TETV Motor
TETV Motor
TETV Motor
Rotation : Uni-direction/Bi-direction
Cooling : IC 0151
Major Features
■ Fabricated Robust Steel construction for frames.
■ Axial Cooling for smaller ratings, both radial and axial ventilation
for larger ratings.
■ Class ‘F’ insulation system, both Resin rich & Resin poor (VPI) varieties
■ Rotor bars are brazed with end rings by One Shot Brazing process.
Design and Construction Ventilation system
The machines have closed circuit with a concentric tube
Standards and regulations
nest Cooler, which is Integral with the frame. Rotor is fitted
The machines comply with IS-325, relevant BS and IEC. with shaft-mounted external and internal fans.
The motors can be offered to specific requirements of the
For 2-Pole machines the internal and external fans are
The motors are designed for voltage and frequency as
The external
per IS 325. The standard values and the permissible
fan is located
variations are :
in the fan
Voltage – 2.2 to 11 kV ± 10% casing on the
Frequency – upto 60 Hz ± 5% non drive-end
and forces the
Motors are also available to suit systems where voltage open-circuit air
and frequency variations exceed the standard limits. through the
The rated outputs correspond to the continuous running cooling tubes
duty with cooling air temperature of 40°C and site of the stator
altitudes not exceeding 1000 m. above m.s.l. frame.
The internal fan
Types of construction
in the main
The machines are available in types of construction compartment Fig 3 : Typical External Fan
Degrees of protection
The machines are manufactured with a degree of
protection IP 54 or IP 55, corresponding to IS 4691 or
IEC 34-5. Method of cooling complies with IC 0151. The
motors are suitable to ser vice both indoor and
outdoor, and is strongly recommended for dusty
quality Class F/H insulated bars to suit arduous site
conditions. All rotors are dynamically balanced to more
stringent levels to make the overall motor vibration
severity well below the limits specified in IS I2075.
End shields
The end shields at the drive and non drive-ends are made
of fabricated steel or cast iron. The end shields are
designed for fitting the bearing assembly and take care
for transmitting the static and dynamic load.
Depending on the design and the operating conditions
Fig 4 : Typical Wound Stator
specified in the order, the machines are fitted with grease-
lubricated rolling element bearings oil lubricated sleeve
Rotor construction
bearings, Insulated bearings/brackets are provided on
The rotor consists of a rigid shaft made out of request. The bearings are selected for minimum
ultrasonically tested steel forging. It is manufactured from maintenance and avoid the need of external lubrication
carbon manganese steel of grade C45, 150M19, or systems.
equivalent. Standard motors have a single plain parallel
shaft extension with a single key way and the motors are Terminal boxes
balanced with a half key fitted. The extension is drilled
The electrical connections of the stator winding are
and tapped as per standard.
terminated in the main terminal box. The terminal box is
generally of phase segregated and of double walled
construction. The design minimizes the possibility of
phase to phase to earth fault, limits its extent and reduces
the possible hazard to the personnel in operation. These
Phase Segregated Terminal Boxes (PSTB) have been
successfully fault tested at CPRI laboratory, Bhopal,
PVC/XLPE cables can be directly terminated to PSTB.
Machines containing auxiliary circuits for functions such
as anti-condensation heating, temperature monitoring
Fig 5 : Typical Cage Rotor
etc. are fitted with separate auxiliary terminal boxes. All
types of Terminal boxes comply with degree of protection
IP 54/55 or, IEC 34.5.
The number, location and type of terminal boxes can be Paint System
seen from the dimension drawing of the machine; circuit Surface is primed after degreasing and cleaning using
arrangement and connections of the main and auxiliary Epilux 610 primer to a dry film. A single finish coat of
circuits are either documented in the O & M manuals or two pack Epoxy paint is then applied.
supplied separately.
Provided on request are PT 100 winding temperature
detectors, PT100 bearing temperature detectors, Dial type
temperature indicator for bearings vibration monitoring
probes shock pulse transducers etc.
Space heaters are provided as standard feature.
1 Ph, 240 V Supply
N.D.E. D.E. R WW B Y Y
Colour Code
R – Red
W – White
B – Blue
Y – Yellow 1 2 3 4 5 6
Colour Code W R R W R R W R R W R RW R RW R R
R – Red
W – White
B – Blue Colour Code
Y – Yellow W – White
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 R – Red
Fig 11 : Typical Wiring Diagrams for winding RTD, Bearing RTD and Space Heater
Total Quality
The complete range of HT Motors is manufactured to a conformity with National and International standards.
Quality Assurance Plan, which lays down stringent
Customers are welcome to carry out stage inspection or
acceptance norms for each stage of production. All
final inspection during manufacture. Type testing can be
materials are critically tested in-house to ensure
done upto 4000 KW, 11KV, 4 Pole.
TS 400 686 900 280 36 1250 300 300 886 200 30 400 900 800 1550 100 210 205 28 16 90 1825 2800
TS 450 800 1165 200 42 1400 260 300 1040 240 35 450 1000 950 1850 100 210 205 28 16 90 2000 3000
TS 500 850 1250 335 42 1600 315 315 1076 250 36 500 1100 1025 1950 100 210 205 28 16 90 2100 3700
TS 560 950 1300 205 42 1600 260 420 1170 220 42 560 1250 1150 2250 110 210 200 28 16 90 2200 4500
TS 630 1000 1400 280 42 1800 400 400 1210 240 47 630 1350 1150 2250 120 210 205 28 16 109 2500 6000
TS 710 1250 1600 254 42 1920 400 400 1400 250 50 710 1500 1150 2250 130 250 220 32 18 119 2600 7000
Sl. Year of Voltage Qty. Rating Synch. Type Sl. Year of Voltage Qty. Rating Synch. Type
No. Supply (KV) (KW) Speed No. Supply (KV) (KW) Speed
1 2005 3.3 2 610 1000 SQ 39 2007 6.6 1 730 1000 SQ
2 2005 3.3 1 610 1000 SQ 40 2007 6.6 1 730 1000 SQ
3 2006 6.6 1 650 1500 SQ 41 2007 6.6 3 620 1000 SQ
4 2006 3.3 2 610 1000 SQ 42 2007 3.3 4 650 1500 SQ
5 2006 3.3 1 610 1000 SR 43 2007 6.6 1 670 1500 SQ
6 2006 6.6 2 630 1000 SQ 44 2007 6.6 1 750 1500 SQ
7 2006 6.6 1 550 1000 SQ 45 2007 6.6 1 650 1500 SQ
8 2006 3.3 3 610 1000 SQ 46 2007 3.3 1 600 1500 SQ
9 2006 6.6 1 500 750 SQ 47 2007 3.3 4 800 1500 SQ
10 2006 6.6 1 700 750 SQ 48 2007 3.3 1 800 1500 SQ
11 2006 6.6 3 500 1500 SQ 49 2007 6.6 2 630 1000 SQ
12 2006 6.6 3 500 750 SQ 50 2007 6.6 1 650 1000 SQ
13 2006 6.6 1 630 1000 SQ 51 2007 6.6 2 500 1500 SQ
14 2006 6.6 2 500 1500 SQ 52 2007 6.6 3 520 1500 SQ
15 2006 6.6 6 500 1500 SQ 53 2007 3.3 1 500 750 SQ
16 2006 6.6 2 650 1500 SQ 54 2007 6.6 1 530 1500 SQ
17 2006 6.6 4 550 1500 SQ 55 2007 6.6 3 510 3000 SQ
18 2006 6.6 1 550 1500 SQ 56 2007 6.6 3 700 1500 SQ
19 2006 6.6 2 690 1000 SQ 57 2007 3.3 3 725 1000 SQ
20 2006 6.6 1 525 3000 SQ 58 2007 3.3 6 630 1000 SQ
21 2006 3.3 2 630 1000 SR 59 2007 3.3 1 725 1000 SQ
22 2006 3.3 3 630 1000 SR 60 2008 6.6 2 690 1000 SQ
23 2006 3.3 3 630 1000 SR 61 2008 6.6 1 700 1500 SQ
24 2006 6.6 2 750 1500 SQ 62 2008 6.6 4 525 1500 SQ
25 2006 6.6 1 750 750 SQ 63 2008 6.6 4 750 1500 SQ
26 2006 6.6 2 700 1000 SQ 64 2008 6.6 1 500 750 SQ
27 2006 6.6 2 690 1000 SQ 65 2008 6.6 1 650 1500 SQ
28 2006 3.3 2 900 1000 SQ 66 2008 6.6 1 1120 1000 SQ
29 2007 3.3 1 800 1500 SQ 67 2008 6.6 1 740 1000 SQ
30 2007 3.3 1 650 1500 SQ 68 2008 6.6 1 518 1000 SQ
31 2007 6.6 2 600 1500 SQ 69 2008 6.6 1 518 1000 SQ
32 2007 3.3 2 650 1500 SQ 70 2008 6.6 1 990 1000 SR
33 2007 6.6 3 550 1500 SQ 71 2008 6.6 1 660 1000 SR
34 2007 6.6 2 700 1000 SQ 72 2008 6.6 1 630 750 SQ
35 2007 6.6 2 550 1000 SR 73 2008 6.6 5 630 1500 SQ
36 2007 6.6 2 750 1500 SQ 74 2008 3.3 2 1000 1000 SQ
37 2007 3.3 2 800 1500 SQ 75 2008 3.3 2 600 1000 SQ
38 2007 3.3 7 650 1500 SQ 76 2008 3.3 4 560 600 SQ
…… The goes on
Marathon Electric Motors (India) Limited Registered & Head Office: 58, Taratala Road, Kolkata - 700024. LT Motor & Fan Factory, Paharpur
Works, 58, Taratala Road, Kolkata - 700024, Fax: 9133 24695369 / 8530, Phone: 913344030400/033 44030431. Large LT Motor &
HT Motor Factory, AEI Works, 1, Taratala Road, Kolkata - 700024, Fax : 9133 24696988. Marathon Electric Motors (India) Limited : New
Delhi : 516 & 518 , Antriksh Bhawan, 22 , K.G.Marg, Connaught Place, New Delhi - 110001 Contact - 09717596620 Chandigarh : Chamber
No. 8A,11Nd Floor, Sco No. 2441-42, Sector 22-C, Chandigarh – 160 022, Contact -09779024276 Mumbai : B-908/909 Sagar Tech
Plaza, B-wing, 9Th Floor, Andheri Kurla Road, Sakinaka, Andheri (E), Mumbai – 400 072, Contact – 09987537798 Pune : 41/14, Office
Club Swaroop Complex, Karve Road, Pune – 411 004, Contact – 09867605432 Ahmedabad : 415 / Platinum Plaza Nr. Pushkar Tower,
Judge-bunglow-bodakdev Road, Ahmedabad – 380 015, Contact - 09724507548 Nagpur : 1St Floor, Block – A Thapar Enclave, Plot No.
148 Ramdaspeth, Nagpur – 440 010, Contact – 09730032070 Bhilai : C/O--Shree Entterprises, 6-B Nandini Road, Bhilai - 440099(C.G.),
Contact – 09752537535 Chennai : Door No. 9, Flat No. 7, First Floor, Thiru.Vi.Ka. Road, Royapettah, (Opp : Sathyam Theatre),
Chennai – 600 014, Contact – 09840429331 Bhubaneswar : 33-Budha Nagar (Near Sunflower Nursing Home), Bhubaneswar - 751 006
Orissa, Contact - 09937002704 Jamshedpur : Flat No. H1, First Floor, “Sahadev Mansion”, Durga Path, Uliyan, Kadma, Jamshedpur – 831
005, Contact - 09934362014 Bangalore : Golden Square, 102, Eden Part, 20, Vittal Mallya Road, Bangalore – 560 001,
Contact - 09620223957 Secunderabad : #303, Swapnalok Complex, S. D. Road, Secunderabad 500 003, Contact - 09701104446 Product
Enquiry: 09903900828; memi.mktg@ marathonelectric.com. 24X7 Customer Service: 09903900891/3/4, 9903058753, 03344030409/414-
wkdays; kms@marathonelectric.com. Marathon Electric India Private Limited: Sector-11 Model Town, Faridabad - 12100 6 (INDIA), Tel: 91129
2286421/2265340; Fax: 91129-2284855, Email: gemi.sales@regalbeloit.com