U5E7 - Communication Challenges For Sustainability - EN - Notes
U5E7 - Communication Challenges For Sustainability - EN - Notes
U5E7 - Communication Challenges For Sustainability - EN - Notes
• Effective communication is a fundamental part of the business world because it provides
an essential link between the people who make up an organization.
• According to BNET, the lack of effective communication in a company, among various
business components, leads to decreased productivity and can serve as an obstacle to a
business's performance. Effective communication eliminates the questions and confusion
that may cause projects to delay or assignments to be put off due to the need for further
clarification. When people communicate effectively in the office, employees can be more
productive because they'll know what is expected of them the first time around.
Read more: http://www.ehow.com/about_6515179_effective-communication-important-
Communication Systems, from http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Communication_Systems
A Mathematical Theory of Communication,
This model was presented by Claude E. Shannon in his article "The Science of Information".
Information Theory and Network Coding. pp. 1–01. doi:10.1007/978-0-387-79234-7_1.
ISBN 978-0-387-79233-0.
Communication process monitoring, by elements:
1. Monitoring the information source – clear and understandable message, information
presentation public/target oriented;
2. Transmitter – monitor the whole message transmition through the channel. The
transmiter has to be design to accept all kind of messages used by the design actors
(drawing, text, presentations, results simulation files etc.).
3. Channel – monitor the process communication through the channel is linked with:
monitor the message sending process and the noise sources intervention (avoiding them)
4. Receiver – monitor the reception and the perseption of the transmited message;
5. Destination – monitor the decision process and the implementation process of the used,
transmited information.
Noise is consider everything that can disrupt the communication process.
Lawrence Robinson, Jeanne Segal, and Robert Segal, Effective CommunicationImproving Communication Skills in
Business and Relationships,
Effective communication involvesmany elements! It is not just about being a good speaker or being knowledgeable
about the resources available.
Effective listening
Effective communication is as much about listening as it is about talking. Without good listenng skills you cannot be a
good communicator. Listening transforms a conversation. Listening to someone will encourage them to listen to you
when it is time to share the important resources available.
Effective speaking
Effective speaking then is simply persuasive conversation developed and adapted to fit the occasion, further a special
purpose, and suit the people who listen.
Know your A.G.E.:
• Audience: To whom are you speaking? What do they know about your topic? What are their opinions about it?
• Goal: What is the purpose of your talk? Define your goal
• Environment: Where will you be speaking? What is the room like? What materials/technology will you need
Effective nonverbal communication
When we communicate things that we care about, we do so mainly using nonverbal signals. Wordless
communication, or body language, includes facial expressions, body movement and gestures, eye contact, posture,
the tone of your voice, and even your muscle tension and breathing
• You can enhance effective communication by using open body language—arms uncrossed, standing with an open
stance or sitting on the edge of your seat, and maintaining eye contact with the person you’re talking to.
• You can also use body language to emphasize or enhance your verbal message—patting a friend on the back while
complimenting him on his success, for example, or pounding your fists to underline your message.
Effective Emotional Awareness
Emotions play an important role in the way we communicate at home and work. It’s the way you feel, more than the
way you think, that motivates you to communicate or to make decisions. The way you react to
emotionally driven, nonverbal cues affects both how you understand other people and how they
understand you. If you are out of touch with your feelings, and don’t understand how you feel or why
you feel that way, you’ll have a hard time communicating your feelings and needs to others.
There are several factors that influence the process of communication:
1. Attitude
Attitude is referred to the internal predisposition of a person to act in a certain way toward a situation. The attitude of a
person toward the given situation is influenced by the peers, parents, environment, life experiences, perception, and
intellectual processes
2. Sociocultural Background
Various cultures and ethnic groups display different communication patterns. For example, people of French or Italian heritage
often are gregarious and talkative and willing to share thoughts and feelings. People from Southeast Asian countries such as
Thailand or Laos are quiet and reserved
3. Past Experiences
Previous positive or negative experiences influence one's ability to communicate.
4. Knowledge of Subject Matter
A person who is well-educated or knowledgeable about certain topics may communicate with others at a high level of
understanding. The receiver who is relatively less knowledgeable of the topic under discussion may be unable to comprehend
the message or consider the sender to be an expert.
5. Ability to Relate with Others
Some people are “natural-born talkers” who claim to have “never met a stranger.” Others may possess an intuitive trait that
enables them to say the right thing at the right time and relate well to people.
6. Interpersonal Perception
Interpersonal perceptions are mental processes by which intellectual, sensory, and emotional data are re-organized logically
and meaningfully, which determine how we perceive others. Inattentiveness, disinterest, or lack of use of one's senses during
communication can result in distorted perceptions of others
7. Environmental Factors
Environmental factors such as time, place, number of people present, and noise level can influence communication between
people in that particular surrounding.
Jo-Anne Facey - Mercer Human Resource Consulting, Effective communication: skills that make leaders stand out from
the crowd, available at: http://www.ceoforum.com.au/article-detail.cfm?cid=6128&t=/JoAnne-Facey-Mercer-Human-
Leaders play three roles as communicators
To have impact, careful communication planning and management, clarity and consistency of messages are key factors
This model shows the three integrated communication roles a leader plays:
As a communication infrastructure builder, the leader must consider a number of issues:
the organizational culture
• the current communication climate
• identification of various changes that impact stakeholders
• integration of communication with other human resources practices
In developing a strategy for any communication program, the leader should:
analyze each stakeholder and the impact of the change for them
• determine measurable communication objectives
• develop a clear, consistent message that is meaningful to the stakeholder
• select and use appropriate communication channels
• measure the effectiveness of the communication effort and adjust the strategy as necessary
It is only at this point, in the leader's tactical role as communicator, that message delivery becomes important. The
leader may utilize a range of fundamental communication skills, such as:
presentation skills
• asking effective questions
• listening skills
• facilitation and problem solving
• conducting high impact conversations
• coaching and mentoring skills (one-on-one communication)
Comunication...looks why we have to trig when we count to three...
Scott Thompson, Differences Between Interdepartmental & Intradepartmental,
Intra and Inter
The prefix "intra" means within, so intradepartmental communications are those that occur within
a department. In many companies, most employees have few conversations outside of their own
department. Departments may have communication problems, rivalries or even hostilities with one
Communication Problems
Bottlenecks or roadblocks are often caused by poor communication between departments. For
instance, a member of the marketing department may not realize that developers are frequently
attempting to reach him for advice on their projects but are having trouble getting through to him.
From his perspective, he doesn't realize how important it is for the developers to consult with him.
Once the need is clarified, interdepartmental communication should improve.
Improving Relationships
One way to build stronger connections across the company is to make all decisions in two phases.
In the first phase, issues are discussed only at the intradepartmental level. At the second phase,
they are discussed at the interdepartmental level.
References; Principles of Office Management: R.C. Bhatia, Handbook for Strategic HR: John
Vogelsang, Glocalized Solutions for Sustainability in Manufacturing: Jeurgen Hesselbach
Horizontal communication is a communication among people at the parallel or same level, position, rank or statues
people of the organization. Horizontal communication is the communication that flows laterally within the
organization, involves persons at the same level of the organization. Horizontal communication normally involves
coordinating information and allows people with the same or similar rank in an organization to cooperate or
collaborate. Some definitions of horizontal communication are as follows:
Ricky W. Griffin, “Horizontal communication involves colleagues and peers at the same level of the organization.”
According to Ivancevich and others, “Horizontal communication occurs when the communicator and the receiver are
at the same level in the organization.”
The essentials of effective Horizontal communication are as follows:
Recognition: To make Horizontal communication effective top executive must recognize it is a realistic and useful way
to exchange a message.
Emergency communication: To make it effective this communication system is to be considered a form of emergency
communication to affect a quick resolution of a particular problem.
Direct supervision: To make more effective of this system manager should convince the workers.
Discipline: To make more effective discipline to be maintained strictly in every level. Otherwise management may be
Clear understand ability: To make effective, care should be taken so that managers may have clear understanding that
horizontal communication is a functional past of the total communication process.
Interdepartmental communication increase: To make it effective, organizational structure should be made in such a
way that opportunity for interdepartmental communication can be ensured.
Act as Lubricant: To make effective, departments must be developed, so that it will act as lubricant in the way of
effectively using horizontal communication.
(Based on surveys conducted of 60,000 employees in 85 organizations conducted by The
Discovery Consulting Group, Inc.)
Possible Scenarios:
• You have an impossible time convincing your mortgage company that you have been
making extra payments each quarter because the accounts receivable and operations
departments have not been communicating properly.
• You are extremely worried because the radiology and emergency room departments at
your local hospital are taking too long to communicate with each other about your son's
throbbing ankle.
• The customer service department and the repair shop of your car dealership don't
communicate about what's wrong with your car as you anxiously watch the hours tick by
in the customer waiting area
Designing an effective strategy for communicating sustainable development
To be effective, sustainability communication activity should not be an activity carried out at random,
from time to time, but must be a planned, organized and coordinated by the institution to achieve
clearly defined objectives. Therefore, the communication strategy should follow the completion of
clearly defined stages:
Defining the problem
situation Analysis
Setting goals
Stakeholder Analysis
Identifying audiences
Achieving activities
Stakeholder access to information
Stakeholder consultation
Setting calendar
Making assessment.
Communication strategy guide-
Communicating Sustainability on Social Media – The right and Wrong Way
Personal Conflict Between Department Managers When department heads aren't speaking to each other,
it makes it very difficult for others below them to communicate effectively.
Communication Can Be Time Consuming When the pressure for speed and productivity is high,
employees don't bother to take the time to share important information.
Communication is Not Part of Standard Operating Procedures Documented procedures often leave out
the critically important step of communicating with other departments.
Physical Separation It is difficult for departments to communicate effectively with each other when they
are located on different floors or buildings.
Stereotyping/Finger Pointing Most organizations have their warring Hatfields and McCoys. In
manufacturing, it's typically Sales versus Production. In publishing, it's Editorial versus Sales
Identify What Information is Really Needed. Each department should develop a list of the kind of
information they feel is lacking from other departments. This should be need-to-know, not nice-to-know,
Conduct Team Building with Department Heads. Properly conducted team building can dramatically
improve how well department heads work with each other.
Reengineer Processes to Include Communication Components. Standard operating procedures should
include steps that outline when and how information should flow between departments.
Implement Job Rotation. Rotating employees through other departments can help them get to know
their co-workers and gain a fuller understanding of what they do.
Source: http://www.cohnwolfe.com/en/practices/sustainability/why-sustainability-
Communications plays a vital part in any sustainability strategy. If you don’t communicate
internally, you won’t be able to implement the change necessary to make your organization
more sustainable. And your employees are, of course, part of the very green-conscious
public. They’re eager to participate in and advocate for your sustainability efforts.
And if you don’t communicate your strategies and activities externally, to customers,
partners, and the public, your business could lose sales to the increasing number of
environmentally-conscious consumers. Or you could miss out on a major contract to supply a
global firm because it doesn’t understand your sustainability policies.
Sustainability and systemic change resistance
5 ways to fight resistance to sustainability:
1. Embrace resistance Buy-in comes slowly. Skillful innovators often set the process in motion by talking with
people one-on-one. In conversations, they move toward the resistance rather than attacking or pointing out
flaws in the other's thinking. They carefully ask about all possible fears, reactions and concerns. 2. Create a
compelling story For people to accept a new product or idea, they need to understand why it matters. A
compelling narrative complete with color, drama and emotion will engage them and garner their support in
ways that dry lists of the product's features and benefits, for example, simply can't. 3. Maintain your focus
During the 30-plus years Yunus spent promoting the idea of microcredit, he remained dead-set on this and
only this idea. Everything he did -- from touring the countryside, meeting with borrowers, listening to reports
from his managers and improving his systems for greater effectiveness -- was connected to the sole purpose
of promoting microcredit and helping it take root. He spoke about microcredit, wrote about it and ultimately
taught others to replicate his efforts at the Grameen Bank. 4. Engage small groups
Research has demonstrated that engaging people in a small discussion group is an excellent way to get them
to buy into a new idea. Peer conversations, it turns out, are far more effective at making ideas catch on and
information spread than speeches or written material. 5. Be flexible and patient
Despite his astonishing ability to stay focused for decades on his overarching goal, Yunus remained flexible
throughout. During one of our interviews in Bangladesh, he explained how he approached getting the fearful
and reluctant women to accept their first small loan. "I knew it was not going to happen right away. I had lots
of contingency plans. I never thought Plan A would work out so I was getting ready for Plan B and Plan C and
so on. So we were not in a rush, but we didn't give up. We were very stubborn."
6. Identify roadblocks to ease the path to change
Following Yunus's advice can increasing chances of success. More than that, understanding the dynamics of
resistance and adopting the appropriate strategies for dealing with it make it easier to anticipate and
adjust to the slow pace of change. http://www.greenbiz.com/blog/2013/11/20/5-tips-muhammad-
Compare with:
How to Communicate About Sustainability At Point of Purchase
Case Study: HOW MEC Communicates About Sustainability at POP
MEC, a Canadian retailer of apparel and sporting equipment, applies a sustainability logo to products that contain
organically grown cotton, recycled polyester, or are completely PVC-free.
Signage throughout retail space guides consumers on a tour highlighting sustainable design
MEC-brand products are packaged using low material volumes and recycled content whenever possible. The MEC
catalogue, (available in-store) delivers sustainability messages
How to Communicate About Sustainability at Point of Purchase
While companies vary in their approach to communicating about sustainability, the elements presented in the
checklist below are consistent across study participants.
Determine Communication Media
Study participants use different media to communicate sustainability information at POP. Some of the common
approaches used include: labeling, packaging, posters, displays, staff interactions, and catalogues. Develop the
Message; Consumers are flooded with messages at the POP. For sustainability messages to be heard and understood
there needs to be clarity on one to five key messages, simplicity of language and concepts, repetition of messaging,
transparency, credibility, commitment to future action, solutions-orientation.
Ensure Message Coherence; Important sustainability communication messages can be lost or diluted if not supported
by a coherent, store-wide experience. Key considerations include:
Ensuring staff can speak with knowledge about the sustainability of different products
Ensuring that packaging is appropriately optimized and designed with sustainability in mind
Engage Consumers; The more consumers are engaged in sustainability initiatives, the greater the sustainability
impact and corporate returns in terms of brand value and consumer retention.
Ensure Accuracy ; Avoiding the promotion of false or misleading information is critical to ensuring credibility..
Study participants considered various levels of assurance including:
Data: Ensure the accuracy of the data being presented in sustainability claims (e.g. Aveda’s claim of being “the first
beauty company manufacturing with 100% wind power”)
5 ways to communicate sustainability beyond words
Today, especially when communicating sustainability, we rely more on the old saying
“a picture is worth a thousand words.”
In the midst of all the information we have today, we have found several ways to cut
through the clutter and stand out — sustainability is too important not to
communicate it effectively. Here are a few important ideas to consider:
1. Communications that you can see, touch or even listen to provide a tangible
measure of success
2. Developing a brand/identity to represent and highlight your efforts in sustainability
is very effective
3. With reports especially, try to create a memorable theme and title that ties closely
with an organization’s core competencies.
4. With a printed piece, many sustainable measures can be taken
5. Finally, it is a must to take advantage of the technology that exists today.
How do you rate:
7 and above: Congratulations - you stand out in the crowd, your communication should be
delivering value to your organization.
4-7: You are on your way - the questions to which you answered 'no' will help to identify
where you could improve the effectiveness of your internal communication.
4 and below: Your internal communication is not effective - how much could this potentially
mean to your bottom line?
From Jo-Anne Facey - Mercer Human Resource Consulting, Effective communication: skills
that make leaders stand out from the crowd, available at: