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Reference guide motivation
Northern Mindanao Colleges Inc.
Atega Street, Barangay 11
Cabadbaran City, Agusan Del Norte

A Detailed Lesson Plan in Teaching Music (Grade 3)

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
a. Identify the pitch names of the G-clef staff;
b. State the importance of obeying instructions; and
c. Create and interpret their own melody using g-clef,
musical staff.

II. Materials and References

Topic: Tune
Materials: Visual Aids, Marker, Laptop, TV, and Tape.

III. Teaching Strategy

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity
a. Preliminary Activities

A1. Greetings

Good morning, Class!

Pupils: Good morning teacher!
By the way I am Paul Jireh N.
Tampepe, and I will be your music
teacher for today. It is nice meeting
you calls and you can call me
Teacher Paul.

A2. Prayer

Now before anything else, I would

like to request everyone to stand for
our prayer.

Let us bow down our heads, close Pupils: (Stands)

our eyes and feel the presence of the
holy spirit.

Our Father…
But deliver us from evil, Amen.

Thank you class you may now take Pupils: Amen.

your seats.

A3. Checking of Attendance Pupils: (Sits down)

Please raise your right hand and say

present if your name is called.

Dipay, James

Tulaytay, Jeremiah James: present!

Azura, Angel Jeremiah: Present!

Tubo, Rhae Angel: Present!

Class please be reminded to send Rhae: Present!

your excuse letters if ever you really
need to be absent in class to notify
your teachers. Are we clear class?

Very well.
Pupils: Yes, teacher Paul.
A4. Setting of Standards

Okay. Now class, just like your

parents at home, I also have a set of
rules that you must follow in my

Can someone describe the first

picture? Yes, Anna?

Very good Anna! My first rule is to Anna: The kid is seating properly
sit properly. Is everyone sitting teacher.

Pupils: Yes, teacher!
Now how about the second picture?
Jobert: They are listening to their
teacher, Sir Paul.
Very good Jobert! So, class my
second rule is to listen to your
teacher or when someone is talking
in front. Can I expect that from you
Pupils: Yes, Teacher.
And what do you see on our last
picture, Grace?

Grace: He raised his right-hand

Very good Grace. If ever you have
questions class or you want to
answer, you must raise your right

Are we clear class?

Pupils: Yes, teacher.
b. Engage
B1. Drill
Now class I will group you into two.
What you are going to do is solve
the puzzles that will be given to
your group. Remember to do the
activity with minimal noise. You
may now go to your respective
(The pupils complied)
Group 1.

Directions: Unscramble the letters

below to reveal a quote from the
Author Victor Hugo.

“Mscui sseserpxe that wchic otnnac

eb dias.”
Answer Key:
“Music expresses that which
cannot be said.”
Group 2

Directions: Arrange the cutout


Well done class!

Now group two, can anyone tell me

who is the man in the portrait?
Daisy: The man in the portrait is
Victor Hugo teacher.
Very good Daisy! This is the French
author Victor Hugo. One of his
popular creations is the Les
Misérables, the hunchback of Notre
dame and many more remarkable
literary masterpieces.

Now let’s proceed to the work of

group one. What do we have here
group 1?
Glory: we are to unscramble the
jumbled letters teacher. And now
we have: “Music expresses that
which cannot be said.”
Very good group 1! Do you have
any idea what this quote means?
Yes, Jay?
Jay: we think teacher refers to the
feelings that could only be express
through music.
Well said Jay! Indeed, music is a
tool for us to communicate our
untold feelings. Feelings that may
haven’t been or cannot be
expressed. And only be said and
communicate through music. With
this quote class, we could learn that
music is not just a simple melody,
but is a wonderful language that we
could use as well.

Now let’s give 5 claps to ourselves

for a job well done!
Pupils: (Claps 5 times)
You may now go back to your seats.

B2. Review

So, who among you still remembers

our past lesson? Yes, Judelyn?

Very good! Again, what is pitch? Judelyn: It was all about pitch
Precious? teacher!

Precious: The highness and

Very good Precious! lowness of a sound or music
Now I have here three pictures.

What is this class? Nica?

Correct! This is a piccolo. Does a

piccolo make a high sound, medium Nica: It is a piccolo, teacher.
sound, or low sound? Jayniel?
Jayniel: It makes a high sound
How about the second picture?
What do you see? Honey?

Honey: A flute teacher!

And what sound does it make?
Honey: medium to high sound
Very good Honey!

And for the last picture. What is

this? Kier?

Kier: A contrabassoon, Teacher.

What sound does it make?
Kier: A low sound teacher.
Correct! Excellent class! It is nice to
know you still remembers our
lesson yesterday.

B3. Motivation
Does everyone know how to sing
the song “Mary has a little lamb”?

Okay. That’s great! Now, with a Pupils: Yes Teacher!

digital accompaniment (video) we
are going to sing this song.

Is everyone ready?

Now playing (mp4): Mary had a Pupils: Ready teacher.

little lamb.

Well done class!

(Pupils done singing)
Now, what do you notice on the
song you have sang? Alger?

Correct! Alger: The melodies go up and

How did you know that the down teacher.
melodies go up and down? Raquel?

Okay. What do you see in the Raquel: Because of the video

video? Romilyn? teacher.
Romilyn: Musical notes teacher,
Wow! Very good Romilyn! lines and bars, and the big symbol
In the video, we see a Musical Staff.
A musical staff is composed of 5
lines and four spaces.

What else can we see? Diana?

Diana: There are also musical

Very good Diana! notes teacher. And bars that
separates them.
What else? Who knows this big
symbol on the left? Yes, Tesa?

Correct! Let’s give everyone 5 claps Tesa: The big symbol teacher is a
for their correct answer! g-clef.

C. Explore

Today class, we are going to tackle


And after this lesson, you will be

able to:
a. Identify the pitch names of the
G-clef staff;
b. State the importance of
obeying instructions; and
c. Create and interpret their own
melody using g-clef, and
musical staff,
Now this calls for an activity time!

Again, I will group you into 2. Same

group that we have a while ago.

Can you tell where the notes are
placed? Put S in the box if the note
is on a space, and put L on the blank (Pupils silently complied)
if the note is on a line.

Answer Key:
1. S
2. L
3. S
4. S
5. L
Are you all done? 6. S
7. L
Paste your works on the board and 8. S
let’s check your answers. 9. S

Pupils: Yes teacher!

(Checks their answers.)

Pupils: (Each pasting their work on
Good job class! the board.)

D. Explain

Now again class, what are staffs

consist of?


How many horizontal lines are there Pupils: Lines and spaces, Teacher!
in a musical staff? Adrian?

Correct. And how many spaces?

Adrian: There are 5, teacher!

Now class, the staff helps us see the Jonila: There are 4, teacher!
direction of the music or tune- if it
goes up or down or stays the same.

So, what else have you noticed in

this picture? Yes, Regine?

Very good Regine!

Does anyone know this big symbol? Regine: The Big symbol, Teacher.
Kyle? On the left.

That’s right. This big s like symbol

class is what we call the G-clef.

Clefs – shows the pitch of the notes Kyle: It’s the G-clef, teacher.
and the range of the notes. It can be
found at the beginning of a piece
with the time signature. It can also
be found in the middle of the piece
or anywhere where there is a change
of pitch and range.

A G-clef – or also known as the

treble clef is used for notes that have
medium to high sounds.

There are 7 notes that are played

using the treble clef. Each notes
have names to indicate its pitch.
And these are?

Now I want you to listen to these

notes. (Accompanied by a digital
Pupils: A, B, C, D, E, F, and G.

Now let’s go back to the musical

staff. Pupils: (listens carefully.)
Leonor? What are the notes that are
located in the lines of the staff of a
treble clef?

Very good Leonor! Now who can

tell me the notes that will be on the
spaces? Aira?
Leonor: the notes that are on the
line teacher are the E, G, B, D, and
Very good Aira! F.

Another technique for us to quicly

remember these notes placement is
through a mnemonic device. We Aira: The notes are F, A, C, and E
can do this by assigning names for teacher.
each letter.

For example: in the notes that are in

the lines, we have Every Good Boy
Does Fine.

And for the spaces we have: FACE.

E. Elaborate

E1. Generalization
Again class, what are the notes ore
the pitches in a G-clef?

Very good!
A G-clef is also known as?
Correct! Treble clefs is used for
notes that have? Pupils: The C, D, E, F, G, A, and
B teacher.

Very well Class!

Pupils: Treble clef!
E2. Application

At this point I want you to go back Pupils: Medium to high sound

to your groups silently. Read the teacher!
Directions carefully to do the task
correctly. Pupils who will not follow
intructions will have their points
deducted. Are we clear calss?

Very well.

Directions: Draw a musical staff

with a G-clef and make your own
short melody in it. Label the notes
you used. Present your work in class Pupils: Yes, Teacher.
and interpret your melody through
using the digital piano. Pupils: (Does the activity.)

Are you done class?

Present your works in front.

Well done class! Let us give our

selves a good job clap!

Pupils: Yes, teacher.

You may now return to your seats.
Pupils: (Presents their work.)
E3. Values Integration.
Okay class, now I want you to Pupils: G, double O, D, J, O, B.
reflect upon yourselves. Have you Good job, Good job hey!2x
followed teachers instruction during
the activity?

Good. Now what have you

oberserved? Yes, Daniela?

Okay what else? Jeramie?

Pupils: Yes teacher.

Okay thanks you. Now class, why
do you think it is important to
follow instructions? Redessa? Daniela: it was not chaotic teacher.

Jeramie: We have easily done our

work teacher.
Well said Redessa! Remember kids
to not only follow instructions here
at school but also at home. You
need to listen and do what your Redessa: To do our work correctly
parents will tell you. If we do so, and properly teacher. For us to do
We can help them properly and also a good job.
show our love to them.

Will you do that kids?

Very well.

F. Assessment

Get a piece of paper. And your

pencils ready. Pupils: Yes teacher.
Directions: Name the notes on the
staff below. Copy and answer.

Papers up!
Let’s check your answers?
Exchange papers with your
Answer Key:

1. E, A, G, F, F, C, E, D
Who got a perfect score? 2. C, G, D, D, F, A, B, C
Great job class!

F2. Agreement
Pupils: (exchanging papers)
Please read and study in advance on (Checking)
page 345- 347. (Returning to the owner)
That’s all for today class. Pupils: Raising their hands
Pupils: Goodbye and thank you
Teacher Paul!

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