Belle Awassa SP Physical Final
Belle Awassa SP Physical Final
Belle Awassa SP Physical Final
1.1 Background of the study
Towns are urban centers which kindle economic growth and characterized by dense
population and heterogeneity in comparison to rural areas and better extent of the built-up
area with earnings of living. But also with the flourishing of town unplanned urban sprawl,
slums, housing and shortages of infrastructure, social segregation and exclusion are some of
the major problems encountered. Accompanied by motorization, it has caused congestion and
hazardous air pollution. Thus, urbanization trends pose a need for strategic and innovative
approaches to urban design, planning, management and governance.
Therefore urban planning is one of the most important tools for efficient urban land
management which promote compactedness through mixed land use, maximize land
efficiency as well as promote sustainable, diversified, socially equal and prosperous
communities. It guides the socio- economic, environmental, spatial/physical developmentand
preservation of cultural authenticity.Protection and controlling of the informal sectorinorder
to contribute it`s part to the local economy. Governance issues that recognize complementary
assets and linkages of urban and rural areas, advance partnerships and bottom up approaches
inclusive of stakeholders. Hence, urban development effort without the guidance of urban
planning is like walking blindfolded
Therefore, the type of plan prepared for Belle Awassa town is a strategic plan since its
population of the town in 2015 E.C is 34,571. This plan works to ensure better housing
conditions, infrastructural facilities which promote local accessibility and services vibrancy
in trade, investment and manufacturing activity by creating integrated development scheme
between the urban and rural zones through strong urban – rural and urban - urban linkages
which are expressed in different ways.
Based on this fact and the requisition of the town administration for revision of the plan,
Southern Regional Plan Institute, Urban Planning Study and Research Direcotrate in
collaboration with Wolayta Zone Urban Planning Study and Research Direcotrate and town
planning team as to the planning approach has conducted various studies at study region,
hinterland and urban level.
At study region level after identifying influence areas which have a direct or indirect linkage
with Belle Awassa town, a detail physical and socio economic analysis have been conducted,
which facilitate to strength linkage while preparing the land use plan. Beside these, at
hinterland level deep study on the identification of spatial, geological economic, touristic …
potentials have been conducted which this proposal have given a due consideration. At urban
level besides conducting different socio economic studies serve as an input to this proposed
plan, the spatial and the physical configuration of the town that are: the different land uses,
the form and structure of the terrain, the natural and manmade potentials and constraints are
studied and analyzed thoughtfully.
All these studies incorporated to prepare the land use proposal and finally strategic plan
which governs the overall spatial coverage of the town according to different land uses
proposed within the planning period. Based on this premises the strategic plan is expected to
guide and control proper development of Belle Awassa town.
1.2 Vision
Vision of the town is very important to guide the development of the town from what to start
and where to go. Important points considered in vision formulation of the city include;
Existing prospective of natural resource of the study region
Current economic activity of the town and its surrounding hinterland
Existing social and economic services in the area like highway crossing, the public
interest level with demand and supply. Focusing on the above criteria the following
vision is formulated for Belle Awassa town.
“To see Belle Awassa town, as competitive, livable, administrative, recreational, walk able,
cultural, center for market and eco-turism and agro-processing through economically vibrant,
socially inclusive and environmentally friendly developed by 2025 E.C”.
1.3 Objective of the Study
To promote plans and designs that concider both the adaptation to climate change and
mitigation of environmental degradation;
To approach the principles 40% for built up areas, 30% to be allocated to transport
and roads network and 30% of the land to be used for open space and greenery that
ensure high quality streets and public spaces,
To elevate the project area to a site of urban tourism,
To promote sustainable urban extension and develop compact city with proper well-
designed density that meet the challenge of rapid urbanization and benefit from the
economies of scale.
To reduce car dependency and commute to encourage pedestrian, bicycle riders and
other non-motorized transport inorder to diminish landscape fragmentation and green-
house gas emissions, provide closer public services at the place.
Mixed urban uses and limited land-use specialization mixed land-use arrangement
helps create local jobs, promote the local economy.
To support mixed communities and local economies to endorse safer communities
and create attractive neighborhoods.
To strengthen urban-rural and urban – urban linkage for the purpose of increasing
connectivity to create access to services for all and to boost local economies.
To promote mixed social structure principle that aims cohesion and interaction
between different social classes in the same neighborhood and ensuring accessibility
to equitable urban opportunities by providing different types of housing.
To prepare the best strategic plan that can guide all the social, economic and
environmental friendly activities, as result to achieve sustainable economic and social
development of the town.
1.4 Methodology
During the preparation of the strategic plan of Belle Awassa town has adopted a participatory
approach in all its processes, from assessment to proposals. The concerned stakeholders have
been involved and their opinions accordingly considered at pointing out the issues to be
resolved over and done with the plan.
The study team has applied different data collection, compiling and analysis methods.
Accordingly, primary data collection is undertaken through interview, questionnaires, field
observation and recording, preparing the base map by using Differential GPS, satellite-image
and ground surveying with reviewing the base map and updating the inventory of the existing
land use and road network, with intact consultation to the public and stakeholders.
Moreover, secondary data were also exhaustively collected from different sector offices such
as KindoKoysha Woreda sector offices, Belle Awassa town administration departments,
municipality of Belle Awassa, EEPCO, ETC, Postal service and through reviewing CSA data,
published and unpublished socio economic profiles.
Both qualitative and quantitative methods are used for data analysis and interpretation. In
quantitative analysis statistical methods like tables, ratio, percentage, average …etc is used
besides description of phenomena qualitatively has been conducted from interview, focus
group discussion and public consultation.
To display the pattern and nature of different characteristics organizing appropriate GIS data
analyses of different maps, diagrams and satellite images have been conducted. The spatial
data are analyzed in AUTOCAD, GIS and Global Mapper. Then, identifying of major
planning issues and recommendation were given to guides the planning works.
1.5 Scope of the Study
The study conducted by the area cover of 6,189 hectare for which a base map was produced
by Southern Regional Plan Institute, Urban Planning Study and Research Direcotrate in
collaboration with Urban Plan Study and Research Directorate of Wolayta zone Urban
development and Constraction Department in 2015 E.C. Accordingly, the study under taken
to prepare the strategic plan has focused on the following major plnning issues:
Analysis of current situations, trends, dynamics, opportunities, potentials, threats, strength,
weaknesses and proposals that guide sustainable development of the town with strong urban-
rural and urban – urban linkage.
1.6 Organization of the Paper
The study text of Belle Awassa town Strategic Plan is arranged in different parts based on
their content. Accordingly, the arrangement is made in to two major sub divisions i.e.
Regional and urban study which contain fifteen subsequent chapters.
The first chapterfocuses on introduction, vision, objective of the strategic plan, methodology,
scope the study, and organization of the paper. The second chapter deals with the sphere of
influence and physical characteristics of the regional study. The third chapter analyses the
regional level of urban arrangement and physical infrastructure.The forth chapter elaborates
the economy structure of influence areas.
In part two the fifth chapter focuses on the historical background of the town. While chapter
six is on the demographical characteristics of the town. Physical infrastacture and
hydrogeology dissicussed in chapter seven, environmental analysisexplained in chapter eight,
the urban economic data analysis of the town explained in chapternine. Under chapter ten the
social infrastructure of the town is elaborated.
The municipal serviceof Belle Awassa town is discussed in chapter eleven. The infrastructure
service and utlity of the town is treated under chapter twelve, chapter thriteen deals about
existing land use. Finally, chapter fourteen discussed proposed land use and implementation
strategy of the plan.
1.7 Experts who participated in the preparation of Strategic Plan
A. Base Map Preparation (Surveying) Team
1. Habtamu Aiyde (surveyor)- From Wolayta Zone Urban Plan Study and Research
2. Mehretu Zekarias (surveyor):-From Wolayta Zone Urban Plan Study and Research
3. Tariku Mekonen (surveyor) - From Southern Regional Plan Institute, Urban Planning
Study and Research Direcotrate,
4. Sintayehu Kinfu: - (surveyor) - From Southern Regional Plan Institute, Urban Planning
Study and Research Direcotrate
B. Socio-Economic Study Team
1. Yoseph Anamo (Geographer):- From Wolayta Zone Urban Plan Study and Research
Directorate conducted regional part of physical, urban system and physical infrastructure
study and at urban level physical and transport data collection and the analysis part.
2. Temesgen Fanta (Economist):– From Wolayta ZoneUrban Plan Study and Research
Directorate conducted the analysis on rural economy of the study region, urban economy and
urban finance & governance issues data collection and the analysis part.
3. Bekele Bogale (Geographer):- From Southern Regional Plan Institute, Urban Planning
Study and Research Direcotrate conducted rural and urban environmental issues of study
region data collection and the analysis part.
4. Mengistu Mulatu: - From Wolayta Zone Urban Plan Study and Research Directorate
conducted the historical, social, and population data collection and analysis part.
C. Land use Planning Team
1. Daniel Kuma (planner):- From Wolayta Zone Urban Plan Study and Research
Directorate conducted land use inventory and planning and road network planning.
2. Dagmawi Yacob: - Drainage network planning and urban infrastructure data collection
and analysis part from Southern Regional Plan Institute, Urban Planning Study and Research
D. CAD and GIS team
1. Mehretu Zekarias (surveyor)-From Wolayta ZoneUrban Plan Study and Research
2. Habtamu Aiyde (surveyor):- From Wolayta Zone Urban Plan Study and Research
3. Yesrib Bahiru (GIS):- from Southern Regional Plan Institute, Urban Planning Study and
Research Direcotrate.
E. Text Edition and Compilations
1. Yoseph Anamo: From Wolayta Zone Urban Plan Study and Research Directorate.
F. Coordinators
Asaminew Adisu, Asfaw Seta, Yoseph Anamo, Simon Sapa and Tamrat Tanga, Dawit
Hailu and Eshetu Kassa
Chapter Two
Regional Study
2. Influence Area and Physical Characteristics Belle Awassa Town
2.1. Sphere of Influence Area
Even though, towns have their own peculiar characteristics that differ themselves from other
community setlements, they have mutual interaction with other towns and nearby rural
catchment too. Thus, to ensure sustainable economic and social development, there is needed
to be in mutual relationship among towns and towns with adjoiningnumber of rural villages.
2.1.1 Criteria for Delineation of the influence area
Administrative ties, similarities in physical features, cultural linkage, economic interaction,
geographical proximity etc ... for selection purpose. Based on the above criteria, Eght
Weredas and three town adiminstration from Wolayta Zone and one wereda from Dawuro
Zone are identified. These include; Damote Sore, Boloso Sore, Sodo Zuria, Boloso Bombie,
Kindo Koysha, Kindo Didye, Bayera Koysha and Kawo Koysha woredas and Wolayta
Soddo, Areka and Gununo Hamus town adminstraion from wolayita zone and Loma wereda
from Dawuro Zone.
Thus, in the part of regional study, the physical characteristics of the influence area i.e
location, area, topography, climate, natural vegetation, soil type and geology, rate of
urbanization, infrastructure, and rural economy analysis are considered.
Whereas, strong economic relation and transport linkages of Belle Awassa town go further to
Dawuro zone, Konta Koysha, Jimma and Ameya Special wereda in the west. Shashemene,
Hawassa, Addis Abeba and Hossana, etc… which in turn leads the town influence further to
the centeral and northern Ethiopia which will be discussed in the portion of economic study.
Wolayta map
2.2.2. Relative location of the influence area of Belle Hawassa town is bordered in the
north by Damot pulasa from Wolayta Zone and Loma wereda in the west from Dawuro Zone,
Offa Wereda in the south and Damot Woyde in the east from Wolayta zone.Fig 2.2/
Fig: - 2.2 Infulence Area of Belle Awassa Town
Wanche 2025 Bolla wanche
Homia woshi 1925 Tulicha
2 Kindo koysha Kawo Dere 2160 Fechena
Ambo 2135 Sere Bakala
3 Bayra Koysha Mushate 2234 Gale Wargo
Aldada 2250 Tepa
4 Boloso Bombe Zaba 2500 Zaba
Sa'tusa 2145 Hereje
Buna 1134 Udula Matala
5 Damote sore Wotagisho 2010 Koysha nare
Shoke 1900 Zamine nare
6 Kindo Didaye Didaye deria 1892 Kindodidaye
Koysha deria 2480 Kindodidaye
Source- Wolaita Zone Plan Department 2014 Abstract
2.4 Climate
2.4.1 Agro-ecology
Influence Area agro-ecology can be categorized in to mid high land climate (moist woyna
Dega), of temperate (Dega) and Kolla. According to the Wolaita Zone Plan Department 2014
Abstract, GIS data and socio economic information, climate of the study area is classified in
to Dega 10.5%, Woyna Dega 64.27 % and Kolla 25.2% respectively. Woyna-Dega climate
found in the whole parts of influence area i.e Damot Sore, Bolosso Sore, kindo Koysha,
kindo Didaye, Bayera koysha, Boloso bombe and all parts of SodoZuria wereda. Kolla
climate is found in all influence area except Soddo Zuria wereda. Dega climate is found in
all influence area except Boloso Sore wereda.
Fig:-2.3 Agro-Ecology of Belle Awassa Infulence Arca
The natural expression of catchment region of Belle Awassa town is hot moderate zone. All
possible agricultural activities carried on in the area. Agricultural products more of wheat,
maize, coffee, teff, potatoes, Kasasaba and …etc are produced in the large quantity. Animal
herding and and milk production practised in the catchment. All the agricultural practices are
lonely depedent on the rainfall.
2.4.3 Rainfall of Influence Area
The major rain season is summer and having between 800-1600 mm rainfall annually lower
at eastern part of Kendo Koysha and Bolosso Bombie wereda as having an average rainfall of
1500 mm which is sufficient rainfall for different agricultural practices.
2.5 Rivers and Drainage
Surface water resource is among the basic necessities for both rural and urban society since it
is the main source for potable water supply and irrigation etc. The study area is drained by two
major drainage basins namely, Omo river drainage and, Rift valley drainage basins.
The main rivers of the study area include Hamessa, Lintala, Bisare, Wajja, and Likimise,
Omo, Dimaye, Milke, Balia, kalalo, Gamo, Woybo, Akerssa, Yachiya etc.... There are also
several intermittent rivers in the study area that dry-up during dry months.
Rivers Dimaye, Milke, Balia, kalalo, Gamo, Woybo, Akerssa, Yachiya etc discharge in to
Omo Rivers while Hamessa, Lintala, Bisare, Wajja, and Likimise discharge in to Lake
Abaya. Most of the rivers originate from mount Damota and flow in different directions. Due
to rugged topography most of streams and rivers of the influence area have less importance
for irrigation. However, the lower parts of Omo River and others had high potential for
irrigation development in relation with the Dam of Gibbe -3.
2.6 Vegetation
There are different vegetation types in regional stydy which have different economic and
environmental values. They grow in different altitudinal ranges. The dominant high land
forests are covered by Wanza, Zigba, Koso, Dokema and Bisana trees. The density of trees
are diminishing from year to year due to factors like increasing demand of agricultural lands,
grazing, forest fire, increasing of the urban population, cutting of trees for different purposes
and absence of alternative energy sources. The declining of these forests caused pragmatic
environmental changes like increasing in temperature, drying away of springs; rain fall
distribution /reliability/ is not preserved, decreasing in the volume of river water and soil
erosion. In order to preserve the environment hazards, various activities are undertaken by
different stakeholders. Accordingly, water shade development programs, giving awareness
creation orientation to the community preventing unlawful deforestation, marketing and
reforestation activities are carried on.
2.7 Geology and Soil of Belle Awassa Influence Area
2.7.1 Geology of Belle Awassa Influence Area
According to Southern mines and Energy report and from the geological map Southern
Region Belle Awassa Influence Areageological formation includes:-
i. The Quaternary sediment: - There are different genetic types of quaternary sediments in
Ethiopia. In the Ethiopian rift system the quaternary sediments are mostly of lacustrine
origin. According to Mohr and Lloyd “lacustrine beds are interblended with Plio-Pleistocene
ignimbrites in the Lakes Region and on the rift shoulders”
The Quaternary sediments (alluvial and lacustrine deposits) are found in the western parts of
Kindo koysha and it covers small area of the study region.
ii. The Quaternary Basalt: - The Basaltic flows and spatter cones of the quaternary
volcanics are found in most parts of Bolosso Bombie and east part tip of Kindo Koysha.
iii. Rhyolitic volcanic centers are found in the northern tip of Kindo Koysha wereda. The
products of the volcanoes range from trachytes to alkaline- rhyolites.
Iv.Dino formation: - “the Pleistocene age volcanism, which might be referred as Magadala
group volcanics (Kazmin, 1979) constituting Dino development and Nazereth series rocks”.
Normally such rock types are not clearly kown to appear in the study town and in the near
v. Nazeret series are found in most parts of Boloso sore, SodoZuria, Damotsorie and small
parts of Bolosso Bombbie.
Generally, the region is dominantly covered by volcanic rocksin the Kindo Koysha wereda
part at west border. More than the lion share of the study region is covered by Magadal
volcanic groups constituting Dino formation and Nazereth series rocks, then followed by
Quaternary Basalt and sediment and Rhyolitic volcanic center accordingly. These rocks are
used for construction purposes especially ignimbrite (green to gray colour), and rhyolite,
basalt and also sand are available. The south part of the town is covered by the plenty of
construction stone/rock wih its vast area along the Dhakachaa river.
Types of soil distribution of the study area are
Nitosols / Red Basaltic soil/ is mainly found in Boloso Sore, SodoZuria, the southern part of
Damote Sorie and the western and north western parts of Sodo Zurya weredas. The northern
part of Bolosso Sorie also has nitosols.
The Soil has: -
Stable structure and mature soil formation
High capacity to store moisture.
Potentially good for agricultural activities and are soft, loose and easy to cultivate.
The soil is best for coffee, enset, potatoes, forest trees, genger and cereals growing.
Vertisols / Black Basaltic Soil/ - is mostly found in Bolosso Sorie and Sodo Zurya. The
Southern part of Bolosso Bombbie also has vertisols but the colour is not black. This type of
soil has following characteristics:-
clay content
Sticky and has poor drainage and water logging nature.
Useful both for farming and muchcoducive for grazing. Where water drained from
the soil, since it has high nutrient valueand the agricultural potential of productity is
Acrisols is basically associated with nitosols. It is found in small parts of southwestern of
Boloso Sore and northern parts of Damot Sorie.
The Soil is characterized by: -
Low possession of nutrients
Law productive capacity and
Commonly developed in highly (undulating) area.
Lithosols is found in southern pats of Kindo Koysha and it developed in recent lava and
young quaternary sediments. It is found in rugged topography and slopes.
The Soil is characterized by: - Young, shallow and coarse texture.
Fluvisolsis found in western and eastern parts of Bolosso Sorie, Damot Sorie and
southeastern parts of SodoZuria. The soil is associated with fluvial (river) deposits and it is
fertile soil.
vi. Andosols: - is found in the northeast and eastern parts of Kindo Koysha and the northern
tip of Bolosso Bombbie. The soil developed usually from volcanic products.
The soil has the following characteristics:-
Poor in phosphorous, organic matters and nitrogen.
It is not selective for agriculture; rather it can be used for grazing.
In general, more than the lion share of the study area is covered by Nitosols and
Fluvisols soils which are fertile and conducive for agricultural activities. Then, The
total soil resource of the study region governed by Vertisols, Lithosols, Acrisols and
Andosols soil types accordingly.
Chapter Three
3. Regional Urban System and Physical Infrastructure
3.1. Population Size and Distribution in Belle Awassa Influence Area
According to the 2014 EC SNNPR plans Department, the total population of SNNPR is
14,967,251 from which 3,966,321 or 26.5% of the population are urban inhabitants, while
11,000,930 or 73.5% are rural residents; this makes the region the least urbanized in the
country. According to Wolayta zone plans Department 2014 EC, the total populations of
Belle Awassa influence area is 1,024,740 and the total land area of the study region is 1876
The study region is classified into Eght woreda structures namely, Kindo Didaye, Kindo
Koysha, Bayera Koysha, Kawo Koysha, Boloso Sore, Bolosso Bombbie, SodoZuria, and
Damote Sorie whereas; Areka, Gununo Hamus and Wolayta Soddo are three town
administrations. Out of the total governmental structures, land area of Kindo Koysha, Kindo
Didaye, and Boloso sorie shared the largest portion, accounting 24.58%, 16.79% and 14.41%
Table:-3.1 population size and distribution
No Wordea Population size Area Crude density
In number In % In km2 In % (persons/km2
1 Kindo Didaye 107,130 10.45 315.1 16.79 340
2 Kindo Koysha 139,360 13.59 461.3 24.58 302
3 Bayera Koysha 63,454 6.19 104.7 5.58 606
4 Boloso sorie 240,458 23.46 270.3 14.41 889
5 Boloso Bombbie 137,458 13.41 266.7 14.22 515
6 Sodo Zurya 126,895 12.38 168 8.95 755
7 Damote Sorie 130,727 12.75 173.4 9.24 754
8 Kawo Koysha 79,258 7.73 116.5 6.21 680
Total 1,024,740 100 1876 100 546
Source: -computed from Wolayta zone plans Department 2014 EC.
From the study region Bolosso Sorie, Kindo Koysha and Boloso Bombbie weredas stand
first, second and third in terms of population size, accounting 23.46%, 13.59% and 13.41%
The average population density of the study region is 546 persons/km 2, which is much higher
than southern region average i.e. 237 persons/km2.
At woreda level high population concentration is found in Boloso sorie, woreda i.e 889
pesons/km2 and followed by Sodo Zurya, Damote Sorie and Kawo Koysha woredas,
constituting 755, 754, and 680 persons/km2 respectively. This implies that there is a shortage
of agricultural land in the rural areas which in turn will have a negative effect on the
3.2. Regional Urban System
Table;-3.2 Proportion of urban population
No Zone Urban population Rural Percentage of
population urban
1 Belle Awassa Influence 1,476,696 588,472 888,224 39.8
Boloso Sore = 240,458
Sodo Zuria = 126,895
Kindo Koysha = 139,360 Beklosegno= 17,175
Boloso Bombe = 137,458 Gununo= 84,510
Damot Sore = 130,727 Bombie= 27,235
Kindo Didaye = 107,130 Areka= 62,303
Baira Koysha = 63,454 W.Sodo= 349,830
W.Sodo= 349,830 Belle
Gununo=84,510 Awassa=34,571
Areka= 62,303 Halale = 7,125
BelleHawasa= 34,571 Wamura = 5723
should be encouraged to change the persisting imbalance between rural and urban population
number by planning the towns found in the study region.
3.3. Infrastructure linkage
A. Road Transport and Traffic accident
The traffic accident of Belle Awassa influence area is mainly happened due to not giving
precedence to the pedestrian, technical problem of vehicle,absence of pedestrian walkways,
the undulating nature of topography, absence of road side traffic signs and light, high speed
drive of motor and car vehicles within the area.Lack of awareness with pedestrians how to
use zebra rows are another causes of traffic accidents.The basic infrastructure linkage ofstudy
region is taken by road,communication (telecommunication& postal service) power supply…
etc. In the following table the infrastructure of the study region is described as follows.
Table 3.3: Road Type and Density of Belle Awassa Influence Area
No Worada/ Town All weather road Gravel Weather Total Total Area Road
Administration road length in km Density
Asphalt Federal Regional Earth Earth in km
of the indicators of the development of the infrastructure and in turn it is directly related with
social and economic development of the region. However, the type of road is also another
important element in deciding the infrastructural development of the town. The road transport
density within the study areais relatively low and also themain type of road type is rural
gravel and asphalt is found at minimum range. Therefore, the transport department has a lot
of task on the infrastructuredevelopment.
The traffic accident of influence area of Belle Awassa town is mainly happened due to not
giving priority to the pedestrian, technical problem of vehicle, absence of pedestrian
walkways, the undulating nature of topography, absence of road side traffic signs and light,
high speed drive of vehicles within the area, lack ofawareness of pedestrian using zebras are
another causes of traffic accidents.
Table:-3.4 Number of car accidents within the influence area of Belle Awassa town, 2015
N.o Type of Measurement 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
1 Number In number 17 14 24 29 26 28 34
2 Loss on In Birr -- 507,868 234,989 1,000,00 1,155,29 135,8 1,025,1
Property 0 9 30 74
3 Accident type
3.1 Serious In number 31 28 52 44 45 22 32
3.2 Simple In number 28 24 78 51 49 18 16
3.3 Accident In number 56 66 154 124 120 68 72
Source: - Wolayita Zone Road Transport Department, 2015 E.C.
Some of the solutions which are taken at present by the Zone Road Transport Department of
Traffic creating awareness on religious institution, creating awareness for drivers
and pedestrians, controlling the cattle which is left on the road, sending document to the grass
root, controlling high speed drivers in the towns by taking corrective measures.
The Influence area of Belle Awassa town found relatively in better connectivity by roads
SodoZuriya (Sodo town), Bolosso Bombbie (Bombbie town), Boloso Sore (Areka town),
Kendo Koysha (Belle town), Bayera Koysha (Beklo saygno town) and Kindo Didaye
(Halaalee and Lasho town).
B. Communications
The presence of fixed telephone, mobile and other electronic media obviously facilitate urban
-urban and urban-rural linkage in Belle Awassa influence area and it is taken place through
digital automatic, semi-automatic service. Mobile phone service is also another important
service in the study area. In study area mobile service, internet service is taken and wireless
service is given with all rural kebeles of the study area.
Postal Service
The postal service in study area is carried on now a days by permanent and agent level and
wereda Kindo Koysha, SodoZuriya, and towns like Belle awassa, Areka, Gununo Hamus
wolayita Soddo towns has permanent postal service while most of the wereda has postal
service at agent level.
Clean Water Supply
According Wolyayita Zone Plan Department 2015 EC the clean water coverage of Belle
Awassa influence area is 24.5%, however from wereda to wereda it has variation. Boloso
Bombe wereda has the highest coverage (46.4%), followed by Boloso Sore (40.4%), Kawo
Koysha 27.79%, Kindo Didaye 21.54%, Bayra Koysha 21.22%, Kindo Koysha 15.62% and
Damot Sore 11.53%. The lowest coverage is SodoZuryia (11.16%). Even though the study
area has large water potential the water coverage is low, thus the Zone Water Department
has to perform a lot of task for water coverage.
Chapter Seven
7. Physical Infrastructure
7.1 Shape of the town and expansion areas
7.1.1 Location, Area and Shape of the study Town
Belle Awassa is located in Wolayta Zone Kindo Koysha Woreda on the way to Wolayta
Soddo to Halale/Dawuro road about 40 kms far away from the zonal capital W/Soddo town.
Relatively the study town is found bounded by Molticho rural kebele’s in the south, Bade
Woyde and Sorto rural villages in the east, Sere Finchawa in southeast, Mundena rural kebele
bordering in the north from Wolayta Zone and Loma wereda rual village in the west from
Dawuro Zone. Astronomically, the town located 6077N and 37°32́ degree east. It covers the
total area of 6,989 hectares including the planning boundary. The town has almost irregular
shape with elongated feature following the Wolayta Soddo to Halale/Dawuro road.
7.2.1 Temperature
According to SNNPR Finance and Economic Development GIS data, the climate
ofTraditionally, the climate of Belle Awassa town is classified in to Kola type and has
uncomfortable temperature conditions that can be taken as one of the pushing factor to attract
people from different corners for living and investment. A place with moderate condition of
temperature relatively a greater opportunity to attract large population size than a place
characterize with extremely high or low temperature amount. This demonstrates that
temperature has a significant influence on the settlement of people either negatively or
positively in a given geographical area.
In the study town there was no metrological station to obtain real climate data instead the
Kindo koysha Woreda Agricultural Development Office supplied the study through providing
relevant information. Thus, based on the data obtained from the above mentioned institution
and the socio economist's personal field observation point of view the amount of temperature
occurring in the planning town is identified. Whatever its influence, no accurate figure or data
has been found for the planning area due to absence of metrological station in the given area.
But, the information obtained from Woreda Agricultural Development Office showed that the
annual average temperature of planning town ranges between 15.5°- 27.5°c. Therefore, the
town is characterized by moderatel high temperature zone of Ethiopia called woinadega & to
some extent it exhibits a semi arid climate characteristic. As a result the town is favorable for
residence & business activities and suitable for controlling the environment of the area
through forestation.
Generally Belle Awassa has uncomfortable temperature conditions that can be taken as one of
the pushing factor to attract people from different corners for living and investment.
Therefore, 30% of the lands to be used for open space and greenery that ensure high quality
streets and public spaces,
7.2.2 Rainfall
The annual rainfall is between 800 to 1500 mm. The rainfall distribution of the town mainly is
in summer (June, July and August). It is the main rainy season like any part of the country.
Both speed and flow directions of wind are the fundamental data used to determine the
appropriate location of settlement and other urban activities especially for those industries
emitting pollutants. Thus knowledge on velocity of wind is also important to establish
windbreak to reduce the speed of wind Information on the velocity and direction of wind for
Belle Awassa town is not available in regional metrological service agency just like other
towns. However, to fill the gap the writer collect information from relevant organization like
Kindo koysha woreda agricultural development office, the prevailing wind over the town is
from southwest to northeast of the town.Therefore those industries emitting highly urban
pollutant activities such as smoke and dust particles are recommended to be located on the
opposite side to the prevailing wind direction that is towards north west and west of the town
respectively. The establishment of emitting urban pollutant activities such as slaughter
house, solid waste damping site, etc is recommended to be on the opposite of the major wind
Chapter Eleven
11.1. Municipal Services
11.1.1. General market
There is one market place in Belle Awassa town located in the central parts of the town near
the main asphalt.Thursday market which is found in 01 kebele in Belle Awassa. The market
area is accessible and central to the surrounding areas.
Due to their accessibility and centrality, large number of people exchange commodities
coming mainly from Boloso Sore, SodoZuria, Kindo Koysha, Kindo Didaye, Bayra Koysha,
Bolosso bombbie, Bolosso sorie from wolayta zone and Loma wereda from dawuro zone.
Major problems are
The problem is congestion, thus the market should be enlarged. The above photo shows that
due to congestion people exchange commodities along the road. There is only one market
place in the town which is not enagh for future development. It doesn’t contain the necessary
market facilities like shades, ware house, etc.
Solution to the problem
Thus, to have enough space the surrounding facilities in close proximity should be relocated
into another appropriate sites and their space need to be incorporated. When the existing
micro and small scale enterprises and bus station relocated the existing open market could
have sufficient space which able to accommodate all expected marketing commodities and
attendants particularly during market days.
Proper drainage ditch should construct in the market.
With both market areas loading and unloading of goods done thus fright terminal is needed.
Additional market area and gulit areas (mini markets) should be established in the new
settlement or expansion areas for replacing this market area.
Live Stock Market
The cattle market is located adjacent to the slaughter house and it occupies the supply nature
topography particularly entrance and outlet of the cattle area.
Major problems are
Relatively there is not enough space for during national holydays large cattle enter in the
market and at that time there is congestion. Due to congestion of cattle market area, it is
difficulty for fright to load and unload sheep and cattle.
Solution to the problem
The cattle market which is located adjacent to the main market should further go or relocate
in relation to the new slaughter hose direction. Since there is large cattle and sheep population
in the wereda enough area for cattle loading and unloading should be reserved along the
cattle market area.
Thus the relocated cattle market can be an additional area to the main market since it is
located adjacently.
Abattoir service
The slaughter house of Belle Awassa town has accessibility in all direction and also there is
enough area in the compound for developing it. Besides relatively good abattoir service are
constructed in the compound.
Major problems are:-
There slaughter house of Belle Awassa town found along the side of residence and it became
the inappropriate area of the town now a days. In the compound hides and skin drying room
created bad odder near the resident of the area particularly during loading of the hides and
skin as a result a lot of objection is created by the nearby resident of the town.
Solution to the problem:-
The slaughter house of Belle Awassa town should be relocated in the appropriate place
following wind direction. For the future planning year enough area should be allocated for
the slaughter house in the new plan.
Bus Station
The bus station of Belle Awassa town is located at accessible site and along the major asphalt
The Major Problem of the existing Bus station
The bus station is not enough for the next ten planning years, because on average about 150
moter bicle, 45 Bajaji, 20 minibus and 110 medium transport and 12 large buses on daily base
facilitate the transportation from Belle Awassa to these 12 town and rural kebelles .
It is located adjacent to asphalt road which expose for different accidents.
The area is not enough space now and even for future planning years.
The bus station of Belle Awassa town is relocated to appropriate place in the previous plan.
The present bus station is reserved for commercial or hotel investment.
1 Sodo 40 5 15 5 30
2 Gununo Hamus 12 2 11 2 15
3 Areka 62 - 2 2 4
4 Bombe 82 - - - -
5 Bekilo Sagno 28 - 2 - 2
6 Hanaze Gamo 10 - 45 - 45
7 Oydu Chama 12 - - -
8 Sortto 8 - 7 - 7
9 wamura 31 - 5 - 5
10 Chachole 12 - 45 - 45
11 Gamo 6 - 15 - 15
12 Halale 47 2 2 3 7
Total 9 149 12 170
Source; - Belle Awassa town transport department, 2015 E.C
There is a regular transport linkage between the above towns and rural kebelles. At present a
number of gravel roads within the town opened connecting sefers with other sfer by the town
administration and municipality. The town residents and investors participation in the internal
road construction like other towns is indispensable. Thus time and again discussion and
convincing with town residents and investors is needed.
Even if the majority of the residents of the town move from one part of the town to another
on foot these internal transport has taken place within the town by bajaj and motor bike and
surrounding areas with minibus. On average 45 bajaj legally registered facilitate the
transportation activities, particularly from the center towards different parts.Thus terminal for
bajaj not far from the main road is needed to facilitate and control transport activities.
Fright Terminal
There is no formal freight terminal in the town. At present freights are informally loaded and
unload near the open market and near the road sides.The existing informal freight terminal is
not ideal place. Fright terminal may locate around market areas and along the outlet of Sodo
area where large frights are passed.
Taxi terminal
There are about 45 registered Bajaj taxi in Belle Awassa town. As to the town transport
department terminal for the Baja taxi is needed and it is preferably ground locates on the
secondary road and the other one is one car training center is needed.
Traffic Accident in the town
The traffic accident of Belle Awassa town is mainly happened due to not giving priority to
the pedestrian, technical problem of vehicle, absence of pedestrian walkways, absence of
road cross along the main asphalt absence of taxi terminal in the town, absence of road side
traffic signs and light, narrowness of roads, high speed drive of vehicles within the area, lack
of awareness of pedestrian using zebras are another causes of traffic accidents.
Table:-7.2 Number of car accidents within Belle Awassa town, 2015 E.C
N. Type of Measurement 2013 2014 2015
o accidents
1 Number death In number 8 8 3
2 Loss on In Birr 350,000 10,000 15,000
Accident In number 7 8 2
3 Accident type
3.1 Serious In number 19 9 4
3.2 Simple In number 24 8 -
total 43 17 4
Source: - Belle Awassa town Road Transport Department, 2015 E.C.
Major accident prone areas in the town are from centeral part of Belle Awassa town along the
asphalt road to Wolayta Sodo.
Fire Brigade
In Belle Awassa town there are about 6,914 resident’s houses and many trade and
administration houses. Most of the resident’s houses are built side by side or without leaving
space (crowded) and there are large blokes. Inaddtion the numbers of urban dwellers are
increasing even about part of three rural kebelle population are included with the planning
boundary.The establishment of institutions like Belle Awassa water supply, commenced by
Wolayta Sodo university, large population will come in the town.Thus, if fire accidents starts
it is difficult to control, it is easily passes from one house to other. These and other factors
urge the importance of fire brigade in the town. Solution:-Planning is one solution to control
such and other unprecedented accidents.and the town administration should plan to have fire
brigade within the town.
12.25. Electrical Power
Power supply is one of the prime factors in urban development. Provision of electric power in
Belle Awassa town was started in 1999 E.C. In the town there are about 870 owners of
electric meter in the town. The existing power supply system for the town is hydropower
supply system from Lasho sub-station. Total existing power to the station is 1000 Kilowat.
There are 8 transformers in the town,
Problems encountered
It is requested by 265 (200 residential, 6 comerce and 5 for industry) residents of the
municipality to install electric line at expansion area. There are only 3 street lights at center
of the town. There are town roads which have power interaption at most of the town. There
are streets which do not have street light most part of the town. When trees cut, fall on
electric line and cause electric shortage. Therefore, Municipality has huge task to do on
power expansion.
Unit Thirteen
13. Existing Land Use Analysis of Belle Awassa Town
13.1 Existing spatial form of Belle Awassa Town
13.1.1. Location
Belle Awassa town is located in SNNPR state, in Wolaita Zone. It is found along Addis
Wolayta Sodo exit to western part of Ethiopia to Gibee- 3 and Jimma road at a distance of
399 km. it serves as town admiration level and administrative and cultural and transport
center for Kindo Koysha woreda in general.
13.1.2. Shape of the Town
It is known that the shape of the town is expressed by its diameter ratio Belle Awassa has 12
km length diameter in North-South direction and 15 km long diameter in West-East direction.
So the entire shape of the town nearly elliptical.
13.1.3. Plan History of the Town
Got municipal status in 1990’s E.C. Got municipal status in 1992’s and got reform status
2011 E.C respectively. First municipal plan 1990 and the first structural plan 2013 E.C which
serving for 10 years.
Currently, the town becomes center for commerce and transportation route for all Damot
sorie, Bolosso sorie and Sodo zurya woredas’kebeles and the hinterland. But it was never
considers the current developmental needs and service integrations. It had around 3,893
hectare of land.
13.2. Existing Land Use of Gununo hamustown
The establishment of the town is physically bounded by water body and rich in ground water.
The existing settlement area of the town is about 1650hectares. The newly surveyed and
demarcated as expansion area is about 2227 ha. There for the total urban area of the town is
about 3,877hectares.
Basically the existing land use analysis of Belle Awassa town is focused on the existing
settlement area. Because it is known that expansion area is coming from land from rural
based uses/Agriculture. Therefore, the existing land use of Belle Awassa Town is analyzed
by each Land use category as follows.
The main land use categories currently existing in the town includes; Residence, commerce,
administration, Industry/manufacturing/ services, Recreation and formal green, Road and
Transport, Forest and informal green, special functions.
13.2.1. Mixed Residential Land Use
The residential land use of Belle Awassa town is characterized by mixed type of uses. It is
mixed with commercial and other urban land use activities. For instance the residential land
use is mixed with other uses on block level and even plot level. It is hard to find pure
residential zone is observed in the town. Existing residential area is about 123.75ha. It is
about 7.5% of the area.
13.2.2. Commercial Land Use
The hinterlands of the Belle Awassa town and the influence area is known by agricultural
products like livestock and cash crops, teff and maiz production and it hostsa number of
market attendants on the market day. The commercial activities of the town characterized by
merchandises, non-standardized hotels shops retailer’s business activities. Most of the
commercial activities found along the main road which crosses the town from Addis to sodo.
In relation to this urban land use function, two general markets are found in the central part of
the town. It has the problem of traffic congestion lack of facilities like shades, stores. It is
expected to relocate the cattle market and Saturday market (Qedamme gebeya) places
separately, and provides facilities for the newly proposed market places.
In general the commercial land use of the existing plan ranges from small business activities
to the market day business and material transaction which constitutes 123.5 ha of land from
the total built up area (7.6%).
13.2.3. Administration
Belle Awassa town is serving as town administration center andDamot Sorie woreda
administration, trade, cultural and transportation center. Therefore, all the town level
andworeda’s offices and other organizations situated here in Belle Awassa town. Most of
woreda level offices situatedalong the main asphalt road. Therefore there should be planning
intervention. The total area which is covered by the administrative land use constitutes
around 132ha of land which means (8%) from the total area.
13.2.4. Services
This type of land use category comprises mainly social services like education, health
services, religious organizations, cultural facilities and services. Municipal services like
slaughter house, waste disposal site, municipal cemetery etc. are also categorized under this
function.The town has no municipal services such as waste disposal sites, solid and waste
disposal sites, municipal cemetery, public library and public square at all. In general the
social services covered around 264ha of land (16%) from the total built up area.
13.2.5. Education
Educational facilities such as technical and vocational school, preparatory and high schools,
four elementary schools are found but the preparatory and high school found together.
13.2.6. Health
As a town admintration and Kindo Koysha woreda center, there is great need of district
hospital which serves residents of the town and its hinterland along with additional health
center in the town. There are private seven clinics without their building or formal places, but
two with their buildings. Therefore, this sector requires additional land allocation during
planning period.
13.2.7. Social and Cultural services
As far as religious services are concerned, there are eight Orthodox churches,
catholicchurches and many more protestant churches. Many other protestant believers
exercise their faith without their own churches but engaged using private individuals’
residents. Protestant cemetery and funeral occasions performed inside Orthodox Church. So
there should be allocation of land for the existing problems.
13.2.8. Municipal Services
The municipal services are basic necessities for the residents of Belle Awassa town. The
existences of all municipal services are unquestionable. But there are no municipal services in
Belle Awassa for example, sanitary land fill site, municipal cemetery, waste disposal sites
and the like. So there should be high attention must be given for the existence of services
during plan preparation in appropriate and with a compatible land use manner.
13.2.9. Utilities
The town has telephone (dialup and mobile), 24 hrs electrical light and water services, there
are also telecommunication office and postal services found in the central part of the town.
But EEPC and has no their own offices in the town. Hence land should be allocated for these
utilities service providers.
13.2.10. Recreation
At present there are green areas and stadium. No any planned /formal/ recreational facility
established by municipality. To solve this recreational facilities the planning team noted as a
planning issue for the coming planning period. Taking into account this problem, there is a
need to reserve play grounds, sport fields, public parks & formal green areas with in different
part of the town.area covered by this land use function is 140.25ha of land.
13.2.11. Manufacturing and Storage
Currently the available manufacturing & storage activities in the town are floor mail, coffee
processing, bottling, wood work, metal work and garages fuel stations, etc. there is
manufacturing site and show rooms development under construction in the town in order to
capacitate small scale enterprise and related activities. In order to meet the government policy
towards developing micro-small scale enterprise and other related agro industries, much has
to be done and there is a need to reserve sites with in different part of the town.the total area
of manufacturing share from the existing share is 41.25ha of land.
13.2.12. Transport and Road
In this land use category there is asphalt road which passes through the town from north to
south covers 11.93 km long. Most of the road structure of Belle Awassa town can be
described as cobblestone and paved ones with earth surfaced along with surfaced and foot
paths. The total area covered by this particular land use category is 305.25 ha of land from
the total areas.
13.2.13. Urban Agriculture
The soil type & climatic condition of the town is suitable for urban agriculture. The bank of
existing small rivers available in the town is potential land. The residents of Belle Awassa
town get vegetables & fruits using these two major rivers. There are also poultry farm, cattle
fattening and related activities in the town. But great attention has to be given for this
particular and essential economic activity.
13.2.14. Special Function
Areas categorized under this function are buffer area, high tension of electric line, river banks
and marshy areas.Major high tension lines, which have high voltage power, pass through the
town. Under these high voltage power lines, there are many residential houses constructed
and living there. This is one of the major existing problems that should never be continued in
Belle Awassa town strategic plan /2015E.C -20225E.C./
Chapter Fourteen
Planning for Future Land Use and Road Network
14.1 Planning Issues, Planning objectives and the conceptual frame work
The future land use proposals are based on detail investigation of the relevant surveying data,
socio-economic study & current growth trend of the town. More over community and stake
holders' discussion has been given considerable weight.
14.1.1. Planning Issues Identified existing land use planning problems of Belle
Hawassa town
Lack of road facilities (parking lots, street furniture's)
No fright terminal, waste disposal sites, shortage of alternative mini markets
(Service, administration, Weak integration throughout the Town)
Lack of consideration for open spaces and recreation areas
172 residences under high tension line and buffer regions
Informal settlement
Incompatibility land-use
It required many land -use zoning change
Poor connectivity between sectors
Confinement of commercial and administration land uses to the core commercial area and along
main road
No implementation phasing
Problem prioritization
Inadequate provision of infrastructure
Incompatible land use
Housing shortage
Inadequacy of social services
Environmental pollution
Safety and security
Environmental pollution
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Proposed residential zones are based on the future growth direction area of the town. These
reserved residential areas are arranged by sub-arterial and collector roads, in order to enhance
According Socio Economic Study the total number of housing units required currently is 11,088
housing units and projected for the coming planning period is estimated as 20,000 housing units.
Taking into account the regional land policy of minimum and maximum plot size for residential
plot house hold is and 200m2 300m2respectively. The average lot size considered in determining
the space required is 250m2 per housie hold. Hence the total area required is 500 ha .which
includes the number of farmers expected to be displaced (500) and 172 residents under high
tension line (672 x 250m2).In addition to this, plot size or plots affected by increasing road width
and 30 percent allowance for road access as well as neighborhoods level residential facilities will
be 671.8 hectares.Hence the major part of residential areas to be proposed envisaged to all
direction of the towns.
The total area proposed for residential area for the coming planning period is about 672 ha which
covers 24.3 percent of the total area.
14.2.2. Commerce and Trade
Proposed commercial land use includes the existing centers that had been already developed
along the main road side, around open market, residential villages, and sites more or less equally
In order to enhance faire distribution of commercial activity in addition to the existing main
central business district (CBD), sub centers are proposed are proposed in different part of the
town . the existing open markets of which makesegnogebeya relocated and kidamegebeya will be
continue with same modification and upgrading the former general market and constructing
ditches shades and surfacing should not be for gotten and we also relocated the cattle market
place near to the former slaughter house.
The other thing that need great attention is upgrading of those outstanding buildings within the
main central business district and along the main road, which has great role in upgrading the
physical feature of the town.
On the other hand financial institutions like banks which would be owned by government privet
and the like should be constructed in the commercial land use. The total area proposed for
commercial activities comprise 252.0or 6.5percent of total area.
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14.2.3. Administration
Belle Awassa town serves as the second town of wolayta zones and a seat of demote Sorie
woreda, in the town there are many governmental offices that occupied the main commercial
center of the town. Due to this and other factor there is a demand of land. So for this problem
solutions forwarded are:
To relocate administrative offices in different parts of the town
To reserve land in the expansion area.
The total area reserved for administrative use is 290.7which about 7.5 percent of from the total
area proposed.
14.2.4. Service
Social services are very important elements of urban Centre. Social services include Education,
Health, Culture and social welfare, public worship & municipal services. the land requirement
proposal for this services by considering different criteria's such as accessibility, proximity,
service catchments area, fairness of distribution etc..
The total area reserved for service use is about 329.5ha which accounts 8.5 percent of total
proposed area.
a) Education
Socio Economy study team had projected sixkindergartens, two elementary, for the coming ten
planning years so as to accommodate all the children, falling under the age of 4-6 years.There are
two high schools and a preparatory proposed in the planning year.
b) Health
Currently there is one district hospital without any additional health institutions like health
center, health post and so forth, twoadditional health centers and six health post proposed by
socio economic issue.
c) Civic, Cultural and social welfare
As it has been counted during the existing land use inventory there are 4 orthodox Christian
churches, 9 protestantchurches, two catholic churches and 1Muslim mosque found within the
different part of the town.
Concerning cemetery orthodox churches have no cemetery site, protestant use the land found
near to their church, catholic cemetery and, Muslim cemeteries have a part of their worshiping
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Belle Awassa town strategic plan /2015E.C -20225E.C./
site available at different part of the town. From this it is recommended that cemetery places for
protestant, municipality and orthodox believers.
Due to the base map prepared without detail surveying the planning team again encountered to
delineate the available cemeteries in the different part of town. This inconsistency also realized
during implementation it needs great care.
d) Municipal Service
As it has been discussed in the previous chapter municipal services delivered by municipality
includes waste management, abattoir, public shower & toilet etc. For waste disposal and abattoir
services sites are selected in south west of the town.
14.2.5. Manufacturing and Storage
According government policy towards small scale industries three sites are reserved in various
part of the town. Besides this, one industrial site is also proposed in south west part. Similarly
sites for warehouse, flourmill, etc. are envisaged with different part of town, especially adjacent
to the general market and along in and out let of the town. On the other hand it is possible to
allocate non-pollutant small scale industries with in reserved area. Garages and fuel stations are
proposed along the main road which is easily accessible for vehicles.
The total area which will be reserved for manufacturing and storage activity is about 96.92ha
which account 2.5 percent of total built up area.
14.2.6. Transport and road
Existing bus station is relocated to former general market site (makesegnogebeya). Due to this it
also serves for the coming planning period. Based on the topographic nature of the town the type
of roads proposed for the town are;- major arterial (40 meter width), major and minor collector
30m,26,20,16, 15 &14 width and local roads 12 m and 10 m width.The major arterial road
stretched along the proposed asphalt road. Major & minor collector roads are designed to collect
the flow of traffic from local road of residential zones to the main road. The total area covered by
transport & road is about 852.94ha which 22 percent of propossed area.
14.2.7. Recreation
The recreation facilities include Public Park, sport fields, play grounds and green area etc...
Which have high value for socio economic development as well environmental
balance.Accordingly different recreational services are proposed in this strategic plan at different
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part of the town. The total area covered by recreation is about 854.5 ha which accounts 23
percent of totalproposed area.
14.2.8. Urban Agriculture
Urban agriculture is the current government policy towards creating job opportunity, in
supplying agricultural products to town's residents and to keeping the ecological balance of the
town.The possible urban agriculture that would be practiced in the town are horticulture like
fruits & vegetables animal husbandry such as dairy farm, animal breeding, fattening ,poultry and
bee hive etc. The total area reserved for urban agriculture on strategic plan is (46.52) ha, which
accounts 1.2 percent of the total proposed area.
14.2.9. Formal and informal green
The available forest potential well managed in different part of the town. Many of sites reserved
for forestry in this plan are in areas where natural cliffs hilltops and gorges are dominating as
well as in the places where constrained (inconvenient) to construct either building or any
We all have great responsibility to keep those reserved for forestry in the strategic plan, which
have a possibility to create "Green town".
The total area reserved for forestry in the plan is 48.46 ha, which is about 1.25 percent of the
total proposed area.
14.2.10. Special function
This type of land use refers to reserve areas for unseen projects marshy (swampy) lands & the
areas affected & exposed (risky) to geological hazards
The buffer under high tension electric lines, gorges which are found in different part of the town
are restricted from any urban activities, especially those gorges swampy and high tension line
buffer areas are to be recommended to conserve.
In addition to these there are also areas reserved for unseen land demands that may occurred
during the plan period. Give priority for those deserving land uses which are not considered
during preparing proposed land use.
The total area covered under this function is 38.77ha which about 1 percent of proposed area.
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In general there are also many other possible recommendations that are not stated here. The
problems need not only required unreserved efforts of municipality, Belle Awassa town
administration & urban development bureau planning institute but also great prevalence &
awareness of the administrative bodies and the whole community. Finally, in order to resolve the
stated problems of the town great mobilization of community and other available resources is
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