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The Soul, S Journey Lesson Cards

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Lesson Cards

James Van Praagh



Carlsbad, California • New York City
London • Sydney • New Delhi
Co pyrig ht © 2014 by James Va n Praagh

Published in the United States by: Hay Hou se, I nc.:

www. hayhouse. com'" • Pub lish ed in Australia by: Hay
House Australia Pt y. Ltd.: www. hayho use.com.au • Pub
lished in the United Kingdom by: Hay Hou se U K, Ltd.:
www. hayh ouse.co .uk • Pub lish ed in India by: Ha y Ho use
Publishers India: www . hayhouse.co.in

Cover and interior illu strations : Charl o tt e Backman ,

www.ma nda lavis ion s.co m
Cover and interior design: Pamela Ho ma n

All right s re served. No part of thi s g uidebook may be

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process, or in the form of a phonographic recording ; nor
ma y it be stored in a re tri ev al sy stem, tra nsmitted , or oth
erwi se be copied for pub li c or private use- other th an for
"fai r use" as brief quotations embodied i n articles and re
views- with o ut prior wr itt en permission of the publish er.
The int ent of the auth or is on ly to offer information of a
genera l natur e to hel p you in your quest for emot io nal and
spiritu al wel l-bei ng. In the event you use any of the infor
mation in th is guidebook for yo ur se lf, the auth or and the
publisher assum e no responsibilit y for your actions .

Pr inted in Ch ina
Also by lames Van Praagh

Adventures of the Soul*

How to Heal a Grieving Heart
(with Doreen Virtue)*
Talking to Heaven
Reaching to Heaven
Healing Grief
Heaven and Earth
Meditations with fames Van Praagh
Looking Beyond
Ghosts Among Us
Unfinished Business
Growing Up in Heaven

Card Deck

Talking to Heaven Mediumship Cards

(with Doreen Virtue)*
Online Courses

How to Heal a Grieving Heart*

Enhancing Your Intuition
Life After Loss
Mastering Meditation

Downloadable Meditations

Divine Love
Meditation Tools
Soul Discoveries
Spirit Speaks

*Available from Hay House

James' website: www.vanpraagh.com

Please visit:
Hay House USA: www.hayhouse.com®
Hay House Australia: www.hayhouse.com.au
Hay House UK: www.hayhouse .co.uk
Hay House India: www.hayhouse.co.in
How to Work with
The Soul's [ourne }'_ Lesson Cards . .. 1
The Meani ngs of the Cards
Abundance. .14 Ha ppiness .58
Acceptance .16 Hea lth......................... 60
Adversity. .18 Ho nesty .62
Balance . .20 Humor.....................64
Blame .22 Imagina tion..............66
Change . .24 I ndecisio n..................68
Courage .26 Ju dgmen t..................70
Death . .28 Loneliness................72
De nial . .30 Love .. .74
Discipline .32 Patience .76
Do ubt .34 Peace .. .78
Empat hy . .36 Perseverance . .80
Envy . .38 Pride .. .82
Failure . .40 Purpose .. .84
Fear. . .42 Regret .86
Forgiveness. .44 Relationships .88
Freedom .. .46 Self-E steem. .90
Friendship . .48 Service .. .92
Gratit ude .50 Success .. .94
Grief . .52 Surr ender .96
Growth . .54 Trust . .98
Gu ilt . .56 Worry . 100
About the Aut hor . .102
About the Ar tist . .104

How to Work with

The Soul's Journey Lesson Cards

We are all Spirit beings who have cho

se n to incarnate in this physical di mensio n
to lea rn to man ifes t th e e nergy of lo ve. That
may so und easy, but before birth , we consult ed
with our guides, our teac her s, and members
of our so ul family to help us choose the best
circumstances for us to reach that goal. A n d we
delib e rately haven't made it easy. What is th e
point of testing ourselves if we already kn ow
t he a n swers? We've chose n lives for ours elves
th at will present us with cha llenges to over
come, but we've also been given the abilit y
to tap into our inner wisdom to help us rise
above obstacles, circum nav igate roadblocks,
and guide us to the best possible out co me.
I present The Soul's Journey Lesson Cards as
one such means to access the in fi nite wisdom
and guid ance of th e Divine that has purposely
been sh ie ld ed from our awareness. If we give
our sou ls the necessary time and tools to access
this unlimited knowledge , we can have a better
perspective on life and our meaning within it.
Our souls are the link to the Divine, and all
too often we neglect this powerful and
transforma tive connection. It's like living next
door to the Archives of the Universe but not
bothering to get a library card.
Deep down, your soul has always known
that this information has been available to
you-in fact, it yearns for it. But the challenges
and chatter of life on Earth have become a
worthy opponent. You need to consciously
be aware that there is more to life than your
five senses, and you must make an effort to go
within and find the answers that are there for
your contemplation .
My hope is that these cards will help you
on that jo urney . (You may also find helpful
information in the companion book, Adven
tures of the Soul: Journeys Throught the Physical
and Spiritual Dimensions.) With this 44-card
deck, you can spend time with your higher self
in the hopes that you will be guided in making
the correct earthly decisions and discover how
to best fulfill the plan that you have charted
for your soul.
The images in this deck are called "man
dalas." A mandala (mun-dah-lah), Sanskrit for
"circle," can refer to any symmetrical design
, radiating from a defined center, like a flower.
Another translation of mandala is "wo rld in
harmony," which refers to both the inner and
outer world . Designs like these have been used
for balancing, calming, healing, and medita
tion for thousands of years in cultures around
the globe. Mandalas are visual reminders of
universal truth : everything is connected, and
everything is integral to the whole .*
Each one of us is Spirit having a physical
experience, and the spark of Spirit that mani
fests in a human body is the soul. The soul is
infinite and eternal, but because the physical
body is necessar y to traverse this dimension , it
can feel limited and separated from the who le.
My wish is that these cards will be a bridge
for your soul, connecting it with its source
of Spirit, and that you will learn to trust the
language of your soul, which is your intuition .
I hope it will be a guide to understanding who
you are and remembering your soul self.
* Mand ala explanat io n co ur tesy of the artist, C harlott e Backman
( www.mandalavisio n s.co m ) .
The soul 's journey is always about learn
ing, experiencing , expanding, and evolving.
When a soul advances, it grows in conscious
ness and becomes aware of its true purpose.
Imagine how our lives would change if we were
ab le to recognize the truth of who we are and
li ve acc ordi ngly. Instead of looking upon chal
lenges as punishments, we can begin to view
them as stepping-stones of enlightenment.
Oracle cards are a time-honored way to
seek guidance and to cultivate a connection
to the Divine , and in this deck, I' ve focused
upon opening up a direct conversa ti on with
your inn er spark. My desire is that these cards
will assist you in your soul 's progress and in
the understanding of your place in life and
the people you share it with. By changing our
consciousne ss, we can transform our lives.

How to Use T he Soul's Journey Lesson Cards

Step 1: Clear Your Card D eck

Your cards a re sensitive instru me nts,

so they'll need to be cleared of a ny energy
that they may have absorbed from the
manufacturing process. Steps 1 and 2 only
need repeating after another person touches
your cards or if your readings lack clarity
because the cards have become clogged with
too much energy.
To clear your cards, first hold the deck in
your nondominant hand (the one you nor ma
lly don 't write with), as this is the hand that
receives energy. Then, say a prayer over the
cards, asking that they be cleared of any energy
that they may have absorbed. For example:
Dear Spirit, thank you for li
fting away anything from th ese
cards that is not of Divine love."

This clears out the old energy so that the

cards are now a blank slate and ready to be
imbued with your own vibration.

Step 2: Consecrate the Cards

Briefly touch all of the cards to infuse

them with your personal energy. You can
simply touch one of the corners of each to
accomplish this. Then fan the cards out with
the mandala art facing you. Place your hands
upon the backs of the cards and think about
any prayers or intentions you'd like to bestow
upon them.
Your cards are sensitive and absorb your
inte ntio ns. For instance, while shuffling, you
can say aloud or silently:

"Spirit Guides and Mast er Teachers,

I ask your protection and assistance in
guiding me with these cards, that the soul
lessons I need to be made aware of are revealed
to me and speak clearly to my soul through
the use of this sacred deck."

Ask and pray for whatever help you'd

like while working with the cards, such as con
fi dence, clarity, compassion, and so forth.
Your cards now carry your personal vibration
and intentions.

Step 3: Get to Know the Cards

One by one, look at each card in the

deck and take in what each image and mes
sage means to you. Your readings will only
be as good as your own personal connection
and association with each card. Consult this

guidebook to get a better general understand
ing of the cards, but it is your own relationship
to each one that will produce a profound mes
sage. Make it personal; think about how the
lesson applies to you, since we can only give
proper readings if we can relate to the situa
tion described.
Every day we are learning a myriad of soul
lessons, which disguise themselves in various
situations and behaviors. The answers to our
lessons are woven into our soul fabric, and
when recognized, these patterns can be trans
formed and are always available for our review,
whenever we would like to know more.
All you need to do is ask. Send out a
thought to the Universe that you would like
some clarity about a particular lesson you are
learning. This lesson may involve a specific
situation in your life right now, or it can be
about a person whom you would like to gar- '
ner insight about . If you're pulling cards for
another living person, ask him or her to either
think of or verbalize the situation or person
about whom he or she would like to have some
insight and awareness.
Step 4: Shuffle the Cards

Continue thinking about the situation or

person you would like clarity about as you
shuffle the cards, and ask the Universe to assist
you with answers and guidance. I often say
this prayer, similar to the one in Step 2, while

"Dear Universe and Spirit Friends,

I ask you to please draw close to me and
illuminate mymind and heart, so that my soul
may be united to the oneness of the Universe.
I ask that only the highest of intentions and
energies be present in this experience. Please help
me release my ego fears so that I can clearly see,
feel, hear, and understand the lessons my soul
needs to be shown at this time."

As you're shuffling, you'll likely notice

feelings, thoughts, words , or visions. This
Divine guidance will help you further under
stand the cards that you draw, so pay attention
to these impressions as they come to you. If
one or more cards "jump" out of the deck while
you're shuffling, place them to the side. They
will become part of your reading.

noteworthy today. Take a moment to be in
silence with the card and envision how the
lesson might be significant with respect to
your planned day. Play that situation out in
your mind and imbue it with love, understand
ing, and compassion. Visualize the happiest
possible outcome and how you can reach that
goal. When you feel good about the strategy
that you have envisioned regarding that les
son, thank the card and place it back on top
of the deck.

After the cards have been shuffled by you
or the recipient of the reading, place the deck
in front of you. Lay the first card to your left.
This card represents a lesson that has already
been made evident but may not have been
embraced or lea rned. This card is the corner
stone of the three-card reading , as it signifies
the essence of the query, and progress cannot
be made unless this lesson has been addressed
and dealt with.
Place the next card to the right of the first
card . This card represents the energy that is
currently present, whether you are aware of it

When your cards begin to clump into two
distinct sections, it's time to stop shuffling.
You may also receive a feeling, thought, or
vision to cease-or you may even hear the
words Stop shuffling now. Trust and honor
these Divine messages that are helping you
with the reading . You can't make a mistake
or stop shuffling too soon, as the Divine Law
of Attraction ensures that you'll choose the
cor rect cards no matter what.
Always place your cards right side up dur
ing a reading. Any card that has jumped out
in the shuffling process can be used as the all
encompassing, or umbrella, card of the whole
reading. Place the umbrella card at the top of
your spread, as it will speak to the significance
of the story.

Step 5: Deal Your "Soul Spread"

Before you start your day or head off to
work, shuffle the deck and ask Spirit to show
you what lesson is going to be prominent .
This is Divine guidance letting you know in
advance that this particular situation will be

or not. This card is significant because if you're
not prepared for this lesson, it could prove to
be a stumbling block impeding your progress.
Place the third card to your right . This
card suggests what long-range lesson is to be
learned. It is the end of the arc of your story. It
may relate to the situation at hand, or it could
be an ultimate life lesson of which this situa
tion is just a piece of the puzzle.

As with any tarot or oracle cards, I recom
mend creating a spread that works for you.
Every card reader brings a different energy to
the deck and will read the messages differently.
You have to be comfortable with the progres
sion of the story that the cards are communi
cating to you.
If you have a close friend who might
enjoy working on this project with you,
that' would be ideal, as you will get objective
feed back. Have your friend shuffle the deck
and mentally infuse the cards with his or her
inten tion . When he or she is satisfied with
the shuffle, take the deck back and place it in
front of you.

I resonate with a seven-card draw, but it
is only a personal preference. In my readings ,
I place three cards in front of me from left
to right, then one card above that row, then
another three cards in a row above the single
card . I view the first row as the energy cur
rently in play, the upper row as the energy of
the f uture , and the lone middle card as the
transition or possible obstacle between the
present and future. Always remember after a
reading to reclaim the energy of the deck. Hold
the deck in your hand and infuse it with your
power. Remember that the reading belongs to
the sitter, but the cards belong to you.

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I am a limitless being, and I can manifest
whatever I desire in this physical reality

Always remember that you are God, and

God is all about creation . God says yes; the
ego says no. in order to have abundance in all
areas of your life, you must create the space of
receiving and know that you are deserving of
anything your heart desires. The more you can
release limited thinking and worry, the more
open you are to receiving the infinite flow of
the Universe.

Allow yourself to have fun when mani
festing what you want in life, and enjoy the
process. By embracing a positive mind-set, you
are opening the door to unexpected abun
dance. It is natural to have abundance in your
life, and you must realize that any thoughts
of limitedness may have come from either a
past life or a life condition you have chosen
to overcome. They could also originate from
programming that you received from the envi
ronment you grew up in and the value systems
you were taught when you were young.
Now is the time to begin to live with the
realization that you are worthy of having
abundance in every aspect of your life. When
you are in the vibration of receiving, you can
manifest whatever you desire in this physical

I am learning to accept the
things that I cannot change

Right now your soul is learning accep

tance. This may force you to feel out of control
in a situation or with another person in your
life. Just realize that the Universe has given
you this incredible opportunity to release con
trol. Perhaps doing so will help you realize
that there is a rhythm-a rhyme or reason-to
everything in life. Rather than thinking that

these are "accidents" that are occurring, refer
to these conditions as moments of "Divine
Desig n."
Maybe it is a person or a situation that you
do not agree with right now. For the moment ,
instead of having a knee-jerk reaction based
on an emotional response , stop, step back,
observe, and make an attempt to understand
both sides of the equation-which is an
incredible gift for you to practice toleranc e,
grace, and patience . Realize that although you
have come to accept a situation or a condition,
it doesn't necessarily mean that you are con
doning a behavior or that you support it. You
see it for what it is and recogni ze that there is
something rich to learn from it.
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I accept that challenges
are the best way to learn

No one ever said life was going to be easy.

Obstacles are presented to you so that you may
overcome them. Believe that you will , because
if you don't believe in yourself, no one else
will. Confidence comes to those who have suc
ceeded in conquering adversity, and then the
next hurdle won 't seem as daunting.

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Adversity is an opportunity for you to
reach out to your soul family. You are not alone
in this time of challenge. If you need help,
others are waiting to offer assistance. This test
may have come into your life to teach you to
receive rather than to give.

I bring a state of perfect harmon y into my
world, and I do so without judgment

Balan ce means bringin g a sense of stabil

ity and wholeness into every area of your lif e .
Many times when you look at a situation objec
tively, you will resonate wit h one side more
than the other. Try not to view either as good
or bad, but simply recogn ize th at it is. The true
nature of the scales of balanc e is to give both
sides of a situation your eq uitabl e, objective

perspective . It can be difficult to understand
the side that you don't relate to, but that is a
lesson in itself.
What is it about you that prevents you
from giving both sides of the coin your non
judgmental assessment? This situation or
person has been placed in your path to teach
you that everyone has his or her own unique,
authentic life story, and you must put yourself
in that person's shoes to really understand his
or her motivation. Balance is a godly virtue,
and if it is struck, you will reap the benefits of
insight and compassion.

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I accept responsibility for my well-being

It is so easy to give away the power to

transform your life. Certainly, there have been
people along your path who have shaped you
into who you are today, but you are solely
responsible for your own happiness. The ego
can be a very fragile thing, and if it comes
under fire , the first instinct is to blame an
outside force. Victim consciousness weakens
the connection that you have to your soul

source. This mind-set says: I don't have the
power inside myself to break free, because some
one else's power is stronger.
This is an illusion. When you believe that
someone else is responsible for your problems,
that belief is the problem. Personal responsi
bility can empower you to change your real
ity. Lasting transformation always begins on
the inside and works its way out. There is a
difference between a reason and an excuse.
A reason is valid and unavoidable; an excuse
is an attempt to shift the blame.

\ J

I understand that nothing can
grow or evolve without movement

There is a certain comfort in the idea of

living a life without surprises. The status quo
has an appeal , but you will never learn or grow
if your circumstances stay the same. Every
body wants life to be better , but that requires
change. You have chosen to incarnate into
this physical dimension called Earth because
of the myriad of opportunities. If you don't
take advantage of them, what was the point?
Staying within your comfort zone is overrated .
With change comes transformation, and with
transformation comes evolution.
Stop viewing change as good or bad,
because all change nourishes your soul. Don't
equate it with a lack of control. Life happens,
and it's supposed to happen. You can direct
how it plays out, and you always have the
power to accept a change that redirects your
I find the inner strength
to face fear with confidence

You need to remind yourself that part of

the challenge of being a soul is learning to
honor your own power. By listening to your
inner voice and following its advice, you are
acknowledging the perfection of your intu
ition. Fear is only an illusion , and obstacles
are great opportunities for you to demonstrate
that coming from a place of love will conquer
all of fear's disguises.

I 26
I am learning that endings
are merely beginnings

Death is an illusion. It's a fact of life that

the human body we use to travel the earth
must eventually stop working. It's not meant
to exist forever. The energy and consciousness
that inhabited that body is free and returns
to its natural home, but it never abandons us.
Learn to view death as merely a change
and everything must change, because stag
nancy extinguishes progress. The same is true
Perhaps you are changing career paths or
entering or exiting a relationship . This test has
been put before you because it is an opportu
nity to prove to yourself that you, and only
you, can make the correct decision. By not
taking that step forward, you may find yourself
two steps back, only to face that same

obstacle again.

for a relationship or a career. A soul lesson may
be completed, and it is time to move beyond
this point of familiarity and expand into new
horizons of learning and development. This is
a wonderful opportunity to thank those other
souls in your life who have shared part of
your path and taught you so much.

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I acknowledge my fear,
but I replace it with the insight of awareness

It is time to open up and be completely

honest with yourself at this present moment .
Buried fears and resentments do not die; they
merely fester and cause dis-ease. Only by
bringing them to the surface and examining
them in the light of day with love and com
passion will you banish them from your life.

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It may bring you pain and heartache to
reflect upon these situations again, but you are
only giving them power by suppressing them.
The dangerous seeds of denial will grow and
spread and manifest unless you uproot them,
examine them, and release them. This is the
only way to become whole and healthy.
Learn not to bury painful emotions in the
first place. Deal with them as they come, and
take all the time you need to neutralize them
without hiding them. Your soul wants to live
honestly and authentically in the now. Don't
hinder it by placing emotional land mines on

its path.

I can accomplish what I set my mind to

Your soul has a goal, but it has also chosen

to incarnate into a world of distractions. Earth is
a dimension of obstacles and challenges, but
you have been given discipline as your
birthright. It is time to remind yourself what
your soul has come back to this planet to learn.
This is a great opportunity to reevaluate your
priorities and go about your daily tasks with a
new system of managing your life, instead of
being the passive recipient of whatever comes
your way.
f 32 \_
Distractions can easily get us off the work
of our soul, and if we give in to this apathetic
impulse , we can miss many well-placed and
preplanned teachings needed for our inherent
growth. Learn that the satisfaction of a task
completed is more emotionally rewarding than

a task delayed .

\ -

I release the need to know all the answers

It's impossible for the human brain to

comprehend the mysteries of the Universe.
You are only consciously aware of the three
dimensions for a reason, and that is to learn
to love without the full awareness of your con
nection to Spirit. Everyone has his or her own
personal path to this awareness , and there is
no right or wrong answer as long as your goal is
to manifest the energy of love and compassion.

The wisdom of the Divine trickles into
the physical dimension, and some of it will
resonate with your soul and some will not.
These are your signposts that guide you to your
correct path. If the wisdom resonates with you
and seems right, then keep it. If not, release
it back to the Universe. Always be aware and
mindful of the insights that your Spirit Guides
and teachers put on your path .

I am open to seeing both sides of a situation

You don't truly understand others' motiva

tions if you haven 't lived their lives and seen
the world through their eyes. It's so easy to
judge another's behavior matched up against
your own and label it as right or wrong. But
you're missing an important part of the
equation: the other person's history and
personal path.
We are all sparks of the Divine, with a
purpose here in the physical dimension, and
we can all exert our free will. Some of us
lost our way along the path to love, and it is a
human reaction to judge others before exam
ining their journey through their eyes and
with compassion. Your job is not to judge; your
job is to love and understand .

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I am the same as everybody
but with different challenges

You must learn to accept that the obstacles

in your life have been chosen by you. To be
jealous of the soul path of another is to doubt
your ability to judge what is best for you. It is
human nature to covet the perceived luxu
ries of someone on a different journey, but
to try to emulate him or her is not being true
to your own guidance . You have chosen this
life and these circumstances for a reason ; by

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I understand that a mistak e
is only an opportunity to learn

Life on Earth is full of experiences. It is

our human brain that views outcomes as good
or bad. The soul simply views them as chances
to grow. Learn to see the big picture of life
instead of the minutiae. Failure to accomplish
a task is merely the opportunity to evolve, and
the negative connotation of the word failure
can prevent you from trying again .

disregarding that and following in the foot
steps of another, you are only setting yourself
up for confusion and disappointment .
You never truly know what is going on in
another person's life and what personal chal
lenges he or she may face, so to be envious is a
fool's game. Be authentic to your inner voice,
because only you know what is in your best
interests . If you don't follow your own path,
you will have to reincarnate in an attempt to
learn your original lessons again.
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I realize that I am testing my
resolve to live iri the energy of love

The outcome of all choices in life is deter

mined by two emotions: fear and love. Your
soul is made of the energy of love, and fear
is an earthly manifestation of a challenge. To
embrace and wallow in fear is to go against
your very being. Fear, in its many guis es, is the
obstacle that your soul uses to test its tenacity
to stay on track. For a soul, human life can be

very difficult, but acknowledging that your
soul's true nature is love will always help you
on your path.
When fear rears its ugly head, it is really
an opportunity for you to stare it in the eye
and turn that doubt into trust. View it as a
teacher. What lesson are you learning from
these fearful emotions? The more you use the
energy of love to defuse fearful situations, the
less often they will present themselves.

I acknowledge that harboring
resentment blocks the flow of love

You can never flow with your natural

energy of love unless you release the negative
energy of hate, anger, intolerance, or blame.
Every soul in your path has free will, and you
have no control over that. What you do have
control over is how you react to the
manifesta tions of others' free will.

Holding on to that negative energy will
strengthen karmic cycles, and forgiveness can
break that pattern. The most important per son
you must learn to forgive is always your self.
Blaming yourself for "failures" blocks the
natural flow of love, which will attract all good

things into your life.


I possess the power and the
free will to create my own happin ess

Your soul is open to receiving new wisdom

and insights that will allow it to make the
right choices for its own growth. Remember,
you are never a victim of other people or their
circumstances. You have complete control over
your own choices. By following your heart
and being authentic to yourself, you present
the real you to the world. Making decisions
based on other people's expectations is not the
true path to happiness. You are responsible
for creating your own reality.
When a soul shifts to a place of honoring
itself in its totality-free from judgment-only
then will it find its true freedom . Every soul
is unique and follows its own path. Don't give
in to peer pressure or the urge to fit in . You are
the only one who truly knows the real you,
so feel free to march to the beat of your own


I understand that a friend
is in my life for a reason

All humans are created from the same

Source, but there are some souls that share a
unique kinship. Friendship can be the most
exciting and beautiful experience on Ear th,
but it can also be frustrating and heartbreak
ing . Understand that everyone in your path is
here to teach you something. It may be for a
year or a lifetime. Together you will teach each

other various lessons of the heart such as trust,
love, loyalty, and admiration.
The bonds of friendship are often stronger
than those of family. You have formed a bridge
of understanding between the two of you that
has stood the test of time-and of lifetimes. A
true friend will illuminate your path instead of
dim it. He or she will give advice with your best
interests at heart. To be able to communicate
at a soul level with another human being is

the biggest treasure of the physical dimension.

I am thankful for this life
and the opportunities that it presents

This soulful card is telling you that it

is time to stop , close your eyes, and become
mindful of the incredible gift the Universe
has bestowed upon you in offering valuable
and unique lessons, tailored especially for your
soul. This is an important reminder to express
your appreciation for what has been, what will
be, and most important , who you are. It is time
to acknowledge to the Universe how thankful

you are for being provided these opportuni
ties for insights and under standing. It is also
time for your soul to share recognition of all
those loved ones in your life-upon the earth
or in Spirit-who have helped form who you
are now.
You may even find it helpful to begin to
write a list of all the things you are gratef ul for
in your life. When you put forth the conte m
plation and the energy to do this, it awakens
thoughts that acknowledge your connec tion to
all that is. By bringing yourself into a state of
gratitude, it not only has a transforming effect
on the energy in the sacred space surrounding
you, but also brings about an overall sense of
health and well-being.

-- /511 ------
I understand that losing something
is an opportunit y to appreciate it

Nothing is gone forever. The belief that we

have "lost " someone or something is merely an
illusion to assist us in learning to appreciate
our havin g had it in the first place. The emo
tion of grief and the sense of lossare abso lutely
real-but that is the point. The lesson of loss
is not about the ac tual physical separation,
because the part in g is temporary and
The point of the lesson is to acknowledge that
the bonds of love never end and that we have
not been abandoned.
When you accept in your heart that you
will be reunited with everything you have
ever loved, it will give you the ability to move
beyond your grief and derive something ben
eficial from the experience. To wallow in grief
is to pass up the opportunity that you and your
soul family have devised and learn nothing
from it. Instead, allow your grief to take
you to a place of deeper understanding.

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I want to expand my
consciousness and my awareness

You are constantly being presented with

situations that enable you to develop your
inner wisdom and assist you in advancing to
higher levels of understanding. The lesson is to
be aware of these events and recognize them
for what they are. To live a mindful life is not
only about respecting and honoring those
around you; it is also about recognizing every
person and circumstance on your path as a
teacher. The constant chatter and diversions
of life on Earth can distract you from the
sign posts that Spirit has left on your path.
Take the time to be aware of the boun
tiful wisdom that has been laid before you.
Acknowledge these gifts and take them to
heart as you continue your sojourn in this
physical dimension. Don't look for the oppor
tunities that you think you need; instead, be

receptive to the opportunities that are given.


I rele ase any beliefs that
no longer assist in my soul's growth

The energy of fear has many guises to com

plicate your path to loving yourself. Guilt is
the most devious, because it is a wolf in sheep's
clothing . It is a self-imposed emotion that pre
tends to be instructive and enlightening.
Guilt can help us grow when we realize
that our actions have been hurtful to others
and that we need to make amends . After we do

so, though, it's time to learn from the behavior
and move on. The problem arises when we hold
on to a guilty feeling that serves no purpose
other than promoting self-destructiveness and
low self-esteem.
No one is perfect. Everyone makes mis
takes. Guilt is not always ra tional, but if you
examine it sub jectively, act on it, and release
it, it becomes a temporary emotion . Long-held
guilty feelings are never good and will create
a roadblock to self-love and happine ss. You
must continually scan your current emotions
for any guilty feelings and bring them to the
surface for analysis. Healthy guilt is a warning
that action should be taken; irrational guilt
needs to be released.
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I am aware that being happy
means that I am on the right path

Before inca rnating , your soul created a

blueprint for you to follow in this physical
dimension. The easiest way to chart this path
is to follow your bliss. Life is full of choices and
opportunities. Spirit, in its infinite wisdom,
has given you the emotion of happiness to
guide you. The signposts are always there, but
you have to acknowledge them and have the
courage to follow them.
As you hold this card, do you feel that you
are living a life of happiness? In what areas is
it lacking? It may be time to be truthful with
your soul self. Listen to its language and intuit
if there is someone or a scenario holding you
back from experiencing complete happiness.
Even though it may be painful to admit, you
need to be completely truthful.
Be mindful of how happiness will affect
every aspect of your life on your path. Also,
intuit if there is someone else in your life who
needs to be brought into the awareness of
happiness. This is important to recognize as
well. Others will want to learn from you, and
whether you admit it or not, you can be their
teacher. When you are filled with love and
compassion, not only do you bring happiness
into your life, but you lead others by example.

Be the light.

I will honor the physical
vessel that enshrine s my soul

Your body is your temp le, and you ar e

responsible for its care. You have chosen to
incarnate in this physical dimension to learn
certain lessons, and if you don't maintain the
physical vehicle that your soul has chosen,
then you are sabotaging your own plan . Your
health is a vital element for your soul's prog
ress, and you should never take it for granted.
Be sensible about nourishment and exercise.

You could be a "sensitive" being who must
be conscious of your surroundings because
you can easily be drained by people, places,
or things. A lways make a ritual of protection
and cleansing before you work with a client,
or just bring your mind back to your heart
throughout the day to rejuvenate.
This card may also signify a desire to assist
other beings through physical or emotio nal
healing work. You may be involved profession
ally in the medical fields, bodywork, or psy
chiatry and counseling-or maybe you're just a
good listener who possesses sage adv ice. If you
or someone you know inherited a congenital
dis-ease, past-life work may be of some benefit.

I can't always expect the truth from
others, but I can expect it from myself

Being truthful with others is a slippery

business. You are expected to tell-and expect
to be told-white lies. No one wants their feel
ings hurt, but sometimes a strong dose of real
ity is needed. No one can tell you definitively
in what circumstances an untruth would be
better, but honesty is usually the best policy.
You, and only you, know in your heart when
the right time is to be totally honest.

( 62 '
The only time you must be absolutely
truthful is when you are addressing yourself.
You must at all times present yourself authen
tically to those around you. Only by being
yourse lf do you draw in the people and cir
cumstances that you most need to learn from.

I choose to focus on the lighter side of life

There are definitely parts of life that

require your serious attention, but you have
to learn to have fu n. Don't neglect things
that bring you joy or make you laugh . Besides
the health benefits to your physical body,
your emotional and mental bodies reap huge
rewards from the art of joy.
Seek out the people who make you feel
good about being alive. Avoid cynicism and
pessimism. Always look at your cup as being

half-full instead of half-emp ty. The endless
chatter of this physical dimension can seep
into your conscious mind, so do your best to
listen to happ y music, read soul-enriching fic
tion, and be wary of movies or TV shows that
can darken your mood. Happ y people attract
happy people.
I embrace and nourish
the creative aspect of my mind

By its very nature, the physical body is lim

ited by the three dimensions. But your mind
is free to travel without boundaries and merge
with the Cosmic Consciousness. Your mind
is the great creator, and your imagination is
its toolbox. Everything in life begins with the
energy of imagination. Thoughts are real, and
they can manifest themselves into the physical
world. Train your mind to only have positive

thoughts, and you will attract positivity into
your life. If you can see it, you can be it. Visual
ize the components that you want in your life
and imbue those thoughts with love, and they
will become your reality. Conversely, if your
mind strays to negative thoughts, you will only
bring that energy to you.
Be positive and loving. Imagination is cre
ativity! Express yourself and let your imagina
tion assist you in letting go of any creative
blocks, and allow your dreams to come true.
Remember, you are not doing this for other
people. It is your soul opening up and singing
its own unique song.
I use my intuition in all aspects of life

Your soul is Spirit manifest in this physical

dimension. Even though you may feel limited
by the constraints of your body, your connec
tion to the infinite wisdom of the Universe is
always available to you in the form of intu iti
on. You are never alone when making any
decision . Spirit only wants the best for you,
and by listening to your inner voice, you will
always be guided to the proper outcome. All
you have to do is ask. The expectation of others

is only an illusion. You were not born to listen
to fear; you were taught to listen to it.
Visualize any decision in your life as a fork
in the road. How does your body react when
you imagine your travels down each path? At
first glance, one may look easier to traverse, but
the destination will cause anxiety and a heav y
heart ; another path may be more difficult to
walk, but the destination will feel light and
calm. When you silence your mind and listen
to your intuition, the signposts will always be


I understand that everyone has their
own unique path and challenges

We are all Spiri t. We are all the same. It's

only the roles we have chosen to play here on
Earth that make us seem different. The big
gest lesson you have chosen to learn is to love.
There are so many situations in this physical
dimension that it is possible to incarnate into,
but the core lesson is to look past these illu sions
and see yourself in everyone. Each soul has
chosen its own struggles, and your task is

not to judge how someone goes about over
coming these obstacles, but to assist that soul.
Spirit has given you the tools of compas sion
and empathy to help you see through the eyes
of those who appear different. Your ego has
taught you that making other people feel
insignificant or inferior will allow you to feel
better about yourself. That is an illusion. By
diminishing others, you diminish yourself.
Always learn to follow the Golden Rule:
I will treat others as I would like to be treated .
Everyone in your life is here to teach you some
thing about yourself. Accept the lesson with
love and understanding.

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I know that I am never alone

This card has come to you because you

must be reminded that there is a difference
between being lonely and being alone. Feel
ings of loneliness originate from a sense of
not appreciating the most important person in
your life: you. If solitude seems like an afflic
tion, you need to work on creating a healthy
relationship with yourself. Only then will you
attract others who will nurture your soul. If
you don't develop a healthy relationship with
yourself first, you will only draw unhealthy
relationships to you.
To create a heal thy, positive relationship
with yourself, you must begin to feel wor thy
of love. The pessimism of this physical
dimension can affect your self-esteem if you
don't have the strong conviction that you are
valuable and meaningful. Don't view solitude
as a weakness; it is merely your soul telling
you that it is time to do some inner work and
reevaluate your path before you start to shine.
As you sit in the silence of your soul, you will
realize that your Spirit family, teachers, and
guides are with you. You are never alone.


I commit to the practice of
seeing the good in all things

You are love. It is your inherent vibration.

The obstacles and challenges of the physical
dimension attempt to trick you into thinking
that there are other ways to view life-but
there is only one way that is natural to your
being: love. This card simply reminds you that
your soul is made of God's pure Divine vibra
tional force of love and that you need to bring

this awareness to bear on every aspect of your
life and being.
Love is a healing energy. All anxiety and
drama cannot exist in the aura of love. Most
souls have come back upon this earth to lea
rn, accept, and utilize this harmonic force and
to see its effect upon their lives. It is your
time to remind others of the strength of their
own power of God , and assist them in
knowing fully that love is the most powerful
element in the Universe. It builds, forti fies ,
and strength ens even the most lost person.
When we live in the power of lo ve, then
and only then will we know truth . True love is
the spiritual link between us and God. It will
guide our footsteps through the conflicts of
the material world and will cleanse our hearts
of unwanted facets of the human personality.

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I accept that everything
happens in Divine order

Earth has become a place of instant grati

fication. You must focus on the maxim It's not
about the destination; it's about the journey.
This card has come to you because you need
to learn the joy of anticipation. The process
of "doin g" is so rich in lessons, but when you
concentrate only on the goal, those experi
ences are disregarded . Life is an unfolding, and
the more patience you practice, the more you

will let the Universal energy celebrate itself
through you and bring the experiences and
situations your soul requires.
You need to learn that there is a rhythm
to everything in the Universe, and the more
you are li ving with patience, the more aware
you are of the lessons your soul is studying.
You are on a path. There are signposts. If you
are speeding down the path, you will miss th e
little miracles and treasures that have been
placed th ere.

I am a being of love, and
I rele ase all negativ e energy

This is a gentle reminder that balance in

the mind is imperative in order for your soul
to live its true nature. At this time in your life,
you are to learn the value of peace and quiet
and the joy of being still. One can never be
truly connected to the Source when the mind
is engaged with unneeded chatter.
Look around your life and be conscious of
what elements are taking you away from the

-- \_

I know that I can do
whatever I set my mind to

As a soul, you are on a mission in this

physical dimension. You are the only one
who knows the correct path to take. Your
intuition-your connection to Spirit-is your
compass. You have the power to stay the
course, and you are stronger and more deter
mined than you might first think. In order to
experience many successes in life, you must

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mature and realize the strength within your
self and the quality of inner courage.
Life doesn't just happen-we must make
it happen . It is natural for us in this human
school to shy away from what we believe to be
dif ficult, because we concern ourselves with
how others will perceive us. We are afraid of
failure, ridi cule, or coming up short.
Now is the time to make the proper
changes and take risks and do things you never
thought you could before. Your soul must learn
to become aware of its "inner strength ." Live
the joyfulness your soul yearns for and engage
in activities you have always wanted to try but
were afraid you'd fail at. Your soul would not
yearn for something that you couldn't accom
plish. You have the strength and fortitude to
be capable of greatness.

1 81

I love mysel f, and I see myself in everyone

You need to take time to honor and

acknowledge who you are and what your soul
has accomplished with your life thus far. You
should look at your past soul choices and be
mindful of how through your positive actions,
compassion, and understanding, you have
made a better life for yourself and others. How
have you changed the world in some little way?
How have you shared insights with others?
Reflect on what you have mastered.

You should never underappreciate or
underestimate yourself or your accomplish
ments. Now is the time for you to remember
how brave you have been throughout your
journey. Celebration is required!
Humans tend to spend too much of their
energy and time on negative emotions or what
they have not done. This card signifies that
you should take rightful ownership of who
you are and how you have shared your unique
light with the world . It may also be a perfect
time for you to look around and acknowl
edge those other souls who have also
accom plished many great things and who
need to be reminded of them.

I know what I am here to do

You have chosen to reincarnate on Earth

for one major goal: to express love in all that
you do. The obstacles of this physical dimen
sion can distract you from that goal, and it's
easy to lose your way. Life on Earth is full of
obligations that require your conscious atten
tion, but that doesn't mean you can't infuse all
of your decisions with caring and compassion.
Your purpose in life is not your career;
rather, your career is guided by your purpose.
What activities speak to your soul? What

__/ 84
brings you joy? That is the direction your soul
is calling you toward to best convey your own
unique expression of love and make a contri
bution to the world. If you are not happy with
your current circumstances, then that is your
soul telling you that there is a better way to
manifest your own distinct gifts. Listen to your
in tuition. It is your connection to Spirit and
the voice of your soul.

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I know that I cannot change the past

The soul doesn't know time; time is a con

struct of the physical dimension . To your soul,
there is only one big now. Think of the "past"
as the now that has already been created, and
the "future" as the now that has yet to be cre
ated . You don't have the power to un-create the
past, so let that go. Your power of creation lies
in your awareness of the present.
You have the power to not only create
your future, but also create acceptance of
your past. You should realize that you are the
summation of every single experience you have
had. These experiences have helped shape you
into the person you are today. Train yourself
not to judge past events as good or bad but as
opportunities. What have you learned from
the past that will help enrich your future?
Focusing on the past and letting it dic tate
the direction of your future is taking your
power away from yourself. You are the creator.
You hold the power. Reflect on the lessons of
the past and use your current power to create
your bright future.

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Relat ion sh ips

I am attracted to those peo ple
who serve my higher good

In this th ree-dimensional world in which

we live, there is a sense that we are separate
from one another and also that we meet by
chance. This is an illusion. The people in our
lives are drawn to us and are here for a reason.
It is through sharing experiences and hav
ing relationships with others that we begin to
understand ourselves.
When someone appears in your life, you
must see what is not resolved or whole in the
person and understand the lessons he or she
brings home to you. You draw others to you
like magnets, in order to learn various aspects
of yourself. The people you have close relation
ships with on Earth are usually members of
your soul family. You have chosen to incarnate
together to help each other learn lessons
even though it may not seem that way to you
now. Once a lesson is learned, don 't be sur
prised if that person fades away. People are in
your life for a reason , a season, or a lifetime.

Self Esteem
I possess gifts of the soul
that benefit me and

It is easy to perceive others as being better

than you. This is a trap of the ego. There is no
one greater or lesser than you; there are only
those who have learned how to reveal their
gifts to a greater or lesser degree. Everyone
is born with unique abilities of the soul, and
just like snowflakes, no two are ever alike. You
have a unique perspective to share with the
world and have come back this time to put
your stamp on it.

Perhaps you may not be aware or even
"in tune" with your incredible and gifted self.
Why not try to make a list of ten aspects of
yourself or abilities you possess that you love
and hold in high regard? It is not always easy
to write about yourself, but sometimes you
need to be reminded just how special you are.
Remember that you did not come down to
this schoolroom by accident . You have mean
ing and a reason for being. You are a treasure
chest of incredible gifts and insights. Now is
the time to celebrate you!

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I feel good when I can help others
One of the most evolved gifts that a soul
possesses is giving of itself. There is a reason
why it feels good to give-it is because your
soul resonates with that vibration. Your soul
should be aware that it might currently be in
a situation in which it needs to be fulfilled
on "higher levels," and this can only happen
through the attribute of humbly serving and
supporting others.
Put yourself in a position in which you
can benefit another soul in any way
possible and demonstrate unconditional
love toward others. This might mean
bringing yourself into your heart space and
letting everything you involve yourself in
come from an attitude of giving freely. You
have to learn to direct your green heart-light
energy through all your thoughts, actions,
and deeds.
Look around and see where and how you
can serve another. Perhaps one way would be
asking a friend if you can help clean up his or
her office or run errands. Maybe volunteer to
watch your neighbors' kids so the parents can
have a night out. Make a meal for someone
who might be sick. Volunteer in a hospital
or hospice. Perform an activity that enriches

someone else's life.


I know that there is
no greater goal than to love

Success can mean many things to the ego

self. But the soul only knows one triumph, and
that is to love. When your soul is no longer
manifested in the physical dimension , it is a
time of reflection on how successful it was with
that endeavor. The soul doesn't care how big
your house was or how nice your car was or
how many bank accounts you had. The soul

only cares about how you expressed love and
In the infinite wisdom of the Universe,
the more love you demonstrate, the more you
will receive . . . and even your ego's definition
of success is altered. Your notion of how you
would be perceived as successful will change.
The material things that you thought would
make you happy will not have the same appeal.

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I can release my need to control

You need to understand the distinc

tion between power and control. You have
the power of internal control, but very little
exte rnal control over people or situations. The
majority of your external control is through
the power of in fluence . You can lead by
Every soul has its own unique path , and
it is not your job to dictate it. Giving advice
or direction in a compassionate manner is the
way to go. Your so ul, too, has a path, and

possess the power to control it-but you must
surrender the illusion that you have control
over another.
Remember that this is a process, and from
time to time your ego will ris e up and demand
that things be the way the y "should be." Envi
sion a hot-ai r balloon being load ed up with all
of the things you think you need to control,
and let them ride away in the balloon. You'll
be surprised to find that when you release
th e energy of contro l and accept the ene rgy
of surre nder, doors will open that you never
expecte d, because you have now given the
Universe space in which to materialize what is
needed for your highest soul growth .

I accept that my inn er voice
will always guide me correctly

The earth can be a tri cky place, but you

have been given a tool to help you navigat e
through the murky waters: your intuition . You
must learn to tell the difference between ego
talk and soul-talk, and then trust your soul.
Once you get into the habit of following your
intuition, you will come to practice that dis
cernment externally. You will be able to know
if a person or situation is trustworthy.

But it all begins with listening to your
inner voice. Exercise it like a muscle, and when
you determine that it is always right, that wis
dom will spread out and influence everything
that you do. Decisions will seem easier. Your
soul only wants what is best for you, and you
must learn to trust it.

- '-----J -

I am learning that worry
doesn't change an outcome

Worry is a wasted emotion; it does noth

ing other than give you the illusion of control.
When you expend too much energy worry
ing, it limits you and has an adverse effect
on the natural energy of the soul. Worrying
destroys the hope, faith, and excitement that
are wonderful elements of this schoolroom
called Earth.

---1IOO\_ -
Remember that you are what you think,
and you have the power to create positive
thoughts , which beget positive outcomes.
Worry is a negative emotion and sets you up
for a negative result . What unnecessary wor
ries are you carrying around with you now?
Examine them objectively in the light of love.
Help your soul by releasing them, and be fully
connected to the current moment, which is
where your power resides.
About the Author

James Van Praagh is an internation

ally renowned #1 New York Times best-selling
author. He has written extensively about life
after death, Spirit communication, grief, and
healing; and his messages have brought sol
ace, peace, and spiritual insights to millions,
changing their views on both life and death.
James introduced the world to medium
ship on the NBC daytime television show The
Other Side in 1994. Since then, he has appeared
on nearly every national radio and television
program, including Oprah, Larry King Live, Dr.
Phil, A&E's Biography, Nightline, Unsolv ed Mys
teries, The View, The Joy Behar Show, the Today
show, Dr. Drew's Lifechangers, Chelsea Lately,
Coast to Coast, and many more. His interna
tional reach expanded even farther when he
hosted his very own daytime talk show, Beyond
with James Van Praagh.

James is also a successful producer in net
work television , with one of the most-viewed
miniseries in CBS history , Living with the
Dead, starring Ted Danson, portraying James
in a biography of his life; and The Dead Will
Tell, starring Eva Longoria. He also co-created
and produced the highly successful series The
Ghost Whisperer, starring Jennifer Love Hewitt.
James teaches workshops and classes
and performs mediumship demonstrations
throughout the world. For more information,
please visit his websi te: www.vanpraagh .com.

About the .Artist
Prints and cards of many of t-he images in
The Soul's Journey Lesson Cards deck (without
the borders or words) are available directly
from the artist) website: www.mandalavisio ris
.com. Some images are also available on cus
tom wall tiles and glass·at www.mybacksplash
.com. Neither Hay House, Inc., nor James Van
Praagh assumes responsibility for any sales
conducted between you and the individual
artist or an outside party.

All Artwork by Charlotte Backman

For Charlotte Backman, painting man
dalas evolved from a fun diversion to a form of
artistic expression, a spiritual practice, and ulti
mately a life's work. Charlotte says, "As a con
temporary mandala artist, I improvise on tradi
tional forms with modern colors and materials,
with attention to the effect the artwork has on
the energetic and emotional receptors of the

body/mind. Living into the many spiritual and
psychological teachings of the mandala keeps
my heart and mind engaged and wanting more.
Some days I paint for the sheer joy of it, and
some days there is a message or emotion that
wants to be expressed."
Charlotte's artwork appears in private col
lections as well as spiritual centers, churches,
and hotels. She is a contributor to two books,
including Women, Spirituality and Transfor
mational Lead ership. In addition to teaching
art to adults and children, she also designs and
facilitates collaborative art projects for fund
raisers and team-building through the Many
Hands Mandala Project. One of these collab
orative pieces is featured in her TEDx presenta
tion, "The Beauty We Create Together."
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our online catalog featuring additional information on Hay House
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