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DAILY School Cabasagan Elementary School Grade Level III

LESSON Teacher Yvette Faye S. Latiban Learning Area English

LOG Teaching Dates and Time August 12, 2023 (9:00-10:00 AM) Quarter 4

A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate understanding of the elements of literary
and expository texts and creative interpretation.
B. Performance Standards The learners uses information derived from texts in presenting varied
oral and written activities.
C. Learning Competencies/ Interpret simple graphs, tables, and pictographs. PPST MODULE 7
Objectives KRA 3, OBJ. # 7
Write the LC code for EN3RC-IVh-j-1.2 MT I-IV RUBRIC, INDICATOR 5
each Knowledge: identify simple graphs, tables, and pictographs -Plans, manages, and implements
developmentally sequenced
Skill: organize data through creating labels teaching and learning processes
to meet curriculum requirements
Attitude: interpret simple graphs, tables, and pictographs through various contexts.
MOV--- Knowledge, skill and
attitude or KSA is applied in
lesson planning objectives in
order to meet curriculum
requirements based on the
Curriculum Guide/CG. Parts of the
DLP are based on the PPST

II. CONTENT Interpreting Simple Graphs, Tables and Pictographs

A. References

1. Teacher’s Guide pages

2. Learner’s Materials Let’s Get Better in English 3 LM
pages pp. 358-359

3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Activity sheets, assessment cards, pictures, smart TV, laptop (power PPST MODULE 9
Resources point presentation) KRA 3, OBJ. # 9
-Selects, develops, organizes,
YouTube Video: Reading Graphs, Tables and Pictographs and uses appropriate teaching and learning resources, including
ICT, to address learning goals.
MOV---The lesson is delivered
through the use of power point
presentation, laptop and smart tv.
MOV---Printed materials like
activity sheets, assessment card
is given on clear sheets/ meta
cards for the pupils to see and
read clearly.
A. Reviewing previous lesson Review the previous lesson by conducting a five-item drill on PPST MODULE 10
or presenting the new inferring feelings and traits of characters. KRA 4, OBJ. 10
lesson Designs, selects, organizes, and
Direction: Choose your answer in the Word Bank. uses diagnostic, formative and
summative assessment strategies
afraid boastful consistent with curriculum
concerned nervous requirements.
MOV—Diagnostic questions are
selfish surprised raised to learners to diagnose if
they have background information
about the topic of the day.
1. “You must be very tired, Father. You have worked all day. Answer Key:
May I help you row the big boat? What does the child feel?
___________ 1. Concerned
2. “Snake! Snake! cried Bianca who jumped out of the barn. 2. Afraid
Bianca was ______________. 3. Surprised
3. “Oh! Father,” said the Little Frog. "I just saw the biggest 4. Boastful
animal in the world. You have never seen an animal that was 5. Nervous
as big as a hill. It had horns on its head.” The little frog was
4. “I can make myself as big as he is,” said the old frog We can
tell that the old frog was ______________.
5. “I cannot fly! I shall fall!” said the little hawk. The little hawk
was _______
B. Establishing a purpose for (Integration of Arts and Creativity Skills) PPST Module1
the lesson/Motivation/Motive KRA 1, OBJ. # 1
Questions Give a happy face emoticon to each pupil from cut out MT I-IV RUBRIC, INDICATOR 1
construction paper. Let them paste the given emoticon next to their -Applies knowledge of content
favorite fruit. within and across curriculum
teaching areas.
MOV---Arts and Creativity skills is
integrated during the giving the
motivation activities.





• How many kids liked guava?_________
• Which is the most favorite kind of fruit?_____________
• Which is the least favorite kind of favorite fruit?________
C. Presenting Say: PPST MODULE 3
examples/instances of the Listen as I read aloud the story, then answer the questions that KRA 1, OBJ. # 3
new lesson follow. MT I-IV RUBRIC, INDICATOR 2
-Applies a range of teaching
What Grade Three Pupils Like to Eat strategies to develop critical and
Ma. Criselda G. Ocang creative thinking, as well as
higher-order thinking skills.
MOV---The questions presented
I have always wondered what kinds of food kids like me buy from
to check pupils’ comprehension
the school canteen during recess. So, as a project for our Math
on the story presented are
class, I did a mini survey. For five days, I recorded what Grade arranged from lower level to
Three pupils bought at the canteen. This table shows the result. higher level thinking skills. Pupils
are challenge to think creatively.
I also made a bar graph about the results shown in the table. It looks
like this

D. Discussing new concepts (Integration of Literacy, Numeracy Skills, and HOTS) PPST MODULE 2
and practicing new skills #1 MT I-IV RUBRIC, INDICATOR 2
Say: -Applies a range of teaching
Simple Graphs- also known as charts. Use to compare amount of strategies that enhance learner
things or other numbers. achievement in literacy and
Tables- data structure that organizes information into rows and numeracy skills.
columns. MOV---Literacy and numeracy in
giving and understanding the
Pictographs- a pictorial symbol for a word or phrase.
meaning of difficult words is
shown during the discussion of
The simple graphs, tables and pictograph are visual representations. new concept and practicing new
They are used to organize information and data. We can be able to skills.
read and understand the data easily and quickly by using tables and PPST MODULE 3
graphs and pictographs. KRA 1, OBJ. # 3
Ask: -Applies a range of teaching
1. As shown in the table, how many Grade Three pupils bought strategies to develop critical and
creative thinking, as well as
chocolate bars on Wednesday?
higher-order thinking skills.
2. Did the pupils buy candies on Thursday?
MOV---The questions presented
3. What is the difference in the total number of pupils who are arranged from lower level to
bought banana cue and the total number of pupils who bought higher level thinking skills. Pupils
pansit? are challenge to think creatively.
4. As shown both in the table and the bar graph, what was the
most liked food that the Grade Three pupils bought during
5. What was the least favorite kind of food that the Grade Three
pupils bought during recess?
E. Discussing new concepts Guide the pupils to create simple bar graph on the board using the PPST MODULE 3
and practicing new skills #2 given data below. KRA 1, OBJ. # 3
-Applies a range of teaching
strategies to develop critical and
creative thinking, as well as
higher-order thinking skills.
MOV---The questions presented
are arranged from lower level to
higher level thinking skills. Pupils
are challenge to think creatively.

Guide the pupils to create a simple table on the board using the
given data below.
Guide the pupils to create a simple pictograph on the board using
the given data below.

F. Developing mastery (leads (Integration of Social Literacy, Numeracy Skills, and PPST MODULE 6
to Formative Assessment 3) Differentiated Activity) KRA 2, OBJ. # 6
-Uses differentiated,
Group Activity: developmentally appropriate
Divide the class into three groups and give each group a task card. learning experiences to address
learners’ gender, needs,
CRITERIA POINTS strengths, interests and
Accuracy and correctness of the 10
MOV---The learners are given
differentiated/tiered activities
Presentation (Creativity and 5 according to their strengths and
Delivery) interests.
Cooperation and Decorum 5 MOV---By applying differentiated
activities with rubrics, learners are
ensured of their active
Group 1 --- Study the bar graph below and answer the given PPST Module1
questions. KRA 1, OBJ. # 1
-Applies knowledge of content
within and across curriculum
teaching areas.
MOV--- Contextualization,
localization and gender fair are
properly observed in the manner
of grouping, and in the choice of
instructional materials. Through
the accomplished simple
• How many narra trees were planted? activities, pupils relate the rotation
of the earth to the varied activities
• Which tree was planted the most in 2018? of people during day and night.

• How many more acacia trees were planted than the balete

• Which two trees were equally planted? How many trees were
planted altogether in 2018?
Group 2 --- Study the table below and answer the given questions.

• How many Mocha cakes were sold on Monday?

• On which day were the most Vanilla cakes sold? Which two
flavor cakes were equally sold on Tuesday?

• What was the bestseller cake sold on the 3 days?

• What was the total number of cakes sold on Wednesday?

Group 3 --- Study the pictograph below and answer the given
questions. Encircle only the letter of the correct answer.
• What was the total number of basketball players?
30 40 50
• Which sports had the same total number of players?
badminton and basketball basketball and volleyball
swimming and track and field

• What is the difference in the number of players between

volleyball and badminton?
10 15 20
• Which sports had the least number of players?
badminton basketball swimming

• How many players in all joined in the Division Athletic Meet?

200 230 260
G. Finding practical (Integration of HOTS) PPST MODULE 3
applications of concepts and KRA 1, OBJ. # 3
skills in daily living Ask: MT I-IV RUBRIC, INDICATOR 2
1. How are graphs, tables, and pictograph useful in our lives? -Applies a range of teaching
2. In what instances can we make use of graphs, tables, and strategies to develop critical and
pictograph? creative thinking, as well as
higher-order thinking skills.
MOV--The questions presented
challenge the pupils to think
H. Making generalizations and Ask: PPST MODULE 10
abstractions about the 1. What is simple graph? KRA 4, OBJ. 10
lesson 2. What is meant by table? Designs, selects, organizes, and
3. How do you identify a pictograph? uses diagnostic, formative, and
summative assessment strategies
consistent with curriculum
MOV—Formative questions are
raised to learners to diagnose
how far they have learned or if the
objectives of the lesson are
I. Evaluating learning The quiz will use a combination of multiple choice and PPST MODULE 10
identification type of test. KRA 4, OBJ. 10
-Designs, selects, organizes, and
uses diagnostic, formative, and
Test A. summative assessment strategies
Direction: Study the graph and answer the questions. Circle the consistent with curriculum
letter of the correct answer. Do this on your activity sheet. requirements.
MOV---The use of formative
assessment consistent with
curriculum requirements is
followed in order to interpret the
result of the learners’ progress.

KRA 4, OBJ. 11
Monitors and evaluates learners’
progress and achievement using
learners’ attainment data.
1. How many kids liked apples? MOV—Results of evaluation are
a. 8 b. 9 c. 10 d. 5 monitored and reflected on the
Learners’ Data in order to support
2. How many kids like the least? and assess learners’ progress
a. 3 b. 2 c. 6 d. 6 and achievement.

3. How many kids liked grapes?

a. 10 b. 5 c. 6 d. 8 Answer Key:

4. How many kids liked avocado? 1. A

a. 2 b. 8 c. 6 d. 4 2. B
3. C
4. D
Test B. 5. Jared
Direction: Use the table below to answer the questions. Box the 6. Zaijan
correct answer. Do this on your activity sheet. 7. Christian
8. Mario
9. 150
10. Andrew
5. Who drunk less water on Saturday?
Jared Zaijan

6. Who drunk 7 glasses of water on

Sunday? Clinth Zaijan

7. Who drank a total of 10 glasses of

water? Liam Christian

Test C.
Direction: Study the pictograph. Write your answers on the space
provided. Do this on your activity sheet.

8. Who harvested the most?______________

9. How many mangoes did Andrew harvest?__________

10. Who harvested the least?_________

J. Additional activities for Assignment:

application or remediation Direction: In your barangay, survey as many people as you can to
find out what their favorite vegetable is. On a short bond paper,
present your findings through a bar graph then answer the questions
1. What is the title of your bar graph?
2. How many vegetables are listed in the bar graph?
3. What is the most favorite vegetable in your barangay?
4. What is the least favorite vegetable?
5. How many people did you survey?

A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?



Student Teacher

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