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Are there differences in how knowledge itself is conceived of, or presented,

indifferent languages?

Languages plays a fundamental role in shaping our understanding of knowledge.

While different languages have different vocabularies and gramma structure.
Which these differences shape our understanding of knowledge. For example,
language such as English is having strict classification and accuracy. Then for
languages such as Chinese are emphasizing on connections on culture and
interconnection between different knowledges.

Knowledges are created under specific social background and rules. Values,
culture norms and power structure influence the separation of knowledge to
society. It’s depended which parts of knowledge are valid to everyone, and which
parts are not. Also, in different countries the ways knowledge been told or
teaches are different. For example, in some culture, knowledge can be told by
telling a story, oral traditions and apprenticeship inheritance. However, in some
other countries, knowledge may be known through written texts or formal
education systems. These cultural differences effect on how people in the culture
evaluate the knowledge and what is the standard of the knowledge.

Idiomatic expression is also a big gap between different cultural. The ways people
describe the knowledge in different language is having a huge different. It meanly
because the culturally different and different history background from different
places. Such as in western cultural they have an idiom called “break a leg”. It when
someone or a group of people are about to do performance, people are wishing
them to have a good luck. However, if you translate the idiom into other
languages such as Chinese and told it to a Chinese people, they might think you
are cursing them. Or for example some Chinese idiom that create from the
influence of a historical event, if we translate the idiom into another languages.
Peoples in other countries will not understand what you are talking about. For
these expressions it has reflect the social value and beliefs from these cultural.
Translate these idioms and bring the knowledge to another cultural, a group of
people speaking different languages will be challenging. This also highlights the
importance of cultural context in understanding and effectively communicating

In conclusion, knowledge is having some difference of understanding knowledge.

It either through the structure of the languages and the cultural difference
between different countries. To understand the difference between how the
knowledge is been identify in different culture and how it has been spread will
help us know the knowledge from everywhere in the world better by considering
the difference of various of culture and languages in the world.

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