Philippine Canadian Inquirer #569

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pcinews_X DECEMBER 8, 2023 VOL. 8 NO. 569


Devotees pray before the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary inside the San Pedro Church in Davao City on Thursday (Dec. 7, 2023). Catholics observe the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of
the Blessed Virgin every Dec. 8 by hearing Mass and offering prayers of thanksgiving.

Lower inflation,
elate PBBM
Apple, Disney and other big brands are
pulling X ads – why Elon Musk’s latest
‘firestorm’ could bring down the company


Philippine News Agency
April 2005, respectively.
In a Facebook post, Marcos said the 25
latest developments show “remarkable
progress” in the country. `
MANILA – President Ferdinand R. “With great joy, I share the remarkable Taylor Swift: Person of the
Marcos Jr. on Thursday expressed ela- progress our nation has achieved. In Oc- year and political influencer
tion over reports that the country’s lat- tober 2023, our unemployment rate hit
Microsoft’s ban on third-party control-
est inflation and unemployment rates lers on the Xbox excludes some dis-
fell to its lowest since March 2022 and ❱❱ PAGE 4 Lower inflation, unemployment PAGE 18 abled gamers from using the device

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FRIDAY DECEMBER 8, 2023 Philippine News 3

House committed to Senate panel to

protecting PH territorial craft National
integrity in WPS Preventive Mech-
He pointed out that their
commitment was manifested
marine scientific research ac-
tivities; incessant and unlawful
anism vs. torture
Philippine News Agency in their adoption of House Res- restriction of Filipino fishermen
olution 1494, condemning Chi- from conducting legitimate fish- BY WILNARD BACELONIA requirement ng United Nations
na's "illegal actions" in the WPS ing activities in Bajo de Masin- Philippine News Agency Convention Against Torture. So,
MANILA – The House of Rep- and urging the government to loc; and harassment of Philip- ito po ay napakahalaga (We will
resentatives is committed to pro- uphold and defend sovereign pine boats in Ayungin Shoal. co-sponsor this. We already have
tecting the territorial integrity rights over the nation's EEZ It added that China's actions MANILA – The Senate Com- one filed so that on January, we
of the Philippines in the West and continental shelf under the against the Philippines' routine mittee on Justice and Human can run the process and comply
Philippine Sea (WPS), especial- United Nations Convention on and regular rotation and resup- Rights is set to start working next with the requirement of the Unit-
ly from the illegal activities and the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) ply (RORE) missions to the BRP year with the United Nations ed Nations Convention Against
incursions of China against Sierra Madre in Ayungin (UN) Subcommittee on Preven- Torture. So, this is very import-
Filipino fishermen and se- Shoal have become "more tion of Torture (SPT) to craft ant)," Tolentino said.
curity forces patrolling the dangerous." and pass a National Preventive "Come January, they will
country’s exclusive eco- "The Philippines should Mechanism against torture. assist. They have promised us
nomic zone (EEZ), Speaker continue to assert and fight This is a result of a "fruitful that they will be resource per-
Ferdinand Martin G. Ro- We fully support for its rights in the West dialogue" between the UN Sub- sons during the hearings to be
mualdez said Thursday. our troops Philippine Sea and uphold committee representatives and conducted by the Senate Com-
"The House is commit- and implement its hard- Senators Francis Tolentino and mittee on Justice and Human
ted to do everything in its and our Coast earned victory at the Perma- Ronald dela Rosa on Tuesday. Rights," he added.
power to protect our rights Guard patrolling nent Court of Arbitration Tolentino told reporters that The SPT first visited the coun-
in the WPS. We fully sup- at The Hague, the Nether- they were able to come up process- try in 2015 and came back this
port our troops and our our exclusive lands," the resolution said. es to push for the measure as a com- time to assess how authorities
Coast Guard patrolling our economic zone... It also emphasized that the pliance of the country to the Op- have implemented the recom-
exclusive economic zone Philippine government must tional Protocol to the Convention mendations of the previous visit.
against China's vessels strengthen its ability to pa- against Torture and other Cruel, "We're here to work with the
that turn away our fisher- trol and protect the country's Inhuman or Degrading Treatment state party to engage in construc-
men with a legal right to maritime zones by building a or Punishment (OPCAT). tive dialogue, to help and assist to
fish in the WPS," Romual- self-reliant defense posture OPCAT is a UN Treaty, which fullfill the international obligations
dez said in a statement. and the 2016 ruling of the Per- program and upgrading the capa- the Philippines is also a sig- in relation to prevention of torture,
"We also commit to enhanc- manent Court of Arbitration. bilities of the PCG. natory, that aims to prevent inhuman or degrading treatment,"
ing our defense posture in the According to the resolution, "In order to have a credible torture and ill-treatment in all said Aisha Shujune Muhammad,
WPS through legislation and by China’s illegal activities include defense posture and a capable places where people are, or may one of the SPT delegates.
exercising Congress's power of harassment, shadowing, block- PCG, the government must be, deprived of their liberty Their visit, which is until Dec.
the purse. The Philippine Coast ing, dangerous maneuvers, and boost the funds allocated to our "Ikoco-sponsor na namin. 14, will conclude by presenting
Guard (PCG) and Philippine radio challenges; unilateral im- armed troops and our civilian Meron ng isang naka-file para po its confidential preliminary ob-
Navy will have whatever sup- position of a fishing moratori- maritime patrol forces," the sa January ay tumakbo na po yung servations to the Government
port they need." um; unauthorized conduct of resolution added. ■ proseso at maka-comply tayo sa of the Philippines. ■

PH to reopen embassy in Finland

amid growing ties: DFA
BY JOYCE ANN L. nouncement during the Fin- development, I am pleased to sources and to augment embas- ation, including on health and
ROCAMORA land National Day reception in announce that we are now in sies and consulates where there education.
Philippine News Agency Taguig City on December 6. the final preparations for the are more Filipinos. Manila and Helsinki are
DFA Undersecretary Ma. The- reopening of the Philippine Lazaro noted that relations looking for opportunities to
resa Lazaro said this is to recipro- Embassy Helsinki next year, between Manila and Helsinki increase interactions in a wide
MANILA – The Philippines cate Finland’s move to reopen its paving the way for more effi- have grown closer over the past range of areas, including trade,
is planning to reopen its embas- mission in Manila in 2020. cient cooperation and engage- years through high level ex- education, science and technol-
sy in Helsinki as it seeks to in- Last year, Finland also opened ment between our two coun- changes. ogy, green technologies, green
crease cooperation and engage- its honorary consulates in Davao tries,” Lazaro said. In January 2023, the two transition and clean energy,
ment with Finland. and Cebu, signaling its growing The DFA decided to close its states held the 7th round of maritime, immigration and
The Department of Foreign presence in the Philippines. foreign service post in Finland political consultations and ex- labor, and creative industries,
Affairs (DFA) made the an- “To reciprocate this welcome a decade ago to maximize re- plored ways to enhance cooper- among others. ■
4 Philippine News DECEMBER 8, 2023 FRIDAY

DOJ forms human rights, gender dev't con-

cerns offices
BY RUTH ABBEY GITA- “I urge the JSCC to pursue best practices, saying collabo- congestion of Philippine jails terrent effect of these classifica-
CARLOS, JOSE CIELITO the streamlining and digita- rative efforts would help build is not merely a logistical or in- tions and consider the decrim-
REGANIT lization of your frontline and a society where “justice is swift, frastructural problem but also inalization of certain offenses
Philippine News Agency backend services. By embrac- fairness is paramount and com- a profound human rights issue. like libel, abortion, and dueling.
ing technology and innovative passion prevails”. “As we move forward, it is Our goal is to ensure that pun-
practices we can enhance our Marcos skipped the event be- crucial to recognize the dire sit- ishments are proportionate to
MANILA – Innovative pol- efficiency, reduce delays and cause he had to undergo a five- uation of persons deprived of the gravity of the crimes com-
icies and initiatives are vital ensure swift and fair legal pro- day isolation after contracting liberty (PDLs). Many languish in mitted,” he said.
in addressing the challenges cedures,” he added. the Covid-19. overcrowded jails, not due to the Building on the success in di-
plaguing the country’s justice Marcos said the Philippines Led by the JSCC, the two-day severity of their crimes, but be- verting children in conflict with
system, President Ferdinand R. must also learn from the suc- summit brings together various cause of prolonged processes and the law, he said the House also ad-
Marcos Jr. said Wednesday. cesses and best practices of government agencies and other inadequate infrastructure. This vocates for the enactment of a law
During the first National Jail other countries where inno- stakeholders to tackle challeng- reality calls for our immediate that extends similar diversionary
Decongestion Summit at the vative solutions have been im- es in the penal system and ease and decisive action,” he said. measures to adult offenders.
Diamond Hotel in Manila, Mar- plemented to address the chal- the congestion problem in jails “To address these challenges, He said this would involve al-
cos called on the Justice Sector lenges in the justice system. across the country through a the House of Representatives is ternatives to incarceration for
Coordinating Council (JSCC) He expressed confidence that whole-of-government approach. ready to consider and will seri- minor offenses and first-time
to take advantage of the tech- the discussions in the summit The summit features four ously study several key proposals offenders, reducing unneces-
nology and innovative practices would pave the way for better plenary sessions, parallel work- that merit serious contemplation sary admissions into the penal
to make the justice system “effi- policies and initiatives that will shops, best practices from other and support,” Romualdez said. facilities.
cient and effective.” address the root causes of the countries and testimonies from The key proposals include On the third proposal, Ro-
The JSCC is composed of the problems in the justice system. persons deprived of liberty. the Review of Crime Classifi- mualdez said the House recog-
Supreme Court (SC), the De- “In our pursuit of a Bagong The JSCC also plans to unveil cation; Diversion of Adult Of- nizes the need for a more unified
partment of Justice (DOJ) and Pilipinas (New Philippines) the “Jail Decongestion Concept fenders; Unified Penology Act and efficient management of the
the Department of the Interior where communities and govern- Note,” a document that sets the and Department of Corrections country’s prison facilities.
and Local Government (DILG). ment institutions have respect stage for the conference by pre- and Penology; Law on Reinte- “Therefore, we will review
“This gathering is most wel- for the law and human rights, senting the current state of af- gration and Psychosocial Reha- and examine your proposal for
come as it demonstrates the it is vital that we work togeth- fairs and establishing the foun- bilitation; Amendment of the the creation of a Unified Penol-
commitment of the entire gov- er to come up with measures to dation for the agenda. Recognizance Act of 2012; and ogy System under a dedicated
ernment to expedite the pro- decongest our jails and improve House key proposals Strengthening the Commission Department,” he said.
cessing of criminal cases and to the conditions of persons de- Speaker Ferdinand Martin on Human Rights (CHR). Romualdez also noted the
alleviate the chronic problem of prived of liberty,” Marcos said. G. Romualdez said Wednesday Romualdez said the House need for a new law focusing on
jail congestion. Indeed, it would “Rest assured this adminis- that the House of Representa- is amenable to a comprehen- reintegration and psychosocial
require a whole-of-government tration remains steadfast in its tives is ready to do its part in the sive review of the classifica- rehabilitation to provide essen-
approach to ensure the efficient, commitment to support collabo- collective effort to confront and tion of crimes as “capital” and tial support for released offend-
effective and compassionate rative efforts between the execu- resolve the pressing issue of jail “non-bailable.” ers, aiding in their return to so-
administration of justice in tive and the judiciary,” he added. congestion, “The Revised Penal Code's ciety and reducing recidivism.
the country,” Marcos said in a Marcos urged the partici- In his message at the ation- classification system, almost a He said the House is also con-
speech delivered by Executive pants in the summit to share al Jail Decongestion Summit, century old, needs an overhaul.
Secretary Lucas Bersamin. their insights, experiences and Romualdez pointed out the This review will assess the de- ❱❱ PAGE 11 PBBM: Innovative practices

Lower inflation, unemployment..

❰❰ 1 a remarkable low of (PSA) latest Labor Force Survey. ket conditions will continue to with your support, we will con- prosperous Bagong Pilipinas,”
4.2 percent, the low- National Statistician Den- improve, given the thrust of the tinue to build a resilient and he said. ■
est since April 2005, nis Mapa on Thursday said the Marcos Administration to en-
accompanied by a sharp decline number of unemployed Filipinos courage trade and investment
in inflation to 4.1 percent in No- went down to 2.09 million from and reinvigorate job generation.
vember 2023,” Marcos said. 2.24 million in October 2022. Balisacan also attributed the
“This is not just a number; it Meanwhile, the country’s drop in inflation to the timely
signifies the lives of millions of our headline inflation further eased implementation of strategies to
fellow citizens who have found to 4.1 percent in November this stabilize food supply amid the an-
new opportunities. Our dedica- year, lower than the 8 percent ticipated domestic and external
tion to fostering an environment posted in the same month last headwinds in the coming months.
conducive to trade and invest- year and the 4.9 percent regis- Marcos said he is optimistic
ment is paying off,” he added. tered in October this year. that the government’s efforts
The country’s unemployment In a separate statement on would enable his administra-
rate in October this year was at Thursday, Socioeconomic Plan- tion to transform the country
4.2 percent, down from the 4.5 ning Secretary and National into a “new Philippines” that is
percent recorded in the same Economic and Development “resilient and prosperous”.
month last year, according to the Authority director general Ar- “The journey ahead is prom-
Philippine Statistics Authority’s senio Balisacan said labor mar- ising, and I am confident that Pres. Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. (PCO)

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6 Philippine News DECEMBER 8, 2023 FRIDAY

DSWD calls for united support for persons

living with HIV, AIDS
BY ZALDY DE LAYOLA ment of risks and related prob- other rights-based barriers to These include sustainable capacity-building activities to
Philippine News Agency lems of HIV infection among accessing human immuno- livelihood, individual and fam- better equip local government
the infected and their families deficiency virus and acquired ily group sessions, educational units with the necessary skills
to ensure their positive social immunodeficiency syndrome assistance, and psychological and capacity to handle their
MANILA – Department of functioning and well-being. services,” Gatchalian said in his first aid, among others. constituents with HIV/AIDS
Social Welfare and Develop- During the commemoration message delivered during the The DSWD also conducts and their families. ■
ment (DSWD) Secretary Rex of Worlds AIDS Day last Fri- program by DSWD Program
Gatchalian on Monday called on day, Gatchalian highlighted the Management Bureau Director
everyone to end the stigma and need to strengthen the efforts Miramel Garcia-Laxa.
discrimination against persons in support of PLHIVs and their Themed “Let Communities
living with human immunodefi- affected families. Lead - #Sama-sama Tayo sa La-
ciency virus (PLHIVs) to ensure “The observance of World ban Kontra-HIV, Dahil sa Ba-
their access to adequate treat- AIDS Day mainstreams the gong Pilipinas, Bawat Buhay ay
ment, care and support services. plight of PLHIVs and the im- Mahalaga (Let’s unit against HIV
As the vice chair of the Phil- mediate need to dismantle the because under new Philippines,
ippine National AIDS (Acquired barriers that hamper their ac- every life is precious),” the 2023
Immunodeficiency Syndrome) cess to quality health care and World AIDS Day underscores the
Council (PNAC) and the lead other psychosocial services,” rights being sought by the coun-
agency in providing social pro- Gatchalian said. try’s PLHIVs, including freedom
tection services, the DSWD is “We must put (the) spotlight from any barriers preventing
implementing psychosocial care on issues on policy and regula- them to have quality health care
and support services designed tory obstacles, funding short- and other important govern-
for the prevention and manage- ages, capacity constraints, and ment services and interventions.

Amnesty grant shows PBBM's commitment

toward nat'l reconciliation
BY FILANE MIKEE Amnesty Proclamations 403, and returning to the fold of the and CPP-NPA-NDF who have proclamations.
CERVANTES 404, 405, and 406 cover mem- law would be the right decision. committed crimes defined un- "It is also important for the
Philippine News Agency bers of the Rebolusyonaryong "We want to show them that der the Revised Penal Code or former rebels themselves to
Partido ng Manggagawa ng good things come to those special laws of the Philippines. show remorse and admit to the
Pilipinas/Revolutionary Pro- who choose to walk the path of He, however, stressed that crimes that they have commit-
MANILA – Presidential Advis- letarian Army/Alex Boncayao peace," he said. these amnesty proclamations ted, and in doing so, show that
er on Peace, Reconciliation and Brigade (RPMP/RPA/ABB), He noted that those who are do not give "blanket" amnes- they have completely turned
Unity Secretary Carlito Galvez Communist Party of the Phil- eligible to apply for amnesty un- ty to these former rebels, ex- away from a life of violence and
Jr. on Tuesday said the grant- ippines - New People’s Army der the existing proclamations plaining that there are specific armed struggle," he said.
ing of amnesty to various rebel - National Democratic Front are individual members of the crimes that are covered and He said while amnesty ex-
groups is a strong manifestation (CPP-NPA-NDF), Moro Islam- MNLF, MILF, RPMP/RPA/ABB, clearly defined under these tinguishes any criminal liabil-
of President Ferdinand R. Mar- ic Liberation Front (MILF), ity for the acts covered by the
cos Jr.'s steadfast commitment and Moro National Liberation amnesty grant and restores all
to realize national reconciliation Front (MNLF), respectively. civil and political rights sus-
and unity among Filipinos. "It is a path toward normal- pended or lost due to criminal
During the joint hearing of the ization that would allow these conviction, it does not remove
House committees on justice and former rebels not only to ful- the grantee's civil liability for
national defense and security, ly reintegrate themselves into injuries or damages caused to
Galvez said the granting of am- mainstream society as peace- private persons.
nesty is an integral part of the ful, productive and law-abiding Galvez said the National Am-
comprehensive peace process. citizens, but more importantly, nesty Commission (NAC) shall
He thanked the House for enable them to rebuild their ensure the "expeditious but cau-
deliberating on resolutions lives and ensure a better future tious" processing of amnesty ap-
concurring with the President's for themselves and their fami- plications of these former rebels.
amnesty proclamations, point- lies,” Galvez said. "This is a delicate balancing
ing out that these demonstrate He said the government's act, as the commission will have
the chamber's support to the amnesty initiative serves as a to ensure the state's obligation
administration's peace, recon- tool to convince the former reb- Presidential Adviser on Peace, Reconciliation and Unity Secretary Carlito Galvez Jr.
ciliation, and unity agenda. els that laying down their arms (OPAPRU/FACEBOOK) ❱❱ PAGE 11 Amnesty grant shows
FRIDAY DECEMBER 8, 2023 Philippine News 7

PBBM calls Canada commits funding

for immediate to PH’s climate projects
climate finance until 2026: Palace
Philippine News Agency
BY RUTH ABBEY GITA- a clear framework and targets
CARLOS to be defined and adopted,” he
Philippine News Agency said in the country statement, MANILA – Canada has pledged
as quoted by the PCO. to support the Philippines’ cli-
“We must now acknowledge mate action projects until 2026
MANILA – President Ferdi- that we are off-track, and imme- through its USD5.3 billion inter-
nand R. Marcos Jr. has empha- diately operationalize the means national climate finance, Mala-
sized the importance of scaling of implementation of the Paris cañang said on Wednesday.
up financing to help developing Agreement by mobilizing and “The Philippine government
countries adapt to the extreme scaling up climate finance for and the United Nations Develop-
impacts of climate change, mitigation, adaption, and loss ment Program (UNDP) are work-
Malacañang said on Tuesday. and damage,” Marcos added. ing in collaboration with Canada
Marcos made the call for im- Marcos also cited the impor- to reduce the climate finance gap
mediate climate finance action in tance of having a “universally through natured-based solutions in climate finance and bilateral ect “can really generate some ideas
the country statement delivered agreed-upon definition and projects to be funded under a assistance program. and form some creative solutions
by Environment Secretary Ma. framework for Just Transition USD5.3-billion climate finance Hurst said the project covers that themselves may have a life be-
Antonia Yulo-Loyzaga during the within the Paris Agreement to commitment,” Presidential activities that include research yond the end of the project”.
28th Conference of the Parties avoid ambiguity and ensure Communications Office (PCO) and knowledge sharing, adding He also noted the diversity
(COP28) of the United Nations unified implementation.” Secretary Cheloy Garafil said in a that its goal is to address a num- of stakeholders involved in the
Framework Convention on Cli- ‘Qualified’ host statement. ber of persistent issues through project, from the local level, com-
mate Change in Dubai. Marcos also reiterated the Canada bolsters its support a single intervention or in an in- munities, national government,
“The President reiterated Philippines’ bid to host the for the Philippines in promot- tegrated way. and private sector, stressing that
the urgency for climate finance “Loss and Damage Fund,” say- ing biodiversity conservation, “That includes trying to re- the uniqueness of arrangements
to flow from developed to de- ing the country would help the climate change mitigation, ad- duce poverty, trying to address could stimulate more efforts on
veloping countries ‘in blended most affected nations in ad- aptation and resilience with gender inequality…trying to cooperation in the future.
but principally grants-based dressing the effects of climate consideration for gender equal- support communities that are “To the extent that good things
approach that is accessible, change. ity, Garafil said, citing the state- often dependent on nature for come out of this project, then the
transparent, predictable, and Loyzaga, in a separate state- ment of Global Affairs Canada their livelihoods while also results that are generated will
efficient, while not burdening ment, said the country’s hosting Climate Finance Executive Di- looking to conserve and sus- continue to look for opportuni-
already vulnerable nations,’” of the Loss and Damage Fund rector Andrew Hurst. tain…biodiversity,” Hurst said, ties to build on and also work to-
Presidential Communications would be similar to the coun- Hurst also gave assurance as quoted by the PCO. gether in the future,” Hurst said.
Office (PCO) Secretary Cheloy try’s hosting of the Asian Devel- that Canada would stay en- He expressed hope that some of
Garafil said in a statement. opment Bank for over 50 years gaged in the Philippines, both the efforts undertaken in the proj- ❱❱ PAGE 14 Canada commits funding
Marcos also underscored the and the regional headquarters
need to establish a New Collec- of World Bank since the 1970s.

PBBM to 2023 Bar passers:

tive Quantified Goal (NCQG) Marcos said the Philippines is
on Climate Finance, which is qualified to host the Fund, as the
“reflective of evolving needs country stands at the forefront of
and priorities of the most vul- those directly affected by climate
nerable nations.”
The NCQG, he said, must en-
compass sub-goals aligned with
devastation, as well as pushes for
an “inclusive, transparent and
accountable” approach in ad-
Ensure ‘fair, equitable’
justice system
the public sector, ensuring pre- dressing climate crisis.
dictability in funding amounts He added the Philippines is
and timelines. willing to host the Board of the
Marcos also called on devel- fund and “confer to such Board
oped countries to roll out in- the legal personality and legal BY RUTH ABBEY GITA- “As you begin your unique the 2023 Bar examinations.
tensified support for financing, capacity as necessary for the dis- CARLOS paths, stand firm in upholding A total of 3,812 examinees
technology transfer and ca- charge of its roles and functions.” Philippine News Agency integrity and remain true to the passed the Bar examinations.
pacity-building for developing “Doing so will serve as a poi- reasons that called you to practice This is equivalent to 36.77
countries in the form of specific gnant reminder of the pressing law,” Marcos said in an X post. percent of the total 10,387 law
programs for emission reduc- need to address the dispropor- MANILA – President Ferdi- “Remain united in ensuring hopefuls who took the Bar ex-
tion and avoidance. tionate impacts faced by devel- nand R. Marcos Jr. on Tuesday that every Filipino has the ben- ams in September this year.
“We further call for sub- oping nations. It would symbol- congratulated the passers of efit of a fair and equitable jus- This year’s passing rate is
stantial support for Nation- ize a commitment to inclusivity, the 2023 Bar examinations and tice system,” he added. lower than the 43.47 percent
al Adaptation Plans and the ensuring that the voices and ex- urged them to make sure that the Marcos’ statement came posted last year. ■
Global Goal on Adaptation, country continues to have a “fair shortly after the Supreme
emphasizing the necessity for ❱❱ PAGE 14 PBBM calls for and equitable” justice system. Court announced the results of
8 Philippine News DECEMBER 8, 2023 FRIDAY

PBBM inks PPP Code,

Internet Transactions Act
BY RUTH ABBEY GITA-CARLOS, Roadmap. "With its implementation, the gov-
ANNA LEAH GONZALES “(The ITA law) highlights the govern- ernment can harness PPPs to finance
Philippine News Agency ment’s efforts to not only protect con- priority programs, such as the Marcos
Arianne Grace Lacanilao sumers and merchants but also harness Administration's Infrastructure Flag-
Matte Laurel e-commerce as a tool for growth and ship Projects (IFPs) and even social in-
Violeta Arevalo
Babes Newland
MANILA – President Ferdinand R. development as it upholds fair business frastructure in the education and health
Marcos Jr. on Tuesday signed the Pub- practices, fosters innovation, and insti- sectors. The law encourages leveraging
Graphic Design lic-Private Partnership (PPP) Code of tutes effective mechanisms for dispute private-sector expertise in process in-
Shanice Garcia
Ginno Alcantara the Philippines and the Internet Trans- resolution,” Garafil said. novation, resource mobilization, and
Arlnie Colleene Talain Singca actions Act (ITA) of 2023. Malacañang has yet to release a copy high-quality service delivery."
The Presidential Communications of the two newly signed laws. Balisacan said the Marcos adminis-
Account Manager
Kristopher Yong Office (PCO) shared on its official tration encourages investments in
Facebook page photos of Marcos critical sectors to help sustain rapid
Director/Producer signing the two measures into law. and inclusive economic growth.
Boom Dayupay
The President was supposed to "To sustain rapid economic
Photographers/Videographers lead the ceremonial signing of the growth, generate high-quality em-
Ginno Alcantara
PPP Code and the ITA law at the ployment opportunities, and re-
Kalayaan Hall of Malacañan Palace ... the two bills duce poverty sustainably, we will
Alan Yong in Manila on Tuesday afternoon. need massive amounts of invest-
He, however, had to cancel the show the country’s ment in physical and human capi-
Palace event after he tested positive commitment tal. Given the tight fiscal space, the
for the coronavirus disease 2019 private sector becomes an indis-
(Covid-19) and was advised to un- and readiness pensable partner in building the
For photo submissions, please email
[email protected] dergo a five-day isolation. to accelerate its foundations to propel the econo-
“Instead, President Marcos my's medium- and long-term ex-
For General Inquiries, please email
signed the two landmark bills while development and pansion," he said.
[email protected]
in isolation in his residence in Bahay to embrace the "Through the many game-chang-
For Sales Inquiries, please email Pangulo,” PCO Secretary Cheloy Ga- ing reforms enacted and imple-
[email protected]
rafil said in a statement. “He said the digital economy. mented by the present and past ad-
or visit
‘’ two bills show the country’s com- ministrations, we aim to make the
mitment and readiness to accelerate Philippines a destination of choice
Philippine Canadian Inquirer is located at its development and to embrace the for local and foreign investors."
#1820-666 Burrard Street
Vancouver BC V6C 2X8 Canada digital economy.” The PPP Code aims to strength-
Garafil said Republic Act 11966, en and institutionalize PPPs in the
or An Act Providing for the PPP country further, providing a unified
Email: [email protected],
[email protected] Code of the Philippines, would establish PPP Code to enable dev’t legal framework for all PPPs at both na-
“a stable and predictable environment The National Economic and Develop- tional and local levels.
Instagram: @pcinews_ig for collaboration between the public and ment Authority (NEDA) welcomed the It covers all types of arrangements,
Twitter: @pcinews_twt private sectors.” enactment of the PPP Code. such as the BOT variants, joint ventures,
The PPP Code, she said, aims to ad- "The PPP Code will enable much-need- and toll operations agreements.
Youtube: dress the gaps in the infrastructure ed development across various sectors The law also reduces transaction costs
systems and also free up much-needed and accelerate the delivery of public ser- and improves the ease of doing business
Philippine Canadian Inquirer
is published weekly every Friday.
resources to enable the government to vices necessary for economic growth and for PPPs.
pursue other equally important projects socioeconomic transformation," NEDA
Copies are distributed free throughout Metro
Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, and Greater Toronto. and initiatives. Secretary Arsenio Balisacan said. ❱❱ PAGE 13 PBBM inks PPP

The views and opinions expressed in the articles

“The PPP Code incorporates best
(including opinions expressed in ads herein) are those practices from over three decades of ex-
of the authors named, and are not necessarily those of
Philippine Canadian Inquirer Editorial Team. perience in implementing the Build-Op-
PCI reserves the right to reject any advertising which
erate-Transfer (BOT) Law, ensuring that
it considers to contain false or misleading information the country build better infrastructure
or involves unfair or unethical practices. The advertiser
agrees the publisher shall not be liable for damages projects and mitigate risks during their
arising out of error in any advertisment. implementation,” she added.
Meanwhile, Garafil said the passage of
Member RA 11967, or the ITA of 2023, would pro-
vide the public with the mechanisms “to
confidently embrace the digital economy.”
She said it seeks to protect online con-
sumers and merchants engaged in Inter-
net transactions.
The new law establishes the E-Com-
merce Bureau under the Department of
Trade and Industry, which would spear-
head the implementation of the law, as
well as the Electronic Commerce Act of
2000 and the Philippine E-Commerce PBBM signs PPP Code, Internet Transactions Act amid Covid-19 isolation (PCO)

Canada News
When is suicide considered “rational”?
BY MARY J. SHARIFF, Such concerns have not con- available, and even if they were, the question was not an offer of there is no hope of recovery?
DEREK ROSS vinced those who maintain that under the current MAiD law, a MAiD but a diagnostic tool to A Senate committee had pre-
Policy Options suicide and MAiD are distinct. person would not need to ful- evaluate suicidality. However, viously concluded that requests
The originating premise for ly explore them before hav- this was not necessarily an iso- for MAiD “should be strictly
this appears to be that MAiD ing their life ended through lated incident and warrants patient-initiated.” This is a sen-
Offering assisted suicide to is based on a considered, ratio- MAiD. There is no explicit leg- further reflection. timent shared by former dis-
people who aren’t dying such as nal and persistent desire to die. islative requirement that pa- First, what a clinician might ability inclusion minister Carla
people with mental illness has By comparison, suicide is per- tients be specifically screened intend to communicate about Qualtrough.
far-reaching implications. ceived as an impulsive act. for suicidality. MAiD can come across very dif- And yet, medical practi-
It is currently a crime in Can- But suicidal ideation in per- The reality is that Canada’s ferently to a patient. MAiD is tioners are not expressly pro-
ada for a doctor to end the life of sons with mental illness can law is not designed to protect unlike any other procedure of- hibited from initiating conver-
a person who no longer wishes also be persistent and long- death-seeking people from eligi- fered in Canada’s healthcare sys- sations about MAiD. The federal
to live because of mental illness. standing. Even former justice bility for MAiD. After all, by defi- tem. It involves the intentional government and a national as-
This is set to change in March minister David Lametti, when nition, MAiD is premised on a termination of human life and sociation of MAiD providers ar-
2024, when amendments to pressed, conceded that MAiD is desire to die. Existing safeguards is “obviously irreversible, and gue that if a patient might be el-
Canada’s medical assistance in “a species of suicide.” do not address concerns about heavy in consequences.” igible, physicians at times have
dying (MAiD) law are to take This is the crux of the matter. the ableist messaging of Canada’s It is therefore subject to a duty to raise it, ensuring the
effect. At that point, mental ill- MAiD is viewed as rational not MAiD regime. This is despite ear- detailed Criminal Code safe- patient is aware of it as a form of
ness may qualify as a “grievous because it is necessarily distinct ly government awareness of the guards and can only be provid- medical treatment.
and irremediable medical con- from suicide, but because Cana- need to “avoid encouraging neg- ed when a patient “voluntarily This line of thinking risks
dition” and create eligibility for dian law and policymakers have ative perceptions of the quality of requests” it, is free from “exter- destabilizing the statutory safe-
assisted death. agreed a desire to die in certain life of people who are elderly, ill nal pressure,” and provides “in- guards found in the Criminal
Members of Parliament, in a circumstances is understand- or disabled.” formed consent.” Code (for example, that the re-
close vote, recently rejected a bill able. And, therefore, it is appro- The re-convergence of MAiD There is a grave risk if a cli- quest must be “voluntary” and
to reverse this expansion. They priate for the state to facilitate. and suicide came into sharp fo- nician initiates the conversa- “not made as a result of external
did, however, ask a special com- This distinction is based not cus amid a troubling report that tion, unsolicited – regardless pressure”). It also overlooks the
mittee to assess Canada’s read- on any empirical authority, a woman seeking help for suicid- of intention. This is because risks and harms that might be
iness for it. Final recommenda- but on a moral and relativist al ideation at a Vancouver hos- of the power imbalance that ex- caused if professionals discuss
tions are due January 31, 2024. judgment. This judgement is pital was asked if she had con- ists between patients and medi- suicide prevention and assis-
There has been some confu- one that scribbles a line be- sidered MAiD. The patient said cal practitioners. tance at the same time.
sion on this issue, including a tween suicides which are illegal she felt “shocked” and “sick- From a disability inclusion A complex path needs
belief that the Supreme Court to assist and those which are ened” by the exchange, and that perspective, how could the ini- guardrails
has required Parliament to in- state-assisted. And that line is the clinician went so far as to tiation of a MAiD conversation Robust safeguards require
troduce psychiatric MAiD. As based on disability. describe MAiD as a more “com- by a doctor or nurse ever be clear boundaries. A regime
more than 30 law professors re- According to the law, access fortable” process compared to neutral? And how could calling where only suicide prevention
cently explained in an open let- to state-assisted death is never other forms of suicide. mental illness “irremediable” can be raised with the “non-dis-
ter, this is not accurate. Expand- permissible for people who are The hospital maintained that not convey the message that abled” but termination of life
ing MAiD for mental illness is mentally and physically healthy can be freely explored with the
currently a policy decision of – even those with a considered “disabled” sends the harmful
legislators, not a court-mandat- and persistent desire to die. But message that all lives are not
ed constitutional directive. for the class of persons with a equal. This was not the intent of
The line between MAiD “grievous and irremediable” those who advocated for MAiD
and suicide disability – soon to include expansion. But the effects of
Many Canadians, suicide mental illnesses – a desire to die legislation must be understood
prevention organizations, dis- is reflected back as understand- as well as the intent.
ability advocates and health able to the extent that it merits Second, if patients are asked
professionals have voiced res- a “compassionate” life-end- if they are “considering MAiD”
ervations on expanding MAiD ing response by the state. This as a clinical means to screen
to include psychiatric disor- life-ending response is publicly for suicidality, what happens
ders. One concern is that of- funded and delivered through if they say yes? Does the clini-
fering MAiD for mental illness the healthcare system. cian turn to suicide prevention?
– especially if there are indi- Insufficient safeguards Or does this trigger a duty to
cations of suicidality – could Many who support expansion act as the patient’s “navigator”
transform psychiatry’s ap- argue that adequate safeguards for MAiD? According to cer-
proach from suicide preven- are in place to address any con- tain suggested Canadian prac-
tion to suicide assistance. As cerns. For example, last year tice standards, a patient who
the Canadian Association for Canada’s health minister at the expresses a desire for MAiD is
Suicide Prevention observed, time insisted on X (formerly to be tracked towards a MAiD
MAiD for “someone who is not Twitter) that “suicidal people assessment.
dying as a result of their condi- are NOT eligible for MAiD and At minimum, stringent safe-
tion, such as a mental disorder instead offered supports.”
alone” is, by definition, suicide. But supports are often not ❱❱ PAGE 26 When is suicide
10 Canada News DECEMBER 8, 2023 FRIDAY

Public health errors: Why it’s crucial

to understand what they are before
assessing COVID-19 responses
BY ITAI BAVLI, University of spect, a policy choice worsens mendation in the United States is harmed, people want some- an alternative that could have
British Columbia public health. This decision to give increased radiation dos- one to blame, and culpability been chosen, regardless of the
The Conversation must either cause direct and es to Black people compared to (such as acts of negligence or causal processes involved in the
significantly greater harm to other populations during X-ray carelessness) often becomes consequences.”
the public or fail to effective- procedures (a practice called our central focus. While un- Back to COVID
Joe Vipond, a Canadian ly prevent harm, compared to “race correction”). derstandable, this approach is As the COVID-19 pandemic
emergency room physician who other available options. Based Errors of omission misguided. Instead, I strongly fades, but remains a prominent
was a strong supporter of mask- on those criteria, there are two The second category of errors suggest focusing on the conse- public health concern, I wel-
ing during the pandemic, said in broad types of errors: includes instances of inaction quences of public health choic- come the debate about whether
a speech last year that the slow 1. Error of action. Interven- or cases when public health of- es — and the systematic factors public health responses could
recognition that COVID-19 is tions that directly caused harm ficials were not doing enough leading to these outcomes — have been better. I suggest we
spread by airborne transmis- to population health and were to protect the public. For exam- rather than on blame. follow four simple rules, rooted
sion resulted in what is like- worse than doing nothing at all. ple, the failure to act against the Doing so (removing blame) in my public health errors lens
ly “the most egregious public 2. Error of omission. Fail- harmful effects of tobacco; the better aligns with the goal of to better assess our actions:
health error in modern history.” ure to take action when mea- delayed action to reduce child public health, which is to main- 1. Stop focusing on blame (to
The notion that governments sures were needed to protect poisoning caused by lead paint tain and promote the health err is human). Instead, assess
can commit public health errors the health of the population. inside U.S. homes; or the time it of populations. In this sense, the structural factors leading to
in response to a public health Errors of action took for government officials to public health errors of action negative outcomes, such as how
emergency like the COVID-19 Examples of the first type respond to the elevated levels of or omission are contrary to this science is interpreted, political
pandemic — and that these er- include public health interven- lead found in the drinking wa- aim: causing or failing to pre- pressure and decision-making
rors can negatively impact a large tions and campaigns. For in- ter of residences in Flint, Mich. vent harm to the public, wheth- procedures. After all, the goal is to
number of people — has begun to stance, public health campaigns Health Canada’s delayed and er they are culpable or not. improve and learn from mistakes
receive attention from the scien- in the 1950s using low-dose ra- inadequate response to evi- That brings me to a possible rather than pointing out blame-
tific community and the popular diation to treat benign illnesses dence of addiction and misuse definition of error. I define a worthy actors. Allocating blame
press. Public health measures such (that is, not for treating cancer), associated with the opioid Oxy- public health error as “an action leads to unnecessary politiciza-
as mask mandates, lockdowns, such as acne and ringworm. Contin is another example of an or omission, by public health tion of the process and findings.
school closures and vaccine man- Children and young adults error of omission. officials, whose consequences 2. Fight your biases and ac-
dates are now widely discussed. treated with radiation showed The question of blame for population health were sub- knowledge that both the fail-
However, how can we investi- an alarming tendency to devel- Naturally, when the public stantially worse than those of ure to act when measures were
gate why governments err with- op brain tumours, thyroid can- needed and the interventions in
out understanding first what cer and other ailments as adults. response to the virus can either
a public health error is, and is Other examples include the cause harm or fail to prevent
not? As a public health errors approval of a faulty drug, like the harm to the public.
scholar, it strikes me how little drug Thalidomide prescribed to 3. Be humble when interpret-
research has been done on this pregnant women in the 1950s ing the evidence. It is often diffi-
topic, and how much confusion and 1960s for the treatment of cult to compare different types
exists around what constitutes nausea. The drug caused irre- of harms and benefits. Our ac-
a public health error. versible fetal damage, resulting tions (or inactions) can have
What is a public health error? in thousands of children being both short-term and long-term
In a new paper, I clarify these born with severe congenital effects on health and beyond.
issues, offer a new definition of malformations. The painkiller 4. Assess the impact of our
the concept, and explain why Vioxx that caused heart attacks public health measures on the
studying errors contributes to and strokes is a more recent ex- most vulnerable, such as mar-
our understanding of public ample of an error of action. ginalized communities, the
health policy. Erroneous guidelines provide poor, disabled individuals and
I suggest that a public health yet another example of this type
error occurs when, in retro- of error. For example, a recom- ❱❱ PAGE 20 Public health errors:
FRIDAY DECEMBER 8, 2023 Canada News 11

CSIS sexual assault allegations

highlight the need for external oversight
BY JASON WALKER, Adler overdue. However, the question lack of trust in the system.
University is: why did it take this long, and Federal employees face other
The Conversation why is this a workplace assess- legislative barriers when seek-
ment and not a criminal inves- ing support and remediation
tigation? for being targets of workplace
The Canadian Security In- CSIS Act prevents external violence. The Federal Public
telligence Service (CSIS) has oversight Sector Labour Relations Act
launched a third-party work- The recent complainants al- (FPSLRA) governs labour rela-
place assessment of its British lege CSIS’s internal complaint tions within the federal public
Columbia office after serious procedure is deficient, leaving service, including CSIS.
allegations of sexual assault, those who complain without The FPSLRA relies on inter-
bullying and intimidation were access to outside assistance and nal policies and procedures to
recently made public. Whis- open to reprisals. investigate and remedy com-
tleblowers raised allegations This is due in part to the Ca- plaints. This essentially means
involving a senior officer who nadian Security Intelligence government agencies have sig-
has been removed from the Service Act which imposes stiff nificant authority to investigate
workplace. penalties for disclosing the matters internally.
In response, Prime Minister identity of personnel involved These legislative roadblocks
Justin Trudeau said the allega- in covert operations. That place victims of abuse in a pre-
tions are “devastating” and “ab- makes it extremely difficult for carious situation where speak-
solutely unacceptable” and ing out could have legal duct files when entrusted to A bold step would be to ad-
that the government was consequences. Earlier this police themselves. More than dress workplace violence as a
following up “very directly” year, the British Columbia one-quarter of women in the public health issue. Amending
on these issues. Supreme Court dismissed Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) the Public Health Act to ad-
Sadly, this is not an iso- a former CSIS employee’s say they have experienced sex- dress sexual abuse in the work-
lated incident. A pervasive ... Prime Minister sexual assault and harass- ual assault at least once while place would lead to progressive
toxic culture of abuse has ment complaint owing to serving in the military. and positive change.
been documented with- Justin Trudeau said lack of jurisdiction. The To resolve class-action law- The federal government
in CSIS. In 2017, five CSIS the allegations court noted that a “leg- suits brought by current and should create an independent
staff in the Toronto region islative scheme in place” former military personnel alleg- national commission on work-
sued the Canadian gov- are “devastating” — FPSLRA — meant the ing sexual assault, Canada put place violence empowered to
ernment for $35 million, and “absolutely matter remained the ju- aside over $800 million in 2019. fully investigate allegations.
claiming they had experi- risdiction of the employer, However, a thought-out nation- And governments must make
enced racism, sexism and unacceptable”... CSIS. al plan to stop, confront and changes to federal and provin-
harassment. One of the Ottawa’s failure to change the CAF’s culture of sex- cial labour codes to provide a le-
plaintiffs in that case lat- tackle abuse ualized violence is still missing. gal basis for external oversight.
er said the agency’s inter- CSIS is not alone in Urgent need for reform The CSIS allegations are the
nal complains process was having flawed internal The current legislative latest abuse scandal to rock
“completely ineffective.” oversight of workplace framework to address work- Canada’s policing and security
CSIS Director David Vi- victims to seek external help if bullying, harassment and sex- place bullying, harassment and establishment. Those work-
gneault said the assessment is their work has national security ual abuse. Time and time again, sexual violence is inadequate. ing in our government agen-
aimed at resolving barriers to implications. when left to police themselves, Time and time again, organi- cies work in service of Canada.
a safe workplace and that the The officers also believe the law enforcement agencies have zations are left with the legal They deserve protection and
culture at CSIS allowed inap- organization would conceal mishandled sexual miscon- authority to investigate them- accountability. ■
propriate behaviour to “fester.” misconduct, making it chal- duct, bullying and harassment selves when it comes to mis-
Yet, CSIS leadership remains lenging to pursue external re- among employees. conduct. Complaints are con- This article is republished
unaccountable. dress. Reluctance to file com- The RCMP have routine- sistently mishandled, ignored from The Conversation under a
Vigneault is correct, action is plaints is exacerbated by this ly bungled internal miscon- or covered up. Creative Commons license.

PBBM: Innovative practices.. Amnesty grant shows..

❰❰ 4 sidering amendments and analysis tools to monitor ❰❰ 6 under international law "And for our Filipino broth- which sought to concur with
to the Recognizance and address trends in incarcer- to protect and promote ers and sisters who want to avail the amnesty proclamations.
Act to make it more ation and releases. human rights on one of amnesty, this is now your Speaker Martin Romualdez
accessible and effective. Romualdez noted that these hand, and the government' com- opportunity to finally build a reiterated the chamber's in-
The House, he added, is also proposals represent a holistic mitment to peace, reconciliation, peaceful, productive, and com- tention to adopt all four con-
in agreement with the propos- approach to a complex problem, and unity, on the other," he said. fortable life for you and your current resolutions before the
al of strengthening the “Com- and reflect a collective commit- Galvez called for the passage families, which all of you right- Christmas break.
mission on Human Rights to ment to a justice system that is of the concurrent resolutions fully deserve," he said. "The timely adoption of
act as the National Preventive not only efficient and equitable to ensure that the government During the same hearing, the these concurrent resolutions is
Mechanism against Unjust In- but also humane and respectful would be able to build and sus- two House panels approved attuned with the spirit of hope,
carceration,” which will involve of the rights and dignity of ev- tain the gains of peace through- House Concurrent Resolution peace, and joy that the Christ-
equipping the CHR with data ery Filipino. ■ out the country. (HCR) Nos. 19, 20, 21, and 22, mas season brings," he said. ■

World News
The Sunnylands Statement sets a positive
signal: World leaders gathered for COP28
must build off of it
BY SIBO CHEN, Toronto Accelerating renewable bonization is not without obsta- da’s lack of determination in phas- firm policy language concern-
Metropolitan University energy transition cles. As highlighted in a recent ing out its oil and gas industry. ing the end of the expansion
The Conversation There are two significant review paper published by Ap- Reports on Canada’s fossil of fossil fuels then a cleaner
developments within the plied Energy, about half of the fuel industry’s role at COP28 fossil-fuel world is likely to be-
statement which are worth announced economic stimulus have stoked fears of “green- come our future. A future we
In a politically turbulent highlighting. The first is Chi- plans worldwide continue to be washing” over carbon capture should all be wary of.
world, it is rare to witness ma- na’s commitment to setting dominated by fossil fuel invest- proposals in Alberta. These Charting a new course
jor global actors set aside their comprehensive climate targets ments. In countries like Canada, proposals are intended to tack- Although the Sunnylands
disagreements to address the by 2035 that encompass all the allocation of subsidies to the le GHG emissions during oil Statement is undoubtedly a step
existential threats posed by cli- greenhouse gases (GHG) and oil and gas industry has generat- sands production but do not in the right direction, it must be
mate change. On Nov. 14, the the second is its unprecedented ed public controversy. address the emissions from the accompanied by a focused dia-
United States and China did consideration of absolute emis- Beyond investments, funda- consumption of fossil fuels. logue on the true meaning of net
just this by issuing the Sunny- sion reductions in its (primar- mental changes in how people This brings us to a crucial zero. Will a country lean towards
lands Statement on Enhancing ily coal-fuelled) power sector travel and work — borne of the question looming over COP28: net zero achieved primarily by
Cooperation to Address the Cli- within this decade. pandemic — may lead to endur- what does “net zero” actual- renewables, or one achieved by
mate Crisis. Such policy language is cru- ing long-term reductions in the ly entail? In her book Ending carbon capture and storage?
Issued prior to the pivotal cial for figuring out China’s fu- use of fossil fuels for transpor- Fossil Fuels, environmental How major economies (the
Biden-Xi meeting on Nov. 15 at ture energy import prospects. tation. As evidenced by a recent scholar Holly Jean Buck warns U.S., China, Canada, etc.) ap-
the Asia-Pacific Economic Co- The Sunnylands Statement study published by PNAS, the against a potentially peril- proach these issues carries
operation (APEC) summit in indicates that the U.S. and Chi- growth in remote and hybrid ous narrative that envisions a significant national and inter-
San Francisco, the statement na recognize climate change work alone could reduce indi- “cleaner fossil world” in which national consequences. The
not only establishes a spirit of mitigation as one of the limited vidual carbon footprints by as carbon storage and other forms Sunnylands Statement paved
co-operation but also sustains domains in which they appear much as 58 per cent. of carbon capture continue to the way for energy talks at
the progress made in recent willing to cultivate stability in All eyes on COP28 obscure the dominance of fossil COP28, and the world is eagerly
climate dialogues between the their bilateral relations. This The Sunnylands Statement, fuels, thereby failing to address watching such talks’ outcomes.
world’s two largest greenhouse isn’t entirely surprising, given signifying the world’s two largest systemic problems caused by As said by the UN Secre-
gases (GHG) emitters. the rapid transition towards economies’ pledge to “pursue ef- contemporary society’s addic- tary-General António Guterres,
Climate organizations and renewable energy sources that forts to triple renewable energy tion to carbon-intensive modes “The world is watching, and the
analysts have welcomed the both countries have undertak- capacity globally by 2030,” can of economic growth. planet can’t wait.” ■
statement. China Dialogue stat- en. This trend gained momen- thus steer discussions at COP28 If the unprecedented num-
ed that it shows that even with tum during the pandemic and is towards meaningful fossil fuel bers of lobbyists — and perhaps This article is republished
their complex relationship, both anticipated to continue as their phase-out strategies. Yet, concerns even the COP28 president — from The Conversation under a
nations are committed to pri- economic activities recover, emerge when we consider Cana- have their say in preventing Creative Commons license.
oritizing climate issues. While and become more dependent
the Asia Society Policy Insti- upon renewable energy.
tute characterized the bilateral This has been confirmed by
alignment of the statement as an BloombergNEF’s 2023 Sus-
“insurance” to the ongoing 28th tainable Energy in America
United Nations Climate Change Factbook, which reported that
Conference (COP28). in 2022, U.S. energy transition
As a scholar closely moni- investments rose 11 per cent
toring the global implications year-on-year to $141 billion — a
of China’s climate policy, the clear indication that clean en-
statement is particularly in- ergy is now an integral part of
triguing for how it describes the American economy.
China’s approach to energy Meanwhile, despite the pres-
transition. China’s determina- ent obstacles, estimations for
tion to “ramp up renewable en- China’s greenhouse gas emis-
ergy with the goal of displacing sions indicate a probability
fossil fuels” should be taken se- exceeding 80 per cent that the
riously by Canadian, and global, country will reach its carbon
policymakers when planning peak between 2021 and 2026.
energy futures. The journey towards decar- U.S. President Joe Biden and China’s President Xi Jinping (PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN/FACEBOOK)
FRIDAY DECEMBER 8, 2023 World News 13

Ukraine war: Russia’s hard line at

European security meeting ratchets
up tensions another notch
BY STEFAN WOLFF, narrative of the need for a fun- culties which Ukrainian pres-
University of Birmingham damentally new and different ident Volodymyr Zelensky’s
The Conversation European security order. peace formula will face in the
While Russia managed to future. A wider pro-western
block Estonia’s candidacy for line was adopted by more than
After many months of dip- the chair and secured a non-Na- 40 participating states that is-
lomatic wrangling, the Organi- to member for the role with sued joint statements on hu-
zation for Security and Co-op- Malta, this is hardly a triumph man rights and fundamental
eration in Europe (OSCE) was of Russian diplomacy, given freedoms and on the 90th anni-
granted another lease of life at that the Kremlin had to drop its versary of the Holodomor geno-
the annual ministerial council opposition to the renewal of the cide in Ukraine in 1932-1933.
meeting last week in a messy other leadership positions. Deep divisions
compromise between Russia Nor is the compromise a Yet this cannot gloss over
and the west. But rather than win for the west. Crucially, the the fundamental divide that
ushering in a period of renewed west was far from united in persists in the OSCE between
efforts to mend Europe’s bro- its approach. Ukraine, Poland the collective west and Russia
ken security order, existing and the Baltic states refused and its remaining allies. A joint
faultlines have deepened and to send their foreign ministers statement by Nato members
new ones have emerged. to the meeting in protest over (and Sweden) squarely pointed
The OSCE traces its roots Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov (UN PHOTO/JEAN-MARC FERRE VIA UN Lavrov’s attendance. Their US the finger of blame for all that is
back to a period of serious at- GENEVA/FLICKR, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0) and UK counterparts, Antony wrong with the OSCE and Eu-
tempts at detente between the Blinken and David Cameron, ropean security at the Kremlin.
US and the USSR during the border checkpoints in eastern OSCE is experiencing the deep- attended the pre-meeting din- Russia and Belarus, in turn,
1970s. It’s now the world’s larg- Ukraine was discontinued in est crisis in its history. Because ner but avoided any contact received support from Kazakh-
est regional security organisa- September 2021. of Russia’s veto, the organisa- with Lavrov. stan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajiki-
tion with 57 participating states Meanwhile the “Special tion has not had an approved By contrast, the German for- stan in their attempt to deflect
encompassing three continents Monitoring Mission”, set up in budget since 2021. It has only eign minister, Annalena Baer- that blame and portray them-
– North America, Europe and March 2014 to observe and re- survived on the basis of “cre- bock, attended in person and selves as champions of peace,
Asia. Yet its ability to fulfil its port in an impartial and objec- ative diplomacy”, with individ- launched a scathing condemna- security and human rights.
mandate of providing security tive manner on the security sit- ual member states finding mon- tion of Russia and Lavrov in her Much was made at the min-
has been severely compromised uation in Ukraine was closed in ey to fund its missions. statement, underscoring that isterial council of the OSCE as
in recent years. March 2022, weeks after Russia Sense of instability the Kremlin’s illegal war of ag- an important platform for dia-
While the full-scale Russian launched its all-out invasion. The compromises achieved at gression against Ukraine is also logue, especially in light of the
invasion of Ukraine in Feb- The office of the project coor- the ministerial council in Sko- a war against the OSCE. many security challenges that
ruary 2022 was the latest and dinator in Ukraine, which was pje last week do little to put the Several, including non-west- the region faces. But, as Liech-
most egregious violation of the set up at Kyiv’s request in 1999 OSCE back onto a more sustain- ern, delegates emphasised the tenstein’s representative aptly
OSCE’s fundamental principles, to help it meet a range of secu- able footing. While appointing importance of respect for the put it, for this to work, partic-
it was not the first. Russia’s in- rity challenges and assist and Malta as chair of the organisa- sovereignty and territorial in- ipating states need to recog-
vasion of Georgia in 2008 and advise on reforms, was closed tion for 2024 averts complete tegrity of all participating states. nise, and remind themselves of,
the subsequent recognition of in June 2022. All of these initia- dysfunctionality, the mandates But only nine of them aligned the added value that the OSCE
the independence of the Krem- tives ended after Russia vetoed of the organisation’s other top themselves with the EU state- brings to each of them individ-
lin-supported breakaway states their continuation. officials, including the secretary ment, which called on “Russia ually and the region as a whole.
of Abkhazia and South Ossetia Yet, none of this stopped general, were extended by only to immediately stop its war of There is little evidence that
in August was followed, in 2014, the Russian foreign minister, nine months, rather than the aggression against Ukraine, and this message will be heard. And
by the annexation of Crimea and Sergey Lavrov, from declaring customary three-year period. completely and unconditionally so the danger persists that an
occupation of parts of Donbas. at the latest meeting that the This merely prolongs the ex- withdraw … from the entire ter- ongoing “dialogue of the deaf”
Russia has also deliberately OSCE was becoming “an ap- isting agony by putting off a de- ritory of Ukraine”. will eventually push the OSCE
undermined the OSCE’s existing pendage of Nato and the EU” cision on who is to lead the or- This does not mean that the into oblivion. ■
missions in Ukraine. The “Ob- and finds itself “on the brink of ganisation and its institutions. remainder of the OSCE’s par-
server Mission ”, which was set the abyss”. The pervasive sense of instabili- ticipating states support the This article is republished
up in July 2014 to monitor ac- At least on this latter point, ty that now surrounds the OSCE Kremlin’s war of aggression. from The Conversation under a
tivity at key Russian-Ukrainian there is little disagreement. The fits neatly with the Kremlin’s But it indicates the likely diffi- Creative Commons license.

PBBM inks PPP..

❰❰ 8 PPP Center Execu- that through the PPP Code, the ects that would significantly im- learned from over 33 years of projects are of high quality and
tive Director, Undersec- government would deliver more prove the lives of Filipinos. experience in implementing can mitigate risks during imple-
retary Ma. Cynthia C. financially viable, well-struc- "The PPP Code incorporates PPPs in the country to ensure mentation," Hernandez said. ■
Hernandez, expressed confidence tured, and high-quality PPP proj- the best practices and lessons that present and future PPP
14 World News DECEMBER 8, 2023 FRIDAY

‘Just the rich can do it’: our research

shows how immigration income
requirements devastate families
BY KATHARINE stuck overseas (with or without family life”. The inquiry rec- Migration Advisory Committee partner. One in 25 married or
CHARSLEY, University of their children), and many thou- ommended making the income (a body of experts set up by the cohabiting couples in Britain
Bristol, HELENA WRAY, sands of children were separat- requirement more flexible and government to advise on immi- have one UK-born and one EU-
University of Exeter ed from them. advised against any increase. gration matters) has not been born partner.
The Conversation Although average wages have Who will this affect? asked to evidence this claim. UK-EU couples now fall un-
since increased, problems re- The median salary for UK The argument makes little der the immigration system,
main. The requirement is a full-time employees is £34,963, sense to people unable to work full and will be among the many
The government has an- minimum, with higher sums so well over half will not meet time because of childcare or oth- people affected by the new re-
nounced a host of new re- needed if the application in- the new threshold. Those aged er responsibilities, forced to live quirements. Our Brexit Cou-
strictions aimed at cutting net cludes children. Applicants 22-29, an age when many re- alone or as single parents, without ples project is researching the
migration to the UK. Head- must show that they have lationships are formed, earn their partner to share financial and experience of these couples,
line announcements include earned this salary for at least even less – £30,328 for men and childcare responsibilities. uncovering their distress, delay,
increasing the salary require- six months, meaning that if £27,937 for women. We have conducted exten- expense and frustration with
ments for skilled foreign work- someone only recently met the Some key occupations earn sive research with families and the UK immigration system. As
ers from £26,200 to £38,700, threshold (through a new job much less. The care worker couples kept apart by the UK one of our respondents noted:
and banning health and care or promotion) they would still and home care median wage is immigration system. One of our “It feels like some sort of finan-
workers from bringing family have to wait months until their £23,409. While migrant care participants, Sophia, and her cial injustice, just the rich can
dependants to the UK. family could join them. workers will be exempt from husband had been living over- do it, basically.”
In the fine print is a doubling There is an alternative route the new salary threshold, care seas but agreed that they would The new threshold will be
of the minimum income re- to meet the financial require- workers who are British citizens relocate to Britain because of po- devastating for any British cit-
quirement (MIR) for family vi- ments through cash savings, (or long term residents) will be litical instability in his country. izen who falls in love with a
sas to £38,700. This means that but it is prohibitively high at unable to apply for family mem- However, due to the minimum foreign partner. It is difficult to
many British citizens will be un- £62,500. bers to join them in the UK. income requirement, she had to assess how many people will be
able to bring their non-British As recently as February The government says the come alone with their daughter. affected.
spouse or partner to the UK. If 2023, a House of Lords inquiry new requirement will ensure Sophia found herself torn Many will never apply (par-
implemented, it will cause the criticised the family migration people bringing dependants to between the needs of her child, ticularly after recent fee in-
separation of thousands of cou- system as “at odds with the the UK can support them finan- deeply distressed by separation creases) and either move
ples and of children and parents. Government’s commitment to cially. But, unlike in 2012, the from her father, and working abroad or endure indefinite
The UK already has the sec- long hours to meet the thresh- separation. Those who can af-
ond-most restrictive family im- old. With the new MIR, their ford to will appeal refusals on
migration regime in Europe, if separation would very likely human rights grounds. They
not the world. The MIR was first have been permanent. may well succeed, but only with
introduced to the UK immigra- The increase in the threshold more expense and even longer
tion rules in 2012 at £18,600 per is staggering, and will be crush- separation from their families.
annum. At that time, this was ing for those hoping to reunite The political consequences
above the income of 47% of the their families. Imagine having also cannot be predicted. Many
UK adult population overall, finally secured the childcare more people will become aware
and an even higher proportion and job you need to bring your of the draconian family migra-
of women, young people, some partner over, only to find the tion rules when they or some-
ethnic groups and those outside goalposts moved not just mar- one they care about is affected.
south-east England. ginally, but beyond most peo- The proposal may well turn out
Its impact on families was ple’s earning capacity. to be less popular than the gov-
devastating. By 2015, an es- Keeping families apart ernment hopes. ■
timated 15,000 children had Mixed nationality relation-
been affected because the fam- ships are common in “global” This article is republished
ily couldn’t meet the require- Britain – in the year to Sep- from The Conversation under a
ments for reunification in Brit- tember 2023, 65,278 people Creative Commons license.
ain. Foreign parents remained obtained a visa to join a British

PBBM calls for.. Canada commits funding..

❰❰ 7 periences of the most Marcos said the Philippines He said it is imperative for ❰❰ 7 “It’s also looking international climate finance
affected countries are seeks an” inclusive, transparent, COP28 to ensure that the out- at ways to encourage from USD2.65 billion to USD5.3
heard and considered and accountable approach in ad- comes of the Global Stocktake private sector both billion to further strengthen
in shaping global climate poli- dressing climate change and its will sufficiently inform parties international and Philippines its ability in helping devel-
cies,” Marcos said. repercussions,” reiterating the in enhancing climate actions investors looking for opportu- oping countries transition to
Loyzaga said the Philippines country’s commitment to the and international cooperation nities to invest in these kinds of low-carbon, climate-resilient,
is also vying for a seat in the G77 and China, and strong sup- based on equity and climate solutions,” he added. nature-positive and inclusive
Loss and Damage Fund Board. port to Cuba’s chairmanship. justice. ■ In 2021, Canada doubled its sustainable development. ■
FRIDAY DECEMBER 8, 2023 World News 15

Climate change surged ‘alarmingly'

in 2011-2020: UN
ANADOLU climate objectives.” tion to phase out ozone-deplet- mass and reached a new record coming from West Antarctica,”
Philippine News Agency The report was based on ing chemicals, an indication of mass loss. the report said.
physical data analyses and im- the success of the Montreal “The Antarctic continental “Compared to the previous
pact assessments from dozens Protocol. ice sheet lost ice at an aver- decade (2001-2010), this rep-
GENEVA – The rate of cli- of experts at National Meteo- “Each decade since the 1990s age rate of 143 Gt yr- during resents an increase of nearly 75
mate change surged “alarming- rological and Hydrological Ser- has been warmer than the pre- this decade, with more than percent in ice losses. This is not
ly” between 2011 and 2020, the vices, Regional Climate Cen- vious one and we see no imme- three-quarters of this mass loss the same as Antarctic sea ice.” ■
warmest decade on record, the ters, National Statistics Offices diate sign of this trend revers-
UN weather agency said in a re- and UN partners. ing,” WMO Secretary-General
port Tuesday. Ice sheet loss Petteri Taalas said.
The World Meteorological The reports said that in the Accumulated heat
Organization (WMO) report, re- 2011-2020 period glacier and Around 90 percent of the
leased at the Conference of the ice sheet loss was unprecedent- accumulated heat in the Earth
Parties (COP28) in Dubai, said ed, sea level rises accelerated, system is stored in the ocean,
that it is much harder to try to lim- and ocean heat and acidification the report said.
it the global temperature increase damaged marine ecosystems. Ocean warming rates show a
to no more than 1.5 degrees Cel- It also said extreme weather particularly strong increase in
sius than it was in the pre-indus- undermined sustainable de- the past two decades.
trial period (1850-1900). velopment, but the ozone layer A consequence of the accumu-
It was emphasized that effec- was on track to recovery. lation of carbon dioxide in the
tive climate actions are needed. Providing a glimmer of hope, ocean is its acidification–a drop
“Public and private climate the report said the Antarctic in the oceanic pH, which makes
finance almost doubled be- ozone hole was smaller in the it more challenging for marine
tween 2011 and 2020,” it said. 2011-2020 period than during organisms to build and maintain
“However, it needs to in- the two previous decades. their shells and skeletons.
crease at least seven times by This was due to successful During the 2011-2020 de-
the end of this decade to achieve and concerted international ac- cade, Greenland lost a lot of

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Star Cinema drops official trailer of 'Rewind;'
garners over 16 million views within 24 hours
ABS-CBN and regrets with his family after totoong love na nadarama ng
an uneventful accident that cost artista and it translates to the
his wife's life in a car crash. material," Mae shared.
Dingdong goes back in Desperate to have his wife, "We've been dreaming for a
time to save relationship Mary (Marian), back into his life DongYan movie for the longest
with Marian and to mend his relationship time. We really had a long dis-
ABS-CBN Film Productions with their son Austin (Jordan cussion. Sinulat namin ito para
officially dropped the highly-an- Lim), he receives unexpected sa kanila. Kapag ba 'ganun ka-
ticipated trailer of the comeback help from Lods, played by Pepe swak ang materyal, hihintayin
movie of the country's power- Herrera—giving him a chance pa ba natin? The unanimous
house reel-to-real couple, Ding- to start anew and amend his decision was no one else could
dong Dantes and Marian Rivera, wrongdoings to his family. But do it but Dingdong and Mari-
with "Rewind," amassing over along with this opportunity, a an," Enrico added.
16 million views within 24 hours costly consequence awaits. Completing the stellar cast are
since its release on various Star Dingdong and Marian then Sue Ramirez, Joross Gamboa,
Cinema and ABS-CBN platforms expressed their delight and Catch "Rewind" in the upcoming MMFF 2023, in cinemas nationwide starting Lito Pimentel, Ina Feleo, Ariel
last December 4 (Monday). gratitude to be starring in Star December 25 (ABS-CBN) Ureta, Pamu Pomerada, Mary Joy
The film will be the Cinema's official MMFF entry, Apostol, Via Antonio, Chamyto
much-awaited return of Dong- co-produced alongside APT ood, whether parte ka ng isang along with story writer Enrico Aguedan, and Coney Reyes.
Yan on the big screen that is sure Entertainment and Agosto Dos pamilya, isang barkada, asawa ka Santos, praised Dingdong and Catch "Rewind" in the up-
to tug hearts with its stinging Pictures. man o anak," Dingdong said. As Marian for their heart stringing coming MMFF 2023, in cinemas
drama on family, faith, and love. "Mula noong unang araw na for Marian, "Nakaka-proud na performance on the big screen— nationwide starting December
Showing in cinemas nation- mabasa namin ang script, na- nakagawa ako ng isang pangarap noting that the roles of John and 25. For film updates, follow ABS-
wide beginning this Christmas as kakatuwa na talagang nabig- kong pelikula… Palagi akong Mary are a perfect fit for Dong- CBN Films on Facebook, X, Tik-
one of the official entries for the yan namin ito ng buhay that's looking forward na makatraba- Yan and their portrayals will Tok, Instagram, and Threads.
49th Metro Manila Film Festi- why I can't wait to see the final ho muli si Dong and hanggang move audiences into tears. For other news, follow @ab-
val (MMFF), "Rewind" revolves product. Mapalad kami na isa sa ngayon, in love pa rin akong "Ang laking factor talaga na scbnpr on Facebook, X, TikTok,
around John (Dingdong), who mapili ng MMFF. I guarantee na makasama siya onscreen." it was DongYan who portrayed Instagram, and Threads, or visit
looks to make up for lost time makaka-relate ang mga manon- Its director Mae Cruz Alviar, John and Mary. Iba kasi 'yung ■

"Batang Quiapo," "Can't Buy Me Love," "Senior

High," "It's Showtime," and more ABS-CBN
shows now available in Canada
ABS-CBN Viewers in Canada can now gilinan) ‘kilig’-filled investiga- Music enthusiasts, meanwhile, wide on-demand on YouTube as
catch up on recent episodes of tion in “Can’t Buy Me Love,” and can enjoy and watch musical part of the company’s commit-
their favorite Kapamilya shows Sky’s (Andrea Brillantes) thrill- game shows “Everybody, Sing!” ment to stay connected to more
Available on-demand on on ABS-CBN Entertainment’s ing revelations in “Senior High.” with Vice Ganda and “I Can See audiences around the world.
ABS-CBN Entertainment’s YouTube channel for free and Noontime program “It’s Show- Your Voice” with Luis Manzano. Enjoy these programs and be a
YouTube channel with on-demand access. The time” also continues to treat the For those looking for inspiring part of ABS-CBN’s growing online
ABS-CBN, the Philippines’ episodes will be available to madlang people with non-stop and lighthearted ‘kwentuhan’ family by subscribing to the ABS-
leading content provider, con- viewers in Canada one week good vibes and fun moments sessions, join momshies Jolina CBN Entertainment YouTube
tinues to reach more Filipinos after they are initially lives- together with the “Showtime” Magdangal, Melai Cantiveros, channel, the most subscribed You-
around the world as select pro- treamed in the Philippines. family. Additionally, afternoon and Regine Velasquez by tuning Tube channel in Southeast Asia
grams, including its primetime Binge-watch the ac- shows “Pira-Pirasong Paraiso” in to the lifestyle talk show “Ma- with over 45 million subscribers.
and afternoon shows and “It’s tion-packed journey of Tanggol and “Nag-Aapoy Na Damdamin” gandang Buhay.” For updates, follow @abscbn-
Showtime,” are available on-de- (Coco Martin) in “FPJ’s Batang will surely spice up viewers’ emo- Last September, ABS-CBN pr on Facebook, Twitter, Insta-
mand in Canada via YouTube Quiapo,” Caroline and Bingo’s tions as more shocking truths made its hit primetime show, gram, and TikTok, or visit www.
starting today (December 1). (Belle Mariano and Donny Pan- unravel in the series. “Senior High,” available world- ■
FRIDAY DECEMBER 8, 2023 Entertainment 17

‘Wonka’ movie holds remnants

of novel’s racist past
BY MEISHA LOHMANN, out of chocolate, Mr. Wonka?” blatant racism in the 1964 edi- pa-Loompas’ subjugation to ments and medical neglect.
State University of New York To which Wonka replied: tion of “Charlie and the Choco- Willy Wonka, who plays the role In both the book’s current
The Conversation “Nonsense!” late Factory,” comparing it to a of their “Great White Father,” version and in the original, he
“They belong to a tribe of more recent copy from 2011. as fourth grade reading teacher smuggles them into his factory
tiny miniature pygmies known Notably, the description of Katherine Baxter noted in 1974. and pays them in cacao beans
Several years ago, I made a as Oompa-Loompas,” Wonka the Oompa-Loompa’s skin had Historian Donald Yacovone because they were “practically
visit to a local book sale and explains in this version of the been changed from “almost has pointed out that, even in starving to death” and cacao was
came across a rare 1964 edition book. “I discovered them my- black” to “rosy-white.” And its revised form, “Charlie and “the one food that they longed for
of Roald Dahl’s “Charlie and the self. I brought them over from rather than coming from Africa, the Chocolate Factory” has more than any other … but they
Chocolate Factory.” Popular in Africa myself – the whole tribe they came from “Loompaland.” long contributed to the perpet- couldn’t get it” on their own.
its own right, the novel has also of them, three thousand in all. I I learned that these changes uation of white supremacist It’s an absurd assertion that
served as the inspiration for a found them in the very deepest were made by Dahl for the 1974 ideology. Not only do the Oom- this community of people, orig-
number of movies, including and darkest part of the African edition after criticism by the pa-Loompas immediately ap- inally located in the heart of Af-
“Willy Wonka & The Choco- jungle where no white man had NAACP and others. Dahl’s re- pear – ready to obey – whenev- rica, cannot access a crop that,
late Factory” – the classic 1971 ever been before.” sponse was to remove the Black er Wonka clicks his fingers, but while native to the Amazon, is
movie starring the late Gene The accompanying black- characters altogether. Wonka is also repeatedly dis- primarily grown in West Afri-
Wilder – a 2005 reboot starring and-white illustration of sever- Yet as philosophy lecturer missive of them. He calls them can countries. That they need
Johnny Depp, and “Wonka,” the al dark-skinned Oompa-Loom- Ron Novy points out, even the “charming” but tells his visitors Wonka to give them access to
2023 version. pas left me stunned. latest editions of the book still not to believe a word the Oom- the resources of their own land
As a child of the 1980s, I had Dahl’s book is part of a long perpetuate racist and imperial- pa-Loompas say. “It’s all non- is a damaging colonialist fan-
voraciously consumed Dahl’s history of children’s books that ist ideologies. sense, every bit of it!” tasy – one which, as Yacovone
novels, so I knew the book well. feature racist stereotypes – a Parallels with slavery Wonka even uses the Oom- notes, has historically buoyed,
But the illustrations in this par- list that includes six Dr. Seuss When Wonka describes pa-Loompas as experimental rather than diminished, the
ticular edition looked unfamiliar. books that were removed from how he “smuggled” the Oom- subjects. He feeds them gum popularity of the novel and the
Once I brought the worn and publication in 2021. Other chil- pa-Loompas into the country in that turns them into blueber- 1971 and 2005 films.
tattered book home and be- dren’s classics, such as “Peter “large packing cases with holes ries and fizzy drinks that send Maintaining the status quo
gan to read it aloud to my kids, Pan” and “Mary Poppins,” have in them,” the image clearly re- one unfortunate man aloft un- Unfortunately, the latest
I realized that some passag- also been criticized for perpetu- calls slave ships navigating the til he “disappeared out of sight” Wonka movie also engages in
es looked unfamiliar as well. ating racism. Middle Passage. Wonka’s prom- and was never seen again. These the type of implicit racism that
My voice faltered as the Oom- As an English lecturer who ise to pay the Oompa-Loom- experiments seem a grotesque remains in the revised 1974
pa-Loompas – the pint-sized specializes in decoding some of pas’ wages in cacao beans, and parody of the myriad cases of version of the novel. The most
workers in Wonka’s chocolate the hidden meanings and dark the admission that no one ever enslaved and free Black Amer- prominent Black character, a
factory – appeared and Charlie realities in popular children’s sees them come in or out of the icans who have been subjected
asked, “Are they really made stories, I looked deeper into the factory, reinforces the Oom- to experimental surgeries, treat- ❱❱ PAGE 26 ‘Wonka’ movie holds

BINI spreads summer love

in new single "Pantropiko"
ABS-CBN of iTunes Philippines singles Last September, the Nation’s
chart upon its release and has Girl Group released the single
earned over 130,000 streams “Karera” as a first taste of their
Rakes in over 2 million on Spotify as of writing. It was upcoming EP. The track re-
views on TikTok also featured on Spotify’s Best ceived 600,000 streams on Spo-
Female pop group BINI of Equal Philippines 2023. tify and has earned 11 million
gushes about young love in the BINI continues to earn nu- views on TikTok.
summer-themed single “Pan- merous local and international Check out BINI’s latest sin-
tropiko” which has already gar- recognition as their single “I gle “Pantropiko” available on
nered over two million views on Feel Good” won in the Break- various streaming platforms.
TikTok. tudo Awards for Music by In- Get regular updates by follow-
The romantic and upbeat ternational Music Artist held ing BINI_ph on Facebook, X
track likens falling in love to a in Brazil. They were also named (Twitter), Instagram, and Tik-
fun summery day with loved as Favorite Group of the Year Tok, and subscribing to their
ones. Flipmusic’s Mat Olivades in the 8th P-pop Awards while official YouTube channel, BINI
and Jumbo De Belen produced members Jhoanna, Sheena, and Official.
“Pantropiko” and composed it Aiah won Top Female Leader of For more details, follow Star
with Angelika Ortiz and Paula the Year, Female Dancer of the Music on Facebook, X (Twit-
Patricia Chavez. Year, and Female Visual of the ter), Instagram, TikTok, and
The song claimed the top spot year respectively. YouTube. ■ Bini (ABS-CBN)
18 Entertainment DECEMBER 8, 2023 FRIDAY

Taylor Swift: Person of the year

and political influencer
BY MATT HARRIS, Park been limited, save for backing dorsements here, though – the state’s air-quality crisis. ous countries have taken to so-
University two Democrats in her adopted we’re talking about politicians OK, so politicians need pub- cial media to ask Swift to bring
The Conversation home state of Tennessee: Phil aligning themselves with Swift licity, and they can use Taylor her tour to their countries.
Bredesen in his Senate race and with no reciprocity. One clear Swift’s name to get it. But what There’s an economic angle to
U.S. Rep. Jim Cooper in his 2018 benefit to public officials fawn- about Swifties as a voting bloc? this, of course, as a Swift tour
Even before Taylor Swift was reelection campaign. Swift also ing over Swift? Attention – not The idea that Swifties might stop can generate huge sums
named “Person Of The Year” endorsed Joe Biden in 2020. unlike that seen for Bredesen be a key demographic in future in consumer spending. In the
by Time magazine, politicians Bredesen’s peak in Google and Cooper in 2018. elections is not far-fetched U.S., however, the honorifics
courted Swiftie voters. search interest from 2010 to New Jersey Gov. Phil Mur- given their location and age. A bestowed upon Swift have come
Call me a Swiftie, too. Like the present coincided with phy’s tweet declaring the “Taylor majority of Swift’s fans live in since her tour dates were con-
any millennial pop music fan Swift’s endorsement in October Swift ham, egg, and cheese” gar- the suburbs, the swing territory firmed.
active on social media, I fol- 2018. Cooper saw more Google nered 5,700 likes; his next unre- of American politics. Further, There is a question of wheth-
lowed Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour search traffic with Swift’s en- lated tweet had fewer than 100. most are Gen Zers or Millenni- er these Swift-adjacent stunts
– the surprise songs, the scram- dorsement than at any point A cursory analysis of social als. These groups encompass an boil down to campaigning thin-
ble to get tickets, her brief ro- since his vote for the Patient media data seems to support the increasing share of the elector- ly disguised as official govern-
mance with that guy from The Protection and Affordable Care idea that the use of Swift’s name ate with each passing year – up ment action. This is perhaps
1975 with a history of racist Act in March 2010. in honorary government ac- to 31% in 2020. Swift’s favora- best demonstrated in Canada,
comments. While the specific impact of tions produces a result similar bility among those ages 18 to 29 where a member of Parliament
But as a political scientist, Swift’s endorsements is diffi- to that of Swift’s endorsements: stands at 72%, and by one poll’s filed a parliamentary grievance
I was intrigued by something cult to assess, an Emerson Col- it drives engagement. Murphy’s estimate, 21% in that age cohort over the singer’s lack of Canadi-
else: reaction to the tour by lege poll of Tennesseans in 2018 Instagram post lauding Swift say they would vote for Swift an tour dates.
government officials. New Jer- found that 11.7% of those sur- garnered the most likes on any over Trump and Biden. Such behavior is perhaps
sey renamed the state’s famed veyed said Swift’s endorsement post of his in 2023, with the ex- Taylor Swift Post Office? analogous to, on a larger scale,
Taylor ham, egg and cheese in would make them more likely ception of an early June post on World leaders from numer- the renaming of post offices in
her honor – it’s now the “Taylor to support Bredesen – a number the U.S. Congress. While gen-
Swift Ham, Egg, and Cheese” unlikely to make a difference in erally innocuous and locally
official state sandwich. a race Bredesen lost by nearly 11 meaningful, these moves still
Pittsburgh’s mayor briefly points despite Swift’s support. require government resources
renamed the city “Swiftsburgh” Cooper easily won reelection in and staffers to put their atten-
when her tour hit town. his heavily Democratic Nash- tion toward them as opposed to
And in my neck of the woods, ville-based district. substantive policy matters.
Swift Street in North Kansas Although Swift’s endorse- Taylor Swift is an enormous-
City was temporarily rebranded ments likely did not sway these ly popular figure, particularly
“Swift Street (Taylor’s Version).” particular races, celebrity en- among demographic groups
Local or state governments dorsements can matter in close that will be increasingly im-
have lauded Swift in some way races, particularly when the portant in future American
at virtually every stop on her celebrity making the endorse- elections. In close races, voices
tour. While these honors make ment is viewed favorably – a such as Swift’s could prove crit-
for great photo opportunities likely scenario in Swift’s case. ical – not necessarily because
for Swifties, the politics of these Fawning = attention she influences how fans vote,
moves is worth examining. Do A slight majority of Amer- but because her voice provides
politicians have something to icans consider themselves attention and credibility to can-
gain in appealing to Swift’s fans? at least something of a fan of didates.
Celebrities can help politi- Swift’s music – that includes This is an update to a story
cians me – and a June 2023 Echelon originally published on July
Unlike many celebrities, Insights poll showed 50% of 24, 2023, to reflect Swift being
Swift does not involve herself likely voters view Swift at least named Time magazine’s Person
much in politics. One particu- somewhat favorably. This is a of the Year. ■
lar tool of politicians looking higher favorability rating than
to boost their numbers is to get Joe Biden, Donald Trump and This article is republished
celebrity endorsements. But both major political parties. from The Conversation under a
Swift’s use of endorsements has We’re not talking about en- (@TAYLORSWIFT13/X) Creative Commons license.

The Long and Difficult Process of

Letting Go of my Adult Unico Hijo
BY MATTE LAUREL-ZALKO my then boyfriend for good or go 2021 was definitely a better his education; he became more him every other day. My husband
back to being single (again). year for my son and myself. But focused on improving the qual- and I still see him for Sunday din-
For the next three years, my 2022 was way even better! My ity of his life and mental health; ners, birthdays and special occa-
My unico hijo turned 25 years son and I embraced our new son graduated with Distinction he sought creative pursuits such sions. Yet, I still constantly worry
old this year so he is an adult lives — while living separate- (Cum Laude) in Digital Design as photography, oil painting, and about him. I thought that having
technically. But in my eyes, in my ly from each other. My son as a and Development under Web learning musical instruments. lived the last 4 years apart from
mind, and in my heart, my unico young man with his newly found Technologies in June 2022. He My son also became more socia- my son would make me already
hijo will always be my giant baby! freedom navigated through life immediately got a steady job as a ble and wasn’t afraid to venture used to being without him, but,
At 6’2” tall, he really does tower discovering his own path and me Software Engineer which meant out and try to experience new I still find myself missing living
over my petite frame of 5’3”. I as a middle aged woman finding that he’s now responsible for the adventures. with my son. In other words, I’m
don’t know why but to this day, I herself in a new relationship and roof over his head. Truly, kudos This year (2023), my son has still not used to the idea of being
still find it hard to accept that my serious commitment amidst a to him for persevering with fin- even spread his wings wider by an empty nester! Having an emp-
son is no longer a child, no longer pandemic. Yes, it so happened ishing his education. When we travelling on his own. He went ty nest is not an easy matter — it
my little boy. Suffice to say, I’m that Covid struck by March 2020 attended his graduation, I had to Toronto earlier this year for a really is a lot tougher than what I
truly having a hard time letting in Vancouver. In Canada, this tears flowing down my cheeks mini vacation with his two child- had imagined!
go of my adult unico hijo! meant isolation and my son and like a waterfall! I can’t help hood friends (guys he went to I wish that I could rewind Time
In mid-September of 2019, I weren’t really allowed to inter- feeling so proud of him and his school with since grade school and freeze it so I could watch my
just a month after he turned 21, act or mingle with each other for achievement — all his hard work and high school). And as I write son grow up all over again, spend
my son and I mutually decided the duration of 2020 as we were and determination paid off. I’m this new article in my column, more quality time with him be-
to live separately. After careful from two different households. so grateful and so honoured to my son is off to Europe for a two cause Time really just went by so
thought and discussion, I told In our part of the world, during have attended three of my son’s week vacation on his own! Good fast. Too fast. As a single working
my son that I would like to accept the height of the pandemic in graduation ceremonies (grade for him! My son and I owe Can- mom, raising my son on my own
my boyfriend’s offer to move in 2020 with no vaccine in sight school, secondary, and univer- ada a huge debt of gratitude: this for 19 years was tough. But now,
together (but I told my son em- yet, it was strictly enforced that sity). I, on the other hand, got magnificent country, our new I’m learning that letting go of
phatically that I will only do so you should only keep or stick to married to my live-in partner a forever home, has been so gen- my son out into the vast outside
if he consents to it). Much to my your own household. month after my son’s graduation erous and kind to my son and I. world and proving to myself that
surprise, my son readily agreed to On top of these restrictions, so kudos to me too! Canada has been a positive moti- I did my job right as his mother is
me moving out (I guess, he loved my live-in partner’s fitness club The last three years (late 2019- vating force for the growth of my even tougher, way tougher! I’ve
the idea of not having a helicop- was shut down by the govern- to late 2022) were a learning son. Truly, the quality of life here learned that as a mother — life
ter mom anymore). Ironically, ment for at least 6 months in curve for both mother and son. in Canada is second to none. with my son is a one long difficult
the one who flew from the fami- 2020; the gym industry was The last three years taught my While I’m truly happy for my process of letting go: from the
ly nest was me and not the other hard hit by the pandemic — we son how to be more independent; son and his new adventures, I time that he’s a toddler learning
way around! By mid-September were the first to close and last he learned how to be on his own still can’t help but worry about to crawl, to when I let go of his
of 2019, I moved in with my boy- to open. My son had to take his during a really tough and difficult him everyday. Whenever I see, hand so that he could take his
friend and lived in his place. classes online so he really was time (pandemic) including tak- hear, or read about something first solo steps, to letting go of
But I didn’t leave my son to- completely isolated and didn’t ing care of himself while getting negative in the news, I immedi- his bike so that he could learn to
tally on his own and in the dark. see anyone. 2020 was definite- sick with the virus; he learned ately text my son and warn him ride it on his own, and to when he
With the condition that while ly a tough and difficult year for the value of hard work, money about what I’ve seen in the news. turned 21 and making that tough
he’s still in university, my son will both my son and I as we had to and the importance of finishing I still text him everyday and I call fateful decision to live separately
continue to live in our own 2-bed- adjust to our new lives — living so he could learn how to be in-
room condominium at Coal Har- apart from each other and not dependent and allowing him to
bour which we’ve had since 2011. seeing each other because of spread his wings.
This arrangement means that I Covid. However, we texted and The last three years taught me
will still pay for the roof over his called each other everyday. that my first and foremost duty
head and the utilities of our con- Thankfully, the Covid vac- as my son’s mom is to teach him
do while he pursues his studies cine began in Canada on De- how to live for himself. It is my
full time. In fairness though, my cember 14, 2020 so that meant duty as a parent to give him three
son worked part time during the my son and I could start seeing important things in life: love, his
weekends, spring and summer each other more frequently. By roots, and finally, his own wings.
break so he could take care of the beginning of 2021, my son I’m learning now that by letting
his own food, clothing and hob- and I are already well adjusted go of my son, I’m actually let-
bies. My son is used to combin- to our new lives. His main focus ting him grow and thrive on his
ing working and studying (at the was his studies and cultivating own. I’ve accepted the fact that
same time) because he started new friendships in university. I won’t be around forever and
working on weekends when he Whereas I was more emotion- that my son also needs to know
was just 15 years old. This “living ally invested with my romantic and accept this fact.
separately” arrangement was a relationship with my live-in If you are like me going
test for both mother and son: for partner and enjoying working through the difficulties of having
my son, it was a way for him to with him at his fitness club. We the dreaded Detachment Wall,
start learning how to live inde- saw my son for dinner on Sun- here are a few tips I’d like to share
pendently and learn about grow- days, birthdays and special fes- based on the different ways I’ve
ing up as a young man on his own. tive occasions. I texted my son learned on how to cope with let-
For me, it was a good way to find daily and spoke to him on the
out if I’m really meant to be with phone every other day. ❱❱ PAGE 21 The Long and

Why isn’t there any sound in space?
An astronomer explains why in space
no one can hear you scream
BY CHRIS IMPEY, University jostle or bump into their neigh- Sound in the solar system Deep space sounds electrons are separated from
of Arizona bors, causing a sound to come Scientists have wondered how While space is a good enough protons. In a plasma, the physics
The Conversation out of your mouth. human voices would sound on vacuum that normal sound of sound waves get complicated.
Sound moves through air our nearest neighboring planets, can’t travel through it, it’s actu- Waves travel much faster in this
the same way it moves through Venus and Mars. This experi- ally not a perfect vacuum, and it low-density medium, and their
How far can sound trav- your throat. Air molecules near ment is hypothetical because does have some particles float- wavelength is much longer.
el through space, since it’s your mouth bump into their Mars is usually below freezing, ing through it. In 2022, NASA released a
so empty? Is there an echo neighbors, which in turn bump and its atmosphere is thin, un- Beyond the Earth and its atmo- spectacular example of sound
in space? – Jasmine, age 14, into their neighbors, and the breathable carbon dioxide. Ve- sphere, there are five particles in in space. It used X-ray data to
Everson, Washington sound moves through the air. nus is even worse – its air is hot a typical cubic centimeter – the make an audible recording that
In space, no one can hear you The sound wave travels quickly, enough to melt lead, with a thick volume of a sugar cube – that are represents the way a massive
scream. about 760 miles per hour (1,223 carbon dioxide atmosphere. mostly hydrogen atoms. By con- black hole stirs up plasma in the
You may have heard this say- kilometers per hour), which is On Mars, your voice would trast, the air you are breathing Perseus galaxy cluster, 250 mil-
ing. It’s the tagline from the fa- faster than a commercial jet. sound tinny and hollow, like is 10 billion billion (1019) times lion light years from Earth. The
mous 1979 science fiction mov- Space is a vacuum the sound of a piccolo. On Ve- more dense. The density goes black hole itself emits no sound,
ie “Alien.” It’s a scary thought, So what about in space? nus, the pitch of your voice down with distance from the Sun, but the diffuse plasma around
but is it true? The simple an- Space is a vacuum, which would be much deeper, like the and in the space between stars it carries very long wavelength
swer is yes, no one can hear you means it contains almost no sound of a booming bass guitar. there are 0.1 particles per cubic sound waves.
scream in space because there matter. The word vacuum comes The reason is the thickness of centimeter. In vast voids between The natural sound is far too
is no sound or echo in space. from the Latin word for empty. the atmosphere. On Mars the galaxies, it is a million times lower low a frequency for the human
I’m a professor of astronomy, Sound is carried by atoms thin air creates a high-pitched still – fantastically empty. ear to hear, 57 octaves below
which means I study space and and molecules. In space, with sound, and on Venus the thick The voids of space are kept middle C, which is the middle
how it works. Space is silent – no atoms or molecules to car- air creates a low-pitched sound. very hot by radiation from stars. note on a piano and in the mid-
for the most part. ry a sound wave, there’s no The team that worked this out The very spread-out matter dle of the range of sound people
How sound works sound. There’s nothing to get simulated other solar system found there is in a physical state can hear. But after raising the
To understand why there’s in sound’s way out in space, but sounds, like a waterfall on Sat- called a plasma. frequency to the audible range,
no sound in space, first con- there’s nothing to carry it, so it urn’s moon Titan. A plasma is a gas in which the result is chilling – it’s the
sider how sound works. Sound doesn’t travel at all. No sound sound of a black hole growling
is a wave of energy that moves also means no echo. An echo in deep space. ■
through a solid, a liquid or a gas. happens when a sound wave
Sound is a compression hits a hard, flat surface and Hello, curious kids! Do you
wave. The energy created when bounces back in the direction it have a question you’d like an
your vocal cords vibrate slight- came from. expert to answer? Ask an adult
ly compresses the air in your By the way, if you were caught to send your question to Curi-
throat, and the compressed en- in space outside your spacecraft ousKidsUS@theconversation.
ergy travels outward. with no spacesuit, the fact that com. Please tell us your name,
A good analogy for sound is no one could hear your cry for age and the city where you live.
a Slinky toy. If you stretch out help is the least of your prob- And since curiosity has no age
a Slinky and push hard on one lems. Any air you still had in limit – adults, let us know what
end, a compression wave trav- your lungs would expand be- you’re wondering, too. We won’t
els down the Slinky. cause it was at higher pressure be able to answer every question,
When you talk, your vocal than the vacuum outside. Your but we will do our best.
cords vibrate. They jostle air lungs would rupture. In a mere This article is republished
molecules in your throat above 10 to 15 seconds, you’d be uncon- from The Conversation under a
your vocal cords, which in turn scious due to a lack of oxygen. Creative Commons license.

Public health errors:..

❰❰ 10 those struggling with quences of our decisions. examine our mistakes, prevent- tigation. However, it is essential This article is republished
addiction disorders. Moving forward, it is time to set ing their recurrence in the future. for protecting the public’s health from The Conversation under a
They might be the aside our political and scientific This task is not easy and requires and rebuilding trust in the medi- Creative Commons license.
most susceptible to the conse- battles so we can work together to a thorough and transparent inves- cal profession. ■
FRIDAY DECEMBER 8, 2023 Lifestyle 21

It’s extremely hot and I’m feeling weak and

dizzy. Could I have heat stroke?
BY LILY HOSPERS, If left unchecked, heat exhaus- fective. When air temperature physical activity is, the more heat Take, for example, an elder-
University of Sydney, JAMES tion can progress to the far more is higher than the temperature we must lose to avoid dangerous ly outdoor agricultural worker.
SMALLCOMBE, University serious condition of heat stroke, of the skin (normally around rises in core temperature. Being aged over 60, their phys-
of Sydney, OLLIE JAY, where your core temperature 35°C), we start gaining heat Finally, clothing can act as iological capacity to sweat is re-
University of Sydney climbs upwards of 40°C. Symp- from our surroundings. an insulator and barrier for the duced. The worker may also be
The Conversation toms can develop rapidly and Sweating is by far our most evaporation of sweat, making wearing heavy safety clothing,
may include confusion, disorien- effective physiological means of it even more difficult for us to which may further limit heat
tation, agitation, convulsions, or keeping cool. However, it is the keep cool. loss from the body. If they don’t
Australia is braced for a hot, it could even result in a coma. evaporation of sweat from our Who is most vulnerable in slow down, seek shelter and ad-
dry summer. El Nino is back, and Heat stroke is a medical skin that provides cooling relief. the heat? equately hydrate, they become
this year it will occur alongside emergency and requires urgent When the air is humid, it al- Some people are at greater even more vulnerable.
an Indian Ocean dipole, a cli- treatment. Call an ambulance ready contains a lot of moisture, risk of developing heat illness When a person dies of heat
mate pattern which will further and start rapid, aggressive cool- and this reduces how efficiently than others. This can result from stroke – which is relatively easy
amplify this hot and dry effect. ing by immersing the person in sweat evaporates. physiological limitations, such to diagnose – heat will be listed
Hot weather can place great cold water (such as a cold bath). Our physical activity levels and as a decreased capacity to sweat, as a cause of death on a death cer-
stress on our bodies. When the If this isn’t possible, apply ice clothing also impact heat stress or a reduced capacity to adapt tificate. Between 2001 and 2018
environmental conditions ex- packs to their neck, armpits and risk. When we move, our bod- our behaviour. When these two in Australia, 473 heat-related
ceed the limit at which we can groin and cover the skin with ies generate metabolic heat as a risk factors coincide, it’s a per- deaths were officially reported.
adequately cope, we can suffer lots of cool water. by-product. The more intense fect storm of vulnerability. However, the true associa-
from heat-related illnesses. When it comes to cooling tion between heat and death is
Heat illnesses can vary, from someone with suspected heat thought to be far greater, with an
relatively mild heat exhaustion stroke, the quicker the better: estimated 36,000 deaths in Aus-
to the potentially life-threaten- cool first, transport second. tralia between 2006 and 2017.
ing condition of heat stroke. Why do we overheat? This is because most people
What are the signs and Environmental conditions who die during extreme heat
symptoms? play an important role in deter- events do not die from heat
If you’re suffering from heat ex- mining our heat stress risk. If stroke. Instead, they they die
haustion, you may feel weakness, the air temperature, humidity of other medical complications
nausea, headaches or dizziness. and levels of sun exposure are such as cardiovascular or renal
Mild symptoms of heat ex- high, we are much more likely collapse, as additional strain is
haustion can often be treated at to dangerously overheat. placed on essential organs such
home by reducing your levels of When the body gets hot, the as the heart and kidneys.
physical activity, finding shade, heart pumps more warm blood People with underlying health
removing excess clothing, hy- to our skin to help lose heat. As conditions are more likely to
drating with water and perhaps air temperature rises, this way
even taking a cool shower. of shedding heat becomes inef- ❱❱ PAGE 30 It’s extremely hot

The Long and..

❰❰ 19 ting go of my adult uni- that it’s time he or she or they you later on for teaching them my son the most precious gift I’ll we die? We don’t want them to
co hijo: take care of their own lives. It’s how to be strong. ever give him: learning to spread struggle in life after they lose us.
1. Letting go of your about time they learn how to 5. Let your adult child cor- his own wings. No matter how We want them to be able to sur-
adult child doesn’t mean that solve their own problems. This rect his/her/their mistakes. tough it gets, be firm with your vive even after we die.
you’re abandoning your adult doesn’t mean you’ve stopped You can’t forever fix your child’s decision to let go. Once they’ve My son and I are now in our
child. Learn, accept, understand caring about them. On the con- problems. In fact, as soon as he left the nest, there’s no going 4th year of living apart and
and truly realise that a mother’s trary, you care about them so or she (or they) reach their pre- back. Your duty and responsi- guess what? I noticed that we
job is to teach her children not to much that the best thing you teens, they should start to learn bility to your adult child is to let actually text, talk, and spend
need her anymore in life. could do for them is to stop be- to be responsible for their mis- him, her, (or they) map out their more quality time together now
2. Don’t feel guilty of living ing their caretaker. takes. Don’t be like the father of own course and determine their compared to the years that we
apart from your adult child. 4. Allow them to learn in- the character Larry in the mov- own destination. lived together! I couldn’t agree
Know that the best legacy you’ll ternal coping skills. Don’t ie, Parenthood: putting off your 7. Stop enabling your adult more when the great and funny
ever leave to your adult child is always say yes or be there for retirement so you can pay your child. Enabling is totally harmful Lucille Ball once said: “You see
by letting them learn to spread them every time. How else will adult child’s debts. Know that it to you and to your adult child. By much more of your children af-
their wings. Accept this truth: they learn in life if you’re always is not your job to fix your adult doing so, you are not doing your ter they leave home.” As always,
kids have their own lives to live there to cope for them instead child’s mistakes in their lives! adult child any favours. Teach Lucille Ball was so spot on. ■
and you cannot live your life vi- of letting them cope for them- 6. Avoid the “Failure to your adult child that the ability to
cariously through your kids. selves? Let your adult child ex- Launch” scenario. I’ve learned take care of oneself is an essential Matte Laurel-Zalko is a former
3. Continuous caretak- perience failure, loss, discom- that as I look back to that day skill they’ll need in their life — it’s restaurateur and hotelier, a moth-
ing stunts your adult child’s fort, disappointment without (mid-September 2019) when I teaching them how to survive. er, a wife, a health and wellness
growth in life. You see, there’s you extending a hand each time. told my son that I’ve decided to Remember that your life is not aficionado, food and wine enthu-
a huge difference between car- In this way, they can learn that accept my boyfriend’s offer to guaranteed. Only our eventual siast, a dog-lover, and lifestyle col-
ing and caretaking. You have they will survive on their own move in together — is actually death is guaranteed. What hap- umnist exclusively for Philippine
to learn to tell your adult child no matter what. They’ll thank the day that I ended up giving pens with our adult child when Canadian Inquirer (PCI).

Pacquiao ‘excited’ to see
success of MPBL – Duremdes
Philippine News Agency ng plano this early (Senator giging barometer naman ng have improved a lot),” he added. its pre-season games twice -
Pacquiao called for a meeting at mga teams yung Pampanga (If That perhaps has been the one in the North and one in the
his residence. While Pampan- you’ll notice MPBL is an unpre- reason for the MPBL finally South, which will all be televised.
MANILA – The Maharlika ga is still celebrating, we went dictable league. No dominant breaching the 1 million follow- Duremdes said the MPBL is
Pilipinas Basketball League already to his house because teams. History wise since our ers from its Facebook page. also looking to add more games
(MPBL) just concluded its fifth he is excited to see the growth inaugural season, no team has "It was quite an achievement to its schedule by next season,
season, and yet league officials and success of the league and he yet to win back-to-back cham- for the league," Duremdes said. while two more teams have
are already looking forward to wants to already have plan this pionships)," he said. After the holiday break, Du- submitted Letter of Intent to
the next one. early)," Duremdes said in Tues- He said even last year's final- remdes said the MPBL will hold join the regional league. ■
Commissioner Kenneth Du- day's Philippine Sportswriters ists Nueva Ecija and Zamboan-
remdes said league founder Association (PSA) Forum at the ga were both eliminated in this
Manny Pacquiao is now think- conference hall of the Rizal Me- season's playoffs.
ing of ways to maintain or even morial Sports Complex. "Yun ang pinaka-exciting na
exceed the success gained in the While Pampanga was a domi- part ng MPBL. Hindi mo alam
recent season moving forward. nant force in the playoffs, includ- kung sino ang mananalo (That’s
The league is looking to open ing becoming the first team to the exciting part of the MPBL.
its sixth season by March of sweep the finals, Duremdes noted You don’t know which team will
next year as Pampanga Giant too, how the Lanterns are the fifth win)," the PBA great said in the
Lanterns emerged as the new different national champion in session presented by San Miguel
national champion following a five seasons of the league so far. Corporation, Philippine Sports
3-0 sweep of Bacoor Strikers in Batangas was the inaugu- Commission, MILO, Philip-
the finals last week. ral champion followed by San pine Olympic Committee, and
"Right after ng champion- Juan, Davao Occidental, and the Philippine Amusement and
ship, nagpatawag agad ng meet- Nueva Ecija. Gaming Corporation (PAGCOR).
ing si Senator (Pacquiao) sa ba- "Kung mapapansin ninyo ang "Nakita natin yung improve-
hay niya. So nagse-celebrate pa MPBL talaga is an unpredict- ment and level playing field at
yung buong Pampanga nandun able league. Walang dominant yung quality ng mga players SUCCESSFUL. Maharlika Pilipinas Basketball League (MPBL) commissioner Ken-
na kami sa bahay niya kasi he's teams. History-wise since our nag-improve talaga ng malaki neth Duremdes shares the league’s future plans and programs during the Philippine
excited dahil nakita niya yung inaugural season wala pang (We have also notice the im- Sportswriters Association (PSA) Forum at the PSC Conference Room in Malate Manila
growth and success ng league. nakapag-back-to-back cham- provement and level playing on Tuesday (Dec. 5, 2023). Duremdes said MPBL founder Manny Pacquiao is excited
and gusto niya magkaroon agad pionship. And ngayon ang ma- field and the quality of players to see the growth and success of the league. (JESS M. ESCAROS JR./PNA)

Tenorio makes PBA Lionel Messi

comeback after beating 'Big C' named TIME's 2023
Philippine News Agency Athlete of Year
In an interview with the Philip-
pine News Agency Saturday, Ten-
orio said he is in high spirits and is
adjustments on the new players
but I will have a bigger adjust-
ment on the game itself since I
excited to play before the fans. have been out for quite a while.
NASUGBU, Batangas – Ba- “I am hoping for the best not I have been practicing with [im- ANADOLU erhouse Paris Saint-Germain
rangay Ginebra veteran play- only for tomorrow’s game but port] Tony [Bishop] and Mav Philippine News Agency (PSG) in July.
maker LA Tenorio will suit up for every game that we have [Ahanmisi] and I will try my In August, the 36-year-old
for his first Philippine Basket- [this season],” he said. best to fit in right away with the led Inter Miami to North Amer-
ball Association (PBA) game The PBA Commissioner’s new players,” he said. ANKARA – Inter Miami's Ar- ica's Leagues Cup triumph,
after 10 months when they face Cup defending champion will The 39-year-old Tenorio is gentine superstar Lionel Messi which was the US club's first ti-
Terrafirma at PhilSports Arena take on the Dyip at 6:15 p.m., keeping his expectations low as was named TIME's 2023 Athlete tle in history.
in Pasig City on Sunday. eyeing to improve on their 3-1 he understands that it is not an of the Year on Tuesday, the US He scored 10 goals in seven
Tenorio is currently on re- card and win their third straight. overnight process. news magazine confirmed on X. Leagues Cup matches for Inter
mission after a six-month treat- He admits that the challenge He also expressed his grati- Messi was honored by TIME Miami to make a big impact on
ment in Singapore for Stage 3 is to adjust to competitive bas- tude to his family, friends, man- after his move to the Major US soccer in a short time.
colon cancer. ketball again. League Soccer (MLS) club In-
He was diagnosed in February. “I may have some minimal ❱❱ PAGE 30 Tenorio makes PBA ter Miami from French pow- ❱❱ PAGE 27 Lionel Messi named

Apple, Disney and other big brands are
pulling X ads – why Elon Musk’s latest
‘firestorm’ could bring down the company
BY DENITSA DINEVA, most recent advertising freezes X – they may even be seen by
Cardiff University are particularly harmful to the consumers as supporting his
The Conversation platform’s revenues because stance, for example. Consum-
they unfold during months of ers often expect brands to take
the year when it typically sees a stand on divisive topics (al-
Elon Musk’s recent endorse- increased spending on holiday though less so in recent years).
ment of an antisemitic con- promotional content. Failure to do so may encourage
spiracy theory on X (formerly When a controversial event, people to stop using a brand or
Twitter) is the latest in a series statement or issue gains signif- buying their products.
of controversial statements the icant attention and triggers a X’s global audience is dominat-
owner of the social media plat- large number of people to ex- ed by users aged between 25 and
form has made since he acquired press their opinions and criti- 49 years old, the age group with
it in 2022. Major brands includ- cisms on social media, research- the most disposable income per
ing Disney, Apple and Microsoft ers call it an online firestorm. household in many countries,
have decided to pause or sus- This creates virality around a including the UK and US. So, for
pend their advertising spending topic, causing real-world im- businesses that maintain an ac-
on X in recent weeks. plications. For example, in this tive presence on X, Musk’s state-
Musk apologised for his post study of 78 “online firestorms”, ments could be detrimental.
but then used profane language 58% of companies involved saw And from a social perspec-
during an interview with tive, of course, Musk’s be-
New York Times report- haviour may involuntarily
er Andrew Ross Sorkin to fuel the spread of hateful exacerbating social divisions, gaging with audiences should
challenge the advertisers’ content and disinforma- causing reputational harm, and be done in a positive and empa-
decision to suspend their Some brands tion. Social media plat- undermining public safety. thetic manner. Responding de-
advertising on the plat- forms and regulators have Managing online firestorms fensively or disengaging from
form. He accused them of have been implemented measures to This situation highlights the a firestorm may only escalate
blackmail, prompting more gradually attempt to combat such responsibility that comes with the situation. Instead, focusing
companies, including US content, including a clear an influential position such as on finding common ground and
retail giant Walmart, to an- withdrawing policy on hateful conduct Musk’s in navigating the deli- solutions, or offering an apolo-
nounce X ad suspensions. their presence on X. However, Musk’s re- cate balance between free ex- gy if appropriate, is preferable.
X chief executive, Linda cent outburst, alongside pression and responsible com- Rather than taking these
Yaccarino, has addressed from X over continued contention munication online. steps, once advertisers start-
the controversy, pointing the past year around content moder- If X did want to regain some ed withdrawing from X, Musk
out that Musk apologised. ation decisions, has set a of its lost footing around this placed the blame on their shoul-
She also called his interview anyway. precedent that could re- issue, research shows that man- ders. He even suggested their
“wide ranging and candid” define what is deemed ac- aging online firestorms can be actions pose a severe threat
in a post, and reportedly ceptable on the platform. challenging, but there are ways to the platform’s survival. But
told employees in a memo This shift poses the risk to mitigate the worst effects: Musk’s penchant for controver-
that it was “profound”. of a surge in incendiary and 1. Respond in a timely way: sial behaviour and outspoken
Some brands have been grad- a decrease in short-term brand hateful content, contrary to the Addressing the issue prompt- remarks on sensitive social,
ually withdrawing their pres- perceptions, while 40% suffered platform’s established policies. ly is vital. A delayed response political and business topics is
ence from X over the past year similar long-term negative ef- Exposure to such content has can aggravate the situation and surely more likely to cause both
anyway. Companies have also fects. But the impact of an on- well documented repercus- make it more difficult to regain advertisers and users to contin-
acted after a recent report from line firestorm can vary widely, so sions, including causing mental control of the narrative. ue to depart X, leading to the
left-wing advocacy group Me- what could X expect to happen and emotional distress. 2. Be transparent: Trans- platform’s demise.
dia Matters for America said after this latest controversy? Such distress can encourage parency and honesty can help The ongoing tension certain-
ads on X for brands like IBM Musk’s behaviour affects people to disengage from social build trust and credibility. Of- ly raises questions about the
have been appearing beside advertisers and users media platforms. And for those fering an explanation of the platform’s future and the role of
pro-Nazi content. X has filed a From a commercial stand- that don’t leave, a public figure’s steps being taken to rectify the its high-profile owner in shap-
lawsuit against Media Matters, point, negative perceptions endorsement of false or untrue situation could improve inter- ing its destiny. ■
saying the report was “man- of Musk’s controversial posts information can fuel the spread net users’ attitudes towards the
ufactured” in order to “drive about social and business topics of disinformation on social platform, organisation or per- This article is republished
advertisers from the platform could spill over to affect brands media. The repercussions of son involved in the firestorm. from The Conversation under a
and destroy X Corp”. But the that continue to advertise on this are far-reaching, including 3. Engage positively: En- Creative Commons license.
24 Business DECEMBER 8, 2023 FRIDAY

PH to sustain strong economic growth:

World Bank
BY ANNA LEAH GONZALES sector and the consistent per- of key forms is needed to miti- Ralph Van Doorn said that in thereby reducing the impact of
Philippine News Agency formance of the information gate the impact of high inflation the short term, domestic policy food price shocks that dispropor-
technology and business pro- amid volatility in global com- priorities include containing el- tionately affect the poor,” he said.
cess outsourcing industry. modity prices and high cost of evated inflation and providing “The flagship 4Ps cash trans-
MANILA – The World Bank "We expect that the full imple- borrowings to stimulate private assistance to vulnerable sectors. fer program, the digital food
on Tuesday said the Philippine mentation of several investment investment, promote job cre- Van Doorn said enhancing stamp program to ‘food poor’
economy is expected to con- reforms will enhance the coun- ation and reduce poverty. forecasting and planning to families, cash subsidies to farm-
tinue to post strong growth but try's competitiveness to attract These include the amend- help stabilize food prices, re- ers, and fuel subsidies to public
fully implementing key reforms foreign investment, strengthen- ments to the Public Services ducing market volatility and utility vehicle operators remain
to boost investments is crucial ing the country's global growth Act, Retail Trade Liberalization ensuring a consistent and reli- important tools to protect the
to sustain growth. prospects," said Diop. Act, the Foreign Investment able food supply remains fun- incomes of poor and vulnerable
"We anticipate that the Phil- The Philippine economy Act and amendments to the damental to reducing inflation Filipinos," he added, referring
ippine economy will continue to grew by 5.9 percent in the third implementing rules and regula- in the short term. to the government's Pantawid
exhibit strong performance in quarter of the year, bringing the tions of the Renewable Energy “In the long term, more effec- Pamilyang Pilipino Program.
the next few years," World Bank year-to-date economic expan- Act allowing foreign ownership tive public spending in agricul- Aside from these, Van Doorn
country director for Brunei, Ma- sion to 5.5 percent. of renewable energy projects. ture could boost productivity cited the importance of sustain-
laysia, the Philippines and Thai- "Despite the challeng- World Bank senior economist and improve local food supply, ing efforts toward fiscal consoli-
land Ndiame Diop said in brief- ing global environment that dation which involves reducing
ing for the presentation of the resulted in a slowdown for fiscal deficits and improving
Philippines Economic Update many countries in the region, revenue intake.
(PEU) December 2023 edition. the Philippines stands out as He added effective implemen-
"This growth will be pro- among the top performers," tation of pro-investment reforms
pelled by a healthy labor market Diop added. in renewable energy, trade, trans-
and declining inflation, which He said this can be attributed port and telecommunications
will stimulate robust household to the country's resilient do- would generate economy-wide
consumption," he said. mestic demand which helped productivity gains.
For this year, the World Bank mitigate the impact of external Van Doorn said undertaking
expects the Philippine econo- headwinds. reforms to increase access and
my to grow by 5.6 percent and Inflation, meanwhile, is forecast enhance the resilience of wa-
edge up to 5.8 percent in 2024. to settle at 5.9 percent this year and ter supply and sanitation, edu-
The services sector is antic- ease to 3.6 percent in 2024. cation and health care systems
ipated to be the main growth Policy recommendations can also enhance potential
driver supported by the on- Diop pointed out that moving growth. ■
going recovery of the tourism forward, full implementation

Inflation further eases to 4.1% in November

BY ANNA LEAH GONZALES the lower year-on-year growth cent in November from 6.3 per- mestic and external headwinds Inflation and Market Outlook
Philippine News Agency rate of the heavily-weighted food cent in the previous month also in the coming months. sub-committee on food infla-
and non-alcoholic beverages at contributed to the downtrend “With the right interventions tion earlier proposed to main-
5.7 percent in November 2023 of the overall inflation. in place, including the proper and tain the lower tariff rates on
MANILA – The country's from 7 percent in October 2023. Year-to-date, headline infla- timely deployment of trade pol- rice, corn and swine meat.
headline inflation further eased Food inflation slowed to 5.8 tion was at 6.2 percent while core icy, we are confident that we can Balisacan said differentiated
to 4.1 percent in November this percent, the lowest recorded inflation settled at 6.8 percent. effectively manage inflation and support must also be provided
year, the lowest recorded since since the 5.2 percent in May 2022. Inflation in the National Capital prevent unnecessary upticks in to agricultural producers de-
the 4 percent in March 2022, This is due to the deflation in Region (NCR) also slowed to 4.3 per- prices of goods and commodities pending how and when they
the Philippine Statistics Au- vegetables (-2 percent from 11.9 cent from 4.9 percent in October. to safeguard the purchasing pow- will be affected by El Niño.
thority (PSA) said. percent) and lower inflation of For areas outside NCR, head- er of Filipino families, especially He added measures to reduce
In a briefing on Tuesday, Na- fish, meat, sugar, bread and oth- line inflation decelerated to 4.1 those from the most vulnerable transport and delivery costs are
tional Statistician Dennis Mapa er cereals, and fruits. percent in November from 4.9 sectors,” NEDA Secretary Arsen- also being undertaken.
said the headline inflation last Also contributing to the percent the previous month. io Balisacan said. Based on the latest moni-
month was significantly lower downtrend in the overall infla- Inflation for the bottom 30 Balisacan said the government toring by the Philippine At-
than the 8 percent recorded in tion in November was the de- percent households also eased needs to continue monitoring the mospheric, Geophysical and
November last year and the 4.9 flation in transportation (-0.8 to 4.9 percent from 5.3 percent. inflation situation in the face of Astronomical Services Admin-
percent seen in October this year. percent from 1 percent) and In a separate statement, the continued price pressures com- istration, a strong El Niño is
Core inflation, which excludes slower inflation in restaurant National Economic and De- ing from geopolitical tensions already present in the country
volatile oil and food items, also and accommodation services velopment Authority (NEDA) and extreme weather situations, and is projected to intensify in
decelerated to 4.7 percent from (5.6 percent from 6.3 percent). attributed the drop in inflation further fueling uncertainty. the coming months until the
5.3 percent in October. The restaurants and accom- to the timely implementation To ensure sufficient supply second quarter of 2024.
PSA data shows the downtrend modation services index with a of strategies to stabilize food and stable prices of rice, the
was primarily brought about by slower inflation rate of 5.6 per- supply amid the anticipated do- Inter-Agency Committee on ❱❱ PAGE 30 Inflation further eases

Microsoft’s ban on third-party controllers
on the Xbox excludes some disabled gamers
from using the device
BY JUAN ESCOBAR- important. official support for accessibility dian Survey on Disability, dis- players. But the backlash from
LAMANNA, Western But video games are a mas- in gaming from a major video abled individuals are more than disabled gamers shows this is
University sive source of entertainment for game company. twice as likely as non-disabled not true. Disabled players are
The Conversation both children and adults. The Banned third-party con- people to live in poverty. Dis- concerned about the ban’s pos-
gaming industry is currently the trollers abled people also earn 12 to 51 sible effects on accessibility.
highest-grossing entertainment Microsoft has taken a step per cent less annually. The video game industry has
When it comes to accessibil- industry worldwide. With an back in their efforts to champi- While we may not think historically overlooked dis-
ity in gaming, Microsoft takes estimated 6.2 million disabled on video game accessibility with about the price of assistive tech- abled gamers as a legitimate
two steps forward with the people in Canada, 61 million their recent announcement. nologies like the Xbox Adaptive and sizeable consumer base.
Xbox Adaptive Controller, but a disabled people in the United While they have clarified that de- Controller as an accessibility The banning of other assistive
giant leap back with its ban on States and 1.3 billion disabled vices compatible with the Xbox barrier, it can play a role in lim- technology options for disabled
third-party devices. people worldwide, there is un- Adaptive Controller will not be iting the available options for gamers is an unfortunate step
On Oct. 31, some Xbox play- doubtedly a large group of dis- affected, this does not eliminate many disabled people. back in an already long and
ers began receiving a new er- abled video game players. all accessibility concerns. Historically overlooked hard-fought battle for inclusive
ror code on their Xbox One and In order to have a truly inclu- Disability is individual and The availability of the Xbox and accessible gaming. ■
Xbox Series X/S consoles. The sive and accessible society, dis- varies from person to person. Adaptive Controller may make
error code meant that players abled people’s rights to mean- While the Xbox Adaptive Con- it seem like Microsoft’s ban This article is republished
were using an unauthorized ingfully take part in accessible troller may work for many dis- of third-party controllers will from The Conversation under a
third-party controller — one forms of entertainment, leisure abled gamers, that does not have little effect on disabled Creative Commons license.
not made by Microsoft or an of- and play must be supported. make it a universal solution that
ficial hardware partner. Players Video game accessibility works for all disabled gamers.
were given two weeks’ notice In recent years, Microsoft The Xbox Adaptive Control-
until the unauthorized control- has been a leader in video game ler is only one accessibility op-
ler would no longer work with accessibility. In 2018, they were tion among many available to
their consoles. the first major gaming company disabled gamers. The ban on
Essentially, Microsoft had to release an adaptive controller. third-party controllers means
quietly banned the use of con- The Xbox Adaptive Control- that other accessibility options
trollers not made or approved ler is a customizable controller and devices are now unusable
by the company. In the following that allows players to connect for Xbox players.
weeks, Microsoft officially stat- external devices (foot pedals, Downsides of the Xbox
ed the ban was meant to protect joysticks, buttons, switches) to Adaptive Controller
players’ gaming experiences, ports on the back of the con- The Xbox Adaptive Controller
and ensure the quality and safe- troller. This controller design is a great accessibility option —
ty of players’ controllers. allows players to construct however, it has downsides that
The ban, however, pres- their own unique gaming setup. other third-party devices may
ents barriers to many disabled Someone previously unable to address. One of these downsides
gamers who may use third-par- hold a controller would now be is that the Xbox Adaptive Con-
ty controllers for accessibility able to play a game mainly with troller is not compatible with all
reasons. their feet, for example. external devices. For example,
Social exclusion and acces- Because controllers require a computer mice are not compati-
sibility high amount of dexterity to use, ble with the Adaptive Controller
When we talk about accessi- many disabled people (partic- but are with other now-unau-
bility and the social exclusion of ularly those with mobility im- thorized devices.
disabled people, we often do not pairments) are not able to play Another downside of the
consider accessible forms of lei- video games. Assistive technol- Xbox Adaptive Controller is the
sure to be important. ogies like the Xbox Adaptive cost. The controller itself costs
Legal policies such as the Controller help make video $130. External buttons and joy-
Americans with Disabilities games more accessible. sticks can also run a high price,
Act and the Accessibility for Disabled players have made with some popular buttons re-
Ontarians with Disabilities Act their own accessibility solu- tailing for $75. This is on top
that legislate access to public tions for years. The Xbox Adap- of the initial cost of buying an
spaces and provide protection tive Controller was a massive Xbox, which can range from
from employment discrimina- step forward for video game $380 to $650.
tion are often viewed as more accessibility because it showed According to the 2017 Cana-
26 Technology DECEMBER 8, 2023 FRIDAY

Want to know if your data are

managed responsibly? Here are
15 questions to help you find out
BY P. ALISON PAPRICA, team undertook a multiyear the authority to collect, use or are not allowed to do with data? can serve as a framework to
University of Toronto, project to identify, refine and share data? Stakeholder and public en- improve data governance and
AMY HAWN NELSON, publish a short list of essential Governance gagement management practices.
University of Pennsylvania, requirements for responsible 2) Where do you publicly 13) How do you engage with It is our hope that the more
DONNA CURTIS MAILLET, data stewardship. state the purpose behind your stakeholders such as the orga- that members of the public re-
University of New Brunswick, Our 15 minimum specifica- data-focused activities? nizations that provide you with quest this kind of information,
KIMBERLYN MCGRAIL, tion requirements (min specs) 3) Which committee or group data and the organizations that the more that organizations
University of British Columbia, are based on a review of the is accountable for important use the knowledge you generate? will proactively make it avail-
MICHAEL J. SCHULL, scientific literature and the decisions such as who can use 14) How can members of able or adapt their practices.
University of Toronto practices of 23 different da- data and how they can use it? the public be informed and get In this way, the min specs can
The Conversation ta-focused organizations and 4) How do you achieve trans- involved in the decisions you help increase the transparen-
initiatives. parency about your data hold- make about data? cy and trustworthiness of data
As part of our project, we ings, data access policies and 15) What special measures do holding organizations, which
As the volume and variety of compiled over 70 public re- other information that people you have to engage and involve can, in turn, lead to more sup-
data about people increases, so sources, including examples of want to know about their data? groups who have a special in- port for data being shared and
does the number of ideas about organizations that address the 5) How do you acknowledge terest in your activities or deci- used for public benefit. ■
how data might be used. Stud- full list of min specs: ICES, the and respect Indigenous Data sions?
ies show that many people want Hartford Data Collaborative and Sovereignty? Transparent and trust- This article is republished
their data to be used for public the New Brunswick Institute for 6) What measures are in worthy from The Conversation under a
benefit. Research, Data and Training. place to ensure you adapt and These min spec questions Creative Commons license.
However, the research also Our hope is that informa- respond to new threats and op-
shows that public support for tion related to the min specs portunities?
use of data is conditional, and will help organizations and da- Management
only given when risks such as ta-sharing initiatives share best 7) What policies, processes
those related to privacy, com- practices and learn from each and procedures do you have to
mercial exploitation and arti- other to improve their gover- cover the entire data life cycle
ficial intelligence misuse are nance and management of data. from collection through to use,
addressed. Minimum specification re- sharing and destruction?
It takes a lot of work for or- quirements 8) How do you address cyber-
ganizations to establish data We also think the min specs security and data protection?
governance and management can help people know what 9) How do you identify and
practices that mitigate risks to expect of responsible data manage risks related to data?
while also encouraging bene- stewards. To support people in 10) What data documenta-
ficial uses of data. So much so, using the min specs, we trans- tion do you have to help people
that it can be challenging for lated them into plain language understand the data you hold?
responsible organizations to questions that individuals can Data users
communicate their data trust- pose to the organizations that 11) Is there mandatory pri-
worthiness without providing collect, use or share their data: vacy and security training that
an overwhelming amount of Legal data users must complete?
technical and legal details. 1) What laws, consent forms 12) What are the consequenc-
To address this challenge our or other documents give you es if data users do things they

‘Wonka’ movie holds.. When is suicide..

❰❰ 17 girl named Noodle, Instead, the film casts Noo- the prospect of a movie that ❰❰ 9 guards should be de- MAiD for mental illness is not
played by the talent- dle in the position of an unfor- moves away from the novel’s veloped to recognize legal yet. But there are serious
ed Calah Lane, takes a tunate Black girl who can only racist origins, yet still imparts the inherent power risks and concerns associated
back seat to Wonka in the major hope for a ride on Wonka’s vel- the power of imagination on differential that exists between with its planned implementa-
events of the film. vet coattails. a new generation. Unfortu- doctor and patient and to es- tion. It’s not too late for the Ca-
The new Wonka almost broke “I know things haven’t been easy nately, moviegoers may find tablish a disability rights-based nadian government to reverse
from the tradition of having for you,” Wonka says in the movie. themselves having to hold therapeutic distance. One ex- this expansion. As the special
Wonka played by white men. “They’re going to get better.” their breath and make a wish, ample could be the development committee reviews these mat-
Early in the new film’s concep- “You promise?” Noodle re- as Gene Wilder stated in a song of a separate and consistent ters, reconsidering the disability
tion, Newsweek reported that plies, hopefully, and he does from the 1971 movie, for a ver- “medical assistance in living” message being sent to Canadians
actor, comedian and musician promise, highlighting his role sion that holds no remnants of track. In this way, life-affirming would be a good place to start. ■
Donald Glover was under con- as her white savior. Another its racist past. ■ support could be explored from
sideration for the lead role, a character in voice-over agrees: all angles – medical, psycholog- This article first appeared
choice that could have at least “You could change her life, Mr. This article is republished ical, social and existential – un- on Policy Options and is repub-
begun to force a rewrite of the Wonka. Change all their lives.” from The Conversation under a fettered by discussions about lished here under a Creative
original novel’s racist narrative. I was initially hopeful about Creative Commons license. termination of life. Commons license.

What does Australian-grown coffee taste
like, and how does it compare? Our research
describes its unique ‘terroir’
BY LEI LIU, Southern tude areas. cooler temperatures and lon-
Cross University, SIMON But that doesn’t mean we can’t ger ripening periods in our cof-
WILLIAMS, Southern produce a good cup of coffee here. fee-producing areas.
Cross University, TOBIAS In fact, coffee has been successful- It also has a low-medium in-
KRETZSCHMAR, Southern ly grown on Australia’s east coast tensity in acidity, smooth tex-
Cross University for more than 100 years. Today, tural mouthfeel, and a medi-
The Conversation there are about 50 growers scat- um-long aftertaste.
tered throughout the coast’s trop- In addition, we observed slight
ical and subtropical areas. differences between the terroirs
Australians love their coffee, During the course of our re- of coffee from Australia’s two pri-
and many can barely live with- search, coffee farmers told us mary growing regions. The trop-
out it. According to Statista, we Australia’s cool temperature, high ical north had a more nutty and
consumed an average of about rainfall and zero-frost microcli- roasted flavour profile, while the
2kg of coffee per person in 2022. mates are perfect for producing subtropical presented a sweeter
Yet it’s estimated less than 1% of high-quality Arabica coffee. and fruitier profile.
this coffee is grown in Australia. At the same time, coffee is Waiting to be discovered
Our new research, published an expensive crop to produce In collaboration with World
in the Journal of Sensory Stud- because of high labour and Coffee Research, we’ve conduct-
ies, introduces a world-first cof- land costs. As such, Austra- ed trials to find new high-qual-
fee character wheel which can lian-grown coffee remains the as the “taste of place” of a prod- ferentiate between terroirs – so ity coffee varieties that can be
be used to describe the unique secret of a small number of spe- uct being consumed. Although a we assessed and differentiated grown in Australia. These will
“terroir” of Australian coffee. ciality coffee drinkers. product’s terroir is specific to a between the terroirs of 100 Aus- help reduce the cost of produc-
We pored over published lit- But our research has found location, the exact definition can tralian-grown single-origin coffee tion and provide more resilience
erature, online materials and there is potential for it to meet vary for different crops. samples and 50 international ones. against climate change.
coffee sensory panels to collate national demand. Looking at the literature on The samples were anony- Locally produced coffee also
a list of 679 unique sensory Working with producers coffee, we found the definition mised and given to 138 panel- has a lower carbon footprint
terms describing coffee’s acid- Southern Cross University’s of coffee terroir would need to lists who provided thousands and transport time compared
ity, mouthfeel and aftertaste. Northern Rivers campus bor- be clarified. We compared it to of descriptions. For aroma and with imported coffee. This
We then narrowed this down to ders the Byron Bay hinterland the well-defined wine terroir, flavour, we standardised the means a fresher, cleaner and
95 terms, which were arranged in New South Wales, a major and found post-harvest pro- descriptions to the well-known greener product. And as Aus-
onto our wheel. coffee-producing area in Aus- cessing should also be included, coffee taster’s flavour wheel. tralia is free of coffee pests and
We hope our research will tralia. For decades, our univer- as it is specific to the location. We then isolated descrip- diseases, most of it is grown
help Australian growers be- sity’s researchers have worked Finding the terroir of tions related to acidity, mouth- without the use of pesticides.
come more competitive in the with local coffee farmers to im- Aussie coffee feel and aftertaste, which we For now, Australian-origin
wider coffee market, and es- prove production and quality. The quality of coffee is often were able to summarise using coffee remains a niche product
tablish a brand identity beyond Our team recently received assessed and scored following our coffee character wheel. waiting to be discovered – but it
“Grown in Australia”. funding from AgriFutures Aus- industry-standard guidelines. What does our coffee taste might just end up in your morn-
A history of growing coffee tralia, as part of its AgriFutures Australian-grown coffees like? ing cup yet. ■
Many people don’t think of Emerging Industries Program, have very high scores similar Our results found Austra-
Australia as a coffee-growing to find the unique “terroir” of to, or above, other international lian-grown coffee is sweeter, This article is republished
country – probably because cof- Australian-grown coffee. coffees such as those from Bra- nuttier and fruitier in flavour from The Conversation under a
fee cultivation is typically asso- Terroir, a word often associat- zil, Columbia or Ethiopia. than others. This pleasant Creative Commons license.
ciated with tropical high-alti- ed with wine, can be thought of However, these scores can’t dif- terroir is probably due to the

Lionel Messi named..

❰❰ 22 Then in October, tina's first World Cup victory all-time top scorer. Messi won 44 trophies, including one Biles (Gymnastics) and LeB-
Messi took his re- since 1986. He won numerous titles at the 2021 Copa America and the ron James (Basketball), and the
cord-extending eighth Messi, who played for Bar- Barcelona, including 10 Span- 2022 World Cup with Argentina. US women's national soccer team,
Ballon d'Or award after guiding celona for more than a decade, ish La Liga titles and four UEFA Named the TIME's 2023 Ath- as well as New York Yankees right
Argentina to the 2022 FIFA scored 672 goals in 778 appear- Champions League titles. lete of the Year, Messi joined fielder Aaron Judge (Baseball),
World Cup title. It was Argen- ances to be the Spanish club's During his football career, world-famous US athletes Sim- who won this award in 2022. ■

Would you like your Christmas served
Hot or Cold? Shares a
Selection of Festive Destinations
BOOKING.COM nity to visit one of Mexico’s most ingredients, antiques and goods property offers free bike rental a seafront drink where tradi-
visited archeological sites and a created by talented local crafts- so guests can easily explore the tional seaboats, known as ‘janga-
treasured UNESCO World Heri- men, and ideal ground for those city, and invests a percentage of das,’ float along the water. Those
The festive season is prime tage site. To make the most of the in need of some last-minute revenue back into community seeking a more relaxed affair can
vacation time for families, cou- spectacular weather and sunny Christmas shopping. Steeped in and sustainability projects. lounge on the soft-sand beach-
ples, friends or solo travelers skies, book an Isla Mujeres Cat- rich history, this sacred city can Maceió, Brazil es, while adrenaline seekers can
seeking an exciting trip away amaran Cruise with Snorkelling be explored on a Half-day Guid- Maceió is the stunning capi- experience Brazil’s exhilarating
to celebrate the holidays. With to swim with colorful fish around ed City Temples Tour where tal and largest city of the coastal surf scene or partake in a pleth-
over three-quarters (78%)* of the vibrant coral reefs. travelers will discover enchant- state of Alagoas, located on the ora of watersports from diving
global travelers reporting their Where to stay: For trav- ing underground tunnels and picturesque shores of north- to water skiing.
motivation to travel is to boost elers seeking a luxurious stay monks performing ceremonies, eastern Brazil. With glorious Where to stay: Situated just
their mood, it’s the ideal time on the beachfront, the Grand and ascend the Doi Suthep Gold- turquoise waters meeting palm a few steps away from the idyllic
for an incredible trip away to Fiesta Americana Coral Beach en Temple to witness panoramic tree-lined shores, this destina- Garça Torta Beach and a short
end the year on a high. Wheth- Cancun - All Inclusive is an views of the city at sunset. For tion is perfect for travelers seek- drive to the center of Maceió,
er travelers want to turn up the impressive resort and home the ultimate relaxing Christmas, ing a sunny Christmas in a trop- the Flor de Lis Exclusive Hotel
heat or chase cooler climes this to Cancún’s largest and most visitors can indulge in a tradi- ical paradise. Visitors can enjoy offers a relaxed stay for a special
Christmas, we have delved into decorated Christmas tree. This tional Thai massage to unwind. twinkling light installations and Christmas in the South Ameri-
its top searched global desti- striking stay has everything Where to stay: Located just live Christmas concerts which can heat. Laidback beach chic is
nations this festive season** to guests could want including six a short walk from the historic the city hosts each December, the vibe, with rustic interiors, a
uncover a selection of the best unbelievable dining options, a Wat Chedi Luang temple, Cha- featuring local songs and cele- spectacular garden and a cool-
festive getaways in differing cli- gym with a seaview to motivate la Number6 is a charming hotel brations for travelers to uncov- ing outdoor pool for guests to
mates around the world. From fitness fanatics, and a luxe spa with traditional and opulent er Brazilian culture. Beloved by enjoy the climate. The restau-
sunbathing on golden sands in offering relaxing treatments decor that houses a beautifully locals and domestic travelers, rant at this Travel
Brazil to stepping into a winter and beauty services. A Book- decorated Christmas tree in the Maceió is a hidden gem on the Sustainable hotel serves deli-
wonderland in Poland, travelers Travel Proud property, lobby during December. Guests international map, yet its chilled cious Brazilian and French cui-
can decide if they want Christ- this inclusive resort is welcom- can bed down poolside in a com- vibe and exciting food and drink sine from dishes such as crispy
mas served hot or cold this year. ing for every traveler, and even fy cabana with drinks service, or scene serving the freshest sea- tempura shrimp to grilled steak
TURN UP THE HEAT organizes a kids club so parents indulge in the hotel’s daily after- food will take Christmas to the for an untraditional but exqui-
Cancún, Mexico can enjoy some ‘me time’ ahead noon tea with delicious sweet next level. The city is situated site Christmas dinner, and uses
Situated on the northeast of the Christmas festivities. treats and Thai delicacies to cel- between the Atlantic Ocean and locally sourced food to be more
coast of Mexico’s Yucatán pen- Chiang Mai, Thailand ebrate the festive season. This the Mundaú Lagoon and visitors environmentally conscious.
insula, the best time to visit the For those seeking warmer Travel Sustainable can toast the festive season with CHILL OUT
tropical utopia of Cancún is be- temperatures during the festive New York, United States
tween November and March season, a trip to Chiang Mai with For over half (56%)*** of trav-
when the rainy season has passed its balmy Thai climate and spicy elers who want to use their vaca-
and the hurricane season is yet to cuisine could be just the tick- tion to chase cooler climes, and
begin. Cancún hosts its own local et. Located in the atmospheric for those who just want to get
Christmas traditions and nine north, this laidback city hosts into the festive spirit, New York
days before December 25, cele- beautiful candlelit Christmas is crisp, cold and very Christmas-
brates the festival of Las Posa- services and Santa Claus meet- sy come December. The scene
das with carols, processions, and and-greets, and travelers can of many beloved holiday movies
even a piñata to conclude the ex- relax and recharge against the treasured all over the world, the
citing event. Home to the vibrant backdrop of a peaceful valley. ‘city that never sleeps’ exudes
Boulevard Kukulcan, a 15-mile Turn up the heat with a Half- festive vibes for those who prefer
(25km) sandbar buzzing with ho- Day Chiang Mai Cooking Class: wrapping up in a winter coat over
tels, restaurants and bars over- Make Your Own Thai Foods, a swimsuit, and who want to ice
looking the Caribbean sea, those ideal for the 61%*** of travelers skate in Central Park and mosey
seeking live beats to celebrate the who are interested in learning around Manhattan for a quint-
festive season in style can head about the origins of a desti- essential experience. The city is
to one of the city’s many night- nation’s ‘must-eat’ delicacies, adorned with twinkling lights
clubs to dance the night away. To and learn how to make pad thai and a New York City Christmas
discover the surrounding area’s and green curry on an organic Holiday Lights and Markets
history, an Amazing Chichen Itza farm. Chiang Mai is famed for Walking Tour is highly recom-
and Cenote Mayan Experience its bustling markets that line its
Tour gives travelers the opportu- streets, crammed full of fresh ❱❱ PAGE 30 Would you like
FRIDAY DECEMBER 8, 2023 Travel 29

DOT inaugurates first

Tourist Rest Area in Bohol
BY JOYCE ANN L. the Philippines' very first UN- tional economy and an industry of
ROCAMORA ESCO Global Geopark,” DOT national interest and importance.
Philippine News Agency Secretary Christina Frasco said Meanwhile, Governor Erico
during the TRA inauguration. Aristotle Aumentado said the
“I congratulate all of you, all turnover of the first completed
PANGLAO ISLAND, Bohol of our officials, including our TRA in the province is a wel-
– The province of Bohol now governor for this monumental come development for the prov- Newly-inagurated Bohol's Tourist Rest Area
has its own Tourist Rest Area achievement,” she added. ince as it enters “a new and ex- (DEPARTMENT OF TOURISM - PHILIPPINES/FACEBOOK)

(TRA), formally turned over DOT initiatives applauded citing chapter” post-pandemic.
by the Department of Tourism Bohol 1st District Rep. Ed- “As we continue to recover our municipality is located in the lishing its resort and residences
(DOT) over the weekend. gardo Chatto lauded Frasco for from the effects of the pan- sweet spot, which is the middle of here, this spells more econom-
The TRA will cater to tour- breathing life into the tourism demic, we are entering a phase Tagbilaran City and municipality ic opportunities for our fellow
ists passing through the town industry. in which we must diversify our of Panglao,” he said. Filipinos, increased livelihood,
of Dauis, which serves as a gate- “Maybe it's small for some, offerings for our guests and in- On the sidelines of the inau- and the continuing contribu-
way to multiple tourist destina- but it is big in terms of impact troduce our island paradise as guration, Frasco led the distri- tion of tourism to our overall
tions in the province such as the to the entire tourism industry,” more than just the white sand bution of kits tour guiding es- economic growth,” she said.
famed Alona Beach in Panglao, Chatto said. beaches of Panglao to the roll- sentials to tour guides. “These investments in the
Virgin Island Sandbar, Balicasag Chatto said the construction ing slopes of Chocolate Hills,” More investors pick Bohol Philippines will also signal to the
Island, and Baclayon Church. of the TRA in Bohol speaks well Aumentado said in a message The inauguration of the first rest of the world that the country
Dauis, one of two municipali- about the Boholano hospitality read by Provincial Administra- TRA in Bohol coincided with is ready to take its place as Asia's
ties comprising Panglao Island, is and the country’s readiness to tor Aster Caberte. the groundbreaking ceremony next tourism powerhouse.”
also home to numerous tourism accept partnerships with the The governor also expressed of the soon-to-rise global luxu- She assured local stakeholders
offerings including the Hinagdan- international community by gratitude to the DOT and its in- ry property JW Marriott Pang- that the current administration
an Cave, Our Lady of the Assump- bringing more tourists. frastructure arm and funding lao Island Resort and Residenc- will continue to strengthen the
tion Church, Bikini Beach, Bingag “Once you have these Tour- source, the Tourism Infrastruc- es in Panglao Island. foundation for tourism by invest-
Beach, and San Isidro Beach. ist Rest Areas in many areas of ture and Enterprise Zone Au- Frasco emphasized that the ing in infrastructure, connectivi-
“Here in Bohol, we view this the country, I am pretty sure thority (TIEZA). vision of the Marcos adminis- ty, digitalization, and introducing
gem of an island to be a source that domestic as well as inter- Dauis Mayor Roman Bullen tration is not just for the coun- innovation to the country's over-
of national pride because you national travelers will really be said the turnover ceremony is try to recover after the devas- all tourism portfolio.
have, by your work, and by your amazed at the readiness of the a significant milestone for the tating effects of the pandemic “We join the people of Bohol
example, established a sustain- country,” he said. municipality of Dauis as well as but to transform and elevate in celebration of this milestone
able eco-tourism destination Chatto is one of the principal for the entire Bohol province. the quality of tourism offerings for the island, and we continue
where the public and private authors of Republic Act 9593 or “I could say that the Depart- for the Philippines as well as to to express our confidence in
sector work hand in hand. And the Tourism Act of 2009, which ment of Tourism and TIEZA push for investments to come Bohol’s potential as a continu-
as a result of this initiative, you recognizes tourism as an indis- have chosen the best strategic to the country. ing pillar for sustainable eco-
are now globally renowned as pensable component of the na- location for the tourist area since “With JW Marriott estab- tourism,” she said. ■

Puerto Princesa lights up 'growing'

135-foot Christmas tree
BY IZZA REYNOSO in 2021, it stood at 70 feet. unity throughout this Christ-
Philippine News Agency Last year, the city govern- mas season."
ment put up a 110-foot tree. The City Tourism Department
"Next year, it will reach its drummed up anticipation for the
PUERTO PRINCESA, Pala- maximum height of 150 feet lighting ceremonies while inten-
wan — This highly-urbanized city due to the foundation's limit," sifying efforts to grow the local
officially kicked off the yuletide Bayron explained. tourism sector, specifically by
season Friday night by lighting Eighteen choirs serenaded the attracting foreign cruise ships to
up its 135-foot Christmas tree at crowd with Christmas carols. drop anchor in its ports.
Balayong People's Park, drawing The occasion also served as On Tuesday, the 965-foot
residents and tourists alike. the debut public appearance of cruise ship MV Norwegian Jew-
The tree is built taller every the Miss Puerto Princesa pag- el, visited the city with over 3,000
year to draw parallel with the eant candidates. passengers and crew aboard.
city’s growing economy and A pyromusical display Earlier in November, the Baha-
tourism industry, Mayor Lucilo capped the event. mas-registered MS Silver Whis-
Bayron said during the official Bayron added that the lights per, touted as a cruise ship for the
Puerto Princesa City's official Christmas tree at Balayong People's Park switch-on. display “symbolizes our city's rich and famous, brought 382 va-
(CITY INFORMATION DEPARTMENT OF PUERTO PRINCESA/FACEBOOK) When the tree was first built spirit, spreading joy, peace, and cationers to Puerto Princesa. ■

Inflation further eases.. It’s extremely hot.. Tenorio makes PBA..

❰❰ 24 This could bring Welfare and Development also ❰❰ 21 succumb to heat-asso- cooler area indoors or shaded ❰❰ 22 agement, coaches and
below-normal rainfall launched the Walang Gutom ciated complications area outdoors the entire sports com-
across the country 2027: Food Stamp Program before they develop • loosening or removing munity for their un-
and disrupt food production which provides monetary assis- critical core temperature (over clothing wavering support while he was
and energy generation. tance to low-income households 40°C) and heat stroke. • cooling down any way you can: recovering.
Balisacan said the Toll Regula- and allow them to purchase se- In such cases, while the ad- ○ using an electric fan (which The Batangas native earned
tory Board and the Department lected food commodities from ditional physiological strain can be used at 37°C and below, the moniker "Iron Man" for
of Agriculture and other agen- eligible merchants. imposed by the heat probably irrespective of age and humidity) his record of 744 consecutive
cies and tollway concessionaires “Effective implementation of “caused” the death, the official ○ using a cold-water spray games in 17 years in the PBA.
are finalizing the details on ex- these programs is crucial to min- “cause of death” is often listed as ○ applying a cool, damp His streak ended when he
empting agriculture delivery imize the impact of high prices something else, such as a heart sponge or cloth failed to play on March 1, attrib-
trucks from toll increases to on low-income households. The attack. This can make under- ○ wetting clothes and skin uting it to groin injury.
mitigate energy- and fuel-relat- government is also implementing standing the true health burden ○ having a cool shower or bath A few days later, he shared his
ed inflationary pressures. strategies and programs to im- of extreme heat more difficult. ○ applying ice packs or cancer diagnosis.
The Land Transportation prove local food production and How to stay safe in the heat crushed ice in a damp towel on During his inactivity, he was
Franchising and Regulatory supply and boost the productivity Thankfully, there are effec- the neck, groin and armpits. ■ appointed as the Gilas Pilipinas
Board also provided fuel sub- of our farmers by investing in irri- tive, low-cost ways of staying assistant coach in the 19th Chi-
sidies to 166,598 public utility gation, flood control, supply chain safe in the heat. These include: This article is republished na Asian Games which the Phil-
vehicles as of Nov. 17. logistics, and climate change ad- • staying adequately hydrated from The Conversation under a ippines won in October. ■
The Department of Social aptation,” Balisacan said. ■ • getting out of the heat to a Creative Commons license.

Would you like..

❰❰ 28 mended to see the Big best food and drink Copenhagen local ecosystems, heritage and and modern decor and some took place in January and Feb-
Apple at its most mag- has to offer, from crispy roast culture, as well as visitor eti- boasting a fabulous balcony, ruary 2023.
ical. After browsing pork to traditional glögg (warm quette to ensure travelers enjoy each apartment also features a **This report looks at search
the Christmas markets, visitors spiced red wine) and delicious a relaxing Christmas. flatscreen TV so guests can en- sessions on be-
can cozy up with a steaming cup open-faced sandwiches known Krakow, Poland joy their favorite holiday mov- tween 18 September 2023 and
of cocoa or a festive tipple in the as Smørrebrød. The atmo- Located in southern Poland, ies from the comfort of a cozy 1 October 2023, with check-in
countless bars and cafes in trendy spheric city experiences a brisk the charming capital of Krakow sofa or bed. The apartments dates between 1 November 2023
neighborhoods from the West winter with a good chance of takes Christmas to the next also have access to a fantas- and 31 January 2024. For com-
Village to Soho. The city bursts to snow showers, and travelers can level. Undoubtedly the most tic sauna where travelers can parison figures we looked at
life with festive and joyful shows challenge themselves like the lo- important festival in the Pol- warm up after embracing the search sessions on
in winter whether at the New cal Danes to a dip in the canal’s ish calendar and, with a 50% crisp Polish air. ■ between 19 September 2022 and
York City Ballet or Radio City, or freezing freshwater followed by chance of snow in December, 2 October 2022, with check-in
head to Broadway where travel- a well-deserved warming sauna, it’s ideal for those seeking a cool *Research commissioned by dates between 1 November 2022
ers can book to see Moulin Rouge or step into a festive fairytale by Christmas. A huge Christmas and independent- and 31 January 2023.
to enjoy a fantastic performance admiring the grandeur of Den- market adorns the main square ly conducted among a sample ***Travel Predictions 2024
during the season. mark’s royal castles and palaces serving up delicious food in- of 42,513 respondents across 33 research commissioned by Book-
Where to stay: Located in the sprinkled with snow on a Chris- cluding the local delicacy of markets (2,000 from USA, 1,008 and conducted among
heart of downtown Manhattan tiansborg Palace Tour. For a fun roasted pork knuckles lathered from Canada, 2,000 from Mexi- a sample of adults who plan to
and just a short walk from the family day out, book a Tivoli in sweet honey, as well as stalls co, 1,000 from Colombia, 2,000 travel for business or leisure in
iconic Brooklyn Bridge, the Four Gardens Admission or Unlim- selling unique crafts and deco- from Brazil, 1,000 from Argenti- the next 12-24 months. In total,
Seasons Hotel New York Down- ited Ride Ticket to experience rative gifts. Local artisans cre- na, 2,000 from Australia, 1,000 27,730 respondents across 33
town offers guests a luxurious the thrilling rides of the world’s ate intricate and beautiful min- from New Zealand, 2,000 from countries and territories were
and comfortable Christmas stay. second-oldest amusement park. iatures of the festive scene that Spain, 2,000 from Italy, 2,000 polled (including 1008 from Ar-
Guests can feast at onsite steak During the holiday season, it are featured in festive-dressed from France, 2,000 from UK, gentina, 1012 from Australia,
restaurant, CUT, by renowned transforms into a Christmas shop windows for travelers to 2,000 from Germany, 1,000 505 from Austria, 1001 from
celebrity chef Wolfgang Puck wonderland with snow-covered admire. Visitors can explore the from Netherlands, 1,000 from Belgium, 1002 from Brazil, 1009
which hosts a fantastic Christ- houses, a gingerbread castle cobbled streets from the com- Denmark, 1,000 from Sweden, from Canada, 1009 from China,
mas brunch, or nurture their and delicious food stalls, with fort of a horse-drawn carriage 1,000 from Croatia, 1,000 from 1002 from Colombia, 508 from
well-being at the state-of-the-art fireworks and a dinner party on for a special tour of the city. Switzerland, 1,000 from Bel- Croatia, 504 from Denmark,
lap pool, spa and gym, warming New Year’s Eve. For a memorable and tradi- gium, 1,000 from Ireland, 1,000 1011 from France, 1011 from Ger-
up from the east coast chill in the Where to stay: Located in tional evening, book a Kraków from Portugal, 1,000 from Isra- many, 1016 from Hong Kong,
sauna or steam room. This Book- the welcoming neighborhood Dinner with Drinks and Polish el, 2,000 from India, 1,000 from 1004 from India, 510 from Ire- Travel Sustainable prop- of Vesterbro, Bohr Apartment Folk Show where, after being China, 1,005 from Hong Kong, land, 504 from Israel, 1014 from
erty also offers tours organized Copenhagen offers a homely welcomed with a glass of cher- 1,000 from Thailand, 1,000 from Italy, 1004 from Japan, 1009
by local guides so guests can en- apartment to cozy up in. The ry brandy, a three-course feast Singapore, 1,000 from Taiwan, from Mexico, 1014 from The
joy the city through the eyes of a stay features sleek and stylish is served followed by regional 1,000 from Vietnam, 1,000 from Netherlands, 1015 from New
true New Yorker. Scandinavian interiors with songs and dances performed by South Korea, 1,000 from Japan, Zealand, 500 from Portugal,
Copenhagen, Denmark panoramic views of the city and a Cracovian folk ensemble in 500 from UAE). In order to par- 502 from Singapore, 1010 from
The Scandinavian capital of even a telescope for guests to traditional costumes. ticipate in this survey, respon- South Korea, 1009 from Spain,
Denmark turns into a magical take a closer look at the Christ- Where to stay: Situated in dents had to be 18 years of age 502 from Sweden, 507 from
winter wonderland during the mas lights across the city. Free the heart of the picturesque old or older, had to have traveled at Switzerland, 504 from Taiwan,
festive period as locals and vis- bicycle rental allows visitors to town, the Fragola Apartments least once in the past 12 months, 1003 from Thailand, 502 from
itors alike immerse themselves experience the city like a true Old Town offers accommoda- and planning to travel in 2023 the UAE, 1007 from the UK,
in ‘hygge,’ an untranslatable local around its maze of safe cy- tion perfect for a city break in and be either the primary de- 1005 from the US and 1007 from
term symbolizing coziness, cling paths, while this Booking. Krakow with stunning floor- cision maker or involved in the Vietnam). Respondents complet-
comfort and well-being. Trav- com Travel Sustainable proper- to-ceiling windows flooding the decision making of their travel. ed an online survey in July 2023.
elers can indulge in some of the ty also provides information on space with light. With homely The survey was taken online and
DECEMBER 8, 2020
JULY 17, 2023 cx328



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