64, Perforating
Dring damage
siameter —{
Perforation (
> siameter Angle (80)
‘Crushed zone /
diameter Sa --- =
Figure 2.50 Perforation spacing and geometry.
Table 2.4 Perforation input parameters
Parameter Units Description
he in. ‘Open hole well radius
h in Spacing between perforations (12/shots per foot)
Phasing degrees _ Angle between perforations — not used directly in the model
I in, Perforation length (through the formation)
tp in Perforation radius (assumes constant hole size along perforation)
re in, Crushed zone radius around perforation
K. md Crushed zone permeability
14 in. Damaged zone radius (from centre of well)
la in Damaged zone length (rare)
K md Permeability
ka md Damaged zone permeability
K/h Vertical to horizontal permeability ratioReservoir Completion 65
‘The perforation skin (S,) excluding the damage skin can be calculated from the
sum of the horizontal skin (S,), the wellbore skin (S,), the vertical skin (S,) and
the crushed zone skin (S,)
Sp = Sit Sui + Se 8. 2.46)
for phasing angles other than 0° (2.47)
1 ) for the case of 0° phasing (2.48)
a is obtained from reference to Table 2.
for common phasing angles
Swe = Ci exp(Catwo) (2.49)
C; and Cy are also obtained from Table 2.5
Sy = 10H (2.50)
aylogyo(tpn) + a2
b= by gp ths
Parameters a}, a, by and by are an empirical function of the gun-phasing angle
(Table 2.5)
This allows the calculation of the overall skin for the combination of damage and
perforation (Sy). The method varies depending on whether the perforation
terminates inside the damaged zone or not
For perforations terminating inside the damaged zone (Ip