CBSE Class 11 Biology Chapter 6 Anatomy of Flowering Plants Revision Notes
CBSE Class 11 Biology Chapter 6 Anatomy of Flowering Plants Revision Notes
CBSE Class 11 Biology Chapter 6 Anatomy of Flowering Plants Revision Notes
Plant tissues can be broadly classified based on the ability of the cells
to divide into Merismatic tissue and Permanent tissue.
What is Dermal Tissue System?
Permanent tissues are derived from the merismatic tissues and have
lost their ability to divide. They have attained their mature form. They
are further classified into two types: Simple and complex permanent
Permanent Tissues
Unlike simple permanent cells which look the same and are made up
of one type of cells, complex permanent tissues are made up of more
than one type of cells. These different types of cells coordinate to
perform a function. Xylem and Phloem are complex permanent tissues
and are found in the vascular bundles in the plants.
The odd one out is option (d) tracheids as they are a part of xylem
tissue whereas the other three options are parts of phloem tissue.
A plant stem is one of the two main structural axes of a vascular plant.
It is the part of the plant that lies above the ground. Few stems are also
found underground and are considered to be stem modifications.
Functions of Stem
Structure of a Stem
The stem divides into nodes and internodes. The nodes give rise to the
leaves and hold the buds which grow into branches. The internodes
separate two nodes.
Learn more about the concept of the Tissue System here in detail.
Growth in a Stem
Types of Stems
Based on their location with respect to the ground, there are three
types of stems:
● Underground stem
● Aerial stem
● Subaerial stem.
Underground stems
These stems remain at the ground level and produce aerial shoots that
rise above the soil. Their roots are superficially present. These stems
are meant for storage of food and perennation. These stems are also
capable of vegetative propagation.
They are of different types as follows:
Subaerial Stems
These stems run parallel to the ground and give off roots at certain
intervals or nodes.
What is Inflorescence?
Aerial Stems
These stems are found above the ground and perform varied functions.
a. Tuber
b. Tendril
c. Bulbil
d. Rhizome
Parts of a Leaf
Leaves have two main parts: The leaf blade and the Stalk or the
● The leaf blade: It is also called the lamina. It’s generally broad
and flat. It is in this layer that photosynthesis occurs. It contains
a prominent midrib at the center of the leaf blade which is the
main vein. From this midrib arise branches called veins. They
are of different types depending upon the type of edges, the
pattern of the veins and the number of blades per leaf.
● The petiole: It is the stalk-like structure which connects the leaf
blade to the stem. The petiole has tiny tubes, that connect the
veins on the leaf blade to the stem. Few of these enable water
transport to the leaf while the other carry food away from the
leaf to other parts of the plant.
Some plants also contain another part called stipules. These are small
flap-like structures that grow at the base of the petioles. They are
protective in some plants when they protect the growing petiole while
in others, they fall off once the petiole starts growing.
Types of Leaves
Based on Blade
● Simple Leaf- the lamina or the leaf blade is undivided. Even if
there are small divisions, they do not reach the midrib and
divide the lamina.
● Compound Leaf- The leaf blade is divided from the midrib into
two or more parts. Sometimes these divided parts function as
separate leaves.
Structure of a leaf
(Source: Wikipedia)
Functions of a Leaf
a. Stomata
b. Petiole
c. Spongy mesophyll
d. Xylem
Stomata are small pores that are found in the lower epidermal layer of
the leaf blade. They are regulated by the guard cells. The stomata help
in regulating water intake and output across the cells and help in
exchange of gases across them too.
Flowers are the reproductive parts of a plant. They are bright in colour
and attractive to attract pollinators to it. Flowers can be present
solitarily or in bunches or clusters. Clustered flowers can be found
arranged on branches different from the other branches of the plant.
These clusters of flowers are known as an inflorescence and each
individual flowers in it are known as florets.
Parts of an Inflorescence
c)Bracts: These are small green petal-like structures that are found
near the peduncle. They are similar to the sepals in a flower.
Types of Inflorescence
Racemose Inflorescence
In this type, the axis of the inflorescence has unlimited growth. The
flowers are arranged in acropetal manner which means that the older
flowers are present at the base while the younger ones are present
towards the top. The individual flowers may be sessile or pedunculate.
(Source: Wikipedia)
Cymose Inflorescence
(Source: Wikipedia)
In a cymose inflorescence, the axis has limited growth and the flowers
are arranged in a basipetal manner which means that the older flowers
are found towards the top and the younger ones towards the base of
the axis.
Secondary Growth
Secondary Growth
(Source: BiologyDisscussion)
Some roots form an outer protective layer called the periderm which
originates from the pericycle and replaces the epidermis. The
pericycle resumes its meristematic character and begins to divide
periclinally again. At this point, it is called the phellogen or the cork
cambium. This cork cambium forms cork cells towards the outside of
the plant. They are suberized which makes the cells impermeable to
Did you know the largest flower found on earth weighs fifteen pounds
and can grow up to three feet! It is called the Rafflesia Arnoldii. And
the smallest is the Wolffia and it is the size of a grain of rice. Flowers
are more than pretty things, they are responsible for the reproduction
of plants and are absolutely essential. Let us learn more about them.
Parts of a Flower
Most flowers have four main parts: sepals, petals, stamens, and
carpels. The stamens are the male part whereas the carpels are the
female part of the flower. Most flowers are hermaphrodite where they
contain both male and female parts. Others may contain one of the two
parts and may be male or female.
(Source: Wikipedia)
a. Style -is a long slender stalk that holds the stigma. Once the
pollen reaches the stigma, the style starts to become hollow and
forms a tube called the pollen tube which takes the pollen to the
ovaries to enable fertilization.
b. Stigma– This is found at the tip of the style. It forms the head
of the pistil. The stigma contains a sticky substance whose job
is to catch pollen grains from different pollinators or those
dispersed through the wind. They are responsible to begin the
process of fertilization.
c. Ovary – They form the base of the pistil. The ovary holds the
d. Ovules– These are the egg cells of a flower. They are contained
in the ovary. In the event of a favorable pollination where a
compatible pollen reaches the stigma and eventually reaches
the ovary to fuse with the ovules, this fertilized product forms
the fruit and the ovules become the seeds of the fruit.
a. Petals
b. Stamens
c. Sepals
d. Pistil
The Fruit
Everybody likes fruits! Fruits are a characteristic of flowering plants.
Once pollination and fertilization occur, the ovary of the plant
becomes the fruit and the ovules become the seeds. They can be fleshy
or dry. Let’s learn more about them.
The main purpose of fruits is that they protect the seeds during
development. Since they are often colourful and emanate a delectable
odour, they help in attracting birds and other animals to eat seeds. This
way the seeds get dispersed to other areas for generating new plants.
Structure of a fruit
The fruit primarily contains two parts: the pericarp and the seed. The
pericarp layer is actually the outer wall of the ovary from which the
fruit developed. The pericarp has three layers:
Source: Google
Classification of Fruits
Simple Fruits
● These fruits develop from a single ovary of one or more
● These fruits are further divided into Dry fruits and Fleshy fruits
depending upon pericarp.
Dry Fruits
In these fruits, the pericarp is not succulent and the pericarp becomes
dry one the fruits mature. Dry fruits are of two types: Dehiscent and
Source: Google
Source: Google
● Akene- where the only seed is attached to the fruit at one point
only. E.g. sunflower
● Caryopsis- where the only seed is attached to the fruit at all
possible points. E.g. Maize
● Samara- is a one or two seeded which has seeds with wing-like
structures. E.g.Maple
● Schizocarp- is made up of multiple carpals which separate on
maturity to form multiple indehiscent fruits. E.g. Dill
● Nut- has thick pericarps and is a one-seeded fruit formed from
a compound ovary. It is hard in texture. E.g Chestnuts
Fleshy Fruits
In these fruits, the fruit wall or pericarp is thick and fleshy. They are
of the following types:
Source: Google
Aggregate Fruits
These fruits develop from multiple ovaries but of the same flower. So,
an aggregate fruit consists of a collection of simple fruits called
fruitlets. E.g Blackberries, strawberries.
Multiple Fruits
They are formed by all the flowers of an inflorescence which together
result in a single big fruit. Multiple fruits are called false or composite
fruits. E.g Mulberries, pineapple.
The Seed
The seed in a plant is the part that develops from the ovules after
fertilization. They are enclosed in the fruit which develops from the
fertilized ovary. The seeds are formed as a result of sexual
reproduction and contain the young embryo which can develop into a
new plant. Let’s learn more.
Structure of a Seed
Seeds of different plants may vary in many ways, but the basic
anatomy remains the same. A typical seed consists of the following
Source: Google
Functions of Seeds
Dispersion of Seeds
Dispersion by Wind
The seeds that are dispersed by wind are generally light and small
such that they can be easily carried away by the wind. Example:
cotton seeds
Source: Google(
Dispersion by Animals
These seeds have external structures such as spines or hooks such that
they can attach themselves to animals and get dispersed to other
places. These seeds are generally attractive and so are their fruits.
Example: Guava seeds, dates.
Dispersion by Water
These seeds have a structure, generally, hollow such that they can
easily float on water. Once they reach a place where the conditions are
suitable, they germinate. Example: Mangroves.
Source: Google
Dispersion due to Explosion/Expulsion
Some plants fling or throw their seeds out once the fruit has ripened.
This explosion occurs as a result of evaporation of water from the
pods. Once the pods dry out, they expel the seeds which are then
carried by wind or gravity to other places where they germinate.
Example: Viola
Source: Pinterest
Plants are the primary food producers of the food chain. What are
different types of flowers? They can be classified in many different
ways: Based on presence or absence of seeds, Based on whether the
plants produce flowers or not, Based on the presence of stems, leaves,
and roots. The most accepted and popular classification of plants is
based on whether they are flowering plants (angiosperms) or
non-flowering plants (gymnosperms).
Classification of Angiosperms
A large number of plants fall into this category and so there was a
requirement to classify angiosperms. There are three systems that
classify angiosperms:
Artificial systems
Natural Systems
These systems the plants were classified on the basis of their natural
affinities (i.e. the basic similarities in the morphology) rather than on a
character for determining the affinities. Compared to the artificial
systems, it was based on the proper utilization of all facts and figures
available in nature. In this system, the plants were grouped and placed
into different taxa like classes, orders, families, and genera. Michel
Adanson was the first scientist to reject all the artificial systems and
support the natural systems of classification. The main demerit of this
system was that the classification was not based on evolutionary
relationships. Different families had been placed in specific groups
which do not show any evolutionary relationships.
Phylogenetic systems
● Dicotyledons
● Monocotyledons
These are flowering plants which have two cotyledons in their seeds.
Endosperm may or may not be present in the seed.
The following are the features of dicots:
Roots: They have a tap root system with smaller secondary roots
originating from it. Due to its tap root system, they can penetrate
deeper into the soil to find water and minerals required for its growth.
Leaves: They have reticulate venation also called net venation on their
leaves. They have a stalk that attaches the leaves to the stem. Learn
the structure and different types of Leaves here with video.
Stems: The stems are hollow and the plants are generally herbaceous
or woody.
Leaves: Their leaves have parallel venation and the leaves are sessile
i.e they do not have a stalk which attaches the leaf to the stem.
Tulips and daisies are both beautiful flowering plants. However, they
do not fall into the same category of plants. Flowering plants are
actually classified into two categories based on their embryo, called
Monocotyledonous (monocot) plants and Dicotyledonous plants. Let
us find out more about these plants.
Dicots are plants that have seeds with two cotyledons and so are
termed as dicotyledonous plants. Examples: Sunflower, Mango
Monocots are plants that have seeds with one cotyledon and so they
are called as monocotyledonous (monocot) plants. Example:
Sugarcane, Maize
Browse more Topics under Anatomy Of Flowering Plants
● Plant Tissues
● Tissue System
● Stem
● Leaf
● Inflorescence
● Secondary Growth
● Flower
● The Fruit
● The Seed
● Classification of Flowering Plants
Dicotyledonous Plants
(Source: Plantlist)
● Flowers are usually pentamerous i.e the floral parts are present
in numbers of five
● Seeds germination either hypogeal or epigeal.
● They have two cotyledons
● The pollen grains have three furrows or pores.
Monocotyledonous Plants
Dicot plants have a taproot system, and seeds contain two cotyledons.
The fibrous root system is found in monocots. So, the correct answer
is (d) both a and c