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The Double Spending

Problem and
6​th​ January, 20211
Usman W. Chohan, MBA, PhD

Discussion Paper Series: ​Notes on the 21st​ ​ Century

Abstract: At the core of the economic logic of cryptocurrencies lies

the problem of surmounting the double-spending problem, which poses an
accounting and accountability challenge that effective
cryptocurrencies have sought to overcome. This discussion paper
reviews the salient literature so as to better inform academic and
practitioner inquiry on the double-spending problems in

Originally posted on 19th December, 2017 to SSRN

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The Double Spending Problem and


Cryptocurrencies are considered a novel monetary instrument in that
they proceed from having resolved two fundamental mathematical
problems: the ​
byzantine generals problem​(Lamport et al. 2019; Reischuk
1985; Driscoll et al. 2004), and the d
​ouble spending problem​
. Both of
these are significant achievements in terms of the design of a digital
currency. This paper examines the latter double spending problem in
greater detail. For the purposes of definition, the ​
double spending
problem ​
is a potential flaw in a cryptocurrency or other digital cash
scheme whereby the same single digital token can be spent more than
once, and this is possible because a digital token consists of a
digital file that can be duplicated or falsified.

Evidently, the ability to spend a single currency in multiple

locations would constitute a form of cheating that would collapse any
workable system. This problem doesn’t exist in traditional (physical)
currencies because the transfer of an asset in exchange for money
actually requires a physical exchange. However, the sending of a
digital code to one person might not preclude someone from sending it
to another and claiming a payment for both! This issue stymied many
scholars, but as the latter part of this paper discusses,
cryptocurrencies have overcome the problem and offered a novel
mechanism for digital monetary exchange.

Indeed,the originator of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto, was keenly attuned

to the double spending problem, and included it in the seminal white
paper which outlined the deployment of Bitcoin (2008). The
mathematical exploration of the white paper regarding the double

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spending problem is highly instructive in terms of the advances that

emerged through Bitcoin as well as subsequent cryptocurrencies.

Whenever transactions are recorded in a blockchain, once z
​ ​
blocks have
been appended to the chain, attackers may try to regenerate a new
strand of the blockchain. Putting this mathematically, if the honest
chain is z blocks faster than an attack chain, and produces a new
block in the chain’s iteration in the next moment, then there is a
distance of +1 between 2 chains. However, if the attacker’s surrogate
chain produces the new block instead, then the distance of the two
chains is -1. In other words, there is a race between the attackers’
chain and the honest chain, and if the attackers’ surrogate chain
works at a more rapid pace than the existing blockchain, then since
Bitcoin protocol always selects the longest chain, the attackers will
be able to regain the coins that they had spent earlier.

Drawing an analogy with the solution to the G

​ambler’s Ruin ​
(Kmet and Petkovsek 2002; Rocha and Stern 1999), Nakamoto (2008, p.6)
omits the following mathematical proof but provides its solution,2 such


p: is the probability that an honest node finds the next block,

q: is probability the attacker finds the next block,

A detailed breakdown of the derivation of the proof is available ​
DxChain (2018), A Deep Understanding of the Double-Spending Problem in
Bitcoin. ​

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λ : and the attacker's potential progress will be a Poisson

distribution with expected value: λ = z (q/p)

Earlier Advances
However, as far back as 1993, Brands outlined a method for
cryptographic processes known as ​
restrictive blind signatures​
, which
forms the backbone for the gamut of cryptocurrencies now available.
After contrasting the one-show blind signatures with the method of
wallets with observers, he postulated restrictive blind signatures “in
conjunction with the so-called representation problem in groups of
prime order” which would give rise “to highly efficient off-line cash
systems that can be extended at virtually no extra cost to wallets
with observers under the most stringent of privacy requirements. The
workload for the observer is so small that it can be performed by a
tamper-resistant smart card capable of performing the Schnorr
identification scheme” (Brands 1993).

Ferguson (1993) stressed that, instead of using many terms, each for a
single bit of the challenge, a better system would use a single term
for a large number of possible challenges, and so instead of using a
withdrawal protocol with cut-and-choose methodology as with earlier
systems, a better system would use a direct construction. Medvinsky et
al. (1993),while postulating electronic cash (“Netcash”), emphasized
the need for robust access protocols in such architecture. Krsul et
al. (1998) patented a method of electronic payments that would counter
the double spending problem by introducing “a method of generating
electronic monetary tokens”wherein the creation of every “electronic
token halves by a financial services provider and begins in response
to a request from a buyer to generate electronic monetary tokens to be
used with an identified seller.”

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In this process, the financial services provider would “generate a

multiplicity of electronic monetary token” and then “split each
electronic monetary token into two electronictoken halves and
associates with each the same serial number,” (Krsul et al., 1998).
These Electronic token halves, when combined, would recreate the
electronic monetary token from which they were generated, but
themselves neither electronic token half would have any value, nor
could either electronic half by itself be used to create the
electronic monetary token without the token half's mate. After
distributing the halves among the buyer and seller parties, it would
be possible for the buyer and seller to engage in multiple
transactions off-line of the financial services provider(Krsul et al.,

Around this time, Pointcheval et al., in the ​

Journal of Cryptology​
recognized that a cryptographic algorithm that can withstand
cryptanalytic attacks for several years is often considered as a kind
of validation procedure, but that “a much more convincing line of
research has tried to provide ‘provable’ security for cryptographic
protocols,” even as provable security came at an efficiency cost
(2000), which is why they proposed a focus on concrete cryptographic
objects, such as hash functions, with ideal random objects and to use
arguments from relativized complexity theory, which is known as the
“random oracle model” and was driven by hard algorithmic problems such
as factorization or the discrete logarithm.

Pointcheval et al. (2000) offered security arguments for a large class

of known signature schemes, looking in particular at the security of
blind signatures (in use today), which they argued were “the most
important ingredient for anonymity in off-line electronic cash

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systems,” with the focus being on “an appropriate notion of security

related to the setting of electronic cash.”K arame et al. studied the
double-spending problem in the context of Bitcoin specifically, and
noted correctly that “the Bitcoin payment verification scheme is
designed to prevent double-spending, our results show that the system
requires tens of minutes to verify a transaction and is therefore
inappropriate for fast payments” (2012a, 2012b).

This problem is, as of this writing, highly accentuated by the

extremely high pressure on the bandwidth of the Bitcoin network
(Chohan2019a-d). Karame et al., also found in the course of their
research that, unless appropriate detection techniques were integrated
in the Bitcoin implementation architecture, “double-spending attacks
on fast payments succeed with overwhelming probability and can be
mounted at low cost,”(2012a, 2012b), and as a corollary “measures
recommended by Bitcoin developers for the use ofBitcoin in fast
payments are not always effective in detecting double-spending”, which
is why even if their recommendations were integrated in future Bitcoin
implementations (as they have),“double-spending attacks on Bitcoin
will still be possible” (Karame et al., 2012a, 2012b).

Rosenfeld correctly observed that “while the qualitative nature of

this system is well understood, there is widespread confusion about
its quantitative aspects and how they relate to attack vectors and
their countermeasures,” and so attempted to outline and detail the
stochastic processes underlying typical attacks and their resulting
probabilities of success (2014).

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The Accounting & Accountability Issues

Karame et al.(2015) conducted an important study of the “misbehaviour
in Bitcoin,” pointing out the accountability issues that arose
therefrom. As they note,“unavoidably, in such a setting, the security
of transactions comes at odds with transaction privacy.

Motivated by the fact that transaction confirmation in Bitcoin

requires tens of minutes,” [which as of this writing has extended to
4-6 hours for confirmation, see also Chohan 2019a-d], they analyzed
the conditions for performing successful double-spending attacks
against fast payments in Bitcoin, where the time between the exchange
of currency and goods is short, arguing that “unless new detection
techniques are integrated in the Bitcoin implementation,
double-spending attacks on fast payments succeed with considerable
probability and can be mounted at low cost,” which is why they
proposed a “new and lightweight countermeasure that enables the
detection of double-spending attacks in fast transactions.” Their most
important insight was that, in light of misbehavior, “accountability
becomes crucial,” and that in the specific case of Bitcoin,
“accountability complements privacy,”(Karame et al., 2015).

The double spending problem raises questions about the protection of

digital currency in the same way that traditional currencies are to be
protected from fraud or counterfeit, with a subjacent accountability
issue in the protection of digital information. As Rosenfeld (2014)
notes “while the qualitative nature of this system is well understood,
there is widespread confusion about its quantitative aspects and how
they relate to attack vectors and their countermeasures.” Analogously
to counterfeit traditional money, the double spending problem exerts
an inflationary pressure by creating a new supply of fraudulent

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currency that hadn’t previously existed, thereby debasing the digital

currency’s value relative to the general price level (or other
monetary units of comparison).

In turn, this compromises the governance and accountability associated

with user trust in the currency, and can jeopardize users willingness
to retain the currency, which can deter the circulation of the
currency supply. To combat this double spending problem, various
cryptographic techniques can and are deployed,which form part of the
literature review of this discussion paper. As discussed above,
Nakamoto, indicated that it could be resolved “solved using a P2P
distributed timestamp server to generate computational proof of the
chronological order of transaction,” (2008).

As the domain of cryptocurrencies has grown enormously since the

release of Nakamoto’s whitepaper, the appreciation of the resolution
to the byzantine generals problem and the double spending problem has
at times been overlooked. Yet it was in the specific advancement of
these mathematical challenges that Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies
brought something meaningful to light. However, Bitcoin’s solution
should also be seen in the context of earlier cryptographic advances,
as this paper covers.

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