Dispersion 26-11-2023
Dispersion 26-11-2023
Dispersion 26-11-2023
Expressed in relations to
each other example
Expressed in absolute
ratio, percentage
[called as COEFFICIENT
To control the variation of the data from the
central value.
To find the average distance of the items from
an average.
To know the reliability of an average. When the
dispersion is small, the average is reliable.
To control the variability itself.
To compare two or more series on the basis of
their variability.
To obtain other statistical measures for further
analysis of data
Overtime Statisticians have developed
following measures of dispersion:
Algebraic Measures- in next slide*
Graphic Measure: Lorenz Curve.
Independent of change of origin but
dependent on change of scale.
Measures of Dispersion
Mean Deviation is also known as
average deviation. In this case deviation
taken from any average especially
Mean, Median or Mode. While taking
deviation we have to ignore negative
items and consider all of them as
positive. The formula is given below
Steps for Computation of Mean Deviation for
Frequency Distribution.
If X1, X2,…,Xn are n given observations then the
mean deviation (M.D.) about an average A,
say, is given by :
In the case of frequency distribution or
grouped or continuous frequency distribution,
mean deviation about an average A is given
by :
(i) Mean deviation is rigidly defined and is easy to
understand and calculate.
(ii) Mean deviation is based on all the observations
and is thus definitely a better measure of dispersion
than the range and quartile deviation.
(iii) The averaging of the absolute deviations from an
average irons out the irregularities in the distribution
and thus mean deviation provides an accurate and
true measure of dispersion.
(iv) As compared with standard deviation, it is less
affected by extreme observations.
(v) Since mean deviation is based on the deviations
about an average, it provides a better measure for
comparison about the formation of different
(i) The strongest objection against mean deviation is that while
computing its value we take the absolute value of the deviations
about an average and ignore the signs of the deviations.
(ii) The step of ignoring the signs of the deviations is
mathematically unsound and illogical. It creates artificiality and
renders mean deviation useless for further mathematical
treatment. This drawback necessitates the requirement of
another measure of variability which, in addition to being based
on all the observations is also amenable to further algebraic
(iii) It is not a satisfactory measure when taken about mode or
while dealing with a fairly skewed distribution. As already pointed
out, theoretically mean deviation gives the best result when it is
calculated about median. But median is not a satisfactory
measure when the distribution has great variations.
(iv) It is rarely used in sociological studies.
(v) It cannot be computed for distributions with open end
(vi) Mean deviation tends to increase with the size of the sample
though not proportionately and not so rapidly as range.
Uses. In spite of its mathematical drawbacks, mean
deviation has found favor with economists and
business statisticians because of its simplicity,
accuracy and the fact that standard deviations)
gives greater weightage to the deviations of extreme
observations. Mean deviation is frequently useful in
computing the distribution of personal wealth in a
community or a nation since for this, extremely rich as
well as extremely poor people should be taken into
consideration. Regarding the practical utility of mean
deviation as a measure of variability, it may be
worthwhile to quote that in the studies relating to
forecasting business cycles, the National Bureau of
Economic Research has found that the mean
deviation is most practical measure of dispersion to
use for this purpose.
The relative measure of dispersion, called
the coefficient of mean deviation is
given by :
Standard deviation, usually denoted by the
letter σ (small sigma) of the Greek alphabet
was first suggested by Karl Pearson as a
measure of dispersion in 1893. It is defined as
the positive square root of the arithmetic mean
of the squares of the deviations of the given
observations from their arithmetic mean.
Thus if X1, X2,…, Xn is a set of n observations
then its standard deviation is given by :
The Formula:
1. Compute the Arithmetic Mean X‾
Compute the deviation (X- X‾) of each
observation from A.M. i.e.,
X1 – X‾, X2 – X2‾, …, Xn – X‾n.
Introduced by Karl Pearson in 1823.
It is by far the most important and widely
used measure of studying Dispersion. It’s
significance lies that it is free from those
defects from which the earliest methods
suffer and satisfies most of the properties
of a good measure of Dispersion.
S.D is also known as the root mean
square deviation from the Arithmetic
Mean. It is denoted by the symbol σ
The S.D. measures the absolute dispersion for
variability of distribution. The greater the S.D.
the greater will be the magnitude of the
deviations of the values from the mean.
A small S.D means a high degree of uniformity
of the observation as well as homogeneity of a
series, a large S.D means just the opposite.
Thus, if we have two or more comparable
series with identical or nearly identical means. It
is the distribution with the smallest S.D. that has
the most representative mean. Hence S.D. is
extremely useful in judging the representatives.
Both these measures of dispersion are
based on each and every item of the
distribution. But they differ in the following:
Algebraic signs are ignored while
calculating mean deviation whereas in the
calculation of S.D. signs are taken into
M.D. can be computed either from Mean,
Median or Mode. The S.D. on the other
hand, is always computed from the A.M.
because the sum of the squares of the
deviation of items from A.M. is the least.