Experiment (1: Etermination of Elting Oints Purpose
Experiment (1: Etermination of Elting Oints Purpose
Experiment (1: Etermination of Elting Oints Purpose
1- Molecular weight
Melting points are higher for higher molecular weight compounds. The reason the
melting point increases with the weight is that it takes more energy to separate larger
molecules from a crystalline structure than it takes to separate smaller ones.
1- Take a capillary tube and sealed an open end of capillary tube by inserting the tip
into a Bunsen flame near the base of the flame and turning the tube in your fingers
using benzen burner
2- Place a small amount of the compound (Benzoic acid) in a clean surface. Push the
open end of the capillary tube into the compound as shown in Fig: 3a .
3- Move the powder to the closed end of the capillary tube by tapping it on the
tables . Repeat until the compound occupies 1-2 mm of the capillary tube end Fig:3a.
5- Attach the capillary tube to a thermometer using a thread. And align the bulb of
the thermometer with the closed end of the capillary tube as illustrated in Fig: 3b.
6- put an oil in a beaker and place it over a piece of wire gauze placed over a tripod
7-. Heat the beaker slowly while constantly stirring the contents using a stirrer to
insure a uniform temperature throughout. Fig: 3c .
8- Note the temperature at which the compound melts and Record the temperature at
which the solid in the capillary tube melts
3a 3b 3c
Figure 3. The set-up for the procedure
The amount of sample that you use and the heating rate through the melting range
are critical. If you use too much sample or heat too rapidly you will not get accurate
results. Be patient and do it right the first time.
Once the sample in the capillary melts, don't use it again. If you have to repeat a
measurement for any reason, you must start with a fresh sample in a new capillary.