TLT Debate - Parents & Students - Combined Version
TLT Debate - Parents & Students - Combined Version
TLT Debate - Parents & Students - Combined Version
Dear Parents,
The Learning Tree (TLT) is hosting its second Inter-School Global Debate Competition. A select
group of students from Classes VII to IX will be representing Bay View Academy, Clifton
Campus. Important details are as follows:
Participants also need to attend a practice session prior to the event to familiarize themselves
with the competition’s procedure as well as TLT’s facility. Details of the practice session for
all three classes are as follows:
Assigned teachers will meet the students at the gate of the venue, 10 minutes prior to
reporting time. Please refer to the enclosed program details for further information.
Dear Participants,
Kindly note the program for Grade VII for the Second TLT Inter School Debate
It is suggested that a practice session is held prior to final debate on Friday so that students can
familiarize themselves with the facility.
Grade VII
Arrival: 7:45 am
Pick up: 11:00 am
Each school will be allocated a separate classroom with WIFI facility. We request teams to carry
their own portable devices in case of any unforeseen WIFI issues along with water and a light
snack. The canteen will have light snacks for purchase.
Participants are allowed to bring tablets and laptops to carry out research. Mobile will be allowed
but must be kept on silent and used within the allocated classroom at all times. In case students
are found using their devices outside, these will be confiscated and handed to the chaperone.
Team A vs Team B
Team C vs Team D
For the first round students will have to come prepared for both sides of the debate. Each
team will have the registration time slot to review material.
Dear Participants,
Kindly note the program for Grade VIII for the Second TLT Inter School Debate
It is suggested that a practice session is held prior to final debate on Friday so that students can
familiarize themselves with the facility.
Grade VII:
Arrival: 9:00 am
Pick up: 12:15 pm
Each school will be allocated a separate classroom with WIFI facility. We request teams to carry
their own portable devices in case of any unforeseen WIFI issues along with water and a light
snack. The canteen will have light snacks for purchase.
Participant are allowed to bring tablets and laptops to carry out research. Mobile will be allowed
but must be kept on silent and used within the allocated classroom at all times. In case students
are found using their devices outside, these will be confiscated and handed to the chaperone.
Team A vs Team B
Team C vs Team D
For the first round students will have to come prepared for both sides of the debate. Each
team will have the registration time slot to review material.
Dear Participants,
Kindly note the program for Grade IX for the Second TLT Inter School Debate
It is suggested that a practice session is held prior to final debate on Friday so that students can
familiarize themselves with the facility.
Grade IX students
Arrival: 10:15 am
Pick up: 1:30 pm
Each school will be allocated a separate classroom with WIFI facility. We request teams to carry
their own portable devices in case of any unforeseen WIFI issues along with water and a light
snack. The canteen will have light snacks for purchase.
Participant are allowed to bring tablets and laptops to carry out research. Mobile will be allowed
but must be kept on silent and used within the allocated classroom. at all times. In case students
are found using their devices outside, these will be confiscated and handed to the chaperone.
Team A vs Team B
Team C vs Team D
For the first round students will have to come prepared for both sides of the debate. Each
team will have the registration time slot to review material
Rules & Regulations
● Students from grades VII, VIII and IX are eligible to participate in the competition.
● Participants should be in their school uniform and accompanied by a chaperone.
● Each School Team can comprise of maximum five individuals and not more.
● A team can have two speakers. One speaker can deliver the constructive speech entirely and
another speaker can state the rebuttal and closing remarks. Alternatively, teams can have one
speaker both for delivering the constructive speech, rebuttal and closing remarks. Two speakers
will not be allowed to present to the panel of judges.
● Debate must be presented in English.
● A screen indicating the time elapsed will be present during each Round of Debate. A member of
the team may indicate to the speaker through visual cues the time elapsed.
● In a particular round, each team is allowed to present one constructive speech and one rebuttal
● Facts must be accurate and backed by sources.
● In the Rebuttal Speech, teams can raise questions on the validity of the arguments presented by
the opposing team during the constructive speech. The rebuttal will be in the form of questions
where each team will get an opportunity to answer only 2 questions put forth by the opposition
● Teams are allowed to use notes or flashcards.
● GVII chaperones may assist the teams during the constructive speech and rebuttal.
● GVIII & GIX chaperones will not be allowed to assist students.
● Personal attack, foul language or any rude behavior is not allowed during competition.
● For the Final Round, a new motion pertaining to the Global Perspective Units of each Grade will
be assigned.
● The decision of the judges will be final and binding to all the participants.
● TLT Second Inter School Debate Winners Trophy will be awarded to the Best Team per
● All participants will be given a Certificate of Participation.
● Kindly ask parents to be mindful that the program may overrun by 15 minutes.