Political Law
Political Law
Political Law
Datuali, SN.
- One which derives all its powers, - Benevolent Neutrality Approach: wall
directly or indirectly, from the great of separation is meant to protect the
body of people and is administered by Church from the State.
persons holding their offices for a
limited period or during good g. PARENS PATRIAE
behavior. - Inherent right to aid parents in moral
- Powers of government are placed in development of the youth
the hands of persons chosen directly - Obligation to provide protection and
or indirectly by the people at large. look after the welfare of its people
especially those who cannot tend to
- By constitutional declaration, - State acts as guardian of the people
generally accepted principles of especially those with legal disabilities.
international law is deemed to have
force of domestic law without need of h. SOCIAL JUSTICE
enacting a law of similar nature. - As akin to or interlaced with police
power which is exercised by the State
- Opinio Juris: a general consistent to primarily promote the general
practice of states followed by them welfare or the common good.
from a sense of legal obligation. - Humanization of laws and
equalization of social and economic
c. INDEPENDENT FOREIGN POLICY forces by the state.
- In its relations with other states, the
paramount consideration shall be: i. LOCAL AUTONOMY
1. National Sovereignty - Exercise of basic powers by LGU to
2. Territorial Integrity better serve and promote the interest
3. National Interest and general welfare of the citizens.
4. Right to Self-
d. RENUNCIAYION OF WAR & FREEDOM Doctrine of State Immunity
FROM NUCLEAR WEAPON “The State cannot be sued without its
- Aggressive war, not defensive war. consent”
- Ban on Nuclear arms includes: - There can be no legal right as against
1. Possessing the authority that makes the law on
2. Controlling which the right depends.
3. Manufacturing
4. Nuclear test in our territory State Immunity form Suit
5. Use of our territory as dumping - Applies to complaints filed against
ground for radioactive wastes public officials for acts done in
performance of their duties.
e. CIVILIAN SUPREMACY - Public officials are not exempt in their
International Basis
“An equal does not have power over an equal”
Datuali, SN.
House of Representatives
Nature of the Legislative Power - Shall be composed of NOT more than
- to determine legislative policy, 250 members
formulate and promulgate it as a - Elected from legislative districts,
defined and binding rule of conduct
through a party-list system, regional,
within the limits laid down by the
and sectoral parties or organization.
- Part-list representatives shall
- Legislative Power is vested in the
constitute 20% of the total number of
Congress of the Philippines, except to
representatives including under the
the extent reserved to the people by
the provision on initiative and
a. District Representatives
2 kinds of Legislative power in a Republican - Term of office shall be 3 years
System: - 3 consecutive terms only
- Must be:
1. Original Legislative Power
i. Natural-born Citizen
- One which sovereign people posses.
ii. At least 25 years of age on the
2. Derivative Legislative Power
day of the election
- Delegated by the sovereign people to
iii. Able to read and write
the legislative bodies.
iv. Registered voter in the district
Bicameral Congress in which he shall be elected
v. A resident thereof for a period
- Composed of the Senate and the not less than 1 year
House of Representatives. immediately preceding the
The Senate day of election.
- For offenses punishable by not more any court of justice or before electoral
than 6 years, while the Congress is in tribunals.
c. Speech and Debate clause 4. No Member of Congress shall directly
- No member shall be questioned nor or indirectly be interested financially
be held liable in any place for any in anu contract with or in any
speech or debate in the Congress or in franchise of special privilege granted
any committee thereof. by the government.
- This freedom does not protect him
from the responsibility before the
congress itself. 5. No Member of Congress shall
intervene in any matter before any
d. Disclosure of Interest office of the government for his
- Members of the Senate and House of pecuniary benefit
Representatives shall, upon
assumption of office make a full
disclosure of their financial and
business interests. (SALN)
- They shall notify the House concerned
of a potential conflict of interest that
may arise.
2. Forbidden Office
- Even if the Member of Congress is
willing to forfeit his position as a
legislator, he may not still be
appointed to any office in the
government if that has been created
or the emoluments thereof have been
increased during his term.