all.

ÿ In the transformation from necrobiosis to vitabiosis, it is just accumulated, accumulated
vitamins, minerals, trace elements and macronutrients.
ÿ Until a living microflora is formed, living food will not be fully absorbed and
everything will be low for the body.
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ÿ Most importantly, the body's cleansing process outweighs its contamination

ÿ The proportion of live plant foods in your diet needs to be increased step by step
step, but it needs to be as diverse as possible.
ÿ The body will not stop wanting old dead food as long as it is dead
products of toxins.
ÿ Imagine you are feeding your body like your child and want to
he would fix it and look good.
ÿ You need to nourish your body consciously and fully, give it to you,
what is needed, whether he
wants it or not. ÿ Drink at least 1.5 to 2 liters of fresh water a day.
ÿ Do not eat incompatible products such as protein and
ÿ Eat products that are digested faster first, followed by them
those that last longer.
ÿ Replace heavy oil with light: marjoram, cedar, amaranth,
pumpkin, linseed, walnuts.
ÿ If you keep repeating, "It's all chemistry!", So be it. ÿ Orient your intention to
look for natural produce.
ÿ Sprouted grains, seaweed, pollen, bee bread, blue
raisins, live rosehip and herb infusion - essential for consumption.
ÿ Pumpkin, sesame, amaranth, cedar flour, cedar pulp, cedar milk, spelled have a
very high nutritional value.
ÿ Do not rush to give up fermented milk when switching to a live diet
products, curd, cheese, egg yolks.
ÿ Replace cooked porridge with live porridge from sprouted grains.
ÿ The amount of harmful chemicals in your immediate environment, starting with
building materials and finishing cosmetics can be reduced to a minimum,
if such a goal is set.
ÿ The only method of persuading loved ones can only be an obvious example. ÿ Do
not try to convert all the people around you into your faith, but look for it
prepared like-minded people and communicate with them.
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ÿ Only strangers need to be treated with caution.

ÿ When switching to a live diet, remember the benefits and keep it
keep in mind the purpose - why do you do it.
ÿ Broadcast your intentions, watch your cinema, put your words into words
ÿ Adequate exercise is just as integral to caring for the body
part like nutrition.
ÿ Set goals, repeat formulations focused on
cleansing, regeneration and improvement.
ÿ The declaration of intent is the decisive factor that divides and distinguishes
between raw food as a mode of nutrition and live nutrition as a means of transerfusion.

Notes in the margins

How we think, how we feed, how we move. When your consciousness
as the energy levels rise, you will be able to do many of these
things you haven’t even dreamed of. For example, I would not have been able to
write this book if I hadn’t followed the renewal transerfing course
and has reached a new level. After all, I have so many years of all creative achievements
usually in the past. To write such a book, you need to have
powerful enough consciousness and energy.
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Part IV

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We will now talk about one common disease that has a direct
impact on consciousness. Because the disease is latent, has
no clear and unambiguous clinical symptoms, and is not of
particular interest to official medicine, let us first give it the
conventional name "bite." Try to guess from the description
what is meant.

General symptoms
ÿ The bite leaves rubbish behind - bottles, boxes, candy
wrappers, rubbish, scraps and other waste.

ÿ The curses are

cursing. ÿ Can smear a clean wall, elevator, window on
public transport. ÿ There is a particular need for littering in
places where nature is still clean. ÿ Not afraid to behave
arrogantly while sitting in the car. Press the clone. Going
forward everywhere. Park the car where it is convenient for
him. ÿ Labels your performance in cyberspace with all sorts
of unpleasant feedback to a stranger's address. ÿ Try to vent
your bad mood on those around you in every way possible.
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ÿ Works unconsciously, at the level of socially installed

programs or instincts. ÿ Easy to persuade, easily succumbs
to political and promotional slogans. ÿ Does not place high
demands on food and household - can be satisfied with a
cheap medal and poor household items.

Hominids, human, ungulates, rodents and others
wildlife representatives.

The course of the disease

There are usually no obvious clinical signs in this disease.

But depending on the serogroup of the pathogen, the degree of
its virulence, the size of the infectious dose, the body's specific
immunity and resistance, the disease can take many forms:
acute, acute, chronic, latent and abortion.

Diagnosis is made on the basis of epizootiological changes,
anatomical and laboratory tests. pathological

The most common fecal oral infection, but can also be oral
nasal. Often infected by contact, too
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water and food. Transmission (through bites) is also possible.

The pathogen enters the body mainly through the mucous
membranes of the digestive, respiratory and urinary and genital
organs, by consuming contaminated food and water, eating
animal food, bathing in infected bodies of water, and mating.

The bite behaves inappropriately and is usually in an
incorruptible condition, although the look seems quite normal.
The paradox of symptomatic manifestations is that the patient's
behavior is deviant but does not violate generally accepted

Take equal parts of wormwood, tansy, strawberry, yarrow,
aspen bark, oregano, mix everything in a box. Put 2 to 3
tablespoons with a heap in a teapot, pour boiling water and
heat in a water bath (for example, in a bowl with boiling water)
for 15 minutes. Drink half-stylish 3-4 times a day before meals.

You may have realized that you mean parasites. Although

the tone is semi-ironic, I spoke quite seriously about the
symptoms and treatment. Parasites really affect the psyche,
from the darkening of consciousness to the immediate one
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motivation and behavior management. This has even been proven by

research, although not so much has been done. Wondering what will
happen when the parasites are taken as needed?
Although it may happen that it will not be taken. After all, those who are strangers
benefit from disguising themselves in every way.
But they can't hide completely. In addition to physical signs, which
are not always unambiguous, there are also peculiarities of "embedded"
behavior. For example, the habit of unconsciously littering and flirting
almost certainly shows that this person lives upright with worms.

A peculiar symbiosis is formed, the only difference being that the

intruder alone benefits. The carrier provides him with both home and
food and reproduction at the same time. The ultimate goal of parasites
is to spread everywhere, in every possible way.
Ascarids, for example, lay up to 300,000 eggs a day. No living being on
Earth is so fertile.

Strangers also achieve their goal by controlling the wearer's

behavioral reactions. The wearer tries to unknowingly throw everything
around him at all. Directly or indirectly, materially or verbally.

The behavior of the "sniper" is unconscious, because he is not

controlled by himself, but by the one sitting inside with the "joystick". A
person does not realize what he is doing when throwing rubbish. He
does not fail, but speaks. For him, all this is normal, normal, natural.
That is the "natural being." It is very unattractive if we watch from the
outside, but it is completely typical of our society, because the same
"embedded" ones are the majority, and as always the great one. This is
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the following strange wording emerges : deviant behavior that

does not violate generally accepted norms.
And it was not long ago that parasites were especially fond of
synthetic products, clothing, and household items. The more
chemistry, the better for them.
This interest is probably due to the effects of technosphere
production - weakening of the immune system and general
intoxication of the body. That's exactly what parasites need. Isn't
that why all the markets are now full of cheap and poor quality
I don’t enjoy reading this topic, but I am compelled to do so
by some observations, as well as numerous letters with
questions about it. Here is one such observation.

Where I live is an old forest. Powerful trunks of centuries-old

trees rise high into the sky. In one remote corner from ancient
times is a wonderful spring. Aquarius is magical, delicious, good.
People have learned about the spring and are now constantly
coming to it with their canisters of water.
Lots of people out of town. It would seem that they should be
grateful to the miraculous source for giving them hydrogen.
But no. The image I saw completely stunned me. Garbage was
thrown at the source everywhere. I've seen everything, but
that's how ...
Obviously, this is a clinical case that is interesting from a
purely medical standpoint. Unlike a large bite (already
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literally, without quotes) the number of visitors to the source

cannot explain this phenomenon.
He who "squats inside with the joystick" will carry the word of
gratitude to the source in the head. On the contrary, it will
necessarily pollute. He came to the source unconsciously. Just
at the edge of the ear, he heard somewhere that such water
seemed useful, and he blindly believes that he will receive his
share of benefits. But the bite from the spring water will be of no
use. Because the value of such water is the good it provides.
Any good there can remain when the water has fallen into his
hands - with his mindset?

I am sure that there will be no among you, dear Readers,

who will litter at the source. Such entities are not interested in
the practice of spiritual development or anything like that. And
you certainly wouldn’t want to have anything to do with them.
There are many emails coming from you with the same question
- which anti-parasitic program to choose?
There is no one-size-fits-all answer. All people are different,
all problems are individual. The programs are also all different,
each with its own pros and cons. You’ll quickly intuitively find
exactly what you need. There are programs that rely on
phytopreparations and there are bioresonance methodologies.
One approach can be followed, or all together. Choose what
you intuitively trust. But, of course, it would be best to consult
I can only make general recommendations.
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The first rule is an integrated approach. Measures must be taken

at the same time against all kinds of parasites, because others
always come to one place. For example, antibiotics kill bacteria -
they are replaced by fungi, etc. Preference should be given to
phytopreparations. Chemistry, as always, heals one end and harms
the other.
The second rule is to activate the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
It is not enough to make parasites harmless - they still need to be
banished. Appropriate phytopreparations can also be used here,
there is no need to swallow tablets. For example, take 100 g of figs
and prunes, grind in a meat grinder, add 50 g of old leaves (may be
from sachets), mix it all with honey and pumpkin oil (may contain
olives) as well as 100 g. Store in the refrigerator, take a teaspoon
daily at bedtime.

The third rule is that food should be high in fiber during the course
of treatment. Also include antiparasitic plants in your diet: onions,
garlic, garlic, pepper, mustard, horseradish, turnips, cloves, pumpkin
seeds, pomegranate juice, melons, watermelons.

The fourth rule is that the course must last at least 1.5-2 months.
Parasites are the most abundant and intrusive of all beings living on
our Earth. They won’t leave just because they showed them the
door. They need to be made aware that they have completely
intolerable conditions in your body.
The fifth rule is to deprive the parasites of their favorite menu. If
you still use supermarket synthetics, premium flour, sugar and yeast
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bread, it comes out that you are trying to drive away what is foreign, and at
the same time you are nurturing and pampering it, which is illogical. All
treatments may not be of any benefit.
If you decide to move to a new tier of the pyramid, what is foreign will
automatically leave you, because it will not tolerate a clean environment
and live plant food. But it can take quite a while for your body to finally
cleanse itself and regain a healthy immunity. So running at least one
"entertainment" program for "foreign tourists" will definitely not hurt. Don’t
give up such pleasure!

The most versatile and cheapest remedy against strangers is the infusion
of bitter herbs. I have already provided a standard recipe.
Bitter not only makes "guests" curl, but also normalizes the functions of the
digestive tract. Compared to chemicals, bitters are almost harmless and
need no fear.

The hardest part is getting rid of unicellular and fungi. These are the
most insidious and intrusive "guests". They are quiet, almost unfaithful, but
their activities are very disastrous. For example, not so much heavy food
as Helicobacter - a spiral-shaped bacterium - is one of the main causes of
ulcers, gastritis, heartburn. It is not for nothing that heartburn medications
are widely advertised. Apparently, they are in high demand.

And a couple more simple recipes from natural antibiotics

specifically against unicellulars.

Lamblijas. Mix equal parts of cloudy roots, ryegrass, strawberry

inflorescences, peppermint, medicinal
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vascular roots. Put 2-3 tablespoons of heaped tea in a teapot,

boil in boiling water and heat in a water bath for 15 minutes. Drink
the decoction in half a glass once a day, regardless of the meal.

Helicobacter pylori. Mix equal parts of calendula, yarrow and

St. John's wort. Put 2 to 3 tablespoons of the teapot in a heap,
boil in boiling water, wrap and let stand for about 40 minutes.
Drink half a glass 30 minutes before a meal at least four times a

Of course, it’s not very nice to drink all this. How nice it is
realize that it is a torment for strangers in general!

ÿ Parasites affect the psyche, from the darkening of consciousness to the end
direct management of motivations and actions.
ÿ The habit of unconscious littering and flirting almost certainly shows that
this man just lives with worms.
ÿ Parasites are especially fond of synthetic products, clothing, circulations
accessories. The more chemistry, the better for them.
ÿ Measures against all types of parasites need to be taken at once because of one
others always come to the place.

ÿ It is not enough to make parasites harmless - they have yet to be banished.

Cleanse the body.
ÿ Food should be high in fiber during the course of treatment .
ÿ Include antiparasitic plants in your diet.
ÿ The course must last at least 1.5 to 2 months.
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ÿ Supermarket Synthetics - A Favorite Menu for Parasites.

ÿ Before you move on to the new stage of the pyramid, you need to create completely
intolerable conditions for strangers in the body.

Notes in the margins

We moved on to the concluding part of the book - about society - society
and the environment in which we live. The next chapter was first published
in the magazine Russkij pioner (http:// www.ruspioner.ru). I would ask very carefully
read the entire text, because the information contained in it is not only necessary
to understand but also to realize. Maybe some things will cause you to be surprised or even
outraged. But don’t rush to draw conclusions. Some topics about
which I have only briefly mentioned here, for example, for information purposes
intoxication and social networks will be explored in more detail in the following
sections. And so far this is information to ponder.
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Light autumn rain. A severe wind tore the yellowing leaves from the trees
and tossed them to the score in the exercise square. The grumpy people
stood lined up in the wet milieu and sadly pulled the anthem of the Soviet
There was no musical accompaniment, and the whole melody, which no one
tried to follow, was transformed into a gloomy recitative, so the song, if it could
be called that, became like a funeral march, like the singing of a dead man.

The Chief of Staff of the Regiment, tormentingly looking for ways

to lift our fighting spirit and strengthen the love of the Homeland,
apparently put high hopes in the anthem. At first (it lasted about a
month) we just stood by the team "quietly" and listened to the anthem
from the vinyl record. The player with the extension cord was taken
out here to the square, and when it melted, it was covered with an
umbrella. andPlateimmersed everyone in some meditative
monotonously trance. The
same thing happens when you look at a candle flame.

Eventually, the plate, from frequent use, began to jam in the most
inappropriate places, insidiously destroying the entire solemnity of the
ceremony. The player had to be abandoned. But soon the head of the staff
came up with a brilliant idea - singing in the lineup is much more patriotic and
solemn than just listening. And will not stop. Now
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we obediently murmured the anthem ourselves. It just looked very gloomy. A

horse can be brought to the water, but it cannot be forced to drink. So soon this
ceremony had to be abandoned. Maybe the management regretted it, or maybe
on the contrary, it was easier for everyone.

When I was so strangely "doing my duty" while standing in line, I was

overwhelmed by the feeling that it was all happening in a dream. On the one
hand, as it seems, belongs, and on the other hand, to whom is it all? What am I
doing here? „ We glorify our
Fatherland free ... ”In fact, we loved the Fatherland without ceremonies and
were ready to defend it, regardless of whether the duty required us to do so or

Many years have passed since then, with both players and records changing
more than once. But the feeling that what was going on around him was a
dream remained the same. Maybe so?
It is not for nothing that children under the age of four or five do not distinguish
between a dream and a reality, believing that reality is a continuation of a dream.
Or vice versa.
If we look at the evolution of consciousness from the simplest organisms to
the "intelligent man," we notice one completely unexpected and paradoxical
To make it easier, let’s start with plants. Do they have consciousness? Of
course. A proud man, holding himself at the forefront of Nature’s creation,
decided that plants could be treated as biomaterials. And recent laboratory tests
have shown that a simple houseplant can feel, say,
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joy when approached by one who oversees it, and anxiety when
approached by a type who often tears leaves. All this is clearly
recorded by the electroencephalogram. We can’t know what
plants really feel and whether they have self-awareness, but we
really can’t consider them some kind of completely spiritless things.
Just these amazing dreamers, compared to man, are in a state of
deep trance. It would be similar if a person himself were walking
in the moonlight while sleeping.
Animals are already at a higher level of awareness than plants.
But for them, too, life is like an unconscious dream in which they
are doomed to act according to an innate program, at the level of
instincts. True, and their consciousness awakens every time the
wisdom of instinct is no longer enough and unusual decisions
need to be made to survive. There would be no evolution otherwise.

The awakening from instinct to consciousness mainly occurs

only in wild animals, which are able to function relatively
independently and are forced to live in the ever-changing
conditions of the external environment. But what happens to the
consciousness of an animal that has been domesticated and
driven to a farm? The external borders are narrowing sharply,
decisions are no longer needed, and all the conditions are in
place to eat and sleep. And that’s when consciousness sinks into
really hard sleep, which differs little in depth from plant sleep.
And human consciousness evolved as long as we had to fight
for existence in the wild, and reached its peak at a time when
humanity was formed as a civilization. Later, the evolution of
consciousness moved to a plateau stage for many centuries of life
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the way has hardly changed. But here came the era of the
industrial revolution. It is immediately assumed that under such
conditions, consciousness should develop at the same rate as
technical progress.
But now we are not talking about the baggage of knowledge
accumulated by the human mind, but about consciousness as the
ability to soberly orient oneself in the surrounding reality and to
understand: where I am, what I am doing now, why exactly and
for whom. In other words, it refers to the direct subordination of man
Although very paradoxical, awareness of modern science and
the ability to press buttons do not guarantee the illumination of
consciousness - on the contrary.
Never pay attention to the flow of people in big cities. People
move on their nicknamed tracks like ants, immersed in their
dream. All their actions seem to be programmed - the autopilot
and autopilot are switched on. This is especially evident in flows
from commuter trains to the subway and back.
Home - work, work - home. And in Japan, for example, many
don't leave the same skyscraper for months at a time - in one big
anthill, both work and home, and shops, and entertainment. It
already reminds the farm with all the consequences for
consciousness that flow from it. The only difference is that the
man drove himself there.
The question is: how did we get down to such a life?
And how fast! Decades have passed slowly and steadily, and
here in such a century such a sudden leap. And is it good or bad?
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Evolution, or more precisely involution, the backward

development of consciousness, was most influenced by three
factors. The first is the division of labor. To make it simpler, let’s
take the example of subsistence farming. Obviously, when you
have to work both and the third, it promotes the development of
consciousness. Conversely, if the sphere of activity narrows
sharply, consciousness accordingly becomes stuck in some
narrow realm. The man walks as if he has a look under his feet,
and has no opportunity to look around. In other words, you can't
see the forest through the trees. Example: Two physicists with
different specializations no longer understand each other, and
two doctors of different profiles make different diagnoses for the same patien
In industrial society, the individual essentially turns into a
propeller that no longer needs a great mind. Press the buttons
for yourself. Even high-tech development processes are
maximally automated, not to mention the production of
mechanisms. The process of receiving and cooking food is also
"push-button" - take some technogenic substitute from the
supermarket shelf and "just pour water".
Supermarket shelf or food on the farm - is there a big difference?

The second factor is technogenic food processing methods.

The increase in the number of degenerative diseases is
statistically very correlated with the emergence and development
of new food technologies such as canning, refining and various
chemical treatments.
But people don't just get sick from this food - it causes a very
strong drug addiction, attachment to food .
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Consumers must constantly, all the time feel the need for new doses
(forgive, products). Nothing personal, just business.
Even now, almost all young people, if compared to previous generations,
suffer from all kinds of diseases of technogenic origin, such as depression,
allergies, etc., it is becoming quite clear that children will live shorter than
their parents for the first time. It is not worth hoping for medicine - she
does not know what to do with technogenic diseases. Or rather not want
to know, because modern medicine and pharmacology is a very big and
profitable business, not a good thing. Who needs healed patients? What
else can be obtained from them?

Patients have to be sick all the time, that's where the whole point of this
business is.
What will happen next is unclear. For example, it is difficult to imagine
the surprises that the widespread introduction of GMOs promises us in
the very near future, if this is already leading to an increase in human
infertility and the extinction of pollinating insects.
How right was Academician T. Lysenka, who led the campaign to deny
and ban genetic research! Whatever the twists and turns of this campaign,
the idea itself was right and wise - don't go to the Nature Lab if you don't
know anything there.

It is not difficult to imagine that people will probably start "growing in

tubes". What will happen to people is also not hard to guess. Feeding
synthetics - tampi cyborg, tampi cyborg - feeding tin synthetics.
Technogenic food, like any drug, directly obscures consciousness. O
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what comes out of it? Consciousness is exactly "drained" according to

the system, but in no way according to the needs of the individual.
And the third of the factors we are considering is informational
intoxication. Compare the modern man to the one who lived a thousand
years ago when there were no newspapers, movies, radio, television,
internet, and cell phones. These are completely different people! And
the difference is not even in the level of intelligence, civilization or
education. After all, modern man is a slave to information - he can no
longer do without the external flow of information. And this flow is
ultimately a key factor in plunging society into a state of very deep
collective dream.

It is clear that the awareness of nations that lived a couple of millennia

ago was several times higher than that of today’s people. It is not in
vain that spiritual seekers try to draw on the millennial wisdom of ancient
cultures. But it is hardly possible. After all, people were completely
different then. Consequently, our paths to enlightenment cannot coincide
in any way with their paths.
We must first cleanse our body and consciousness so that we can at
least take a step closer to the knowledge that the ancient people had.

As civilization entered the technogenic path of development, laws

came into force that had not previously manifested themselves in any way.
Now, due to the operation of these laws, the technosphere invariably
turns into a matrix. And it is a kind of conglomerate, a system where the
role of the battery that powers this system is assigned to man. Films
like The Matrix and Alien Body are by no means fiction, but our near
future. And this
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is determined not even by the technique in which the person settles.

When people get into a shared information network (or, say, a social
network), they end up in the power of the system.
It is no longer man who controls the system, but it is in complete
control and subordination to itself. On the World Wide Web, this is
done easily.
Lenin said, "Communism is the power of the Soviets plus the
electrification of the whole country. " And the cyborgization of society
is universal idiocy plus the unification of all idiots into one social
network. Sounds a little eccentric, but basically it is. And the main
purpose of this network is to centrally give commands that will be
blindly executed by its participants in a state of collective anabiosis.

The paradoxical regularity we talked about at the beginning is

that the evolution of consciousness, which revolves around the
circle, does not rise one step higher, but goes back, to the starting point.
Do you understand what's going on? By the way, it is natural that
together with the theory of evolution, the theory of involution has
become more and more popular, according to which monkeys are
not human ancestors, but their lowest branches - degradants. But I
don't think "humanization" threatens us, at least in the near future.
And here is the cyborgization - very likely, and very soon.

Perhaps the scary stories of the end of the world that we like to
scare each other like in a pioneer camp
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after the team lie down, has nothing to do with reality? What is there - global
warming, cooling, flood or meteorite fall? No, it's not like that. The tragic finale is
too predictable. The end, as it should be, must come just when you are not
waiting for it, and just as you are not waiting for it.

In the same way, a dream comes out of nowhere and unexpectedly. And then
the question arises: isn’t it time to get ready to run away from the farm?

ÿ Awareness is the ability to navigate soberly in the surrounding reality and

to understand: where I am, what I am currently doing, why exactly and to whom.

ÿ Awareness of modern science and the ability to press buttons do not guarantee the

illumination of consciousness - on the contrary.

ÿ If the sphere of activity narrows sharply, consciousness becomes entangled accordingly

in some narrow area.

ÿ In industrial society , the individual essentially turns into a propeller for which

no great mind is needed.

ÿ The introduction of technology into food production and manufacturing processes is increasing

the number of degenerative diseases and the darkening of

consciousness. ÿ Modern man is a slave to information - he can no longer do without the

external flow of information. ÿ This flow is ultimately a key factor in sinking society into

a state of very deep collective dream.

ÿ The paths to enlightenment between us and ancient peoples cannot coincide. ÿ A

matrix is a particular conglomerate, a system in which a person is assigned this

the role of the battery powering the system.

ÿ When people enter a shared information network (or, say, social network)

network), they fall under the control of the system.

ÿ The evolution of consciousness, turning the circle, does not rise a step higher, but returns

back to the starting point.

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Notes in the margins

And the story of the anthem had a sequel. I read in the summer of 2011
message. I cannot refrain from presenting it here literally, I will only omit the names.
"From next year, schools in Belgorod and Kostroma regions
students will sing the anthem of the Russian Federation before class begins.
This is Friday in Lipetsk through the Central Federal District Council
a meeting of the President's Plenipotentiary on Family Policy.
(He has now been promoted to an even higher post, VZ.) He clarified
that the anthem will be sung by students in grades I to XI and that "it is a very good idea".
The Plenipotentiary believes that this experience should be promoted in other
regions, ITAR-TASS reports. Here's how.
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Although very paradoxical, it is necessary and beneficial for the

system to keep its screws completely intact. Energy levels, and
thus the power of intention, depend directly on health. There must
be just enough energy to perform your functional duties - no more,
no less.
Otherwise, the auger may escape and be pulled where it will be
shot in the head, and this cannot be allowed in any way. The task
of the system is to keep the auger in its cage.
Our task is quite the opposite - to gain enough energy and free
will to decide our own destiny on our own. Imagine that you,
considering yourself an independent individual, are really just a
small algorithm in a complex program module. Your function is to
put the numbers as in the cycle: do it for now ..., put it together ...,
then go back ..., put it together again, then wait until it reaches you
again ... And so on for life.

Or imagine that you are a transistor on a system board whose

circuitry consists of millions of the same transistors. Everyone
performs a certain function in their place. One got a good spot
where there is no dust, no heat, and the megabit traffic is light.
And the other has to work hard on a superheated processor like a
coal mine. And you won't go anywhere. Where are you going from?
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native village? There, in the capital, in the light of lamps or in

comfortable chairs, those who are lucky are pampered. You are
unlucky - you are where you are.
And really, it seems impossible to change the situation. Well
how can I have my own house if my pay is low? So who will hire
me for a well-paying job if I have neither the experience nor the
connections? How can I escape if I am just a transistor or a
fragment of an algorithm?

And yet it is possible. Stand up and embark on an independent

journey through a maze of curves and programs where everyone
else sits tethered to their cages. Go anywhere, even to the
farthest corners of the matrix, and roam its mega-world until you
find one, as if prepared for you, a secluded corner where you
will be free and happy.
But first the same transistor or algorithm needs to understand
who it is and where it is. And that requires free energy and clarity
of consciousness - just what the matrix takes away. The system
does not need to tangle a person or implant a chip in his head
at all. It has other ways, less effective, but no less effective.

The system literally adds a valve to a person, a valve to ensure

his vital activity. For vital energy to flow, but barely.

How is this done? I have already compared blood vessels to

riverbeds. For the body , the cardiovascular system is the
irrigation system through which oxygen, nutrients and
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brigade ”if something goes wrong. In addition to the irrigation

system, there is also a drainage-lymphatic system. Lymphatic
vessels are a kind of drainage pipes for the removal of accumulated
metabolic products. If irrigation and drainage systems become
inadequate in some places or throughout the body, the normal life
cycle is disrupted, energy is reduced, and the disease begins.

As you age, the small blood vessels and lymph vessels become
clogged, atrophied, and die. The network of capillaries "dries out",
becomes less dense and branched than before. Therefore, at the
end of life, the human body turns into either a deserted desert or
a standing swamp. Both mean death. But while it is still flowing,
life is falling apart.
In the past, decades ago, irrigation and drainage systems
degraded spontaneously, naturally, and now the situation has
changed dramatically. Currently, the veins close much faster and
die due to technogenic factors.
Technogenic food directly clogs the veins because the body's
"cleansing equipment" does not deal with chemicals and
synthetics. And the electromagnetic radiation works in such a way
that the charged erythrocytes stick together in bunches - conglomerates.
When such a conglomerate enters a narrow capillary, it becomes
clogged and gradually dies.
Most of the time, the brains of a person who is no different from
a cell phone experience the same effects as the brains of a person
who drinks, because any dose of alcohol, like electromagnetic
radiation, binds to erythrocytes.
For large blood vessels, such clumps are particularly at risk
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does not cause, although, of course, such blood is already much

less functional.
But in mind the situation is quite different. The human brain is
made up of billions of neuronal cells. Each such cell is fed by its
own microcapillary - so thin that erythrocytes can penetrate only
one row there. And when a clump of erythrocytes approaches the
base of the capillary, the capillary becomes clogged, and after a
few minutes the neuron dies forever. So whether it's different with
a bottle or a mobile phone, the effects are the same - the
graveyard of dead brain cells is growing rapidly. Of course, if the
auger doesn’t need the brain much, these effects can be ignored.
Brain reserves are quite large, and finally only a few percent of
their potential is used - it will be enough until old age. The wise
Nature seemed to foresee the need to build up sufficient reserves
of endurance and shut down much of the idiot's brain altogether,
otherwise it would not last long.

But there is another danger - the constant exposure to

electromagnetic radiation causes a brain tumor. Phone
manufacturers and network operators know this, but they don't
care about the fact - they care about profits. Phone users are
either unaware of this or are in a so-called herd security state.
After all, everyone uses phones. After all, not everyone can be an idiot? Right
I bring you good news: you can! A person can be overwhelmed
for a very long time by a carefree euphoria, ignoring alarming
signs until trouble befalls his own
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or until it is apparent that the whole herd has been fattened for meat.

Until the 1980s, everyone enthusiastically welcomed the

emergence of cheap asbestos-based building materials. No one
ignored the warnings of experts about the carcinogenic properties
of this mineral, and asbestos manufacturers then made a particularly
good profit. Later, massive cases of tumors developed. But the
asbestos industry is a multibillion-dollar business, and manufacturers
have long had the opportunity to defend their interests by proving
"complete safety."

Asbestos is now banned only in European Union countries.

The asbestos war is not over yet. Why? The time has not yet come.
Because tumors develop for a very long time, about 35-40 years.
Given that asbestos was most widely used in the late 1970s and
early 1980s, it is easy to see that the biggest outbreak of cancer in
the future will be between 2015 and the 1930s. The clock
mechanism is still ticking.

It is clear that the consequences of widespread mobile deployment

will begin to show around 2035. No one knows what the nature and
extent of these effects will be. The scariest thing is that it is a global
experiment done with humanity. And since electromagnetic radiation
also causes genetic changes, it can be assumed that a crazy
experiment is being done not only with the current generation, but
also with the future, unborn generation.
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It may seem to some that I am artificially making an elephant out of a

fly. Even if we forget the statistics on technogenic diseases I have
presented and look at two such opposite poles as conscripts and
professional athletes, the picture will be as follows.

The former are selected on the basis of a minimally raised health

cartel, while the latter require maximum health. In Russia, 30 percent of
young people of conscription age are currently unfit for service. Imagine:
every third is a downhill. As far back as I can remember, thirty years ago
the medical commissions did not just pass each other, although then the
requirements were much stricter. The eligibility cartel has now come
down, otherwise there will be nothing to do at all.

Professional athletes are particularly addicted to medication. For some

reason, it has become impossible to endure loads and win competitions
without stimulants. For example, iron supplements should be used to
increase hemoglobin. But for better absorption of iron, another preparation
needs to be used. This preparation in turn causes heartburn, so another
is needed.

And yet another disturbs sleep, so you have to add another, from
insomnia, etc., in a closed circle. No one already cares about whether or
not to use stimulants and supplements, because they care about
something else - what of all these chemicals is classified as doping and what is not.
All of these facts are not particularly exciting for medicine. Quite the
opposite. Medicine along with pharmacology is also big business. This
business needs sick patients, not healthy ones. Are you still healthy?
Then we go to you!
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And what about the system - isn't it interested in getting its

screws out? Of course, not, as I have already said, an element
of the system must be so healthy, charged with energy and able
to perform its functional duties - no more, no less. No special
physical data is required now. Production is increasingly
automated. And even military technology is approaching the
fact that there will soon be a war with buttons and joysticks
The safety valve is used precisely to regulate the functioning .
Electromagnetic radiation and synthetic food make this valve.

Medicine and pharmacology help to keep this at a certain level

anyway, but also prevent it from rising above. So if a person
accepts all systemic products, conditions and rules, his health,
energy and consciousness are compressed in the same corridor
- "no more, no less". In fact, this corridor is a kind of matrix cage
that does not allow to break free and pull in search of its own
path, let alone in the structure of the matrix.

Thus, the requirements for the auger are small and its task is as follows:

Sit in your workplace, in your cage, and press the buttons as

you fall. Create system products and consume everything it
gives you. Obey the rule of the pendulum: "Do as I do." Follow
the principle of society: "If everyone does that, then it's right."
And don't think of leaving the line. But most importantly, always
be connected to the network. Be in the system. Always have
what it takes
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accessories. Focus on the inbound flow of information.

Join a joint choir of clickers and keepers to always resonate
with and be part of the web. Don't look for your way - it will
show you. Don't think, don't bother your head - they will tell you
and explain. Your job is to learn to evaluate everything at the
most primitive level, to develop appropriate conditional reflexes
so that you make the right choice at the right time and in the
right place - with a mouse button, a shopping cart or a ballot
paper. And when the time comes, be ready to join the rich
ranks of those who march in a common line where ... Well, in a
word, it will show you where. The main thing - be prepared,

ÿ The energy of the propeller must be sufficient to perform its functional
duties, no more and no less.
ÿ The system literally adds a valve to a person, his vital activities
a safety valve to allow vital energy to flow, but barely.
ÿ If irrigation and drainage systems in some places or throughout the body
becomes inadequate, the normal life cycle is disrupted, the energy
decreases, disease begins.
ÿ Currently, the veins become clogged and die much faster due to technogenic ones
ÿ Technogenic food directly clogs the veins because the body “cleanses
equipment ”does not deal with chemicals and synthetics.
ÿ Electromagnetic radiation affects the erythrocytes
sulimpa ÿ kekes - conglomerate.
ÿ Continuous exposure to electromagnetic radiation causes a brain tumor
risk of formation.
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ÿ The effects of widespread mobile deployment will begin to take hold from around
2035. It is a global experiment with humanity. ÿ The safety valve is
used by a person
to regulate its functioning.

Notes in the margins

As scary as it sounds, in a technogenic system (if you really
you are in the system, on the farm) your vital resources are not
at your disposal. Imagine someone controlling your damper. Or manage
your destiny. Who needs to do that? Are you or some external force?
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To take control of vital functions into your hands, you need to

do one simple thing - stop taking systemic pills.

First, avoid foods that contain GMOs, chemicals, synthetics,

and supposedly "natural" additives. No additives are needed for
natural food. Try to limit chemistry and synthetics in the household
as much as possible.
Second, use your mobile phone for its intended purpose - as a
phone (or turn off radio mode when needed). Take it in your
hands only when absolutely necessary, keep it as far away from
your body as possible, and especially from your head.
The only effective way to prevent direct radiation to the brain is a
headset and a wired microphone. It is with the wire and not using
any other radiation.

Third, consciously dose the incoming flow of information as

well as your direct participation in the overall information web.
We'll talk more about that later.
These are the first means of tearing the tentacles of the matrix
from themselves. But even this is not enough - the shut-off valve
of the system still needs to be opened. Upgrade the body 's
irrigation and drainage systems.
We will repeat once again who needs it. Over the years, the
circulatory and lymphatic capillaries disappear and dry out.
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The technogenic system significantly speeds up this process.

That is why the life of a modern man between the ages of 20 and
40 finds himself among the scissors. As a young professional,
you are not needed by anyone yet because you have no
experience, and after forty you are no longer needed because
you have squeezed out everything you can . For the same
reason, after forty you and the opposite sex are no longer
interested, the creative ascent is over. You haven’t been able to
start living, and it’s all in the past. Isn't that stupid?
Diseases are now also rapidly recovering. Once again, we will
repeat one simple truth, which for some reason no one says
clearly and loudly and is probably little understood: the system
does not need completely healthy elements, otherwise they will
become out of control. Of course, you have to go to work and do
your duties, but you also have to be constantly, chronically ill,
seeing doctors and taking medication. Only then will you meet
the system requirements.
It is known that the disease begins where the microcirculation
of internal media - blood, lymph, intercellular fluid - is disrupted.
In addition to diseases, the effects of microcirculatory disorders
are overweight, obesity, cellulite, premature aging, loss of muscle
mass, potency, intelligence, general vitality. The fact that 80
percent of all blood is in capillaries is very eloquent.

The damper is right there. It can be opened by activating the

blood and lymph microcirculation.
Techniques long known: movement, exercise, short-term icing,
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showers, saunas. But the best remedy discovered at the

beginning of the last century is capillary therapy, specifically
turpentine baths. This method was developed by a Russian
scientist, Professor A. Zalmanov. Analogous research was
carried out by Danish professor A. Krog, for which he received the Nobel Pri
The essence of the method is to force blood and lymph to
move actively in the veins. Capillary therapy is the promotion of
the movement of flows through all vital networks. If we restore
the normal functioning of these networks and all the vital flows
through them, then the body will restore its own functioning. As
well as immunity and normal metabolism, which allow a person
not to get sick, feel full of energy and look good.

Turpentine, an essential oil obtained from coniferous resins,

is used as a stimulant. The bath in which turpentine has been
added works as follows: it stimulates the receptors on the skin,
moves, dilates, activates the circulatory and lymphatic capillaries.
In addition to capillaries, the conduction of nerve fibers also
improves , and the vegetative nervous system recovers and
normalizes . As a result, the safety valve that is blocked by the
matrix opens.
Turpentine baths do not, of course, use a technical solvent,
but special mixtures: a white emulsion and a yellow solution
containing good quality resin turpentine. Although this method
was invented a century ago, it is not forgotten now because it
actually works. It does not treat the symptoms, but eliminates
the cause, so it works. It’s preventive medicine, and it’s available
to anyone who does
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will want to take control of vital activities.

Mixtures invented by Professor Zalmanov so far

sold in pharmacies, as they did a hundred years ago. A better
way to restore microcirculation has not yet been devised.
Systemic pharmaceutical corporations, while working hard, seem
to have a hard time banning or forgetting a tool that actually
heals, rather than “pushing the valve” here and there.

Admittedly, it must be acknowledged that turpentine mixtures

from all manufacturers, like, by the way, everything else, are of
really good quality. But there is one institute, the Naturopathy
Research Institute, which delves into Zalmanov's methodology
as needed, and its Skipofit production line is currently one of the
Of course, it is strange that there are still such peculiar
dissident islands of real, preventive medicine in the world of
technogenic medicine pendulums. So with pleasure (and, of
course, unselfishly) I support them (http://skipofit.ru).
Turpentine baths are divided into white, yellow and mixed
according to their effect.
The white emulsion causes rhythmic capillary contractions.
The skin burns a little and starvation. At that point, the shrunken
veins open up and restore their functionality. Increased arterial
blood pressure.
The yellow solution has a strong cleansing effect, promotes
sweating, dilates capillaries, cleanses them, removes slag and
toxins from the body. Lowers arterial blood pressure.
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Mixed baths have the positive properties of both white and yellow
baths. The use of a white emulsion, a yellow solution, or a mixture
thereof depends on the level of arterial blood pressure, individual
characteristics, and the importance.
There are no strict rules here, but it is recommended to follow the
instructions that come with the mixes. There are few contraindications,
but Zalmanov himself believed that baths can not harm anyone if they
are taken in moderation, according to their well-being, without feeling
obvious discomfort.
The general principles of the bath procedure are as follows.
Fill the bath with warm water, the temperature should be 36-39 ° C.
The temperature is selected according to the state of health and well-
being. You don’t have to feel obvious discomfort.
A healthy person has a normal temperature of 39 ° C.
For the first time, take 1-2 tablespoons of the white emulsion or
yellow solution, mix with the same amount of hot water, pour into a 3-5
liter container (such as a bucket), fill the container with hot water, mix
well and pour into the bath. Then take a bucket of water from the bath
several times and pour it back from the top so that the water mixes well
and the mixture turns into an emulsion.

The duration of the procedure is on average 15 minutes, but it can

be longer, depending on how well you feel. After a while, sweating will
start, easily tingling the skin. Slag and toxins are released from the
body together with sweat into the water. If it burns heavily, this indicates
that the dose of the mixture needs to be reduced.
If you do not feel anything at all, increase the dose next time.
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If it gets cold, too hot, or you feel any other discomfort, it’s time to slip out.

The efficiency of the procedure can be significantly increased during it

focusing on the formulated thoughts:

My body cleanses, regenerates, recovers, develops (rejuvenates).

Slags and toxins are eliminated from the body. In a clean body, energy
flows easily and freely. I’m like a mountain river. I am a clean, fast,
powerful mountain river. The mountain river washes out all the
constituents, all the dirt from the body.
All slag, toxins, mucus and parasites are washed away. I am a clean
mountain river.
Completely regenerates my circulatory, lymphatic and nervous
systems. The circulatory system is an irrigation system, it feeds every
organ, every cell with everything that is needed. The lymphatic system is
a drainage system that removes slag, toxins and metabolic products from
the body.
My nervous system is the control system of my body. She is in my
possession and obeys me. The nervous system stabilizes, I feel calm
and firm.
Every previously dormant blood vessel now wakes up, moves, revives,
activates, cleanses itself and clears everything around it. My whole
irrigation system is renewing and evolving.

Every previously asleep lymphatic vessel now awakens, moves,

revives, activates, cleanses itself, and clears everything around it. My
entire drainage system is renewing and evolving.
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Every nerve fiber awakens, moves, comes to life, activates.

Now my nervous system is healthy and strong. I am calm and
Irrigation, drainage and the nervous system are completely
regenerating and evolving. Every organ, every cell is served with
quality and time. Nutrients and oxygen are obtained in a timely
manner and metabolic products are eliminated in a timely
manner. Now all vital systems are at my disposal.

As the body cleanses, consciousness brightens. My mind is

bright. I see everything clearly, I clearly understand and I teach
clearly. My powerful energy, powerful intellect and powerful
consciousness. I perform all tasks easily. I control my reality.

Great health is back. Regeneration and rejuvenation processes

are started in the body. The aging process is reversed. I feel full
of strength and energy.
I look very good. Excellent health is reflected in appearance. I
am really perfect.

The formulated idea can be shortened or supplemented,

changed or remade at will. They just don't need to include the
slightest hint of problems (such as "shrinking"). No problems, no
diseases - just a precise focus on perfection and development.
Repeat for yourself everything you want to achieve.

Of course, the bath itself performs its tasks, but along with the
thoughts, its effectiveness is greatly increased. As you know,
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transerfing works at full capacity if we take an integrated approach: how

we think, how we feed, how we move.

You can be sure that all this gives very good results. And you will
see for yourself. Formulated thoughts in the bath work especially
powerful simply because water writes in the intention you declare. The
bath is a kind of information resonator that repeats and reinforces the
thoughts you formulate.

Capture the intent to the goal. The goal can be anything, but in this
case it makes more sense to focus on health.
If health is good, energy levels are high and consciousness is bright,
everything else will come naturally.
If you feel any discomfort in the bath, soften the parameters - dose,
duration, temperature of the mixture. Remember, obvious discomfort
will not benefit, moderation and gradation are needed here.

If you feel dizzy after getting out of the bath, you may feel short
sit down, it will pass soon.
The dose of the mixture should be increased by half a tablespoon
each time. It is convenient to use a plastic beaker as a measure,
marking the level of the previous dose with a pen. The maximum dose
is 150-180 ml. Once the maximum is reached, it is not worth increasing
the dose further, even if it no longer burns.
If your arterial blood pressure exceeds the normal range, you should
first prepare yourself for a yellow bath until your blood pressure returns
to normal. Conversely, if the blood pressure is too low - white.
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In both cases, a mixed bath is suitable - half of the white, half of the
yellow mixture. People with normal blood pressure may alternate
between white and yellow baths. For example, one day a white
mixture, another day a yellow mixture, and a third day a mixed
mixture. Or you can only switch to mixed baths. Choose according
to your senses as you prefer.

After bathing, put on a terry cotton robe without wiping, put on

woolen or warm linen socks and cover with a warm blanket when
lying on the bed. This is another part of the procedure. It takes
30-40 minutes to lie down. At that time, the skin continues to sweat
and burns easily - the turpentine mixture is still working.

That time can be spent usefully. For example, practice the slide
technique or think about something to think about is never there
anymore. Admit it, you are constantly busy with something all day
long, you don't have time forever, there is not a minute to just sit
back or lie down and think about something. At least capture your
focus on the goal - and that's the benefit. In the morning, it is
possible to set daily tasks - they are easier to realize. In the evening,
achievements can be stated - they will be consolidated. Such an
activity will definitely give your life something new, it will bear some
If the procedure is performed at bedtime, you can also fall asleep.
But it’s better to do it in the morning to have a better waking effect
and shake up all vital systems. In this case, after getting out of bed,
you need to go back to the bathroom, first filling a large bowl (which
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you will be able to easily lift) cold water and place it on a board
placed on the edges of the bath (so as not to lift off the floor).
The colder the water, the better. Then take a shower in a warm
or hot (but not too hot) place to warm up if you have cooled
down and to wash away anything that has escaped with sweat.
If you used a yellow mixture, wash better with soap. When you
warm up, pour the bowl on yourself and wash your whole body
with cold water from the shower for a few more seconds. In that
moment, you will fully understand what it means to "open the
shutter" - energy is flowing in such a powerful flow that you have
never felt before.
Cold water should only be handled with care for those who
have trouble with heart and fighting pressure. The contrast of
the temperatures then needs to be increased step by step,
moving from the summer water to the colder ones every day.
If your health is very neglected, your motto should be moderation
and gradation. Don’t bring yourself to a state of obvious
Understandably, a lot of drinking is needed before, during
and after the procedure. Just water or herbal tea. If you don’t
want to urinate your hair, use a shower cap. (I explain everything
in detail because there are people who have never been
involved in similar things and for whom such details will be
The diet should not contain either supermarket synthetics or
medications. There is no point in opening the shutter and
pushing it back together at the same time. Products must be
natural, free of chemicals, synthetics and GMOs. If health
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such that you will not be able to do without medication, be sure to

talk to your doctor. You need to get out of the crisis first, and then
get into health.
Capillary therapy, combined with natural nutrition and exercise,
allows you to manage your vital systems, always controlling the
valve. (Who has to do this - you or some external force or system?

Do you understand how important this is?) At a young age, such

control allows you to stay in shape, and at an older age, to regain
what is lost.
Zalmanov recommended baths every other day or every third
day. Baths can be alternated with gymnastics.
For example, one day a bath, the next day exercise.
In fact, turpentine baths are a gymnastics for the veins.
About 30 baths or more should be taken every two (or every
three) days, depending on your medical condition.
You can then switch to the weekly mode. One month after the
start of the procedure, and perhaps even earlier, your well-being,
physical shape and appearance will improve significantly.
Those around you will ask where you rested so well.

ÿ Refrain from foods that contain GMOs, chemicals, synthetics, as well

supposedly "natural" additives.

ÿ Try to limit chemistry and synthetics in the household as much as possible.

ÿ Use your mobile phone for its intended purpose - as

phone, with a headset and a wired microphone as far away from the head and body as possible.
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ÿ Consciously dose incoming information as well as your own direct

participation in a common information web.
ÿ The valve can be opened by activating the blood and lymph microcirculation.
ÿ Restore the body's irrigation and drainage systems: turpentine baths,
pouring ice water, sauna, contrast shower, movement.
ÿ Capillary therapy is the flow of all vital activities

ÿ Turpentine works by stimulating the skin’s receptors, moving, expanding,

activates the circulatory and lymphatic capillaries.
ÿ It is preventive medicine available to everyone. It does not treat the symptoms,
but eliminates the cause, so it works.
ÿ The efficiency of the procedure can be significantly increased by focusing on it
to formulated thoughts.
ÿ The formulated thoughts must not reflect any problem, no disease -
only a precise focus on excellence and development.
ÿ The bath is a kind of information resonator that repeats and amplifies
forms of your thoughts.
ÿ If your health is very neglected, your motto should be moderation and
gradation. Don’t bring yourself to a state of obvious discomfort.
ÿ Drink plenty before, during and after the procedure.
ÿ Be sure to talk if your health is such that you will not be able to do without medication
with your doctor. You need to get out of the crisis first and then get involved

Notes on the margins Perhaps

it may seem strange to some: here, such primitive, simple, so to speak,
'outpatient' methods are proposed for extracting a person from the
matrix. Unimpressive? Of course, someone would make a much bigger impression
exotic, such as ‘chip deactivation’. But that is exactly what it is
real methods that work. Exotics - Hollywood. Once you are prepared for real
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chip implantation in the head, you will no longer understand anything. And then it will be over
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What does a person need to be able to decide their own destiny

on their own? Three simple but not quite achievable things:

Free will,
Free consciousness
Free energy.

They are not quite achievable because, as we explained in the

previous sections, there are three inhibiting factors in the system

Distraction, Darkening
of Consciousness,
Blocking of Energy.

But there is another, vaguely perceived, but no less powerful

factor of stopping - let's call it the yoke (pressure) of life in general,
as it is, as imposed on you.

If we look at ourselves, the world around us and our place in it, we

will easily realize that we are constantly overwhelmed by something,
some kind of circumstances, responsibilities, conditions, formalities, goals,
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burden of values. Life is stressful because it is as if forced out

of the country. Everyone who comes to this world is endowed
with their individuality, uniqueness. But the goal of the game is
common, and its rules are the same for everyone.
Exactly the same burden overwhelms in some gloomy
unconscious dream. It is imposed on you, given, not chosen by
you. And you are depressed because you are forced to live in
that dream, and yet because you do not understand why you
are so destined and why you can do nothing. After all,
somewhere deep in your heart, you forget the feeling that you
were once free and that you could do anything that was
impossible for you. Now you are somehow captive, constrained,
and your options are very limited.
The depressing pressure is first and foremost the imposition
of false goals, false stereotypes, patterns of success and ways
to achieve it. All this does not correspond to individual qualities,
crushes the personality, destroys the Self. But people, dreaming
an unconscious dream, believe that these standards need to be
And that's what's going on. Certain mental clamps are
attached to people. The mind and will are compressed like a
suit, which at first lay loosely and comfortably, and was then
collapsed and hooked on all sides. People walk as if bypassing,
disconnecting from the power source. The energy of intent is
blocked by clamps, stagnation, impediment and damping. Under
such conditions, the ability to control one's own reality is reduced
to the most primitive, rudimentary level.
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The clamps are attached according to the following algorithm:

1. The image is displayed as a candy, the bait to be achieved

(we are constantly shown the same stereotypical "candy").

2. The video draws a conclusion for you to evaluate: do you

believe or agree?
3. It is further explained that "candy is delicious", but in this
world nothing is given to oneself and easily. So: do you agree?

4. If so, attach the clamp.

Here is an example of how this is done.

A good job is a prestigious, easy and well-paid job. Do you want
such a job? Of course you want to. They accept good work either
by excellent specialists with extensive experience or by
acquaintance. You have neither experience nor communication?
Do you agree? This means you will not get a good job. Don't believe it?
And do you know how many like you want to take a good seat?
And not even like you, but much better.
Employers choose the best. You are not the best.
Do you agree? So. All you have to do is dream of a good job.
Don't even try. Improve, cultivate. It takes a lot and hard work.

And if there is such a disagreement, who will not believe

immediately and not at all, then the first unsuccessful attempt will
put him in place. Therefore, a person depressed in such a situation
accepts the proposed image into the configuration of his world and
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immersed in a nightmare . The whole world around you is an aggressive

and unfriendly environment where it is especially difficult to win a place
under the sun.
Basically, the modern man is involved in the competition for
everything he has to achieve from a societal point of view, so
he is in a state of endless stress. I wonder how he endures it
all. After all, the pressure is increasing every day. Why?
Until recently, societal stereotypes did not exert such
widespread pressure and were not as strong because there
was no global information synchronization system that exists
today. Currently , all in one web. The seemingly innocent
exchange of information is happening in a flash. But the
exchange of information itself is not the most important thing.
An entirely different process, the exchange of views, plays a
crucial role. All sorts of rankings, elections, selections, contests,
TV shows, blogs, forums, "likes" and finally "likes - dislikes"
clicks are all about exchanging views and syncing them.
Interestingly, no one wonders who needs it and why.

The system seemed to program people so deliberately that

they willingly exchanged views under any pretext, without
asking what the purpose and meaning of it all was. Everyone
seems to be just playing some kind of fun game.
The illusion is created that each participant plays himself, freely
expressing his will. And no one suspects that the game is
controlled from the outside and that it pursues a goal that has
not been announced. No one feels that he is not leading, but
leading him.
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So what is the purpose and meaning? The most unpleasant

and deceptive feature of the system is its ability to see illusions
and act unnoticed, easily. Man in the system begins to want
exactly what is useful to him. His consciousness is exactly
"drained" according to the needs of the system. How to achieve this?
A standard screw needs to be extracted from a non-standard
individuality. His worldview, strengths, weaknesses, abilities,
needs - everything must be unified. In silence, gradually, one
way or another, one way or another, everyone must be stretched
on one shoe.
That is, the same "like - dislike" - in any form - one way or
another - is a way to synchronize opinions, unify values, create
standards and stereotypes.
Each individual and unique self is gradually leveled by the
stigma of "public opinion." Here’s the whole meaning and
purpose of the game. Everything is very simple: the better the
synchronized opinions, the smoother the screws. They roll off
the conveyor all as one, unified and standardized. Any
totalitarian system operates on the same principle.
And the technogenic system, with its greed, hypocrisy,
supposed "democracy" and other guts, is it any better than the
totalitarian one? Not much. There is only one difference: in the
totalitarian system, coercion is unified, and in the technogenic
system, it is gentle, imperceptible, and easy.
In fact, attaching mental clamps is the same process of
personality leveling. The principle of Socium: “If everyone thinks
and does so, then it is right” is a kind of axis on which all this
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process. And the function of the drive gears, although very

strange, is performed by - no one would think, no one would
trust - an innocent form of exchange of views on the information
You will easily see live examples of how this all happens in
reality if you follow through. Well, it remains to be seen how
ingenious the system is.

ÿ A free person must have free will, free consciousness, free energy.
ÿ There are three inhibiting factors in the system (matrix) : distraction,
obscuration of consciousness, blockage of energy.
ÿ Another stopping factor is life in general, as it is,
as it is imposed upon you, yoke (pressure).
ÿ Life is stressful because it is like being forced out of the country. ÿ
Modern man is involved in the competition for everything he, from a social point of view,
must achieve.
ÿ People are forced into wrong goals, false stereotypes, successes, and
ways to access templates for
it. ÿ People who dream of an unconscious dream believe that they adhere to these standards
need to adjust. ÿ
People clamped with social clamps, shunted, disconnected
ÿ Until recently, societal stereotypes did not do so on a large scale
pressure and were not as strong because there was no such global information
synchronization system, which is now.
ÿ Exchanging information is not the most important thing. Decisive
the role is played by a completely different process: the exchange of views and their
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ÿ There is a complete illusion that each participant is playing freely

expressing his will.
ÿ No one suspects that the game is controlled from outside and that it is aimed at
goal that has not been announced.
ÿ Each individual and unique self is gradually leveled by a “public opinion” stallion.
Here’s the whole meaning and purpose of the game.

Notes in the margins This

is how interestingly the system is compressed and then unified.
It’s not hard to see where this leads. When I am obscured or erased, the
personality, or more precisely what is left of it, finds itself lonely and powerless.
in the surrounding and depressing dream. Deprived of personality (her own
unconscious consent) ability to realize oneself individually. And after,
understandably, the pendulum of the system takes the leveled personality
into his hands. That’s why life is so hard, sometimes unbearable.
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Wide field. In the middle of the field stands a barn. Around the barn
running dog and barking. Other dogs are running away and will start barking at
this: - What have you gotten here for!
- And what a job for you! I am a dog! I'm right!
- And we are dogs. But we are not pouring out our negatives
emotions on the barn. We are looking for positive things.
- What about me?
- And what did you not like about the barn? A barn like a barn, even
very positive.
- You're crazy, I'm not barking at the barn! There are other dogs -
crouched down and swayed to praise.
- Allow yourself to be a dog and allow others to be other dogs.
- Go after a hundred dogs!

They continued to bark at each other until more dogs ran away.
- What are you doing
here? “This dog,” they replied, “thinks he’s special, best of all.

The first dog was very upset!

- After all, you just told me that, you hear, allow yourself to be a dog ...

But the other dogs stopped them:

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- Dear ones, no matter how you pour, you will still remain what you are
you are - dogs.

Ka-aa-ip they all came in after those words! As someone paid.

- The dog, by the way, an Indian friend!
- And the dog is the wolf!
- Our life is not easy, so to speak, doggy!
- You lived like a dog and spent time with a dog!
- And what are you all as angry as dogs!
- Shut up, don't stop us!
- And I have my opinion too!
- Friends, be dogs, don't lose consciousness!

Here, drunk, dogs, slipped out of the barn and say:

- Dogs, what are you barking at?


Notes in the margins

This is not an illustration of the previous section at all, but only a separate extraneous
observer narration. Whatever the reality may look, look at it
more fun.
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Standardization and unification does not

pass painlessly. At least not for everyone. Of course, there are
those who do not intend to resist, but adapt to the system smoothly
and naturally like a rabbit in a cage, no matter where it is - just to
have feed. Probably most of them - but this book is not for them.
And for those who intuitively feel that something is wrong here; for
those who do not like the fact that their own I do not mean anything,
need nothing and must be recycled in general.

The main contradiction between the system and the personality

is the discrepancy: the soul asks for one and the system dictates
the other. But this discrepancy is only vaguely felt. One cannot
clearly understand where one’s beliefs and aspirations are, and
what is imposed by societal stereotypes, and where the truth is
here. The reason is that a person is all hugged with the same
social clamps - they are compressed, shunted.
The clamp is what pressures you or doesn’t fit you
Me. You are under some burden, but you vaguely think it is wrong
that this should not be the case. Here are some typical examples
of such clips:

1. "Love can be won by a smart strategy." Go deeper into this

phrase. Something is wrong here, right? But that's about it
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thousands of books have been written and you do that when

you like something.
2. "It's very hard to get a good job." In fact, real experience
shows that this is the case. And yet something is wrong here.
What do you think is specific? And the fact is that some people
still find such a job and live for themselves like a kidney in fat.
But why him and not you? Maybe he, unlike you, is the chosen
one? Or maybe it’s because you let this false belief hang on
you and now you’re constantly broadcasting it to your world like
a screwed-up music box?
3. "Beloved, I may bring you back ." And do you really believe
this is possible? Did it make you believe it because you wanted
to believe it?

All the depressing and inhibiting factors are what is called a

general term in transerfing - significance.
When someone pressures you, that someone becomes significant
in itself. Significance blocks the flow of free energy like a clamp.
The block freezes you, you can no longer operate effectively, and
it is no longer you who control the events, they control you.

How to get rid of, to overcome stiffness? The main principle is

to eliminate the clamp and create an energy flow in its place.
Because a block is an energy constituent (cork). It needs to be removed
first, then the energy needs to be shaken out.
In transerfinge, significance is removed by its perception.
If you woke up and realized what specifically oppressed you, half
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work already done. Significant things control you as long as you are in
a state of unconscious dream, until "horror is hidden in the closet." All
you have to do is "open the closet" and look closely at the object of
your significance, and it immediately turns into a funny fluffy ball.

After removing the block, the stagnant energy flow must be started.
The energy moves the action. Don't wait, don't be afraid, don't think.
There is no better way to dissipate energy.
Thus, to get rid of a block of significance, it needs to be grasped and
removed by action. The general liberation algorithm is quite simple:

We set a clamp (what is depressing),

remove it (perceive), create a flow

We will now discuss all three stages in more detail .

How to fix
To recognize a clip that enslaves, restricts freedom, you need to
wake up in time and catch yourself thinking about meaning. Usually
people don’t do this simple thing. When someone puts pressure on
them, they act as if they are wandering and don’t even lift their heads
to at least see what burden is putting them there. "Yes, life is hard!" By
the way, more and more weights can be loaded on sleepers. They will
only help again: “Wow, how
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it’s hard! ”and will continue to stumble instead of stopping, looking around
and shedding the unnecessary burden.
It is customary to wake up to the moment when one does not know why
a depressing state involves. Is anyone exciting, intimidating, discomforting
you? You need to wake up right away and understand what exactly. A red
light should light up somewhere in your head - an alarm. Just by being given
a full readiness team, you wake up and start watching events as well as
yourself, asking yourself questions: what’s going on, what’s bothering me,
what am I doing at the moment?

If the "red light" becomes a habit, it will make your life much easier and
allow you to act effectively in a variety of situations, from the simple when
you try to deceive you to the extreme when you need to keep your temper
and sober mind.

When the light comes on (you realize something is bothering you), you
need to look at the burden and evaluate it. Do you really need this burden,
or can you do without it? It is necessary to distinguish the aspirations
cherished in one's heart from those imposed from the country, one's beliefs
from questionable stereotypes, true values from supposed ones, etc.

The criterion may be whether the stereotypes match your credo.

Ask yourself : what do they demand of me and do I like what they demand
of me? It is necessary to rise above the situation as if at the height of a bird's
flight and soberly evaluate what the heart and the mind are advising on this
matter. More precisely, not even your own mind, but the "mind of society."
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If you feel that the stereotype you are trying to impose on you does
not match your inner Knowledge, then there is a process of introducing
a foreign mental pattern into your credo, trying to destroy your Self. It
is reminiscent of a virus invading a cell. In the society of viral
stereotypes - no less than in diseases.
When an attempt is made to destroy your Self again, you will easily
recognize the mental virus if you look at the situation from that point
of view. Now that the mechanism is understandable to you, you will
have a kind of immunity.

How to remove
To deactivate significance, its anatomy needs to be clarified. This
issue was discussed in more detail in the book The Transerfection of
Reality, here I will only briefly recall the main points.

Significance (in our case, it is mostly external significance) occurs

when the significance or value of an event (conversation), an object
(a new car), or a relationship (with a partner) is unduly increased.

Typical manifestations are anxiety while waiting for a possible

failure or lamentation for a failure. In both cases, inner peace is
disrupted and energy is blocked.
The general principle of elimination: to see, to perceive, to change
What does it mean to perceive significance? Significance makes
you look at yourself with a great respect. Or, besides, he wants us to
attack him in a squat and not raise our eyes.
And you look at him calmly, indifferently, like a medic, too
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magnifying glass. Often this alone is enough to make you realize that it
is not so significant.
For example:

ÿ I'm scared? I watch myself as I fear and allow myself to be afraid.

It gives me a chance to go confident in my fears. ÿ Am I frustrated
that my script is not being followed?
I want to hit the water with my hands and scream hysterically,
“Everything has to be the way I want it to be!” I watch the scene from
the sidelines, deliberately allowing the script to break down, and
react flexibly to change, sailing downstream with the flow of options.
ÿ Does anyone find it too important to me ? But I understand that
any significance is only external, supposed. There is nothing so very
significant. As is well known, "foolishness is sufficient for every wise
man." The same can be said of any greatness, of all that is called
"significant." All the influential people - the examiners, the bosses,
the stars of the entertainment business, the generals and the CEOs,
as well as the heads of state - are just ordinary people. Someone
got stuck in a loaf, someone got intoxicated on the plane, someone
was unmasked for love adventures.

But if significance doesn’t want to get off the pedestal itself, you
need to get it out of there. To reduce it by a voluntary decision - here it
was, and here it is not. But that's by no means
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does not mean the need to turn into a marble statue. Management requires
an approach because it is primary. Emotions and feelings are secondary.
Controlling emotions and feelings is impossible and unnecessary.
Fear, sadness, antipathy or, conversely, fun, love, attachment,
desire ... Is it possible to control it all?
You can only pretend, but inside it will all be gone.
Being optimistic will not work out either. What to do then?

Agree with your mind. Say to yourself: you will succeed - well,
you will fail - you will be good too. And if it fails, then it’s still good.

But why? The mind needs to be presented with arguments and

evidence because it does not blindly trust anyone. Explain to him
that there is a principle of coordination of intent and that this
principle works: if you pretend and turn an inconvenience into a
pleasure, that will be the case. But why does this principle work?
Why will it be good? Reassure your mind with these explanations:

So I don't need this, this one is better for me

(this is often the case).
I managed to avoid something bad (horrible).
Another lesson has been learned, and it is not in vain (everything
in this life is not in vain). Paid into a future success account
(and so often is).
Not my door (second half) - we will look for ours (what is mine
will not run away from me anywhere).
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If the significance is so high that it can't be reduced in any

way, you have to accept defeat and go to an exam, meeting, or
important event with a weaker intent: "Today, I'm unlikely to
succeed." bothers.

It is only necessary to remember that if the question of

significance itself is given too much weight, one can end up in
an upside-down world where significance will be replaced by
utter indifference, which is also not good. Lack of significance is
not carelessness or indifference, but conscious observation.

How to create traffic

If not all significance has disappeared, its remnants dissipate
in action. Anxious waiting and inactivity increase potential and
block energy. Conversely, it dissipates excess potential and
releases energy.
If your state is depressed, you have a hard time, you don't
want to do anything, or you feel like you have been stupored,
you have to understand that the cause is a block of energy. It
must be removed. But that requires starting to move, at least
doing something.
The action can be anything, not even related to the situation
that created the potential for significance. A particularly effective
approach is the inversion of significance. For example, you can
buy a bagpipe and a teddy bear, or preferably three teddy bears
at once. Sit them in front of you and play them
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bagpipe. Hold any pathetic ceremony or solemn ritual. Build a

bust of Karl Marx in the office and donate it to him. Play with any
toy. For example, to transport a car to the floor: žu žu žu! And the
wooden horse - dzig dzig dzig, y ha ha - is a toy for very important
people in general. It is simply necessary for a great boss.

If the situation is specific and it is clear that it can be adjusted

by a certain action, then nothing is easier - act. It is really pointless
to sit still, to be afraid of something, to break one's head. You
need to act, do something. No matter what specifically, the most
important thing is to do it. Because it removes the blockage and
starts the energy flow. He who does not know this principle sits
and smokes. Whatever is in the flow is easy and automatic.

Let's say a big and difficult job awaits - you just have to take it
and start working on it. You want to meet someone - you just have
to go and meet without considering.
You have no idea how to work or communicate - no matter - when
the flow is running, the decisions come by themselves in the
If you’ve watched movies about James Bond, you may have
noticed that he almost never thinks, but just works. Every mission
is impossible. When asked, “How are you going to do that?” He
replies, “I can’t imagine.” But he goes and does. He doesn’t
consider whether this is possible and how to do it (well, unless a
little). Decisions come by themselves in the process. It is not
overwhelmed by the potential for significance - it just moves in the
flow and finds solutions right here.
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And this is not because everything is easy on the screen. The same
principle works in reality - the unconditional intention of the Determiner.
The decision-maker does not consider, but goes and takes what is his.
Look at the battle of the sea waves. The intention of the decision
maker is like a wave. It is inevitable that it will hit the shore. She throws
ashore with all her might, but without much effort. Your intention must
be just as strong: I go and take what I think, without hysteria, without
passionate desire, without fear. I am the wave.

Summary ÿ
The clamp is what pressures you or does not align with your Self. ÿ
When someone pressures you, it becomes significant in itself.
ÿ A block is an energy storage (cork). It needs to be removed first and then
to dissipate energy.
ÿ If you wake up and realize what's bothering you, half the work is done
ÿ After removing the unit, the stagnant power flow must be started. Energy
the action moves.
ÿ General release algorithm: we identify the clamp (what is depressing), remove it
(perceive), generate traffic (run).
ÿ To recognize a clip, you need to wake up in time and catch yourself thinking
about significance.
ÿ It is customary to awaken your attention the moment you somehow fall into disrepair
status. Red light.
ÿ Make sure the stereotypes fit your credo: what they demand of me and
do i like what they require?
ÿ If you feel that the stereotype you are trying to impose on you does not match your inner
Knowledge, then an attempt is being made to destroy your Self.
ÿ An approach needs to be managed - it is primary. Emotions and feelings are secondary.
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ÿ Agree with your mind. Say to yourself: you will succeed - well, you will fail - too
ok. ÿ
Lack of significance is not carelessness or indifference, but
conscious observation.
ÿ To remove the power block, you need to start moving, at least something
to do.
ÿ Once the flow is running, the decisions come by themselves during the process.

Notes in the margins

When you get rid of the clamps and addictions that the system has attached to
you, you will have a chance to take revenge on her for having your personality
leveled. You are unique and now free. This is an amazing privilege.
Use your privilege.
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Let’s look at a few typical examples to show what

there are mental clamps and how to get rid of them.

Complex problems
How to remove? Remove significance - take action.

Whatever the problems, transerfing, unlike psychology, does

not analyze or treat them. Gordian knots are crossed with one
accent. The goal is set, the necessary film is inserted into the
"projector", and its cinema is rotated. Everything.

When a situation is such that it is not at all clear how to fix it

and what to do, the following principle should be applied: set a
proper goal and mark it. Then the problems will fall by themselves ,
even if the goal set has nothing to do with them.
If you don’t know how to fix the situation, don’t worry.
No matter what was in the past and what is now, what matters is
only what you want to achieve in the future. No need to look to
the past and dig into the problems of the present. Set a goal and
mark it. Your focus and intentions should be on the future only.

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How to remove? Stop thinking about them - point the vector at

the target and get to work.
When you think about debts, you will not be able to repay them.
Conversely, when you think about what is bothering you, how hard
it is for you now, how to repay debts here faster, how to do it, and
even how to repay it, it is all a series about your indebtedness with
various variations.
And as long as it goes through your mind, the reality will be the
same unchanging picture - "you're drowning in debt." What’s on
your mind is the reality on screen.
How to escape from such a reality? You need to stop torturing
yourself with reasoning (unhook the clamp) and start acting (turn
on the flow). But you can’t stop thinking about debt so easily, right?
Hence, in any case, you need to set a goal and start moving
towards it. Of course, the goal is to help raise your well-being. Is
that what you want? This is to focus all your attention and intention
on the future, on the goal where you are a very wealthy person.

All your thoughts are no longer about drowning in debt, that you
have to repay them, and not even about being repaid. No, now it's
a whole different movie: you're a rich person. There are no shots
in this movie about your indebtedness.
On the contrary, there are only shots of your wealth.
If you focus all your thoughts and feelings on the goal and
constantly, systematically, purposefully rotate your cinema in
thoughts and actions, where you have achieved your goal and
ensured financial well-being, then the image will gradually emerge
on the external screen. Previously or
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it will happen later. Reality simply has nowhere to go - that is its

property. Not only are you dependent on reality, but it is up to you. It is
important who takes the initiative.

Indoor complexes
How to remove? Stop fighting the disadvantages - increase the
strengths. Here, as with debt , you will not get rid of your shortcomings
in an effort to overcome them. Self-analysis, self-reflection is an
equally useless and pointless activity. If something is not understood,
something does not come out - apply the above principle: set a goal
and mark it.

Maximize and reap your strengths no matter what. It’s much simpler,
more efficient, finally, and heart-loving. Everyone has an advantage,
and the most important of them - your uniqueness - is what only you
The Socium clip makes you become the best. You have to change
stereotypical tactics and allow yourself to be unique, not the best. Note
that most of those who have achieved success have only taken
advantage of certain specific, unique characteristics.

All you have to do is see your personal uniqueness. Anyway, the

whole book is about that. The system has greatly leveled your personality.
It’s time to get back what’s yours.

The myth of prestigious work

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How to remove? Stop looking for someone else's job - start

looking for your own.
First, you need to understand that societal stereotypes
deceive you into saying that prestigious work is good for
everyone. In general, the very concept of "prestigious work" is
the standard of the system, the surrogate of success. The
question needs to be raised differently: good work is decent
work. Worthy of you, your uniqueness.
If we measure everything by a common standard, what Path
or Self-Purpose can we talk about? Then everyone goes to a
vocational technical school - and to the factory, to the machine.
Or, as loving parents get used to: get a good (prestigious)
education, find a well-paid (prestigious) job, that's when your life
will be successful.
Socium standards are lowered from above, just like a cutter
to a workpiece, societal generalized norms are applied to the
individual, the personal. But experience has shown that real
success is achieved by those who do not meet the standards
and break them. Later, the most ridiculous, common standards
are being replaced by a new, individual example of success.
And lowered again.
Therefore, you need to have the courage to drop this clamp
and look for your work as your goal and your door, not a
prestigious job. Your work will not run away from you anywhere,
no one will push or gather there, and the carpet will be laid out
especially for you. But more on this in the books Reality
Transerfing and Reality Maker.
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Anxiety and fear

How to remove? Get rid of standby - watch out

yourself and take action.

Anxiety and fear is the strongest energy blockade.

The mere realization here is small. Only the action completely removes
the lock. The essence of anxiety and fear is most related to something
standby mode. Be sure to get rid of this condition.
The easiest way is to take action. It’s scary to lie in the trenches before
an attack. When you attack, you’re not scared at all anymore.
Fear has power only when viewed from afar. Brave people are not
those who are not afraid, but those who do not try to hide. To get rid of
fear, wake up and watch yourself: how you are afraid, how the process
is going. This is the first time you are parachuting. Standing above the
chasm, you “come out of the body” and start looking not at the chasm,
but at yourself, from the side: “Aaai, how scary! Oooi, how interesting! ”-
and you take a step - you dance. If you ever need to overcome fear, you
will experience a new feeling and you will enjoy it. Either way, the best
way to get rid of the standby mode is to get started. If you’re afraid to
start doing something (and if it fails?), Get started anyway. Eyes terrible,
manual workers. You just have to do it and that's it. You’ll find everything
you need along the way, like James Bond. But, of course, act prudently,
because you realize that there are reasonable limits.

Another fairly effective way: if you transform fear into another emotion,
it will disappear. For example, we turn the fear of some kind of "battle"
into anger, the fear of the unknown into curiosity, the shame into sex,
the defense into
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attack, fear of defeat with excitement. And if you just don’t trust
yourself and are ashamed, imagine you are on a wave that is
going ashore with the strong intent of the Destroyer. It’s also a
fun feeling, you should succeed, give it a try.
But anyway, the best way is to keep into your world what can
be intimidating and disturbing. Disasters, social unrest, crime,
war, terrorism, natural disasters - all this passes through my eyes
like the inseparable landscapes outside the high-speed train
window. My source of peace is the realization that I am the master
of my own small planet. I, and no one else, determine what the
weather will be like in it. I disperse the clouds, turn on the sun,
and hang a rainbow.

Wrong goals
How to remove? Stop being the best - become unique - look
for your goal.
As we have already said, a personality with its unique qualities
is leveled by the stigma of public opinion. Exchanging views
creates stereotypes and standards for success. And since public
opinion is formed by the "vast majority", the second and third
types of products also come from this meat grinder. Ignorance
and mediocrity triumph, and "unconditional" individuality is pushed
aside or sent for recycling.

That's what's going on. A global contest for success is

announced. Everyone must succeed. Whoever did not achieve is
a loser and a loser. Standards of success are demonstrated
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on all screens and covers. The one who obeys the rule wins: "Do as
they are, be better than them!"
But everything looks that way only externally. In fact, this game has
another twisted rule that is not explicitly mentioned anywhere: “Even
those who do not give in to pressure and do not give up their
individuality win.” Most of those who have achieved real, phenomenal
success have taken advantage of this very rule.

In fact, a path that allows you to overtake other contestants is both

easier and more efficient, and sweeter at heart. When a personality
succumbs to the rule, "Do as they are, be better than them." Then it
becomes impossible to reveal one's individuality, and it is very difficult
to catch up with others and become the "best".

Don't try to become "better than others, better than yourself."

The main vector of attention should be focused on the search for and
development of your individual strengths and qualities. Your soul is
really something different from others, something unique. But as
specifically as possible, only you can recognize yourself. If you do not
allow yourself to be destroyed, other standards will be set according
to your success.

Own purpose

How to find? Stop searching - take an observer

position - the goal will appear on its own.
If you fail to find your way, your goal, then the trouble is that your
attention is hijacked in the mirror.
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You watch other people accomplish different goals and adapt to

an alien reality. Eventually, this series completely captures your
attention, and you watch foreign movies all day long, completely
forgetting the need to create your own.
To break away from the mirror, you have to take the unusual
step of stopping your search. Relying on a stranger’s experience
and a stranger’s reality is helpful, but only to the extent that you
have a minimal understanding of what’s going on in this world in
general. After gaining initial experience, you need to get out of
the general lineup as soon as possible and grab your way. But
how to do it?
Everyone has their own unique Path (not necessarily one)
that will turn their lives into a celebration. There is no happiness
in the future - it is either here and now or in a different line of life.
Life does not turn into a celebration when you receive something
or arrive somewhere, but on the Path, in a line where existence
is filled with joy and meaning. In other words, the goal is the
road, not the destination.
The feeling of happiness now or the joyful anticipation of
something in the future has a completely physiological basis.
Going to the goal releases free energy - the energy of creation,
when you do what is close to your heart. (When you do what
you don’t like, the energy, on the contrary, is blocked.) This is
the movement of creative energy and causes a feeling of joyful
euphoria. Therefore, your goal is your path to the Emerald City,
not what awaits you there. While moving - there is energy.
You have arrived at your destination - you stopped, took a breath
- we continue on.
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There is no goal search algorithm, because the task itself is

set in a non-specific, vague way: “Go not knowing where, find not
knowing what.” The disadvantage of this wording is complete
uncertainty. But the disadvantage is also the answer.
If you don’t know how to search for your goal, then you don’t need
to know it. If you can’t know it, then you don’t have to look for it.
The Gordian knot is easily traversed - your goal will appear on its
But that is what we need to stop doing what the average
person's mind is used to doing - looking for a solution. And where
is he used to looking for a solution? Among the data in his
possession is the mirror of the surrounding reality. The mind is
always trying to catch, grab a reflection, and then rotate it in every
way to understand what can be done with it. But you need a
solution that doesn’t exist in this surrounding reality, right? Hence,
you need to bring another reality into your world.

Expand your horizons, go where you weren’t, see what you

didn’t see. Bring more new information, new experiences into
your life. It is not the mind that needs it, but the soul. When she
sees what is Sava, she will live immediately.
I do not make any specific provisions specifically, because the
search for my own purpose is an individual matter, there can be
no templates here. The most important principle is this: you
should not think about the goal, not look for it, but just observe
and pay attention to your senses.
The mind must occupy the position of an observing child, not a
systemic analyst. In this case, his position is passive - to grant
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new information for the soul, new experiences, new impressions, and
just watching what she feels at the time.
The mind only turns on when the soul exclaims, “Yes, this is mine!”
You need to ask yourself if this will turn your life into a holiday.
The decision must be made in the unity of soul and mind. As you can
see, the goal must be at least substantially achievable. Also keep in
mind that it is inherent in the soul to admire. It takes time to evaluate
the goal well. If in doubt, try to expand your comfort zone by visualizing
the target slide. You can read more about this in the books
"Transfiguration of Reality" and "Transfiguration of Life".

Once again, in search of my goal, unlike working with clamps,

active activity is replaced by close observation rather than passive
activity. The actions of the mind are limited to bringing more new
experiences and impressions into your world. Let the mind watch the
ball - this one will take you where you need to go.

If you can't find a goal yet, it's a good idea to focus on yourself first.
What will allow you to value yourself better and give you satisfaction
in yourself and your life?
It is possible and necessary to start with improving physical fitness
and raising energy levels. If the body is weak, the energy level is low,
and apathy in the soul, then it is no longer a creative quest that cares.

Over time, the goal can transform, change. You have to be prepared
for that and consider it a normal thing.
Everyone has their own path, which is rarely straight.
Don’t be afraid to set bold goals. The only real hurdle
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there is not some external obstacle on the way to a bold goal, but
a question plaguing you from within: how to achieve it?

How to achieve it
How to remove this question? Keep what is possible
considered impossible - stay focused on the goal.
If the goal is largely achieved, but the methods and means are
not known, this is not a reason to abandon the goal. Here are the
reasonings of the mind - "how .. will it succeed .. and if it fails ..."
- there are usually bigger obstacles than real ones. It was not in
vain that I mentioned the ball from the fairy tale. When the
protagonist doesn’t know where to travel for him and where to
start, he is then sent the ball. The mind finally stops fussing and
switches to observation mode. And that's exactly what is needed.
As long as the mind sighs in search of purpose, it sees nothing
around it. You need to distract him from this pursuit and send him
somewhere, wherever his eyes lead. Let's watch.
The search for ways and means to achieve the goal - an
analogous situation. The mind thinks, "This problem is impossible
to solve," or, "This goal is very difficult to achieve, so it's not worth

The mind can’t basically discover anything new, it can only build
a new version of the house from old blocks. He makes all his
discoveries by following the ball. More precisely, he does not
make them, but they appear to him themselves. But only if the
mind gets in the way.
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So the most important task is not to solve the task, but to send
the fool to the path, to the final goal, to gather solutions when they
appear in his path.
You need to focus your attention and intent on the goal. Create
and live in virtual reality. Watch your still-imaginary movie where the
goal is achieved and you get what you want. I call this kind of activity
flying in the sky. It doesn’t matter that cinema doesn’t live up to
reality yet. Your reality is formed first in the mind and then in the

As you watch such a movie, your layer of the world moves to the
sector of the space of variations where the goal is realized.
Movement is not always noticeable and does not occur immediately.
But sooner or later, doors (opportunities) open up that you didn’t
even suspect. Here is the full power of this method - the ways and
means emerge on their own, if the focus and intention is to focus on
the past without looking at past, present and foreign experiences.
There is no more powerful tool for achieving goals and tackling
complex challenges. Another way to apply this method is interesting.
It has not occurred to me that the principles of transertification
can be used to solve applied tasks, because I have long since
moved away from such activities. It turns out, and as much as
Many problems (physics, mathematics, chemistry, biology,
engineering) have long been formalized and solved using algorithms
and formulas. But there are also inventions like this that you don’t
know where to start.
To at least sort out the work of the mind, give it to him
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Special methodologies have been developed: the Invention Problem

Solving Theory (IUST) and the Alternative Systems Interconnection
Method (ASJM).
Although these methodologies point in the right direction, they do
not remove an obstacle that is often insurmountable to the mind: “It is
impossible! This task cannot be solved! ”The well-known inventor
Vladimir Gerasimov supplemented these methodologies with one
simple and powerful principle: to consider what is considered impossible.
For those who would like to delve deeper into the topic of this page,

There would seem to be some unscientific principle, right? But it is

just as important for the mind that someone be "scientifically grounded"
and incorporate this principle into its conceptual system as a
mathematical axiom, so that what is impossible becomes not even
"theoretically" but formally possible. It is necessary for the mind to know
that what is considered impossible is nevertheless allowed to be considered possibl
And indeed, history shows that many ingenious inventions were
made only after the mind had transcended its "unbreakable beliefs."

For example, there was a belief that an iron ship would not be able
to sail because the iron was drowning in the water, meaning that the
ships needed to be built only of wood. Even later, when the mind saw
the impossible with its own eyes, it became apparent to him. But until
then it was impossible! And now iron pays to fly.
So if you have an unresolved task because you don’t have the
experience, if you can’t imagine how to take it, don’t give it up right
away. You have to understand the obstacles and
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restrictions - only in your mind. If you are told not to know where
to find, to find out what is not, but to make it something wonderful
- go after the ball and you will find.
It’s hard just at the very beginning of a movement when you
need to go beyond what’s possible. It’s the same as looking at a
non-existent blank with no solution that is impossible. But how
then? It is necessary to act unusually here: to consider what is
considered impossible.
The principle is: don’t think as much as possible, and focus all
your attention on the end goal. What result do we want?
All thoughts have to be just about it. And with thoughts about the
end result, you need to start moving. What and how to do in the
first stage is not so important. Movements can be confusing,
unsystematic, and even pointless. The most important thing is that
the focus and intention be firmly focused on the goal, without
looking at the already established daily experience.
Here’s the whole secret: our mind doesn’t solve a task it
wouldn’t have undertaken at all before, but looks at the goal and
moves forward like a horse with blindfolds. Blindfolds are needed
to prevent stereotypes and patterns from becoming obstacles on
the way to a destination. The answers will appear on their own as
you move. Thus, the formula for solving “unsolvable” problems is as follows:

Consider what is considered impossible,

direct the focus and intention vector to the
goal, start moving.
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We will illustrate the validity of this formula with a concrete

example. Suppose, now the beginning of the nineteenth century,
the challenge is to create a simple and long-lasting light source.
Prior to the discovery of electricity, light sources were balana,
torch, oil or kerosene lamp, gas lamp, candle. They all have one
feature and one drawback - something burns and burns in them.
The task is to make it burn but not burn.

It would seem impossible. In those days, it was thought that

the only source of light could be a flame. The lights are on
because something is burning in them. Even the stars shine as
they burn. Couldn't it be so that it burns and doesn't burn?
If we consider what is considered impossible to be possible, it
turns out it can be. The solution is an incandescent lamp with an
inert gas in the bulb.
This approach allows for truly unexpected discoveries and
astonishing inventions. If you’re not a genius so far, you can
become one. Now that you have such a powerful tool, you will be
able to tackle challenges that no one else will take on.

Love without response

How to remove? Give up, do not torture, do not waste your life,
stay alone - look for your other half.

I am often asked: what to do if a loved one has left, how to get

it back? As I said, transerfection, unlike psychology, is not about
"treating" problems.
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If you ask such a question to a psychoanalyst (well, say, a medium-

skilled person), he will tell you the whole story of what you did wrong,
how you should have behaved then, and how you should change
yourself now so that the person who threw you would flare up in love
Change yourself, betray yourself ... Start behaving properly ...
Becoming a good boy (girl) ... Being able to plan a smart strategy ...

Do you not remember all this I destruction? You don't want to change
yourself, do you? Why do you have to betray your Self to be worthy of
love? So who are you, unworthy? And will your new Self already be
worth it? And why do you need to be smart and have a smart strategy
to win love? Are you just smart and smart? If you become what I need,
I will love you from Monday.

In fact, all this is the clamps and traps of society. The principles of
love are completely different:

Love cannot be won - it arises on its own, spontaneously and

If you need to change to gain love, then here it is
something is wrong.
Love is like a flower - if it is gone, it cannot bloom again.

The latter principle dictates that love must be incited, cared for like a
flame of a hearth. Not so much exercise and take as first give. Love is
really a big job. But not about that now.
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The question is: what do you want to get back - your loved one or
his love? The man who came out can be recovered. But if love comes
out, it will not come back. Do you need your beloved without his love
and who will come out of it? The question of choice.

Of course, everything in life is not so simple, there are all sorts of

situations and exceptions. The problem is that love, especially without
response, obscures the mind. And if it goes unanswered, then you’re
in trouble. In such a situation, it is necessary to be able to see not only
with the heart, but especially with the mind. You have to understand
what’s going on.
When two people form a relationship, they create a pendulum. There
is nothing wrong with this, on the contrary, the pendulum is a stabilizing
and connecting link. But if one goes out, the pendulum begins to
torment the one who is left to get his own portion of energy. And as
long as he who remains will believe that the other can be recovered,
he will have to give energy for both and more because he has to suffer
and suffer.
If your man is out, you also need to disengage from the pendulum
so that it does not absorb your energy. Refocus on other potential
partners. Failure to do so will result. And you will suffer completely
unnecessarily. Gadinsite yourself
life. You will waste precious time in this life.
Unanswered or rejected love from the beginning is also very
devastating. The loving side experiences nothing but suffering.
In this case, it is also not worth wasting spiritual strength and wasting
your life time.
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At least you need to have self-esteem. After all, one-sided love,

one way or another, is quite a humiliating thing. You love and you
don't. Something is wrong here. That's not normal. But what
specifically is abnormal? The clip gives an unambiguous answer:
it’s you not beautiful enough to be loved.
Do you understand how the clip works?
And in fact, both in the case of your abandonment and in the
case of unanswered love, you simply agreed not to your other
half. Think for yourself. Can your other half leave you? And can
the other half not love you? After all, it was created just for that.
All people are different, but there are pairs of partners that fit each
other as key locks.
There are not many, not two, but many thousands in the world
of your second half with whom love can bind you.
If the Supreme invented love, he could not act so cruelly as to
make the probability of a happy meeting zero. Your other half is
wandering around the world somewhere, maybe right next door,
looking for you while you’re wasting your love on strangers. Isn't
that stupid?
Here’s the thing: don’t get along with anyone - don’t get upset -
look for your other half. Leave you - rejoice, get rid of unnecessary
burdens in life. Now you are free and have a chance to find your
true love.
As you can see, although the subject is noble, it is based on a
rather pragmatic approach. But which is better - suffering or
pragmatism, decide for yourself. I can talk about such things quite
rightly, because I have been getting a lot for many years
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letters and I know how many people suffer unnecessarily, I know what I’m
talking about.

How to remove? Stop fighting for love - spread love.

Many, if not all, are looking for a suitable partner for a relationship
and cohabitation. One side of humanity is looking for the other, which
in turn is engaged in the same, but although the choice is wide, both
sides face equal difficulties.

It usually seems that either I do not meet the generally accepted

'quality standards' or he / she does not meet my requirements.
Therefore, it is necessary to change ourselves and continue the search.
Oh change yourself oh you don't want to! And your ideal - where to look for it?
If you are tired of such a situation and do not want to experience the
same difficulties as everyone else, you have to change your worldview,
that is to start thinking and acting in a non-standard way. And you won’t
have to change yourself or activate searches.
On the contrary, you need to stop chasing the Bird of Happiness -
rather, make it land on your palm.
First, detach the clamps of society and look at the surrounding reality
with different eyes. You don't have to change and improve yourself to
"meet the criteria of love."
You don’t have to fight for love. This is not an enemy fortress. You just
have to bring your other half to your world layer.
Everything will continue to happen and happen on its own. Love is born
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itself. It takes very little - for both sides to be close and pay
attention to each other.
It is possible to attract a person to your world with the slide technique.
You need to constantly watch the slide in which you imagine your
life with some abstract personality - your ideal.
At some point the door will open - He (She) will appear. It will be
up to you next. You just have to understand that it’s not enough
to just watch the slides close and wait for the knight to sneak
through the window or the princess to bring the pizza. Of course,
you need to visit societies where there is a chance to meet a second
And if you don't have a company or aren't communicative
enough to communicate freely, you can use another technique
(without ignoring the slide, of course). Imagine that you are a
radiant being from whom the inner light of charm and love
("sex" or "strength" can be added) emanates. Walk with that
intention and shine.
Repeat the following statement as often as possible:

I am a very charming personality. The inner light of charm and

love emanates from me. People feel it and sympathize with me.
They are happy to communicate with me. It's nice for them to be
outside. People tend to me. I have a very charming personality.
I radiate a light of love and joy. I am a radiant being.

The formulated idea can also be used in conjunction with the

"Glass of Water" technique described in the book "The
Transfiguration of Life." After a while you will notice that
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people are attracted to you like butterflies. People in general are attracted
by charming and joyful personalities, from whom some metaphysical light
still radiates.
But to become a charming personality, you don’t have to remake and
improve yourself. All you have to do is use the freestyle technique. I will
briefly recall the basic principles here.
In your reality, you mostly get what is in you and emanates from you.
Imagine standing in front of a mirror. If you do not want to see hostility,
aggression, condemnation, antipathy in the reflection - do not send
relevant images there. You want love - love. You need help, compassion,
attention - help, take care, take a sincere interest in people.

First, remember the people you could attribute to charming personalities:

Talking to a charming personality, you feel she is happy to communicate

with you. All her attention belongs to you.

Next to the charming personality, you feel your importance and

uniqueness. Not only is she an interesting personality, you are too.

The charming personality exudes a joyful, festive mood. Next to it, you
feel like you’re at a party.

One can think that charm is a gift from God for the elect only. Charm,
as an inner glow, can be described as follows: the mutual love of soul and
mind. In other words, a charming person lives in complete harmony with
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by itself, everything in it is harmonious and harmonious. It is certainly

not for everyone and such harmony is not so easy to achieve.
But there is also an external glow that can be learned.
Your charm is more about your ability to make the interviewer feel
their own importance. A few simple principles need to be kept in
mind and applied regularly, systematically, always and everywhere:

The core of a personality is its self-esteem, that is, how much a

person values himself. By respecting and valuing people, you
become their gods.

Communicate with people in a way that makes them feel important.

(They'll think: damn it, this man showed me I'm worth it.)

Show attention and take a sincere interest in people.

Talk to them about themselves and what interests them.

Are you happy when pets at home welcome you? Radiate the
same joy and admiration when you meet a person.

Communicate as if it were a fun holiday now, and focus on the


Want to impress a person? Remember that you are in front of a

mirror. Act as if he had done it for you
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a very big impression.

Don’t criticize people for what they do.

Thank people for what they do.
Praise them for what they do.
Admire what they do.
Be attentive to what they are doing.

Change "what they do" to "what they are" and repeat this whole
masochism again. There’s definitely something masochistic about
here, but you’re not going to do anything. After all, you want to
learn charm?

Don’t criticize people for who they are.

Thank people for who they are.
Praise them for what they are.
Admire what they are.
Be attentive to what they are.

Particular attention should be paid to the first principle of

freestyle: give up the intention to receive, replace it with the
intention to give, and you will get what you have given up. When
you think about what you need, people, like you, think about the
things they care about. You will not get any of them. But as soon
as you start thinking about what they need, they immediately gladly
give you what you want. This is how the mirror works. The table
on the left shows what you want to achieve and what you need to
do about it on the right.
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You want What to do

Admire. Be impressed.

Interesting to talk about. Listen carefully.

Grab your attention. Show interest.

Get help. To help.

Be understood. Try to understand.

Seek compassion. Recover.

Seek approval. Agree.

Earn respect. Respect.

Thank you. Thank you.

Earn sympathy. Show sympathy.

Earn love. To love.

What a picture, so a reflection. Who doesn't understand that

standing in front of a mirror, doing the opposite: trying
grab a reflection and, of course, achieve nothing.
For love. You will not be able to make someone fall in love with you
any special strategy or tactic. Everything you can
to do - just love. Retaliation or flames
itself or not. But what specific action to take in this regard -
no one can know. The same goes for friendship.
The only thing that can help ignite love is that
of course, pleasant and warm communication. Partner at least
interested in your strengths and weaknesses, it attracts you the most
the significance he acquires in communicating with you,
realization. If he gets it, he wo n’t pay attention to the obvious
your shortcomings and forgive your weaknesses. And then how
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often happens, a union can emerge that will be viewed with surprise:

What did she find in it? - That's what he found in it.

And vice versa:

What did he find in it? - That's what she found in it.

And finally, one last question: is it possible to fall in love not with your other
half? The answer is yes. The world is so strange. As you know, love is blind. But
if that has already happened, do not despair and grieve, do not feed the
pendulum, do not waste your love and your life in vain - look for your other half.
After all, she is looking for you too.

ÿ When the situation is such that it is not clear how to fix it and what to do
apply this principle: set a proper goal and mark it.
ÿ No matter what was in the past and what is now, only what matters to you matters
you want to achieve in the future. Your attention and intent should be focused only on
the future.

ÿ When you think about debts, you will not be able to repay them. Stop thinking about
them - point the vector at the target and get to work.
ÿ Not only are you dependent on reality, it is up to you. What matters
takes the initiative.
ÿ The Socium clamp makes you become the best. You have to change
stereotypical tactics and allow yourself to be unique rather than the best.
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ÿ Experience has shown that those who do not meet the standards achieve real success
violates. ÿ
How to eliminate anxiety and fear? Get rid of standby - watch out
yourself and take action.

ÿ If you transform fear into another emotion, it will disappear.

ÿ Do not enter information that can be intimidating and disturbing in your world. ÿ Not
only the winner of the competition wins, but also the one who does not give up
pressure and does not give up his individuality.
ÿ How to find a destination? Stop looking - take an observer position - goal
will appear
itself. ÿ Broaden your horizons, go where you weren’t, see what you have
did not see. Get into your life with more new information, new

ÿ The mind must take the position of an observing child, not a systemic analyst. ÿ
When the soul exclaims, "Yes, this is mine!", One must ask oneself: is it
will make my life a holiday? The decision must be made in the presence of the soul
and the oneness of the mind.

ÿ If you can't find a goal yet, it's a good idea to focus first
for something that will allow you to better appreciate yourself and give satisfaction to yourself and your self

ÿ Don't be afraid to set bold goals.
ÿ Your reality is formed first in your thoughts, then in reality.
ÿ Ways and means emerge on their own if you focus and intent on
without looking at past, present and foreign experiences.
ÿ The essence of the “consider what is considered impossible” principle: do not think
as much as possible and focus on the end goal. ÿ The mind must
know that what is to be considered is nevertheless permissible
not available.

ÿ If you are told not to know where to find it, find something unknown, but that it would be
something amazing - go after the ball and you will find.
ÿ You need to start moving with your thoughts on the end result.
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ÿ Formula for solving “unsolvable” problems: consider what is possible

considered impossible, direct the vector of attention and intent to the goal to begin with
to move.

ÿ If you are not yet a genius, you can become one.

ÿ Love cannot be won - it occurs on its own, spontaneously and
inexplicably. ÿ If
you need to change to gain love, then something is wrong here.
ÿ Love as a flower - if it is gone, it will not bloom again.
ÿ Love must be incited, cared for like a fire. Not so much exercise and take,
how much to give away first.
ÿ A person who has left can be recovered. But if love came out, its already
you will not return.
ÿ When two people have a relationship, they create a pendulum.
ÿ If one leaves, the pendulum begins to torment the one left to receive it
own portion of energy.
ÿ Don't go wrong with someone - don't be upset - look for your other side.
Leave you - rejoice, get rid of unnecessary burdens in life.
ÿ You do not have to change and improve yourself to "meet the criteria for love."
ÿ You just have to attract the other side of your world.
ÿ Keep an eye on the slide in which you imagine your life with something
an abstract personality - your ideal.
ÿ Imagine that you are a radiant being that emits an inner light of charm and love. Have
that intention and shine.
ÿ You don't have to remodel and improve yourself to become a charming person. Use
freilingo technikÿ.

Notes in the margins

If youth knew, if old age could ... Now it can, and it knows.
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In this section, we will talk again about some specific things -

physiology and psychosomatics. You will be convinced that this
topic is very closely linked to transertification as a reality
management technique, and that the term 'clamps' that I have
introduced is by no means an abstract epithet, but a completely
adequate definition.
If we summarize the human impact of the system
ways for the body and consciousness, we will get the following list:
ÿ Synthetic and dead foods (direct effects on physiology and
consciousness). ÿ Electromagnetic smog (effects on the
brain, blood, biofield). ÿ Still life (muscles, tendons,
musculoskeletal system). ÿ Environmental pollution (general
intoxication, blackout). ÿ Induced maximum readiness,
imposed distances and finishes (stress). ÿ Technogenic
entertainment (brain, nervous system). ÿ Information pressure
(all psychosomatics).

The diagnosis that results from such effects can be made on

the basis of even simple advertising, not statistics on morbidity
and mortality. That's the most expensive
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TV advertisement. It offers first and foremost what is in greatest

demand. From a relatively narrow range of goods, services and
information, it is possible to judge what people are suffering from and
complain of: ÿ Flatulence, indigestion. ÿ Heartburn, heaviness in the
stomach. ÿ Overweight. ÿ Dysbacteriosis. ÿ Immune deficiency. ÿ
Headaches. ÿ Depression. ÿ Low vital tone. ÿ Influenza epidemics.
ÿ Unhealthy teeth. ÿ Parasites. ÿ Vision, memory. ÿ Prostatitis,
thrush, impotence. ÿ Various chronic diseases. ÿ Cancer, diabetes,
arthritis, heart, liver, kidneys. ÿ Back and neck pain.

Of all the above, the latter is the most characteristic and deserves
special attention. Books and DVDs on spinal problems are on the
bestseller lists.
The universal spread of diseases of the musculoskeletal system is a
phenomenon of our time (or more precisely of technogenic civilization,
because aborigines do not suffer from anything like this).
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It can be assumed that the reason for this alone is a sedentary

lifestyle, but this is not the case. It turns out, on this issue, literally,
as many doctors as opinions. What’s even more interesting is that
modern medicine was almost powerless against this age-old
disease. Back pain is not curable and at best progresses to a
sluggish chronic stage. If we gather all the opinions in one place,
the image will be interesting.

Causes of back and neck pain according to various experts:

ÿ Structural damage (organ change). ÿ Functional

disorders (such as muscle dysfunction). ÿ Diseases of the
gastrointestinal tract (such as problems with the gut - pain in the
spine). ÿ Spasmodic seizures in some muscles. ÿ Impaired blood
and lymph microcirculation. ÿ Skull injuries at birth. ÿ Age-related

Opinions also differ on what specifically hurts: ÿ Spine

(bones, cartilage). ÿ Muscles. ÿ Compressed nerves. ÿ
Spinal cord.

Also because of what causes the pain:

ÿ Herniation of the intervertebral discs.
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ÿ Muscle cramps.

And what is a
hernia: ÿ The nucleus of an intervertebral disc pushed out of its
ring. ÿ Remains (fragments) of a broken disk .

Imagine there is no consensus on the substance of the

intervertebral disc: ÿ As jelly. ÿ In the form of Kissiel. ÿ In the form
of rubber.

You can trust me because I’ve read quite a few books on the
subject and was very surprised: haven’t those who take care of the
spine (and yet written books) ever seen and touched what’s there,
inside, between the vertebrae?
The proposed treatments also differ in that they involve a feeling
(close to silent horror) that the patient must choose the method
ÿ Operation only.
ÿ Operation? - By no means!
ÿ Physiotherapy. ÿ Manual
therapy. ÿ Osteopathy. ÿ
Peace. ÿ Movement. ÿ Load
limitation. ÿ Conversely, loads.
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... etc

And finally, because of the limitations (also, apparently, the

patient has to choose): ÿ Absolutely cool corset. ÿ Hard corsets?
- By no means! ÿ Lift up to 2, 3, 5, 10 kg. ÿ Do nothing at all .
ÿ On the contrary, loads and exercises are needed. ÿ Do not
bend. ÿ Flex as desired. ÿ Hard bedding. ÿ Soft bedding. ÿ
Never freeze your back. ÿ On the contrary, pouring cold water
is beneficial.

Here’s an example of what’s said about scoliosis (a spinal

deformity). There is an authoritative view that the cause of
scoliosis is that some muscles are better developed than others.
(I wonder, then, hockey players and tennis players, what good
is it that they should walk around in general?) How to fix it?
Train weak muscles, such as only the left or only the right,
without exercising the developed ones (otherwise they will also
develop and then the asymmetry will remain). The opinion is
authoritative, but something is wrong here, right?
Another example. As is well known, the biggest problem with
the spine is an intervertebral hernia, which is widely thought to
compress the nerve. But recently, some PhDs
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having a closer look at the anatomy of the spine and nervous system
(note, a closer look!) made the discovery (!) that it turns out that an
intervertebral hernia cannot be considered a cause of nerve
compression because it is impossible from an anatomical point of
view! And the nerves themselves, it turns out, can’t hurt at all. Pain is
signaled by nerve endings - receptors. In a word, it is possible to talk
about this for a very long time. It remains to be concluded that the fact
that there are so many fundamentally opposing views and methods
of treatment suggests that official medicine does not understand where
the problem lies and how to deal with it.

That would be funny if it wasn’t scary together, right?

The reasons for this situation (I do not mean illness, but medicine),
and the doctors themselves are talking about it, are the following: ÿ
Narrow-profile medical specialties.

Man is an integral whole, not a set of individual mechanisms by

which physicians choose specializations.
Therefore, the body needs to be understood and treated as a whole.
But such an approach is useless to medicine because it, like the
system, is not interested in a person’s recovery.
Medicine, as a science, is interested in the healing process itself, as a
laboratory study that can go on indefinitely.
Medicine, as a practice, is primarily of interest to business.

ÿ Symptomatic approach to treatment.

It is no secret that most treatments are used to eliminate the

symptoms of the disease, not the cause. Chronic
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diseases begin due to incorrect diagnoses. If the diagnosis is

incorrect, treatment will not work. Interestingly, pain is generally
the first symptom. But he was given pathological status and
started treatment. The attitude is, so to speak, military in its
primitiveness: there is pain - we will treat pain.

ÿ Physical and chemical, almost mechanical approach.

Most physicians follow conservative views and methods, such

as those taught in medical institutes.
Health science examines 'mechanisms and structures'. He
claims, among other things, that back, shoulder, neck, thigh, and
buttock pains are caused by functional or structural disorders.
The relationship between mind and body is not taken into account
in any way. What cannot be tested in a laboratory is considered
"unscientific". Emotions fall into the first ranks of "unscientific"
things because they cannot be measured.

The latter statement. It seems to everyone that the saying "all

nervous diseases" has a basis, but almost no one pays enough
attention to it.
We have already discussed the causes of back and neck pain.
But what is the primary cause of these symptoms?

American doctor John Sarno concluded after many years of

research that the main cause of pain
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are not functional and structural disorders but suppressed

emotions. Modern man is in a state of constant stress. This
condition became almost normal for him, "normal". Here are
some key stressors:

ÿ Responsibility at work, in
science. ÿ The road to and from
work. ÿ Financial problems. ÿ
Change of profession, place of residence . ÿ
Problems in relationships with colleagues and loved ones.
ÿ Work and personal life failures. ÿ Extremely strong
sense of responsibility . ÿ Strong intrinsic motivation, need
to be the best, first.

Responsibility and motivation occupy the most important

positions in this list. These are the same basic clamps that the
system attaches to a person in order, on the one hand, to incite
him and, on the other hand, to restrict his energy, consciousness
and freedom, or in other words, to "calm his fervor". As a critical
mass of such experiences accumulates, what Sarno defines as
muscle tension syndrome (RMS) develops.
Emotional stress turns into physical tension. The energy of
emotions (especially suppressed) does not disappear anywhere,
does not disappear, but turns into a functional disorder - muscle
spasm. This in turn causes structural disorders - spinal deformity,
intervertebral hernia, etc.
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According to Dr. Sarn, muscle tension syndrome is not of interest

to academic science because it leaves no causal trace. Emotions
cannot be put in a test tube, weighed and measured. Medical methods
are mostly laboratory and cannot record the operation of RIS.

Muscle tension syndrome is not only a phenomenon, it acts as a

substitute for physical pain and physical pain, which is the first cause
of RMS .

Physical pain is more easily lifted by man than spiritual suffering.

All the more so because the brain in our body is the most important.
They are more likely to suffer physical pain in the body than negative
experiences in consciousness. As long as the focus is on pain,
suppressed emotions cannot reach the level of consciousness.

RIS is also characterized by a delayed reaction. The pain can occur

suddenly and at the most inopportune time, such as during the
holidays. At work, emotional tension usually burns, and here is no
place for her to rest.
The second reason for the emergence of RIS is similar to the first: the
human consciousness tries to push all the problems that concern it as far as
possible and as deeply as possible, into the subconscious.
Anxiety, anger, guilt, responsibility, and self-esteem are pushed into
the depths of the subconscious because the consciousness does not
want to feel and show it all to others. But the time is coming when all
this will no longer fit in the subconscious. That's when RIS comes into
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In nature, problems are solved simply and naturally: you are

scared - adrenaline in your blood - you run away - fear is gone;
you got angry - adrenaline again - you scratched something - it got
easier. In a technogenic system, this no longer works. The brain
and nervous system are not adapted to exist in such an
environment. Evolution has not yet come.
Physiological and physical activity - please. And what to do with
emotions that do not find a way out, the brain does not know, so
the reaction is primitive - to replace them with pain or illness.
The muscles that afflict the RIS are in the back of the neck,
back, and buttocks. As soon as they are responsible for the correct
position of the head and torso, they ensure efficient hand work.
The system knows where to hang the clips. For the puppet to move
as needed, it must be properly gripped and hung.

Thus, mental clamps become the cause of another - somatic .

These are already quite real clamps and shackles. Painful
sensations force a person to choose a sedentary lifestyle. It hurts -
don't move! Man no longer wants what could help. Somatic clamps
deprive you of the opportunity to move, put them in a car, chair, on
the couch - next to the TV, phone, computer (stay connected, be
in the system!). Loop ended ...

We don’t want to post gloomy predictions (though we’re not

consciously prophesying here, we’re consciously watching), but
obviously the system is tightening its ring. In addition to the
aggressive technogenic environment, a person is depressed by
the ever-increasing social tension, competition, and racing. Anyway
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eccentric tube. He loaded with synthetic food, closed the valve,

squeezed it with clamps on all sides, deprived him of the
opportunity to move, and then showed the glittering purpose and
staged a race for the disabled. In a closed circle?

Summary ÿ The
global spread of musculoskeletal disorders is technogenic
the phenomenon of civilization.

ÿ Formal medicine does not understand where the problem is and how to solve it. ÿ Man
- an integral whole, not the individual mechanisms by which
doctors chose a set of specializations.
ÿ Health science examines 'mechanisms and structures' and heals
symptoms. The relationship between mind and body is not taken into account in any way.
ÿ The main causes of pain are non-functional and
structural disorders and suppressed emotions. ÿ When a
critical mass of stressful experiences is accumulated, muscles develop
voltage syndrome (RMS).
ÿ Emotional stress escalates into physical stress.
ÿ This in turn causes structural disorders such as spinal deformity, intervertebral hernia,
ÿ RIS is also characterized by a delayed response.

ÿ The human consciousness tries to get rid of all the problems that concern it as much as possible

further and deeper, into the

subconscious. ÿ Painful sensations force a person to choose a sedentary lifestyle. Man
no longer wants what could help.
ÿ Mental clamps become the emergence of another - somatic
ÿ The brain and nervous system are not adapted to exist in the technogenic
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Notes in the margins

For some reason, few think about such a strange situation: the disease of humanity
progresses, and “stunning medical advances” seem to be on the sidelines.
You hear, here you get state of the art technology, and here 's the chronic ones
degenerative diseases, but they can’t be cured in principle, so nothing here
will not do.
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Another question remained open. According to Sarno's

observations, the global epidemic of back disease began 30
years ago and continues to spread so far.
It would have its origins somewhere in the 1980s. Nothing like
this has happened before to such an extent. What happened?
After all, the development of the technogenic system, with its
disastrous consequences, began long before that. And a
sedentary lifestyle, and constant stress, and the mechanism of
pushing experiences subconsciously are not new things. Why
did muscle tension syndrome start 30 years ago?

Dr. Sarno does not answer this question. But the guess is, in
my view, obvious. It was not until the 1980s that intensive
development of information technology, information media,
media, communications began.

With the advent of personal computers, CDs, DVDs, the

telephones, and more recentlyInternet,
social networks,
mobile satellite
man has TV,
hit by a powerful waterfall. Information intoxication has begun in
the true sense.

In the past, it was more or less possible to push mental problems

into the subconscious, and now that the overload of information has
reached a critical point, the subconscious capacity is no longer enough.
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turns into physical problems. Modern man is so overloaded with

information that his body, consciousness, and subconscious can
no longer withstand the pressures of technogenic factors.
For some reason, such things are not talked about clearly and
openly anywhere. Most of society is in "happy uncertainty" (or
oblivion?) - it sees nothing, does not understand, does not matter
and thinks that nothing is happening. But I have already said and I
repeat: something is happening. I wonder in what direction TV is
working. For example, the Discovery Channel was once so fun
and exploratory!
And who's there now? Shows some stupid ditches dizzy from being
destroyed and beaten.
Only dangerous animals are mostly on Animal Planet. There are
one catastrophe in National Geographic. The news, too, is only
dangerous and intimidating. Looking at all this, one gets the
impression that the times of intellectuals are over and an era of
debilitating and degenerate has begun.
The latter are now, of course, far more than they were a few
decades ago. There are many reasons for this. But not the most
important thing. The thing is, in our day, people are already full of
information and it is very difficult to surprise and interest them.
Therefore, the media squeezes everything they can to just pay
attention. From the terrible stories before going to bed at the
pioneer camp to the global and the horrific.
Unfortunately, all of this only encourages the accumulation of aggression
and real potential for real catastrophes, as the collective consciousness shapes
the corresponding reality.
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Thus, the technosphere has created a new phenomenon of

our time - informational intoxication. But that’s far from all, of
course. In order not to overcrowd the already so-called clouds
in our book, we will briefly list three main things that arise from
the psychogenic effects of the technogenic system.

1. Changes in the brain

The brain does not develop in the technogenic and information
environment, but undergoes changes. And, of course , not for the
better. This is already a scientifically established fact.
Baroness Grinfild, director of the Royal Institute of Britain,
says: “If a person spends too much time in front of a monitor,
his brain changes on a physiological level, which inevitably
leads to behavioral and attention problems. Games can
deactivate certain nerve connections in the brain as they adapt
to changes in the external environment. Computer games are
an example of a new environment. "

But how to explain to them what to say, how to persuade?

The book talks about cyborgs and "universal cyborgization,"
but it's by no means parallel to science fiction, it's all very real.
Modifying the human brain does not develop creative abilities,
does not provide an opportunity to create one's own reality, but
inculcates primitive skills: clicking and holding, laying birds,
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levers and buttons. This is quite sufficient for an element of the

system. Much of all the other work is already being done by
technology - computers and machines. And probably computers
and machines will soon be able to produce themselves.

2. Narrowing Consciousness
When it comes to intellectual and spiritual development, one often
refers to efforts to expand consciousness, vision, and understanding
of reality. In the technosphere, the opposite happens.
If civilization enters the technogenic path of development, the
human mind will deeply delve into the labyrinths of technical
solutions, no longer seeing and no longer understanding the
fundamental essence of phenomena. All devices and mechanisms
are designed according to a very complex circuit technique, which
consists of millions of details and elements.
For example, in 1971, Intel's first computer microprocessor, the
Intel 4004, had 2,300 transistors. In 1989, there were already
1,200,000 Intel 486 processors, and in 2000, the Intel Pentium 4
processor exceeded 42 million. The new quad-core Intel Core 2
Extreme processor, based on 45-nanometer technology, already
has 320 million transistors.

Schematics are becoming more and more complex. Some may

see this as progress, but in reality it is a complete stalemate.
The technique can be made more and more sophisticated, but it
becomes increasingly difficult to operate and less reliable.
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Airplanes, submarines, spacecraft are very complex and therefore

Who will want to fly an ultra-modern, and therefore particularly
sophisticated, liner, where a pilot whose consciousness is
narrowed to the extreme sits, because the brain no longer
encompasses all these intricacies? What if one in a million
transistors has a defect? What if the pilot "gets stuck"?
But our "evolved" civilization is wondering how ancient
megaliths were processed and built, how can objects from other
planets move so incomprehensibly, how could there have been
"flying carriages" in ancient times, powered by a couple of pots?

Consequently, there are other, simple technologies, and they

belong to a different field than just technical solutions. For
example, the movement of an aircraft from another planet is not
a mechanical change of position in the air or water, but the
transmission of a projection in the space of variants.
Therefore, both the speeds are huge and there is neither
environmental resistance nor inertia.
But the technocratic mind is completely immersed in the
mechanics of the material dimension of our world. Where is it
there for him to see and understand metaphysics, if consciousness
is obscured with blindfolds. Differentiation, the solution of complex
tasks, can be deepened to infinity, only the forest can no longer
be seen through the trees.
I recently had the opportunity to look at a high school math
textbook. It turns out children are forced to deal with some
completely unimaginably glued 3, 4, 5
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high-rise structures from roots and logarithms. When solving such

problems, generally forget what a logarithm is and who needs it.

It is obvious that the purpose of teaching is not to reveal to the

student the essence and beauty of mathematics, but to confuse it,
to lead it into a dark maze, to limit its consciousness in narrow
frames. The form of a general state examination pursues the same
goal - to narrow the consciousness. When "education" is like this,
there can be no talk of developing any creative thinking.
The trouble is that people themselves have long since not been in
control and control of all these processes. Managed and controlled by the
system. Education officials who come up with such unskilled teaching
methodologies "out of the best possible incentives" do not realize what
they are doing, because their consciousness is also quite obscured and narrowed.
The system makes it clear and unambiguous - it needs screws or,
at best, cyborgs, but by no means creative individuals.

3. Information dependence Any

intoxication is addictive. Modern man is a slave to information. If
he does not receive another dose of information, he begins to suffer
from withdrawal syndrome, discomfort, sadness, anxiety, and even
panic. And the doses need to be stronger and higher. Interesting
movies no longer make an impression, you need a louder sound to
knock the brain, the image has to be 3D, and preferably 4D,
preferably with smells or some other nonsense to "tear off the roof"
at all.
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A person sitting with a remote control at a TV is tormented

by having to connect hundreds of satellite channels, none of
which he wants to watch for long. Man cannot live without
sights, but no one is happy, excited or impressed. I exaggerate
a little here, but only a little. Everything goes in that direction.

My childhood was a time when not every home had a TV yet.

But there was this better one - the filmoscope. The younger
generation probably doesn’t know what this thing is all about.
This is a projector instead of a DVD player (tape) instead of a
DVD player. In the bar, shots are pictures with several lines of
text at the bottom. It’s not a movie, but shots that had to be
watched separately as the film wheel turned.

A lot of slides were released then: all kinds of interesting,

different stories, stories, fairy tales, educational films. They
were in such small cylindrical boxes. Very charming, nice stuff.
In the evening, when the whole family gathers together, the
curtains are pulled up, a sheet is hung on the wall, and the
mystery begins. You do n't have a TV here! The spectacle is so
interesting, enjoyable and, most importantly, soothing that it
didn’t bother to watch the same slide show many times. It was
a feeling of some kind of universal peace and balance, as if
everything was OK for you and this world. EVERYTHING IS
No, even the most ingenious media production can provide
as much satisfaction, peace, and joy as that small charming film.
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Now the situation is quite different. Turn on the TV - and get

your baseball bat in your head - your dose. And your own
conception of the world - that's how it should be! You go out on
the street - and there you see a child on the billboard who can't
talk yet, but with a mobile phone. Be that as it may, it is well
known that the phone in a child's hand slows down its development
and causes anomalies. Although why "anyway"? Precisely
because it is well known. Probably so needed?
When you see a two-year-old child with a mobile phone
everywhere in an advertisement, a pattern is formed in your
mentality that it is right, good and so necessary. It's no longer just
a phone, it's an integral part of you. Talk, play, listen, follow the
news, click, buy, pay, hold - it's all you can and everything you
need. The most important thing is to stay connected, be online, in
the system, make your contribution.
And yet no, I don’t believe, now there’s something BAD in this
world, something is NOT YES, and YES is NOT needed. IT IS

Summary ÿ
With the advent of communication, a man has been overwhelmed by power
information waterfall. Information intoxication has begun in the true sense.
ÿ Now that information overload has reached a critical point, the subconscious is capacious
is no longer enough and it turns into physical problems. ÿ
Modifying the human brain instills primitive skills. ÿ Modern man is deeply
immersed in the labyrinths of technical solutions,
no longer sees and no longer understands the fundamental essence of phenomena.

ÿ The technocratic mind is completely immersed in the material world of our world
dÿmens mechanics.
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ÿ In the technosphere, consciousness

is narrowed. ÿ Modern man is a slave to information.

Notes in the margins

Will indigo children save our civilization? I highly doubt it. Already
technogenic food will nullify all their abilities. The system created a synthetic
medal for this purpose, not to cultivate its own destroyers, but
obedient cyborgs. And considering the informational "penis" - chances
not at all.
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Thus, we have come to the conclusion that due to the influence

of technogenic factors, a person is literally hugged with clamps.
He is essentially shunted, restrained.
Mental clamps directly block attention, will, awareness, mind.
Somatic clamps also directly block muscle and energy. Both
mental and somatic clamps indirectly interact with each other:
physical blocks can cause mental, and vice versa. We outlined
the mental clamps in general. We will now talk about what to do
with somatic.

Contract with the subconscious

We will first recall that repressed emotions and unpleasant
experiences are usually pushed out of the subconscious. When
subconscious capacity is insufficient (and this capacity of modern
man is almost overcrowded), emotions and experiences turn into
muscle tension syndrome (RMS). As you’ve probably already
realized, it hurts your muscles, not your bones, nerves, or spinal
cord, though. And if the muscles are compressed, a chain of
pathologies is formed: the microcirculation is disrupted - the flow
of energy is blocked - and other diseases begin, the etymology of
which is unclear.
Through years of practice, Dr. Sarno has nevertheless found a
way to get rid of RIS. The method is very simple. If
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the person understands that the source of painful symptoms is

suppressed emotions and experiences, the pain disappears. When the
cause of the RIS is revealed , the subconscious seems to realize that it
will no longer be able to deceive you in this way.
The pain does not always go away right away. This can happen in a
few days, and sometimes in a month or two. The subconscious seems
to be trying not to show that it is being uncovered because of a "hidden
crime." After all, it is really a kind of crime against the body, because
the subconscious, by placing the problem on the body, thus admits to
being powerless. But now that the "secret" has been revealed, this trick
no longer helps. Of course, the problem that caused the RIS itself,
simply because it is perceived, may not go away. But the painful
syndrome and diseases associated with muscle tension are receding.
People get rid of pain only when they realize what is specifically
happening to them.
It may all sound unbelievable, but the facts are obvious: tens of
thousands of Dr. Sarn's patients have overcome RIS, got rid of back
and neck pain and other ailments.
As it turns out, ulcers, asthma, prostatitis, headaches, eczema, psoriasis
and some other diseases can be caused by the same mechanism of
subconscious displacement of emotions.
Sarno’s methodology can be found in more detail in his book, “How
to Cure Back Pain. People need to know the truth! ”, Sofia Publishing
House (http://www.ozon.ru/context/detail/id/5531867/).

American Edition: John E. Sarno, Healing Back Pain, New York.

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I will now explain once again the essence of the methodology,

supplementing it with its own considerations.
Mental clamps should be removed first, as they are the main cause of
RIS. You need to understand what specifically weighs on you. Understand
this, remove relevance, and generate traffic, as shown in previous sections.

You should then come to terms with your subconscious. Who is she in
general? The subconscious is responsible for unconditional reflexes and
functions that do not need to be thought about. For example, breathing,
digestion. Involuntary muscle contractions are also at the disposal of the
subconscious. Most emotional, mental, and physiological activity is below
the level of perception.
Consciousness protruded only as a small part of the iceberg.
But the capacity of the subconscious is also not unlimited. Due to the
abundance of information and the new mental clamps of society, there is
no longer a place in the subconscious of the modern man.

The subconscious is similar to an animal. He seems to understand

everything, but not completely and not completely. Unlike consciousness,
she seems to be asleep. Not everything can be explained to her, but
something can be agreed upon. The meaning of the contract with the
subconscious is this: you are telling her that you are now taking responsibility
for the problems yourself. There is no need to hide problems - they will be
revealed and eliminated by consciousness itself - I.
However, the subconscious should be treated with respect, simply
because it is worth it. You can formulate roughly such content
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thought and repeat it from time to time, for example while taking
a bath or sometimes just before going to bed:

In my subconscious, you are the queen of my body.

You control everything in your body. In my subconscious, my
queen, you are ordering my whole body. Under your guidance,
all functions are normalized, ideal health and powerful energy are
restored. In my subconscious, my queen, you are ordering my
whole body. And I help you everywhere, I do my best. I eat living
natural food that cleanses and nourishes me with everything I
need. I feed in a variety and full of food, I feed myself very well. I
accept very useful baths, splashed with cold water. I do physical
exercises, I develop my body. I work with intent.

My intention is to perfection. I am true perfection.

In my subconscious, my queen, my controlled body is cleansed,
renewed, regenerated, evolving. In my subconscious, you are the
queen of my body.

It is very possible that in a few days, or maybe a month or two

from the time you read these verses, the pain that has bothered
you will go away or the chronic illness will go away. Your gait will
become freer, you will feel it. He will listen to you more. Well-
being will improve greatly. Your body will finally remember the
long-forgotten feeling of living without clamps.

Escalator movement
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One should not rely solely on the contract with the subconscious
and ignore the aspect of physical activity. For a sedentary person,
the clamps are particularly easy and strong to fit. One hundred
percent results are obtained only by a complex approach: how
we think, how we feed, how we move. The movement plays a
very important role here.
I have already compared the condition of the body with the movement of the escalator.
For about 20 years, the escalator rises and then starts moving
down in the opposite direction. Where there is no development,
degradation begins. What is not used is atrophied.

So if you want to stay in good shape, you need to take care of

your development on a daily basis. Choose any type of physical
activity (sports, fitness, gymnastics), gradually "ascend the
descending escalator" to a level that suits you, and then step up
steadily following the established load and exercise schedule.

There are three types of gymnastic exercises: somatic (for

relaxation), strength (dynamic loads) and stretching.

Somatic exercises relax and stretch the muscles, removing

clamps and blocks. Strength exercises increase muscle mass,
maintain muscle tone, restore microcirculation, help develop blood
vessels, cleanse the body.
Stretching exercises help to develop ligaments, free up movement
resources, give extra freedom, make the body flexible and agile.
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They should be performed in the following order: first release,

then dynamic loads, and only last (or alternating with dynamics,
after good exercise).

Exercises should be as diverse as possible. But since RIS

mainly affects the spine, special attention needs to be paid to
the muscles of the back, neck and shoulders. You can learn
about a few different methodologies for relieving back pain
(many of these are now offered on DVD and in books), choose
from all the exercises you think you prefer and are more
comfortable with, and do them.
Two methodologies can be used as a basis: Tom Hana and
Sergei Bubnovsky. In my personal opinion, these are the two
most advanced and understandable directions from the topic of
a healthy spine.
Dr. Hana, like Sarno, is one of the few advanced physicians
who has pointed out the connection between mind, body, and
interdependence. On RIS, Hana has roughly the same opinion
as Sarno, except that he uses another term - sensory motor
amnesia, and takes a completely different approach - removing
blocks with muscle relaxation. Dr. Hana has developed a system
of somatic exercises called "cat's daily twitching." They don’t
take much time. Hana's methodology is described in his book
The Art of Not Aging (Piter Publishing House). The book is rare,
but it can be found if not in bookstores, online for sure.

Dr. Bubnovsky, on the other hand, focuses on the removal of

RIS by dynamic loads. Its also great
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good methodology. Bubnovsky believes muscles recover at any

age. Bubnovsky’s books are now hard to find. For example: “The
nature of an intelligent body. All About the Spine and Joints ”(http://
detail/id/5858927 /).


As we can see, there are three different methodologies for

removing RIS: subconscious contract, somatic relaxation exercises,
and dynamic loads. You can choose one of them or use them all
together. In my opinion, however, the best results are not a one-
sided but a holistic approach, that is, one and the other.

I will briefly list the main things below

worth knowing and should be taken into account.
The organism is a recovering system, it has the potential for
regeneration and development. But this is just a potential
opportunity. It should be borne in mind that the body does not burn
at all to develop. It reaches the minimum allowable status quo
state and stops and then begins to gradually degrade. To stay in
good shape, you need to put the body under pressure and
encourage it with an intention focused on development and
improvement. An integrated approach is also needed: how we
think, how we feed, how we move.
If the body is not trained, its condition will drop to the lowest
optimal level, only to withstand the loads it has - no more, no less.
Eating live plant foods can lead to unsatisfactory muscle mass.
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When you eat dead food, your body will start accumulating slag,
toxins, fats and other ballast. The muscles will develop just
enough to stretch their weight. The elephant’s immobile human
body is stuffed not with working muscles but mostly with ballast.

As we have already said, the exercises must be as diverse as

possible, developing all muscle groups. When all the muscles
(rowers) are developed, then both the heart is easier and the
blood vessels (riverbeds) are watery and healthy.
If physical data allows, a standard set is very useful: squats,
push-ups from the floor, squats. Repeatedly, these exercises, as
Dr. Bubnovsky says, "open the vents" and eliminate major muscle
spasms and cramps. All movements should be made by fully
bending and straightening the limbs, not by pressing or retracting
with the arms folded by only one-third.

All exercises need to focus on the relaxation phase rather than

the effort. It is always harder to force the muscles than they need
to relax, and they are used to working anyway.

No too much effort. Efforts must be adequate. Increase loads

step by step.
Exercises should not be lazy, but not exhausting - according to
this principle, determine the duration of training. Movement must
provide pleasure. If there is no pleasure, then the body is
overloaded with slag and toxins. In this case, you need to reduce
the load and cleanse the body.
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Exercises should be done daily, but also every second or

third day according to desire and ability. The most important
thing is regularity. Do not exercise until exhausted. If there are
many exercises in your set, you can divide them into days: one
group on the first day, another on the second day, and so on
As with movement, try to focus on the flow of energy as well.
The main principles are set out in The Book of Life Transfers.

After the exercise, pour a bucket of cold water (the colder

the better) and take a cold shower for another 20 seconds.
(You can only pour cold water on a well-warmed body. If you
have cooled down, you should first warm up in a hot shower.)
Then rub in a towel, concentrate for a minute, feel a powerful
flow of energy permeate the body (and pour it with water) any
thought they have formulated. In the case of such an energy
rise, the target setting works particularly effectively.

When doing the exercises, think about what you want to

achieve with it. From time to time, repeat the short thoughts: All
my muscles relax, all the strain is removed. My body cleanses,
regenerates, recovers, develops. My subconscious, my queen,
handles the whole body. Muscle mass increases. My body is
healthy and beautiful, strong health, powerful energy, powerful
intelligence, powerful consciousness. I am true perfection. I
control my reality as a conscious dream. Power is with me too,
it leads me because I do everything brilliantly and perfectly.
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Following all of these recommendations is inevitable

you get what you are going to have.

Dosage of Information The

consciousness and attention of modern man is already quite blocked.

And in the conditions of increasing information intoxication, the ability to
visualize will very soon be blocked. The technogenic system makes
every effort to stifle and destroy the very potential opportunity to create
its own reality. The propeller does not have to create something of its
own - it has to consume what the system gives it. Once a person wakes
up and sees that he is unable to create even the simplest image on the
internal screen. Transerfection will then have to be forgotten.

By all accounts, the ancient civilizations that existed before ours were
highly developed, but not in terms of technical information, but in terms
of human capabilities. It is also speculated that the Atlanteans, for
example, killed themselves for acquiring a Power that did not know how
to rule properly. In other words, he took as much Power as he could not
Now it's the other way around. All power and authority belongs to the
system. Man himself, without system accessories, can do little. Can lay
birds, press buttons, click and hold. Visualization will soon fail. Many
probably can’t, and finally don’t try, they don’t need it.

I'm not exaggerating here. According to psychologists, each new

generation has grown more lazy in recent decades,
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stupider, worse than before. Some statistics and facts.

ÿ Distinctive features of the “Pepsi generation” (children of

transformation): easy to persuade, swallow any advertising
bait, believe any propaganda. ÿ Next - “Generation Z” (term
of psychologist Markas Sandomirskis), in addition to the
peculiarities of the previous one, is also characterized by a
deficit of compassion and aggression. ÿ Sociologists and
psychologists believe that today's children as adults will be
angry, cruel, infantile, primitive consumers who will be easy
to manipulate. ÿ The proportion of children with mental
disabilities increases by 10 percent every year. ÿ 15-30
percent of students with mental disabilities, depending on the
region. ÿ Panic attacks (severe anxiety attacks) are common
in 10 percent of the adult population. ÿ 40% of Europeans are
already mentally ill. ÿ The American nation is completely ill
and has all the signs of degeneration.

Please note: these are no longer my findings, but actual data

taken from various official sources. It should also be borne in
mind that official statistics are usually reduced. Such are the
consequences of the effects of all technogenic beauties on the
human psyche. Of course, these are just statistics and
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general, moderate trends. Around, as before, you can see a lot of

adequately thinking, kind, friendly and intelligent people. However,
all the other gray masses, the so-called vast majority, are already
making a grim impression.
To avoid getting into that gray mass, consciously dose and filter
the information, don’t let yourself in on everything in a row, and don’t
get involved in anything. That doesn’t mean you have to throw away
the TV, turn off the phone and leave the social network forever. The
principle is this: take an observer position, not an information eater.

Due to information intoxication and addiction, people eventually

become users of information, becoming passive receivers. They are
no longer destined to become broadcasters. Where blind use of
information begins, transerfection ends.

Some people are probably waiting for me to start naming what

isn’t there and what is possible and as much as possible. But the
principle of information dosing is a matter of personal choice.
What matters is not what and how much is possible, but how much
is deliberately chosen. Just remember three basic principles:

ÿ Awareness (I understand what I am doing now, to whom and

why). ÿ Observation (not immersed in the whole head, but
distanced and soberly observing). ÿ Selectivity (I do not absorb
information, I select).

I keep an eye on what’s going on, what’s currently involved, what

I’m trying to include, and whether I need it.
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I don’t think it’s worth going into more detail. Anyone with a little
bit of awareness and a sober mind will understand everything. And
you won't explain what's left. I have no doubt that you, dear Reader,
and yourself are well aware of everything that is being said in this
book, because otherwise it would simply not have fallen into your

This principle means:

ÿ Don’t immerse yourself completely in the process of solving

tasks and problems, forgetting the goal and meaning, but keep
the ultimate goal in mind. ÿ Don't go into too much detail, looking
for ways and means, but think about what's most important -
what's the meaning and purpose. ÿ Do not walk around the old
town, wandering through the maze of narrow streets, but ascend
to the height of a bird's flight.

In other words, the one who breaks like a fly into glass engages
in differentiation. And the one who retreats further and covers the
whole image with a gaze integrates - he sees the air vent and flies
through it.
When you are fully immersed in the process of solving some
problems and are torturously searching for ways and means, your
consciousness narrows and you no longer see what is around you,
just look under your feet. The forest is no longer visible through the
trees , which is the most important thing.
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The emergence of this saying is associated with legend. Sierra

Golar, a 16th-century traveler who saw Paris, said he had been
deceived into a beautiful city. According to him, because of the
many high-rise houses in the city itself, he did not see it. (True,
there is another version of this legend: when he arrived in Paris,
he saw many trees growing in parks, boulevards and streets,
blocking houses.)
Narrowing of vision causes a state of stupor, burning, disorder.
There are no ways and means to solve the problems, and the
clamps compress even harder.
The best way out of this condition is to climb to the height of a
bird's flight.
How to do it? Very simple: take your gaze off the ground and
point it forward, at the goal. Transerfinge does not look for solutions
- they appear on their own. Gordian knots are not ripped , but
crossed with a single accent. This requires setting a goal and
pursuing it by focusing all your attention and intention on it. It
doesn’t matter what was in the past and what is in the present.
Focus the attention vector on the goal - and go ahead.
Doors (opportunities) will open on the road, ways and means to
solve problems will appear automatically. Once again, I present
the formula for solving “unsolvable” problems:

Consider what is considered impossible,

direct the focus and intention vector to the
goal, start moving.
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The whole secret is that when your focus is on the target, the wind
of intent grabs your consciousness and it, like a kite, rises to the
height of a bird’s flight and begins to see.

Traffic creation
The manifestation of the phenomenon of intoxication is no longer
in physiology but in the psyche that information cannot be constantly
loaded into consciousness - there are certain limits, as well as
information fatigue. You know for yourself: when you study something
for a long time, for example, in preparation for an exam, there comes
a moment of saturation, and the information is no longer remembered.
This happens for two reasons. First, the "container is overflowing",
the memory capacity is no longer sufficient. After all, the basis of
memory is not only metaphysical, but also purely physiological - the
brain has to form certain neuronal connections, which is not done
quickly. Second, when the capacity is no longer sufficient, the
subconscious building a barrier blocks the entrance channel to
interrupt the supply of information and allow it to be memorized.

But under the pressure of global information, this mechanism

ceases to function normally: the vessel has a "huge belly" and the
"food valve" is kept open. Therefore, pathology occurs - information
overload, stagnation, "indigestion".

Liquidation needs to create a flow for information to flow, not just

accumulate. When you read and listen, the information just fills you.
When you give someone something
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you tell, explain, convey, information flows through you in a

free flow. In the same way, as you learn, your vessel fills up,
which is possible up to a certain limit. But when you’re solving
tasks, you’re in the flow - neither the valves are there nor the
vessel is overflowing - the information is moving freely. In this
respect, teaching is easier than learning, and solving tasks is
easier than learning a subject.

During my studies, I studied theory particularly diligently.

There was a crisis in the physics of those times (as it is now),
and it seemed to me that if I studied a very complex
mathematical apparatus that only mathematicians understood
and that physicists did not understand (and it really is), all the
mysteries of the Universe would be revealed to me. . In a word,
I was a diligent and greedy information eater. It is true that
the information was not very bad, because it will not "eat much"
- I realized that even then. My buddy was in high school, he
was also fascinated by physics, but, unlike me, was a negligent
person as rare. A threesome and a fun lover. He could often
be seen slumping around the dorm without work, and he
seemed to be studying at all.

But, to everyone's surprise, he tackled challenges that no

one of the students could overcome. True, I was also able to
solve tasks that no one even took on, but I achieved results
with hard work and a soft part of the body, and he managed
everything easily.
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It was strange and incomprehensible to me: how is it possible

not to learn anything and to do tasks like nuts? Of course, there
are people who are naturally rewarded, but without the theory, I
don't go far either.
One time he enters my room in the dorm, and I sit loaded
with textbooks, but probably with a very silly expression,
because the friend immediately resented me, slapped me over
the shoulder, and exclaimed, “Enough! Come on, today is
Thursday! ”(Thursday was“ beer day ”in our dorm.) I'm starting
to say no, I can't ... He's grabbing one of my books:" And what's
too wise about this ?! Wow, how thick! ”I begin to tell him that I
have set a goal to study the entire multidisciplinary course in
Theoretical Physics of Landau and Lifshitz. (There was a
widespread superstition among the students that whoever took
this nightmare course would become the smartest of all! And
the Landau course was really very difficult because it was
written by a genius who, moreover, thought that everyone
understood theoretical physics no worse than he himself, so he
never bothered to give detailed explanations.)

What happened to my friend! He began to be astonished and

foolish, as if I had rebuked the greatest foolishness. Finally, in
a "trembling voice," he added, "I feel sorry for you!" To this he
replied simply: "I solve tasks because I solve tasks."
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Turns out, unlike all of us, he looked at learning completely

differently. We learned the theory and then tried to put it into
practice. And he did the opposite: he solved the tasks, and only
if someone was incomprehensible did he work in the textbook.
His main goal was to be able to find a solution to a specific
problem, and he considered theory a secondary, auxiliary
subject. It was easy for him to learn because he was not filling
his vessel but was in the flow.
A few years after graduation, when the transformation
distracted our Faculty of Physics from somewhere else, we
accidentally meet a friend at a bus stop. He is still the same,
punched and unbroken boy, standing, chewing an apple.
I ask him who and how, where he is now. "Ah," he replies,
glancing down the fence, "I'm defending my doctor these days!"
Only a few years have passed since university. Something to
wonder about here. Now I realize he was a system breaker, he
didn’t do everything the way everyone else did.

The conclusions are as follows. If you want to learn a subject,

study a theory - don't learn. Solve tasks, take specific practice.
After all, any theory is ultimately designed to solve practical
problems. There must be concrete practical work in the first
place and theory only in the last place.
The focus should not be on accumulating knowledge, but on
the challenges that can be solved based on that knowledge.
Passing on information to others also triggers
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traffic. Tell others the theory you just learned is the best way
to learn it.
By applying these principles, you will easily understand any of
the most complex science. Knowledge will come from practical
work, being in the flow. And it will not be foreign knowledge that will
immediately flow from your head, but yours will remain with you.

Summary ÿ If
a person realizes that the source of painful symptoms is suppressed
emotions and experiences, the pain disappears.
ÿ Mental clamps should be removed first, as they are the main ones
The cause of RIS.
ÿ The meaning of the contract with the subconscious is this: you tell her that you
now take responsibility for the problems yourself. ÿ Only a holistic approach yields
100% results: how do we think
how we feed, how we move. The movement plays a very important role here.
ÿ There are three types of gymnastic exercises : somatic (for relaxation),
forces (dynamic loads) and stretching.
ÿ Exercises should be as varied as possible. Particular attention should be paid to the back,
neck and shoulder muscles.
ÿ There are three different methodologies for removing RIS: subcontracting,
somatic relaxation exercises and dynamic loads.
ÿ An integrated approach works best.
ÿ The body does not burn at all. It reaches the minimum allowed
status quo and stops and then begins to gradually degrade.
ÿ In order to stay in good shape, the body needs to be energized and encouraged
development-oriented intent.
ÿ Squats, push - ups and floor presses are repeated sufficiently
contractions "open the vents", remove major muscle spasms, and
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ÿ All exercises need to focus on the relaxation phase, and

not effort. ÿ
Efforts must be adequate. Increase loads step by step
ÿ Try to focus on energy flows in parallel with your movements.
ÿ When doing exercises, think about what you want to achieve with it. From time to time
repeat briefly worded thoughts.
ÿ After exercise, pour cold water and towel.
ÿ Deliberately dose and filter to avoid gray matter
information, don’t let yourself in on everything in a row and don’t get involved in
anything. ÿ The principle is: take the position of an observer, not an information taker.
ÿ When the focus is on the goal, the wind of intent grabs your consciousness, and
it rises like a kite to the height of a bird's flight and begins to see.
ÿ To eliminate stagnation , you need to create traffic so that information can flow, not just

ÿ If you want to learn a subject, study a theory - don't learn. Decide

tasks, take specific practice.
ÿ Share the theory you just learned with others is the best way to learn it.

Notes in the margins

When you get rid of clamps, mental and somatic, you will easily reach your
goal. With such a liberation technique at its disposal,
you will be able to do a lot. The power of your intellect and creative potential
rose to a level that was previously simply impossible to achieve.
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In transerfing, the main tools for achieving a goal are

visualization of the goal and visualization of the process. The
first can be described as a declaration, the second as a
statement. By declaring the vector of attention and intention, we
direct to the goal, repeat the formulated thoughts, and watch
the target slides. Constantly confirming that the process is going
on, the work is moving, I am succeeding, the door is opening.
It’s a kind of self-support or even self-conviction that everything
really works. This is how you consciously create and rotate your
Here this scheme - <Declaration + Statement> - is a universal
form of both individual reality and governance of society. You
throw the slogan at the masses, set the goal, apply the
appropriate ideology to it, and take these masses forward with
the flags of declarations and the march of constant statement -
"we are on the right track."
Anyway, the public is happy to believe in declarations and
obediently state slogans, because that is the nature of human
consciousness: it cannot fly freely, it needs a platform, a support,
like a branch for a bird. Why do people pray to their gods? Not
at all to extort forgiveness or any goodies. It is mostly a landing
point for consciousness - you need to believe in something, rely
on something, strive for something, otherwise you will be like a
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This has always been the case, both in the primitive

community order and in the rule of totalitarian regimes and in a
democracy-based society. But the technogenic system (if we
mean society in general) is a special case, where the situation
has changed significantly with the creation of a common
information space. There are no more clearly defined goals, the
ideology seems to have disappeared, and the Church has lost
its previous influence. On what do the system stand in such
conditions, what is it based on? After all, the new generation is
largely deideologized, apolitical and non-religious.
It turns out that all this has no special significance for the
technogenic system. Economics and finance have long shaped
power and govern policy. And the roles of ideology and religion
are limited to consumption. In fact, consumption is good and is
the most important goal for everyone. There is no heresy here,
the same is true of transerfection - to make your life better, to
find how to realize yourself. But to achieve this, you need to
understand how the system is made up and what its
shortcomings are.
The system is based on the global information web, and its
task is to erase individuality, disperse, obscure individual
aspirations and goals, and drown them in the stigma of public
opinion. The most important thing is that everyone is online, in
one "sandbox". The idea is simple: create a sandbox to lure the
kids, and then sell them sand or whatever. At the same time,
the task of managing society is being tackled in the same
sandbox. Earlier
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there was a "divide and rule" principle, and now it's the other way
around: unite and rule everyone without exception.
And it doesn’t even matter to what specific group of individuals it is
necessary and useful. First of all, the system itself needs it.
For example, social networks are a brilliant invention of the system,
they ideally realize the scheme
the same
+ Statement>
of a them
in and
there is a network, someone getting behind the thread can send a
signal (command), and then you no longer need to control it - the
network will do everything itself, it will just repeat, declare this signal
as a huge amplifier.

The processing of the exchange of views , starting with the

innocent "likes - dislikes", is at the heart of the operational
management system. Everything else turns from this nucleus. From
the center of the web, a command can be given that will instantly
reach the periphery, forcing all the screws to react synchronously, as
is the case in the fry squad. A universal and coherent unconscious
dream. Don't think - just click and hold where you need to. "Like -
dislike" is basically a daily workout, a rehearsal of some kind of main
performance waiting for your hour. It also dictates the slogan: stay
connected, be online, make your contribution, be in the system!

Social network helps to synchronize people's consciousness, to

create a matrix. The matrix itself will form if the screws in its cages
think and act synchronously. When people start thinking and acting
in one direction, it occurs
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pendulum. Pendulums are raised above groups of people.

The matrix is already protruding above the pendulums.

Wondering why my account can't be removed from the network?

Because all networks are controlled by the system. Even if a
network allows you to "delete" information about yourself, it still
stays there. Don’t take yourself out of the system anyway if you’re
on the list. People immersed in the processing of information
exchange are no longer able to think and understand what they
can and want out of life. The system itself determines what they
want, while creating a valve for opportunity. The matrix web is
incorporated in stages. Initially, the blackout of food technology is
the first stage.

Then a wave of information strikes the consciousness, clamps are

hung - the second stage. The third is the cyborgization of the mind.
For example, while animals live alone, they need a lot of
awareness - they have to look for food and escape from enemies.
As soon as they gather in a herd, awareness decreases - at the
same time calmer. On the farm, consciousness is already completely
lost - there it is not needed - eat and sleep (click and hold).

It would seem that what is so special and terrible here - people

spend time, communicate, have fun - and let yourself. In fact, the
network creates only the illusion of communication, self-expression,
self-realization, participation in life, communication with the community.
It's all fake. The more "surrogate friends" you have, the sharper you
feel lonely. It is also not worth realizing yourself
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to speak. Basically, such communication does nothing -

pointless waste of time, life.
Many even understand and agree that the time spent online is really
wasted. But it is not so easy to get out of that swamp. Not addictive caused by
information intoxication. Nothing special. It's good to quit smoking much easier.
That is why people come up with excuses and excuses: no, not in vain, but I
need it.

And time spent without benefit is not so harmless and does not pass without
a trace. We have already said that saturation of information narrows
consciousness. An interesting phenomenon is now being noticed: clip thinking
and clip culture. Modern man can understand or present information only in
small portions - clips. He can't do it anymore. Consciousness, too, wakes up
just to flicker like the light of a stroboscope at a disco.

The interests are also primitive. Minor and insignificant things are discussed
- what is called wit. You saw some strangeness, you paused for a moment,
you enjoyed it - you continue to hang. Really essential and significant things
have become obsolete. Clip curiosity is the last cry of consciousness before
its final cyborgization. What will you be interested in when the curiosity of the
clip is exhaled?

All this is very reminiscent of a bird market. A large gathering of individuals

of one kind, incessant chatter and noise can be heard everywhere. Sometimes,
just about anything, all at once
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jumps out of place and flies somewhere as if on someone’s command.

Then it calms down, again the screaming and the noise, again the gray
mass. All the same, similar to each other in both behavior and appearance.
It just happens that some seagull thinks, leaves the general crowd, and
pulls in search of something special. And then try to address the crowd:

"And you know, one person wrote the book, Jonathan Livingston The
Seagull." It turns out that seagulls can not only scream, but also do such
things! ..
Others turn around for a minute, stumble, and glarse, "Jonathan
Livingston!" Jonathan Livingston! Witty! Witty!

And he continues his pointless chatter again.

On a social network, you don’t control the statement, you can only
choose what to state and only from what is suggested, and you certainly
don’t set goals and declarations anymore. Of course, you are allowed to
show some of your clips to anyone, but to no avail - your voice is quickly
overshadowed by the polyphonic choir.

As an ordinary member of the network and a user of information, you

watch as others lie on your couch or sit at a monitor . It's a foreign movie.

Only those who use the network for their own purposes benefit in real
terms. For example, the media, manufacturers and suppliers are happy to
get involved in the network, because there are consumers.
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But even in such conditions, it is difficult to run a business,

because the bird market is a bird market, there is no organized
market for you. Networks are not for that at all, their other functions
are to manipulate mass consciousness. And the networks were
not even created by their specific organizers, but by the system
itself according to its needs, conditions and synergies.
Suppose there is a normal process of immersing the whole of
oblivion. Because people on civilization
the globalin information
a dreamsinking
in the

developers and broadcasters, whatever they are, become mere

consumers, they become receivers of foreign broadcasts . It’s easy
to connect them to a particular program to listen to through the
days and manipulate their consciousness.

What comes out of this is easy to understand - a complete loss of

individuality and control over one's destiny.
To you, dear Reader, much of what has been said may not be
news. But now a whole generation has grown up that doesn’t
understand and comprehend what it’s involved in and what’s really
going on.
The Z generation tends to tune into virtual reality, turning their
lives into a computer game. There are both communication and
goals, and false, surrogate opportunities.
But you still have to dive into real reality, sooner or later. And
there’s a struggle for a place under the sun, and the rules for
survival are already much stricter. This is where the tragic
contradiction arises: a lot of desires and needs - I want a car, a
home, a prestigious job, and I want to travel.
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And there are no real possibilities ? Where are they? Everything

is surrogate. I can't do anything with my own hands or come up with
something, or at least go throw a fishing rod and catch a real fish.
This is where life comes to life, making time in a sandbox pointless.

And most importantly, whose wishes are being met? The system
and the few representatives of it, which have nevertheless risen
above the level of the gray mass of consumers and who have
enough mind and awareness to build sandboxes and oversee
everyone else there.
How to get out of the faceless gray mass? Let's repeat - the first
and most important step:

Violate the principle of society. Stop believing that "if everyone

thinks and does so, then it's right." Exit the general order. Stop
strangling for strange success and pull to look for your own. He who
leaves the general line-up always gains an advantage. He can:

ÿ Look at the country where everyone else is

walking. ÿ Get rid of social clamps and stereotypes.
ÿ Learn to see and understand what others do not see and
understand. ÿ Finally, stop trying to be first and become unique.

Dose the information. We have already talked about this. There

is one nuance. If we don’t read books at all, as the vast majority of
consumers do, but just watch movies, TV, and videos, we’ll gradually
lose our visualization skills. When
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reading or listening, an image appears on your internal screen,

you imagine what has been read. And if you just look at the
external screen, then the need to have an internal screen is
eliminated. What is not used is atrophied. Therefore, the
pleasure of reading or listening to books should not be given up.
(Books like this generally need to be read, not listened to, at
least for the first time, because listening means many meanings

Use the network for your own purposes. Is he using you?

Here you will use it if it will help you realize your ideas or at
least consciously watch what is going on. There is no point in
making sense of it. You need to play your game, take control of
yourself, not be controlled by others and become an infantryman
of someone’s games and intentions.

Switch to tracking mode. Be an observer, not an information

eater. If you’re online, don’t dive all the way into a sea of
information, watch what’s going on there consciously and with
relief. Leaving the lineup does not mean leaving the network
forever and stopping watching TV. If you isolate yourself from
outside information at all, you may once wake up in an unfamiliar
world. Leaving the lineup first means moving to a regime of
sober, conscious surveillance from the country. If you are
familiar with transerfection, you should understand what it is.
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Switch to broadcast mode. Be not a consumer of information

but a creator. If you are online, broadcast your movie there. It will
be enough to watch a stranger. Your cinema is not your clips
from a mobile phone, but your self-realization, abilities, works,
your mission. It’s no problem if your creations aren’t immediately
properly appreciated in the bird market.
You may get a proper rating later, in a different field or in a
different audience. The most important principle is not to be a
receiver, but a broadcaster - everywhere, in any field of activity.
If your essence and lifestyle is broadcasting, you will inevitably,
sooner or later, succeed.
You will succeed just because there are billions of broadcasters
and billions of receivers.

Communicate with like-minded people. With those who, like

you, have come out of the general line. It will not be another
lineup or a bird market, as there will be few of them. But the few
will have the advantage and the Power. You will find support and
support in a society of like-minded people, but not only there.

Find the support within yourself. Get rid of dependence on

synthetic food, get rid of information dependence, take care of
your body, energy. A free and healthy person, whose energy
level is high and consciousness is bright, will easily find a
foundation in himself, because he is created in the image and
likeness of God - after all, these are not empty words.
The process of building your world will provide both support and Power and will
lead you on your way.
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ÿ The scheme <Declaration + Statement> is universal as well as individual

form of reality as well as governance of society.

ÿ Economics and finance have long shaped power and govern policy. O

the roles of ideology and religion are limited to consumption.

ÿ The system is based on the World Wide Web and its task is to

erase individuality, dispel, obscure individual aspirations and goals,

drowning them in the stigma of public opinion. ÿ In the past, the

principle of "divide and rule" was reversed:

"Unite and rule all without exception."

ÿ Processing the exchange of views , starting with the innocent “like -

do not like ”is the core of the operational management system. ÿ Social

network helps to synchronize people's consciousness, to create a matrix. Jo

the second function is to manipulate mass consciousness.

ÿ The matrix itself will form if the screws in its cages think and act

ÿ Modern man can understand or present information only in small amounts

portions - clips. He can't do it anymore. Consciousness wakes up only

flashing like a strobe light at a disco. ÿ People on the World

Wide Web from developers and broadcasters

whatever they are, they become mere consumers, becoming receivers of foreign wires. ÿ Life

is LUXURY, spending time in a sandbox pointlessly.

ÿ Violate the principle of society. Stop believing that “if everyone thinks so

does it, so it's right. " Exit the general order. Stop strangling for strange success and pull

to look for your own.

ÿ If we do n’t read books at all, as the vast majority of users do,

and just watch movies, TV and videos, visualization skills gradually

we will lose.

ÿ Use the network for your own purposes if it will help realize your ideas or

at least consciously observe what is happening.

ÿ Switch to monitoring mode. Be an observer, not an information eater.

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ÿ Be a creator of information, not a consumer. Not the receiver, but the broadcaster
everywhere, in any field of activity. ÿ In a
society of like-minded people, you will find support and support. Getting rid of
dependence on synthetic food, freed from information
addiction, taking care of your body and energy, you will find support and
basis within itself.

Notes on margins Regarding

participation in the exchange of views in the game. Anyway, it is no longer
necessary to withdraw from it if it gives you pleasure. But as with all actions in
the system, you need to play consciously, realizing what the goal is and what that is
meaning. Now you know the purpose and meaning - sync opinions,
unify values, create standards and stereotypes; of this process
at each individual and unique I gradually leveled
In the stigma of ‘public opinion’.
And don't look for me on social media when you're smiling - you can
be just my "clones". Interestingly, Vadim Zealand collects its own
groups, something is preached to them there, and people gladly believe and obey.
Sweet Dreams everyone!
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In your reality, you watch the cinema that spins on your

"projector." You will see what you draw . The only problem is
that people do the opposite: what they see is what they draw.
Do you understand the difference?

The rich man wakes up in the morning, sees luxury around

him, brings him breakfast in bed, goes out to the balcony with a
wonderful view, and thinks: it would be a good boat to sail today.
Or maybe jumping into the Alps? This is how he states his reality.

The poor man's thoughts revolve around trouble, he is

disturbed by everything around him, but he constantly thinks
about it because he sees nothing more. He looks at the wallet
and counts what he will have to give up to stretch to the end of
the month. He also states his reality - he spins his cinema.
Both draw in their minds what is before his eyes. And this is
constantly being confirmed in their reality. But they didn’t put
such films in their heads themselves. The circumstances were
so great that the former was fortunate and the latter was not.
But the principle of the existence of both is the same: what I see
is what I sing about; what I sing about - I see and so on.
After all, for both the rich and the poor, things can change in
an instant. In a film that revolves around life, everything happens
- both bad and good. It is important to be sensitive to one event
or another.
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If it happens that the rich man begins to see bad signs in his
band, and this makes him very excited, he begins to fear poverty
- what happens then? He reluctantly puts a film with a negative
script on his projector, the negative tape starts spinning there,
and his biggest fears start to come true.

Conversely, if a poor person notices that his affairs are

improving, it may inspire him - he has prospects, he sees the
light at the end of the tunnel and he believes that he can escape
the grip of poverty. In fact, its reality will soon change as the
projector now spins a positive script.

What is the conclusion from this? Circumstances rule people.

An annoying event can knock a person out of cancer, put a
negative film on his head. So is success - it comes as something
external, independent of human will. This happens because man
is not the owner of his projector. Whatever tape is put in there, it
is spun - involuntarily and unconsciously. People are not used to
managing thoughts. He has learned to manage his actions , but
he does not know how to think. It’s easier to force yourself to
do something than to think of something specific, right? Imagine
you are walking down the street somewhere for some purpose,
but here a passer-by approaches you, takes you by the hand and
easily takes you to where he is being shot in the head, and you
are obediently and unwillingly following him. Unreal? But that’s
exactly what happens to your thoughts.
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Become the host of your projector. Turn it into not what you see,
but what you want to see. By controlling your thoughts, you are
controlling reality. Look around - most people dream of an unconscious
dream without sleeping. They are like receivers of some kind of TV
show broadcast somewhere from the outside. They watch a foreign
movie. You have to become a broadcaster to make your own cinema.

The reality will not change immediately . In the beginning, the same
grim series will continue out of inertia. But if you broadcast your
intention long enough and persistently enough, the features of the
new program will gradually emerge in the old series, and eventually
the new reality will completely replace the previous one.
This is how thoughts materialize. The only condition you need to
keep in mind is that for a thought form to materialize, you need to pay
attention to it systematically and long enough.

It is only here that the issue of capturing the required film on a

projector is becoming more and more relevant in our time. After all, it
is not in vain that current children suffer from hyperactivity syndrome
- they can settle in place and concentrate on no more than one short
Astronauts in orbit made a strange discovery. In space, memory
becomes incredibly short, making it very difficult to remember both
your recent actions and what is planned to be done in the near future.
Our astronauts have a saying: "The dullest pencil is better than the
sharpest memory." They just have to record all their actions on a
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It is difficult to say specifically what causes this phenomenon.

Perhaps the distance from the Earth’s noosphere to which the
memory mechanism is directly related resonates. After all, the
pictures of past events are not in our minds, but in the space of
variants - the brain only uses this storage by address.

The situation is similar in the context of global blackout and

information intoxication. It is difficult for a person to stabilize the
chaotic movement of thoughts and capture their flow in the chosen
direction. To solve this problem, I can offer you one simple and at
the same time very effective technique. Buy two notebooks -
morning and evening. In the morning, fill out the page for
declarations - provisions that you want to achieve, in a positive,
positive form, as if you already have it or will inevitably have one.
In the evening, fill out the page for the statement - how far you
have traveled to your destination in a day.

In this way, the morning is declared (the goal is visualized), and

in the evening it is stated (the process is visualized).
In the declaration, you set out your views in the form of targeted
ideas for the near future. Formulate your thoughts on what in
general and what specifically you are aiming for, what you want to
get. This is not a scenario of developments , but a description of
the end result. The scenario, as you need to know, is not
determined by you, but by the external intention and flow of
options when the door opens.
As you record your kind of logbook, note the events and
achievements that bring you closer to your goal. All
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positive things. The statement confirms and reinforces the declarative

thoughts you have formulated.
Follow these principles:

ÿ The statement must be selective - only what is needed. ÿ The

declaration must be targeted - just what is needed.

ÿ The vector must be directed directly at the target, without looking to

past, present and foreign experiences.

This is how you determine the configuration of your world and select
with a ray of attention everything that needs to be there. You are
broadcasting your cinema. You draw not what you see, but what you want to see.
When you formalize your thoughts and aspirations in writing, both soul
and mind get involved in the work at the same time. It is not necessary to
invent something new every time. It is possible to repeat the same day
by day only with different variations. By repeating and affirming your
worldview, you rotate your cinema.
If you focus on this technique for a few minutes every day, morning
and evening, you will soon be convinced that your thoughts are in order
and the intention is turning into reality.

Summary ÿ What

you draw in your reality, you will see. People do the opposite: what

sees it and draws it. ÿ

Man is not the owner of his projector. Whatever tape you put in there, like that

and spins - involuntarily and unconsciously.

ÿ Become the host of your projector. Turn it into not what you see, but what

what do you want to see.

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ÿ It takes a systematic and long enough time for thoughts to materialize

capture attention to it.

ÿ Declared in the morning (visualizes the goal) and stated in the evening

(visualized process).

ÿ The declaration is not a scenario of events, but of the final result

description. ÿ

The scenario is not determined by you, but by the external intention and flow of options
when the door opens.

ÿ When making a record, you keep a logbook, note the events and

achievements that bring you closer to the goal. All the positive things.

ÿ The vector must point directly at the target, without looking at the past, present, and

foreign experience.

ÿ By repeating and affirming your worldview, you rotate your cinema.

Notes in the margins

Declaring your thoughts on a daily basis on any appropriate occasion

especially when you find someone who approves of them. Remember the formulated thoughts

constantly, in the background, to repeat them more often as a prayer. You can walk through these days

like a live TV and radio studio and

broadcast one or more deliberately selected and fixed programs.

Eventually, your world layer will inevitably adjust to

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As you can see, it is not enough to simply declare and state -

you need to take real steps, not just engage in metaphysics. You
can really create any world. But I didn’t say it could be done lying
on the couch.
On one side of the dual mirror is the material universe, on the
other the space of variants. Your world layer is made up of these
two elements. The inherent mistake is to attack extremes by
believing that only being determines consciousness, or, conversely,
only consciousness determines being. It happens both ways at
the same time.
One may ask oneself: what is more important - one or the
other? Of course, thoughts have some effect on reality, but daily
experience shows that concrete actions in the material world are
nonetheless crucial. But let’s take some time for math and you’ll
learn a strange paradox.

Let’s start with a person’s birth (or even rather pregnancy).

Given the dual nature of our world, let us assume that the layer of
this human world is balanced at this starting point: 50 percent
determined by being and 50 percent determined by consciousness.
We will not think about the soul and argue where those 50 percent
consciousness came from, but simply rely on the fundamental
principle of dualism.
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So man begins to live. He sees a reflection in the mirror - a

certain reality - and expresses his point of view. As a result, reality
is transforming. This change forces a person to express a new
attitude, which again changes reality, etc. until the end of life. If
you stand in front of a large mirror with another mirror in your
hand, you will see this chain stretched to infinity: you saw - you
expressed your point of view, you saw - you expressed your point
of view ...
According to the same principle, we assume that in each such
section of life, one part of the world is formed by human actions
and the other by the same thoughts.
At the starting point, everything was halved, but in another
reflection, the thought-induced side is again divided in half. The
other side is shared again, etc. We get an infinite string:

50 + 25 + 12,5 + 6,25 + 3,125 + 1,5625 + 0,78125 +

+ 0,390625 + 0,1953125 + ...

The sum of this line is 99.9999999999999 ... percent, where an

infinite string of nines follows the decimal point. Imagine what
comes out? Almost 100 percent of the human world is shaped by
his thoughts throughout his life. Here is the victory of metaphysics
for you!
But don’t rush to draw conclusions. After all, one side is
dedicated to thoughts and the other to actions. Let's create
another chain of the same: saw - made, saw - made, saw - made ...
After endless iterations, the same number will be obtained -
99.9999999999999 ... percent, indicating that almost 100
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percent of the world layer is formed by actions in the material

realm. Where's the truth?
The truth is not in the middle, but at the intersection of two
edges, the physical and the metaphysical. The invisible but real
face of our world disappears into the infinity into which the string
of nines stretches. Everything else is an illusion, a masquerade
of multifaceted reality. The real face that fundamental science is
trying to catch up with is precisely because the line is infinite.
There is nothing 100% in the world - everything is almost.

And what can we do with this paradox? Let us first do what

science opposes: let us acknowledge the simultaneous and equal
existence of two sides of reality, physical and metaphysical.
Where does that imperceptibly small part that is missing up to
100 percent disappear? It is the boundary of the opposite sides
of the dual mirror, a place where material reality becomes as
plastic as in a dream. A person who chooses either one or the
other side of reality is governed by the illusion of reflection.
The materialist, in solving problems, does not see himself at war
with the reflection of his thoughts, much like a kitten by a mirror.
He does not understand that he is fighting the consequence, and
he does not pay attention to the cause - his image. And the
idealist, hoping for metaphysics, flies in the clouds without noticing
anything around him. Both run in a closed circle of mirrors.

The circle is broken the moment a person redirects his attention

from reflection to image. The image is his view of reality - a
reflection. Consciously shaping
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an approach to reflection, whatever it is, you create a

corresponding reality. But the material realm should not be
forgotten either. For example, if a door has been opened while
working on a slide, it is necessary to enter through it, that is, to
take specific action, not to fly in the sky. In other words, sending
a formulated thought to the world requires a solid foundation
under your feet. Anyway, you just have to understand three
simple things. First, reality is nothing more than a belated
reflection of your thoughts. Second: the mirror reflects what
your focus is on. Third: By focusing your attention on what you
need, you get it in reality. Just remember that the mirror works
with a delay. More about everything - in the book "Transfiguration
of Reality".

So to control reality is the ideal state when you merge with

your world and at the same time feel your "separation" from
you. When you are on the verge of a dual mirror, reality
transforms into "surreality", and vice versa.
Look for this state, observe yourself and the environment, adjust
to the slower speed of the mirror and try to feel connected to
your world - it's your world.

ÿ When sending formulated thoughts to the world, you also need to have a solid foundation after
ÿ It is not enough just to declare and state - specifics are also needed
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Notes in the margins

It is not necessary to go to to maintain health, energy and awareness
Tibet. It is possible to be in the system, but also outside it. One roof at a time
the biosphere and the technosphere coexist well. Wooden house with computer.
Electric mill with homemade bread in the apartment. Or a house made of eco-friendly
materials with a Russian furnace. You can in the technogenic world
to create an oasis of the biosphere.
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I hope you, dear Reader, understand how your cinema differs

from your clips from a mobile phone. The question is simple, but by
no means obvious, so I would like to talk about this at the end.

When it comes to mental clamps, we said that blocks of

significance are removed by acting on something.
You don’t have to sit, wait and be afraid, but start doing something
like this to start the flow. The most radical and powerful action is to
broadcast your intentions, your cinema, without looking at what is
going on around you.
Usually you passively watch a movie that happened to you and
spins in your reality. Specifically, you "turned it on" and "turned it"
on for you. That seems to be the case. You look at the reality
screen and your thoughts repeat everything that’s going on there.
Yes, things are going badly. What happened happened. What will
happen next is not difficult to predict: this and that. The biggest fears.
Almost all people react in this way, because most of us, by their
nature and level, are receivers, not broadcasters. And we have
always been, with rare exceptions, since the establishment of our
Broadcasters - creators and discoverers - have been our "gods",
and we have always been receivers - consumers and seekers.
Our psyche is completely subjugated from the outside
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information. What is on the screen is in our minds, not the other way
around. We draw what we see.
And now imagine a completely different way of reacting. Something is
bothering you? The red light on the head comes on. You need to wake up
and turn on monitoring mode. Then move from a depressing mode of
dependence on circumstances and conditions to an active mode of
broadcasting your cinema.
You see: "this and that" has happened and is happening. But it doesn’t
bother you anymore, you don’t care, it doesn’t affect you. Everything is the
opposite for you now. Reality is the screen. Cinema - there. And the reality
is in your mind. You deliberately put a completely different film you need
into your projector and start spinning it.
You say, “That’s not what’s going on, that’s what’s going on.” Now that
movies are different on the outside and inside, you’re becoming a
broadcaster. And gradually the cinema, turned outside, begins to correspond
to the one inside us.
You shouldn’t care what’s going on around you. In isolation, you watch
reality passing through yourself but not into the script. Reality passes
through you as if you existed in another dimension like a ghost. That,
external, scenario is for yourself, and your intention is for yourself. No
matter what happens on the reality screen, you are stubbornly and
continuously broadcasting your script, your cinema. Now you are not
obeying the outer tape, but forming your own, independent.

Of course, material reality will not surrender as plastically as in a

conscious dream. But your influence on the course of events will increase
significantly as you begin to interact with reality in two aspects - physical
and metaphysical.
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The only condition: such a technique requires a relatively high

level of energy and bright consciousness. It will also take spiritual
strength to ignore difficult circumstances and relentlessly broadcast
your intentions. This is the next step in the transfer. A new approach
has been developed to reach this new stage - how we think, how we
feed, how we move.

For the average average person shunted by the system, it is

almost impossible to tear off a mirror and transform from a receiver
to a broadcaster. Low energy, darkened consciousness, just lacks
knowledge of the principle of broadcasting: I film not the cinema I
see, but the one I want to see.

But if you set yourself the goal of becoming a broadcaster, you

will succeed. Now you know how to do it. When your body and
consciousness are cleansed and energy begins to flow in a powerful
flow, you will be able to overcome this barrier, then everything will
be completely different: on the outside, ie in reality, the cinema you
have purposefully filmed will rotate inside.

ÿ The most radical and powerful action is your intent, your cinema
broadcasting without looking at what is going on around it.
ÿ Is someone pressuring you? The red light on the head comes on. You need to wake up
and turn on monitoring mode.
ÿ Then switch from depressive mode to
active cinema broadcast mode.
ÿ Reality is the screen. Cinema - there. And the reality is in your mind.
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ÿ Whatever happens on the reality screen, you are persistent and relentless
you broadcast your script, your movie. ÿ Now
you are not obeying the outer tape, you are forming your own, independent.
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The book is coming to an end. You’ve probably seen many things

that lay on the surface but weren’t obvious. An unfamiliar form of reality
has opened up to you, and from now on you will not look at it like
everyone else. This will give you an advantage, but only if you are
committed to embarking on a path to liberation from addictions and
social clamps.

Now, in the concluding chapter, brief conclusions can be drawn.

Why doesn’t everyone who feeds on live food look great?

The organism is a recovering system, it will fix everything itself,

all that needs to be done is to create the appropriate conditions and announce the intention.

Live nutrition alone is not enough. The furrows (blood vessels) will
be clean but narrow. Rowers (muscles) unloaded but weak. You need
to move.
Moving alone is not enough. The diet must be wholesome and
physiological, otherwise intoxication and exhaustion await.
The intent is small. In addition to the two previous factors, he
will not have enough Power.

Nutrition, movement, intention - if there are three

dÿmenys, viskas atsikurs ir sunormalÿs.
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Why does transerfection not work for everyone and by no

means always as it should? Modern man is in a shunted state. His
consciousness is distracted. The body is contaminated with
slag. Energy weak.
Life safety valve closed. Subconsciously overloaded with
information. There is dependence on food and information. Somatic
and mental clamps.

Load + Shutter + Clamps + Addictions = Shunted

In addition, man is controlled by the illusion of a mirror. He is

the consumer, not the developer. Receiver, not broadcaster. It
remains to be seen how transerfection sometimes still works in
such conditions. But there is also huge potential here. If we
unleash this potential, real Power will open up. The key to this
Power is the unity of all elements:

How we think + How we eat + How we move

Declaration + Statement + Operation
Intentional broadcasting
Own cinema

When you open your shutter, get rid of burdens, dependencies,

and clamps, your Power will increase dramatically. And when you
change from a receiver to a broadcaster, the possibilities are limited
only by your intention. You will be able to create any world.

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So, the system is overcome, the clouds are scattered. Now, dear Reader,
I ask you to go back to the preface, where you may have misunderstood
something from the beginning, and read it again. Then a kaleidoscope of all
the edges of reality discussed in the book will come together into a single
puzzle, and you will see a clear picture. And if you want to read the book
again, it will open up new, previously unseen sides to you like a hologram.

And in the end I would like to lift your mood in a fun short story in the style
of ironic surrealism11. After all, the boundary between reality and ingenuity
is thin. May your world, dear Reader, shine in the rainbow and shine in the
Good luck to you!

11 This short story was first published in Croatian in the collection '20 + 1 najbolja
priÿa za ljeto 2011', published following a competition for writers from the countries
of the former Yugoslavia. I have been honored to participate in this competition.
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I finally got back to where I wrote my Reality Transerfection seven

years ago. My world did not know me and met me unfriendly.

I sit at home with smart trees and a treacherous sky outside the window.
- See how green we are! - Look how blue I am!

I'm going outside - they're waiting in a hurry. And then that will attack
me with rain and wind! I run home and the weather immediately calms down.
The trees stand amazing and the sky shines like nowhere.

I leave the house carefully again, looking around uncertainly. But any
disgust! They start blowing at me again in the wind and watering in the rain.
Okay, I think, after all, by the sea, she's probably trying to annoy me. I will
go and look her in the eye and tell you everything I think about her.

I go to the depths of the forest. Heaven is convinced that I am not going

to retreat, it is clear. But here I am surrounded by trees, their intentions
are clearly hostile. Stand on your own.
- What will you say?
And what do I have to say? I try to sneak in, but they don’t.
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"Little children," I say, "let's agree on the beautiful, otherwise ..."

"Otherwise we'll make you fertilizer now," they say.

They had to break a branch for them, only then did they miss. Wow!
I pull on, on the same track I mentioned in Transerfing, and the cat is
coming in front of me, the muzzle so bandit. - Do you have fish? - asks.
Can you imagine? I'm even stunned.

- What kind of fish?

Here, another cat is getting in my way.
- You're not foolish. Give me a fish! Or we give you everything
we will tear your mouth apart.
"All right, well, ladies and gentlemen," I say, "just let me go to the sea
to catch fish."
- That's it, - cats reluctantly agree, - travel, just faster,
and without the fish thou shalt not return, and we will dig thee out of the earth.

The sea didn't want to admit me either. Did you just go unnoticed. But
how so? After all, that's where I came! And she rolls herself phlegmatic
waves and doesn't react in any way. And I, I think, will scare you now.
That I may flee suddenly out of the rock, that I may gather, that I may
pulse upon thee. That's what I did. But the sea was not afraid. On the
contrary, she started pushing me in waves, trying to get away.

"Hey," I say, "let go, I still need fish to feed the cats!"

"There will be fish for you," said the sea.

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And here the angry flounder caught me by the leg and began to stretch
to the bottom. I cried out,
"And why are you so angry?"
But the flounder did not detach, but kept pulling and staring at
me with its bile. Then I hit the evil flounder in the eye and I missed
it anyway.

- You all go to hell! - I was offended and crawled ashore. The

sea swirled angrily and made me wave. And here the seagulls
started screaming like crazy.
- Hey, you! What a throat! - I'm tired.
- And you're here! - The seagulls became even more angry and began to spin
about me, trying to beak as hard as possible.
- And you know that my world cares about me ?! -
I squeezed desperately.
- Shut up! We are your world! The seagulls replied, not stopping
me. I defended myself against the unknown. (Apparently the world
cared, though.) And the sea tried to reach me and flood me.

At that moment, one thought came to my mind. I need to do

something to make them all know me. I quickly wrote in the sand,
"It's me!" And you imagine the sea immediately calmed down and
flowed back. And the seagulls fell silent and flew away. But before
that they shook their heads wisely, and cut off their beak, and said,
- Yeah! - And flew away.
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And the evil flounder protruded from the water and blinked at
me. Or not, the fish can't catch the eye ... Anyway, it turned out
to me that it was blinking anyway.

I pulled home, only on another track, to avoid meeting the cat

bandits. And yet heaven did not want to acknowledge me. No
rain came out of this or that. Only not from above, but from
below. Drops gathered from the balls, rolled off the grass, flew
off the leaves, and fell upward, slipping under my pants. The
sky was obviously mocked.

I tried to jump and shout,

"Heaven!" Give me yourself!
But he did not react in any way, and kept pouring out his
mocking reverse rain. And there were almost no clouds. But
where will they be found if the drops fall? I thought, well, a
grabber, giving me neither rain nor cloud. Maybe use the
principle of freestyle - to change the intention to receive the intention to give
Then I started shouting:
- Dangau! Here, take me!
No reaction again. -
That's me!

But judging by everything, heaven didn’t notice me. The world

I left seven years ago has become different and has not known
me. I agreed with the sea, seagulls and cats anyway. And only
heaven didn’t want to admit me. After all, he's high. I forgot to
pick it up when I left.
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I was taken home in confusion. I go and think, what have I

done here to make heaven know me? And here my world makes
me one more surprise. A yellow submarine suddenly emerges
from the forest and sings the song "Stairs to Heaven" by the
band "Led Zeppelin", stepping nicely on its legs, covered with
orange boots. Well, I think, forks, we’ve arrived, somehow
everything in my world is mixed up.

- Hey, what are you here for? - I stumbled into it.

- I'm going swimming! How is the water warm?
"No, I'm fine," I say neither this nor that, "I'll be fine ..."

- Yes! Yes! - The submarine began to loosen. - The weather

today is so beautiful and elegant! Kolosalu!

"How can we talk about the air as the air ..." I wonder. - Does
he mean the opposite rain? Just so you don’t realize it’s through
me! The theme needs to change. "

- And why are you with orange boots? - stupid

I asked.
- After all, we have an Orange holiday today! Don't you know?
It is not rude of you to be alone in black on such a day.

I looked at myself and was surprised to see that I was wearing a tailcoat.
Wow! The miracles seem to be just beginning. Am I just going
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- You can't go crazy because you can't move in! The submarine sang, as
if reading my mind. - Although what I'm saying, anything is possible if you
have an Orange Feast!

- What is the meaning?

- And how do you not understand! You paint your world with the colors
you choose, and you determine what is possible and what is not.

- Kolosalu! - I loved him. - Do you think that if you have already stretched
the orange boots, the whole world will immediately follow your example?

- Butter! How bad! I forgot to put them down and put on the fins! For
some reason today so distracted!
Faster Faster! I'm already flying!

The yellow submarine, rushing through its boots in a hurry, quickly

disappeared from my eyes, and only his song, which flew in from afar, made
me believe that it was all over me: “There's a lady who's sure, ... Pamparam
pamparam ... "

And here I was stuffed. Aha! I smoked into the house where a long ladder
lay in the barn.

So I grabbed the ladder, you probably already realized

to whom I pull them, and they push them, do not want to:
- Stop! We dreamed such a wonderful dream that
we have reached the moon! And you woke us up!
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- No, no! - I tell them. - You will be my ladder to heaven!

- A, then okay. We are so high! We will reach the stars

“Wait,” I say, “for the sake of dignity, I need to take some
orange stuff with me and a song to make heaven for him to
recognize me.
Unfortunately, nothing like that except the orange carrot
appeared in the house. So much for that, I think, will be fine. So I
climb the ladder with which I immediately and loudly and diligently
tear my song, conducting myself a carrot:

I’m a fun awesome bird!

I fly high in the sky!
Free and happy!
And I sing to you, dangau,
This gra-a-aži of my song!
Loud and exercise!
I will paint the whole world
in Amazing Orange!
To make everyone warm and happy-uu!
We will dance and have fun
Under the orange sky!
And let the sun shine on mu-u-ums!
For such fun and happy-e-ems!
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So I sang, waving a carrot until I suddenly heard it

to someone's wise remark: - And what-so
you scream. You will scare all the butterflies for me.
Looking back, I saw an orange cow with a grab flying through
the country. Quickly waving my small wings, the cow hung over
my head and gave me a reproachful look. Out of surprise, I came
up with nothing but to ask: - Dear cow, why are you so orange?

You might think that everything else in it didn’t surprise me at

- You're in a hurry to see the party. You have to catch butterflies.

- And what are you going to do with them?

- I'll have a fantastic defiliad in the sky.
For some reason, I wasn’t sure if the cow understood what a
defiliada was, but it didn’t matter.
- And what kind of performance did you have here?
"Come back to my world, and heaven doesn't want to recognize
me." You probably don't hear. I have no idea how to summon it.

The cow thought, "Well, I'll

tell you."
- Right ?! Oh, how great! Oh, how glad I am! - I started jumping
and almost fell off the ladder.
- And what will I get for it? The cow asked, sniffing at the carrot.

- Oh, my gratitude will be very tasty and juicy!

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- So yes. Go to the wise Osliÿiai12 and ask everything. jo. She -

And where can I find him?

- Dive into the sea, into the depths, there you will find it. Just don’t
forget to add some orange stuff to your outfit. A celebration, though.

"Okay, thanks for that," I replied, building a carrot for her.

- Grand merci! Said the cow , flew to herself, frolicking deliciously.

And I, thanking the ladder (they remained very proud and satisfied
with myself), looked forward to seeing the house to see if there was
any more orange stuff. Luckily, an old chest of drawers came to my
"Listen, there's an orange tie in my drawer for a long time, big and
beautiful, just for the occasion," she said.

- Oh, give it to him as soon as possible! - I'm happy.

I wore a tie, and although it didn’t fit very well on the tailcoat and
hung below the waist, my outfit immediately became very colorful
and festive. There is one problem left. You have to sail somehow
and there is no boat. In a word, it was never long before I thought, I
went to the bathroom and told her, "Come with me, you will be my
"Okay," the bath gladly agreed, "where will we go?"
- At the wise Oslo. Will you be able to?
- Easy.
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And here I reach the sea shore, dressed in a tailcoat, with an

orange tie, pulling the bath. The seagulls, of course, marveled at
me in amazement, blushing their beaks. One of them exclaimed:

- Oh, God, what a horror! Have you ever done something

similar seen?
"No, we're not," others replied, shaking their heads.
I pushed the bath into the sea and took off the lid of the pot
because I could not find the paddle. And there was already a
yellow submarine sailing there, pleasing the water with pleasure.

- Are you ready to take a bath at sea? He exclaimed. - Kolosalu!

- No, I'm going to the wise Oslo, I just don't know if

I will be able to dig up before him, for he lives in the depths.
"Here, hold my anchor," said the submarine.
I anchored and shouted, "Revolution will win!" The seagulls
even covered their eyes with fear. What will be?!

I went down to the bottom and saw: the wise Osliÿius was
sitting at a wide table writing something, and behind him was a
large library full of all kinds of thick books. “How wise! - I thought.
"He will definitely help me."
"Oh, the most honorable of the wisest ..." I had begun, but
Osliÿius interrupted me. Prigersi! I know everything. You must go
home immediately and release the kite you will write on
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detailed explanatory note. And for you to succeed, I give you an

orange bike. Go, he's already waiting for you at home.
And fix the tie!
The sea graciously grabbed me and brought me ashore. And
the seagulls, convinced that it all ended happily, began to wave
their wings happily. I bowed low to them.
And the cats, somehow on the shore, waved at me too and
offered to help bring the bath back. Our solemn procession with
triumph drew me home. A yellow submarine stepped in front of
the fins and sang, "We are the champions . " The seagulls also
decided to take a walk, out of courtesy. And the cow flew over
our sky with its truly indescribable and fantastic butterfly defiliada.

The orange holiday is really lucky!

You probably think I came up with it all. And here it is not. The
real truth. And stop smiling. No joke in mind.
Now I will go and release the kite, which says in large letters,
"This is me!" I hope the sky will know me.

I sat on an orange bike (the sun was already near the show,
and the sky took on an orange hue, so I seemed to like it) and
went out to run the kite.

I have an orange bike and a kite flies high high after me.

- Na ?! I shout to heaven, shaking my head.

Finally the sky responded. He stated:
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– You idiots!
And what else can be said to the idiot who is sitting on it
orange bike, launches a kite with the caption "It's me!"?

Whatever. Most importantly, the sky recognized me, stopped

touching itself, and smiled at me in an inverted rainbow. Now,
wherever I go, I will always take my heaven with me.

12 Hake (Croatian Osliÿ).

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