BL Lesson Plan Template 1
BL Lesson Plan Template 1
BL Lesson Plan Template 1
Students will enter the classroom and they will be directed to go to their seats. I will start off
the class with a question, that will get everyone awake. I will ask the whole class to answer
“What their favorite part about today was”? After we have a small class discussion, I will ask
the students to get out a piece of paper and name it “Area and perimeter.” I am going to
have them write down the formula for the area of rectangle and the formula for perimeter of
a rectangle. This will allow them to retain the information that we learned last week. Then I
will begin to explain what we are doing today and the information they need to know for
each station. I will have a list of each group on the board so they know where they are
heading first.
Teacher Directed Collaborative Independent Digital Content
Small Group
Estimated Time: 10 Estimated Time: Estimated Time: 10
At this station, students At this station, At this station, students will independently work on
will complete a series of students will work a worksheet that I provided them at the station.
problems that I will together to solve Students will need to grab their assigned laptop
display on the board. both area and and sit somewhere quietly by themselves. They will
They will need to get out perimeter problems. first watch a video on how to find the perimeter
a piece of paper, or There will be a large and area at the same time. It is a short video on a
notebook with preferably whiteboard in front catchy song.
a pencil. We will go over of them with a dry
the first couple together erase marker for This video is a fun way to think of area and
to make sure students each student. There perimeter.
know what they are will be all different After watching the YouTube video, students will
doing. The rest of the shaped rectangles then complete the worksheet provided at the
problems, students will and all different station, all they will need is a pencil or pen. It will
complete on their own numbers on them. give them a better understanding of finding the
and I will come around to Students will work perimeter and area. Students must find each by
check their work. After, together to complete using the technique in the video. The goal of this
we will then review the each problem. I will station is to be able to connect a song to finding
formulas by displaying a ask them what both the perimeter and area. While also seeing different
formula and having the the perimeter and ways, you can find the area and perimeter.
group tell me which is the the area is of each
correct name for it. I rectangle. I will Students can then try and make their own song by
want to make sure provide them with an rhyming and write it down for the class to hear. If
students have a full answer key flipped we have extra time at the end of class, we can
understand of the over and they can listen to student’s songs that they created.
concept and the formulas check it when they
that are used for a have completed each
rectangle. I will ask the problem to the best
students if anything is of their ability. After
confusing and we will completing all the
have a group discussion. problems, the
students are
instructed to erase
the whiteboard so
the next group can
complete the activity
Closure Estimated Time: 15
Once everyone has finished their last station, students will be directed to return to their seats
and the remainder of class will be dedicated to students completing the short survey. Each
student will need to get their assigned laptop, from the laptop cart. The short survey will
consist of comprehension questions that will allow me to take in the feedback from the
students and see if anybody is still struggling. Students will be able to express any other
questions or struggles they have at the end of the survey and I can address them next class.
While students complete the survey, I will hand out their graded assignments from last week.