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pcinews_X DECEMBER 8, 2023 VOL. 8 NO. 569
Devotees pray before the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary inside the San Pedro Church in Davao City on Thursday (Dec. 7, 2023). Catholics observe the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of
the Blessed Virgin every Dec. 8 by hearing Mass and offering prayers of thanksgiving.
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Apple, Disney and other big brands are
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FRIDAY DECEMBER 8, 2023 Philippine News 3
FRIDAY DECEMBER 8, 2023 Philippine News 7
Canada News
When is suicide considered “rational”?
BY MARY J. SHARIFF, Such concerns have not con- available, and even if they were, the question was not an offer of there is no hope of recovery?
DEREK ROSS vinced those who maintain that under the current MAiD law, a MAiD but a diagnostic tool to A Senate committee had pre-
Policy Options suicide and MAiD are distinct. person would not need to ful- evaluate suicidality. However, viously concluded that requests
The originating premise for ly explore them before hav- this was not necessarily an iso- for MAiD “should be strictly
this appears to be that MAiD ing their life ended through lated incident and warrants patient-initiated.” This is a sen-
Offering assisted suicide to is based on a considered, ratio- MAiD. There is no explicit leg- further reflection. timent shared by former dis-
people who aren’t dying such as nal and persistent desire to die. islative requirement that pa- First, what a clinician might ability inclusion minister Carla
people with mental illness has By comparison, suicide is per- tients be specifically screened intend to communicate about Qualtrough.
far-reaching implications. ceived as an impulsive act. for suicidality. MAiD can come across very dif- And yet, medical practi-
It is currently a crime in Can- But suicidal ideation in per- The reality is that Canada’s ferently to a patient. MAiD is tioners are not expressly pro-
ada for a doctor to end the life of sons with mental illness can law is not designed to protect unlike any other procedure of- hibited from initiating conver-
a person who no longer wishes also be persistent and long- death-seeking people from eligi- fered in Canada’s healthcare sys- sations about MAiD. The federal
to live because of mental illness. standing. Even former justice bility for MAiD. After all, by defi- tem. It involves the intentional government and a national as-
This is set to change in March minister David Lametti, when nition, MAiD is premised on a termination of human life and sociation of MAiD providers ar-
2024, when amendments to pressed, conceded that MAiD is desire to die. Existing safeguards is “obviously irreversible, and gue that if a patient might be el-
Canada’s medical assistance in “a species of suicide.” do not address concerns about heavy in consequences.” igible, physicians at times have
dying (MAiD) law are to take This is the crux of the matter. the ableist messaging of Canada’s It is therefore subject to a duty to raise it, ensuring the
effect. At that point, mental ill- MAiD is viewed as rational not MAiD regime. This is despite ear- detailed Criminal Code safe- patient is aware of it as a form of
ness may qualify as a “grievous because it is necessarily distinct ly government awareness of the guards and can only be provid- medical treatment.
and irremediable medical con- from suicide, but because Cana- need to “avoid encouraging neg- ed when a patient “voluntarily This line of thinking risks
dition” and create eligibility for dian law and policymakers have ative perceptions of the quality of requests” it, is free from “exter- destabilizing the statutory safe-
assisted death. agreed a desire to die in certain life of people who are elderly, ill nal pressure,” and provides “in- guards found in the Criminal
Members of Parliament, in a circumstances is understand- or disabled.” formed consent.” Code (for example, that the re-
close vote, recently rejected a bill able. And, therefore, it is appro- The re-convergence of MAiD There is a grave risk if a cli- quest must be “voluntary” and
to reverse this expansion. They priate for the state to facilitate. and suicide came into sharp fo- nician initiates the conversa- “not made as a result of external
did, however, ask a special com- This distinction is based not cus amid a troubling report that tion, unsolicited – regardless pressure”). It also overlooks the
mittee to assess Canada’s read- on any empirical authority, a woman seeking help for suicid- of intention. This is because risks and harms that might be
iness for it. Final recommenda- but on a moral and relativist al ideation at a Vancouver hos- of the power imbalance that ex- caused if professionals discuss
tions are due January 31, 2024. judgment. This judgement is pital was asked if she had con- ists between patients and medi- suicide prevention and assis-
There has been some confu- one that scribbles a line be- sidered MAiD. The patient said cal practitioners. tance at the same time.
sion on this issue, including a tween suicides which are illegal she felt “shocked” and “sick- From a disability inclusion A complex path needs
belief that the Supreme Court to assist and those which are ened” by the exchange, and that perspective, how could the ini- guardrails
has required Parliament to in- state-assisted. And that line is the clinician went so far as to tiation of a MAiD conversation Robust safeguards require
troduce psychiatric MAiD. As based on disability. describe MAiD as a more “com- by a doctor or nurse ever be clear boundaries. A regime
more than 30 law professors re- According to the law, access fortable” process compared to neutral? And how could calling where only suicide prevention
cently explained in an open let- to state-assisted death is never other forms of suicide. mental illness “irremediable” can be raised with the “non-dis-
ter, this is not accurate. Expand- permissible for people who are The hospital maintained that not convey the message that abled” but termination of life
ing MAiD for mental illness is mentally and physically healthy can be freely explored with the
currently a policy decision of – even those with a considered “disabled” sends the harmful
legislators, not a court-mandat- and persistent desire to die. But message that all lives are not
ed constitutional directive. for the class of persons with a equal. This was not the intent of
The line between MAiD “grievous and irremediable” those who advocated for MAiD
and suicide disability – soon to include expansion. But the effects of
Many Canadians, suicide mental illnesses – a desire to die legislation must be understood
prevention organizations, dis- is reflected back as understand- as well as the intent.
ability advocates and health able to the extent that it merits Second, if patients are asked
professionals have voiced res- a “compassionate” life-end- if they are “considering MAiD”
ervations on expanding MAiD ing response by the state. This as a clinical means to screen
to include psychiatric disor- life-ending response is publicly for suicidality, what happens
ders. One concern is that of- funded and delivered through if they say yes? Does the clini-
fering MAiD for mental illness the healthcare system. cian turn to suicide prevention?
– especially if there are indi- Insufficient safeguards Or does this trigger a duty to
cations of suicidality – could Many who support expansion act as the patient’s “navigator”
transform psychiatry’s ap- argue that adequate safeguards for MAiD? According to cer-
proach from suicide preven- are in place to address any con- tain suggested Canadian prac-
tion to suicide assistance. As cerns. For example, last year tice standards, a patient who
the Canadian Association for Canada’s health minister at the expresses a desire for MAiD is
Suicide Prevention observed, time insisted on X (formerly to be tracked towards a MAiD
MAiD for “someone who is not Twitter) that “suicidal people assessment.
dying as a result of their condi- are NOT eligible for MAiD and At minimum, stringent safe-
tion, such as a mental disorder instead offered supports.”
alone” is, by definition, suicide. But supports are often not ❱❱ PAGE 26 When is suicide
10 Canada News DECEMBER 8, 2023 FRIDAY
FRIDAY DECEMBER 8, 2023 Canada News 11
World News
The Sunnylands Statement sets a positive
signal: World leaders gathered for COP28
must build off of it
BY SIBO CHEN, Toronto Accelerating renewable bonization is not without obsta- da’s lack of determination in phas- firm policy language concern-
Metropolitan University energy transition cles. As highlighted in a recent ing out its oil and gas industry. ing the end of the expansion
The Conversation There are two significant review paper published by Ap- Reports on Canada’s fossil of fossil fuels then a cleaner
developments within the plied Energy, about half of the fuel industry’s role at COP28 fossil-fuel world is likely to be-
statement which are worth announced economic stimulus have stoked fears of “green- come our future. A future we
In a politically turbulent highlighting. The first is Chi- plans worldwide continue to be washing” over carbon capture should all be wary of.
world, it is rare to witness ma- na’s commitment to setting dominated by fossil fuel invest- proposals in Alberta. These Charting a new course
jor global actors set aside their comprehensive climate targets ments. In countries like Canada, proposals are intended to tack- Although the Sunnylands
disagreements to address the by 2035 that encompass all the allocation of subsidies to the le GHG emissions during oil Statement is undoubtedly a step
existential threats posed by cli- greenhouse gases (GHG) and oil and gas industry has generat- sands production but do not in the right direction, it must be
mate change. On Nov. 14, the the second is its unprecedented ed public controversy. address the emissions from the accompanied by a focused dia-
United States and China did consideration of absolute emis- Beyond investments, funda- consumption of fossil fuels. logue on the true meaning of net
just this by issuing the Sunny- sion reductions in its (primar- mental changes in how people This brings us to a crucial zero. Will a country lean towards
lands Statement on Enhancing ily coal-fuelled) power sector travel and work — borne of the question looming over COP28: net zero achieved primarily by
Cooperation to Address the Cli- within this decade. pandemic — may lead to endur- what does “net zero” actual- renewables, or one achieved by
mate Crisis. Such policy language is cru- ing long-term reductions in the ly entail? In her book Ending carbon capture and storage?
Issued prior to the pivotal cial for figuring out China’s fu- use of fossil fuels for transpor- Fossil Fuels, environmental How major economies (the
Biden-Xi meeting on Nov. 15 at ture energy import prospects. tation. As evidenced by a recent scholar Holly Jean Buck warns U.S., China, Canada, etc.) ap-
the Asia-Pacific Economic Co- The Sunnylands Statement study published by PNAS, the against a potentially peril- proach these issues carries
operation (APEC) summit in indicates that the U.S. and Chi- growth in remote and hybrid ous narrative that envisions a significant national and inter-
San Francisco, the statement na recognize climate change work alone could reduce indi- “cleaner fossil world” in which national consequences. The
not only establishes a spirit of mitigation as one of the limited vidual carbon footprints by as carbon storage and other forms Sunnylands Statement paved
co-operation but also sustains domains in which they appear much as 58 per cent. of carbon capture continue to the way for energy talks at
the progress made in recent willing to cultivate stability in All eyes on COP28 obscure the dominance of fossil COP28, and the world is eagerly
climate dialogues between the their bilateral relations. This The Sunnylands Statement, fuels, thereby failing to address watching such talks’ outcomes.
world’s two largest greenhouse isn’t entirely surprising, given signifying the world’s two largest systemic problems caused by As said by the UN Secre-
gases (GHG) emitters. the rapid transition towards economies’ pledge to “pursue ef- contemporary society’s addic- tary-General António Guterres,
Climate organizations and renewable energy sources that forts to triple renewable energy tion to carbon-intensive modes “The world is watching, and the
analysts have welcomed the both countries have undertak- capacity globally by 2030,” can of economic growth. planet can’t wait.” ■
statement. China Dialogue stat- en. This trend gained momen- thus steer discussions at COP28 If the unprecedented num-
ed that it shows that even with tum during the pandemic and is towards meaningful fossil fuel bers of lobbyists — and perhaps This article is republished
their complex relationship, both anticipated to continue as their phase-out strategies. Yet, concerns even the COP28 president — from The Conversation under a
nations are committed to pri- economic activities recover, emerge when we consider Cana- have their say in preventing Creative Commons license.
oritizing climate issues. While and become more dependent
the Asia Society Policy Insti- upon renewable energy.
tute characterized the bilateral This has been confirmed by
alignment of the statement as an BloombergNEF’s 2023 Sus-
“insurance” to the ongoing 28th tainable Energy in America
United Nations Climate Change Factbook, which reported that
Conference (COP28). in 2022, U.S. energy transition
As a scholar closely moni- investments rose 11 per cent
toring the global implications year-on-year to $141 billion — a
of China’s climate policy, the clear indication that clean en-
statement is particularly in- ergy is now an integral part of
triguing for how it describes the American economy.
China’s approach to energy Meanwhile, despite the pres-
transition. China’s determina- ent obstacles, estimations for
tion to “ramp up renewable en- China’s greenhouse gas emis-
ergy with the goal of displacing sions indicate a probability
fossil fuels” should be taken se- exceeding 80 per cent that the
riously by Canadian, and global, country will reach its carbon
policymakers when planning peak between 2021 and 2026.
energy futures. The journey towards decar- U.S. President Joe Biden and China’s President Xi Jinping (PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN/FACEBOOK)
FRIDAY DECEMBER 8, 2023 World News 13
Star Cinema drops official trailer of 'Rewind;'
garners over 16 million views within 24 hours
ABS-CBN and regrets with his family after totoong love na nadarama ng
an uneventful accident that cost artista and it translates to the
his wife's life in a car crash. material," Mae shared.
Dingdong goes back in Desperate to have his wife, "We've been dreaming for a
time to save relationship Mary (Marian), back into his life DongYan movie for the longest
with Marian and to mend his relationship time. We really had a long dis-
ABS-CBN Film Productions with their son Austin (Jordan cussion. Sinulat namin ito para
officially dropped the highly-an- Lim), he receives unexpected sa kanila. Kapag ba 'ganun ka-
ticipated trailer of the comeback help from Lods, played by Pepe swak ang materyal, hihintayin
movie of the country's power- Herrera—giving him a chance pa ba natin? The unanimous
house reel-to-real couple, Ding- to start anew and amend his decision was no one else could
dong Dantes and Marian Rivera, wrongdoings to his family. But do it but Dingdong and Mari-
with "Rewind," amassing over along with this opportunity, a an," Enrico added.
16 million views within 24 hours costly consequence awaits. Completing the stellar cast are
since its release on various Star Dingdong and Marian then Sue Ramirez, Joross Gamboa,
Cinema and ABS-CBN platforms expressed their delight and Catch "Rewind" in the upcoming MMFF 2023, in cinemas nationwide starting Lito Pimentel, Ina Feleo, Ariel
last December 4 (Monday). gratitude to be starring in Star December 25 (ABS-CBN) Ureta, Pamu Pomerada, Mary Joy
The film will be the Cinema's official MMFF entry, Apostol, Via Antonio, Chamyto
much-awaited return of Dong- co-produced alongside APT ood, whether parte ka ng isang along with story writer Enrico Aguedan, and Coney Reyes.
Yan on the big screen that is sure Entertainment and Agosto Dos pamilya, isang barkada, asawa ka Santos, praised Dingdong and Catch "Rewind" in the up-
to tug hearts with its stinging Pictures. man o anak," Dingdong said. As Marian for their heart stringing coming MMFF 2023, in cinemas
drama on family, faith, and love. "Mula noong unang araw na for Marian, "Nakaka-proud na performance on the big screen— nationwide starting December
Showing in cinemas nation- mabasa namin ang script, na- nakagawa ako ng isang pangarap noting that the roles of John and 25. For film updates, follow ABS-
wide beginning this Christmas as kakatuwa na talagang nabig- kong pelikula… Palagi akong Mary are a perfect fit for Dong- CBN Films on Facebook, X, Tik-
one of the official entries for the yan namin ito ng buhay that's looking forward na makatraba- Yan and their portrayals will Tok, Instagram, and Threads.
49th Metro Manila Film Festi- why I can't wait to see the final ho muli si Dong and hanggang move audiences into tears. For other news, follow @ab-
val (MMFF), "Rewind" revolves product. Mapalad kami na isa sa ngayon, in love pa rin akong "Ang laking factor talaga na scbnpr on Facebook, X, TikTok,
around John (Dingdong), who mapili ng MMFF. I guarantee na makasama siya onscreen." it was DongYan who portrayed Instagram, and Threads, or visit
looks to make up for lost time makaka-relate ang mga manon- Its director Mae Cruz Alviar, John and Mary. Iba kasi 'yung ■
18 Entertainment DECEMBER 8, 2023 FRIDAY
Why isn’t there any sound in space?
An astronomer explains why in space
no one can hear you scream
BY CHRIS IMPEY, University jostle or bump into their neigh- Sound in the solar system Deep space sounds electrons are separated from
of Arizona bors, causing a sound to come Scientists have wondered how While space is a good enough protons. In a plasma, the physics
The Conversation out of your mouth. human voices would sound on vacuum that normal sound of sound waves get complicated.
Sound moves through air our nearest neighboring planets, can’t travel through it, it’s actu- Waves travel much faster in this
the same way it moves through Venus and Mars. This experi- ally not a perfect vacuum, and it low-density medium, and their
How far can sound trav- your throat. Air molecules near ment is hypothetical because does have some particles float- wavelength is much longer.
el through space, since it’s your mouth bump into their Mars is usually below freezing, ing through it. In 2022, NASA released a
so empty? Is there an echo neighbors, which in turn bump and its atmosphere is thin, un- Beyond the Earth and its atmo- spectacular example of sound
in space? – Jasmine, age 14, into their neighbors, and the breathable carbon dioxide. Ve- sphere, there are five particles in in space. It used X-ray data to
Everson, Washington sound moves through the air. nus is even worse – its air is hot a typical cubic centimeter – the make an audible recording that
In space, no one can hear you The sound wave travels quickly, enough to melt lead, with a thick volume of a sugar cube – that are represents the way a massive
scream. about 760 miles per hour (1,223 carbon dioxide atmosphere. mostly hydrogen atoms. By con- black hole stirs up plasma in the
You may have heard this say- kilometers per hour), which is On Mars, your voice would trast, the air you are breathing Perseus galaxy cluster, 250 mil-
ing. It’s the tagline from the fa- faster than a commercial jet. sound tinny and hollow, like is 10 billion billion (1019) times lion light years from Earth. The
mous 1979 science fiction mov- Space is a vacuum the sound of a piccolo. On Ve- more dense. The density goes black hole itself emits no sound,
ie “Alien.” It’s a scary thought, So what about in space? nus, the pitch of your voice down with distance from the Sun, but the diffuse plasma around
but is it true? The simple an- Space is a vacuum, which would be much deeper, like the and in the space between stars it carries very long wavelength
swer is yes, no one can hear you means it contains almost no sound of a booming bass guitar. there are 0.1 particles per cubic sound waves.
scream in space because there matter. The word vacuum comes The reason is the thickness of centimeter. In vast voids between The natural sound is far too
is no sound or echo in space. from the Latin word for empty. the atmosphere. On Mars the galaxies, it is a million times lower low a frequency for the human
I’m a professor of astronomy, Sound is carried by atoms thin air creates a high-pitched still – fantastically empty. ear to hear, 57 octaves below
which means I study space and and molecules. In space, with sound, and on Venus the thick The voids of space are kept middle C, which is the middle
how it works. Space is silent – no atoms or molecules to car- air creates a low-pitched sound. very hot by radiation from stars. note on a piano and in the mid-
for the most part. ry a sound wave, there’s no The team that worked this out The very spread-out matter dle of the range of sound people
How sound works sound. There’s nothing to get simulated other solar system found there is in a physical state can hear. But after raising the
To understand why there’s in sound’s way out in space, but sounds, like a waterfall on Sat- called a plasma. frequency to the audible range,
no sound in space, first con- there’s nothing to carry it, so it urn’s moon Titan. A plasma is a gas in which the result is chilling – it’s the
sider how sound works. Sound doesn’t travel at all. No sound sound of a black hole growling
is a wave of energy that moves also means no echo. An echo in deep space. ■
through a solid, a liquid or a gas. happens when a sound wave
Sound is a compression hits a hard, flat surface and Hello, curious kids! Do you
wave. The energy created when bounces back in the direction it have a question you’d like an
your vocal cords vibrate slight- came from. expert to answer? Ask an adult
ly compresses the air in your By the way, if you were caught to send your question to Curi-
throat, and the compressed en- in space outside your spacecraft ousKidsUS@theconversation.
ergy travels outward. with no spacesuit, the fact that com. Please tell us your name,
A good analogy for sound is no one could hear your cry for age and the city where you live.
a Slinky toy. If you stretch out help is the least of your prob- And since curiosity has no age
a Slinky and push hard on one lems. Any air you still had in limit – adults, let us know what
end, a compression wave trav- your lungs would expand be- you’re wondering, too. We won’t
els down the Slinky. cause it was at higher pressure be able to answer every question,
When you talk, your vocal than the vacuum outside. Your but we will do our best.
cords vibrate. They jostle air lungs would rupture. In a mere This article is republished
molecules in your throat above 10 to 15 seconds, you’d be uncon- from The Conversation under a
your vocal cords, which in turn scious due to a lack of oxygen. Creative Commons license.
Pacquiao ‘excited’ to see
success of MPBL – Duremdes
Philippine News Agency ng plano this early (Senator giging barometer naman ng have improved a lot),” he added. its pre-season games twice -
Pacquiao called for a meeting at mga teams yung Pampanga (If That perhaps has been the one in the North and one in the
his residence. While Pampan- you’ll notice MPBL is an unpre- reason for the MPBL finally South, which will all be televised.
MANILA – The Maharlika ga is still celebrating, we went dictable league. No dominant breaching the 1 million follow- Duremdes said the MPBL is
Pilipinas Basketball League already to his house because teams. History wise since our ers from its Facebook page. also looking to add more games
(MPBL) just concluded its fifth he is excited to see the growth inaugural season, no team has "It was quite an achievement to its schedule by next season,
season, and yet league officials and success of the league and he yet to win back-to-back cham- for the league," Duremdes said. while two more teams have
are already looking forward to wants to already have plan this pionships)," he said. After the holiday break, Du- submitted Letter of Intent to
the next one. early)," Duremdes said in Tues- He said even last year's final- remdes said the MPBL will hold join the regional league. ■
Commissioner Kenneth Du- day's Philippine Sportswriters ists Nueva Ecija and Zamboan-
remdes said league founder Association (PSA) Forum at the ga were both eliminated in this
Manny Pacquiao is now think- conference hall of the Rizal Me- season's playoffs.
ing of ways to maintain or even morial Sports Complex. "Yun ang pinaka-exciting na
exceed the success gained in the While Pampanga was a domi- part ng MPBL. Hindi mo alam
recent season moving forward. nant force in the playoffs, includ- kung sino ang mananalo (That’s
The league is looking to open ing becoming the first team to the exciting part of the MPBL.
its sixth season by March of sweep the finals, Duremdes noted You don’t know which team will
next year as Pampanga Giant too, how the Lanterns are the fifth win)," the PBA great said in the
Lanterns emerged as the new different national champion in session presented by San Miguel
national champion following a five seasons of the league so far. Corporation, Philippine Sports
3-0 sweep of Bacoor Strikers in Batangas was the inaugu- Commission, MILO, Philip-
the finals last week. ral champion followed by San pine Olympic Committee, and
"Right after ng champion- Juan, Davao Occidental, and the Philippine Amusement and
ship, nagpatawag agad ng meet- Nueva Ecija. Gaming Corporation (PAGCOR).
ing si Senator (Pacquiao) sa ba- "Kung mapapansin ninyo ang "Nakita natin yung improve-
hay niya. So nagse-celebrate pa MPBL talaga is an unpredict- ment and level playing field at
yung buong Pampanga nandun able league. Walang dominant yung quality ng mga players SUCCESSFUL. Maharlika Pilipinas Basketball League (MPBL) commissioner Ken-
na kami sa bahay niya kasi he's teams. History-wise since our nag-improve talaga ng malaki neth Duremdes shares the league’s future plans and programs during the Philippine
excited dahil nakita niya yung inaugural season wala pang (We have also notice the im- Sportswriters Association (PSA) Forum at the PSC Conference Room in Malate Manila
growth and success ng league. nakapag-back-to-back cham- provement and level playing on Tuesday (Dec. 5, 2023). Duremdes said MPBL founder Manny Pacquiao is excited
and gusto niya magkaroon agad pionship. And ngayon ang ma- field and the quality of players to see the growth and success of the league. (JESS M. ESCAROS JR./PNA)
Apple, Disney and other big brands are
pulling X ads – why Elon Musk’s latest
‘firestorm’ could bring down the company
BY DENITSA DINEVA, most recent advertising freezes X – they may even be seen by
Cardiff University are particularly harmful to the consumers as supporting his
The Conversation platform’s revenues because stance, for example. Consum-
they unfold during months of ers often expect brands to take
the year when it typically sees a stand on divisive topics (al-
Elon Musk’s recent endorse- increased spending on holiday though less so in recent years).
ment of an antisemitic con- promotional content. Failure to do so may encourage
spiracy theory on X (formerly When a controversial event, people to stop using a brand or
Twitter) is the latest in a series statement or issue gains signif- buying their products.
of controversial statements the icant attention and triggers a X’s global audience is dominat-
owner of the social media plat- large number of people to ex- ed by users aged between 25 and
form has made since he acquired press their opinions and criti- 49 years old, the age group with
it in 2022. Major brands includ- cisms on social media, research- the most disposable income per
ing Disney, Apple and Microsoft ers call it an online firestorm. household in many countries,
have decided to pause or sus- This creates virality around a including the UK and US. So, for
pend their advertising spending topic, causing real-world im- businesses that maintain an ac-
on X in recent weeks. plications. For example, in this tive presence on X, Musk’s state-
Musk apologised for his post study of 78 “online firestorms”, ments could be detrimental.
but then used profane language 58% of companies involved saw And from a social perspec-
during an interview with tive, of course, Musk’s be-
New York Times report- haviour may involuntarily
er Andrew Ross Sorkin to fuel the spread of hateful exacerbating social divisions, gaging with audiences should
challenge the advertisers’ content and disinforma- causing reputational harm, and be done in a positive and empa-
decision to suspend their Some brands tion. Social media plat- undermining public safety. thetic manner. Responding de-
advertising on the plat- forms and regulators have Managing online firestorms fensively or disengaging from
form. He accused them of have been implemented measures to This situation highlights the a firestorm may only escalate
blackmail, prompting more gradually attempt to combat such responsibility that comes with the situation. Instead, focusing
companies, including US content, including a clear an influential position such as on finding common ground and
retail giant Walmart, to an- withdrawing policy on hateful conduct Musk’s in navigating the deli- solutions, or offering an apolo-
nounce X ad suspensions. their presence on X. However, Musk’s re- cate balance between free ex- gy if appropriate, is preferable.
X chief executive, Linda cent outburst, alongside pression and responsible com- Rather than taking these
Yaccarino, has addressed from X over continued contention munication online. steps, once advertisers start-
the controversy, pointing the past year around content moder- If X did want to regain some ed withdrawing from X, Musk
out that Musk apologised. ation decisions, has set a of its lost footing around this placed the blame on their shoul-
She also called his interview anyway. precedent that could re- issue, research shows that man- ders. He even suggested their
“wide ranging and candid” define what is deemed ac- aging online firestorms can be actions pose a severe threat
in a post, and reportedly ceptable on the platform. challenging, but there are ways to the platform’s survival. But
told employees in a memo This shift poses the risk to mitigate the worst effects: Musk’s penchant for controver-
that it was “profound”. of a surge in incendiary and 1. Respond in a timely way: sial behaviour and outspoken
Some brands have been grad- a decrease in short-term brand hateful content, contrary to the Addressing the issue prompt- remarks on sensitive social,
ually withdrawing their pres- perceptions, while 40% suffered platform’s established policies. ly is vital. A delayed response political and business topics is
ence from X over the past year similar long-term negative ef- Exposure to such content has can aggravate the situation and surely more likely to cause both
anyway. Companies have also fects. But the impact of an on- well documented repercus- make it more difficult to regain advertisers and users to contin-
acted after a recent report from line firestorm can vary widely, so sions, including causing mental control of the narrative. ue to depart X, leading to the
left-wing advocacy group Me- what could X expect to happen and emotional distress. 2. Be transparent: Trans- platform’s demise.
dia Matters for America said after this latest controversy? Such distress can encourage parency and honesty can help The ongoing tension certain-
ads on X for brands like IBM Musk’s behaviour affects people to disengage from social build trust and credibility. Of- ly raises questions about the
have been appearing beside advertisers and users media platforms. And for those fering an explanation of the platform’s future and the role of
pro-Nazi content. X has filed a From a commercial stand- that don’t leave, a public figure’s steps being taken to rectify the its high-profile owner in shap-
lawsuit against Media Matters, point, negative perceptions endorsement of false or untrue situation could improve inter- ing its destiny. ■
saying the report was “man- of Musk’s controversial posts information can fuel the spread net users’ attitudes towards the
ufactured” in order to “drive about social and business topics of disinformation on social platform, organisation or per- This article is republished
advertisers from the platform could spill over to affect brands media. The repercussions of son involved in the firestorm. from The Conversation under a
and destroy X Corp”. But the that continue to advertise on this are far-reaching, including 3. Engage positively: En- Creative Commons license.
24 Business DECEMBER 8, 2023 FRIDAY
Microsoft’s ban on third-party controllers
on the Xbox excludes some disabled gamers
from using the device
BY JUAN ESCOBAR- important. official support for accessibility dian Survey on Disability, dis- players. But the backlash from
LAMANNA, Western But video games are a mas- in gaming from a major video abled individuals are more than disabled gamers shows this is
University sive source of entertainment for game company. twice as likely as non-disabled not true. Disabled players are
The Conversation both children and adults. The Banned third-party con- people to live in poverty. Dis- concerned about the ban’s pos-
gaming industry is currently the trollers abled people also earn 12 to 51 sible effects on accessibility.
highest-grossing entertainment Microsoft has taken a step per cent less annually. The video game industry has
When it comes to accessibil- industry worldwide. With an back in their efforts to champi- While we may not think historically overlooked dis-
ity in gaming, Microsoft takes estimated 6.2 million disabled on video game accessibility with about the price of assistive tech- abled gamers as a legitimate
two steps forward with the people in Canada, 61 million their recent announcement. nologies like the Xbox Adaptive and sizeable consumer base.
Xbox Adaptive Controller, but a disabled people in the United While they have clarified that de- Controller as an accessibility The banning of other assistive
giant leap back with its ban on States and 1.3 billion disabled vices compatible with the Xbox barrier, it can play a role in lim- technology options for disabled
third-party devices. people worldwide, there is un- Adaptive Controller will not be iting the available options for gamers is an unfortunate step
On Oct. 31, some Xbox play- doubtedly a large group of dis- affected, this does not eliminate many disabled people. back in an already long and
ers began receiving a new er- abled video game players. all accessibility concerns. Historically overlooked hard-fought battle for inclusive
ror code on their Xbox One and In order to have a truly inclu- Disability is individual and The availability of the Xbox and accessible gaming. ■
Xbox Series X/S consoles. The sive and accessible society, dis- varies from person to person. Adaptive Controller may make
error code meant that players abled people’s rights to mean- While the Xbox Adaptive Con- it seem like Microsoft’s ban This article is republished
were using an unauthorized ingfully take part in accessible troller may work for many dis- of third-party controllers will from The Conversation under a
third-party controller — one forms of entertainment, leisure abled gamers, that does not have little effect on disabled Creative Commons license.
not made by Microsoft or an of- and play must be supported. make it a universal solution that
ficial hardware partner. Players Video game accessibility works for all disabled gamers.
were given two weeks’ notice In recent years, Microsoft The Xbox Adaptive Control-
until the unauthorized control- has been a leader in video game ler is only one accessibility op-
ler would no longer work with accessibility. In 2018, they were tion among many available to
their consoles. the first major gaming company disabled gamers. The ban on
Essentially, Microsoft had to release an adaptive controller. third-party controllers means
quietly banned the use of con- The Xbox Adaptive Control- that other accessibility options
trollers not made or approved ler is a customizable controller and devices are now unusable
by the company. In the following that allows players to connect for Xbox players.
weeks, Microsoft officially stat- external devices (foot pedals, Downsides of the Xbox
ed the ban was meant to protect joysticks, buttons, switches) to Adaptive Controller
players’ gaming experiences, ports on the back of the con- The Xbox Adaptive Controller
and ensure the quality and safe- troller. This controller design is a great accessibility option —
ty of players’ controllers. allows players to construct however, it has downsides that
The ban, however, pres- their own unique gaming setup. other third-party devices may
ents barriers to many disabled Someone previously unable to address. One of these downsides
gamers who may use third-par- hold a controller would now be is that the Xbox Adaptive Con-
ty controllers for accessibility able to play a game mainly with troller is not compatible with all
reasons. their feet, for example. external devices. For example,
Social exclusion and acces- Because controllers require a computer mice are not compati-
sibility high amount of dexterity to use, ble with the Adaptive Controller
When we talk about accessi- many disabled people (partic- but are with other now-unau-
bility and the social exclusion of ularly those with mobility im- thorized devices.
disabled people, we often do not pairments) are not able to play Another downside of the
consider accessible forms of lei- video games. Assistive technol- Xbox Adaptive Controller is the
sure to be important. ogies like the Xbox Adaptive cost. The controller itself costs
Legal policies such as the Controller help make video $130. External buttons and joy-
Americans with Disabilities games more accessible. sticks can also run a high price,
Act and the Accessibility for Disabled players have made with some popular buttons re-
Ontarians with Disabilities Act their own accessibility solu- tailing for $75. This is on top
that legislate access to public tions for years. The Xbox Adap- of the initial cost of buying an
spaces and provide protection tive Controller was a massive Xbox, which can range from
from employment discrimina- step forward for video game $380 to $650.
tion are often viewed as more accessibility because it showed According to the 2017 Cana-
26 Technology DECEMBER 8, 2023 FRIDAY
What does Australian-grown coffee taste
like, and how does it compare? Our research
describes its unique ‘terroir’
BY LEI LIU, Southern tude areas. cooler temperatures and lon-
Cross University, SIMON But that doesn’t mean we can’t ger ripening periods in our cof-
WILLIAMS, Southern produce a good cup of coffee here. fee-producing areas.
Cross University, TOBIAS In fact, coffee has been successful- It also has a low-medium in-
KRETZSCHMAR, Southern ly grown on Australia’s east coast tensity in acidity, smooth tex-
Cross University for more than 100 years. Today, tural mouthfeel, and a medi-
The Conversation there are about 50 growers scat- um-long aftertaste.
tered throughout the coast’s trop- In addition, we observed slight
ical and subtropical areas. differences between the terroirs
Australians love their coffee, During the course of our re- of coffee from Australia’s two pri-
and many can barely live with- search, coffee farmers told us mary growing regions. The trop-
out it. According to Statista, we Australia’s cool temperature, high ical north had a more nutty and
consumed an average of about rainfall and zero-frost microcli- roasted flavour profile, while the
2kg of coffee per person in 2022. mates are perfect for producing subtropical presented a sweeter
Yet it’s estimated less than 1% of high-quality Arabica coffee. and fruitier profile.
this coffee is grown in Australia. At the same time, coffee is Waiting to be discovered
Our new research, published an expensive crop to produce In collaboration with World
in the Journal of Sensory Stud- because of high labour and Coffee Research, we’ve conduct-
ies, introduces a world-first cof- land costs. As such, Austra- ed trials to find new high-qual-
fee character wheel which can lian-grown coffee remains the as the “taste of place” of a prod- ferentiate between terroirs – so ity coffee varieties that can be
be used to describe the unique secret of a small number of spe- uct being consumed. Although a we assessed and differentiated grown in Australia. These will
“terroir” of Australian coffee. ciality coffee drinkers. product’s terroir is specific to a between the terroirs of 100 Aus- help reduce the cost of produc-
We pored over published lit- But our research has found location, the exact definition can tralian-grown single-origin coffee tion and provide more resilience
erature, online materials and there is potential for it to meet vary for different crops. samples and 50 international ones. against climate change.
coffee sensory panels to collate national demand. Looking at the literature on The samples were anony- Locally produced coffee also
a list of 679 unique sensory Working with producers coffee, we found the definition mised and given to 138 panel- has a lower carbon footprint
terms describing coffee’s acid- Southern Cross University’s of coffee terroir would need to lists who provided thousands and transport time compared
ity, mouthfeel and aftertaste. Northern Rivers campus bor- be clarified. We compared it to of descriptions. For aroma and with imported coffee. This
We then narrowed this down to ders the Byron Bay hinterland the well-defined wine terroir, flavour, we standardised the means a fresher, cleaner and
95 terms, which were arranged in New South Wales, a major and found post-harvest pro- descriptions to the well-known greener product. And as Aus-
onto our wheel. coffee-producing area in Aus- cessing should also be included, coffee taster’s flavour wheel. tralia is free of coffee pests and
We hope our research will tralia. For decades, our univer- as it is specific to the location. We then isolated descrip- diseases, most of it is grown
help Australian growers be- sity’s researchers have worked Finding the terroir of tions related to acidity, mouth- without the use of pesticides.
come more competitive in the with local coffee farmers to im- Aussie coffee feel and aftertaste, which we For now, Australian-origin
wider coffee market, and es- prove production and quality. The quality of coffee is often were able to summarise using coffee remains a niche product
tablish a brand identity beyond Our team recently received assessed and scored following our coffee character wheel. waiting to be discovered – but it
“Grown in Australia”. funding from AgriFutures Aus- industry-standard guidelines. What does our coffee taste might just end up in your morn-
A history of growing coffee tralia, as part of its AgriFutures Australian-grown coffees like? ing cup yet. ■
Many people don’t think of Emerging Industries Program, have very high scores similar Our results found Austra-
Australia as a coffee-growing to find the unique “terroir” of to, or above, other international lian-grown coffee is sweeter, This article is republished
country – probably because cof- Australian-grown coffee. coffees such as those from Bra- nuttier and fruitier in flavour from The Conversation under a
fee cultivation is typically asso- Terroir, a word often associat- zil, Columbia or Ethiopia. than others. This pleasant Creative Commons license.
ciated with tropical high-alti- ed with wine, can be thought of However, these scores can’t dif- terroir is probably due to the
Would you like your Christmas served
Hot or Cold? Shares a
Selection of Festive Destinations
BOOKING.COM nity to visit one of Mexico’s most ingredients, antiques and goods property offers free bike rental a seafront drink where tradi-
visited archeological sites and a created by talented local crafts- so guests can easily explore the tional seaboats, known as ‘janga-
treasured UNESCO World Heri- men, and ideal ground for those city, and invests a percentage of das,’ float along the water. Those
The festive season is prime tage site. To make the most of the in need of some last-minute revenue back into community seeking a more relaxed affair can
vacation time for families, cou- spectacular weather and sunny Christmas shopping. Steeped in and sustainability projects. lounge on the soft-sand beach-
ples, friends or solo travelers skies, book an Isla Mujeres Cat- rich history, this sacred city can Maceió, Brazil es, while adrenaline seekers can
seeking an exciting trip away amaran Cruise with Snorkelling be explored on a Half-day Guid- Maceió is the stunning capi- experience Brazil’s exhilarating
to celebrate the holidays. With to swim with colorful fish around ed City Temples Tour where tal and largest city of the coastal surf scene or partake in a pleth-
over three-quarters (78%)* of the vibrant coral reefs. travelers will discover enchant- state of Alagoas, located on the ora of watersports from diving
global travelers reporting their Where to stay: For trav- ing underground tunnels and picturesque shores of north- to water skiing.
motivation to travel is to boost elers seeking a luxurious stay monks performing ceremonies, eastern Brazil. With glorious Where to stay: Situated just
their mood, it’s the ideal time on the beachfront, the Grand and ascend the Doi Suthep Gold- turquoise waters meeting palm a few steps away from the idyllic
for an incredible trip away to Fiesta Americana Coral Beach en Temple to witness panoramic tree-lined shores, this destina- Garça Torta Beach and a short
end the year on a high. Wheth- Cancun - All Inclusive is an views of the city at sunset. For tion is perfect for travelers seek- drive to the center of Maceió,
er travelers want to turn up the impressive resort and home the ultimate relaxing Christmas, ing a sunny Christmas in a trop- the Flor de Lis Exclusive Hotel
heat or chase cooler climes this to Cancún’s largest and most visitors can indulge in a tradi- ical paradise. Visitors can enjoy offers a relaxed stay for a special
Christmas, we have delved into decorated Christmas tree. This tional Thai massage to unwind. twinkling light installations and Christmas in the South Ameri-
its top searched global desti- striking stay has everything Where to stay: Located just live Christmas concerts which can heat. Laidback beach chic is
nations this festive season** to guests could want including six a short walk from the historic the city hosts each December, the vibe, with rustic interiors, a
uncover a selection of the best unbelievable dining options, a Wat Chedi Luang temple, Cha- featuring local songs and cele- spectacular garden and a cool-
festive getaways in differing cli- gym with a seaview to motivate la Number6 is a charming hotel brations for travelers to uncov- ing outdoor pool for guests to
mates around the world. From fitness fanatics, and a luxe spa with traditional and opulent er Brazilian culture. Beloved by enjoy the climate. The restau-
sunbathing on golden sands in offering relaxing treatments decor that houses a beautifully locals and domestic travelers, rant at this Travel
Brazil to stepping into a winter and beauty services. A Book- decorated Christmas tree in the Maceió is a hidden gem on the Sustainable hotel serves deli-
wonderland in Poland, travelers Travel Proud property, lobby during December. Guests international map, yet its chilled cious Brazilian and French cui-
can decide if they want Christ- this inclusive resort is welcom- can bed down poolside in a com- vibe and exciting food and drink sine from dishes such as crispy
mas served hot or cold this year. ing for every traveler, and even fy cabana with drinks service, or scene serving the freshest sea- tempura shrimp to grilled steak
TURN UP THE HEAT organizes a kids club so parents indulge in the hotel’s daily after- food will take Christmas to the for an untraditional but exqui-
Cancún, Mexico can enjoy some ‘me time’ ahead noon tea with delicious sweet next level. The city is situated site Christmas dinner, and uses
Situated on the northeast of the Christmas festivities. treats and Thai delicacies to cel- between the Atlantic Ocean and locally sourced food to be more
coast of Mexico’s Yucatán pen- Chiang Mai, Thailand ebrate the festive season. This the Mundaú Lagoon and visitors environmentally conscious.
insula, the best time to visit the For those seeking warmer Travel Sustainable can toast the festive season with CHILL OUT
tropical utopia of Cancún is be- temperatures during the festive New York, United States
tween November and March season, a trip to Chiang Mai with For over half (56%)*** of trav-
when the rainy season has passed its balmy Thai climate and spicy elers who want to use their vaca-
and the hurricane season is yet to cuisine could be just the tick- tion to chase cooler climes, and
begin. Cancún hosts its own local et. Located in the atmospheric for those who just want to get
Christmas traditions and nine north, this laidback city hosts into the festive spirit, New York
days before December 25, cele- beautiful candlelit Christmas is crisp, cold and very Christmas-
brates the festival of Las Posa- services and Santa Claus meet- sy come December. The scene
das with carols, processions, and and-greets, and travelers can of many beloved holiday movies
even a piñata to conclude the ex- relax and recharge against the treasured all over the world, the
citing event. Home to the vibrant backdrop of a peaceful valley. ‘city that never sleeps’ exudes
Boulevard Kukulcan, a 15-mile Turn up the heat with a Half- festive vibes for those who prefer
(25km) sandbar buzzing with ho- Day Chiang Mai Cooking Class: wrapping up in a winter coat over
tels, restaurants and bars over- Make Your Own Thai Foods, a swimsuit, and who want to ice
looking the Caribbean sea, those ideal for the 61%*** of travelers skate in Central Park and mosey
seeking live beats to celebrate the who are interested in learning around Manhattan for a quint-
festive season in style can head about the origins of a desti- essential experience. The city is
to one of the city’s many night- nation’s ‘must-eat’ delicacies, adorned with twinkling lights
clubs to dance the night away. To and learn how to make pad thai and a New York City Christmas
discover the surrounding area’s and green curry on an organic Holiday Lights and Markets
history, an Amazing Chichen Itza farm. Chiang Mai is famed for Walking Tour is highly recom-
and Cenote Mayan Experience its bustling markets that line its
Tour gives travelers the opportu- streets, crammed full of fresh ❱❱ PAGE 30 Would you like
FRIDAY DECEMBER 8, 2023 Travel 29
(TRA), formally turned over DOT initiatives applauded citing chapter” post-pandemic.
by the Department of Tourism Bohol 1st District Rep. Ed- “As we continue to recover our municipality is located in the lishing its resort and residences
(DOT) over the weekend. gardo Chatto lauded Frasco for from the effects of the pan- sweet spot, which is the middle of here, this spells more econom-
The TRA will cater to tour- breathing life into the tourism demic, we are entering a phase Tagbilaran City and municipality ic opportunities for our fellow
ists passing through the town industry. in which we must diversify our of Panglao,” he said. Filipinos, increased livelihood,
of Dauis, which serves as a gate- “Maybe it's small for some, offerings for our guests and in- On the sidelines of the inau- and the continuing contribu-
way to multiple tourist destina- but it is big in terms of impact troduce our island paradise as guration, Frasco led the distri- tion of tourism to our overall
tions in the province such as the to the entire tourism industry,” more than just the white sand bution of kits tour guiding es- economic growth,” she said.
famed Alona Beach in Panglao, Chatto said. beaches of Panglao to the roll- sentials to tour guides. “These investments in the
Virgin Island Sandbar, Balicasag Chatto said the construction ing slopes of Chocolate Hills,” More investors pick Bohol Philippines will also signal to the
Island, and Baclayon Church. of the TRA in Bohol speaks well Aumentado said in a message The inauguration of the first rest of the world that the country
Dauis, one of two municipali- about the Boholano hospitality read by Provincial Administra- TRA in Bohol coincided with is ready to take its place as Asia's
ties comprising Panglao Island, is and the country’s readiness to tor Aster Caberte. the groundbreaking ceremony next tourism powerhouse.”
also home to numerous tourism accept partnerships with the The governor also expressed of the soon-to-rise global luxu- She assured local stakeholders
offerings including the Hinagdan- international community by gratitude to the DOT and its in- ry property JW Marriott Pang- that the current administration
an Cave, Our Lady of the Assump- bringing more tourists. frastructure arm and funding lao Island Resort and Residenc- will continue to strengthen the
tion Church, Bikini Beach, Bingag “Once you have these Tour- source, the Tourism Infrastruc- es in Panglao Island. foundation for tourism by invest-
Beach, and San Isidro Beach. ist Rest Areas in many areas of ture and Enterprise Zone Au- Frasco emphasized that the ing in infrastructure, connectivi-
“Here in Bohol, we view this the country, I am pretty sure thority (TIEZA). vision of the Marcos adminis- ty, digitalization, and introducing
gem of an island to be a source that domestic as well as inter- Dauis Mayor Roman Bullen tration is not just for the coun- innovation to the country's over-
of national pride because you national travelers will really be said the turnover ceremony is try to recover after the devas- all tourism portfolio.
have, by your work, and by your amazed at the readiness of the a significant milestone for the tating effects of the pandemic “We join the people of Bohol
example, established a sustain- country,” he said. municipality of Dauis as well as but to transform and elevate in celebration of this milestone
able eco-tourism destination Chatto is one of the principal for the entire Bohol province. the quality of tourism offerings for the island, and we continue
where the public and private authors of Republic Act 9593 or “I could say that the Depart- for the Philippines as well as to to express our confidence in
sector work hand in hand. And the Tourism Act of 2009, which ment of Tourism and TIEZA push for investments to come Bohol’s potential as a continu-
as a result of this initiative, you recognizes tourism as an indis- have chosen the best strategic to the country. ing pillar for sustainable eco-
are now globally renowned as pensable component of the na- location for the tourist area since “With JW Marriott estab- tourism,” she said. ■
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