Napoleon - PDF Adh-JDV-HIST 2023

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98 lshat was fantaine.bloaus Ser ?

Fontaineblaau o maka his Cantinental sTe
Stteee Secessful , Napalean wmued
t Pantaunebleau Baarea in 18 10.
deolored that tha
F wos

ohoaund quitty olating the commeelal Jula

Fraune wauld be puniohed. By t h deere s
dealarned hat Ho gasds contiolod, waud be bia
burnt publioly.
9 wAat oas 1oo daya ule af Napalean C2).
100 days ule Napalaan, hauouet, did nstt eandido
vh teipzig obe odeeis2 nL. He

Pallsusing his tlw a humber a

battes see faugub again in Eurpe bg Napalesu
Evn h wan yietoy in tw bottlos Lingy?
QunDa Bas Napoleon es suigned in ranee fon
huundrod days ot his itunam Elba. he sha
iwed uign è Rnsusn as n Hundperud Days
Napslen 'A ule 726 t Mareh 24th Tuna, 1815). HduseO
Napalaan as nally defeatrd deplarably at the Battlo
64wateusa 115) by Hhoint aruny cEngland x
Phusio Jundar the Janchr akip of te Englioh General
the &uhe oWellihqtan. Pollousing the defeat Napoleon
9as taken to tthe island o8t. Halona , ofdhej wOst
thea in 18 21.
eoast 0 Anica, Napalaan ded
ta main sieotiuess o code Wapolsn2
Qio) ohab aa
OR, t a ntu on de code Napalean

Obiative8 Prior to ho navauil o n

a 178 Fana
had humwaus ubibiay lausA a/aheund

360) ga t h phumary aim Napalo an.un

to bung kib Qt a twnch ampira ndø

efore inituted. the codficatieh

neuo name, Code
auos Of Praee, 90ue i t

Napalean'. pinciples
incorporAud jhe qraat
Prineiplea t eualy
Revauden o(184)
in the
igtnatiansin th
befona u , jab thought zalgsa
bo'sis o moit jhedom
abellior o se 3dam, p
individual hoy
Seoularuzoien o tha stat
piati propgrtg
phata cien
22& ProSlos n the Coda Napapsn.
hona a h a Code NapaLean deuta
oot:n what- neopeet did
Prene vhe Revalutn?
iom the ideals
Seteats e awwas whee dtha eode deufata from t
ideals o tho Revoluition alloetrd u
ideas the aneient Regime moyba

ndes tho Code the uht o

individual propecty wos 0sswud.
But the despotic authoaity the o
othe bue kis wife childran,
as puvalant in the an eint ragima,
wOD ustod. A hellious child
b mpnisned his
eauld eivatee- 6AthoN
he status owamen wos louserad3,
A hunband could divaco his wife sn
aoultors, But 3ueh
the gaund
oocemdad to womein
a ghtt was
with mueln Limitation.
h a Code Napalesn enbUMed equalt
all in the aye olao, Buat
s he 30me me
fh0 peol measuwras
. t the Code wsemblod moe he
ancient twgime nather than tha

exolutionasy prineiples. Fo instanee
juou coma tbe mue Justisad.
methed o abitHay imprisenenon
othap >ealilianauy days w0s

duvlyod. Spoeialprussnswe Ltablighod

a pelitieal oftandeous.
he eo de. ho ujectad the demaeratid
puneipls of the u Reoluionauy Praneo.
adepted altogetho a neuo caneopt c
propety ights and nigtth of oktizouup,
hskile fudalibm andeudal prwikoga3
oleatsueted, the eoda arite
insigted sn Rqual divisfon
estales amang Sans. It hos
been peinted aut By the Geange
Rude tho he tnost importart
al e atieles 4 the Cede

oos h which insigted an

9ual division o etatis amang

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