638368412756949531ta Application Form
638368412756949531ta Application Form
638368412756949531ta Application Form
1. When can you start teaching at our Center? I can start working from 4/12/2023…………………………………………….
2. What is your expected salary per hour? I expect to be payed 30 000vnđ/hour ………………………….
3. How long do you plan to do this job? More than 1 year…………………………………………………………………..
4. Please tick the appropriate boxes for your available time to teach at our Center/ Do not tick the shaded boxes.
5. How did you know about the VUS teaching assistant vacancy? (Please tick one)
VUS website Other websites Facebook Friends (your friends’ names & their jobs) Others
(in details): (in details):
Miss Pham Thi Ha, telemarketing manager
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Applicant’s signature
Note (for VUS use only): ..............................................................................................................