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CHAPTER Physical Quantity ‘Quantities which describe physical phenomenon oF physical property of body Fundamental or basic physical quantity are independent of other, €.9, mass, length, time, temperature, luminous intensity, electric current, amount of substance. Derived physical quantity ._ Physical quantity derived from the * fundamental quantity, €.9. velocity ‘momentum, acceleration, torque etc. SE | Unit I: Physical World and Measurement Units and Measurements A \\\ \ UNITS AND MEASUREMENT + Measurement (Q) is the process of comparison with some standard chosen magnitude Unit (a) standard chosen magnitude of a quantity itis 0 = nu ‘nis numerical value ’ Significant figures Digits of measurement that are known plus one uncertain digit are known as significant figures. poo International system of units (St system) It includes seven basic units and ‘two supplementary units Quantity St units 4. Length Metre (m) 2, Mass — Kilograrn (ko) 3. Time = Second (s) 4, Electric — Ampere (A) current 5, Temperature — Kelvin (k) 6. Amount of — Mole (mol) substance 7. Luminous ~ Candela (cd) intensity Supplementary unit 1. Plane angle ~ Radian (rad) 2. Solid angle Steradian (sr) Dimensional analysis > conus o* System of measurement > Its set of fundamental and derived physical quantity and thelr units, FPS System > Uses foot, pound and second as unit of length, mass and time respectively. GS System Uses centimetre, gram and second as unit of length, mass and time respectively. MKS System Uses metre, kilogram and second as unit of length, mass and time, Important Practical units ‘Astronomical unit (AU): Mean distance of the earth from sun. 1 AU = 1.496 x 10"! m + Light year: Distance travelled by light in vacuum in one year ly = 9.46 x 10" m *+ Parsee: Distance at which an arc of length 1 AU subtends an angle of 1 second. 1 parsec = 3.26 ly + Solar day: Time taken by earth to complete one rotation about its axis with respect to sun. Solar year: Time taken by earth to ‘complete one revolution around the sun in its orbit. + Lunar month: Time he moon16 Papecher mark® Physics—Il Dimensional analy “cman ho prs pge mansions of a physical quantity are powers to re which the units of base quantity ae raised, 9 tM TL) T° TAN" IKI ¥ f , Applications Limitations + pet a E ‘ y y {ecu tncurectsvaous Conversion of on system of unt Dedicing relation among physi formulae. into another qua yu, = My a y Physical quantity equation will be ‘dimensionally correct i the dimensions ‘ofall the terms occuring on both sides ‘ofthe equations are same ERRORS TE ap Doesinotgiveany information Does not give information For derivation of formula, it Formulae cannot be) Ear sical quanti is about the dimensionless is limited to four quantities for trigonometrig sealar or vector “constant only, logarithmic functions. TOPIC COVERED Measurement of Physical Quantities and their U; Multiple Choice 4. In British System of units, ‘Mass is me it ca © ome ae Wee ae @ pound, (6) foot. 1. The laws of physics can be (2) abstract quantities, (©) fundamental quantities, expressed in terms of mee 8 0 5. Whi it (6) Physical quantities, caer cil eee () derived quantities, (@ CGS syster m fundamental quantity? SNe al _ @) Luminous quantity, ights and Measures in 19602 (6) FPS system8. The units of electrical permittivity are: (@ N'm?c? (6) Nm 2c? (©) Nm? (@) n/Cm? Answers LO 2. (0) Blectric charge 3@ 4.@ 5. (d) 6.) 7. (bd) Unit of charge = Coulomb = Ampere x Sec 8. (@0) From F= 1 4192 4ne 2 Wt aBaCd tm 2C2 e= == Nm 4nFr? Nm? Ws A) Short Answer Type [1] @ auestions 2Marks 9. Write the order of following lengths in metres, (O Radius of the earth (ii) The height of average man (iii) Thickness of sheet of paper (i) The radius of hydrogen atom Ans. (i) 6.4 x 10°m (ii) 110% m (ii) 1.8 * 10° m () 510" m 10. Write the order of following. ( Mass of @ housefly (i) Mass of average man (iit) Mass of an electron (@) Mass of the earth Ans. (i) 1x 107 kg (i) 7 10' kg (iil) 91 «107! kg. (i) 6 x 10" kg 11, Fill in the blanks by suitable conversions. ( G = 6.67 x 10" Nm?kg? (1m light year (ii) 6 ms? =... kmh (i) kg m’s? =... g em? s* ems?g! \w Units and Measurements 17 Ans. (f) 6.67 * 10% cm? g! (i) 1.06 « 10-6 (i) 21.6 (i) 107 12. If.x=at+ b?, where x is in metre and ¢in hour, what will be the unit of ‘a’ and 6"? Ans. x= at+ bP So, the units of a = and 13, Define order of magnitude of a physical quantity. What is the order of magnitude of a measure: 0.0000000737 kg? Ans. The power of 10s closest to the magnitude ofa physical quantity is called its order of magnitude 0,0000000737 kg = 7.37 x 10° kg = 0.737 « 107 kg Here, 0.5 < 0.737 <5 Thus, order of magnitude is ~7 ‘A) Short Answer Type [ll] Questions 3 Marks 14, Define the following terms (@) Light year (b) Parsee (6) Astronomical unit Ans. (a) Light year is defined as the distance travelled by light in vacuum in one year 1 ly = 9.467 x 10° m (0) Parsee (Parallactic second): Parsee is the distance at which the average radius of the earth's orbit sutends an angle of I arc second. It is the largest used unit of distance in space. 1 parsee = 3.08 = 10! m Also, I parsec = 3.26 light years (© Astronomical unit: Its the mean distance between sun and earth, 1 AU = 1.496 « 10!" m,jementary 5 : Plane to adits ] angle subtended by sat the centre a ac the conte oF the gull le physics nswer ‘question 5 Marks ; re ana suppemenit si bet tne , ised i shysicss ants ip steraaian 1 SO angle subtended the ams sevee basic" ne metre 8 defined a the ength of Sra sphere rsurace 0 a 3 (oie Ais of ide sequal 0 Hla ofthe sphere =m wt surface area | eee) radius? Jed bY path vel a js the duration of 9 192,631,770 to transition merical Problem WwW py Sevan I © patios of radiation responding ee of Pee evo HYPETATE Teves of ground i a (co l33 atom 0 iogram(ke): OnE kilogram is ea” sl mass v4 Calenate te ees ofa platinum alloy cylinder having heie! Create we Saya ots dae pail, ate co Ampere ( mee pre caret SEAT a peas a Ome oe # 10'N i (0? = 2x rad 1°= 60% Ty allel straight Ans. (a) 360° = pee ol 10? rad 360 current, per mare of Feet perween jigible cross S jn vacuum. 1 «the fraction (575,16 are of triple point OF 2n x tad = Le rad = 8.725 * 10” —m 25 * 10? (o) Kelvin(K): One kelvin is of thermodynamic Pera water (p Candela ( fuminous intensitY, am eguas luminous imensi direction, in omy soure emits moneenTOMA radiation of ‘frequency 10!2 Hz, having radiant intensity A vat per traian in same directo” (q) Mole to); The amount of UPS that cont any ett aons os, mnierles ee) these as oms in 012 Kg oF C-12 010PE OF carbon. ay: The SI unit of ins (c) Energy: kg m/s (d) Pressure: Nim? 3, Distinguish between fur ‘quantities. 4, State the order of magnitude ofa light 1g sets cannot enter into the list oF 1, Which of the followin nits? fundamental quantities in any system of Ut (a) Length, time and velocity indamental quantities and year when ™TOPICS COVERED ( Direct and Indirect Methods of Measui Multiple Choice Questions © imo NWN |. Which of the following is not a device used for direct ‘measurement of length? (@) Vernier Callipers (b) Screw g ge (©) Electrical oscillator (a) Spherometer 2, Which of the following is an in varing length? (@) Triangulation method (0) Parallax method (©) Avogadro's hypothesis method. ( All ofthese Answers LO 2@ A) Short Answer Type [1] Questions Marks NNN 3, Find the height of a rock mountain, if the angle of clevation ofits top increases from 30° to 45° on moving 100 m towards the rock in the horizontal direction through the base of the rock, Ans. eae en tan 30° pin Vy 100+h 3 V3h= 100+h 100 ae = 50 (v3 +1) = 136.5 m a Units and Measurements 19 ig Length, Mass and Time y) 4. Briefly deseribe the triangulation method used for measuring height of a distant cliff. Ans. Let the cliff be AB, having height h A sextant is used to measure the angle of elevation ofits peak (0) from point Con Ht youn. From point D, let angle t of elevation be Oy, $0 that Cbd. ated Now, cot0,= in AABC) and cot 0, = “+4 (in aacDy dex rod cot 0, cot 0 gael ae Ri A 5h d 5 wi cat0, = 10, Short Answer Type [Il] Questions 3 Marks \wa 5. Define parallax. Deseribe parallax method to determine the distance of a nearby star from the earth, Ans. The apparent shift of the position of an object wit. another objector background, due 0 shift in our eye poston sealed pala To find distance ofa star by parallax method, considera distant star, say X be a reference for background, whose postion remains fixed for all positions ofthe earth in ar x x x Let the star whose distance from earth is to be found, be at point N, Consider two points A and B on earth’s orbit, which subtend angle 0 at the star at N.a 20 Papeete waek® Physics—11 Parallax angles between distant star X and nearby star Nat points A and 1 are given by ZXAN = 0, and XBN = 0, ‘Tova paral angle ® 0, #0, © 0% ZANB Aw 4B Now, 0 Radius d Or d= ABO This metho! ean be used to find distance ofstars which are less than 100 ight years away from the earth {6 Describe how will you find the size of a molecule of ‘oleic acid (a length of order of 10° m). Ans. To determine a small length of order of 10°” m, oleic acid is selected because its molecule is large. Following procedure is performed for this experiment: (0 In 20 em’ of alcohol, dissolve | cm’ of oleic acd. {ii) Again, take 1 om’ of this solution and dissolve in 20 em’ of alcohol. I Sa sees aid = 55 toc} cm? in I em? ofa drop. Let volume of each drop = V em’. (ii) Pour n drops of solution on surface of water in a broad trough. Stretch the film carefully (®) Letalcohol evaporate from the surface. thin film ‘of oleic acid remains on the surface. This thin film is assumed to be molecule thick. (0) Measure the area(A) of film using graph paper. (09) Volume of n drops of solution = nV av Amount of oleic acid in this volume = — cm 400 2 Volume of film ‘Area of film’ [tz Thickness of oil film [utd Numerical Problems \w 8. In an attempt to estimate the distance of, tower, a person stands at a point and sete distant cliff inline with the tower: He then y, 0 another point away from foot of toner. The me sight of distant object remains the same, bu the tover shifts by angle 3°, What is his ang called? If the person moved a distance of 5) ‘estimate the height of tower. a ‘Ans. Let tower be AB and ' say mis kept onthe pan it ging time period oF oscillation, Ts proc Op root of mass m, "Porting, 8, tadm pon For two mass m, and my, (w 4 standard knovn mass) lt time rey 5 T, respectively. IS be: i 4 Te [or ym Measurement of gravitational mag physical balance, which works on gre moment is used to measure grate Tho rts ns ko one ea balance and standard weight is placed pan. The weighs are adjusted tl he ean horizontal over he ki edge. A sing employed to measure gravitational mae Fata Thus, WS stant object be O. Angle 0 = 30° is called parallax angle from the figure, itis clear that |G aypecceston smarts NNN 7. (a) Distinguish between inertial mass and gravita- tional mass of a body. jr a rid <— im A A stati % (8) How is the inertial mass and gravitational mass + Height of tower is 86.60 m. ‘measured? 9. The angular diameter of a massive star is 4” is located at a distance of 3.484 107 m from arth, find its diameter.Units and Measurements A \\\\ 1. Relate the following units of length with its St unit (@) fermi () angstrom (©) micron (@) nanometre TOPIC COVERED Multiple Choice Oe a |. Which of the following have same dimensions? (a) Specific heat and latent heat (c) Relative density (d) Gravitational constant, @ MeL? (6) ML?T+ (@) MT? 4. The velocity » of a particle is given in terms of time tis y= at+ te The dimensions of a,b c are @ VTL © Lue (© WALT @ Lint 5. In the standard equation S,,, a =u+“[2n—1), what BL I, dimensions do you view for §, nn? (@ MeL'T? ® MeL*T! © Met! (@ weet! 6. Match List I with List Il and select the correct answer: List I List 1 A. Spring constant 1, M'L?T> B. Pascal 2 MY LST! C. Hertz 3. MIL'T? D. Joule 4. MILT? (2) A3,B4,C2,D-1 —(b) A4,B3,C-1,D2 (©) A-4,B3,C-2,D-1 (Wd) A3,B-4,C-1,D-2 2. An accessible tree has angle of elevation 30° when observed from ground at a distance of 25 m. Find the height of the tree 3, How will you measure diameter of moon from a point on earth? Dimensions of a Physical Quantity 7. Which of the following combinations have the dimensions of time? L, C, R represent inductance, capacitance and resistance respectively? (a) RC (0) fue (c) RIL (@) Ch 8. The dimensions of capacitance are (where Q is the dimension of charg. (@ MIL? (6) MET *Q* (©) M'L'T? (@) M"L77Q 9. The pairs of physical quantities that have the same dimensions are: (a) Reynolds number and coefficient of friction (0) Latent heat and gravitational potential (©) Curie and frequency of light wave (@) Planck’s constant and torque. Answers, 1. @) 2@) 3.(@) 4. (©) As c is added to ¢, therefore, ¢ has the dimensions of (1) b= vx t= LP" «T=[L] Paes “2 ym y= ata= =P oy fror at, a peat22 Tapecher meek® Physics11 2. Mint Hea it of Pequeney = (NLT Joule = unit of work = [MILT }) 2 (ah) Weknow R= (MITA) LeiMeT ta) Ce IM NTA’) RC = Tand VLC © T a@ C= 928 «pL?! VM 19 &@he {@) Reynolds number and coefficient of friction, both are dimensionless, Frequency = T"! (©) Leurie = 3.7 = 10!” disintegrations/see Short Answer Type [l Questions a arks NNT 10, Give the dimensional formula for surface energy, moment of inertia, angular velocity and gravitational force. Ans. Dimensional formula for: Surface energy = [ML Moment of inertia = [ML] Angular velocity = (T'] Gravitational force = [MLT~] 11. Check whether equation 1 1 FS= my — me is dimensionally correct, where ‘m is mass of the body, v its final velocity, w its initial velocity, Fis force applied and S is the distance moved. 1 1 BS = 57 — me LHS = (ML°T”] RHS Ans. Ans. KE ‘ Dimension of K.E = [MLT4] dying () Dimension of me? = (ML? 3) Since dimensions of KE dimen, Iris dimensionally correct, ‘8 of 3 Ln? ci i) Amv + ma Dimensions = (MLT7] «(Mu which is dimensionally incorrect, 13. (a) When white light travels throy, refractive index = ( “ieee a i is found to vary with wavelength a 1h where Aand B are constants Using, of homogeneity of dime ‘ (6) If Length, Time and Energy are fy units, find the dimension of mass, Ans. (a) Ais ism? ‘a constant and have no unit and St ai init i) o KE. 14, Out of formulae () = @ sin 250 andi) yg for the displacement y of a particle un certain periodie motion, rule out the wrong fr on dimensional grounds. [where a = maximum displacement of the par ‘y= speed of the particle, T= time period of moa Ans. (22 have dimensions MILT” y = a Hence correct. (ii) vthave dimensions M'L'T? not dimension s0 itis wrong, (A) Short Answer Type [ll] Questions 3 Marks 15, The time of oscillation ¢ of a small drop of under surface tension depends upon the densi{Pl = IML"); (6) = (MT), (r} = {Ly RNS. | Mie =| M'L°T dig} 1 [raf =a -7 LS. = time of oscillation 7 of a small drop of liquid = LHS. = RNs 6. Name the physical quantity of the dimension give below: x @ Mr i) ML Gin WL @) ML 6) ML"T? a T Ans. (i) Energy intensity Gi) Coet. of viscosity (id) Gravitational Constant (iv) Power (0) Surface tension or force constant or spring factor. (0) Frequency 17, State the principe of homogeneity of dimensions, Test the dimensional homogeneity ofthe following equation: Wahgt ngs © ge Ans. Principle of Homogenity ~ All terms of any physical relation must have the same dimensions Ua =1 Ul = L Ivf = LT T= Nie aa L)=ur = [fe*]-urttat So, the equation is dimensionally correct 18 Assuming that the mass (m) of the largest stone that can be moved by a flowing river depends only upon the velocity v, the density p of water and the acceleration due to gravity g. Show that m varies, with the sixth power of the velocity ofthe flow. Bye m = kv’p’g’, where k is constant Ans. Let mc v Taking the dimensions of various physical quantities on both the sides, we have, (M) = (etm yur = (MeL Fe -2y Comparing the powers of M, L and T on both the sides, we have b=1 (i) abt c= 0 Mii) -a-2ce=0 (iii) Units and Measurements 23 Solving these equations we get, b= 1,a=6andc=-3 m= kv'p\g? Thus, the mass (7) varies as the sixth power of velocity a sMarks \\WE 19. The time of oscillation (4) of a small drop of liquid under surface tension depends upon the density p, radius r and surface tension (c), Long Answer Type Questions Prove dimensionally that ¢<- Ans. Time of oscillation 1 p* 4 of ' kp’r'o®, where k= constant Writing dimensions of both the sides, we have, [7] = IML} [Ly (MT}° = [MeteL eb 2g Comparing the powers of M, L and T on both sides, we have, ate= “0 3a +b = (i, -2e=1 (iii) Solving equations (i), (i) and (iff) we get, 1 and b= 3 7 a Putting these values in 1 = kptho® 1 = kp! A? gla or te 4 = 20. Liquid is flowing steadily through a pipe, Assume that the volume of the liquid flowing out per second ‘depends on (a) the coefficient of viscosity ofthe liquid (7) (b) the radius of the pipe (7) and (c) the pressure gradient along the pipe (pressure gradient is drop in pressure per unit length of the pipe, and is equal to P/, where Ps the difference between the ends of the pipe and is the length of the pipe). The dimensions of viscosity is [|ML“'T"']. Deduce by the method of dimensions, the formula for the volume of the liquid flowing out per second. Ans. Let V be the volume of liquid flowing out steadily, through the pipe per second24 Together with® Physics—I1 «> (PY ven? (2) or ve an (FY where & is constant Given Writing the dimensions on both the sides, (ML) Tt) = (ML (L4) (MLOT ee OUT = pers ‘Comparing the values of M, L and T, we have ate=0 (0 -a+b-20=3 ) -a-2c=-1 iti) Solving these equations, we get @=-1b=4andc=1 Putting these values in V = kn*r’ (P//*, we have <14/P. v= mr (7) Thus, the volume of the liquid flowing out per second _ Pr ow 21. The factors affecting the time period of a simple pendulum are mass, length and the acceleration due to gravity. Deduce a relation forthe time period of a simple pendulum. Ans. In order to find the correct relationship, suppose the time period T varies as m, P and g°, where a, b and c are the powers of m, / and g respectively, ie., To m'Pg* = kg’, where k is constant. ERSTE VAAN 1. Which of the following quantities can be writen in ST units in kg m? A”? 5°? (a) Resistance (6) Inductance (©) Capacitance (d) Magnetic flux 2. The velocity of water waves ‘v'depends on the wavelength 2, density of water ‘P” and acceleration due to gravity 7 tion between these quantities by the Writing the dimensions of both the sides, a brane MOM (7) = (Myr ai or (MLT] = [M'L? *°774 Comparing the dimensions Of M,L and 7, yg a=0 bte=0 2e=1 oC a=0,b= 4 andc= Substituting the values ofa, bc, the required exp of the time period of the pendulum is T= AML 2 tan ft or Vg 22, Discuss the limitations of the methods of dimen Following ae the limitations ofthe method of dimen (a) Itdoes not give any information abouta dimen constant included in the expression, _ Ans. (©) If physical quantity depends upon more hy three physical quantities, this method cases ny effectively (0) If an expression involves sum of two or mg physical quantities, the method fails. (@ For trigonometric, exponential and logartha functions involved in a relation, this method not help. (€) It does not always convey the factors on which physical quantity depends, specially in cases whee dimensional constants are taken into account. 3. The time period of an oscillating drop of radius p and surface tension Sis given by = ky rensional consistency. 4. A large fluid star oscillates in shape under the inf of its own gravitational field. Using the dim analysis, find an expression for period of oscillation 7 in terms of radius (R) mean density of fluid (P)® universal gravitational constant “G’.TOPIC COVERED Multiple Choice Questions 1 Mark \w 1. The number of significant figures in 3400 is. @3 4 2 1 2, The length and breadth of a metal sheet are 3.124 m and 3.002 m respectively. The area of this sheet up to four correct significant figures is: (a) 937m? (6) 9.378 m? (©) 93782 m? (a) 9.378248 my? Answers 1, (6) In x = 3400, zero are not significant, Therefore, number of significant figure = 2. (b) As area = length x breadth, therefore, as per rules ‘numerical value of area has four significant digits. )) Short Answer Type [I] Questions 2 Marks” \\WSREI 3. What do you mean by significant figures in a measure? Explain with examples. Ans. The digits of a measured quantity which are reliable, plus an additional uncertain digit, constitute significant figures in a measure. For example, if length is 1.75 m, then digits 1 and 7 are reliable and digit 5 is uncertain ‘Thus it has three significant figures. 4. The radius of a solid sphere is 5.74 cm. Find its surface area to appropriate number of significant figures. ‘Ans. Given r= 5.74 em, Area = 4n77 x 2 596 =7.16 em? 7 Expressing to three significant figures, Area = 72.2 em? 5. The length, breadth and thickness of a rectangular sheet of metal are 4.234 m, 1,005 m and 2.01 em respectively. Find the area and volume of the sheet to correct significant figures. INCT 2019} ‘Ans. L= 4234 m, B= 1,005 m,d=2.01 em=2.01 x 10? m ‘Area of metal sheet = LB = 4.234 x 1.005 = 4.25517 m’. Units and Measurements 25 Significant Figures Since both length and breadth have four significant figure area of metal sheet is given by 4.255 m? ‘Volume = area * thickness = 0.0855 m? 6. Each side of a cube is 7.203 m. Calculate the surface area and volume of the cube upto correct number of significant figure. INC 2017) ‘Ans, Significant figure in length = 4 ignificant figure in surface area and volume = 4 6(7.203) m? = 311.2925. Volume of cube = (7.203) m® = 373.714754 m? Surface area of cube 3113 m 373.7 m* Short Answer Type [Il] Question 3 Marks \a 7.State the rules for determining the number of significant figures in a measurement. ‘Ans. Rules for determining the number of significant figures ina measurement are (a) All non-zero digits are significant, including zeros lying between non zero digits. (6) Allzeros othe rightof non zero digitare significant only if they come from a measurement. (6) Zero lying on the right of non zero digit and left of decimal point are significant. (@ Zero lying to the right of decimal point are significant. (e) Zeros lying to the right of decimal point, but succeeded by a non zero digit, are no length sigoifican. (D The number of significant figures in a measure is independent ofthe system of units ‘A) Long Answer Type Question sMarks \NNM 8. The length, breadth and thickness ofa rectangular sheet ‘of metal are 4234 m, 1.005 m and 2.01 em respectively. Calculate the surface area and volume of the sheet to correct significant figures. Ans. Length ( Breadth (4) = 1,005 mexeb® PhysiCs af) sadlem > 201 | srickness surfwve are ne sheet 22 aie py « 0.0201) vo sr aos 0028) 2424 * 3,7200478 1h @! 2. The mass 3.118 gand 1250" and vol (1694 gem" pies 1.2 6m" 3, A sustanee 4. Write the number o! (ay 167 107 BB sig 1. @) Determine with dve regard to significant Figure [Given © (2 Marks) fan's constant (9) is ( IncGS systems the vane of Stel 5.67» 10° erg sem in ST units Write the order of flo 4 write down its value sconds ving intervals in se (@ Marks) (Time between two heartbeats: (i) Time of eath’s revolution. (ii) Time of earth's rotation. (i) Human life 43. The wavelength 2 associated i depends upon its mass, its vel constant Show dimensionally the relation them. 4. Using the principle of homogeneity of dimen “which of the following is correct. ae jth a moving particle Jocity v and Planck's ship between (2 Marks) sions find (2 Marks) pace. Find its {followin cant figure inthe given iss) te volume and rey nt figures only. 4.204 * 1.005 * 0.039 volt! (00855289 m? = 0.056 m* (a 1.695 2/0 + of significant figures, Hensity uno corres rnumbet z measurements om, ibe of side I em is equa to 1 cylinder of mtg (mm). 4 thaspeed of 18 kmfteove, in the blanks lume o rface area of a Sol 5 Fill i (0 Thev (ii) The su ‘and height 10 (ji Avehicle moving in I see. cept following formulae For kinetin Traimensional arguments. (Ma (iy) K= V2 mv + ma 6. Rule out orace con the basis 0! 3/16 my o fi (ai) K= V2 me 7. Write the dimensions of 6 (i) Linear density (i) Power (iv) Velocity gradient (iif) Impulse (v) Mass per unit area (vii). Angular acceleration (vii) Couple (9) Work done 8, The frequency ‘/” of vibration of a stretel dopends upon (i its length “7? (i the mass per unit length “m” (vi) Kinetic energy (ix) Moment of force hed s1E(P 48) (V—b)= RT, where the symbols have their usual n eanings, then () has a dimension of (Marks) 10. By using the method of dimension, check the accuracy of the following Formula ro hp . T= ZaE where 7 is the sur ice tension, h is the height of the liquid in a of the liquid, pillary tu the acceleration due to gravity, 0 is 1p is the density the angle of contact, and ris the radius of the capillary tbe (3 Marks) 11. 4 planet moves around the sun in a circular orbit, The time period of revolution 7 of the planet depends on @ Marks) (#) Radius of the orbit (R) (i) Mass of the sun M (iii) gravitational constant G ‘Show dimensionally that T° oc R3 2. It is known that the period T of a magnet of magnetic, moment M vibrating in a uniform magnetic field of intensity H depends upon M, H and J where 1 is the ‘moment of inertia of the magnet about its axis of oscillations. Show that T= 2 ft (@ Marks) 13. Given that the amplitude of the scattered light is (#) directly proportional to that of incident light, i directly proportional to the volume of the seatering dust particle (ii) inversely proportional to its distance from the scattering particle, and iv) dependent upon the wavelength (2) of the light. Show that the intensity of scattered light varies as jarks) ttered light a @ Marks) 14, The force experienced by a mass moving with a uniform speed v in a circular path of radius r experiences a force which depends on its mass, speed and radius. Prove that the relation is @ Marks) For the following questions, two statements are given-one labelled Assertion (A) and the other labelled Reason (R). ‘Select the correct answer to these questions from the codes (@, (6), (©) and (a) as given below. (@) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explana- tion of A. 16 19. 20. 21 © Units and Measurements 27 ‘A large fluid star oscillates in space under the influence of ts own gravitational field. Using dimensional analysis find the expression for its period (7) of oscillation in terms of radius of star (R) mean density of fluid (p) and. universal gravitational constant (G). (@ Marks) The viscous force “/* acting on a body of radius ‘r? moving with a velocity ‘y" in a medium of coefficient of viscosity “n’ is given by F = 6 mnrv. Check the correctness of the formula. (@ Marks) The number of particles crossing per unit area perpendicular to x-axis in unit time WV is given by v=-p (2 where, and 7, are the number of particles per unit volume at x, and x, respectively Dediuce the dimensional formula for D. (3 Marks) Reynold’s number Nq(a dimensionless quantity) determines the condition of laminar flow of a viscous liquid through a pipe. Ng is a function of the density of the liquid ‘its average speed is ‘y’ and the coefficient of viscosity of the liquid is ‘h’. If Ny is given directly proportional to ‘a (the diameter of the pipe), show from dimensional consideration that vig 2 ean of STR i (@ Marks) Experiments show thatthe frequency (n) of a tuning fork depends upon the length (J) of the prong, the density (@) and the Young’s modulus (¥) of its material. From dimensional considerations, find a possible relation for the frequeney of the tuning fork: (@ Marks) Show dimensionally that the frequeney 7 of transverse waves in a string of length and mass per unit length m under a tension is given by n = = (Marks) An arfificial satellite is revolving around a planet of mass M and radius R in a circular orbit of radius r. From Kepler’s third law, square of period of revolution Tis proportional tothe cube of radius of orbit r. Show 7 AJL. mars) RV g using dimensional analysis, Both A and R are true but R is NOT the correct ex- planation of A. (©) Ais true but R is false. (@) Ais false and R is also false.20 pete wee® Physies 11 1 Assertion: Dimension of force ie MLT? Raven: Revce is the product of mass and acceleration 2 Arsertion: The S1 unit of time is second Reason 's the duration of 9) radiation corresponding tothe hyperfine levels of the 631,770 periods ofthe transition between the two round state of the cesium:133 ‘atom, \Amertioa: The St is a coherent system of unit. Reavea: All derived units can be obtained from fundamental units using multiplication or division, without using any numerical factor. “Assertion: The numerical value of « quantity measured im Pounds, is more than that measured in kilogram: Reason: 1 ke = 0.4536 pound S Assertion: The number of significant figures in 86400 is 3 and is 86400 second is 5 v2 CASE-BASED QUESTIONS 1. The dimensional method is a very convenient way of finding the dependence of physical quantity on other Physical quantities of a given system. This method has its own limitations. In a complicated situation, itis often ‘ot easy to guess the factors on which a Physical quantity will depend. Secondly, this method gives no information ‘bout the dimensionless proportionality constant. Thirdly this method is used only if a Physical quantity depends ‘on the product of other physical quantities. Fourthly this method will not work if'a physical quantity depends on another quantity being a trignometric or exponential function. Finally this method does not give complete information in cases where a Physical quantity depends ‘on more than three quantities in problems in mechanics. (@ Expression of a physical quantity in terms of powers of fundamental physical quantity is known as (@) Dimensional formula (6) Basic physical quantity (c) Derived physical quantity Reason: All 2208810 the righ gp, significant 6, Assertion: Dimensional analysis cy A reaionship between diferent quan "y ny fr eg Reason: Dimensional analysis canbe depends upto three factors, ity 1 Amerton The maid py 1 sia fees naire st fy, Reason: The numerical value of guy. proportional to he sze ofits unr = 8, Assertion: Specific gravity and sta dimensionless variables, Reason: Dimensionless variables VE no and can take variable values, 0 di (i) Method of dimensional analysis used ye of (a) Heterogeneity (b) Homogeneity (©) Power's law (A) Associativity (iv) Dimensional analysis will not work if phy quantity depends on another quantity ike (@) fraction value (8) trigonometric function (0) parabolic function (@) square root of a quantity Or (iv) The dimensions of volumetric strain are the san as that of (a) frequency (®) gravitational potential (©) Planck’s constant (@) coefficient of friction. 2. In the study of Physics, we often have to mThe importance of significant figures lies in calculation, A mathematical calculation cannot increase the precision of a physical measurement, Therefore, the number of significant figures in the sum or product of a group of numbers cannot be greater than the number that has the least number of significant figures because a chain cannot be stronger than its weakest link. The difference in the true value and the measured value of a quantity is the measure of error in measurement. (The device preferred for taking a small measure, say diameter of a wire (@) metre scate (b) screw gauge (©) parallax method (a) sextant device (i) Which of the following set have different dimensions? (@) Pressure, Young's modulus, Stress (0) Em, potential difference, El (©) Heat, Work done, Energy ric potential (@) Dipole moment, Electric flux, Electric field (iii) When the measured values are close to each other, but not close to the true value, then (@) precision is high, accuracy is less (6) accuracy is high, precision is less (0) accuracy is high, precision is also high (d) accuracy is low, precision is also low (iv) For dimensional analysis the given quantity should depend on (a) atleast four factors (0) atleast five factors (0) maximum two factors (d) maximum three factors Or (iv) Fora measurement, we prefer to select a device which has (a) high least count () small least count (0) high accuracy (@ high precision 3. The velocity of light ‘c, the constant of gravitation and Planck’s constant‘ be chosen as fundamental units (), The dimensions of mass are @ theG] HI? cl G7] © WEG — @ [heG (ii) The dimensions of length are @ HCG @& peg} © ?G") Md [he G) Units and Measurements 29 (iii) The dimensions of time are @ Pe? GI (by Ho G} (eG! (ay (i632! (iv) The number of significant figures in 0.06900 is (a) 5 4 (ce) 2 (a3 Or (iv) Prof. Albert Einstein got noble prize in Physics for his work on (a) Special theory of relativity. (b) Equivalence of mass-energy. (c) Photoelectric effect. (d) Fifth state of matter BEC, |. In an experiment to estimate the size of oleic acid molecule, | mL of oleic acid is dissolved in 19 mL of alcohol. Then 1 mL of this solution is diluted to 20 ml. by adding alcohol. Now, I drop of this diluted solution is placed on water in a shallow trough. The solution spreads over the surface of water forming one molecule thick layer. Now lycopodium powder is sprinkled over the film evenly and its diameter is measured. Knowing the volume of the drop and area of the film, we can calculate the thickness of the film which will give us the size of oleic acid molecule (0) We dissotve oleic acid in alcohol because (a) it does not react with alcohol (b) it reacts vigorously with water (©) it does not dissolve in water (A) both (a) and (6) are true (ii) We sprinkle lycopodium powder evenly on water surface so that (a) oleic acid forms a layer over it (0) oleic acid forms a circular area on surface by pushing the powder away (©) oleic acid layer becomes thicker (@) oleic acid layer becomes thinner (iii) What would be the volume of oleic acid in each mL of solution prepared? 1 1 (@ sm fmt 1 1 P5200 Min a Bacon (j) How will you calculate the volume of n drops of this solution of oleic acid? (@) Using burette and measuring cylinder (b) Using dropper and measuring cylinder (©) Using weighing machi cylinder (A) Any of the above. and measuring30 Apert mad® Pryce " OF (a) Luxe =931.5 Mey (9) What wil be the votume of oe nel in one drop eee Me of this solution? () Lux c= 9315 Mey ww 400 (i) |v" 915 «Mey 0) a ) a : n (uy Whi ofthe fllowing relation n ta) Velox 10%ey Be to om " i any ™ © m0 ™ (by LeV= 16" 105 S$ Binstein's magscene 927» Einstein's masseneray relation emerging out of his (0) 1eV=927* 19 gy ews the of relat rlates mass) and energy (a) 13625 * 10" ey 8s Fm. At nuclear level, magnitudes of energy are e E el, magnitudes of energy are (iv) The dimensions of E in & Yery small. This energy is measured in MeV where a Br en easured in MeV where oy (MLT é) UMeV = 165 10°"), Masses are measured in unified i fib ‘ atomic mass unit, where |= 1,67 » 107 kg i (4 IML (0) What isthe energy equivalent of | u? a @ SV) 9315 keV ) (©) 9315 me (a) rk S meV (d) 931.5 MeV () A sstudent writes the relation as 1 u = 931.5 MeV. Gy eneray The teacher points out thatthe relation (0) heat absorbedteleased (d) all of these The unit joule” is the Stunt dimensionally incorrect is NCERT EXERCISES 1.1, Fill in the blanks: 13. A calorie i a unit of heat or energy ani (a) The volume of a cube of side 1 cm is equal to about 4.2 J, where 1J= 1 kg m’s7 Sy mi employ a system of units in whieh the (6) The surface area ofa solid eylinder of radius acne One 2.0m and height 10.0 emis equal to and the anit of time in si Shea aa a magnitude of 4.2 a" py? units. (©) A vehicle moving with a speed of 18 kml 7 cover min Is. Ans, Here, | calorie = 42 J = 4.2 kgm’ (@) The relative density of lead is 11.3. Its density fs ueyinalt oh mesial is gem” or kgm, = Vkg=-L new unit ofmass~ ar ew unl Ans. (a) 10% (& 15072 a (5 (@) 11.3 «10° kgm? Fill in the blanks by suitable conversion of units: Similarly, Im = Bnew unit of length 1s= 7 new unit of time Putting these values in (i), we obtain 1 calorie = 4.2 (a new unit of m (Bnew unit of length)” (7' new unit ot alors 1 new unit ofparison.” In view of this, ref statements wherever (a) atoms (b) a Jet plane moves with great speed (©) the mass of Jupiter is very large, (a) the nirinside this ro of molecules, re very smi jnins a large numb (©) © proton is m elect (P the speed of sound is much smaller than the speed of light The stat This is because a dimensionless ‘quantity can be large or small only in com) some standard, Forex: massive than an Ans, le, the angle is dimensionless. 0 = 60° is larger than 20 = 30°, but s 0 = 90' ler than (@) The size ofan atom is smaller than the sharp tip of a pin (b) A jet plane moves faster than a superfast train S of jupiter is very large of the earth, (c) The m the mai (d) The air inside this room contains more number of molecules than in one mole of air. mpared (0 (e) The statement is already correct. (D) The statement is already correct. 1S, Anew unit of length is chosen such that the speed of light in vacuum is unity. What is the distance between the Sun and the Earth in terms of the new unit, if light takes 8 mi distance? and 20 s to cover this Ans, We are given that the velocity of light in vacuum, ¢ new unit of length per second, Time taken by light of the Sun to reach the Earth, 1= 8 min 20s, k= 8 * 60 +20 = 500s Distance between the Sun and the Earth x cxr => x= 1 new unit of length per second * 500 s = 500 new units of length 1.6. Which of the following is the most precise device for measuring length: (@ a vernier callipers with 20 sliding seale, (6) ascrew gauge of pitch 1 mm and 100 divisions on the circular scale, ivisions on the (©) an optical instrument that can measure length. to within a wavelength of light? ‘Ans. The most precise device is that whose least count is minimum, Ans, Ans, ca Units and Measurements Now (a) least count of this vernier eallipers Isb-1vp=1sp-2.sp w $0 = mum = + em =0,005 em 20° 20 ™ ~ 300 (b) Least count of screw gauge Pitch Number of divisions on circular seale 1 = mm Least count of serew gauge a 100 1 —— em = 0,001 em 1000 (c) Wavelength of light, = 10% em = 0.00001 em Obviously, the most precise measure is with optical instrument. A student measures the thickness ofa human hair by looking at it through a microscope of magnification 100. He makes 20 observations and finds that the average width of the hair in the field of view of the microscope is 3.5 mm. What is the estimate on the thickness of hair? Observed width (y) Magnification, mT oy Seo et Sinem x= 0,035 mm Answer the followin, (@) You are given a thread and a metre scale. How will you estimate the diameter of the thread? (6) A screw gauge has a pitch of 1.0 mm and 200 divisions on the circular scale. Do you think it is possible to increase the accuracy of the screw ‘gauge arbitrarily by increasing the number of divisions on the circular scale? (©) The mean diameter of a thin brass rod is to be measured by vernier callipers. Why is a set of 100 measurements of the diameter expected to yield a more reliable estimate than a set of 5 measurements only? (@) The diameter ofa thread is so small that it cannot, be measured using a metre scale, We find a number of turns of the thread on the metre scale so that the tums are elosely touching one another. Measure the lengths (/) of the winding on the scale which contains n number of tums, Diameter of thread =eas? Physics As least coo! 1 saree Also {y23d * 1.005 » 0.029) cs 0.0855 ™ (containing tH sigiegy vx measured BY 8 cep id pices OF MASKes 2,8 A the box. What is (a) iy the difference Inthe 1 significant figures ™ 32 o Th sncreasine the ences wale ae 12 ade 19 corre Ans sm, = 20.17 ve in masses ‘two places of feorrect upto nysies relates ‘moving 1.13. sence! of the projectors ams. Here area of best = 17 area ofimage =| Ee rea of image Area magnification = a“ vein A boy recalls the relation x roe nse forgets where fo put the 155x108 a : constan, = 185410" 9957 (8 ae 115 ae pale o (57 = 941 Guess where co puc the missing ¢. inciple of homogeneity Linear magnification icant figures in the icant figures 32 ME agg, According 10 the PP powers of M,Z, T on ether sie uum, State the number of sit following: dimensions, the 2 ee fp SOUL Basis o ay ah is the formula must be equal A on ee o seer For this, on RHS, the denominator (1 Vy! sh 9 peg i te dimensiontess. Therefore, instead of ( ve So should write (1 =7/2), 09, make -denomina er of significant figures is 28 Bi (a) One (8) Three (c) Four (a Four (@) Four (f) Four tn. The length breadth and thickness of rectangular Hace te pecs peel nt Ht ts ee iaari 1.14, ‘The unit of length convenient on the atoms Pe tesa om volume ofthe sheet is known as an angstrom and is denoted byA th, [= 4234 m. = 107!” m. The size of a hydrogen atom is 0.5 A. What is the total atomic volume in mole of hydrogen atoms? r=05A=05 10m dimensionless. Ans, The num correct formula would be m=nits and Measurements 33 inc fm hat, re Sun Be aera ionic attr) with we Woguatse of nyaroeeh Te Sam a remperatere cela ON at emecpernare of stout 00 K: AE meet man tthe rou T Ay. Why ith ato no FH gold phe sty of ge of onthe olla ee eae hey re ai of the San 7.9* 18m 2 w va ota 205 OE avs of M Molar volume Rromie volume” 3.154%10 Deni) =a ak his ratio is Ia plain this common observati Feutout ofthe window of a fas tooktiy trees, noUsES ete. SECT ration opposite to the train's motion, 2 es Cal tops, the man the SAPS sete stationary. infact since JOU ATS rae ce, THs i these distant obj not Be gravitaional ara ors of the Su ya clearly: IFyou ing train the ove rapidly 18 put the Density (P= Gag. A10P aga = 10! kgm? solids and lauds fe aun i due to tHE ayers, due 10 and Jor of density of ih density of th on on outer his is the or are moving, ou). ‘he inner SELECT NCERT EXEMPLAR PROBLEMS 4 i eas eee = 6548 gle’ = 17 gem icant ges) “736 on round (rounding off to 1v0 si 5 and @3 ing off 0 jer the decimal @2 Ans. (b) Initial 210 af points not significant erriz ena 020k in 0) au Tee Ona 2148 ificant figures will ye sum ofthe numbers 4363 Tas peat signiicant SEUSS ae (a) 663.821 (o) 664 (@) 2:78 and 274 (by 2.74 and 2. (a 66382 O fr tatt en Oza 14 a in gio beroued of .en8) SSS and in 273 a unchanged ‘bof Gc 3) 15 086, hence 1, ie., changed 10 4 77.2+ 0.301 = 663.821 = 664 counding 301 = 66 64 (1 ite thence it should be le ifcant figures) ota body are 4237 6 amd i he digit tobe rounde ty, The density of the ‘material of eae teat significant figures IS (1.69 Ble” @ 1.695 gem" (©) 6638 Ans. (8) 43632*) off to three signiMt ene wat rts " S Voune’s modntaso ret 19510! Nin’ When 9, Photon quanto aay iilsofdvmevem’ twit beequal where vin frequency and hig py, MANS Won mre TSenaotohar earn ms rere alee. (19 19" (0) Linear impute) Aggy tt 1 1.0 « got jnear momentum — (¢ i A ic (A 19% 40" wt a @ APBtlae ‘ am td AN 1) P1960" ma 19 1 (tam) parc emt = PLT 10% em? (a) Linear impulse = Fi = {Mp2 (6) Angular impulse ~ fo = 4p. (6) Linear momentum = my = & Momentum (P), ‘0 be fundamental ented formuta area (A) and time (T) are taken ‘Quantities, then energy has the i st U4 ty On IM its ity Me . © Paty) @ PAT 10, Which of the following ratios ey, md) Let energy, E x ptgir: () Force/Area (©) Energyiye or B= aprgtre (c) Energy/Area @ Force/Voy, or ML*T) = (MT PIERO =(ML"T-] ans, (a) a Pee ai 11, Which of the loving ae nots yy Diemer) Sum Pg ~ On the basis of dimensions, decide which of the a following relat ae tion(s) for the displacement ofa particle light year are the unit undergoing simple harmonic m aepepe we 12, Which of the following pairs of ph sin 2rT (@) Work and torque. asin (Angular momentum and Planck © y= 4 sin (©) Tension and surface tension, (@) Impulse and linear momentum, (d) y= ay2| ( in Ans. (c) @ Ans. (6, c) My ‘The argument of sin and cos should be dimensionless, Force x Distance [ys “i which is not so in case of (+1) and (t/a). More so, in (c), (6) Angular momentum = mvr (aT) is not displacement as it is equal to amplitude/ time period. i 8, IfP, Q, R are physical quantities, having different SS dimensions, which of the following combinations (s) can never be a meaningful quantity? @ @-QR () PQ-R Surfce tension = (@ (PR- QR (c) Tension = force = [MLT~)] Fore _ Length Momentum = Mass * Velocity Bids (Mur) i des not have same dimensional formAms. Ratio of volume of atom & 10 uo") defined as 14, A function /(0) fs fm=t-o48 g non al Why should /(0) be m dimensionless quantity? Ams. /(0) expresses angle 0 which is equal to — radius first term is 1, which is dimensionless. Hence all other terms should be dimensionless which is dimensionless. Also, the (a) The earth-moon distance is about 60 times the carth’s radius, What will be the approximate diameter of the earth (in degrees) from the moon? ; i (0) Moon i seen to be 4)” diameter frm earth What must be the relative size of moon as ‘compared to the earth? (©) From parallax measurement, the sun is found to ‘be at a distance of 400 times earth-moon distance. Estimate the ratio of sun earth diameters, Rime Ans. (a) 0=arciradius = Re. 1 cor, 69 (radius of earth = R,) Angle from moon to diameter of earth is 20=2x 1, 180 | 0 x ; (b) Angle by which moon is seen from earth = Br a 2 Size of moon () ay Size of earth 4 (©) Let distance between earth and moon = m and distance between earth and sun = s Ifangle of moon from earth = 0,, and angle of sun from earth = 0,, then ©,, = 8, (considera solar eclipse) Pa (= 400 m= Pa = Be 5 Be - 409 Pa 16, Distance of a galaxy is of the order of 10%, Calculate the order of magnitude of time taken by light to reach tus from galaxy. Ane Ane Ans Units and Measurements 35 Distanee of gaingy © 10 Speed of fight = 1 © 10" avs Tire taken = Phstanee , IO". 5.5» 10! Speed 3410? Order of rmgnitude © 16 A mew system of unite fs proposed in which unit of mares is cr kg, length fm andl of time is ys. How much ‘will § J measure in this new system? Let a physical quantity be Q Let My, Ly, Ty and My mass and time Mf [ Pia wlth Dimensions of energy (U/} Me tke. by = 1m, 7; M, <0 =a raion mo5*(=)*(5) 465) n= Ls of If the velocity of light (c), the constant of gravitation (G) and Planck's constant (/) be chosen as the fundamental wait, find the lead 6f sass Tength and time In the mew pea Ty be the units of length ier") ts Let us write the dimensions of ¢, G and / in terms of M, Land T. (a= (6) = Iw LT} MULT} Let M = Ke"GPA?, where K is constant or (M] = (erm [seh Le Py Comparing the powers of M, Land Ton both the sides, we have @ (ii) Ail) Taking K = 1, we can write M = cl? Gag Similarly, we ean prove that ‘e? Gl pl and. gan"1 For question numbers 3 and 4, (R). Select the correct answer codes (a), (b), (a) ( 0 I. Assert + Out of formulae () WE represents a Pacitance and R represents resis- tance then the unit oF CR? ane (0) Netty (iy Molt Second Ampere (©) Volvampere (@ Joulelampere? atte that have the same The pits) of physical qu dimensions is (are (¢) volumetric tran and coefficient of friction (6) disintegration con nstant of a radioactive substance and fequeney of Tight wave, (©) heat capacity and gravitational potential. (@ Planck's constant and torque {wo statements are given- the other labelled Reason to these questions from the (0) and (d) as given below. Both A and R are tru te and R is the corect explanation ofA, Both A and R are true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A. Aistrue but Ris false Ais false and R is also false, Assertion: Pressure has same dimensions as young’s modulus Reason: Pressure is equal to energy per unit volume. II dimensionally correct equations are nu- merically correct. Reason: A dimensionless quantity always has a unit, sin 2ntT and (i) y= a sin vt for the displacement y of a particle undergoing a Certain periodic motion, rule out the wrong formula on dimensional grounds. [here a = maximum displacement of the particle, Y= speed ofthe particle, T= time period of motion,] Find the area of the circle of radius 3.458 em upto correct significant figures Assuming that the mass (m) ofthe largest stone that ‘can be moved by a flowing river depends only upon the velocity», the density p of water and the accelera- tion due to gravity g. Show that m varies, withthe sixth er of the velocity of the flow. Self-Evaluation Test 8 (a) How many astronomical units (b) Consider the sun as star ata gi * seen through telescope of 99 p09 would be the angular sizeof sary sn i 4) from the earth. Dueto atm, ee cannot resolve objects smal me (c) Mass has approximately all of ear When lost cath itis ata ‘earth, What size will it appear When ati the same telescope? See Read the following paragea ‘questions that follow. To express any measurement ma, numerical value (1) andthe elated, we write, Physical quantity = ‘The irrespective ofthe system of prodiuct nu has to bea constant, Unis which ate defined inn appropig cannot be expressed by any other meany dane nts. Klgram, mete and eel length and time respectively are known, 25 funda unis Besides these mole, candela, ampers are used as standard units, Ad i Units which are expressed in terms of fun, areal derived units For example, ped Aistancetime ands therefor expresed ine (Which of te falloving sem fy ‘based on units of mass, length and tine, alone @ si () MKS (o) Fs @ ccs (i) Which ofthe following has metre unit? (4) Rydberg constant (4). Wein’sconstage (6) Solarconstant (d) Gas constant (it) Pressure is defined as: (@) Momentum per unit area (6) Momentum per unit area per unit time (©) Momentum per unit volume (4) Energy per unit volume (iv) Which ofthe following quantities hove no (@) Refractive index. (b) Suess (©) Density (@ Sound Ph and a oy ver ae We hee it (a) nts fo, kelvin
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A Man Called Ove: A Novel
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A Man Called Ove: A Novel
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The Sympathizer: A Novel (Pulitzer Prize for Fiction)
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Yes Please
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The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
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The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
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