Ans 19

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Question paper 19

Q.1 Abbreviation:-

1. DOVR - Doppler very high Omini range

2. VCS - Variable colour stripping
3. ACCR - Aerodrome committee control room
4. BWAF - Bomb Warning Assessment form
5. NLJD - Non linear junction Detector
6. BTCP - bomb Threat Contingency Plan0000000
7. IMX - Integrated management Solutions
8. IQTK - Image quality test kit
9. PHG - Para hang glider
10. CAPPS - Computer aided passenger profiling system
11. EPX - Enhanced performance x-ray
12. PIDS - Perimeter Intrusion detection system
13. UFO - Unidentified flying object
14. PRM - Person with reduced mobility
15. HRCM - High Risk cargo and mail
16. ASC - Aerodrome Security Committee/Anti-sabotage Scheck
17. PSF - Passenger Service fee
18. SLCV - Suspected luggage containment vessel
19. ASTP - Aviation Security Training Package
20. RTVS - real time viewing system
21. VDU - Visual Display unit
22. STEB - Security tempered Evident bag
23. MANPADS - Man portable air defence system

Q.2 Definition-
a) Profiling - Systematic observation of persons and baggage and questioning if necessary to
categories them two groups. I.e. threatening and non-threatening so that more attention can be
paid to the threatening category.

b) Behaviour detection- Within an aviation security environment, the application of techniques

involving the recognition of behavioural characteristics , including but not limited to physiological
or gestural signs indicative of anamolous behaviour to identify persons who may pose a threat to
civil aviation.

c) Doc 8973 or Security Manual- It is the principal guidance document developed by ICAO to
assist States in the implementation of the technical specifications contained in Annex 17.

Q.3 Difference between- ETD and EVD,

Captures particles over the surface Captures vapours from explosives.
Can detect explosive up to 100 nano grams Can detect explosive up to 5gms
Heavier in weight Lighter in weight
False alarm rate- Less than 2% typical alarm False alarm rate-less than 3% typical alarm
rate rate
Warm up time-Approx.20-30 minutes Warm up time-Approx. 20-30 minutes
Analysis time- Less than 10 sec per sample Analysis time- Less than 10 sec per sample
Weight- less than 40kg Weight- less than 5kg.
Detect explosive as RDX,PETN, TNT, Detect explosive as RDX,PETN, TNT
Dynamite, SEMTEX,C4,HMX,
Dynamite,SEMTEX,C4,HMX, Ammonium
Nitrate with programmable detection capability
Q.4 Difference between IED and IID
IED has four basic components (Explosive IID has three basic components (Low
material, detonator, power source and switch) Explosives, Initiator, and Incendiary material)
IED requires explosive material IID requires incendiary material
IED requires detonator IID does not requires detonator
IED requires triggering mechanism IID requires Ignition mechanism
Magnitude damage is very high Less damage

Q.5 Difference between CASO and CSO

Head of the Security of an Airport Head of the Security of an Airline
Safeguarding of passengers, crew, ground Safeguarding of passengers, crew, ground
personnel and other aerodrome users, aircraft, personnel and aircraft related facilities
aerodrome and related facilities including vital
Enforcement of security measures related to Enforcement of security measures related to
Airport protection and its facilities Airline safety and security
Screening of passengers and their hand Screening of passengers registered baggage
Maintenance of liaison with local police and Maintenance of liaison with Internal and
intelligence agencies regulatory authority agencies

Q.6 Difference between Cargo Agent and Regulated Agent

Cargo agent Regulated agent
Not a freight forwarder An agent freight forwarder
Conduct business with Regulated agent & Conduct the business with operator & cargo
consignor agents
Not authorized to provide security controls Provide security controls for the consignment
Raise a dummy manifest of cargo on Raise an Original manifest of cargo on
Annexure I Annexure II

Q.7 Difference between Transit and Transfer passengers

Transit passenger Transfer passenger
– Passengers departing from an airport on the Passenger/baggage making direct
same flight on which they arrived. connections between two different flights.
Pax travelling on same flight of same operator. Pax travelling on different flights of same
Eg. AI 435 (Bom-DEL) and AI 435 (DEL-ATQ) operator. Eg. AI 435 (BOM-DEL) and AI 635

Q.8 Difference between electric and non electric detonator

Non-electric detonator Electric detonator

Open at one end Open at both ends
A fuse is inserted into the open end . Have wires emerging at one end
The spark from the fuse impinges on the They are fired by passing an electric current
initiating explosives and fires the detonators through the wires
. The plain detonator is sometimes used with In legitimate use this current is provided by a
percussion caps and other devices which can handheld device called an exploder
produce a flame
Q.9 Advantages and Disadvantage of Top Down
Advantages Disadvantages
Space saving design Top Generator Performance limitation,
Low conveyor belt, Unsafe for children as can be easily reached.
Easy to handle bulky baggage, Bag cannot be feed vertically

Q.10 Explain- Useful Penetration, Spatial resolution and Thin metal imaging

Useful penetration: - This test defines what level of details can be seen behind a thickness of
known material.
The CTP has different gauges if wire behind varying thickness of aluminum of 3/16, 5/16, 7/16.
Requirement: - 26 SWG wire should be displayed under the second step wedge of 5/16. Objective
is to detect hidden connectivity

Spatial resolution test: - The test defines the ability of the system to distinguish and display
objects, which are close together. The CTP has 16 copper gratings at right angles to each other.
Requirement: - The vertical and horizontal gratings should be seen. Objective is to identify two
objects kept close together

Thin metal imaging test: - Steel step wedge should be provided in the CTP. The size of each
should be 3cm (length) X 1cm (width) thickness in mm as under 0.0, 0.1, 0.2,…..1.0, 1.2, 1.4, 1.9,
2.3, 2.7, 3.2, 3.8, 4.8, 6.3, and 9. Requirement: - The requirement is to image steel 0.1mm thick.
Objective is to check the penetration level of X-Ray on a thinnest part of object or material

Q. 11 What is the annex 17? And what do you understand by BTCP.

Annexure 17- Security specifications of the International Civil Aviation Organization, applicable
to all member states. The specifications are divided into Standards and Recommended Practices

BTCP- It is Bomb Threat Contingency Plan to deal with the bomb threats, which has been updated
to comply with the requirements of Standards of Annex-17 to the Convention on International Civil

Q. 12 What is the prohibited items? Example of the four prohibited item

Which item is not allowed to be carried on the aircraft and which can cause significant damage to
the safety, property and health of the aircraft and its passengers.
They are classified into 04 categories,
i. Weapon: - Hand guns, rifles, mace, tear gas, martial arts weapons, cane swords,
umbrella swords, and knife belts, Blade which is having more than 10cm.
ii. Dangerous articles:- Starter pistol, toy guns, sharp pointed scissors, letter openers,
chisels, ice picks, knitting needles, Chilly powder.
iii. Explosives:- Dynamite, TNT, plastic explosives, black powder, hares, smoke bombs,
fire crackers, ammunitions, hand grandees, pipe bombs, blasting caps, safety fuse,
blasting wire.
iv. Dangerous substances: - Acids, corrosives, radioactive materials.

Q. 13 What is the role of appropriate authority of Security

DG, BCAS is appropriate authority for aviation security. It is responsible to establish, Develop,
implement, maintain and review the NCASP, NCASTP, and NCASQCP in India in accordance
with Annexure 17.

Q.14 What's is the screening procedure of lives drugs and perishables cargo
X-Ray screening by airline staff if required ii. Physical check is mandatory iii. EVD or ETD test if
required iv. No cooling off v. Security certificate from agent to air carrier records
Q.15 What is screening procedure of newspaper and cleaning store

The stores and supplies have been obtained from an establishment with whom the air operator
has a written contract for the purpose ii. Searched by hand or X-Ray screening to prevent the
introduction of any prohibited articles iii. Before allowing access to the aircraft, the cleaning staff
shall be frisked and all the articles carried by them checked properly by the airline security iv. Any
other security controls prescribed by the commissioner

Q.16 What is the screening procedure of unaccompanied courier cargo

Treated as cargo of special kind and subjected to sticker security measures ii. Accepted in
separate terminal wherever available such consignments are to be screened at least from 2
angles iii. X-Ray screening should be done iv. Through physical checking wherever X-BIS facility
not available v. 24 hours cooling off wherever X-Ray / Physical checking not possible vi.
Declaration certificate by the courier company

Q.17 What is the 5step while turning on pre-optional check of xbis

All service panels are closed and locked, ii. The lead curtains must all be hanging down, and in
good condition iii. All emergency off switches must be in released (out) position iv. Open lead
curtains to make sure chamber is empty v. Check that conveyor belt is not obstructed vi. Make
sure there is a table available for physically searching baggage vii. Make sure that the conveyor
belt and monitor screen are not dirty viii. Check exterior machine for loose wires/ connections

Q.18 Fill in the blanks.

a) Colombo attacks 2001
b) Catering Security responsibilities of Concerned airline
c) Airport air traffic controlled by ATC
d) Security manual known as DOC 8973
e) X Bis performance check by CTP
f) If passenger not go under normal screening process after that under go PAT Down search

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