Projector Spec 7437

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1-Chip DLP™ Projectors

Beyond Ordinary Projection—

Solid Reliability with the
LED/Laser-Combined Light Source
Many projector issues have up to 100 meters (328 feet)
been addressed with the new over a single LAN cable.* 2
LED/Laser-combined light System capabilities have also
source. From the moment you been improved with 2× zoom
turn on the projector, you’ll and an exceptionally wide
notice the difference with the lens shift range, thus provid-
quick on and immediate full ing superb flexibility for easy
brightness. No more lamps first time and replacement
and air filters, which lets you enjoy maintenance-free use for about installations. And the Total Cost of Ownership ( TCO ) has been
20,000 hours* 1 while maintaining excellent brightness and picture reduced because you no longer have to keep replacement lamps on
quality. To enhance permanent installation use, we’ve added DIGITAL hand. The next-generation PT-RZ370/RW330 projectors have swept
LINK support so you can transmit video, audio and control signals away the weak points of conventional projectors.

Start projecting as soon as you turn on the power

PT-RZ370 PT-RW330
3,500 lm 3,500 lm

SOLID SHINE series uses the newly developed LED/Laser-combined light source
SOLID SHINE series projectors provide solid
reliability and long-lasting brightness unprece- PT-RZ370/RW330 Optical Structure Image
dented by conventional lamp-based projectors.

Approximately 20,000 hours*1 of maintenance-free operation

Projection lens
No need to replace the light source or air filter, providing a DLP™ chip
dramatic reduction in the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).
Long-lasting picture quality Phosphor wheel
(changes from
Excellent picture quality and brightness are maintained for a blue to green)
long time.
Superb color reproduction Light sensor for
Beautiful, vivid colors exceeding the levels of conventional pro- LED (blue)
Condenser SOLID SHINE drive
jectors. lens

Quick start, quick off

The image appears almost instantly upon powering up, and
Laser (blue)
there is no need for cooling after turning the power off. The
power can be turned on immediately after being turned off, and
LED (red)
it can be turned on/off as many times as you want.

Long-Lasting Reliability and High Picture Quality

The LED/Laser-Combined Light Source Superior Color Reproduction The Daylight View Basic Ensures Clear
Enables Approx. 20,000 * 1 Hours of The LED/Laser-combined light source has a Images Even in Brightly Lit Rooms
Continuous Operation higher level of color purity than an ordinary 0ANASONICS $AYLIGHT 6IEW "ASIC TECHNOLOGY
This new light source requires no maintenance lamp, allowing it to achieve color production achieves sharp, easy-to-see images by clearly
for approximately 20,000 hours.* 1 In many with wider color space. Colors are more vibrant reproducing the details in dark image areas,
cases, this means no maintenance until your than those of conventional projectors. which were previously difficult to see in brightly
next refresh cycle. Naturally, there are no lamp lit rooms. A built-in sensor measures the ambi-
burnout problems during use, so reliability is 30× Drive* 3 Switching Prevents Color ent light, and the Daylight View Basic function
further increased. There is also no filter to clean Breaking adjusts the halftone color and brightness level
due to carefully engineered sealed optics. As In 1-chip DLP™ system projectors with conven- according to the surrounding illumination.
a consequence, running cost is dramatically tional lamp, a color wheel is used for time-divi-
lowered because of the savings on lamp sion multiplexing in a method where the human
costs, maintenance labor and hassle of eye combines the result to achieve a full-color
stocking lamps. palette. In the PT-RZ370/RW330, this is done by
on/off switching of the LED/Laser-combined light
Phosphor wheel source. A unique Panasonic power supply circuit
provides time-division multiplexing with ultrafast
30× drive.* 3 The resulting, high-definition images
exhibit virtually no color breaking.* 4

Heat Pipe Cooling System Maintains Stable Without Daylight View Basic
Operation up to 45 °C (113 °F)* 5
LED (Red) Laser LED (Blue)
Laser cooling is performed by releasing the heat
to cooling fins, then cooling with a heat pipe
cooling system. This suppresses temperature
Bright, Beautiful Picture Quality for a rises inside the projector and allows stable
Long Period of Time operation up to an ambient temperature of
The PT-RZ370/RW330 features 3,500 lumens of 45 °C (113 °F).* 5 The use of this heat pipe-
brightness. Rate of brightness deterioration in cooled system also achieves quiet operation of
the LED/Laser-combined light source is extreme- 29 dB,*6 enabling viewers to concentrate on the
ly slow compared to lamp based projectors. The presentation or on quiet movie scenes.
SOLID SHINE drive uses a built-in sensor to With Daylight View Basic
constantly detect the light intensity of the light
source and correct corresponding changes in DICOM Simulation Mode* 7
white balance. This all helps to maintain excel- This imaging mode is similar to DICOM part 14,
lent picture quality for a long period of time. which is a medical imaging standard. It repro-
Contrast is outstanding too, at 10,000:1, and duces X-ray images with remarkable clarity.
images are reproduced with a wide dynamic
range. The PT-RZ370 features a Full-HD (1920
× 1080) DLP™ chip, allowing highly detailed
Full-HD images without resizing. Heat-pipe cooling system

Brightness Deterioration Comparison

L ED/L aser - com bi ned Dust-Resistant Structure with an Airtight
lig ht sour ce
Optical Block
The area between the LED/Laser to the DLP™

L amp chip and prism is hermetically sealed to form an

6,000 hrs airtight structure for the optical block, the heart
of the projector. This resists the effects of dust
20,000 hrs
and other particles in the air, and enables use of
0 10,000 20,000 the projector in a wide range of environments.
HOURS Normal mode DICOM simulation mode
Comparison with a projector that has a lamp replacement
cycle of 6,000 hours.
Rec. 709 Mode for HDTV Projection
Optimal color reproduction can be achieved by
selecting this mode, compliant with ITU-R Rec-
ommendation BT.709, when images from an
HDTV source are projected.

* 1 A guideline for light source replacement. The maintenance-free period may be * 4 A condition in which incorrect color expression causes color flickering.
shortened due to environmental conditions. * 5 The operating temperature range is 0 °C to 40 °C (32 °F to 104 °F) when used in
* 2 Use a CAT5e (STP) cable or higher. locations from 1,400 m to 2,700 m (4,593 ft to 8,858 ft) above sea level.
* Picture mode: Dynamic. 10× drive in other picture modes. The rate for each vertical
3 * 6 LIGHT POWER mode: ECO . 35 dB with LIGHT POWER mode set to NORMAL .
sync/blanking interval, with R/G/B light source switching set to 1×. * 7 This product is not a medical instrument. Do not use it for actual medical diagnosis.

Flexible Installation with Clean DIGITAL LINK Wiring

Versatile First-Time and Replacement HDMI and other input terminals, uncom- tion that lets you continue using existing control
Installations pressed HD digital video, audio and control systems when replacing previous Panasonic
s 2× Zoom Lens: For a 120-inch-diagonal signals can be transmitted up to 100 m models. It is also possible to output audio dur-
wide screen, the projection distance extends (328 ft) over a single LAN cable.* 2 It allows ing STANDBY MODE .* 9 This is convenient when
from approximately 3.9 m (12.8 ft) to approx- projector connection with only one cable, connecting an external audio system through the
imately 7.8 m (25.7 ft). making it ideal for ceiling-mounted and other projector.* 10 A closed caption decoder is built in.
PT-RZ370 permanent installations. Also, because control
Approx. 7.8 m signals can be simultaneously transmitted, the Easy Remote Monitoring and Control
Approx. 3.9 m ET-YFB100G input signal can easily be over a LAN
switched with the wireless remote control that Web browser on a computer connected through
PT-RZ370 is included with the projector. The projector a wired LAN system lets you remotely operate
wide screen can be controlled by either serial or LAN projectors and check their status. An e-mail
communication. messaging function can also notify you the
s Horizontal/Vertical Lens Shift: The wide overall projector status. In addition, Multi
shift range accommodates various room sizes Projector Monitoring and Control Software Ver.
and shapes. When lights 2.8 is available for monitoring and controlling
or ventilation holes are ET-YFB100G terminals multiple Panasonic projectors from a single PC.
located in the ceiling The wired LAN terminal is compatible with
mounting site, you can s Also Supports Other Manufacturers’ PJLink™ (class 1), an open protocol that is used
simply relocate the pro- Peripheral Equipment: DIGITAL LINK is an by many manufacturers, to enable integrated
jector to avoid them. original function added to technology based control of systems that contain different brands
s Flexible 360-Degree Installation: The pro- on the transmission standards used in Crest- of projectors.
jectors can be rotated ron’s DigitalMedia 8G+, Extron’s XTP Sys-
vertically. This means tems, etc. Signals from the ET-YFB100G can
you can install one at also be relayed to a non-DIGITAL LINK-ready
any up-and-down angle projector by using another manufacturer’s
you want, to accommo- equipment based on the same technology.* 8 Lecture room Classroom
s Lens-Centered Design: A lens-centered,
symmetrical design provides ease of Auditorium Seminar room

installation, eliminating
the need for any spe- Abundant Connection Terminals,
cial considerations Including HDMI
when planning the The projection lens is Interfaces include HDMI and DVI-I inputs. The
installation site. placed at the center. serial terminal (RS-232C) has an Emulate func-
Compatible with Crestron RoomView™
DIGITAL LINK Transmits Digital Signals up The LAN terminal allows a computer connected
to 100 m (328 ft) with a Single Cable* 2 to the network to use Crestron RoomView™
s Optional ET-YFB100G Digital Interface Box application software to manage and control
for Easy Setup: By combining the optional system devices.
ET-YFB100G Digital Interface Box, with its
1-Chip DLP ™ Projector
Digital Interface Box CAT5e (STP) cable or higher: Video, audio Speaker PT-RZ370/RW330
ET-YFB100G and control signals (up to 100 m / 328 ft)


HDMI signal HDMI signal S-Video/ RGB signal RGB signal Video
(video/audio) (video/audio) audio signal

Input selection and other ET-YFB100G

Blu-ray disc HD visual VCR Desktop PC Notebook PC Document operations can be performed with the
player communication camera projector’s remote control.

* 8 Input selection and other ET-YFB100G operations can be performed only when connecting to a DIGITAL LINK compatible projector.
* 9 Requires menu selection.
* 10 Audio monitoring requires external speakers and an audio amplifier.

Operation Friendly

Image Appears Immediately—No Need for Effective Theft Prevention with the used functions can be assigned to the Function
Cooling after Use Startup Logo buttons for instant recall.
Images do not appear quickly with lamp-based You can change the default Panasonic start up
projectors because the projector requires time to logo to any logo you want. A new logo can be Eco Management Functions
warm up. With the PT-RZ370/RW330, the image easily uploaded by connecting a computer to the A number of functions are provided to reduce
appears almost instantly. There’s also no cooling PT-RZ370/RW330 through the LAN or serial power consumption. You can easily set the Eco
time required when turning the power off, so connection by using the Logo Transfer Soft- Management functions according to operating
you can quickly turn the projector on and off as ware.* 11 An abundance of other security mea- conditions by using the “ECO” button on the
many times as needed. sures are also includ- remote control.
ed, such as a security s Selectable light source modes:
24/7 Operation bar, Key lock, and NORMAL: Prioritizes brightness. ECO SAVE 1:
Ordinary lamps are not well suited to continuous Security Password. This Reduces power consumption by approximately
operation. Because the PT-RZ370/RW330 does is very effective for 20% on average while leaving brightness
not use a lamp, has efficient cooling system and preventing theft. almost unchanged. ECO SAVE 2: Minimizes
uses DLP™ chip that has a long life, they are brightness reduction while reducing power
capable of 24/7 operation. 15 m (49 ft) Long-Range consumption by approximately 30% on aver-
Wireless Remote Control age. LOW: Prioritizes low power consumption.
Scheduling Function A unique ID number can be assigned s Adjusts the brightness according to ambient
Scheduled operation is possible using the built- to each projector using the supplied light conditions, and reduces the light source
in timer function, without having to use a PC wireless remote control unit. This power.
and software. allows operation of a desired projec- s Reduces the light source power when there is
tor when multiple units are set up at no signal input or the projector is in AV
the same location. Three frequently Mute mode.

E c o lo g y-Consc ious De sign Projection Distance


s Lamp-free (no mercury) PT-RZ370 (16:9 aspect ratio)

s Low heat dissipation Projection size Projection distance Height from the edge of screen
[diagonal] Min [wide] Max [telephoto] to center of lens
s RoHS Directive compliant [m] [in]
s No halogenated flame retardants are used in the cabinet. 1.02 / 40 1.3 (4.1) 2.6 (8.5) -0.12 − 0.49 (-0.4 − 1.6)
s Non-coated cabinet for easy recycling. 1.52 / 60 1.9 (6.3) 3.9 (12.8) -0.17 − 0.73 (-0.6 − 2.4)
s Lead-free glass is used for the lens. 2.03 / 80 2.6 (8.5) 5.2 (17.1) -0.23 − 0.98 (-0.8 − 3.2)
s Light source mode is selectable to reduce power consumption. 2.54 / 100 3.2 (10.6) 6.5 (21.4) -0.29 − 1.22 (-0.9 − 4.0)
s “ECO” button on the remote control for easy setting up of Eco Management 3.05 / 120 3.9 (12.8) 7.8 (25.7) -0.34 − 1.46 (-1.1 − 4.8)
functions. 3.81 / 150 4.9 (16.0) 9.8 (32.1) -0.43 − 1.83 (-1.4 − 6.0)
s Standby power consumption of only 0.5 W has been achieved. (STANDBY MODE: 5.08 / 200 6.5 (21.4) 13.1 (42.9) -0.57 − 2.44 (-1.9 − 8.0)
7.62 / 300 9.8 (32.2) 19.6 (64.4) -0.86 − 3.66 (-2.8 − 12.0)
s An Auto Off Timer switches the projector to standby mode when no input
signal is received for a preset time. PT-RW330 (16:10 aspect ratio)
Projection size Projection distance Height from the edge of screen
[diagonal] Min [wide] Max [telephoto] to center of lens
[m] [in]
1.02 / 40 1.3 (4.2) 2.6 (8.7) -0.10 − 0.52 (-0.3 − 1.7)
ET-PKR100H ET-PKR100S 1.52 / 60 2.0 (6.4) 4.0 (13.1) -0.15 − 0.78 (-0.5 − 2.5)
Ceiling mount bracket Ceiling mount bracket 2.03 / 80 2.6 (8.6) 5.3 (17.5) -0.21 − 1.03 (-0.7 − 3.4)
for high ceilings for low ceilings 2.54 / 100 3.3 (10.9) 6.7 (21.8) -0.26 − 1.29 (-0.8 − 4.2)
3.05 / 120 4.0 (13.1) 8.0 (26.2) -0.31 − 1.55 (-1.0 − 5.1)
3.81 / 150 5.0 (16.4) 10.0 (32.8) -0.38 − 1.94 (-1.3 − 6.4)
5.08 / 200 6.7 (21.9) 13.4 (43.8) -0.51 − 2.59 (-1.7 − 8.5)
7.62 / 300 10.0 (32.9) 20.1 (65.8) -0.77 − 3.88 (-2.5 − 12.7)

ET-YFB100G PT-RW330 (16:9 aspect ratio)

Digital interface box Projection size Projection distance Height from the edge of screen
[diagonal] Min [wide] Max [telephoto] to center of lens
Brackets included for various installation needs, [m] [in]
including server rack (EIA standards) mounting. 1.02 / 40 1.3 (4.4) 2.7 (8.9) -0.05 − 0.48 (-0.2 − 1.6)
1.52 / 60 2.0 (6.6) 4.1 (13.4) -0.08 − 0.71 (-0.2 − 2.3)
2.03 / 80 2.7 (8.9) 5.5 (17.9) -0.10 − 0.95 (-0.3 − 3.1)
2.54 / 100 3.4 (11.2) 6.8 (22.4) -0.13 − 1.19 (-0.4 − 3.9)
3.05 / 120 4.1 (13.5) 8.2 (27.0) -0.15 − 1.43 (-0.5 − 4.7)
* 11 Still images that can be uploaded are limited to 1024 × 768 pixel bitmap files. Also, 3.81 / 150 5.1 (16.9) 10.3 (33.7) -0.19 − 1.79 (-0.6 − 5.9)
the application will reduce the number of colors to 191.
5.08 / 200 6.9 (22.5) 13.7 (45.0) -0.25 − 2.38 (-0.8 − 7.8)
7.62 / 300 10.3 (33.9) 20.6 (67.6) -0.37 − 3.57 (-1.2 − 11.7)

Model PT-RZ370 PT-RW330
Power supply 100 – 240 V AC, 5.2 – 2.0 A, 50 / 60 Hz
Power consumption 460 W (470 VA ) ( 250 W* 1 with LIGHT POWER set to NORMAL , 200 W* 1 with LIGHT POWER set to Ecosave1, 178 W* 1 with LIGHT POWER set to Ecosave2 )
( 0.5 W with STANDBY MODE set to ECO* 2, 8 W with STANDBY MODE set to NORMAL )
DLP™ chip Panel size 16.5 mm ( 0.65 in ) diagonal (16 : 9 aspect ratio ) 16.5 mm ( 0.65 in ) diagonal (16 :10 aspect ratio )
Display method DLP™ chip × 1, DLP™ projection system DLP™ chip × 1, DLP™ projection system
Pixels 2,073,600 (1,920 × 1,080 ) × 1, total of 2,073,600 pixels 1,024,000 (1,280 × 800 ) × 1, total of 1,024,000 pixels
Lens Manual zoom ( 2.0×), manual focus, F 2.0 – 3.4, f 21.5 – 43.0 mm
Throw ratio 1.46 – 2.94:1 1.5 – 3.1:1
Light source LED / Laser-combined ( R, B : LED ; G : Laser diode )
Screen size (diagonal) 1.02 – 7.62 m (40 – 300 inches ) diagonally, 16 : 9 aspect ratio 1.02 – 7.62 m (40 – 300 inches ) diagonally, 16 :10 aspect ratio
Brightness* 3 3,500 lm
Center-to-corner uniformity* 90 %
Contrast* 3 10,000 :1 (full on /off )
Resolution 1,920 × 1,080 pixels ( Input signals that exceed this resolution will be converted 1,280 × 800 pixels ( Input signals that exceed this resolution will be converted
to 1,920 × 1,080 pixels.) to 1,280 × 800 pixels.)
Scanning frequency HDMI/DVI-I (digital) f H : 27– 100 kHz, fv: 24 –120 Hz, dot clock: 25 –162 MHz
DVI-I (analog)/RGB f H : 15 – 100 kHz, fv: 24 –120 Hz, dot clock: 162 MHz or lower
YPBPR (YCBCR) f H : 15.75 kHz, f V : 60 Hz [480i (525i)] f H : 37.50 kHz, f V : 50 Hz [720 (750)/50p] f H : 27.00 kHz, f V : 24 Hz [1080 (1125)/24p]
f H : 15.63 kHz, f V : 50 Hz [576i (625i)] f H : 33.75 kHz, f V : 60 Hz [1035/60i]
– f H : 27.00 kHz, f V : 48 Hz [1080 (1125)/24sF]
f H : 31.50 kHz, f V : 60 Hz [480p (525p)] f H : 33.75 kHz, f V : 60 Hz [1080 (1125)/60i] f H : 33.75 kHz, f V : 30 Hz [1080 (1125)/30p]
f H : 31.25 kHz, f V : 50 Hz [576p (625p)] f H : 28.13 kHz, f V : 50 Hz [1080 (1125)/50i] f H : 67.50 kHz, f V : 60 Hz [1080 (1125)/60p]
f H : 45.00 kHz, f V : 60 Hz [720 (750)/60p] f H : 28.13 kHz, f V : 25 Hz [1080 (1125)/25p] f H : 56.25 kHz, f V : 50 Hz [1080 (1125)/50p]
Video f H : 15.75 kHz, f V : 60 Hz [ NTSC / NTSC4.43 / PAL-M / PAL60 ] , f H : 15.63 kHz, f V : 50 Hz [ PAL / PAL-N / SECAM ]
Optical axis shift Vertical: +73% , -48% ( manual ), horizontal: +27% , -35% ( manual ) Vertical: + 69 % , -46% ( manual ), horizontal: +28% , -37% ( manual )
Keystone correction range Vertical: ±40°
Installation Ceiling /floor, front /rear
Terminals HDMI IN HDMI 19-pin × 1 ( Deep Color, compatible with HDCP)
480p ( 525p ), 576p ( 625p ), 720 ( 750 ) / 60p, 720 ( 750 ) / 50p, 1080 (1125 ) / 60i, 1080 (1125 ) / 50i, 1080 (1125 ) /25p, 1080 (1125 ) /24p, 1080 (1125 ) /24sF,
1080 (1125 ) / 30p, 1080 (1125 ) / 60p, 1080 (1125 ) / 50p, VG A ( 640 × 480 ) –WUXG A* 4 (1,920 × 1,200 ), compatible with non-interlaced signals only,
dot clock: 25 –162 MHz, audio signal: linear PCM ( sampling frequencies: 48 kHz, 44.1 kHz, 32 kHz)
DVI-D IN DVI-I 29-pin × 1
Digital ( DVI 1.0 compliant, compatible with HDCP, compatible with single link only) 480p ( 525p ), 576p ( 625p ), 720 ( 750 ) / 60p, 720 ( 750 ) / 50p, 1080 (1125 ) / 60i,
1080 (1125 ) / 50i, 1080 (1125 ) /25p, 1080 (1125 ) /24p, 1080 (1125 ) /24sF, 1080 (1125 ) / 30p, 1080 (1125 ) / 60p, 1080 (1125 ) / 50p,
VG A ( 640 × 480 ) –WUXG A* 4 (1,920 × 1,200 ), compatible with non-interlaced signals only, dot clock: 25 –162 MHz
RGB R / B : 0.7 Vp-p, 75 ohms, G : 0.7 Vp-p ( G : 1.0 Vp-p for sync on G ), 75 ohms, HD / VD, SYNC : T TL, high impedance, positive /negative automatic
YPBPR/ YCBCR Y: 1.0 Vp-p ( including sync signal ), PB/ PR ( CB/ CR) : 0.7 Vp-p, 75 ohms
COMPUTER (RGB) IN D-Sub HD 15-pin (female ) × 1 ( RGB / YPBPR/ YCBCR × 1)
VIDEO IN Pin jack × 1
AUDIO IN M3 ( L, R ) × 1
AUDIO OUT M3 ( L, R ) × 1
SERIAL IN D-sub 9-pin (female ) × 1 for external control ( RS-232C compliant)
(for network and DIGITAL LINK (video /audio /network /serial control ) connection, 100Base-T X, compatible with PJLink™, HDCP compatible, Deep Color compatible )
1080 (1125 ) / 50i, 1080 (1125 ) /25p, 1080 (1125 ) /24p, 1080 (1125 ) /24sF, 1080 (1125 ) / 30p, 1080 (1125 ) / 60p, 1080 (1125 ) / 50p,
VG A ( 640 × 480 ) –WUXG A* 4 (1,920 × 1,200 ), compatible with non-interlaced signals only, dot clock: 25 –162 MHz
Cabinet materials Molded plastic
Dimensions (W × H × D) 455 × 137* 5 × 415 mm (17-29 / 32 × 5-13 / 32* 5 × 16-11/ 32 in ) ( lens incuded )
Weight * 6 Approximately 11.0 kg ( 24.3 lbs )
Operation noise* 3 35 dB ( LIGHT POWER mode: NORMAL ), 29 dB ( LIGHT POWER mode: LOW )
Operating environment Operating temperature: 0 – 45 °C * 7 ( 32 –113 °F * 7 ), operating humidity: 20 – 80 % ( no condensation )
Supplied accessories Power cord ( with secure lock) × 1* 8 , wireless remote control unit, batteries for remote control ( R6 / LR6 /A A type × 2 ), software CD-ROM ( Logo Transfer
Software, Multi Projector Monitoring & Control Software )

* 1 In STANDARD/GRAPHIC picture mode. Measured based on the power consumption rate and a measurement method
for the TV receiver. Dimensions unit: mm (inches)
* 2 When the S TA N D B Y M O D E is set to E C O , network functions such as power on over the LAN network will not operate.
Also, only certain commands can be received for external control using the serial terminal.
* 3 Measurement, measuring conditions, and method of notation all comply with ISO 21118 international standards. (5-13/32)
* 4 WUXGA resolution is supported only when the signals are compliant with VESA CVT-RB (Coordinated Video

Timing-Reduced Blanking).
* 5 With legs at shortest position.
* 6 Average value. May differ depending on the actual unit. 455 (17-29/32) 415 (16-11/32)
* 7 0 – 40 °C (32 –104 °F) between 1,400 m and 2,700 m (4,593 ft and 8,858 ft) above sea level. If the ambient
temperature exceeds 35 °C (95 °F), the light output may be reduced to protect the projector.
* 8 Power cords available (× 2) for the PT-RZ370EA/RW330EA.

1. Do not install the projector in locations that are subject to excessive water, humidity, steam, or TOWARD THE PROJECTORS AIR INTAKE OR EXHAUST OPENINGS
oily smoke. Doing so may result in fire, malfunction, or electric shock. s $O NOT INSTALL THE PROJECTOR IN AN ENCLOSED SPACE )F IT IS NECESSARY TO INSTALL IT IN AN ENCLOSED
2. Please observe the following precautions: space, add a separate ventilation system. If ventilation is insufficient, hot air will accumulate at
s $O NOT STACK PROJECTOR UNITS DIRECTLY ON TOP OF ONE ANOTHER FOR THE PURPOSE OF MULTIPLE  STACKED blocked. Take particular care to ensure that hot air from the exhaust openings is not sucked into
projection. When stacking projector units, be sure to provide the amount of space indicated below the intake openings.
between them. These space requirements also apply to installations where only one projector unit s 4O INSTALL AND USE THE PROJECTOR VIA A METHOD THAT DOES NOT USE THE ADJUSTABLE FEET IN A FLOOR
is operating at one time and the other unit is used as a backup. standing installation, fix the projector using the four screw holes for ceiling mounting. ( Screw
s -AKE SURE THAT NOTHING BLOCKS THE PROJECTORS AIR INTAKE AND EXHAUST OPENINGS !LSO INSTALL THE diameter: M4, tapping depth inside the set: 7 mm, torque: 1.25 ± 0.2 N ·m )
projector so that cool or hot air from other air conditioning equipment does not flow directly

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Weights and dimensions shown are approximate. Specifications and appearance are subject to
change without notice. Product availability differs depending on region and country. This product
may be subject to export control regulations. DLP, DLP logo and DLP Medallion logo are trademarks
or registered trademarks of Texas Instruments. The projection distances and throw ratios given in
this leaflet are for use only as guidelines. For more detailed information, please consult the dealer
from whom you are purchasing the product. The PJLink trademark is an application trademark in
Japan, the United States, and other countries and regions or registered trademarks. HDMI, the
HDMI Logo, and High-Definition Multimedia Interface are trademarks or registered trademarks of
HDMI Licensing LLC in the United States and other countries.All other trademarks are the property All information included here is valid as of December 2012.
of their respective trademark owners. Projection images simulated.
© 2012 Panasonic Corporation. All rights reserved. PT-RZ370G1 Printed in Japan.

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